The mantra goes viral, maybe. Does anyone know if a concerted effort is being mounted to plant Bob’s mantra across the MSM? I happened to encounter a lot of it on this Telegraph thread about the short-lived racial segregation at Bjerke Upper Secondary School in Oslo. Then at BDF I came across this quite powerful video, which is the work of a mantra-phile. Anyone know anything about this? And here’s another one:
Quite a few references to “the professional” Bob Whittaker, which I found superfluous but a target audience might not, I suppose. Comments:2
Posted by ex-uh on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 02:11 | # Graham, I have a few words for you the man in the pub would ‘get’, but shall limit myself to asking, is aw gadgies as obnoxious as you? FFS you nevar shu’up about these ‘American friends’ you don’t wish to offend. You think anyone hear missed Cameron’s Jewish pedigree and actually supports British Cons? Pry your lips from the Irn-Bru can that’s makin’ ya plum crazy and get real wudja. 4
Posted by Graham_Lister on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 02:39 | # I’m a gadgie/gadgy? “Gadgy - a Scottish slang term for (chiefly male) tracksuit wearing urban lowlifes.” No, please I can reassure you that I only ever don sports apparel in the gym. Please also do recall that some dear American friends still think of Reagan as a ‘conservative’ hero. And thought Cameron to be ‘promising’... BTW was that an attempt at Rab C. Nesbitt style patter? Excellent! I better not start typing in Doric…
Posted by Joshua on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 04:13 | # Don’t know if it counts as MSM, but ‘the mantra’ is ALL OVER YT comments. I’m seeing more and more people speaking out in general in different media against the Anti-White programme these days. A small encouragement, at least… 7
Posted by Helvena on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 14:09 | # Very interesting video GW. I have no idea about the origins. I was getting ready to point out the J word was not mentioned once, but then came the punch line at the very end…Tim Wise. The Big Jew organizing the next big slaughter, Act III. What do we do, there will be a clash of race and culture. The woman on the bus in the post above has a legitimate complaint. I’ve heard American White & Blacks complain about immigration here. We all must realize and hold accountable those who opened the door. It was the Jews but it was more than just the Jews, the Churches as well. There is a movement of young Jews against the Big Jews, the 99% against the 1%, but are they real???? They called themselves Jews; would they allow us our ethnic identity? There is a lot of dust being thrown in the air. 8
Posted by Hail on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 16:04 | # Running Commentary: 4-5min: The videomaker unfairly holds up Pastor Manning as an anti-white activist. Pastor Manning is the Marcus Garvey of the late 2000s and 2010s, a Black-racialist who more-or-less magnanimously supports White-racialism. He is the foremost Black of this type that I know of in the USA. Both Garvey and Manning radically oppose what was once called the ‘Integrationist Negro’ line of the 1950s-1970s, which has evolved into “Postracialism” embodied by B.H.Obama. I have not seen anyone speak with such passion against B.H.Obama as Pastor Manning. (Manning’s Youtube channel). 5-10min: Black gangs targetting whites for beatings. This is a theme the videomaker touches on again and again. Shock value, probably effective, but for what?—It may trivialize the thesis, White Genocide. A weaker intellect whose attention drifts as he watches may take away from this that the B.U.G.S. message can be whittled down to “Blacks are beating up Whites more these days”, and that Genocide is thus a metaphor. 11-12min: Is that a pro-abortion ad using McVeigh? “Abort white fetuses or they will grow up to be McVeigh”? The videomaker is saying abortion targets whites. AFAIK, Nonwhites abort at much higher rates than Whites, anyway, so a hypothetical ban on abortion would reduce the White share of births. 17.00min: Quoting Herman Cain on abortion as ‘planned genocide’. What? Is this actually effective? 30-35min: Videomaker spends considerable time editorializing to refute and mock a British Black. Once again videomaker implies violence is a primary problem. 37-38min: Youtuber presents an editorial in which “Goebbels targets Jews and gloats about impending doom for Jews”. Reveals at the end that it was Rabbi Tim Wise’s vitriolically anti-white hatespiel after the 2010 ‘Tea Party’ election, with “White” replaced with “Jew”. The fact that anyone could plausibly believe Goebbels ever wrote such a thing, and most people probably would, makes it clear that Cartoonish Hollywoodnazi-ism marches on, and will for a long time to come. Once again we come back to the Holocaust Myth. (BTW, there was an anti-racist graffiti campaign in Germany a few years ago, in which valiant anti-racists would deface public property with “No Germans, No Holocaust”. Exactly as it appears there, too, i.e. in English). 40min: “Viking of Victim?” What does that mean? Reaction: One of the more effective bits towards hitting home the true thesis: Somewhere in the middle we see a man talking about numbers of immigrants. He reveals that the U.S. Census predicts 650 million USA-residents by 2100. Anyone with sufficient awareness knows that Whites are not growing as a group, anywhere on Earth (“white-white TFR” in the USA is 1.65), so—all staying the same now till then—we might optimistically expect 100 million unmixed Whites in the USA by that time, down from ~190million now, vs. 500-600 million Nonwhites. This talk of numbers reminds me of the insertion of a certain man, initials A.L., in “A Line in the Sand”. Mr A.L. says “You don’t make anything better by adding 50 million Mexicans to the USA, do you?”. In this video, which was all lifted from Youtube or news reports and not original footage as Line In The Sand was, we do not notice even one identifiable or well-known White-Racialist. Not one in the entire video, not a David Duke, not a Nick Griffin, not a Jared Taylor. Not even a Thilo Sarazzin. Is this good or bad? Depictions of the future are very effective. My biggest criticism of this mostly-great video is that he does not use scenarios of the future enough. I have not read the Sarazzin book, but the last chapter is, I hear, a snapshot of Germany in the early 23rd century AD. From what I have heard, Sarazzin paints a picture for us of a mediocre society, peopled by a lethargic brown-skinned people; a society in which mosques define the skylines of German towns and anchor neighborhoods in the larger cities, as churches do now. In our flash-forward, we see no Germans (as we think of them today) at all. A deEuropeanized Europe. 9
Posted by Laconophile on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 17:14 | # I’m reminded of one comment from an anti-white neo-con whenever I think about their mindset. It was at CPAC (a “conservative” convention). A WN (to their horror) was explaining that whites were the only people to allow mass immigration of alien races into their countries (the mantra, in different words). Think about that for a moment. We’re superior because we’re the only ones self-abnegating (their perverse standard of morality) in favor of other races. “The mantra”, and most WN propaganda, is unequipped to deal with such a mindset. Our obstacle is not of convincing them that the white race is threatened, because they don’t see that as an evil. It’s not even of convincing them that destroying their race is evil and preserving it good, because their concepts of good and evil are backwards. What we are faced with is the absurd task of convincing them that good is good and evil is evil. In other words, a sane form of morality. 11
Posted by anon on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 19:18 | #
That’s what BUGS is about.
yawn. America is 2-3 years away from getting started.
Some people need intellectual lock-picking but the mantra works fine on 80% of the target audience. 12
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 22:33 | # What I found noticeable about the video’s creator used oppositional figures to refute the idea of White genocide. I’m not sure if it was a conscious choice or not, but I saw in it a strategy to demonstrate that our enemies are adopting our terminology, which is indicative of our dominance in the discourse. 13
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 23:12 | # I don’t know about the percentage requiring lock-picking, but I do know that their recruitment value, as members of the cognitive class, far exceeds the value of the rest. I do use the expression “genocide”. But I also use the expression gene-killing, in relation to race-mixing, particularly individual cases. People cannot easily see the white genocide. It is too soft and slow, and will be apparent only in the historical sweep. But they do see that there are no mass roundings-up or mass graves. We risk putting ourselves on the defensive if we make the claim too promiscuously - at least with the cognitive class. There is no short-cut in dealing with the high-IQ demographic. As soon as they spot propaganda you’ve lost them. 14
Posted by Gregor on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 23:32 | # Does anyone know about this? Of course! “Genseric” is a pre-eminent member of the BUGS Swarm, a group dedicated to pointing out and fighting White Genocide by pointing out the obvious. My suggestion? If you want to add comments, keep it simple. Just point out that “White Genocide is Real”, and leave that bait dangling. Anti-Whites will bite the bait, and go watch the video just to deny the charges. Many of them will not be able to deny the charges. The “hook” will be set in many of them. One more step toward Game, Set, Match. 15
Posted by WhiteRabbitRadio on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 23:34 | # Pro Whites should stop being spectators and join in the Mantra fun. We are giving the anti-Whites fits. lol Help spread the Mantra far and wide! Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White. 16
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 23:56 | #
Maybe it’s time to Hail a train then, GW. Here’s what I learned at the Bugs Swarm: “This White woman is the VICTIM, and was forced to the breaking point by Anti-White policies. This outburst is proof of the ‘mental harm’ done to White people in their own countries in violation of the 1948 Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide, Article II (B) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.” It’s clearly GENOCIDE. Even a high I.Q. demographic has the potential to figure this out.
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 00:01 | # My complaint is solely that thought-free propaganda has a use, but it is limited to the non-political actors of the less than thoughtful demographic. “The Swarm”, being slaves to enthusiasm, no doubt, don’t seem able to distinguish between the average (mantra good) and the above average (mantra good for one use, bad thereafter). Please use discretion, and leave the broadsheets to those who create actual ideational events. 18
Posted by ex-uh on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 00:17 | #
But this is to misunderstand them at their root. Their position is a reflex of their membership in the cognitive class. We heretics are flukes to both the proles and cogs. Unless Helmuth Nyborg was just whistling into the wind with his paper Average intelligence predicts atheism rates across 137 nations ...? One day driving home from a night job I passed a Baptist church whose weekly marquee bore the statement: “Tolerance is the chief virtue of those who believe in nothing.” I was so impressed with this show of rural sentience that I stopped my car and took photos. I submit there is no actual winning of the cogs to our side. There is only a passive unfolding of impressions which leads some mentally gifted beings hither, which is, unhappily for us, much rarer than the unfolding of the cogs’ path to conventional meta-political opinion. Perhaps you personally have won someone over. I stress one, as it will not be a much larger figure than that. My advice ... which CaptainChaos alone may understand ... GFTOG. G = evermore low IQ people. In them is the soil of tribe. Whitaker and the BUGs are the only progress made since Alex Linder reminded white ethno-warriors to K.I.S.S. lolzlzozoz
Posted by george wells on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 00:34 | # WHITE GENOCIDE is a wonderful baby being given birth by the focused and concentrate efforts of many. Its almost like the birth of a wonderful WHITE MESSIAH to save the White Race. Just imagine what will happen when the concept of WHITE GENOCIDE is firmly in the minds of white people. Then all the garbage distractions that appear as separate issues will be seen as what they are, efforts to bring to extinction the white race. 20
Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 00:47 | # GW I agree it is not a cerebral film - that’s why I called it propaganda (I don’t mean the term in a negative sense), and yes there are risks in overuse of particular tropes but I did like the little snippets from the demography lecture. Of course any ideological struggle is conducted on a multiplicity of levels. But you are right that much, much, much more serious work is required than the promotion of a stock phrase such as ‘the mantra’. 21
Posted by jamesUK on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 00:48 | # LOL! Breviks video was more convincing. The fact that Britain which is considered a high immigrant target country most immigration is from Poland and other new Eastern European EU states which no EU country has an ethnic white population that is not 88% and above which the Scandinavian countries have a very strict immigration policy where you could live in Denmark or Norway for 10 years, have a job or even get married to a Dane or Norwegian. The only people that have been genocided after the collapse of the Cold War and informal establishment of the NWO seeking to destroy them and their historical and cultural heritage are Serbs, Ukrainians (especially Eastern Ukrainians) and of course Russians with Belarus another Russian/Orthodox orientated people avoided the engineered shock therapy by electing Luckachenko in 94 and kicking out the IMF/World Bank advisors who has been a target from the US/EU ever since. Serbia is facing a serious threat to its existence as a state with probably wont existent in about 10 years with the Southern Muslim Serbian region an Islamist hotspot having no Serbian authority over it and the full ethnic cleansing of the Kosovo Serbs and the establishment of greater Albanian which they also want Greek territory and Russia is facing the Serbian treatment with US and British supported ethnic separatist groups inside or near Russia. 22
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 01:22 | # uh, The lower-IQ demographic cannot make politics. They cannot even make war. Without intelligent and educated leaders they cannot move forward at all. Of the educated white middle-class - in other words, the political class - I share your view that “their position is a reflex of their membership in the cognitive class.” But I do not at all share the view that this reflex is fixed. For men are natural beings as well as social beings. They are the products of the life-force as well the world of men. They are not forever fatally corrupted by respectability, material gain, or even fear. Certainly, they will be weak and suggestible, and their weakness and suggestibility is permanent. They will be intoxicated in a certain sense. This is the human condition. But, as a class, educated whites were not always intoxicated by race-treachery, or by near things (they come to the same). Sheer instinct, the will to life, the recognition of truth, the “quest” for freedom, the love of what is closest, the need to belong ... all these are also intoxicants, but intoxicants familiar to our forefathers and much nearer that condition of self-possession which causes men to act, finally, justly, in their own name (and is the true basis, among other things, for heroism). The future of Europe resides in the degree to which intelligent European men can separate from the old, socially or automatically acquired assumptions, apetites, opinions, values, illusions, attitudes, ideas, fears, self-censorings, and so on ... everything that is formative of the Homo deracinatus of the present ... and shift a little towards something more complete, more true, timeless in a sense: what we are. There is no other liberation but this, no other human truth. It is the incredible privilege of nationalists to discover it first and carry it to their brothers. We must not be so cynical that we give up and turn our backs on them, for then we turn our backs on our own eternal nature and do not deserve to survive. 23
Posted by Gregor on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 01:24 | # GW says, “My complaint is solely that thought-free propaganda has a use, but it is limited to the non-political actors of the less than thoughtful demographic.” Of COURSE the propaganda is “thought-free”. Do you think long “thought-filled” discussions could EVER be used to change the shape of PUBLIC opinion. Elite opinion, maybe, but not PUBLIC opinion. These “repeaters” and “talking points” are not intended to induce “discussion”: quite the opposite, in fact. They are intended to undo anti-White propaganda in a subliminal way, addressed to a certain demographic. Horus over at White Rabbit Radio often notes that people say this “repeater” thing won’t work because “The Masses are Asses”. He replies that the reason it DOES work is because the “Masses are Asses”, and notes how well the “racism” and “anti-semite” memes work .... precisely BECAUSE the “Masses are Asses”. What are we here for? More discussions of News and Jews, or realistic change to stop White Genocide? 24
Posted by Gregor on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 01:36 | # When the anti-White White TRAITORS who do occupy positions in the Cog-Elite start hearing the anti-White Narrative being brought to their attention, and start hearing more and more Whites talking about White Genocide ... In their minds they see visions of Torches and Pitchforks, not dancing sugarplums. When the volume is turned up, they will question their alliances with the Uber-Enemy. The non-psychopaths, at least. What I loved about that video was the way the non-whites were mostly “frozen” by the chutzpah of this wonderful woman telling it like it is. She just turned up the volume on what every white normal person already knows, and is thinking. 25
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 03:39 | # GW, Do you think the nationalist struggle will ever win politically - ie, apart from violence of some kind? (of course, I continue to be as bleak as anyone - WZ is the only option for true survival - everything else is`merely delaying inevitable white gene-ocide, or making the best of it as it ‘goes down’) just asking. 26
Posted by josep on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 06:19 | # I suggest: WE HAVE TO (2-3 PEOPLE AT A TIME?) READ THE MANTRA LOUD IN TRAMS. PUT IT ON YT etc. 27
Posted by Ivan on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 06:26 | # Words and whining, words and whining ... and still more words and whining. The White-Jew marriage is not working any longer for you, white people; the Jews fucked up your world - you need a divorce. Four play is over, it’s time for some action, dammit Allahu Akhbar 28
Posted by frisbees_4_life on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 06:54 | # Allah doesn’t exist and mohammed was not a prophet.
Anti-racist is code for Anti-White. 29
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 10:06 | # Leon: Do you think the nationalist struggle will ever win politically We must behave as if we can. The political route must be followed to the end, whatever that end may be. A successful end justifies the means, obviously. An unsuccessful one will lead organically to other things, to which no path but that of psychopathy is open now. I am not at all interested in the Jewish fascination with lands that are the homes of other peoples. Our ancient hearth, our crown, our mother, our Europe is the cause of all our hearts. Without her what use is a swamp in Belize shared with resentful natives? Better to choose one town in one American state, move there and live white. 30
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 10:48 | # Gregor:
The object is not to change public opinion but to change the thought-world in which human personality is formed. Think about that. It is the true scale of the revolutionary. I will put it another way. Graham Lister frequently makes the (much contested) point that Americans are products of an Enlightenment project. Certainly the materialism, economism and hyper-individualism, rugged or otherwise, which are so obviously features of American personality must be ascribed to that. Obviously, beyond the direct influence of liberalism there are other, endlessly complex external influences. But all have this in common: they are historical in origin. Our ideational environment is a product of history. This is why White Nationalism cannot change the world. It dreams of capturing “public opinion”. But it does not comprehend that, even when white Americans are thinking in a more overt racial sense, they remain who they were before. There is no isostatic recovery here whereby some preternatural American personality asserts itself. For that to stand any chance of becoming a (new) reality, and for a revolution to sustain, the key influences out of which personality is formed must be replaced. Liberalism is one and, of course, it must be replaced. That, really, is what we are thinking and talking “endlessly” about. You are not ambitious enough, and not radical enough either. 31
Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 11:20 | # GW Well said - political change is driven but small committed groups of people with the rest of the 90%+ simply following the direction of travel. All of the initial intellectual and political energy comes from within the 10% or so of people that are political in their bones. OK as we are talking videos etc., here is a recent one of Tom Sunic and Kevin MacDonald on the topic of Christian Zionism. As MacDonald points out the issue with theological world-views is that the can very quickly become impervious to reason and evidence and hence represent a non-reality based discourse often masking an ideology which is very much at odds with the holders true interests. Chris Hedges is also very good on this particular feature of American life - the whacky, bizarre and genuinely irrational religiosity which is so widespread. MacDonald states that academics view Christian Zionists as Neanderthals and organised Jewry in the USA view them as useful idiots - all I would state is he’s being a little harsh on the Neanderthals, yes? Seriously how can any self-respecting European with more than two brain cells to rub together be a Christian Zionist??? And Mr. Haller and others seemingly assert that this utter bullshit (contemporary American Christianity) is front and center in the serious intellectual efforts required. So should I and everyone else start to genuflect before the Christian Zionists? What next? Why not take Mormon ‘theology’ and their ‘magic underwear’ seriously as an intellectual paradigm (rather than as a sociological phenomenon to be understood)? Intellectually serious theism is very, very marginal to American life as to be almost non-existent from a socio-cultural point of view. Mega-churches don’t ‘do’ Aquinas (if anyone doubts that visit one of them for a service and have one of the most banal experiences possible). 32
Posted by Ivan on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 13:01 | # You still don’t get it, do you. Let me stress one more time what Chairman Mao would call the importance of correct thinking. Whites vs Non-Whites is a wrong and self-defeating way of thinking that plays right into the hands of the Jews. Europeans whining about immigrants is a wrong discourse - it is nothing but seeing the symptoms of the disease plaguing White lands instead of looking straight into the eyes of the real enemy and addressing the cause of the disease in no uncertain terms. Better to choose one town in one American state, move there and live white is a wrong paradigm, it’s a pipe dream advocated by compulsive liar Harold Covington. It’s a defeatist mentality, at best, and deliberately misleading hypnotic set, at worst. It’s an ostrich position that leaves your behinds wide open for more abuse. It demonstrates your inability, or unwillingness, to think in realistic terms. It’s an admission that you are no longer capable of fighting for yourselves. You can talk all right, but you are neither ready nor willing to fight the real enemy yet. Allahu Akhbar 33
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 13:42 | # Ivan, Let’s suppose that the formative influence on your mind - Islam - was corrupted by modernity and by certain tribal manipulations. Let us suppose that as a result it ceased to offer the paths to union with God and self-perfectionment which its better genius once did, and it became a destructive and enslaving force by dint of its controlling power and influence over everybody within and without it? It became a religion of intolerance, rapine, and expansionism, and these things became one with the minds and beliefs, values, behaviours, etc of its followers. Would you not agree that attending to this flawed thing might be quite important? But here we come to the crunch. Let us suppose that there was an apparently easy way to approach this ... an obvious home for blame. Let us suppose that the aforementioned tribal manipulations could be ended by segregating the tribe involved in that from the opportunity to wield influence. Would the adherents of this ghastly Islamism then return of themselves to the light and truth of centuries before? 34
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 14:05 | #
Could you possibly elaborate on this criticism? I actually have no idea what you’re ‘on’ about, at least wrt anything I have said. I am not a Christian Zionist, and have never praised such movements. In fact, I really can’t stand evangelicals politically (I dated the daughter of one once, and inspected that movement a bit, mainly out of anthropological interest), though they are mostly white and conservative, and do make decent neighbors, workers and citizens. My ideological opposition to them is that they are weak on race (intellectually; pragmatically, most evangelicals are moderately conservative wrt racial issues: eg, the grassroots are generally against immigration, multiculti, etc), and that their shallow ‘Christianist’ agenda is irrelevant if not harmful to the Occidental cause to which I am loyal. I have never visited a true mega-church. Intellectually serious theism is arguably marginal to every society, and certainly to all Western ones today. It is not at all marginal among the American Right, however (nor, to a lesser extent, to other ‘Rights’ around the Occidental world), nor should it be marginal to rightist discourse. I think the decline of traditional Christianity is intimately related to the decline of the West (and I’m hardly alone in thinking this). And as I always aver, the crisis of Western Man is really an ethical one - and at the base of ethics is God, whether you like it or not (morality exists apart from God, but is only made meaningful by Him). So I hold it is indeed quite important to reconceptualize the racial struggle so as to render it morally compatible with Christian belief. BTW, I believe that what is here called “American Christianity” is actually expanding around the world. Can the same be said for CofE? 35
Posted by Ivan on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 14:37 | # GW: Let us suppose that the aforementioned tribal manipulations could be ended by segregating the tribe involved in that from the opportunity to wield influence. The aforementioned tribal manipulations CAN be and WILL be ended, but not by segregating the tribe involved in that. Take the money creation power from them and put it into the hands of the governments of sovereign states - that is the solution. Without the power of the money they will have no way to wield destructive influence. GW: Would the adherents of this ghastly Islamism then return of themselves to the light and truth of centuries before? No, absolutely not. You will have to force them to leave by more or less peaceful means. And it can be done easily, but not before the tribal manipulation is ended. I am not for Europe to embrace Islam. Islam is not a religion suitable for Europeans and it will never become one. Don’t worry about it. That lady’s outburst in My train Experience is a very good sign, it shows that the point where the nature will reassert itself is rapidly approaching.
Posted by anon on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:01 | #
Sure. BUGS prepares the audience. 37
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:15 | # anon, But they are not your supine audience to whom you can ministrate as required. They are superior to you. They will not accept ministrations from you and various other characters all saying the same thing!! Down among the tabloid classes they are impressed with repetition and “handy phrases”. That is your market. 38
Posted by josep on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:47 | # I guess you are already aware of my TRAIN (not tram) experience: Reps looks like? 39
Posted by Mr Voight on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:47 | # This is quite a good one: BTW was Bob Whitaker really part of the Reagan admin as claimed in the video? 40
Posted by anon on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:55 | # GW If you’re just talking about the venue then yes i mostly take your point. What i meant by preparing the audience was imagine yourself on a TV panel making a case in front of a studio audience primed by years of unchallenged BBC moral superiority versus the same situation in front of an audience primed by BUGS. In the first case you’d be howled down *regardless* of what you had to say. I think it needs both intellectual lockpicking and audience priming. I think BUGS is very well suited to the latter. I mostly take your point on venue except when there’s a hot topic in the news i don’t think everyone reading a highbrow newspaper is neccessarily highbrow. 41
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 17:49 | # Anon, It always remains open to you to develop the fundamentals and enter the quality end of the thread-market. The argument has to be flexible, however. It must be able to accommodate the kind of riposte that Laconophile mention in 9 above. It is simply imperative to win against the best responses the educated conventionalists and moralists can put up. If you come off second-best, some, at least, of the hundreds or thousands who might observe that will certainly draw conclusions you don’t want. 42
Posted by Gregor on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 20:20 | # GW, sorry to hear you saying in #30 that “... You are not ambitious enough, and not radical enough either.” As someone who spends a lot of time decoding what Kevin MacDonald called “influencing the categorization process”, a technique used by the enemies of White Europe, wherever it resides, I think your opinion above is way off mark. You can speak it, but it’s just not the case. The “ambition” and “radicalness” doesn’t only exist inside esoteric discourses HERE. It’s all well and good to be ambitious and radical, but at some point the rubber has to hit the road. I don’t have much use for what I call “Disordered Binaries”, ways of framing things as “either/or”, which eliminate from the field many other possibilities. Making this an “either/or” which plays off “let’s all talk about the problem” vs “let’s go out and spread the mantra” .... is just such a disordered binary. Along the same lines, I don’t claim the chutzpah to create “New European Man”, in all his glory or otherwise. I am very aware of all the “fine points” in your response, but don’t think they quite hit the mark you intend them to hit ... if I see your intentions the way you do, that is. If the intention is to make any direct action superfluous and beside the point BEFORE AND UNTIL we have a “final plan” for successful “revolution” in place, then you are not dealing with the dynamic nature of our conflict, our struggle. I too like to have neat plans, and neat outlines of “reality”. I too don’t hold much hope for so-called “WN”, and am quite involved in tooling memes that reshape that trope into something more useful. But that process doesn’t PREVENT me from showing up in discursive spaces and using certain tools to disrupt the anti-White narrative, wherever I find it. Are the current tools perfect? No. But do we need to wait for perfect tools to even start messing with the anti-White discourse? No. 43
Posted by Gregor on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 20:48 | # GW: I realize that a part of your argument rests on the belief that “our salvation” needs to work on the “cog-elites”, “upper classes”, “those who already have power”, or whatever you want to call this network of people who have a passion for dominance. That group is not merely “the Jews”, in spite of the convenience of that target. We don’t need to go into a minute dissection of just who “they” are to know that “they” exist, and don’t mean “us” well. That’s obvious to any but a fool, and I don’t think many fools are present, regardless of whether you stigmatize them as insufficiently “revolutionary”. The process of segmenting those we are attempting to influence into two classes, and saying one is “worth more than the other” in terms of effecting change .... is just one more example of a Disordered Binary. Why limit ourselves in this manner? It’s true that “the lower-classes shall always be with us”, but it’s also true that they are OUR PEOPLE, regardless of their preferred mode of speaking. My first visit to England was in 1995. I got to London from Spain, via South France. I was on an extended tour by Bicycle. In fact I’ve never been in England except on a tour by bicycle. On that first trip, it was around this time of year. I was headed for Bradford on Avon, near Bath, because the bicycles I ride are made there. Once I got to Bath, I had an unusual experience: I felt like I’d come back HOME. I wore a Kangol wool cap, a wool sweater, and of course my freckled white skin and curly gold hair. On the streets of Bath, several tourists came up to me and asked for directions! They must’ve thought I “belonged” there! Later, as I rode SE toward Portsmouth, I stopped in at Wilts pubs near Stonehenge. “Locals” could tell I wasn’t really a “local”, but they treated me like one. This, after feeling like an alien in both Spain and France, was a remarkable experience for me. Even though I hold US citizenship, and live in the states, I had an experience most Americans never have. I realized where my ethnic HOME was. Why relate this tale? Be VERY careful about pinning an “American” state of mind on anyone who happens to have been born there, and is white. Many of us have discovered our roots, and no longer believe in “America”. 44
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 21:58 | # Listen up, ya yankee wankers. Don’t be tryin to peddle yer mantra videos to the English. They’re very sophisticated in their own subtle ways, as amply illustrated by [url= 45
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 22:00 | # Ah, Jeese: 46
Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 22:12 | # I mentioned Doric (the dialect of North-Eastern Scotland) in another comment and I only have just recalled that the term Doric also relates to the concept of Xenelasia. Xenelasia was the title given to a set of laws in ancient Doric Crete and Lacedæmonia that proscribed the inclusion of foreigners and any foreign arts and music into their respective commonwealths. The Xenelasia laws were famously noted in Sparta. Lacedæmonian magistrates had the duty and authorization to expel any person who posed a threat to public order and morals for they considered their state a family writ large. Foreigners were allowed to visit for religious festivals and missions of state but foreigners were not allowed to live in the environs. Special exceptions were given to friends and allies, (laconophiles) like Xenophon. On the reverse side, the general populace was forbidden foreign travel. These laws were intended to preserve the native character of the Doric tribe from any taint of foreign influence. The greatest compliment given to a Greek of this era was that he maintained the customs of his forefathers. Plutarch wrote on this topic:
Niccolò Machiavelli believed that Sparta enjoyed such longevity because “she did not permit strangers to establish themselves in the republic” and remarked that the Roman Republic took the opposite course spelling her eventual doom. What could be possibly be further from the American ‘proposition nation’? In principle we are all Americans! In Plato’s Laws, Clinias the Cretan remarks on Homer that “…we Cretans are not much given to cultivating verse of alien origin.” From “The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race” by Karl Otfried Müller
History warns us of experiments in maximal liberty. 47
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 22:17 | # Whatever GW lacks in imagination, he more than makes up for in tenacity. 48
Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 00:08 | # @Ivan Ivan if you are still there? I have a couple of questions regarding Circassian history that the issue has been taken up and promoted by western think tanks and foreign policy strategists. In Israel there is an ultra Zionist Jewish leader coordinating efforts among the Circassian community their promoting the greater Circassian idea which is basically the Islamic equivalent of Zionism. “In Israel, the Greater Circassia ideology is upheld by leader of the ultra-Zionist Bead Artseinu group and proponent of an Israeli empire stretching from the Nile to the EuphratesAvraham Shmulevich (originally Nikita Dyomin, a convert to Judaism born into a family of a Russian father and a Jewish mother in Murmansk, Russia). The Israeli parliament granted Shmulevich an honorary Israeli citizenship in 1984 for his underground Jewish activism in the USSR. Israel hosts a large Circassian diaspora which Tel Aviv uses to its own ends in tight coordination with Washington.” 49
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 01:30 | #
Is this not a tautology? Is not history also a product of our ideas? If America is an enlightenment project then American liberalism is the product of ideas. If liberalism is removed then what will Americans return to since they are but a product of an enlightenment? What if the same template is applied to Germans. Germans (in the modern sense) are the product of an enlightenment project that probably pre-dates the 1848 revolution. In the 1930s National Socialism presumably provided a chamber for thought change. And yet it was not ineluctable and Germans were rapidly returned to their century old liberal values. Or was National Socialism just propaganda that effected a change and was easily over-ridden with a natural state of liberalism restored. However, propaganda is not capable,apparently, of endowing such a change. Thus NS fundamentally changed the thought world of the German personality, which presumes that Germans could not return to their pre-NS past and yet they did. Thus are thought worlds that fundamentally re-shape personality as ephemeral as propaganda? 50
Posted by ex-uh on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 01:48 | #
Only in the way that “time” is a product of human perspective, I think.
Not that a thing called “liberalism” can be “removed” from the complex of creatures called “Americans”, but I have observed that people leaving liberalism behind in themselves, even liberals, typically take to the country ... A fancy took me to dig, (Bunting)
On this point one may be most charitable with NS as it was very much the transvaluation of most values prophesied by Nietzsche, or at least meant to be. But the way you approach it is the usual ideas-in-a-box model which ignores what really weakened and finally destroyed NS — and racism: the fallibility of the National Socialists, who were at bottom a gang of bourgeois malcontents that took over a great military machine. I’m pretty sure that, if left to the Strassers, or to Goebbels and Goering, the NS state would not have crashed and burned in the East. But equally sure that it would never have taken off without The Man.
... Nah. 51
Posted by ex-uh on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 02:17 | # “Roissy” weighs in about trying to convince leftist cogs ...
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 05:01 | #
What is ideation but ideas-in-a-box. It matters not whether NS was weak or strong but whether it formally shaped the German personality or if it was propaganda. The conclusion is that it cannot be propaganda because, we are told, propaganda cannot shape personality. Thus we must conclude that the German, a product of at least 150 years of enlightenment, was returned to this natural order, this equilibrium, that transcended NS. Or is it German liberalism that is the unnatural state of the German and NS was transcendent, restoring the German personality to its state of natural equilibrium?
This is the fundamental weakness of this position put forth by Lister Roissy and Guessedworker. It is the belief that the Enlightenment was not a racist discriminatory doctrine. If America grew from an egalitarian ideology, how is slavery explained? If the Civil War, as Wallace continually claims, was a war for equality, how is Jim Crow explained? If the American enlightenment was egalitarian, how is the 1924 restriction explained? Even Locke, with his blank slate doctrine did not believe that savages were, in the end, equal to the civilized man, but only that it was, quite naturally, nurture and not nature that made the differences. A nurture that could not be found in the huts of Indians but is only the “business of the schools and academies of learned nations accustomed to that sort of conversation or learning… ” The American enlightenment was founded upon racial supremacy, despite the notion of rugged individualism, not equality. The doctrine of equality is discovered in the Frankfurt school and it is here that the ideational perversion of the American enlightenment was planned, financed and brought to fruition. Here the American personality was reformed. 53
Posted by Hail on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 13:50 | #
To quote Guessedworker in another current thread: “Well, yes.” 54
Posted by Ivan on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 04:03 | # @jamesUK Circassian Diaspora is spread all over the world, but Israel hosts just a tiny portion of it. There are only two small settlements in all of Israel with a total population around four or five thousand people. Geopolitical games around “Greater Circassia” will undoubtedly accelerate as we approach the 150 year anniversary of Great Circassian Exodus of 1864 which coincides with the next Winter Olympic Games to be hosted by Sochi - the heartland of Circassian territory. Circassians, at least those who leave in Russia, are well aware of the deceivers’ desire and temptation to use them as pawns against Russia. I am pretty sure such attempts are doomed to failure. If they have failed in playing the Chechen card in the midst of great chaos of 1990s, when Russia was on its knees, their chances for success with Circassians are close to nil now. If you are interested in Circassian history, here is a quick video introduction in English: 55
Posted by jamesUK on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 07:52 | # @Ivan Interesting but there is major flaws in the historical overview. 1) British imperial interests trying to weaken Russia as a geo-political rival have supported and promoted separatist Circassian and Chechen communities since 1835. 2) Russian conquest of the North Caucasus as like today was to prevent Turkey backed by Britain and France annexing the region 3) Circassian women were heavily trafficked in the Ottoman era sex slave industry so when exactly did Circassian society become Muslim and why the warm cultural affiliation with Turkey? 56
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 12:50 | # Mockery is a magic bullet that kills all monsters. Violence & hate feed the liberal fascist terror machines. You can only kill the terror machines with laughter.
Monsters feed on fear. The only thing all monsters fear is laughter. Mock the monsters until fear is replaced with contempt. Then we win.
In order to bring down the system we must alter the consciousness of the masses. They must be made to reassess not just the system, but also their status within it. This requires memes or slogans to be repeated that infiltrate and subvert the conscious mind. They must be based on scientific and social truthes that the masses knoexist, but which they are consciously seeking to repress in order to cope with living the lie of their existence within the system. We must confront them everywhere with the lies they will not admit to themselves and force them to confront the reality they are seeking to deny even to themselves and create a ‘cognitive dissonance’ state that leads to a psychological phase transition shift to allow them to create a new reality for themselves, and a new conscious state, to form and take root.
Immigration is Race Replacement. Immigration creates crime and unemployment. Multi-Culturalism is White Genocide. Anti-Racism is a codeword for Anti-White.
There has to be many such mantra’s and slogans - each repeated and hammered home as often as possible.
Posted by Mr Voight on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 13:25 | # For anyone interested, the second video is lifted from the end of this 45 minute Swedish presentation 58
Posted by ex-uh on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 16:17 | # Classic Linderism from a late Goyfire installment: Diversity is HATE. Tolerance is HATE. Multiculturalism is HATE. Who is the object of that hate? YOU ARE. 59
Posted by Robert Reis on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 11:03 | # My Tram Experience in France 60
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 12:58 | # off-topic a bit, but why does it seem like only Aryans ever do stuff like this? This racial concentration of physical extremists must be telling or significant in some way. 61
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 13:26 | #
Do these courageous displays of adventure seeking send a shiver up your spine, Leon? As if it would be a very bad day in “Zion” were the impulse ever properly directed? 62
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 13:54 | # I am much too sedentary for something like this even to appeal to me theoretically. I like to hike in the wilderness maybe once per year, and go hunting maybe twice a decade. That’s enough nature for me (except for skiing twice a year, of course). As for extreme sports, never had any interest (I did enough regular sports in high school and college). Reading books, socializing with friends and ladies, exercising moderately, making money - and worrying about the future of the white race. That’s me. 63
Posted by Josep on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 16:14 | # About Whitaker, he’s mentioned as an “apointee to the Reagan Administration”, whatever that means. 64
Posted by uh on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 18:28 | # Leon,
See K Mac’s review of some worthless “cultural Marxist” screed on this topic:
Also read the comments. I suppose the Ev Psych perspective would be that Sub-Saharans, being those left behind the exodus (yes, I stand behind monogenesis), are not evolved to take such risks. They just have not had to put as much effort into existence as nearly all other races, especially Northern Europeans. Expense is also a probable factor — snowboards, North Face gear and travel cost thousands. Yet Asians aren’t strongly represented in these sports, so the cost is not absolute. 65
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 22:30 | # I need to read Occidental Observer more. They have some good stuff. BTW, is anyone at MR going to review Ricardo Duchesne’s The Uniqueness of Western Civilization? 66
Posted by Guest Lurker on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 23:43 | #
Purely decadent self aggrandizement. The white man’s “look at me, I’m a very important rugged individualist” complex. 67
Posted by Bill on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 09:46 | # I watched BBC’s Newnight last night, it was the usual limp wristed crowd bleating on about what were the reasons behind last summer’s flash riots. Master of ceremony Jeremy Paxman. It really does defy gravity watching these people. Anyhow, to cut to the chase, I roamed about this morning and came across this from Auster’s VFR.
From a piece… PS. The conclusion drawn by the ‘panel’ was, it was all the fault of the police. 68
Posted by Genseric on Sat, 14 Jan 2012 10:54 | # Thanks to all who watched the simple video I cobbled together. Some of you managed to hit the center mark with certain comments. As Ole Bob says, “you can ALWAYS shoot better.” Rome will be burning any day now, boys. Bob might even let some of you into the palace once the smoke clears. Godspeed gentleman, post scriptum: The bullets Bob can legally put on his resume are very few. College professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill senior staffer, Reagan Administration appointee, author and writer for the Voice of America are a few. I’ll let the strategists hypothesize about what the unmentionables might be. Things are looking rather dry along the palace walls, fellas. Any spark will do <whistling>........................ Ahhhh…....Screw it. Pass me the horn. anti-racist is a code-word for anti-white 69
Posted by Mary on Mon, 27 Feb 2012 04:59 | # Genseric, this is my fav Mantra vid yet. I am in love with the Mantra now, and find it fabulously effective in driving anti-Whites up the wall. They shower their ” you are stupid/nazi/racist/ repeater” crap on me with every posting, and ....always….in every thread I use it in…..the “smart” ones seem to call for my return in order to shower more of their “superior intellect” on my and my “racism” some more, lol. Amazing grace….How sweet the sound…...Anti Racist is Anti White. Post a comment:
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Posted by Graham_Lister on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 01:42 | #
A remarkably effective and powerful piece of propaganda. Even our hypothetical ‘man in the pub’ would ‘get it’.
Furthermore it confirms my thought that America is finished - the only sensible option seems to be massive internal ‘white-flight’ and some eventual form of political autonomy.
We must save our true homeland - Europe - not for us but for all those that will follow us. If not we are doomed, and those future Europeans will reap a terrible harvest.