Well, yes.

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 28 November 2011 17:04.

A Pee-Cee news report, with comments switched off, is here.



Posted by Revolution Harry on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 18:37 | #

The comments aren’t off on YouTube. They make interesting reading for a variety of reasons.


Posted by Liberal Heresy on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 19:37 | #

She has been arrested. She lives on the outskirts of the town on one of Europe’s largest council estates that used to be predominately white working class. Croydon is now the UK’s main processing centre for immigrants into the UK and therefore very heavily ethnic as seen in the recent riots. Croydon police station is a large station, she’ll be taken there, threatened and browbeaten by barely educated policemen and will crumble, barely aided by her legal aid solicitor. For that burning resentful utterance that is felt by many of those that live there, she risks losing her job, housing, child and security. She will be forced to prostrate herself before the inquisitors and do penance or risk losing everything solely for ‘causing offence’ liable to… 


Posted by Alaric on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 19:50 | #

Good riddance to bad rubbish. Albion has sunk and will never rise again. Us Germanics had the last laugh.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 20:06 | #

Oh of course there are such things as ‘thought crimes’ in modern ‘liberal’ Britain. The atmosphere of PC is suffocating and any public act against it risks one’s career, family et al., I’m not joking! This poor woman will probably have ‘social services’ take her child into care etc. Nurseries now monitor young toddlers for dangerous signs of ‘racism’ such as not enjoying spicy food (I wish that was some fictional Swiftian excess but no it’s government policy).

And before any of our American friends pipe up about how wonderful the Conservatives are - let me tell you Cameron and his chinless wonders in the Tory party are as committed to PC orthodoxy as any other liberal you could care to find. PC results in a profound demoralisation of the native population as we all are co-opted into becoming nothing more than emasculated liars.

Did someone mention they had purchased some Morrissey CDs in another thread? - Good choice!


“There’s a country; you don’t live there
But one day you would like to
And if you show them what you’re made of
Oh, then you might do”



Posted by Liberal Heresy on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 20:36 | #

Alaric, it’s of note that you revel in the use of the weapons of our enemies (‘racial hatred’ as a method of social coercion) when they are used on someone to whom you don’t approve.

Also that you are motivated by an adolescent, sneering historical ethnic hostility, used by those who did not always have our best intentions at heart to make wars between us.

I can assure you sadly, that it will not be ‘the Germanics’ who will have the last laugh although you do make yourself a bit of a joke.


Posted by josep on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 20:47 | #

The cops have been quick this time, haven’t they?


Posted by josep on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 21:05 | #

When I was young we used to hear that 3 things are important in political struggle:
1. Organization,
2. Organization, and
3. Organization.
Where is ours? How do we fight the organized jewry, the liberals and the masons?


Posted by Foundation on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 21:33 | #

She did no harm so under English common law she is innocent. The English are a naturally leery, even more so since they’ve been shat on from a great height. Deep down she feels threatened, her instincts are those of protection. In terms of genetic intelligence she is fully operational and her son, the wee Northern European, is not a social construct. We will help her because she is kin. On the wider point:

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

We hope so.


Posted by Randy Garver on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 21:38 | #

Arrested for the content of non-violent public commentary?

Good lord. I just don’t see how anyone can feel an ounce of sympathy for you Brits.


Posted by Patton on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 21:52 | #

I am outraged she’s been arrested and am fully with her. She spoke the truth. And I don’t want any moralising nonsense about how inappropriate her foul language was even if she was right. It’s safe to assume she’d run into problems with immigrants before and had some sort of breakdown. I once had a similar outburst and though it was foolish and regret it, I only feel guilty about my lack of self-control and not my actual thoughts. I’d been harassed and surrounded by North African scum who don’t belong in my native country. I think I had every right to be angry. Why not arrest all those white-hating violence-instigating drug-promoting clowns that call themselves artists instead of an innocent 34-year old mother with a child? If they have freedom of expression, surely she has too. Shame on you Britain, shame on you! Indeed, shame on whites for having become such self-loathing all-out idiots!


Posted by ex-uh on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 21:54 | #

Well, I think she’s hot.

Anyone else notice the excellent counterpoint at 1:42 behind our raving starlet? Poor Sambo was upset; he needed reassuring.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 21:59 | #


From the transcripts of the recording I have read, the supposed ‘racist’ woman on the tram in Croydon has said nothing that she can be prosecuted for.

She has not racially abused anyone, she instead expressed her views on foreign workers and immigrants - which to be frank you hear worse in any pub on any night of the week.

This is why the Daily Mail, Telegraph and other papers are not allowing people to comment on the story - as they know virtually everyone would agree with her unless they are some window licking leftist libtard.

The manfactured howls of outrage from the liberal dogs is simply them whining like the little bitches they are.

This woman expressed her opinion - big fucking deal.

Is our so called ‘democracy’ so weak and about to collapse that the opinions of one woman are such that the mugs in the media demand her arest and prosecution.

This is our country and we will say what we think.

You dont like that ?

Then fuck off and go and live in North Korea or some other totalitarian dictatorship like Germany that represses any expression of opinions that contradict those of the liberal fascist elite.

The only part of the transcript that may break the law is the bit where she says a black person on the tram wasnt British. Seeing as that clip was filmed in London then she is probably correct though - there are hundreds of thousands of non-British black people living in London.

So theres no grounds for a legal case there.

The Polish workers are not British either - they are Polish, hence she canot be accused of racism for saying they are Polish can she.

Nor can she be charged with racism for saying any migrant workers are not British or not English - as they are migrant workers, and so they are not English or British.

Nor were there any complaints from the people on the Tram about what she said, which further reinforces the proof that no offence was committed even in relation to those on the Tram.

It appears that the people on the Tram value free speech in Britain, more than the wankers in the police and the media do.

Good for them.

Many probably came from countries that criminalise free speech with totalitarian governments, so they probably value the fact that an individual can sound off in public without being arrested for a political thought crime / hate speech crime.

That is until some jumped up plod in London Transport police decided to go for the brown nosing politically correct promotion by going on the war path against her.

Never mind though, from what I read she has committed no crime and hence there will be no prosecution.


The full transcript of her rant reads: ‘What has this country come to? A load of black people and a load of f***ing polish. A load of f***ing, yeah… you’re all f***ing… do you know what I mean?

‘You ain’t English. No, you ain’t English either. You ain’t English. None of you’s f***ing English. Get back to your own f***ing… do you know what sort out your own countries, don’t come and do mine.

‘It’s nothing now. Britain is nothing now. Britain is f** all. My Britain is f*** all.

‘Yeah its fine. I have got a little kid here. Have respect? I have a little boy here. F** you. I dare you, I f***ing dare you.

‘Don’t watch my language. Go back to where you come from, go back to f***ing Nicaragua or where ever you come from. Just f***ing go back.

‘I work, I work, I work, this is my British country until we let you lot come over.

‘So what. It is my British country, you ain’t British. Are you British? You ain’t f***ing British. F*** off.

‘You ain’t British, you’re black. Where do you come from?

‘No, someone’s got to talk up for these lot. Look the whole f***ing tram, look at them. Who is black and who is white.

‘There is all black and f***ing burnt people.’


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2067265/Transport-police-make-arrest-tram-passenger-hurled-vile-abuse-onlookers-racist-rant-toddler-perched-knee.html#ixzz1f2TlvQSP




Posted by Liberal Heresy on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:06 | #

In this legal aid, duty solicitor and poverty situation it will not happen but one day, perhaps, the various academic papers that show alienation, stress and psychological difficulties that arise as some of the outcomes for indigenous people living in highly diverse environments could be brought into play. In such a court case it could be wheeled out as an exculpatory factor. It might be something of Pyrrhic victory but perhaps of value, nonetheless. Any ‘non-guilty’ verdict while unlikely to be allowed, if granted would open up these studies to our target demographic. Can’t find the sources right now..


Posted by Liberal Heresy on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:09 | #

Well she’s no doubt being scared witless in Croydon police station right now Lee while under interview.


Posted by Mr Voight on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:29 | #

Is anyone likely to help her out?


Posted by Patton on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:36 | #

I would if I could. We all should. Is it likely? Not one bit, I’m afraid.


Posted by RT on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:40 | #

What do Brits have against Poles?

Poles are White. Poles are generally lighter and fairer than Brits.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:54 | #

What do Brits have against Poles?

From what I can tell, the English love of the Poles has faded quite a bit since 1939.


Posted by Liberal Heresy on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:58 | #

Cart and horse I think Mr Voight. But perhaps LJB has an idea.

She will already have been drawn out by Britain’s finest under caution and admitted exactly what they need her to admit. LJB seems to believe it’s not enough and this is more his bag but I am instinctively sceptical that if the CPS pursued taken ‘as a whole’ and with a Croydon jury I feel she’d be toast.

Perhaps something could be created for such situations before they occur. Considering that her surname appears to be ‘West’ it could be aptly titled.


Posted by Liberal Heresy on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 23:00 | #

@RT : number & proximity


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 23:12 | #

Also today, also in the Daily Mail ... hardly unconnected:

Poor whites ‘feel like they are last in line for council housing’

Working classes believe they are left last in line when it comes to council house allocation

Survey reveals a distrust of officialdom

White working class people believe they are the last in line for state handouts, welfare help and council housing, a report by a respected research group said yesterday.

It said that many think if they complain they will be silenced with the charge of racism ...



Posted by Jimmy Marr on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 03:04 | #

RamZpaul has posted a follow-up on the tram incident.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 03:10 | #

Excuse me. The link I posted above is wrong.

Here is a good one.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 03:27 | #






Why does SHE HATE WOGS?!?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 03:57 | #

What do Brits have against Poles?

They take British jobs and drive wages down. This is not new and correlated with fairly strong turnouts for the BNP in parts of Wales in 2007.



Posted by Stephen Wordsworth on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 05:06 | #

This women has been arrested for her double plus ungood thought crimes. Remember the party slogans:
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Diversity is strength.
Race is only skin deep.
We are all equal.


Posted by Lew on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 06:12 | #

An outrageous video and an outrageous incident.

Is anyone in the UK rallying to this woman’s defense?

Side Note:

I just ran across this on you tube.

It’s a negro taunting British Whites saying “we’re here to stay” and adding that the woman on the tram needs some Black d*ck.



Posted by Hartley Hare on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 08:45 | #

Just a thought, I wonder whether this lady, whom I doubt is very educated or a regular at MR or any other anti-immigration website, has any idea who or what Jonathan Portes was, what was the content of his paper - and the full implications for her and hers, and does ‘Andrew Neather’ ring a bell with her?
  It is our duty to ge the truth about ‘open borders’ through to people like her, but as they generally don’t read or think it’s damn nigh impossible.Anyway, I have the feeling she wouldn’t respect poshly spoken intellectuals.

On another note, this shows that in the minds of the indigenous there is real anger and rage bordereing on hatred - the material on which civil wars (ie Arab-Israeli conflict, Yugoslavia, Libya etc) are built on.
  Tony Blair, are you listening?


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 09:00 | #

The law as defined under ECHR case law states that you can say things which are offensive and upsetting - she did not use any racist perjoratives, polish workers are polish and by extension not British and not all blacks are British.

Therefore she should plead not guilty if it gets to court - but no doubt her solicitor will tell her to plead guilty and get a fine and suspended sentence.



Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 09:21 | #

3 things are important in political struggle:
1. Organization,
2. Organization, and
3. Organization.
Where is ours?

Ask Barnesy.  Not that I’m suggesting he’ll be able to give you a coherent answer.  It’ll just be funny if you do.

Arrested for the content of non-violent public commentary?

Good lord.

Coming to a city near you in the not too distant future, Randy.  And as a miscegenator you can rest assured (or not, hopefully) that you have contributed to the downfall of your cherished freedoms in your own small way.  (Not to put too fine a point on it, but you’ve produced just as many White children as your run-of-the-mill queer has.)



Posted by Lee John Barnes on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 10:09 | #

There three things as important as organisation in any struggle ;

1) a legal group to protect the political wing

2) funding

3) a propaganda and communication matrix

If you asked Captain Chaos though he would say that more important than organisation, legal groups, funding or propaganda would be ;

1) jackboots

2) lederhosen with a swastika on it

3) and the ability to scream ‘nigger’, ‘faggot’ or ‘kike’ loudly in the streets wherever you are campaigning for peoples support or votes.

Luckily though Captain Chaos is a meth head tweaker, so we all know he just talks shit out of his fat american, do nothing, hollywood nazi arse.



Posted by Leicester girl on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 10:56 | #

I have every sympathy with this lady. The British working class have really suffered with immigration;the middle class have the means to escape and have all moved to English villages.

The working class has to endure awful schools, hospitals and low-paying if any jobs. When I go back to my hometown (Leicester)I feel like a foreigner. I saw my first black person when I was 12 and 50 years later, Leicester is less than 50% white.  This lady’s feelings about immigration are very widespread although nobody dares express them. She sounds as though she has nothing to lose. I assure you that working class white children are not swallowing the P.C.claptrap about races being equal.

When my parents were alive they lived in a typical 1930’s semi and in the summer the front gardens were a riot of colour with flowers, shrubs and hanging baskets. The last time I went there the front gardens were totally paved over and resembled junkyards. Hindus and Muslims don’t garden. Perhaps a difference of little importance in the bigger picture but for me it was most telling and heart-breaking. English culture is dead.


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 11:12 | #

OK, I don’t know UK very well. What is the issue? Are you saying this woman is being prosecuted??!! For what? Speech?

And Lister (accurately) thinks America is doomed? But UK isn’t?

And is that a white liberal bitch at the end, defending ‘diversity’? Say what you will, the enemy isn’t just Them, it’s Us.

White Zion is the only realistic proposal (you will acknowledge that, in about two more decades).

We need to segregate from both nonwhites and their white liberal ‘enablers’.


Posted by Franklin Ryckaert on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 11:21 | #

Although this woman used some rough language I strongly sympathise with her feelings.I think every European who travels in one of Europe’s big cities by tram or by bus or stands in a queue at the pay-desk of a supermarket or sees a group of school children or…or…or…has the same feeling of being overwhelmingly invaded by foreigners.Sometimes the feeling of suffocation is simply too strong.Hence an explosion like this.


Posted by Franklin Ryckaert on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 11:54 | #

This woman was not “disturbed”,she had an explosion of what I call ethnic normalcy,a form of normalcy that is rigorously suppressed by the official PC tyranny.With “ethnic normalcy” I mean the need of people to be around people of their own ethnicity in their own country and the feeling of threat when that is not the case.It is about time this form of normalcy be officially recognised and policies be adapted to it.People cannot be forced to an unnatural existence for ever.


Posted by ex-uh on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 13:54 | #

They take British jobs and drive wages down.

wait, wait.

do you mean to tell me that urbanization (in this case extra-nationals flocking to urban centers for work) drives wages down by offering employers surplus labor?

that’s just incredible.


Posted by Liberal Heresy on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 14:00 | #

EMMA West from New Addington appeared before Croydon magistrates this morning (Tuesday) in connection with a racist rant on a tram which went viral on YouTube yesterday. She has been charged with a racially aggravated public order offence. The 34-year-old mother of two did not enter a plea to the charge, and has been remanded in custody while psychiatric reports are prepared.


Posted by ex-uh on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 14:05 | #

We need to segregate from both nonwhites and their white liberal ‘enablers’.

Will “financial instruments” be offered to residents of ‘White Zion’? how will it handle medical care? will there be a stock market? with whom will we trade, for what, and where is it to be anyhow? how will white zionists compete with advanced ZOG weaponry? will I, or anyone, be chastised, silenced, or punished for bein’ sorta bolshevisky? how will it administer land use? will it recreate obscene class disparity among whites, require background checks and blood tests, etc.? can ‘White Zion’ survive without low-down white grease monkeys with criminal records and a chain-smoking habit? will there be prostitution, and if not, how will men satisfy themselves in the inevitable sexual scarcity?

Who wants to live in your shining city on the hill if there be no meat, wine and whores?


Posted by Randy Garver on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 14:47 | #


Coming to a city near you in the not too distant future, Randy.  And as a miscegenator you can rest assured (or not, hopefully) that you have contributed to the downfall of your cherished freedoms in your own small way.

Eh, I’m not so sure about that one. I think it’s a stretch to accept that freedom is inherently or exclusively coupled to demographics. Would you be satisfied under a totalitarian regime which happened (until a contrary expediency arose, of course) to share your particular brand of ethnicism? History suggests you wouldn’t.


(Not to put too fine a point on it, but you’ve produced just as many White children as your run-of-the-mill queer has.)

No doubt. However, to address the particular concerns of commenter “Leicester girl” (see above), we do enthusiastically garden.


Posted by Helvena on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 15:20 | #

My heart goes out to her.  I hope well spoken British men and women go to her defense.  Her using the F-word so much will be used to discredit her and her legitimate concerns will continued to be ignored.  The middle class must defend the lower class.
What a sweet little boy she has.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 15:31 | #

Your wife is Chinese, isn’t she, Randy?  They are at once the most similar and the most distant of people.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 16:14 | #

Who wants to live in your shining city on the hill if there be no meat, wine and whores?

Thanks for that link, Ex-uh. I’ve long been frustrated by Leon’s refusal to permit photographs to be taken of him.

I’m delighted to have this one to use as his avatar in the absence of the real thing. I’m printing it as I type.

Leon Haller, aka George Ripley.jpg


Posted by Hail on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 16:20 | #

I must say I sympathize with the Black woman’s position at 0:40-0:55. What kind of woman uses that kind of foul language? Around, not just other people’s children, but her own child?!

The woman appears to be drunk, or on drugs.

This is no champion of White-racialism; more of a pathetic misanthrope latching onto an easy target (train w/Nonwhites). And a poor mother.

The white woman at 2:00 agrees.


Posted by Randy Garver on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 16:30 | #


Your wife is Chinese, isn’t she, Randy?  They are at once the most similar and the most distant of people.

Tsinoy, actually.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 16:30 | #

...latching onto an easy target (train w/Nonwhites)

OK, Hail, if you think trainloads of non-whites make easy targets, let’s see a YouTube of you handling a similar situation?

It should be no problem, right?


Posted by Hail on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 16:49 | #

Jimmy Marr,
What I mean by “easy target” is: It is what is in front of her. She seems like the kind of misanthrope who would attack whatever is in front of her. Put a bunch of white men in business suits in front of her, she’d attack them just as much. She’s a public transportation ranter, the same idiot you can witness all over the place.

I hope you don’t mean to defend the use of the kind of foul language she uses in front of her own, and others’, small children. This is one thing one will never see me doing.


Posted by Helvena on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 17:10 | #

I lived in Asia for a time.  If you want to make an Asian angry, ask them where in the Philippines they come from.  This is because in Asia Filipinos are usually maids.  The Chinese would look down on your wife. The Chinese also threw out the Christians for good reason.


Posted by Foundation on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 17:20 | #

What an effete bunch some of you are on here? The front line is a shit place to be when even your parents knew a completely different way of life: a homogenous society in England was only a few decades back for the vast majority of us. The coming race wars will be an appalling scene and I’m just glad I’ve had military training. For many it will be such a huge shock to the system they will barely function at all. Think English or American Civil War x 2.

The multi cult will endeavor to keep a lid on this episode in the tram. They know the temper of the indigenous has changed dramatically. The case of the young Englishwoman will be monitored by Home Office. Looks for the clues in the way they treat her. Some nationalists are already in contact with her family and that’s how it should be. Race realism is as much about doing as it is about talking. It ain’t pretty but we just haven’t got the time to discuss the finer points, even if we understood them. If you look down on the working class you’re no good to us. No good at all.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 17:27 | #

I hope you don’t mean to defend the use of the kind of foul language

Oh God, no. Even as a crass American, I would never weigh the inconvenience of English genocide against the invaluability of English speech etiquette. That would be petty of me.


Posted by Helvena on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 17:37 | #

Here is the future of British English.  I vote for the F-word.


Posted by Liberal Heresy on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 17:53 | #

@Hail, we’re not watching television. We also don’t have the creative power of a Walt Disney or a Charles Dickens to embody our case in warm, put upon creatures. Being poor in that town is not likely to give you a sense of joie de vivre.

Whatever you allege about the character of this woman, her complaints are just and the stresses of living in that environment are bound to be hard to accommodate. The medium is not always the message.


Posted by ex-uh on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 21:02 | #

While I agree Hail was acting the prude above (the “F word” being the cornerstone of chavvy discourse, the kid likely emerged from l’origine du monde hearing it) ... it is true she is an obvious reactionary type, and I too had the impression of a drug user. For some reason she is unhinged, despite the correctness of her observations. It is also valid to see this as the steam lifting the pot from the cooker. Perhaps she had a bad day. Perhaps she is perfectly representative of her class. In any event, she deserves more for her ballsy performance than finger-wagging for her profanity. Quite mild, when I consider what I would have said in her place.

All hail the “F word”!

Being poor in that town is not likely to give you a sense of joie de vivre.

She should be at home penning a poignant work of social realism to share with us! Everyone knows great literature and theory come from the ghetto. I mean, shtetl.


Posted by ex-uh on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 21:22 | #

OK, Hail, if you think trainloads of non-whites make easy targets, let’s see a YouTube of you handling a similar situation?

A few times riding public transportation in Portland my equanimity was severely challenged by kaffirs using the words “cracker” and “white boy” — not to me, as my presence is somehow forbidding to people, but under their breaths apropos others.

It takes effort to keep quiet. The bus, driven by a black, is full of “youth” fresh from shul and scattered whiteys who would certainly not leap to one’s defense. If not for the driver I would have made a stand once or twice, but I couldn’t risk being prohibited from riding the buses, as I imagine would happen when black driver x tells drivers y, z, etc. to watch out for this guy, etc.

I did meet one challenge, from a real beast that appeared to have come straight from a mental ward, pretending that I was staring at him after he repeatedly turned in his seat to look at me, by prematurely exiting the bus with a loud, “Go back to the fuckin’ zoo.” The beast himself alighted at the next stop, and stood there waiting for me. I squared my shoulders and covertly palmed my knife. He turned, walked on, but at a pace slow enough to allow me to catch up. I called the police to warn them of the action. Fortunately my route deviated — for the first time in my life I was totally ready for it, but of course wasn’t going out of my way to stab a groid in broad daylight along a busy street.

I know you are all brawny supermen who will call me a pussy for taking out a knife, but this was a large, quite deranged young negro male wearing what seemed to be pink nail polish. I don’t know what the fuck that signified but to me it said “Don’t leave this one to chance, my boy.”

Jimmy, you’ll know what I mean if you’ve ever spent time up there. The streets are full of these truly feral beasties. An ex of mine was accosted not long ago by one.


Posted by anon on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 21:59 | #

I know you are all brawny supermen who will call me a pussy for taking out a knife

That’s one of the main reasons they’ve been winning. They use knives casually whereas white people generally have a cultural aversion they need to overcome first. As each neighborhood gets invaded by the time the whites have got over that cultural barrier they’re already a minority and it’s too late. The same thing then gets repeated with each new invasion.

One of the unintended consequences of driving underclass whites into the rap subculture will be the erosion of that cultural barrier against using knives.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 23:28 | #

As of the present moment the number of views for this video is 3,768,346.  That’s in two days.


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 00:11 | #

First I reject the very concept of ‘racism’ as retailed by the multicult. However, and LJB pointed the way on this…

What exactly did the woman say that was racist? And of course, there was absolutely nothing. If only she had a decent solicitor present, pleaded not guilty and let these retards try and make a case.

So I would simply ask anyone (non-whites, anti-racists)  that question.

Let them explain exactly what was racist in what she said. Let them give those unspoken assumptions a good airing. And as we all know, theyve got nothing.

Seems to me thats the quickest way of turning this story on a dime.

Also, the DT and DM not allowing comments, thats simple, they dont do that where the story is still subject to a court case, police investigation etc


Posted by tc on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 00:15 | #

Foundation: You have it!


Posted by john on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 00:58 | #

Solicitors aren’t helpful, they more or less work for the state. She could in court ask if it’s a criminal or civil case. And who the injured party or claimant is.
Or ask if she can get a fair trial, if there is a conflict of interest can she get a fair trial, then ask who they work for.
Generally the best thing is never contract, just ignore them, never verbalize your name or accept anything.
This will be a high profile case so different tactics might be called for.
Lawful Rebellion asks the magistrates if they have taken an oath, which puts them under common law jurisdiction.


Posted by Hail on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 01:54 | #

Jimmy Marr wrote:
the invaluability of English speech etiquette

Enoch Powell. Did he get aboard public buses or trains, and begin extemporaneous profanity-laced diatribes in the presence of children? No, that is just crude beyond belief, and ineffective to say the least.

If that were to be the face of the Racialist opposition…...

All too many people think it is.


Posted by Hail on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 02:01 | #

Commenter ‘Ex-uh’ uses the word “Chav” above. I don’t know exactly what a Chav is, having never been to Britain, but if I understand the term at all, this woman can fairly be called at least a fellow-traveller, so to speak, of Chavvery.

Now, something I’d like to see GW or someone else discuss, is the root causes of White-Chavvery (and it is a white-only phenomenon, is it not). I have seen British commenters on Steve-Sailer, and articles elsewhere, which point the finger directly at the British Multicultacracy of the past two to three generations. Their arguments are compelling.

One essayist says:

....Meanwhile the large employers rubbed their hands. With Thatcher’s reforms under their belt, they now looked with wealth-maximising glee at – and indeed lobbied actively for – New Labour’s avowed push for mass immigration. Here is a paradox of the new Left: it cannot admit whose hands it has played into with it’s instinctive prohibition of any talk…and/or doubts about the merits of mass immigration. For it has handed to Tesco-style capitalism precisely that which it desires most: cheap labour. Indeed, labour whose cheapness is unprecedented in the modern age.

At the same time, state welfarism dealt conveniently with any vestigial social guilt that these companies might have had, and that might have motivated any duty of care towards the working communities they were abandoning. They could simply point at the hopelessly “work-shy” British. And they were right – except it was a disingenuous claim. The British did want to work, but they didn’t work because (a) they were being paid by the State for not working, and (b) the wages on offer could only appeal to someone from a country where wages were effectively non-existent.

So the Working Class, through rational choice, became the Workless Class. To further hinder them, educational reforms progressively….

(from The Tragedy of the Chav)

I first realized Chavvery is caused by Multicultacracy from comments by several British posters at Steve-Sailer’s blog. In a few minutes of searching, I have failed to find the long thread in my memory on that subject, but I do find this: here.

One comment:

Thirty of so years ago, some rich globalist types set out to try to turn white Brits into (that word)‘s. There role models were destroyed, they were shown as being weak and useless, forigners were brought in to compete for blue collar jobs with their fathers, and an orgy of sex, drugs and rock and roll was promoted as a healthy normal lifestyle. Think of Trading Places with Murphy and Akaroyd.

The result has been almost embarrassingly easy…

We also see this, surprisingly-familiar, depiction of another video:

One of the classics [Chav videos] is (was) on youtube, in which a chav, dressed in black rap style (baggy pants, hooded shirt, etc) was screaming racist obscenities at a black woman, on a bus, going home from work (the chav obviously, by definition, is not). link


Posted by john on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 02:09 | #

Pushing the envelope:


Posted by Hail on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 02:59 | #

“Curious Twist of Fate”:

Watch 2:30-3:00:


This reminds me of David Irving’s line

If the British soldiers on the beaches of Normandy in 1944 could look forward to the end of the century and see what England has become, they would not have bothered to advance another 40 yards up the beach.

Imagine this woman’s grandfather as an RAF pilot during “the” war. He gets on board his plane. The engine whirrs. Takeoff! Ascent. Suddenly, in a flash, a vision. He sees the world in which his grand-daughter (b.1977) and great-grandson (b.2009) live in 2011. Grand-daughter as a foul-mouthed “Chav”, surrounded by Nonwhites, in London. (Native decline, coupled with impending demographic disaster.) He looks around, dazed. A newspaper someone is holding discusses the American president, a man with three Islamic names. He shakes off the vision as simply absurd, a nightmare, the result of not enough sleep. He starts unfolding his maps.


Posted by Hail on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 03:19 | #

I learn from a news report the woman comes from a “New Addington”.

Google tells us:
—“If u want to see Chavs go to New Addington”
—“New Addington, Centre of the chav universe!”
—“...via a tram catching error I ended up in New Addington, which takes Chavdom to a whole new level.”
—“I got the idea that NA was going to be pretty grim, but nothing can prepare you for the sheer horror of hitting the motherlode; while Croydon chavs are orcs, New Addington chavs are the Uruk Hai (apologies to any Tolkein fans if I’ve got the terminology wrong) – chavs on crystal meth, so to speak.”
—“Chavin’ it large: A exclamation of joy from New Addington.” [Urban-Dictionary].


Posted by CS on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 09:43 | #

Chavs are to the best of my understanding what we would call white trash in America. It’s main cause is a combination of government dysgenics policies and a policy of applying the least amount of punishment possible in dealing with disobedience at all levels of society except for white people who offend non-whites in any way or white people defending themselves from chav or non-whtie crime and dysfunction. The UK is basically the opposite of how I would run a country which is why it is falling apart and turning into a Third World shithole which is probably the real intentions of those behind it.

Let’s cut to the chase. The problem is that WE are vastly outnumbered by white liberals, white lemmings, and non-whites in our own countries and I don’t see how that is going to change short of an economic collapse or civil war that may or may not come. However, if all functional white people from all over the world started to move to one small country we might eventually have the numbers to take over and run things or at least influence things enough so that in the long run we will. Think of it as international white flight.

That is when the fun begins. We will get to be the ones in power so we can control the education system. We get to decide what is taught in the schools and what books will be used. We will be able to control the media in that country. Moreover we will actually be the media and we will have no problem selling our product because a huge percent of the population will agree with us. No more hate speech or hate crime laws. No more worrying about losing your job or career because you said the word “nigger”. No more affirmative action. No more mudsharks flaunting their negro thug boyfriends and mongrel kids in your face every time you leave the house. No more negro crime. No more of your taxes being used to support some welfare mammy with five idiot kids from five different fathers. No more non-white (or white) scumbags being let into the country to leech off the taxpayers. No more bullshit non-white refugee claimants scamming your tax dollars. No more Jews and other non-whites swindling your money every way they can. No more having your white daughter being harassed by blacks in school. No more worrying about your daughter coming home with some spook.

When we take control we can also do all sorts of fun things like hand out citizenship and the right to vote to our people who don’t even live in the country. We can start harassing antis in our country with impunity which will motivate them to leave. We can control government spending and have it spent on projects worthwhile to our cause. We can start practicing eugenics. We can deal harshly with career criminals and motivate them to leave. We can control the education system and teach our kids what we want instead of what liberals want. We can start producing white children for adoption to other countries. We could basically “gentrify” an entire country thereby making those who move there first rich by increasing the value of the land they own there. There are probably many other fun things we could do once we are in control of our own country but the problem is getting into control.

Your choice white racialists. You can be the hated minority everywhere or be with people like yourselves and the majority somewhere.



Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 11:08 | #

Chavs are to the best of my understanding what we would call white trash in America. It’s main cause is a combination of government dysgenics policies and a policy of applying the least amount of punishment possible in dealing with disobedience at all levels of society except for white people who offend non-whites in any way or white people defending themselves from chav or non-whtie crime and dysfunction. The UK is basically the opposite of how I would run a country which is why it is falling apart and turning into a Third World shithole which is probably the real intentions of those behind it. (CS)


Though what I fail still to comprehend is why Britain, so long the home of highly admirably stiff-upper-lipped and well-mannered Englishmen (I knew quite a number through my parents when I was growing up in the 70s and 80s), seems to be the very worst of the at least West European lot. Why do Italians and Swiss and Germans and even the French (not to mention Australians and Canadians (however pussyfied the latter)) seem so much more civilized than the contemporary Brit? 

This is the kind of anthropological or sociological discussion I wish British commenters would launch here. It would certainly be enlightening for those of us out in the colonial hinterlands.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 11:59 | #

What I fear most about this incident is the Government-Media-Complex will first paint her as an unfit mother, then make an example of her and remove her kid(s) thus sending the message to the rest of the would-be dissenters: If you openly display what the PC police deem to be anti-immigrant, xenophobic, or racist attitudes, that very fact will be enough to meet the legal criteria which shall result in loss of custody of your own children.

I don’t put anything past these vile “anti-racist” bastards.  There is no moral bounds to what they’re willing to do to advance their genocidal agenda. They don’t abide by any fixed set of moral principles such as those that constrain normal folk. Their only motivating factor is a will to power; and since they’ve already achieved their goal of gaining power, they are willing and capable of doing anything to maintain it.

At any rate, that’s the way I see it.


Posted by CS on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 12:21 | #


It is probably a cultural thing to act like a retard in Britain even if you’re white. There are plenty of Brit descended people in Canada and they don’t for the most part act like scum. I could probably turn it around myself if I was installed as dictator. I would simply start adminstering beatings to people who display unacceptable deviance. Those who can’t be reformed would be exiled and forced to live other scum like themselves.


Posted by Robert Reis on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 13:20 | #

NEW YORK- A public school teacher was arrested today at John F. Kennedy International Airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a set square, a slide rule and a calculator.

At a morning press conference, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez said he believes the man is member of the notorious Al-gebra movement. He did not identify the man, who has been charged by the FBI with carrying weapons of mathinstruction.

“Al-gebra is a problem for us,” Gonzalez said. “They desire solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in search of absolute value. They use secret code names like ‘x’ and ‘y’ and refer to themselves as ‘unknowns’, but we have determined they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philanderer Isosceles used to say, “There are 3 sides to every triangle.”

When asked to comment on the arrest, President Obama said, “If God had wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He would have given us more fingers and toes.”


Posted by ex-uh on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:57 | #

Why do Italians and Swiss and Germans and even the French (not to mention Australians and Canadians (however pussyfied the latter)) seem so much more civilized than the contemporary Brit?

Because you’ve never seen Juventus v. FC Bolzano?



Graham Lister frequently makes the (much contested) point that Americans are products of an Enlightenment project.

I myself am the product of Europeans leaving Europe to avoid starvation. If that is an “Enlightenment project”, why, color me enlightened.

Certainly the materialism, economism and hyper-individualism, rugged or otherwise, which are so obviously features of American personality must be ascribed to that.

No more certainly than Transcendentalism is really derived from the Second Great Awakening. Daniel Boone never read Carlyle. American religiosity is zany because it had room and isolation to become so. “Enlightenment” as leaven is a fiction, and in fact, more the preserve of those who remains nearer their English roots (New England Transcendentalists, Yankees) than the Plain Folk (revivalists).

For that to stand any chance of becoming a (new) reality, and for a revolution to sustain, the key influences out of which personality is formed must be replaced.

That is achieved through ecological change — precisely the conditions which made an American character of the Anglo-Scots. I don’t know what you think you meant by “isostatic”, as the geological term is a little complex to serve as metaphor, but it obviously implies staying in place, even rootedness, — yet the founding of America was the result of kinesis, not stasis. A character formed in movement away from something, which Wammy could call betrayal of Europe or some highfalutin’ rubbish as that. Hence all the frenetic “moving” for which we’re known.


Posted by ex-uh on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:59 | #

Robert Reis,



Posted by anon on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 16:55 | #


You’re missing the point. This video wasn’t released by nationalists as some kind of symbol of resistance. It was released by genocidal anti-whites to demonize and destroy a wounded animal.

If they get her killed they’ll be pleased.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 17:53 | #


The chav is not entirely new.  I was brought up in the Croydon area.  In my youth New Addington was already regarded as a stronghold of the thick and a bad place to wander into. You would only do so accidentally.  There was nothing there for outsiders, and generally it was left well alone.

Perhaps the question regarding chavs is this: What is the difference between this individual today and his manifestation in past generations?  Three likely possibilities: the de-moralisation of almost fifty years of liberal social policy, the economic redundancy that has flowed from thirty years of neoliberal policy, and classic culture shock that flows from colonisation.


Posted by Patton on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 19:50 | #

@ GW: 6,363,724 one day later.


Posted by Irish Anti-Commie on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 20:26 | #

You can’t say anything against blacks in Ireland either.


Posted by Foundation on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 22:01 | #

The call for Direct Action has come:



Posted by Guest Lurker on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 22:29 | #

That is when the fun begins. We will get to be the ones in power so we can control the education system. We get to decide what is taught in the schools and what books will be used. We will be able to control the media in that country. Moreover we will actually be the media and we will have no problem selling our product because a huge percent of the population will agree with us. No more hate speech or hate crime laws. No more worrying about losing your job or career because you said the word “nigger”. No more affirmative action. No more mudsharks flaunting their negro thug boyfriends and mongrel kids in your face every time you leave the house. No more negro crime. No more of your taxes being used to support some welfare mammy with five idiot kids from five different fathers. No more non-white (or white) scumbags being let into the country to leech off the taxpayers. No more bullshit non-white refugee claimants scamming your tax dollars. No more Jews and other non-whites swindling your money every way they can. No more having your white daughter being harassed by blacks in school. No more worrying about your daughter coming home with some spook.

And then ZOG will come and bomb you. End of happy experiment.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 00:10 | #

And then ZOG will come and bomb you. End of happy experiment.

That’s why “White Zion” has to exist and flourish between our ears and not at a physical place.

What say you, Leon?



Posted by Thorn on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 00:13 | #

And then ZOG will come and bomb you. End of happy experiment.

That’s why “White Zion” has to exist and flourish between our collective ears rather than at a physical geographical location.

What say you, Leon?



Posted by Lurker on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 00:37 | #

Getting back to the video…

I still think the easiest bang for your buck is to ask of anyone accusing her of racism, what exactly did she say that was racist?

Either you will get no reply or the usual childish, inconsistent multicultural ramblings and half-arsed assumptions which anyone here can shoot down at a moments notice.

Their replies will always be a gift.

I tried it on a family member this afternoon, a lot of huffing and puffing and . . . nothing. Because there was nothing in the video to accuse her with.


Posted by Paul Jones on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 06:42 | #

I think it’s a shame that people like her are still around in this country. Ethnic people are not to blame over the country’s economic crises as you can see the whole world has been affected, look at the EU for example. She is just a low life looking for someone to blame.


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 08:30 | #

The chav is not entirely new.

This is to say that the Chav is an essential part of what it is to be English.  As such, it is important that the English political class not debase themselves by being ignoble to their Chavs - either by exposing Chavs to race replacement or confining their dysgenesis to the concentration camp.  LOL


Posted by CS on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 10:56 | #


Then set up “White Zion” in Russian territory. Make them a deal. Sell us some land which you have plenty of and give us autonomy and we’ll pay you “rent” to live there. Is fucking ZOG going to declare war on Russia to get at us? Would they declare war on Uruguay because they don’t allow non-white immigration?


Posted by Emma West on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 11:07 | #

Everyone with a political opinion, it seems, considers himself an intellectual. MR is certainly full of them. I’m constantly reminded of George Wallace’s remark about “pointy-headed intellectuals” and their lack of common sense - how they wouldn’t recognize an idea if were handed to them on a silver platter. Not a single one of you intellectuals realize what could be accomplished with the use of a mantra like “I AM EMMA WEST!”.


Posted by CS on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 11:12 | #

Would that include you?


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 11:57 | #

And then ZOG will come and bomb you. End of happy experiment.

That’s why “White Zion” has to exist and flourish between our collective ears rather than at a physical geographical location.

What say you, Leon? (THORN)

Unlikely, even in the worst circumstances. Some persons here have way too conspiratorial a view of the NWO - thinks it makes them macho and ‘sophisticated’, perhaps. I’ve been subscribing to Foreign Affairs and the Wall Street Journal for a couple of decades. That of course is the in-house journal of the CFR - which is as ‘establishment’ as it gets (ditto WSJ). Nothing I’ve read remotely leads me to believe the NWO would launch an aggressive war (let alone a nuclear missile) against a nation gradually becoming whiter and more rightist, especially assuming there was no WN campaign of genocide against nonwhites.

The trick is simply to keep a low profile for the first few decades as numbers of settler-pioneers are quietly built up.


Posted by CS on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 12:17 | #

Some people overestimate the strength of ZOG. ZOG would love to invade or nuke Iran but they haven’t so far. And that is with Iran provoking them by trying to build nuclear weapons. There are some restrainsts on what ZOG can do.



Posted by CS on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 12:26 | #

Paul Jones,

“I think it’s a shame that people like her are still around in this country.”

You mean white people?

“Ethnic people are not to blame over the country’s economic crises as you can see the whole world has been affected, look at the EU for example.”

No blames the economic crisis on “ethnics”. Blacks in Britain however are a huge drain on white people like they are everywhere else.

“She is just a low life looking for someone to blame.”

We have plenty of people on this forum who aren’t “lowlifes” who feel the same as she does. So try something other than an ad hom attack. If you think blacks are so great then go move to Jamaica instead of letting Jamaica move into the UK.


Posted by ex-uh on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 14:59 | #

Then set up “White Zion” in Russian territory. Make them a deal.

Russia does not permit Americans to own property. So that deal would have to stipulate a change of their property law.

Russia ... changing property law ... for “our” sake ... right.

Would they declare war on Uruguay because they don’t allow non-white immigration?

Uruguay is a strongly left-learning nation. Research their present government and their political history of the last fifty years. To own a gun in Uruguay one must submit to a psychiatric evaluation. Uruguay is also the number one importer of contraceptive devices in South America. Montevideo is also a hot spot for Juden coming from Buenos Aires and Paris. One whiff of an autonomous white community in their midst, it’s the Colonia Dignidad treatment.

There is one already — the Russian Mennonite colony of San Xavier in Paysandu. They are on the wane for lack of women. Like everyone else.

ZOG would love to invade or nuke Iran but they haven’t so far.

That is not from inability. That is from sanity and tact. The Israelis are not actually madmen, you know. They are somewhat aware of the responsibility that comes with possessing a nuclear arsenal and deploying it against a distant enemy with powerful relations (China, Russia).

Some people overestimate the strength of ZOG.

Oh well. Some people underestimate its strength — many of them happen to gather on blogs like this one. I wonder why that is?


The trick is simply to keep a low profile for the first few decades as numbers of settler-pioneers are quietly built up.

So ... no camera phones, no YouTube, no traveling journalists, no air-to-surface espionage in your world? is there such a thing as a “low profile” anymore — really?


Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 15:37 | #

Uruguay is a strongly left-learning nation. Research their present government and their political history of the last fifty years. To own a gun in Uruguay one must submit to a psychiatric evaluation. Uruguay is also the number one importer of contraceptive devices in South America. Montevideo is also a hot spot for Juden coming from Buenos Aires and Paris. One whiff of an autonomous white community in their midst, it’s the Colonia Dignidad treatment.

Interesting, but not really surprising.  This is why I’ve always been wary of Latin America as an option, despite the fact that I personally like Latin America to some degree (i.e. in my opinion they are fine places to vacation).  These countries tend to be far more extreme in political orientation than the US, having embraced both socialism and fascism in recent memory.  It doesn’t seem a place particularly in line with our sort.  If you value stability and order, at least, it can’t offer that.  And as for “Hispanic family values/conservatism”, etc, it doesn’t take much exposure to that culture to find out that’s largely a myth.

I suppose the fact is that we are, as Americans, fairly stolid types who value a certain cultural milieu (stability, continuity, etc) that is really not very common worldwide, and not at all so in Latin America.  That’s why I’m, frankly, very skeptical about the White Zion project.  I almost would rather just stick around and wait it out if possible; I’m betting that the dismal trends we are facing in the modern day, like all trends, will pass or that at least the opportunity for some better outcome will make itself apparent sometime in the future.  Anyway, to be honest, life in modern America is not that horrible unless you are trapped in the ghetto, and most white Americans are not.


Posted by ex-uh on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 16:15 | #

It doesn’t seem a place particularly in line with our sort.  If you value stability and order, at least, it can’t offer that.

Don’t misunderstand — Uruguay does offer that to the individual expatriate. As Latin countries go it’s one of the most stable, being small enough to dodge political extremes. Bureaucracy is orderly enough despite a slightly less than usual level of corruption. They still welcome foreign investments. Even their leftism is originally grassroots; the Tupamaros phenomenon arose in response to very real poverty and its character was never Marxist.

I’ve said before that it is a fine place to live, as I have lived there; it’s where I learned Spanish. It just isn’t a haven for right-wing political experiments, LOL.

I suppose the fact is that we are, as Americans, fairly stolid types who value a certain cultural milieu (stability, continuity, etc) that is really not very common worldwide, and not at all so in Latin America.

That is generally true, and I hate to nitpick, but Uruguay is nearly an exception — as are for example southern Brazil, the Argentine coast, the border with Chile, and the southern half of the latter. They’re little less stolid and their cultural milieu is quite stable. I’m no expert, but political influence dissipates as one travels away from the capital regions, as happens everywhere without concerted efforts to enforce urban codes in the countryside (see Sarmiento’s classic Facundo: Civilización y Barbarie for that tale played out on the Argentine pampa, or da Cunha’s Os Sertões in the Brazilian hinterland).

In reality the worst thing about that entire region is the banality of life, not disorder, mulattoes, or whatever haunts the WN imagination when they think of “Latin America”. There isn’t nearly the cultural variety as we “enjoy” here. Clothes are simpler — people wear Converse and blue jeans and it isn’t a fashion faux pas. And that banality, you see, is rooted precisely in their genetic and ethnic continuity, another thing WNs pretend doesn’t exist down there; it’s all just crazy chaotic browns.

Anyway, to be honest, life in modern America is not that horrible unless you are trapped in the ghetto, and most white Americans are not.

It’s all trade-offs. In Uruguay you’re an Anglophone and will hate that you can’t find this or that thing for your house, but there are no blacks; in America you have all the choice in the bloody world, but can’t choose to avoid blacks lest you can afford it.


Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 16:38 | #

Those are all good points.  Admittedly, my travels to Latin America have been brief compared with your experience actually living there, and my perceptions are also, no doubt, influenced by the recent history of that area (say, since the Cold War) from American perspectives which always portrayed the area in ways that, while true to an extent, do not account for the actual complexity of life there.

I’m well aware that Latin America is very diverse from a racial standpoint.  It seems that the upper classes of those countries, even in heavily indio countries like Guatemala, tend to be white.  Actually I’ve heard that ideologies which leftists call “white supremacy” are far more common in Latin America than here anymore, although as I’ve said and will continue to say, white Americans are not really anti-racist in action, no matter what they say in public. 

If the truth were known, abundance of material wealth is not a sine qua non for me, so I doubt the relative poverty of Latin America would inconvenience me terribly.  But your average white American may find that less appealing.  And I don’t at all doubt that there is a degree of cultural conservatism there, the main problem of living in rural Latin America would be a variant of the problem of the rural US:  lack of ways to make a living. 



Posted by Robert Reis on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 16:42 | #


Petition UKSSR now.


Posted by PM on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 17:36 | #

A dental receptionist with the name of Emma West is a chav? I don’t think so.

There are now two more ‘racist rant’ stories in the Daily Mail. Both on public transport, both women.



This often seems to be the way with stories like this in the media. One of the videos is over a year old, but once the MSM find a theme, it encourages people to send in their own suddenly newsworthy stories, and the media run with it until they get bored. At least we are seeing that there is a bit of public anger out there.

Perhaps the summer riots are one of the factors that could have tipped people over the edge? And this is one of the reasons why people here should not be sneering at ‘these people’. You really have no idea what they have had to go through, and not all of us are blessed with the intellect and verbosity to express their anger in a thought-provoking or enlightening way.


Posted by tc on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 17:50 | #

least we forget…

The Stranger within my gate,
  He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk—
  I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
  But not the soul behind.

The men of my own stock,
  They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wanted to,
  They are used to the lies I tell;
And we do not need interpreters
  When we go to buy or sell.
The Stranger within my gates,
  He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control—
  What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
  Shall repossess his blood.

The men of my own stock,
  Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
  And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
  They think of the likes of me.

This was my father’s belief
  And this is also mine:
Let the corn be all one sheaf—
  And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge
  By bitter bread and wine.

...or have we?


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 18:37 | #

PM - ah the Daily Mail, the supposedly right wing newspaper.


Posted by PM on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 18:54 | #

Lurker-I do wonder if the purposes of such stories are partly educational. How to elucidate to the masses the ever-evolving speech codes of PC theology? For example, how are non-Guardian readers to know that it is now racist to want immigrants to speak English?  Headlines like ‘You’re in my country now, speak English’: woman filmed hurling vile racist abuse’ fit the bill nicely, and it is the right-wing bigots who read the Mail that need the lesson more than anyone.

The message must sink in pretty quickly—‘shit…I’ve said this to my friends many times…didn’t know it was racist/illegal’


Posted by ex-uh on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 18:56 | #

Excellent. I had forgotten that.

Actually I’ve heard that ideologies which leftists call “white supremacy” are far more common in Latin America than here anymore,

There is de facto caste stratification all over the continent, yes. Nothing resembling awareness of race though, at official levels at least. Colombia and Paraguay are undoubtedly the most right-leaning South American nations, and in Colombia — I am not familiar with Paraguay, sad to say — no one has yet dreamed of purposely stocking local offices, much less the national government, with blacks or pure-blood indios. I won’t say “it will never happen”, but Jews are not a factor in Colombian life, so there is no drive to vaunt inferiors above the rest; they have enough problems with their urban gangs and overpopulation. On the whole national sentiment there is staunchly Republican, as we would say, and as they’ve never been exposed to Jewish ideology, one can just about declare oneself a National Socialist without fear, except among the middle-class paisas of Antioquia and Medellin, who are whiter than the rest and often believe they are of converso descent.

Officially the narrative is inclusion, so I have seen TV spots with the “rainbow” image of the populace, but in everyday life blacks, at least, have absolutely no clout anywhere, not even where they predominate (along the Caribbean and Pacific coastline). And owing to the long war with FARC, i.e. “Marxist” guerrillas, most people are reflexively anti-socialist. The effect of mentioning Hugo Chavez favorably, which I did once, nearly earning myself a drunken beating from an ex-soldier, is the equivalent of criticizing Jews at supper with your in-laws. “Socialism” in their minds is associated with kidnappings (everyone knows someone who was kidnapped), severed body parts in the mail, and Venezuelan sabre-rattling.

As for Paraguay, the population is definitely mestizo / criollo, and I think that priest is still president. He is of course a man of the right — all about property rights, against the Leftist triangulating of the surrounding states, pro-life, etc., and is very warmly regarded by the people. There are still German farmers out west in the Gran Chaco, nevermind the dismal story of the Foerster colony and suchlike. GWB bought a ranch there precisely because it is quite stable and conservative; yanqui ranches are not uncommon there as it is excellent cattle country not subject to Southern Cone socialism with its strong tradition of Spanish conservatism. Roosh, the game blogger, had a great time down there and wrote a book about it ... well, about getting laid there.

A word on caste. Mestizo refers exclusively to real Spanish-indio hybrids, which are not as prevalent as people believe. Criollo refers to the descendants of the original Spanish settlers, and in reality, much of the population is simply poor criollo to this day. It’s my belief that observers mistake for crossing what is really just racial ugliness come from central and southern Spain; genetic analysis will probably confirm this to an extent, if it has not already. Criollos in Argentina and Uruguay were drawn more from Galicia and the Canaries, while Chilean criollos came heavily from Extremadura and Euskaria. Hence, in Rioplatense dialect, they still refer to the Spanish language as castellano, Castilian, as it was seen as an imposed speech back in Hispania.

It may simply be said that there is less pandering to non-whites in SA than in the Northwest, with increases where Jews are prevalent (Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Bogota).

Guatemala gives a different perspective than the foregoing because it is almost uniformly indigenous, so the criollos exist at the highest levels, or in the best jobs and most expensive communities. Harder to see them if one is not moving in those circles, and I certainly was not on any of my three trips there, one earlier this year. There are Spaniards, Germans and Jews at the top. In fact a prominent Jewish lawyer and two Lebanese clients were assassinated a couple years ago for threatening to expose alleged involvement of the current president and his cabinet in a money laundering scheme through a major national bank. — Otherwise the country is uniformly indigenous, and that isn’t so very bad, as they happen to be quite decent people overall, despite whatever they’ve done to each other. The contrast of attitude between Guatemala and Honduras is day and night, also.

If the truth were known, abundance of material wealth is not a sine qua non for me, so I doubt the relative poverty of Latin America would inconvenience me terribly.

Right. Making a living is next to impossible without business ability. Forget finding a mere “job” without a trade of some sort. But most people have one or two, and the benefit is that it’s much easier to ply a trade without state interference in Uruguay (or Belize) than in the Eurosphere. It is nothing at all to purchase some teak or citrus orchard in Belize at least, keep casual watch over it, harvest when it’s time and reap the profit.

Again the problem isn’t with leaving Kwa, it’s how certain of our company imagine it must happen. The “Mumbai Model” is swarming, not planning. The English have already done this in Spain and France. Blah blah blah.

Guessedworker may come on with the well-worn line that uprooting oneself is this and that, etc. But people cannot be blamed for abandoning perpetually stressful situations if they can afford to do. We’re all human, all behaving in exactly the same ways in different spheres of action.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 19:52 | #

White Zion is about a concerted group ideologically motivated to expatriate, doing so to one coordinated place, and then gradually ‘whitening’ or ‘Wnationalizing’ the place over time, just as boatloads of Mexicans have now Hispanicized (and effectively conquered) CA via immigration. This is not some huge deal, it really isn;t. The objections people offer are mostly ludicrous. Too many WNs have lurid but not vivid imaginations. I could move to Uruguay very easily. They badly want immigrants (though perhaps not of the wrong color). They would love a whole lot of white immigrants, I’m sure, to help them prop up their failed welfare state.

That said, I’ve never advocated Uruguay as the ideal WZ location. I certainly disagree with CS’s suggestion re Russia. The point is Racial Sovereignty: we will never be assured of safety and thus genetic perpetuity without our own version of Israel (which is part of why it is called “White Zion”). Just think Israel. Of course, in the intermediate term, think any American ethnic enclave - Jews in NYC (better, Hasidim in Crown Heights), Cubans in Miami - where the particular defined group has politically taken over the legislative area.

Uruguay is a possibility, but I have argued at length on this site for Australia, esp Tasmania. Suppose over a two decade period a million WN immigrants from around the globe (but mostly the Anglosphere, I would suspect) move to Oz, acquire Aussie citizenship, gradually internally relocate to still very-white Tasmania, and then vote to declare sovereignty and secede from Australia (maybe even petitioning for UN recognition). Would Australian forces invade the island? American? Doubtful, but even if they threatened to do so, we would have created an ethnic/racial/ideological enclave of our own, perhaps something like Quebec. We would have created our own separatist bloc, which would constantly push for secession in the national parliament. At worst, we could maintain ‘internal controls’ (like the Mafia in various Italian immigrant neighborhoods in the old US), sub rosa making like very difficult for nonwhites who tried to set up there. Of course, leftwing journalists would pen exposes of the “new racist Tasmania”, of its links to the old abo genocide, yada yada. But past a certain numerical threshold, it would only be a matter of time until we could succeed in seceding.

And in the intervening decades, the early pioneers would have a decent quality of life, as well as the chance to invest in comparatively undervalued real estate, which they could all enjoy seeing appreciate in value over time as more WN colonists move there.

Anyway, for whites outside Europe (and possibly there, too), what realistically is the alternative? As I have argued, we WNs will never be the majority anywhere (I hope I’m wrong re parts of Europe, but it’s already happened to us - ie, the impossibility of our living white and free/sovereign - in Southern Africa and the US). Therefore, at best we face a slow but inexorable decline along three parallel vectors: 1) ever increasing numbers of nonwhites, through fertility as well as immigration; 2) ever greater miscegenation, and hence genetic loss or pollution; 3) ever increasing WN consciousness among the remaining unpolluted whites, but also ever decreasing political power, this, I believe, leading to ever greater resentment among the new nonwhite masters for the now dispossessed white Old Stock. Where will these trends ultimately lead?

WZ is about defying those otherwise inexorable trends, while facing practical realities (eg, that it would be far easier to demographically/electorally conquer a smallish predominantly white country, like Australia, many of whose whites are not disposed to welcoming Third World immigration, than to secede as a racial community from a huge one like America). All the stuff about ‘internal secession’, ‘microcommunities’, WN consciousness raising, etc, applies to whatever roads we take, anyway.


Posted by tc on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 21:04 | #

I gotta say something to yaall, intellectuals.

The storm is upon us.

It is draped in multicolor, appearing in different shades for all of us. For some of us, it is simple economy. For some, it is culture, or rather, the lack of it. Some see history, destiny, some are viewing it from a religious platform.

I do not know, what the future brings, but there is one thing, that I am certain of:

The rally, that is organized in support of this woman will go down in history.

Either it will bring the utter capitulation of the British Nation in front of the forces of their enemies…

Or it will signify the point in time for future generations, when they awoke from the songs of the sirens, nad have unseated their mighty sword.

What will You tell Your kin, Your Brether, when they ask You: Where were You on Emma West Day?

oh…I was just sittn’ in me cubicle…or delivering some odd whatchamacallit…or I just…

was…gulp…afraid to go down there…

I say to You, man - Be there!

Fokkin’ better be there!

You owe it to Yourself.

If You do not show, there is not another word, I want to hear from You.




Posted by tc on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 21:27 | #

unseated should read unsheathed and Brether Brethren. Sorry.

I have had a chance to participate in such a historical occasion. I have left home, stopping by my sys’s place to install a light fixture - 5 minutes max…I thought. Went on for 2 hours.

By the time I have realized what is happening on the streets, it was all, but over.

I am not saying, that my presence would have made a difference - but it hurts deeply, that I wasn’t on the side of my Brothers in Arms, when the call came.

To this day, with the absolute inner conviction, that it was not in any way my avoiding the demonstration - it still hurts me. I shoulda been there.

Nothing, no amount of excuses, rationalizing makes up for it. It actually separates me from my Brothers in Arms - in my mind anyway.

Save Yourself from that feeling.

Be there!


Posted by CS on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 22:21 | #


I was thinking now might be a good time to photocopy a large number of “Bob’s Mantras” and post them around Britain and deliver them to houses.


I think will have to have people literally vote with their feet to decide where White Zion would be. I doubt everyone will agree on the same country. Perhaps we will and should have more than one although the fewer the better. I guess which ever one takes off the first and the most will become my defacto choice. Tasmania is an interesting idea especially in regards to pushing separation.

Critics of White Zion,

If you have a better idea let us know.


Posted by tc on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 22:46 | #

No CS, simply: BE THERE!

That is Your personal salvation.

Make that step. Be there.
Thank me later for advising for it…or don’t.

But if You are not at the rally, I do not think You will forgive Yourself.

It is gonna be a watershed event.

Mark my words.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 01 Dec 2011 23:42 | #

What Emma West Day rally? And where and when, exactly (not that I will be in Britain anytime, but I can pass the word…)?


Posted by Gudmund on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 00:17 | #


I’m impressed with your knowledge of LA, it makes me realize I’ve a passing acquaintance with the area (if one can at all consider it a bloc, since it’s so diverse) thanks to short travels and reading but it takes actually living there to have those kind of insights that you present here.  Such a perspective is valuable for we who are trying to weigh the options.

This is worth more discussion when I have more time - but one more thing.  In regards to your point regarding indios, it’s one I’ve heard before.  People in these circles often have a view of indios that’s fairly negative but it seems that they are fairly low-crime, decent folk despite their considerable difference from whites.  As an example of this, it is actually the mestizo areas of northern Mexico that have the worst crime and drug problems - such problems are much less common in the south around Oaxaca, Chiapas, etc where indios are the majority.  The point of all of this, I guess, is that they probably wouldn’t make the worst neighbors, contrary to popular sentiment among our sort.


There’s nothing inherently wrong with Australia and its near neighbors like NZ.  Those are quite livable areas, and furthermore Australian culture to me seems far more “rugged” or “real” than the generally emasculated urban-white outlook of America or Canada.  They are Anglophone, clean, have high living standards, good economies, etc.

The one problem is immigration.  Where their governments once promoted an exclusively white immigration policy, similar to what was done in America in the first half of the 20th century, they do not do so any longer.  There is now a mass influx of Asians (of many varieties) into these lands and it will not abate any time soon.  If that is not a problem for you, then by all means promote the idea.  Honestly, I might prefer the company of slant-eyes and subcons to that of libwhites.  They probably would not have a problem with at least implicit racial organization.


Posted by tc on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 00:26 | #

Well, Leon, I will just shut the fuck up and not answer Your inquiry today.

Leon…be there!

We’ ll discuss Your experiences after tomarra…shall we?


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 00:36 | #


WTF? I wish I could be there. But I live in the US, and am in no position to fly to UK at the moment.

Best of luck, however.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 00:55 | #

The one problem is immigration.  Where their governments once promoted an exclusively white immigration policy, similar to what was done in America in the first half of the 20th century, they do not do so any longer.  There is now a mass influx of Asians (of many varieties) into these lands and it will not abate any time soon.  If that is not a problem for you, then by all means promote the idea.  Honestly, I might prefer the company of slant-eyes and subcons to that of libwhites.  They probably would not have a problem with at least implicit racial organization.(Gudmund)

But why that Asian influx? I think the unpatriots in the corporate community simply want cheap labor (probably the real estate lobby likes them, too). Is Oz policy to prefer Asians to whites, or is it the case that few whites actually have applied to move there, so they take what they can get?

Anyway, WNs need ever to be aware that Diversity is today a global white cult, a kind of new religion taking the place formerly held by Christianity. A lot of whites are brainwashed by the cult, and are essentially unrecoverable (ie, we should want their gene lines to go extinct; the strength of the wolf is the strength of the pack, and ‘our pack’ would be far stronger if culled of its weaker elements). Apparently these form majorities in all white nations, at least in the West.

WNs are never going to be the majority anywhere, absent victorious civil war (which only a tiny number, even of WNs, want), and so we will be doing 30 years from now what we were doing 30 years ago - complaining about the latest nonwhite outrage, Jewish media control, lickspittle conservatives, cultureless whites, etc. Nothing will ever change. More and more whites will come to our side, but only in tandem with constant demographic shrinkage, both absolute (below replacement fertility + miscegenation), and relative (to the nonwhite invaders pouring in).

I hate to be the prophet of doom, and I do hope I am wrong. I certainly strongly encourage local nationalist activism (which is psychologically satisfying in itself, and can produce in some good), as well as measures and movements (even if untraditionally religious - eg, Mormonism - or which I otherwise find bizarre, like evangelicalism) to increase white fertility. Maybe some of these initiatives will lead to more enduring successes. 

But WZ must be an option, and it must be pursued. A global Aryan ingathering is still, to me, likely the only hope for white perpetuity. I assert that the burden of proof to the contrary, demonstrating that some other focus of activism offers a realistic possibility for long term survival, rests with the opponents of WZ. 






Posted by tc on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 01:15 | #

You are excused, however, the majority(rights) stuff here is not.

Tomorrow is Emma West Day.

The opening, that Emma has given us is invaluable. The whole PC agenda rests against it.

We will never, ever have a clearer case, if we let this one slide.


Posted by Randy Garver on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 02:06 | #

Leon Haller:

But why that Asian influx? I think the unpatriots in the corporate community simply want cheap labor (probably the real estate lobby likes them, too).

One answer to your question is that not enough of the existing populace has sufficient technical skill to keep the economy growing. My wife has a number of friends who emigrated to Australia. They’re in technical fields and earn several multiples of the median income. This is hardly “cheap” labor, and there’s no reason why native Australians can’t get educations in these fields, except that they apparently don’t care to.

Rather than continue to fantasize about abandoning your less-mobile countrymen, why not engage in tangible, local activism which would actually serve to raise up your fellows as well as reduce the demand for immigration? Allow me to suggest the “Haller Mentorship Program for Excellence in Engineering and Medical Science”. I’ll even volunteer my services as a member of the advisory board.


Posted by Gudmund on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 02:07 | #

Is Oz policy to prefer Asians to whites, or is it the case that few whites actually have applied to move there, so they take what they can get?

I imagine that it mostly has to do with proximity.  However, I seem to recall Dan Dare (formerly a regular contributor here) saying something about it being more difficult for Europeans to relocate to these areas than before.  It could be that the system has become more stringent and that whites are now being edged out on the margins.  Honestly, I know only the broad trends in this case, not the specifics of policy.

I agree with your view that the short-term view for whites demographically is not good in itself, but the main problem is absolute numbers.  There is not any reliable data to suggest that, for example, race mixing has increased in frequency appreciably (it has to some degree but not even close to as much as the diversity-mongers would like).  As it stands, whites still overwhelmingly seek the company of other whites and they are actually, furthermore, doing fairly well economically vis-a-vis other racial groups, at least here in America.  I don’t know if doom scenarios are absolutely warranted here, it could be that there will be less of us but that we will do better.  As for fertility, I don’t see that improving in the short run; even in places where it has been tried through government incentive to increase white fertility (i.e. Russia), it hasn’t been particularly successful.  Again, this (falling birth rates) is an accelerating phenomenon and not limited to whites for that matter.

Also consider the exchange I had with uh above.  Whites are able to maintain dominant positions where they have historically had them, even in the face of being vastly outnumbered (parts of Latin America embody this).  I believe that cohesion will instinctively improve as demographic conditions decline, as it also did in Latin America.  Don’t get me wrong, I would rather that we didn’t have to deal with demographic decline but it seems inevitable, so I’m looking to make the best of a lousy situation.


Posted by Gudmund on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 02:16 | #

One answer to your question is that not enough of the existing populace has sufficient technical skill to keep the economy growing.

Talent shortages seem to be universal, though, so this isn’t limited to majority white countries.  I don’t at all doubt that there is a skill shortage, there is also one here in America.  What’s to say that it isn’t simply a case of inadequate education on the one hand and too few smart people on the other to really meet the demands of a technological civilization?

The other thing is that, while there is no doubt that many of these Asian immigrants are in fact elite relative to their countries’ general populaces, i.e. skilled and educated rather than menial laborer types, you can’t rule out the possibility that Asians in technical fields may be willing to work for less, thus being more attractive to employers. 

It must be said too that a large part of the influx stems from family reunification policies and a not-too-small amount from refugees (i.e. Near Eastern, these are also technically Asian), so is not strictly merit-based.  And here we see the faults of the “human rights” regime - they pursue productivity, except when they don’t.


Posted by ex-uh on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 02:47 | #

Honestly, I might prefer the company of slant-eyes and subcons to that of libwhites.  They probably would not have a problem with at least implicit racial organization.

Was it here that I mentioned Gianluca Iannone and CasaPound (site lately hacked)?

The building stands in a quarter of Rome that’s seen very heavy influx of Chinamen (working in garments / laundry). To date, there has not been a single attack on the building, nor CasaPound adherents, by Chinese residents of the quarter. Of course.

Also, still more anecdotal, I recently did some heavy flirting with a 19 year old Korean gal who giggled like mad when she saw my tattoos. We both happened to have lines of Sanskrit poetry on our bodies. She was white as a snowflake and every millimeter as pretty.

I’ve had some good frank discussions about Jews with Hindus. At university once, in New York, a little Hindu chap overheard me in conversation with a large Jewish girl, and stepping up said: “Oh, are you talking about Israel? I find this topic fascinating but I fear you might not like my opinions of the matter ... “

As for Australia ... do you guys remember Romper Stomper? LOL. The Asians have been there for decades now. They are Australian now.


Posted by Steve Robinson on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 06:24 | #

I think that it is a sad thing to see someone like that saying all thoughs racists words, embarassing herself to the whole world, now she’s been exposed and especially in front of children. Very sad !


Posted by CS on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 06:56 | #

Steve Robinson,

I think it’s sad that so many white people like I presume you are are so fucking dumb and brainwashed they celebrate their own genocide and condemn those who object to it. If there was any justice in the world libtards like you would be forced to live with all the niggers people like you have let into our countries.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 11:39 | #


You seem to have an interesting (personal) background and skill set. Multilingual, world traveler, well-read, etc, yet with a measure of proletarian in you, too. What is your precise background (age, ethnicity, nationality, education, career, etc), if you don’t mind my asking? Obviously, I;m not expecting personal ID, just some general sense. Tattoos, Hegel, Uruguay, etc, it all seems rather eclectic, at the very least.

Me, I’m 44, white mixed Euro-American (mostly German), Orange County upbringing, clean-cut, no tattoos or (ugh!) piercings, Republican, paleocon, Ivy League undergrad, JD/MBA from UC (I’m not going to say which schools), business management/sales/marketing career, some political work, never married, currently out of state and returned to school to do a doctorate in religious studies with main emphasis on Catholic Thought (this sounds like a personal ad, but whatever).

I’m curious re others. How varied are the backgrounds of nationalists?


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 11:52 | #


There are so few whites who accept racial reality, and still fewer willing to fight for the race. This I know: I have many friends who are loosely racialist, but who really just don’t care if whitey goes extinct, as long as they get to keep their beemers and ocean-view properties - which they won’t, of course (leastways not long-term), but most just don’t feel the crisis.

Thus, I’m really not interested in simply improving the lives of my fellow whites. I want to preserve white civilization, which requires a critical and empowered mass of racially conscious whites willing to struggle for collective racial goals. I’m only concerned with aiding that specific struggle.

But thanks for the offer of your services. Perhaps you should focus your activism on persuading your colleagues and family of the unnecessity of continued mass immigration.


Posted by CS on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 12:21 | #


I find it better not to talk about myself. Aside from anon issues, talking about yourself leads to ad hom attacks about being Catholic, having a non-white girlfriend and “not being a true WN as you have created no white children”. The less you talk about yourself the more time you can talk about issues instead of engaging in name calling sessions with people who are supposedly on your side.

One advantage (and disadvantage) about Australia is that Australiia is part of ZOG. That means you will be fired, harassed and possibly jailed simply for speaking about our issues. In countries like Belize or Paraguay my guess is that you could publicly talk about these issues without negative consequences. Whites can also form groups, create their own schools and possibly exercise “freedom of association” that they can’t in Australia.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 12:22 | #


There is not any reliable data to suggest that, for example, race mixing has increased in frequency appreciably (it has to some degree but not even close to as much as the diversity-mongers would like). As it stands, whites still overwhelmingly seek the company of other whites and they are actually, furthermore, doing fairly well economically vis-a-vis other racial groups, at least here in America.  I don’t know if doom scenarios are absolutely warranted here, it could be that there will be less of us but that we will do better.  As for fertility, I don’t see that improving in the short run; even in places where it has been tried through government incentive to increase white fertility (i.e. Russia), it hasn’t been particularly successful.  Again, this (falling birth rates) is an accelerating phenomenon and not limited to whites for that matter.

Not sure about this. I think race mixing is skyrocketing. For example, I notice mixed race kids everywhere today. Certainly, my current school, which has an undergrad connected to it (such that I see lots of college students everyday), has a vastly greater number of mongrels than my university I attended in the 80s had. There are an especially large number of white/Oriental mixtures (like my young girlfriend, for that matter). I think Hispanic/white couples are also skyrocketing (good grief, I even have one of those pairings in my own (non-immediate) family!). And from what I’ve noticed in terms of 20-something couples, I think the ‘mixed-race’ category will grow exponentially in coming decades (just not the number of mulattoes).

I’m not sure I agree about whites’ economic status, either, especially if we remove Jews from that statistic. Most Americans have been getting poorer for a long time, though the feminist-inspired rise of dual income families (with attendant fall in white fertility), has mitigated that socialist + minority parasite-caused immiseration trend, until recently (and probably henceforth, too - the economic “shot in the arm” from ‘liberating’ Aryan womanhood and getting them into the workplace has largely dissipated [nb for anti-capitalists: the only “shot in the arm” America has left, other than the current new-technology driven but hardly indefinite domestic energy sector boom, is a radical return to laissez-faire capitalism]).

Incidentally, I do not think white minorities in formerly white nations will be treated remotely as well by their new nonwhite masters as, for instance, Jews have been treated in the US. Do not assume that white minorities will be able to prosper under nonwhite regimes. The more usual course is for whites to be expropriated and then chased away. This, btw, is starting to happen finally in Latin America, too. The white minority rulership there was sociologically complex, but mostly based on the disempowerment of the native races (as with white control of Dixie before the Civil Rights movement), ratified by the Catholic Church, and enforced by white dominated militaries. All that is changing rapidly.

Trust me: whites are only going to survive this century in places where they are the demographic majority.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 12:30 | #

from above:

and probably henceforth, too

This isn’t clear. I meant dual incomes as a strategy for dealing with accelerating impoverishment has not been sufficient in the current Great Recession, and likely won’t be enough in the future, either.

Damn! This isn’t clear, either:

mostly based on the disempowerment of the native races (as with white control of Dixie before the Civil Rights movement)

I meant that pre-Civil Rights, whites controlled nearly all of Dixie, but only because the sizable black population was disproportionately effectively disenfranchised.

Sorry. Tired.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 12:39 | #


Yes, those are problems with OZ, but nowhere is perfect. And there are always ways to be subtle, while still advancing the agenda. Now is a great time to push to end immigration in the US, and Republicans should be doing so. But they shouldn’t do so via our WN concerns. They should argue on the “jobs front” - “How can we be admitting 140k immigrants per month when the allegedly non-partisan NBER tells us that, at present population growth, we will not reach full employment until 2020, even without another recession, which looks increasingly likely?”. They should not let on the real reasons to end the invasion (1. keep America whiter, and 2. nonwhites vote Democrat).

I think that could be a hugely winning issue next year for the GOP nominee, unless they were to discuss the racial angle.

Similarly, we can be subtle in Oz, too, in the beginning.



Posted by Sigh on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 15:25 | #

>What do Brits have against Poles?

>Poles are White. Poles are generally lighter and fairer than Brits.


The same people who object to “race replacement” support ethnic replacement.

What is hard to understand about the idea that native Poles are slightly different on average to British people, Greeks slightly more different, Iranians more different still, Indians more different et cetera? What the hell is this “white” crap?

If you object to ethnic replacement of British people by “wogs” and semi-wogs, you should also object to their replacement (in a degree commensurate with the scale of the difference) by any other ethnic group that could be considered reasonably distinct from them.

Or if pale skin simpliciter is the order of the day - well that’s pretty darn pathetic.


Posted by Gudmund on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 16:09 | #

Not sure about this. I think race mixing is skyrocketing ...

I’ve seen the same trends here (I’m in the urban Upper Midwest) that you have, but what I’m saying is that there isn’t data to show a great deal of change regarding race mixing.  The vast majority of marriages, a good indicator of the practices of “normal” people, are between two people of the same race, and the data I’ve seen suggest that whites are the most likely of any ethnic group to marry their own kind.  Also, I’m well aware that the trend is away from marriage, but that’s what I have to go on.

Like I said, race mixing has certainly increased in frequency, but not as much as exposure to an urban setting would lead you to initially believe.  If there is convincing evidence to the contrary in the coming years, then I’ll gladly concede the point.

One last thing, race mixing has never bothered me as much as some in these parts, because frankly I think quality matters far more than quantity.  The sort of people who shack up with blacks and mestizos are generally from the lower orders.  I honestly don’t see that as a great loss.

I’m not sure I agree about whites’ economic status, either, especially if we remove Jews from that statistic. Most Americans have been getting poorer for a long time ...

I was referring to the study done earlier this year (I want to say it was released in July) that showed that, in America, the financial crisis took the lightest toll on whites and that whites are the most affluent group.  Consider that Hispanics lost most of their wealth, blacks have an appallingly low average concentration of wealth per household, and that Asians lost out considerably as well.  That’s not a reason for optimism, exactly, but the claim that we’re better off than other groups is factual.

About minority parasitism, this can obscure the data I just mentioned a bit because these groups (aside from, say, East Asians or Indians) are more likely to receive all sorts of assistance from the government than whites, but these groups are still generally very poor.  It must be said that they have very little ability to plan ahead and accumulate wealth, so even with many welfare benefits they are going to be poorer than whites.

Incidentally, I do not think white minorities in formerly white nations will be treated remotely as well by their new nonwhite masters as, for instance, Jews have been treated in the US.

I don’t think this is accurate, Leon.  The part about ‘nonwhite masters’, I mean.  It is not realistic to assume that the colored underclasses are going to seize power.  They could cause a lot of trouble, but wholesale usurpation of the state is not going to happen.  Again, these groups are not capable of that sort of organization, and they are furthermore easily placated.  This is why the minority-based spoils system was started, at least in America, to prevent the coloreds from rioting.  That’s not a good long-term strategy, but it (along with high incarceration rates) has largely kept the ferals in line.

The possibility is always there for whites to be kicked out/victimized in places where their hold is tenuous and their numbers small.  But for European nations, or settler countries like America, Canada, Australia, it’s not going to happen.  Please do not misinterpret me, I have no doubt that life will become more difficult in all these places but I just can’t buy the doom scenario.


Posted by Gudmund on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 16:20 | #

I’ll add some links to go along with my post above.

Here is the source about wealth of households by race (there was one that also included Asians but I can’t find it just now):


Look at these threads for evidence on birthrates (pay particular attention to the posts by Petr, there are a lot of nonsense posts, so stick to the factual ones if interested - and don’t be put off by the thread names, they have solid data):



Lastly, the studies about out-marriage are older, so I don’t have time to dig them up now.


Posted by silver on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 20:39 | #

Australia’s no different to Canada, really.  I’m pretty sure there’s still reasonably widespread racial sentiment out there but, whereas even fifteen (even ten) years ago it still expressed itself openly, it’s now gone way, way underground.  The younger generation mixes socially to the point race seems almost a complete afterthought.  I even see groups, of three or four people each race, of whites and arabs (mostly lebanese) hanging out together—unheard of when I was growing up.  It doesn’t happen that often, but it’s that it happens at all that is eye-opening. 

Open racial hostilities have almost disappeared from view.  I used to witness racial fistfights between whites and lebanese or whites and what Americans call ‘white ethnics’ pretty much every weekend.  I’m sure they still take place here and there but it’s telling that I can report it’s been a few years since I’ve seen one (and I tend to frequent rowdy sorts of nightspots).

That’s just the way race goes.  Name one society that’s ever reversed this trend.  I can think of NS Germany and that’s it. There were also a couple of population swaps here and there after WWI, and the mass expulsion of Germans after WWII, but those were more ‘ethnic’ than strictly racial.  There might be a couple of other examples that I’ve gone blank on (oh, Pallies from Kuwait in 90/91), but that’s really the point, isn’t it?  Neither the degree of racial difference nor the intensity of initial resentment makes much difference over the long-term.  Whatever private misgivings or personal preferences people have, in the long run people’s desire is to find some way to get along with whomever happens to be around, regardless of how they got there.

If you care about race or ‘racial living’ this is the situation you have to contend with.  It makes little difference that most people tend to cleave to their own kind (or barring that possibility, with similar kinds).  That’s a sign that people still care a little.  But what is required is for people to care ‘a lot.’  People caring a little gives you something to work with, but the WN tendency is drive those people away from race rather than to draw them deeper into it.  WNs are 99% grief, despair and loathing, none of which people find attractive.  WNs don’t care, though.  They have “The Truth,” as they see it.  And any minute now the populace is going to spontaneously ‘wake up’ and realize it (which is what they’ve been banking on for the last, what, forty, fifty years, but no matter).  WNs are so in thrall to this “Truth” they think they possess that the idea that people require reasons to act (to do or not do, to commence or to cease doing something, especially something as momentous as a racial revolution) totally mystifies them.  (Obviously I’m not talking about all WNs here.  ‘Leaders,’ though a sorry let themselves, typically have a better grasp of politics, but their minions are totally out at sea—just log on to SF or VNN and see.)

Still, things seem to be changing.  The ‘mantra’ and other memes that resonate with people are beginning to circulate and slowly change minds (in a lasting way).  That’s a positive development.  In my view, though, the outcome will be a lot more people still only caring ‘a little’ rather than caring ‘a lot.’  That’s why I believe ‘racial reform’ is much more likely than ‘racial revolution.’  It’s certainly possible that the former could lead to the latter, which worries me, because I believe that would be a terrible step backwards in human relations.  Possibly such a revolution could be limited in objectives and effects, though, so perhaps all wouldn’t be lost. 



Posted by Liberal Heresy on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 22:10 | #

We compared how evaluations by out-group members and evaluations by in-group members affected participants’ stress responses—their neuroendocrine reactivity, cognitive appraisals, and observed anxiety—and how participants’ implicit racial bias moderated these responses. Specifically, White participants completed measures of racial bias prior to the experiment. During the experiment, participants performed speech and serial subtraction tasks in front of White or Black interviewers. Several saliva samples were obtained, and they were assayed for catabolic (“breaking down”) and anabolic (“building up”) hormones. Interviewers’ race and participants’ racial bias interacted in predicting stress responses. When interviewers were Black, lower racial bias was linked with more salutary stress responses: lower threat appraisals, less anxiety, and increased levels of anabolic hormones. When interviewers were White, no effect was found for threat appraisals or anabolic hormones, and the reverse effect was observed for anxiety. Egalitarianism may have physical and psychological benefits for people living in a diverse society. source

I had a range of studies, such as the above, saved in a document somewhere. Unfort I think on one of my now semi-defunct PCs. This abstract here was not one of them.

It does seem to show that those individuals of non-egalitarian instincts (80% of the population?) find interaction with other races stressful. Multiply that by the extremes that a Croydon tram and Croydon life now involves and one can make a strong defensive case to average members of the public regarding Emma West’s outspoken outburst as well as the psychological costs of living in a multi racial society.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 22:55 | #


Thoughtful comments as usual. I agree with you in that outside of their immediate and obvious personal concerns most people do not seriously engage with any political idea worthy of the name – hell they don’t engage with any idea worthy of the name. But I would say that if, we are being brutal, the ‘sheeple’ simply seek to conform with whatever particular norms are operative in their society, without too much questioning of those norms. If it is virtuous to be open-minded and tolerant most will at least superficially go with it. If the Zeitgeist changes then the sheeple generally follow so long as the disconnect between the prevailing ideological tropes and their experience of social reality is not too great. If the cognitive dissonance is too great such about everyone will realise the ideological narrative is illegitimate nonsense (something along these lines was very important in the internal socio-political dynamics of the fall of the USSR – everyone eventually knew they lived in a pathetic lie).

Do you recall that discussion on MR about political emotions? Those videos on You-tube about white privilege (Tim Wise pops up) which I suggested demonstrated a spectrum from true believers through to cynical/conformist adopters. Understanding the role of conformism and more generally emotions in political decisions is vital. That brings to the importance of lowering the emotional/psychological ‘costs’ for your audience, as much as is feasible, so that as many as possible will at least listen to what you have to say.

Now this does not involve droning on about the Holocaust, or screaming racial epithets in the street. It does involve cultivating an air of modest reasonableness, common decency and a pious concern for social cohesion and sustainability etc. With a decent level of rhetorical ability go against the grain of what people ‘expect’ those type of people to say etc. Buy political and moral capital by green-washing etc. It’s not that difficult…but then again look at the likes of the hard of thinking Griffin – he radiates an air of dishonesty and thuggery like some extremely oleaginous slug. And it is a problem that I have discussed with GW before – too many nationalists look and sound like inarticulate losers/thugs/weirdos to Mr & Mrs Average. That might be unfair but perception is all-important in everyday politics (which is effectively an advertising campaign).

Look people might not like the politics of a Pim Fortuyn or Geert Wilders but they operate(d) at a much more sophisticated level of rhetoric than the pitiful Griffin (or indeed anyone in the BNP). I believe that a significant amount of Wilder’s votes come from the Dutch middle class worried about ‘Dutch’ values. Or take Alex Salmond – the leader of the civic nationalist Scottish National Party (SNP). In his political lifetime he has taken the SNP vote from being statistically insignificant to bringing Scotland to the verge of independence from the UK (50:50 is my judgement on the likelihood of this occurring in the next few years).

So there are models of ideas/causes that have been extremely marginal in political terms coming into real socio-political significance under skilful political stewardship. Returning to Salmond, he has always maintained that independence is his ultimate aspiration but has been utterly and ruthlessly pragmatic about how he goes about about it. For example, by using being the Scottish Government (in a merely devolved administration) to demonstrate how ‘mature and competent’ the SNP is in everyday ‘normal’ politics rather than unintelligently tub-thumping for immediate independence. The idea is to make a big change (independence) seem like a very, very small change, hence not particularly risky.

My own thoughts are to re-invent the ‘radical centre’ – post-liberal, moderately green (critical of consumerism and its effects etc.), eschewing ‘extreme’ ideas (especially when entirely irrelevant to the core issues), anti-globalist, small ‘c’  conservative and communitarian and so forth. And the names Aristotle, Heidegger or Darwin would NOT appear anywhere in the leaflets! Even the man at the trendy gastro-pub can only deal with so much.


Posted by uh sux on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 00:58 | #


banned again!


Posted by J Richards on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 04:33 | #

@ex-uh / uh sux

Whereas someone banned you as “anon /uh” (I don’t know who or why), this time no one banned you.  I’m guessing that you attempted to use a proxy that was banned because of spammer abuse.  Use a different proxy.


Posted by Mr Voight on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 10:05 | #

The younger generation mixes socially to the point race seems almost a complete afterthought. - Silver

I take it you’re not in Sydney?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 11:28 | #


If you mail me your banned IP number I will take it off the list.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 12:05 | #

Buy political and moral capital by green-washing etc. It’s not that difficult…but then again look at the likes of the hard of thinking Griffin – he radiates an air of dishonesty and thuggery like some extremely oleaginous slug.

I dunno, Graham.  At least from our hopelessly benighted and irredeemably vulgar American vantage, there seems to be an element of farce built in to British politics.  I mean watch a session of parliment on any day of your choosing and I’m sure you’ll note the torrent of catcalls, jeers and raucous laughter allowed to be hurled at the speaker by his fellow parlimentarians.  Wouldn’t a respectful silence on the part of your members of parliment until the speaker before them has finished be more appropriate so that outsiders are not given the forgivable impression that they are observing the drink-sodden denizens of a German beerhall?


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 12:42 | #

My own thoughts are to re-invent the ‘radical centre’ – post-liberal, moderately green (critical of consumerism and its effects etc.), eschewing ‘extreme’ ideas (especially when entirely irrelevant to the core issues), anti-globalist, small ‘c’  conservative and communitarian and so forth. (Lister)

This approach might work in a place like, I presume, Scotland, that is still overwhelmingly white/native, has deep organic roots, and especially in this case, has the added benefit of seeing the horrors of multiculturalism right next door in England (though I’m not aware that this confluence of encouraging facts has actually resulted in any huge surge in Scottish ethnonationalist/anti-immigrationist sentiment). And certainly, as I have been arguing here for some time, the Jared Taylor approach of eschewing highly controversial irrelevancies, like Holocaust denial, Odinist advocacy, skinheadism, etc - let alone the almost pathological folly of Christian-bashing - is virtually a necessity if we ever hope to stop the immigration invasion, which is the sine qua non of any further move towards increasing intranational white racial sovereignty. 

But I think nationalist advocacy needs to be tailored to local contexts (obviously). What might work in one place might not in another. Communitarian agendas in the US are overwhelmingly associated with the Left (as I keep arguing), which in turn is almost universally supportive of multiculturalism. Communitarianism in the US translates as “more taxes on whites to pay for minority benefits”.

And re ‘extreme ideas’ - wouldn’t the core nationalist goal of repatriating nonwhites out of Europe count as one? I suppose one can pursue a strategy (again what I have repeatedly advocated) of gradual radicalization; ie, we accomplish one goal, like militarily sealing the US/Mexico border, or abolishing affirmative racism, and then immediately ‘move the goal posts’ to some other goal, like ending legal immigration, or restoring freedom of economic association.

But for countries like England and France, whose very national existences are now at stake, a strategy of radical centrism probably won’t be sufficient. In those places, I think nationalist leaders need to take whatever stance on non-racial issues like healthcare is most popular (or least unpopular, as things are today so contentious), but concentrate full fire - be radical, but rightist - on ending immigration, and defending national/cultural identity. The situations must be polarized, so that common people are forced to make a clear choice im favor of national preservation (or not, as I suspect would be the case - but then, once the suicide pact has received electoral ratification, we could get on the with the more important business of pursuing White Zion).


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 13:01 | #

And re ‘extreme ideas’ - wouldn’t the core nationalist goal of repatriating nonwhites out of Europe count as one?

Why not make repatriation of criminal aliens a consistent theme of political rhetoric in European political nationalism?  This would have the advantage of subliminally accustoming voters to a more ambitious bout of repatriation later. 



Posted by uh sux on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 13:48 | #

J Richards,

Thanks for your candor. I know who did it, but no matter.

Why don\‘t you call the new folder \“Articles\” — trash is a bit harsh no?


Will do. Thanks a lot.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 14:02 | #

Why not make repatriation of criminal aliens a consistent theme of political rhetoric in European political nationalism? (Chaos)

That’s very shrewd, assuming it’s not standard procedure already. Or by “aliens”, are you referring to any nonwhite, including ones born on European soil? Maybe start at the halfway point: any immigrant criminal (even if lawfully present in Europe, or, indeed, a naturalized citizen) gets deported. Once that is accepted policy, then move to any nonwhite at all who commits a crime gets deported.

And then finally cut out the middle points, and just deport all nonwhites.

But again we have the stubborn question: how many native Europeans actually would vote to expel nonwhites? I wish I could see some solid data on this. I fear it’s not nearly as many as it should be.


Posted by Josep on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 17:07 | #

Definitely, getting to be able to repatriate those criminal aliens would be a political success. that would switch from an “immigrant-loving” scenario, to one where they would know they are not welcome anymore. So a first consequence would be that immigration at present levels as we know it, would be a thing of the past.
Next step would be an increase of social tension, that would open the way to further expulsions.

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)


Posted by uh on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 18:36 | #

But again we have the stubborn question: how many native Europeans actually would vote to expel nonwhites?

The Swiss and Italian vote would be assured. The Swiss were allowed a plebiscite not long ago to decide the status of criminal immigrants (mostly from southern Italy). I forget the outcome, should be easy to find. Italians would not hesitate to vote Africans and everyone else out of town.

But their nations would not receive this backwash. It would be camp of the saints for them.


Posted by Silver on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 05:14 | #


I take it you’re not in Sydney?

No, I’m not.  I can accept that things perhaps work a bit differently there but I doubt it’s too different.  It’s hard to say, though, because our existing beliefs tend to greatly affect our perceptions of social patterns.  A ‘diversicrat’ will be upset that social mixing isn’t yet complete, that patterns of preference still exist, and he’ll neglect the considerable (though ‘incomplete’) amount of social mixing taking place.  A racialist is dismayed by any amount of social mixing he notices, and pays less attention to the fact that so many (a majority? I’d guess so) still exhibit preferences.


But I would say that if, we are being brutal, the ‘sheeple’ simply seek to conform with whatever particular norms are operative in their society, without too much questioning of those norms. If it is virtuous to be open-minded and tolerant most will at least superficially go with it. If the Zeitgeist changes then the sheeple generally follow so long as the disconnect between the prevailing ideological tropes and their experience of social reality is not too great.

A problem (for racialists) here is that the disconnect can grow quite large without any reconsideration occurring because most people believe that there is something to the charge of ‘racism.’  That is, a person might not think that his own racial feelings, at their present level, amount to racism, but an increase (of whatever sort) of that level would constitute racism. “This [what I feel] isn’t racism.  But that there, now that is racism.” 

In an effort to counter this effect some people point out that racism was ‘only invented in the 30s.’  In other words, racism isn’t real.  It’s pure invention, designed solely to hoodwink whites.  It’s a malicious trick, so just ignore the charge and stop worrying about it.  I don’t think that line of argument has much appeal.  It might satisfy racialists, but most people understand that the sorts of feelings, beliefs and attitudes encompassed by the term ‘racism’ long predated its invention, so they don’t care about the term’s relatively recent vintage.  As far as most people are concerned ‘racism’ [“that’s racist!”] gets at something, something rather important. 

And always, the existence of “free radicals” (like Alaric, ‘Chaos et al), who are only too prepared to believe the very, very worst about other races, whose hatred of other races is off-the-charts, has the effect of reassuring doubters that, hmm, it’s as I originally thought, racism exists and it’s pretty ghastly. 

The result is that the negative effects of (mass) multiracialism can continue to compound with little to no attention paid to their root cause because thinking about those root causes discomfits so many.


But their nations would not receive this backwash. It would be camp of the saints for them.

No, it wouldn’t.  Those who’d be repatriated will have amassed wealth, knowledge and skill that would provide a boost to their countries of origin (or destination).  There would certainly be nothing like the feeling of being overrun by aliens for the locals of those countries.  Non-black countries might feel it gives them just the psychological/moral shot in the arm required to repatriate the blacks—invariably the most troublesome and unwanted of outsiders—who will be certain to have infiltrated their countries in substantial numbers by the time any European repatriation effort gets under way (if it ever does) and so welcome the repatriation of their compatriots.



Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 08:12 | #


the existence of “free radicals” (like Alaric, ‘Chaos et al), who are only too prepared to believe the very, very worst about other races, whose hatred of other races is off-the-charts

I’m a proponent of racial separation.  So, out of sight, out of mind, with no love lost.  I take it this mirrors your own sentiments towards negroes as relates to your own wog people.


Posted by Silver on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 13:59 | #


I think it’s encouraging that even you feel the need to make the right noises (“proponent of racial separation”).  But I know what you are and you know what you are, so let’s not kid ourselves about what you really stand for.  (It’s not pretty.  Not even his own people meet the mighty Cap’n's exacting standards.  In his own words, nordicism isn’t some description of what is, but of what will/must be.)

Remember when I wrote, “In their [your, the nutzis’] grim view, the Hebrew has dethroned the Teuton, humbled him and dispossessed him, and the forces he has unleashed threaten to permanently extinguish him”?  Remember that? That really got the blood pumping, didn’t it?  Sweet revenge would be yours, I bet you vowed.  (What else am I to make of the phrase “bottomless rage”?) Well, that’s the same madness that led you to getting spanked the last time around.  (Make no mistake, that’s exactly how I see WWII: a glorious Slav/Jew defensive victory, as well as, subsequently, a victory for the common man everywhere.)

If you could only but grasp that the rest of the world isn’t necessarily an implacable enemy, you might then endeavor to foment a spirit of cooperation and understanding.  Understanding of the issues can hardly help but leave one dissatisfied with the status quo or the present course; whereas in-your-face racial hatred has the effect of slamming the door shut on any further consideration of racial issues.  I really do think you, personally, are wholly incapable of grasping this point (though I’d love to be proven wrong), but I make the point in the hope that some others, not (yet) completely given over to base hatred, might take it and run with it.


Posted by uh on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 14:45 | #

No, it wouldn’t.  Those who’d be repatriated will have amassed wealth, knowledge and skill that would provide a boost to their countries of origin (or destination).  There would certainly be nothing like the feeling of being overrun by aliens for the locals of those countries.

I think it’s time to polish those rose-tinted glasses, Silly.



Posted by uh on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 15:05 | #

a victory for the common man everywhere

I’m common. Just went shopping at a Hebrew grocery called “Sarah’s Tent”. Quo victoria mei?


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 09:50 | #


Your attempts to encapsulate what I am as the sum of your fear and loathing can only result in the failure of you unwittingly providing a less than flattering portrait of yourself.  I find your commentary perpetually amusing, occasionally enlightening and never threatening, not on any level.  There are some, whom I respect, who cannot, clearly for their own psychological reasons, agree with me in that assessment.  “But what if he’s a malicious Jew playing the role of discourse saboteur?  Look at what he writes, it is literally dripping with Jewish-style ethnic grievance.” they may object.  My response to that is, “Yes, that interpretation surely does have a certain surface plausibility, but it is hardly definitive.  Maybe the guy is just cracked in his own way, harboring a fixation for racial issues and consumed with guilty self-loathing about it; guilt and self-loathing he oft projects onto those he debates such issues with.”  Whatever the case, hardly cause for consternation for those who are not in need of growing a pair.


Posted by Bill on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 11:59 | #

Why has this video had such a huge impact throughout the blogosphere?

It is because this slip of a girl has reduced us to a shrinking quivering blob of guilt, this girl has hit the spot that makes us (including me) cringe with shame and hate of what we have become.  I’m not talking about the others who find it all so distasteful and are ashamed of being English, no, I’m talking about us here, and all those thousands out there blogging and supporting this frail frightened creature, who has simply had enough and cannot take it any more.

I don’t know anything about this girl, (other than what I (and you) have read) I don’t know what state of health she is in, or whether she is a heavy drinker, or partaking in substances libel to the type of outburst that has shook us to the very foundations of our comfort zone.

We are prostrate with guilt at the site of this girl Emma screaming to the heavens what we all are screaming, but do not have the guts to scream out loud.  What ever have we come to?  How did we get like this?

I don’t know what else to say, I really don’t.


Posted by J Richards on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 12:49 | #

Bill: Why has this video had such a huge impact throughout the blogosphere?

Because Jews have promoted it extensively, inviting commentary from a wide audience.  Why have they done this?  As always, to occupy people with trivial matters so as to direct or deflect attention away from more serious matters, which currently is their attempt to use the ongoing financial crisis to more tightly integrate European nations, ostensibly to prevent future economic crises (read: diminish sovereignty and make it easier to cause widespread future financial panics), and their attempts to wage war against Syria and Iran. 

This is one of numerous illustrations why Jews have so heavily been involved in promoting diversity and third world immigration, as these provide plenty of instances, such as the Emma West incident, to occupy people with less important matters and waste their energies on non-productive issues while Jews go about peddling their wares.  Thus, attention is deflected from the primary issues—-money, Jews—-to secondary issues such as immigration, diversity, liberalism, freedom of speech, dual standards, etc.


Posted by Liberal Heresy on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 12:57 | #

A problem (for racialists) here is that the disconnect can grow quite large without any reconsideration occurring because most people believe that there is something to the charge of ‘racism.’  That is, a person might not think that his own racial feelings, at their present level, amount to racism, but an increase (of whatever sort) of that level would constitute racism. “This [what I feel] isn’t racism.  But that there, now that is racism…but <u>most people understand that the sorts of feelings, beliefs and attitudes encompassed by the term ‘racism’ long predated its invention</u>, so they don’t care about the term’s relatively recent vintage.  ”

Do they? Did this understanding always persist, was it widely believed in the 1950s straight after WW2 with the Pathe newsreels showing supposed Nazi terror or it is more reflective of the pedagogic push it has experienced over the last 20 years? I believe the latter, that it is a socially imbued taboo, a Pavlovian reflexive fear.

I feel the way to tackle racism is to outline its expansiveness, its legal and social evolution from a civil offence to the monster we have today. 

Depending on your audience that might be as basic as saying “racism means whatever the accuser wants it to mean” and touch on its ambiguities, right up to an outline of the legal development of the concept and its straying into public institutions such as schools, police forces and so on and into private workplaces through quotas and behaviour requirements. I assume this was all probably done to death in the earlier zippy answers thread, so I will stop there.



Posted by Thorn on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 15:44 | #

Of course the repulsive reflex to Emma West by SO MANY is the result of anti-white memes that have been injected into Western Culture ever since Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto.

Alas, the dispicable cultural-Marxists will use the Emma West tram incident to their advantage. They’ll paint her as _a_ poster child of white-racism and its attendant hate and intolerance, blah blah. They’ll hold her up as an object to be scorned—a social pariah that must not be emulated in any way ... or else! ... and they will succeed, I suspect. Hence, the masses of whites will jump on the anti-Emma bandwagon to one degree or another.

Moreover, they won’t even have a clue as to why they have such impulses which drive them to their own self destructive actions ... or from whence those impulses came. That’s how successful the “anti-racist”/ cultural-Marxist brainwashing has been. Such is the present condition of our racial solidarity and will to survive as a race.

In 1912, a man named Israel Cohen (name “Cohen” is Jewish for priest) wrote a book on Communist tactics, titled “A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century.” An excerpt reads,

“We must realize that our Party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mould them to our program. The terms ‘colonialism’ and ‘imperialism’ must be featured in our propaganda. In America we will aim for subtle victory while inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites. We will endeavour to instil in the Whites a guilt complex for exploiting the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sport and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”


Posted by Bill Yancey on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 16:35 | #

Emma West is important because she is a potential martyr against a new precedent in official suppression. The rabid but unthinking cheerleaders for authority will quickly forget it. Those with better instincts, who have picked up on what’s going on - mostly via all of the info made available on the net (see an above thread about the changing thread wars) - will be reinforced in their thinking. IOW it benefits us in the long run. You can be sure that the Jews are aware of this type of equation and would be worried by it, even if they initially saw it as a positive. It’s a thousand times more convincing than any alleged 1912 statement by an unknown Jew. Nationalists, of whatever stripe, can only benefit from continued exposure of her case. The mob, otoh, has had its 30 second thrill and can gain nothing more from it. We would be stupid to let it go, let alone discourage it as if the Jews were truly all powerful and had planned it as if they plan everything. That this has to be explained is depressing.


Posted by Silver on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 16:36 | #


I don’t disagree that ‘racism’ often means whatever the accuser wants it to mean (generally serving as no more than the ultimate shut-up word).  Nor do I disagree that definitions of ‘racism’ have expanded and ramified well beyond what was initially meant or intended. 

My point is that even if a person happily rejects all that ‘racism’ has come to mean, whether he does so intelligently or philosophically, or whether he does so informally (“bunch of liberal bullshit”), he still feels that the term retains some essential meaning, so he doesn’t reject it entirely (the way a WN, say, does—you know, “white makes right” and that’s it, as far he is concerned).  Typically, he views this essential meaning of racism as having something to do with aversion towards or revulsion of other races (which he may feel to varying degrees himself, or he knows of others who feel or display it) and/or something to do with ‘racial determinism,’ the idea that behaviors and capacities are shaped by heritable (racial) traits. 

I don’t think responses to “that’s racist!” have been remotely “done to death.”  I have no confidence whatsoever in the average WN’s ability to win over an audience, to break through their mental hang-ups, to assuage their reservations.  You know, you might think that, not having anything obviously better to do with their time, they’d spend it honing their ability to make ‘the case for race.’  But no.  They’d rather spend it howling in indignation at the latest outrage, bewailing their plight, commiserating with each other.  Well, that may be understandable, but it’s not a very effective use of their time. 


I find your commentary perpetually amusing, occasionally enlightening and never threatening, not on any level.

I, in contrast, find yours occasionally amusing, never enlightening and perpetually threatening, at every level.  (I’m so happy we finally understand each other!)

I don’t feel ‘guilt’ or ‘self-loathing.’  I feel threatened, personally threatened, by unhinged beserkers like you.  You really should stop and listen to yourself some time.  Obviously the sorts of ‘changes’ (let’s call ‘em) envisioned by you and I (not necessarily one and the same thing, of course, and our reasons surely differ) will certainly not come about without considerable upheaval.  But whereas you regard that with gleeful anticipation (“five million man army” and all that), I regard it with dread and foreboding.  You rush into race with scimitar raised; I back into it out of necessity.


I think it’s time to polish those rose-tinted glasses, Silly.

I’m not really sure what you’re getting at by that and by posting that link.  Do you mean the link contains important information I’ve been ignoring? Or do you mean my comments here are contradicted by the comment I left at that link?

Well, it doesn’t matter.  Neither is true. 

Obviously I’m aware that SSAs are beginning to make their presence felt all across the globe. Frost wasn’t saying anything I didn’t know there. (No conspiracy required there, btw.  Like gases expanding so as to take up all the room in a container, humans spread so as to take up all the room on a planet.  The only ‘conspiracy,’ if you want to call it that, is that they’re doing so in no small part because policy and sentiment are foolishly and tragically myopically allowing them to.)  The link really only helps make my case, so I don’t get why you’re calling me ‘silly.’  SSAs overwhelming Algeria, Algerians overwhelming France (not really, but it’s ‘getting a bit much,’ you could say).  Perfect.  France repatriates Algerians to Algeria, helps Algeria repatriate (or expel) the SSAs back to wherever. 

Secondly, nothing I said in that comment contradicted what I’ve said here.  Some of degree of harshness is going to be required, but that is not incompatible with the kind of ‘understanding’ I advocate. 

I’m common. Just went shopping at a Hebrew grocery called “Sarah’s Tent”. Quo victoria mei?

You’re swimming it.  Perhaps you just don’t realize it.

Seriously, how wasn’t it such a victory?  Conservatards and ‘traditionalists’ bemoan the changes that have occurred over, variously, the past fifty, hundred, two hundred and even two thousand years.  But they’re always rather vague about what it is that upsets them so much.  Race is one thing, certainly.  But they were just as terminally dissatisfied even before race became the issue it today surely is.  The horrible little man who used to publish Instauration used to lament the dearth of “great art,” but what use is great art to me if I don’t have a roof over my head?  Who’d take “great art” over running water, or hot water, or paved roads, or medical clinics, or forty-hour work weeks, or paid leave, or state-sponsored education or any other of a thousand ‘socialistic’ innovations that conservatives have never cared in the slightest about? 

Now, the nazis, whatever their failings, were a reasonably progressive bunch, so it’s not entirely unreasonable to think that some of these innovations would have seen the light of day even had the nazis managed to envelop all of Europe, particularly once the fascistic nationalist fervor died down (as I believe it must eventually do, since I don’t believe it can be sustained).  But it was really with their defeat that rule in the name of ‘greatness’ (ie killing people who are not even your enemies) was replaced with rule in the name of little man.


Posted by Liberal Heresy on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 16:46 | #

I’ll answer your points later Silver, just got back.

For now here’s a counterpoint to the main thread topic seen on the ‘Traditional Britain’ Facebook page.

Girl gang who kicked woman in the head while yelling ‘kill the white slag’ freed after judge hears ‘they weren’t used to drinking because they’re Muslims’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2070562/Muslim-girl-gang-kicked-Rhea-Page-head-yelling-kill-white-slag-FREED.html

  Yobs ripped lump of hair from Rhea Page’s head during High Street attack
  Three sisters and cousin escape with six-month suspended sentences
  Maximum term for assault occasioning actual bodily harm is five years’ jail
  Judge: ‘Those who knock someone to the floor and kick them in the head can expect to go inside, but I’m going to suspend the sentence’




Posted by Liberal Heresy on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 17:00 | #

On the Daily Telegraph website the comments are switched off for this. Sub judice does not apply here so therefore it is an editorial decision. I’d say a chill might be coming in to their discussion platform, considering the extremely unusual permitted content in recent debates.



Posted by Thorn on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 17:39 | #

Those with better instincts, who have picked up on what’s going on - mostly via all of the info made available on the net (see an above thread about the changing thread wars) - will be reinforced in their thinking. IOW it benefits us in the long run.

Don’t kid yourself. If the internet was supposed to be to mechanism to convey the WN message—which was hoped to awaken the masses to the white genocide they face—then it’s been a dismal failure. The numbers reflect that failure. Even though our numbers may have increased twofold, what does that really add up to? I approximate there are only around two thousand of us trying to awaken—TRULY AWAKEN—the white masses to the ongoing genocide we are in the process of experiencing.

In spite of the gallant efforts of American Renaissance, MR, VDare, and a whole host off other white civil rights sites, still we are in stall mode. We are watching in frustration as each succeeding white generation is buying into the “anti-racist” religion of the Left.

On the other hand, the cultural-Marxists are making better use of the Internet . Afterall, they do have almost unlimited resources. More importantly, they are wildly successful at marketing their anti-white propaganda disguised as tolerance; thus steadily increasing their already overwhelming numbers. In doing so they’re advancing their agenda and reinforcing their anti-white ideology by leaps and bounds.

BTW, I don’t subscribe to the notion that Jews are the sole cause of our demise. For the most part, we are doing it to ourselves. We are a very sick race of people. We are ready and willing participants in our own genocide.


David Horowitz once commented that: “Black studies celebrates blackness, Chicano studies celebrates Chicanos, women’s studies celebrates women, and white studies attacks white people as evil.”




Posted by calvin on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 17:59 | #

Has anyone started up a fund for this lass? is the BNP mounting a campaign at all?


Posted by Bill on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 18:05 | #

Does anyone know the identity of the person who was filming Emma West on the tram?


Posted by Bill on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 18:16 | #

Just seen this.  3.02 PM 06.12.2011.  Daily Mail

‘Woman on a tram’ pleads not guilty after court views video of racist rant

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2070647/Woman-tram-pleads-guilty-court-views-video-racist-rant.html#ixzz1fmO0DyiT


Posted by uh on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 18:58 | #

Like gases expanding so as to take up all the room in a container, humans spread so as to take up all the room on a planet.

Again, Captain Obvious to the rescue.

What it means is simply that your prediction of enlightened repatriation won’t be so smooth as that. Nor would repatriation of the talented few balance the remaining untalented many. I can’t believe I even have to point this out. You’re not stupid, like me, but you are perhaps too smart to allow the obvious. An anti-racist, in a word.

It is a fantasy you have conjured. That’s it. NO THIRD WORLD NATION WANTS ITS SURPLUS POPULATION BACK. That is another tragic and unanswerable reality facing nationalists who imagine ‘repatriation’ to be the solution (paging Haller).


Some of degree of harshness is going to be required, but that is not incompatible with the kind of ‘understanding’ I advocate.

You are an expert minimizer.

You’re swimming it.  Perhaps you just don’t realize it.

Common white men in America, 2011, have no advantages; that’s why we spend time on blogs like this. If you have failed to notice that, or deny it, nothing I might say could correct you. I will ask you what I asked this Mexican bimbo, whom one of my relatives plucked from a dusty Oaxacan village twenty years ago, and who informed me over dinner one day that my skin is a magic ticket to all kinds of privilege — “Where the fuck do I cash in then, you mouthy little bitch?”


Who’d take “great art” over running water, or hot water, or paved roads, or medical clinics, or forty-hour work weeks, or paid leave, or state-sponsored education or any other of a thousand ‘socialistic’ innovations that conservatives have never cared in the slightest about?

Dunno. I’m not a conservative, nor a smarmy PUA like you. Where I am, I’d take a bamboo hut roofed with palm leaves over great art and all that boring white business.

I feel threatened, personally threatened, by unhinged beserkers like you.

I used to strike this same pose. How does some dude in Michigan (?) whom you’ve never met come to threaten you all the way in Australia? Keep it real dawg.

You know, you might think that, not having anything obviously better to do with their time, they’d spend it honing their ability to make ‘the case for race.’

That’s certainly been “done to death”. If you haven’t seen a single “case for race” made online, you’re spending too much time at da club, and this is self-indulgent falsification.


Posted by anon on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 19:18 | #

BTW, I don’t subscribe to the notion that Jews are the sole cause of our demise. For the most part, we are doing it to ourselves. We are a very sick race of people. We are ready and willing participants in our own genocide.

If white people do go down we should strive to make 100% certain we take the Jews down with us as a favor to the rest of humanity.


Why has this video had such a huge impact throughout the blogosphere?

Initially it was a standard media-driven witch-hunt which may have back-fired due to the tidal wave of anti-white racial hatred it provoked and exposed.



Posted by Bill Yancey on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 20:09 | #

Don’t kid yourself. If the internet was supposed to be to mechanism to convey the WN message—which was hoped to awaken the masses to the white genocide they face—then it’s been a dismal failure. The numbers reflect that failure. Even though our numbers may have increased twofold, what does that really add up to? I approximate there are only around two thousand of us trying to awaken—TRULY AWAKEN—the white masses to the ongoing genocide we are in the process of experiencing.

In spite of the gallant efforts of American Renaissance, MR, VDare, and a whole host off other white civil rights sites, still we are in stall mode. We are watching in frustration as each succeeding white generation is buying into the “anti-racist” religion of the Left.

On the other hand, the cultural-Marxists are making better use of the Internet . Afterall, they do have almost unlimited resources. More importantly, they are wildly successful at marketing their anti-white propaganda disguised as tolerance; thus steadily increasing their already overwhelming numbers. In doing so they’re advancing their agenda and reinforcing their anti-white ideology by leaps and bounds.

Millions more are aware than were ten years ago. It’s building. And it’s not necessary to reach everyone, just a minority in fact. As for the enemy’s success on the internet, hell, the best they can do is to disallow comments and threaten to imprison people - and those things themselves are hurting them and helping us. That isn’t a sign of confidence on their part.


Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 21:26 | #

BTW, I don’t subscribe to the notion that Jews are the sole cause of our demise. For the most part, we are doing it to ourselves. We are a very sick race of people.

The germ theory of disease says we are not doing it to ourselves.


Posted by Silver on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 02:58 | #

Again, Captain Obvious to the rescue.

No, it’s anything but obvious, actually.  Most people tend to regard population groups as having ‘always been there.’  Even if they learn of dispersions that took place thousands of years ago they classify things as having been ‘different back then.’  You can see this effect in attitudes towards even very recent dispersions.  WNs are often very frustrated with younger generations’ ability to ‘get it,’ but most of them have never known a time when there were essentially no ‘others’ around; as far as they’re concerned, fifty years ago may as well have been five thousand years ago.

What it means is simply that your prediction of enlightened repatriation won’t be so smooth as that. Nor would repatriation of the talented few balance the remaining untalented many. I can’t believe I even have to point this out. You’re not stupid, like me, but you are perhaps too smart to allow the obvious. An anti-racist, in a word.

I don’t recall saying it’d be ‘smooth.’  I’m more concerned that it’s ‘final,’ rather than smooth.  That once it’s done, it’s done.  That there are no ongoing hostilities or wars or persecutions to the ends of the earth.  Put aside that it may not be possible for things to play out that way.  It’s an ideal.  Conceptually, it’s a very different proposition to the endless rancor of narrowly focused nationalism.

It is a fantasy you have conjured. That’s it. NO THIRD WORLD NATION WANTS ITS SURPLUS POPULATION BACK. That is another tragic and unanswerable reality facing nationalists who imagine ‘repatriation’ to be the solution (paging Haller).

What people ‘want’ isn’t as important as what they’ll ‘settle for.’  Whether they ‘want’ them back isn’t as important as whether they’ll take them back, or can be made to take them back.  We’re talking negroes here.  There are all sorts of sweeteners that could be offered to the enterprising African politician willing to work with repatriationists.

I’m not opposed to the existence of ‘closer ties’ between Africa and Europe, but to the extent that involves the existence of mixed societies, those should be created (or recreated) in Africa, not Europe.  Africa is enormous, Europe tiny (especially western Europe, the part most rapidly being snuffed out).  There are some 25 million square kilometers of sub-Saharan Africa (one and a half times the size of Russia).  That’s ample space.  And there is no shortage of SSAs in the world.  There are already some 800 million in SSA, and their number is projected to grow to some two billion by mid-century, and perhaps three billion by century’s end. 

Mixing is bound to occur but mixing is far less harmful to SSAs than Europeans.  Mixed types look far more black than they do white, and the numbers are such that those mixed types could easily be ‘re-blackened’ if it were desired.  But just as whites often pretend to admire mixed types while they secretly prize whiteness, SSAs often claim to be proud to be black while really prizing mixedness.  So in that sense too mixing is far less harmful to SSAs. 

Economically, SSA is of course the mother of all backwaters.  But there is also reason to be cautiously optimistic about SSA prospects.  The last ten years have seen very satisfying gains made under ‘non-colonial tutelage’ (let’s call it).  Whatever reason WNs have to be sour on S. Africa, blacks there have every reason to be hopeful.  Contrary to typical WN doomsaying, S. Africa hasn’t ‘collapsed’ (how they love that word) since the end of apartheid; it has prospered. I don’t believe SSAs are naturally resistant to tutelage.  Done right, respectful of their dignity, they seem to be quite open to it.  (And why wouldn’t they be?  Look how much better they live with it than without it.) 

You are an expert minimizer.

Your brother lives across the street.  Your favorite five-year-old nephew rushes into your bedroom at 3am and wakes you by banging you on the head with his plastic hammer.  You angrily march him home and chew out your brother.  An appropriate degree of ‘harshness’ leaves plenty of room for ‘understanding.’  In contrast, shooting your nephew and blowing up your brother’s house is an inappropriate degree of harshness and leaves no room for understanding. 

I will ask you what I asked this Mexican bimbo, whom one of my relatives plucked from a dusty Oaxacan village twenty years ago, and who informed me over dinner one day that my skin is a magic ticket to all kinds of privilege — “Where the fuck do I cash in then, you mouthy little bitch?”

I hope you’re not calling me a mouthy little bitch, you mouthy little bitch.  smile

Stick to the topic. I wasn’t talking about America in 2011.  I was just making the very obvious point that it was only some time last century that rulers and ‘elites’, for the first time since the dawn of civilization, began to seriously concern themselves with the condition of the common man.  If that isn’t obvious to you then it’s because, as I said, you’re swimming amid what has been done in your name.  If we look at the sort of people who tend most to rue the nazis’ defeat—like the monocled ‘Baron’ [ptui] Julius Ebola—then it’s reasonable to think rule in the name of the common man may well have been indefinitely forestalled.

Anyway, if you really do have it as bad as you claim, my heart goes out to you, pal.  I might have to look into sponsoring you for a visa.  You know, white men are still allowed to own property and vote here.  You’ll love it.

I used to strike this same pose. How does some dude in Michigan (?) whom you’ve never met come to threaten you all the way in Australia? Keep it real dawg.

I didn’t say I was threatened by him, but by people like him.  I can ‘keep it real’ (meaning ‘relax and not worry,’ I presume) because I don’t believe his brand of insanity will ever catch fire; if it did, though, there would certainly be reason to worry then. 

(Yeah, the Cap’s a Michigander. Detroit area would be my guess.  He sounds like he’s had some run-ins with the arabs, and it’d explain his savage nigger-hatred.  Hey, Cap, most of my family’s in Detroit (Livonia, Madison Heights).  Perhaps you’ve met.  Wouldn’t that be something?)

That’s certainly been “done to death”. If you haven’t seen a single “case for race” made online, you’re spending too much time at da club, and this is self-indulgent falsification.

I know the case exists.  I said WNs rarely spend time honing their ability to make that case.  With the proliferation of WNish sorts of comments on news sites in recent years, WNs love to tell themselves that they ‘own’ those discussions.  But that’s mostly because so few are willing to concede them their epic “Truth.”  It hardly follows from that “Truth,” though, that a white ethnostate, including the expulsions necessary to secure it, should be the order of the day.  There’s a million and one possible objections between accepting that racial differences in mental ability and behavior (including crime) exist and even pursuing something as innocuous as legalized segregation/separatism, let alone the erection of a full-blown ethnostate.  WNs don’t quite seem to get that.


Posted by Mr Voight on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 04:01 | #

I can accept that things perhaps work a bit differently there but I doubt it’s too different. - Silver

I’ve noticed a marked difference between Melbourne and Sydney. Melbourne is much more ‘integrated’, whereas Sydney is a city of enclaves.

Even where I live, the most Green voting lefty place in Australia, the schools are almost completely white, while a few kms down the road the schools are monoculturally east Asian and a few kms west of that monoculturally Muslim and so on.

Much different to when I went to school, where it was actually ‘diverse’; and not just Anglo/Italian/Greek/Cro diverse.

Of course none of the leftys in my inner urban area would describe themselves as racialist in any sense, despite their real world actions to the contrary.


Posted by Silver on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 07:39 | #


I’ve noticed a marked difference between Melbourne and Sydney. Melbourne is much more ‘integrated’, whereas Sydney is a city of enclaves.

I’m not from Melbourne so I don’t really have my finger on the pulse about what’s going on there.  But I attended university there in the 90s and pretty much everyone stuck to their ethno-racial groups, which was quite a shock to me, coming from ‘the country’ (sort of), where, even though there was often ‘racism’ (the generally harmless aussie-style racism) it never really prevented people hanging out with each other. (You know, one day it’s “ya fuckin’ dago,” the next day he’s hanging out at my house.)  But at university the southern europeans would congregate in one area; Turks, Lebanese and other sundry muzzies in another; asians I only noticed during class, and then they’d seem to disappear; the on-campus accommodation was mostly taken up by aussies (I think); I can’t recall ever seeing a single nigger, or even many Indians.  This pattern was also repeated when going out at night.

Fast-forward some fifteen years or so and I notice greatly changed patterns of association.  Also, a lot of the ‘tension’ seems to have disappeared.  People used to share the same street space, but clumped together in grouplets, and it tended to be understood that someone from another grouplet approaching was cause for concern, because he may be looking for trouble.  You can pretty much approach (or be approached by) any group nowadays with nary a hint of visible alarm. 

I have to believe that a significant part of the reticence in thinking seriously about race (or signaling that you’re doing so) stems from people’s fears that it might mean going back to how things were.  If you’re absolutely determined to have a multiracial society (or at least determined not to do anything to prevent one, which amounts to the same thing) then I think it’s only fair to call what has transpired a ‘success’—in many ways the naysayers (both ‘culturalists’ and racists) really have been proven wrong. 

Even where I live, the most Green voting lefty place in Australia, the schools are almost completely white, while a few kms down the road the schools are monoculturally east Asian and a few kms west of that monoculturally Muslim and so on.

Newtown?  It’d have to be somewhere around there.  I’m guessing Ashfield is the asians and Lakemba the muzzies. 

I used to have an aunt in Brighton and another in Five Dock and I’d drive through Newtown to get from one to the other (not the quickest route, but that’s all I knew).  So this is where the freaks in Sydney all live, I’d think to myself.  Same deal as inner Melbourne.  I could never make sense of these people.

I come from an ultraconservative household (no alcohol, no discussion of sex, respect-the-authorities etc) and the town I grew up in had us sing both Advance Australia Fair as well as God Save The Queen at assemblies and we sang Christmas carols in the classroom well into the 80s.  What a pack of monumental weirdos those alternative types seemed to me.  Everything about them thoroughly disgusted me. 

I’ve mellowed out since then. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that greenie-lefties oftentimes mean well, rather than merely being degenerates who tear down society just for the sake of it.  It’s a big mistake to write off this crowd just for being different.  They’re obviously prepared to allow others to live their own way.  You yourself note their living apart from muzzies (who of course want nothing to do with them—heh, if you think I was disdainful, you should hear what muzzies think of them) and asians and probably indians (certainly abos) too.  The reason they’re in a coalition with these groups is ‘conservative’-type whites (racists, culturalists) are seen as ‘discriminators,’ who criticize them and who threaten to make them conform to conservative ways and who do the same thing to all ‘minority’ groups (who, in a globalized world, are really ‘majorities,’ compared to whites, but that’s another story).  They’re in it for self-defense, not necessarily because they’re ‘anti-white’ (although, by tying whites’ hands, in effect they are).

(“Likely88” is the captcha for this post.  Prophetic?  Some ways I hope so, other ways hope not.)




Posted by anon on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 07:41 | #

every second spent arguing with slither is a waste unless you’re just using him for practise.


Posted by Sllver on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 07:50 | #

So step up to the plate, anon. I’d say you’re in desperate need of swinging practise.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 09:26 | #

The New World Order is here right now - in our face.  The infrastructure is complete, only fleshing out is required from now on.  (It’s even more advanced in America)

We here have seen it unfold before our eyes, Blair’s New Labour project was charged with implementing the new upside down world of politically correct thinking.  One must admit Blair did a fantastic job for his masters, how he did it without so much as a whimper from the British people will probably forever remain a mystery.

Is it too late?  Hmm!  I dunno, these things have a way of gathering a momentum all of its own, like a snowball tipping downhill.  And this where we are, looking at the Telegraph threads it’s heartening to see a glimmer of understanding, but it is woefully thin on the ground.

When I started out commenting, I always said things would eventually become so bad that a public backlash would become inevitable, but it turns out the media in all of its guises has played (and continues to play) a blinder, in toto they, in conjunction with unchallenged, uncommentented draconian anti people legislation - have wiped the floor with us.

It is midnight and our people are sleeping, where is the waking call to come from?  Funny that, I’ve been asking that question ever since I started.

I commented recently that these self same people will not know they have been hijacked even when it smacks them over their heads, Huxley wrote years ago that people of the future would learn to love their servitude.

As I began this post, the New World Order is here, we’re already living the liberal dream.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 10:14 | #


Are you the expat in Belize?


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 10:47 | #

Whatever reason WNs have to be sour on S. Africa, blacks there have every reason to be hopeful.  Contrary to typical WN doomsaying, S. Africa hasn’t ‘collapsed’ (how they love that word) since the end of apartheid; it has prospered. (Silver)

A surprisingly untrue statement, at least from what I’ve heard and read. Crime through the roof; Jo’burg utterly ruined; tourism rapidly declining, and not fun like when my parents visited (unfortunately not taking the kids!) in the early 80s; affirmative action shading into outright property confiscation (from whites, of course), etc.

SA is in an ongoing state of collapse, a reversion from civilization into African savagery. It hasn’t totally fallen yet because there are still whites with the expertise to manage things, plus it has a lots of natural resources to sell on global markets (the USSR would have collapsed far sooner without its gold and oil to sell). But it’s getting there, slowly but surely (and anyway, life has gotten awful for whites, which is what matters to a WN). 


I;m not sure you’re right re repatriation. I think if Germany re-grew its national testicles, and began deporting Turks, I think Turkey would resettle them internally. Same for France and its Algerians, Britain and its pakis, etc. At worst, European countries could - if they had the means and the will (the real issue always) - simply deport their aliens in chains, in ships and cattle-cars, and deposit them on the beaches and at the borders of the relevant 3rd World homelands.

Anyway, there is no other way. Not one nonwhite must be allowed to reside permanently on European soil.

To get to that point, however, tens of millions (of white leftists as well as aliens) will have to die. Do not fool yourselves as to the possibility of any other outcome.


Posted by Credit is due on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 11:20 | #

>Why not make repatriation of criminal aliens a consistent theme of political rhetoric in European political nationalism?  This would have the advantage of subliminally accustoming voters to a more ambitious bout of repatriation later. 

Brilliant! It’s pleasing to see this kind of forward planning in European political nationalists - like the chess master, always thinking three moves ahead of his opponent.

It’s all well and good having developed a burgeoning neo-Nazi movement, tailored to a deep understanding of the 20th/21st century Western political system, and having amassed the support of all the young, energetic and intelligent Westerners who are dissatisfied with the present regime - but this would all be to waste, if you didn’t plan ahead and ensure that voters were subliminally accustomed to ambitious bouts of repatriation, once you sweep into power.

It’s safe to say that ideas of this quality would have the liberals deeply worried, were it not for the fact that this fellow wisely conceals the details of his Goebellian schemes in seemingly innocuous internet comment threads.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 11:40 | #

Perhaps you don’t understand that nationalism is the only possibility short of warfare of preserving the existence of the European race.  And the survival of racial Europe is the only possibility for a decent, free life for the rest of humanity.

What do you want for the world?  Freedom and a decent life or permanent debt slavery?


Posted by CL on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 11:50 | #

It’s always the same with the Judaics.  Transfer dusky humanoids to Greater Europa by the millions. . .easy as pie.  Destroy a society within a few generations. . .no problem!

Reverse the process?


F you, too, Hyman.  There’s no where left for you to run.


Posted by Mr Voight on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 12:27 | #

Newtown?  It’d have to be somewhere around there.  I’m guessing Ashfield is the asians and Lakemba the muzzies.

Not quite Newtown, but close enough. Stanmore/Annandale. Bullseye on Ashfield and Lakemba. I also have relatives in Five Dock. It’s a nice middle class Euro area. At least for now.

I don’t have a personal problem with the inner urban leftists. I live where I do for a reason. They’re still my people when it comes to all non-political matters.

As for seeing what I want to see re: the success of multicultural Australia; I don’t really have an agenda one way or the other. Australia’s destiny is Asian. I have no illusions about it.


Posted by Mr Voight on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 12:46 | #

(the generally harmless aussie-style racism)

Yep. Offensive and politically useless. Worst of both worlds.


Posted by CL on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 12:51 | #

Mr Voight typed:

As for seeing what I want to see re: the success of multicultural Australia; I don’t really have an agenda one way or the other.

What success?

Australia’s putative ‘multicultural success’ is just like its American cognate: a phenomenon that exists in print and not in reality—and then only a temporal phenomenon, like the utopic mongrelized suburb.

How many times does this have to play out in different times and places before you get it?

Australia’s destiny is Asian. I have no illusions about it.

Why?  Because you say so?

This attitude is one reason you’re losing.  It’s nuts.


Posted by Mr Voight on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 13:03 | #

Australia’s putative ‘multicultural success’ is just like its American cognate: a phenomenon that exists in print and not in reality—and then only a temporal phenomenon, like the utopic mongrelized suburb.

I agree. I just don’t care about it in the Australian context.

Why?  Because you say so?

This attitude is one reason you’re losing.  It’s nuts.

Why? Because I see it with my own eyes. And I see it in the immigration statistics. The people had their chance to stop it in the 1990s. They didn’t want it bad enough.

I’m not losing just because I realise Australia is a lost cause. My children’s future is in Europe. Not here.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 14:00 | #


Why is Oz a lost cause? They have fewer nonwhites than US (which admittedly may be a lost cause, too). Why can’t Australian patriots put an end to immigration?

And don’t be so certain about Europe’s future, either. England is gone, Belgium is gone, probably France, too. Others to follow.


Posted by Mr Voight on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 14:16 | #

Why is Oz a lost cause? They have fewer nonwhites than US (which admittedly may be a lost cause, too).

I disagree that we, proportionally, have fewer non-whites than you guys.


Posted by uh on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 14:28 | #


The Belizean “anon” is a friend. He’s now out of country and without internet access. Good fellow, we met at a bar in St. Pete. He put me onto Belize, which I explored some in late Spring. He’s also about three shades whiter than yours truly, LOL.

I;m not sure you’re right re repatriation. I think if Germany re-grew its national testicles, and began deporting Turks, I think Turkey would resettle them internally.

The “ifs” are too large for the shriveled testicles of the European peoples. The only thing that might motivate Turkey, Algeria, Senegal and the rest to resettle their worthless dark hordes is extreme violence. I don’t even want to know how Pakistan would respond to violence against its fifth wheel in Britain, but trust me, with the late flooding of the Sindh valley, out of control sprawl in Karachi, and pressure from America over radicals in the border provinces — which would of course receive a massive boost from expelled “British” Pakis — the last thing anyone in the Pakistan government, however it might look, would consider is resettling millions of people. It’s all loss for the receiving nation. As an investor you ought to know damned well that no one takes on pure cost, much less the government of a nation already suffering from exploding population, drought, famine, etc.

As Garrett Hardin warned, this is a social problem that admits of no technical solution.

As contrast look at the resettlement of Afghans in Iran in recent years. They took them in, kept them alive, and lately have been sending them back. But obviously this worked because they’re more or less the same people in neighboring countries.

Again: NO ONE TAKES ON PURE COST. (Except men who marry American women, LOL.) This is why Silver had to sweeten the scenario by referring to skilled repatriates — the immigrant nations already have doctors and that, and the Turks of Kreuzburg, the Senegalese of Brescia, the Kurds of Knoxville aren’t learning skills. They learn how to work the Western system. Mexico is an even better example as it lacks for nothing in education, skilled workers, infrastructure, etc.

I mean, just consider the furor that erupted on YouTube alone about the Emma West video. Thousands of wogs POURING the most vicious unbridled scorn upon the character of this woman. ONE WOMAN! And how was Anders Breivik treated? Now of course masses will do happily what they decry and punish from an individual, but the point is that if that’s how the wog masses react to a single woman speaking the truth to their faces, how do you suppose it will on this fabulous day when all of Europe suddenly wakes up and decides to divest itself of ‘enrichment’? That’s tons and tons of carbon to move, man. Think of it as agricultural input. What nation will take a million, even a hundred-thousand, carbon-based consumers of its limited food supply? We’re talking about desert nations, flooded nations, countries naturally poor in food. How much more of the Amazon will be destroyed for Bolivia and Brazil and Guyana to free up space for corn, soy and cattle operations? do we really want it to go that way?

At worst, European countries could - if they had the means and the will (the real issue always) - simply deport their aliens in chains, in ships and cattle-cars, and deposit them on the beaches and at the borders of the relevant 3rd World homelands.

Unhappily those homelands have armies too. The strategic consequences of what you propose run counter the organic necessity of homeostasis. Not only would this mean Europeans suddenly becoming National Socialist Germans, but then shouldering the cost of mass expulsions, and fighting the receiving nations at their borders.

But that isn’t how race works, as Silver reminds us above. Beyond selective expulsions (which weren’t of MILLIONS but of tens-of-thousands at most) the dominant mode has been mongrelization, reculturing, or balkanization. ‘Multiculturalism’ has just been elites forcing us into the worst possible balkanization for one to spite us, for another to secure cheap labor, and another from lack of will to turn them back properly, that is to say with bullets.


Anyway, there is no other way. Not one nonwhite must be allowed to reside permanently on European soil.

I don’t mean to be a dick, but declarative mode is not valid sociology. You and Soren can declare that millions billions or trillions will / must DIE ‘til you’re in your eighties. It won’t come. Your one-thousand flowers will not bloom, whatever that means. White Nationalist predictions are always wrong for their premise is always wishful thinking.


Posted by Silver on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 14:42 | #


A surprisingly untrue statement, at least from what I’ve heard and read. Crime through the roof; Jo’burg utterly ruined; tourism rapidly declining, and not fun like when my parents visited (unfortunately not taking the kids!) in the early 80s; affirmative action shading into outright property confiscation (from whites, of course), etc.

It’s possible to hear and read all sorts of things.  Data is a more objective way to settle these questions.  From that standpoint, the numbers say it all: the economy’s grown each year since the end of apartheid save 2009 (like so much of the rest of the world that year).  Inequality has, if anything, decreased over that time (though it’s not much changed) so it’s perfectly reasonable to assume that rising tide has lifted all boats.  Unemployment is sky high (over 20%) but that was the story throughout apartheid too. 

Tourism, measured by number of international (I presume) arrivals, isn’t declining, much less rapidly.  http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/eco_tou_arr-economy-tourist-arrivals&date=2008  Go to that link and check 1995 and you’ll see the number of arrivals has almost doubled since then.  Nationmaster states its source as the World Tourism Organization Yearbook of Tourism Statistics. I haven’t been able to locate a copy of that yearbook but a search of WTO website verifies that it exists. 

How is affirmative action even related to property confiscation such that the former can shade into the latter. AA is obviously problematic for (and unfair to) whites but it’s a separate issue.  The tax rates seem reasonable to me—not what I’d describe as “confiscatory.”  (Although to a hard rightwinger like you I suppose anything over 1% seems like daylight robbery.)

The crime data I’ve come across doesn’t seem too reliable to me but what exists suggests the crime rate is declining, not exploding. South Africa has previously hit what is roughly the worldwide upper limit in homicides per capita (roughly 100 per 100k population), so the only way really is down (the rates of all crimes being quite highly correlated with homicide).  In any case, exploding isn’t much related to economic growth.  Crime is mostly a low-class phenomenon, while development depends largely on the actions of the middle and upper classes.  Plenty of countries have enjoyed healthy economic growth during periods of rapidly rising crime. 

Is J’berg really “utterly” ruined?  SA is on Google Street View now, so take a cruise around the place.  You can’t tell everything from that, but are those images what you imagine an utterly ruined city looks like? 

SA is in an ongoing state of collapse, a reversion from civilization into African savagery. It hasn’t totally fallen yet because there are still whites with the expertise to manage things, plus it has a lots of natural resources to sell on global markets (the USSR would have collapsed far sooner without its gold and oil to sell). But it’s getting there, slowly but surely (and anyway, life has gotten awful for whites, which is what matters to a WN).

It may yet get there, but the evidence for the time being is against you.  Your concerns about whites there are valid, but remember I was commenting on standards of living from a blacks-under-tutelage perspective, and from that point of view I think SSAs all across the continent should a lot to like in S. Africa and welcome some of it for themselves.  (You know, there are already plenty of pockets of various white, middle eastern, indian and asian settlement across Africa, even in places you mightn’t expect it.  You may well wonder what on earth they’re doing there, but they’re very much a fact-on-the-ground. Perhaps my proposal isn’t as daft as it seems at first glance.)


Posted by Mr Voight on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 14:46 | #

And don’t be so certain about Europe’s future, either. England is gone, Belgium is gone, probably France, too. Others to follow.

I know, but Europe isn’t just a place to seek refuge from non-whites. It’s home.


Posted by uh on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 14:49 | #

I disagree that we, proportionally, have fewer non-whites than you guys.

I also disagree, for one reason: Australia seems to exist in the white nationalist imagination as El Dorado to the Spanish colonists. Ditto Russia, which isn’t hospitable in any respect, along with its Tajiks, Georgians, Israelis and so on. Australia in fact is far more vulnerable for having so much less overall habitable space, with a still more compact geographical center of population.

Australia’s native whites will go under in decades like everyone else. Christianity and humanism have completely neutered “Western man”. The severity and extent of the problem would require an equivalent reaction, which would have to approach the level of savagery of the Second Congo War to achieve anything lasting.

NO THIRD WORLD NATION WILL TAKE BACK ITS SURPLUS POPULATION. This would be utter doom for the resident population. Try to understand that. Assimilation will occur one way or another, be it Algerians becoming more “French”, French becoming less French, or an advanced urban congeries as exists in Paris and New York City today. It is probably wrong to assume that “assimilation” of the traditional kind can even still occur today. It is rather that the urban congeries assimilate together to the consumer modes enforced by marketing.


Posted by uh on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 15:07 | #

Tourism, measured by number of international (I presume) arrivals, isn’t declining, much less rapidly.

Are those tourists going to Cape Town or Soweto?

The crime data I’ve come across doesn’t seem too reliable to me but what exists suggests the crime rate is declining, not exploding.

I can believe this. Likely has something to do with Pinker’s thesis in The Better Angels of Our Nature. But I don’t see it as an argument in favor of modern South Africa or whatever you’re trying to do there. The fact is that whites don’t want to live around darkies and should not be forced.

You can’t tell everything from that, but are those images what you imagine an utterly ruined city looks like?


A brave face on a deep social cancer. Take a Google ride through Georgetown in Guyana, or even Belize City, you’ll see some gorgeous Victorians and so on; neither looks anything like Detroit. Yet Georgetown has held its place as one of the murder capitals of the world, with Tiger Bay — 100% black — as epicenter. I’m pretty sure a walk around most parts of Jo’burg would reveal the truth of its habitability for farangi, as do anecdotes I’ve long heard of living behind security systems in the ‘burbs. 

I’m no expert on Johannesburg, but I’ve never heard or read of actual property confiscation in the city or the suburbs, as I’ve heard of Caracas.

a reversion from civilization into African savagery.

Leon, let me promise you — a reversion to African “savagery” would be the best thing for them and for white Africans. But as long as urbanism and capitalist free enterprise are in place to keep them working shit jobs for cheap chalupas, they’ll never reach that enlightened state of being.


You may well wonder what on earth they’re doing there, but they’re very much a fact-on-the-ground. Perhaps my proposal isn’t as daft as it seems at first glance.)

Latin America too. Chinese all over Belize. Lebs and Syrians in Uruguay, Argentina. Japs and Koreans in Brazil, even Guyana.


Posted by Silver on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 15:21 | #


As contrast look at the resettlement of Afghans in Iran in recent years. They took them in, kept them alive, and lately have been sending them back. But obviously this worked because they’re more or less the same people in neighboring countries.


So is the suggestion that that wasn’t “taking on pure cost”—something that NO ONE does—from the Afghan point of view, simply because it was a neighboring country doing the expelling? 

with the late flooding of the Sindh valley, out of control sprawl in Karachi, and pressure from America over radicals in the border provinces — which would of course receive a massive boost from expelled “British” Pakis — the last thing anyone in the Pakistan government, however it might look, would consider is resettling millions of people.

Again, it doesn’t matter how it’d ‘look’ or whether they’d ‘want’ it or not. It only matters whether they’d accept it.  None of the stumbling blocks you bring up seem to me insurmountable barriers to ‘accepting it.’

This is why Silver had to sweeten the scenario by referring to skilled repatriates

Forget the skills.  They’ve got assets.  Countries welcome infusions of assets, dude.

Now of course masses will do happily what they decry and punish from an individual, but the point is that if that’s how the wog masses react to a single woman speaking the truth to their faces, how do you suppose it will on this fabulous day when all of Europe suddenly wakes up and decides to divest itself of ‘enrichment’?

Gee, I don’t know, uh.  How about they get mad, you get madder?  Lol.  How the fuck do you think it’s going to happen?  (I’m rather doubtful about the prospect myself, of course, but if it is to be it first needs to be conceived, imagined, and accepted as real possibility—even better, necessity—in the mind.)  Obviously I don’t like that that’s what it comes down to, which is why I make a point of raising the possibilities of all sorts of ‘sweeteners,’ in the hopes that it strikes more people as reasonable.  But at the end of day, force—the power to compel others to do your bidding—is where it’s at.

That’s tons and tons of carbon to move, man. Think of it as agricultural input. What nation will take a million, even a hundred-thousand, carbon-based consumers of its limited food supply? We’re talking about desert nations, flooded nations, countries naturally poor in food.

Of, FFS.  The food can easily be provided.  It’s already being grown. Earth to Uh, hello!  ‘The world’ already has a good idea of how much will need to be provided according to the various population projections.  We’re not talking about unexpectedly adding millions upon millions of extra mouths to feed.  (If anything, a worldwide ‘racial reorganization’ would have the effect of decreasing fecundity, not increasing it.) 

There will very soon be some 200 million pakis in pakistan. Taking two million or so of their own people would scarcely be noticed.  Canada already takes in some 1% of its population in immigration annually with hardly anyone batting an eyelid, and these people in many cases diverge wildly in appearance from the average Canadian.  The pakis would be indistinguishable.  It’s not as if they’d cry out about being ‘swamped.’

Ah, talking about pakis: the Gulf Arabs! There are some potential allies (at least morally) in the repatriation stakes.  Now they really have been overwhelmed, in a very serious way.  I’m sure there would be sympathetic ears among some of them—perhaps even some sympathetic cash advances to help a fledgling movement find its feet.  Not going to happen, of course, if all you can think to do is call them slimy non-white mongrel pieces of shit (which isn’t what I think of them, but it’s how the average WN revulsionist seems them).




Posted by uh on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 15:45 | #

There are all sorts of sweeteners that could be offered to the enterprising African politician willing to work with repatriationists.

Well man, if it involves food handouts, you must realize that’s just throwing fuel on the demographic fire. I don’t see what possible recompense could be made for a ballast of tens of thousands of unskilled repatriates. Money? I suppose it is conceivable that bribing the ruling class would be sufficient. But that’s assuming they will have absolutely no conscience or loyalty to the resident population — true for the negro satrapies perhaps, but don’t count on it for the other nations.

Whatever reason WNs have to be sour on S. Africa, blacks there have every reason to be hopeful

Right. As Gallup polls find American blacks ‘hopeful’ in BRA, despite the precipitous drop in white confidence — pointing directly to our respective burdens as determined by anti-white systems. I don’t believe S.Africa is in complete meltdown, if for no other reason than whites, Hindus and so on keep it afloat. But look, blacks just are not capable of long-term national or even local management. The story of every black-run project has ended the same way: scandal, corruption, bankruptcy, poverty and murder on the streets. Haiti, Detroit, Montgomery, Georgetown, Harare — it’s the same story. Infrastructure and development are not black achievements.

I was just making the very obvious point that it was only some time last century that rulers and ‘elites’, for the first time since the dawn of civilization, began to seriously concern themselves with the condition of the common man.  If that isn’t obvious to you then it’s because, as I said, you’re swimming amid what has been done in your name.

All right, indisputable. But I don’t agree that the German failure is responsible for humanism. Certainly gave it a great push forward, but not responsible. There were cities and free hospitals before National Socialism. There was welfare, however crummy. There were bread lines and ambulances. The technology would have advanced without German warmongering. The West’s scientific — and concomitant ideological — momentum would not have simply stalled for lack of war. Ellis Island was open to my relatives before 1914.

Anyhow, it seems like a dodge and almost an insult to wave your hand over WWII and claim a great victory for “the common man”, when the fruits are going more to non-white commoners, in the name of correcting the horrible murderous racism of the evil Nazis, than to guys like me. I am not enjoying this epoch at all. I have no people. Yes, I’ll never pay for that appendectomy that saved my life, but what’s my life worth without a people, when a crack-smoking kaffir or a fat Jew has more white babies to his name than I have? our reward for “saving Europe” is wifi and this Russian hottie with an unbelievable ass waiting on me? Fuck that, bro, and fuck you for defending it. I tell you with absolute seriousness that I would prefer any traditional tyranny to this ‘soft’ tyranny of gradual replacement and ubiquitous consumer banality. You may be at home in this epoch, but I will never be. Maybe that’s because I’m stuck in America — I’m sure it is better elsewhere, which is why your rulers keep us out. We really are white niggers, even the whitest of us. Third World nation inside First (or now Second) World infrastructure.


Posted by Mr Voight on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 15:58 | #

Geez, uh. And I thought I was a downer.

You need kids asap.


Posted by Silver on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 16:14 | #


Why? Because I see it with my own eyes. And I see it in the immigration statistics. The people had their chance to stop it in the 1990s. They didn’t want it bad enough.

Heh, Pauline Hanson must have seemed a dream anti-immigration candidate to multicultists.  Her being an intellectually outgunned panic merchant has contributed to the multiculti surge since then in two ways.  Firstly, the media still treats her as the go-to-gal for immigration restriction, surely knowing how unappealing she is, creating the impression that all restrictionists are as similarly witless/guileless.  (No offense to her personally. I’m sure she’s a lovely lady.)  Secondly, surely the panic spread about immigrants has since struck the undecideds as over-the-top.  Many of these people probably had racial feelings but, realizing that immigrants really ‘don’t eat babies’ (so to speak), they’ve reassessed those feelings and decided that ‘those other people’ really aren’t as bad as is so often claimed at all.


To get to that point, however, tens of millions (of white leftists as well as aliens) will have to die.

Quite the firebrand, aren’t you? 

Why white leftists? They’re not necessarily a lost cause.  Many of them can be expected to reconsider.

Take this guy: http://robertlindsay.wordpress.com/2011/12/06/white-genocide-video-in-swedish/

Robert Lindsay’s an avowed communist, Leon, but lookie above.  No end of ‘race realism,’ or at least a willingness to intelligently engage it, on that blog (which incidentally enjoys two to three times the traffic of MR), which is unusual for a far leftie.  Lindsay’s a nice guy (I chatted on the phone with him once, very friendly) but he can be very frustrating to deal with. I called him a maggot and a niggerlover and he banned me from his blog and ceased all communication.  Why don’t you go over and stir things up a little? 

In a comment in another recent thread he says:

I also think that Political Correctness is a symptom of Mental Retardation. Anyone spouting PC cannot possibly be thinking at all. Either that or they know they are lying, and they are just using PC crap as a club to hit their enemies with.

I also think that most Commies are a bunch of retards. Look at the way we shut down 50% of the debate in human society. We Commies let women make 50% of our decisions, so of course the result is mass retardation. Women don’t believe in freedom of speech. Women think, “If it hurts my feelings, it should be illegal.” Women are at fault for almost all “hate speech” codes and whatnot.




Posted by uh on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 16:26 | #

So is the suggestion that that wasn’t “taking on pure cost”—something that NO ONE does—from the Afghan point of view, simply because it was a neighboring country doing the expelling?


I was suggesting that that worked out because they are the same race and share a roughly similar culture. White nations have taken in millions of real aliens, but the repatriation would have to rely on the trust of non-whites, not on whites. And of course those nations are extremely low in trust. They would see it as an invasion simply because that’s what millions of people, many of whom weren’t even born in the receiving nation, moving in really amounts to. Liberia worked because it was relatively empty.

You’ve argued before that proximity is the biggest factor at work in our displacement. What happened to that?

Forget the skills.  They’ve got assets.  Countries welcome infusions of assets, dude.

Assets, but not tens of thousands of people along with them. Why is this so controversial? There is wealth disparity among immigrants as among natives. Obviously receiving nations would welcome repatriation by people with assets. But there’s no reason to believe they would take the surplus without assets. Anyhow that isn’t what happens here at least — instead they set up “Rapid Envios” to funnel wealth back home while the laborers and parasites remain here.

Uruguay welcomes foreign assets. These assets come in the form of European and Israeli property owners and entrepreneurs. The Peruvian laborers loitering in Montevideo’s Parque Batlle are not assets, and I’m just guessing that there will be more Peruvian laborers to come than European property owners. An infusion of, say, fifteen-thousand repatriates is not an infusion of assets, but plain human ballast. It is totally absurd from the simplest game theory perspective to assume that poor nations could be anything but bludgeoned into accepting this surplus, much of which, again, will not even be native. This bludgeoning raises the stakes for the Europeans, meaning they’ll have to mount wars to make it happen. Europeans. Those people eating cheese and drinking til 6am. Am I missing something? are you?

But at the end of day, force—the power to compel others to do your bidding—is where it’s at.

Seems to me I’ve backed you into a corner out of your usual safe zone where you argue for more understanding, peaceable segregation and so on. I don’t mean that as a posture, but logically. By pointing out the force required to turn these masses back, you seem to have accepted that frame and here agree that “force is where it’s at”. So either the elites take bribes or they take it in the ass. I can only reiterate that modern Europeans are deeply incapable of that level of force. That’s your victory of the common man, too. It came at the price of neutering.


We’re not talking about unexpectedly adding millions upon millions of extra mouths to feed.

What about morality rate? Afghanistan’s birthrate is so high because it’s mortality rate is one of the highest on earth, as in Africa. You don’t think this would mean death for a great many transferred by force, as you concede? and how about strife between the incomers and the natives? what if an ‘externality’ of this repatriation were a spike in non-white birthrate, requiring still more caloric input? I’d like to see land use decline and population with it. But that’s my preference.

(If anything, a worldwide ‘racial reorganization’ would have the effect of decreasing fecundity, not increasing it.)

Yes, at what cost to the dwindling natural world? You think deforestation is a good thing? I’d much sooner get behind keeping them all where they are and somehow enforcing regionalism than undertake this hazardous nonsense that arises from nothing more, to say it again, than white nationalist wishful thinking.


Taking two million or so of their own people would scarcely be noticed.

But it would be — for one because the expelled Pakis, now willy-nilly “British”, would make a huge fuss about it, and because Pakistan would see it as a sort of colonialism or at least systematic “racism” by the West. Mark my word, they would resist it tooth and nail. They also have nuclear warheads; their first threat would be India. I wonder what Hindus in American and British business would have to say about it?

This is the sort of detached “chessboard” thinking only WNs are capable of. They don’t consider the real social dynamics of “forced repatriation” — but they need it, logically, to pretend there’s hope for the nations. Some logical solution there must be. Well, the foreigners will have to go, obviously, so they’ll either have to be killed off or thrust out. Now most WNs themselves lack the will to prefer killing, real genocide, so they say well, they can be repatriated — but here I’ve given some inkling of the real human costs of repatriating millions, and suddenly WNs, even you, imagine our peoples would be capable of “force” in making the receiving nations take back their surplus population.

Fairly large contradiction. If our peoples had the balls to forcibly repatriate millions, at very great human cost, why wouldn’t they have the balls to solve the problem at home?

Just a bunch of presuppositions.

Pakistan would also notice the two-million intake simply because it would be intake. Again, different levels of social trust are involved. An intake of two-million British Pakistanis would require a very great social trust of the sort that can exist, for non-whites, only among similar peoples, which is why I adduced the case of Afghan refugees in Iran. West to East transfer would be unacceptable to them. No African nation would take two-million black Americans, for that matter. These are mostly useless populations who exist on the dole here, so why would their ancestral nations take them back? do they need more tikka chicken shops at home?

Well, look, all I can say, not being the expert in EVERYTHING that you are, is that despite the necessity of carrying out a plan as sanguine as that, or even CaptainChaos’ glib proposal to ‘confiscate all the arable land and starve them out’ (LOL), everything psychology tells us of human behavior indicates that no one will bother.



Posted by Mr Voight on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 16:40 | #

Ms Hanson wasn’t the smartest cookie, but she was made for middle Australia(at the time) and got almost 1 in 5 votes. Australia had a chance that no other western nation had or has since had.

Drew Fraser intellectually blasted everyone in his path which amounted to converting a handful of uni students.


Posted by uh on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 16:43 | #

You need kids asap.

Provide ZOG and its precious nogs with slow-moving targets?  Ha ha ha!!




Posted by Mr Voight on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 16:43 | #

*Not taking anything away from Drew Fraser, I’ve met him twice and he’s ridiculously intelligent and a gentleman.(aka anti-Australian).


Posted by uh on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 16:44 | #

Silver’s a great writer.

I don’t know how you guys have the time and energy.

I need a smoke.


Posted by Mr Voight on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 16:46 | #

Provide ZOG and its precious nogs with slow-moving targets?  Ha ha ha!!

You speak like a man who wants kids. Can’t hide it.


Posted by Mr Voight on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 16:49 | #

It’s 3:48am and I’ve spent more time on MR than finishing an ‘urgent’ project. This is why I quit this site 5 years ago.


Posted by uh on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:02 | #

Am human, can’t help it. Still an incredibly bad idea. Besides, I have not even the slimmest prospect of anything, so it’s just that I won’t be able to pass on my genes. I ought to know how to change a flat tire before doing all that, too.

Actually Silver, if you were not just mocking me, as is probably true, feel free to look into what it would take to secure a visa to drive a lorry over there — the one practical thing I can do. Have a criminal record with no grave offenses (yet). Probably not possible anyway but it’s worth looking into.  m.lentini @ gmx


Posted by Silver on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:12 | #


You’re winning with sheer output alone. I just can’t keep up.

I’ll just address a few basic themes here.

Firstly, let’s get something straight.  Between you and me, I couldn’t give a flying fuck if every nigger in Africa dropped dead tomorrow.  It would give me cause to rejoice, not cause to rend my garments. 

But as much as I have an aversion towards them, I don’t hate them nearly enough to want to cause them such harm.  So then I tell myself if I’m not going to live out my days on this earth in a ‘state of hate’ with the nigger, then why not wish him well? And more than just wish him well, why not do what I can to help him have an easier time of it on this planet?  The only proviso I make is that if I’m to do something for him, then it’s only fair for me to require him to do something for me: which is simply that he respect my desire to be apart from him.

Apartness.  That’s another theme.

You claim I’m attempting to wriggle out of advocacy for ‘understanding’ and ‘peaceable separation.’  Wrong. 

I’ve always understood that an operation on the scale of what, say, the GWs or the Leon Hallers want would require considerable (okay, extreme) force.  It’s just that I don’t regard the extreme racial attitudes required to pursue that operation as likely to surface any time soon.  And, in all honesty, I don’t regard it as at all desirable.  The world’s a big place. It seems incredible that it can’t be big enough for all of us.  Perhaps there’s another way to secure a place on it besides extreme rancor: understanding; an understanding of the issues involved and the desire to recreate our lives in accordance with that understanding.  At the very least it’s an ideal way to buy time.  Or, looked at another way, the more understanding achieved, the less force necessary, because people will be more inclined to support separation of their own accord, at least after a ‘nudge.’

Lastly, your in the grips of despair, my man.  It shines through in everything you say, from lamenting your lack of ‘a people’ to blaming me for the commies who led you to losing it.  It’s no way to live.  I could say much, much more about this.  Look me up at the old blog (I know I’ve promised this before), and we can continue the discussion there.

Oh, regarding logistics, deforestation etc.  A reply tomorrow.  (4am here!)

ps - @ gmx dot com?


Posted by Credit is due on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:39 | #

>Perhaps you don’t understand that nationalism is the only possibility short of warfare of preserving the existence of the European race.  And the survival of racial Europe is the only possibility for a decent, free life for the rest of humanity.

Anyone serious about reactionary political change should look elsewhere. I shan’t name anyone in particular, but it’s hardly a secret (hint: it’s the 45th link on Steve Sailer’s site).

Suffice to say that it’s foolish to separate the question of “race replacement” from broader political and ideological currents and causes. It might be worth considering what processes might have summoned both the profusion of classless native Britons such as in your video, and the assorted undesirable immigrants you so resent. The choice for those who object (among other things) to the colonisation of the first world by the third world is either to engage in serious scholarship and rational thought processes in order to tackle questions such as this, or to indulge in onanistic fantasy (such as I responded to above).

>What do you want for the world?  Freedom and a decent life or permanent debt slavery?

For starters, I don’t want to live amongst low-class, foul-mouthed, belligerent slappers like the woman in your video. An aesthetic preference for certain ethnic groups sits uncomfortably beside a complete lack of other important aesthetic standards.


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 19:08 | #

Silver - when did you turn so sensible?! Its hard to imagine you are even the same Silver from before.


Posted by uh on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 22:17 | #

ps - @ gmx dot com?


Last I checked, your blog was blank!


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 23:36 | #

I’m on a few minutes break, so I will only add that whites have not yet fully accomplished even the very first step towards genetic preservation, namely, establishing the ethicality of the hard measures needed to ensure it.

Still, many whites throughout the world are waking up rapidly. I believe, along (I think) with vast numbers of the leftist enemy, that once a first step, like deporting masses of illegals, has been made, further steps will become progressively easier. This is why the leftist enemy is so vicious about stamping out any signs of white racial resistance. Leftist metaphors are usually overblown, but the notion of a potential ‘avalanche’ or ‘hole in the dike’ is quite correct - but only once the proper moral/philosophical ground has been laid (and not everywhere, equally - whites in some places are more determined than in others - most of the Anglo-Saxon places, except the white American South, seem worthless).

From my earliest comments here, I have pointed out that the fundamental issues were ethical (whites must be convinced that employing coercion to ensure our racial continuity is morally justified) and military (we must have the actual/physical power to be able to instantiate our racial policies).

So we need to be moving along two tracks simultaneously. Develop the ethical arguments, but also try to stem the invasion as much as possible in the meantime. My worry is that by the time enough whites are finally awakened, we truly will no longer possess the physical means to effectuate our desires. But “uh” is wrong to suggest that we don’t today. The Europeans, with some armed struggle and internal bombardments, could without too much difficulty effect mass deportations. Start with illegals, then criminals, then political activists, then recent arrivals, etc. What we lack right now is the will, and we are a very long way from having it (so fundamentally “uh” is correct that the West is ‘toast’, which is why I preach WN ‘ingathering’; ie White Zion).

“Ripening harvest/encroaching jungle”.

14 words.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 00:02 | #

PS - Let’s be clear on what, exactly, I want.

1. EVERY nonwhite (to at least the 1/8 degree, if not preferably the 1/32) must be expelled from Europe. No exceptions. If 100 million white leftists resist violently, and thus need to be exterminated in the process, SO BE IT. They brought their deaths upon themselves. Treason will never be tolerated.

2. European/Ashkenazi Jewry must be expelled to Israel. This is not because Jews are savages or parasites, but because they are too politically dangerous over time to the maintenance of white preservation.

3. European security depends upon biological security, which means new laws or tax incentives A) encouraging racial fecundity, and B) mandating eugenics (one of my life scholarship goals is to demonstrate at least to my satisfaction that neither of these policies contradicts authentic Christian ethics).

Outside of Europe (North America and Aus/NZ) is where the issues grow morally complex. The following is an acceptable minimum

4. Terminate all nonwhite immigration.

5. Deport nonwhite illegal aliens.

6. Militarize borders and coastlines.

7. Allow all white immigration.

8. Eliminate racial preferences for nonwhites.

9. Eliminate antidiscrimination laws, which would allow for the (re-)formation of whites-only communities.

10. Eliminate multiculturalism in mandatory state supported education. Replace with white-positive instruction (ie, truth).

11. Broadly, end redistribution of white wealth to nonwhites, to the extent possible.

12. Allow for white racial secession and ethnostate sovereignty.

[Note: none of these policies actually violates the individual rights (understood in the libertarian sense - the only philosophy which I believe credibly challenges WN on moral grounds) of nonwhites - while they all benefit white empowerment and thus EGI.

There are many other policies I favor, which themselves broadly aid whites (no gun restrictions, public hangings, unregulated capitalism), but which are not specifically racial, and so are left unmentioned.]

What am I leaving out?


Posted by Mr Voight on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 00:14 | #

I’ll just note that when I speak of Australia, I do not include Tasmania. I have great confidence that it has the birth rate and family-culture to thrive.


Posted by Randy Garver on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 00:50 | #

Leon Haller:

What am I leaving out?

One obvious item you’ve left out is any strategy by which you would prepare the remaining population to suddenly provide for themselves. How shall your purified volk (chavs and all) begin to make up for the loss of so many doctors, engineers, farm workers, and other personae non Gaulae who currently provide the necessary skills and labors to keep the the gearworks of society spinning?

If an effective answer to this question has already been developed, what is stopping anyone from implementing such a plan right now to begin attenuating the demand for foreign laborers?



Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 02:27 | #


Are you totally joking? Seriously, you don’t believe that nonwhites in Europe are the industrial backbone of those societies, do you? Or something similar in the US? You obviously aren’t aware of the facts on parasitism - or else you read the WSJ far too uncritically.

There is in fact no ‘demand’ for foreign laborers (especially not in structurally high unemployment Europe). That ‘demand’ comes from greedy businesses looking to make fast bucks by undercutting native wage rates - instead of by being clever and entrepreneurial and becoming more creative or at least efficient in the utilization of existing resources and structures (or simply accepting slightly lower profits in order to preserve their nations over time).

Also, I forget, but aren’t you American? And please recall that I am as well.


Re Tasmania - I assume you’re being facetious? Having never been to Australia, I don’t know the on the ground truths of the place. The Aussies I’ve met in the US have almost all been surprisingly solid, however. Tasmania does remain overwhelmingly white, no?

14 words


Posted by J Richards on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 03:07 | #


Apparently you think that by breathing fire [@202] we’ll think you’re a dragon.  But the kind of creature you’re is, among many other things, revealed by your statement that the Ashkenazi should be expelled to Israel, not because they’re “savages or parasites, but because they are too politically dangerous over time to the maintenance of white preservation.”

Why expel the Ashkenazi to Israel?  These Khazars stole Palestine and have no claim to it.  You want expulsion of the Ashkenazi?  Start with Israel first, establish a homeland for the Ashkenazi in remote Siberia, expel them to this region and contain them there for good.

If Jews aren’t savages and parasites, what makes them politically dangerous?  Jewry’s parasitism personified.  And let’s look at what kind of savage is more dangerous.  On the one hand we have a brute black looking for a wilding or mugging opportunity, a savage because he didn’t develop the intelligence to function in modern civilization, but he can be kept at bay or at a safe distance.  On the other we have a suit-and-tie morally bankrupt parasite ensnaring others in its web of debt, sucking the vitality of the people, a savage because it never developed normal human morals, and it’s extremely difficult to avoid getting ensnared in its web of deceptions, lies, warfare and debt. 

How are Jews a threat to the “maintenance of white preservation”?  Parasites don’t kill their host population or else they don’t have a source of sustenance, and whites are the choicest host for Jews.  Parasites diminish vitality, make some hosts very ill, and kill some hosts but not the host population.  If you apply the parasite label to non-whites in general, the same principle holds and they couldn’t be a threat to white preservation.  The struggle is for quality of life, also individual preservation [which’s doomed as death will come no matter what], but not for white race preservation, and the non-white problems for the most part are the symptoms, not the cause, of the malaise afflicting white populations because of Jewish behaviors.


Posted by Mr Voight on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 03:10 | #

Re Tasmania - I assume you’re being facetious?

Not at all. I love the place.


Posted by J Richards on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 03:41 | #


Concerning your reply to Randy, it misses the point.  Whereas it’s true that European nations don’t ultimately need non-whites for skilled or technical work or for a functional society, the fact remains that in some Western nations, non-white presence among skilled/technical workers is more than insignificant.  So what happens when you expel them all of a sudden?  You can’t just replace them right away as you’ll need time to recruit suitable natives and train them.  Even when it comes to very low-skilled labor, what happens when you get rid of undocumented workers picking tomatoes for $2 per hour?  You think you’ll find their replacement among the natives right away, even if somehow minimum wage could be offered for the pickings? 

Your plan lacks a mechanism.  This is the primary issue with the 14 words: no mechanism.  But when a mechanism’s provided for enhancing the West, you chicken out and come up with some or the other excuse and disinformation aplenty.  Examples of mechanisms:


Why do you waste your time with MR, also wasting ours in the process?


Posted by Randy Garver on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 04:03 | #

Leon Haller:

Are you totally joking? Seriously, you don’t believe that nonwhites in Europe are the industrial backbone of those societies, do you? Or something similar in the US? You obviously aren’t aware of the facts on parasitism - or else you read the WSJ far too uncritically.

I’m saying they’re currently essential, and I’ve yet to hear of any plan to allow them to be less so.

Right now there are tech firms in Silicon Valley hiring new-grad CEs for $80k with plump benefits packages. Not too shabby for 22 year old kids with a 4 year degree. These companies are loaded with immigrants.

Go to your nearest medical center and do a provider lookup. Parse the surnames for ethnicity, then stroll to the doctors’ parking lot and take an educated guess as to whether or not they’re being forced to live rough by “greedy businesses” paying “undercut” wages.

In my wife’s field, companies are unable to fill open positions and so headhunters regularly call offering signing bonuses.

These are just a few examples of essential, skilled, non-white value creators helping to keep the west afloat. Who exactly would take their places were they to depart? There’s certainly no exogenous reasons why natives can’t fill all of these jobs except that they don’t appear to want them, despite the high incomes, job stability, and the social respect which they provide.

As for the “western culture” whose preservation you’ve stated is among your top concerns, zip down to your local performing arts center and take a look at who is actually patronizing the arts, buying the instruments, supporting the instructors, performing the classics.



Posted by Silver on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 04:49 | #


Silver - when did you turn so sensible?! Its hard to imagine you are even the same Silver from before.

I’ve always been sensible.  It’s just that I’ve always put my own interests first.  Whereas I used to see a sharp, irreconcilable conflict between my interests and yours, nowadays, I see a greater alignment between my interests and yours so I sound more sensible to you.


Drew Fraser intellectually blasted everyone in his path which amounted to converting a handful of uni students.

That’s the thing. You can “blast” till you drop.  At the end of the day, though, “a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.”

Also, Australia’s not nearly as gone as you think.  My estimate, based on 2006 census data, is that some 70% of the country is still northwest european.  It doesn’t really mean much, since they’re so widely scattered and seem to be thinking about anything and everything but race.  Nevertheless, the material is there, so if some general trend towards ‘groupism’ emerges you’ve still got quite a bit there to work with.  Way too soon to write off Australia.  Well, you can write off “Australia,” which hardly signifies anything beyond a land mass with a legal system, but it’s ridiculous to write off the idea of securing a racial existence on that land mass, sheesh.


Randy Garver in a nutshell: Asians are just soooo awesome, dude.  They’re precisely the sort of people whites should want to be race-replaced by.  Not niggers or spics. No, it’s perfectly understandable that whites might not wish to be race-replaced by niggers or spics.  But Asians, man, you’d be mad to pass up the chance to be replaced by Asians.  It’s the opportunity of a lifetime!


Posted by J Richards on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 05:00 | #


You haven’t picked the best examples.

$80k/year + benefits isn’t being offered to the slumdogs doing computer programming in silicon valley.  These slumdogs work as indentured servants.  Haller tells us that greedy businesses are to blame for wanting to hire slumdogs to make more money.  The truth’s that these businesses are mostly publicly traded companies and hence must please the investors, the most important ones of which are banks and other professional financial institutions.  The blame rests on the bankers that Haller has elsewhere praised for “wealth creation.”

Slumdog computer programmers are inferior programmers that destroy software companies when they become too numerous (e.g., Sun Micro systems, the ongoing decline of Adobe, Microsoft falling behind Apple, etc.).

Thanks to the Jews forcing affirmative action and minority integration upon us, grade inflation became a serious issue over the years, forcing people to spend more time as a student to get the education/skills they need for the workplace.  This has translated to a worsening burden of student debt, along with increasing debt in general.  If you have tens of thousands of dollars of student debt to pay off, would you want to go to grad school and be forced to study while working part-time, or earn less than an entry-level Mcdonald’s worker as a graduate teaching or research assistant?  But slumdogs, given where they’re coming from, will gladly take the poor pay of a grad assistant and study and do research at the same time.  Hence the reason why science and engineering grad schools in America are full of slumdogs and other Third Worlders.

Keep in mind that the slumdogs are intellectually inferior, and there’s no need for their [and other non-white] intellect in Western nations.  But the circumstances make it difficult for many native Westerners to take up grad studies in technical/science fields because they’re not slumdogs and refuse to live like ones [study, do research, take poor pay, stay three in a room, etc.].

So when American computer programmers are displaced by slumdogs in the short-term, and you expel the slumdogs, the displaced programmers can be rehired.  But the long-term effect’s different.  You have an increasing number of natives who don’t take up technical fields of study because they know that the job will quite likely be outsourced or given to a foreign worker here on a visa, and the deteriorating financial conditions, including mounting debt, also discourage an increasing number from taking up technical fields of study as they need to work to maintain an acceptable quality of life.  So when you expel the slumdogs and other non-whites in a situation where trained/skilled workers to replace them don’t exist you’ve got a problem, a problem that can’t be solved quickly, and Haller has no mechanism to address the problem.


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 05:49 | #

I’ve always been sensible.  It’s just that I’ve always put my own interests first.  Whereas I used to see a sharp, irreconcilable conflict between my interests and yours, nowadays, I see a greater alignment between my interests and yours so I sound more sensible to you. - Silver

Well, thats a very reasonable answer too. And glad to hear it.


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 06:07 | #

Richards, what do you hope will be the living situation of Whites on the North American continent 100 years from now?  A Whites only ethnostate free of Jews?  What?  To state that clearly at the outset will bring into clearer focus the viability of your plan for achieving your end-goal and the need, or not, for any alterations to your plan.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 06:26 | #


By “facetious”, I was referring to your second sentence:

I’ll just note that when I speak of Australia, I do not include Tasmania.<u> I have great confidence that it has the birth rate and family-culture to thrive</u> (Voight).

I can’t tell now if you were being serious with that sentence.

What do you think of Taz as a possible location for mass WN migration (White Zion)?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 06:34 | #

Suggesting that you don’t care about the continued existence of Africans and then suggesting that you will aid them in some remote chance that they will leave you alone is not a sensible position. What is the outcome of the West’s aid to Africa? The answer is massive population growth even in times of famine. Population growth creates migratory pressures. Where naturally will they migrate? Europe. Why would anyone advocate additional pressure for Africans to migrate to Europe unless they were African or belonged to an ethnic group who benefited from African migration to Europe? Hmmm…which ethnic group will benefit from the mass migration of Africans into Europe? And why is Mr. Silverstein advocating for them?


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 06:40 | #

I don’t feel ‘guilt’ or ‘self-loathing.’  I feel threatened, personally threatened, by unhinged beserkers like you.

Anyone who keeps frequenting some of Sydney’s rowdier nightspots in a skin-tight t-shirt (with sequins?) after getting his ass kicked by Nordic toughs has got to be a bit of a glutton for punishment.  LOL


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 07:13 | #

I’m saying they’re currently essential, and I’ve yet to hear of any plan to allow them to be less so.

Right now there are tech firms in Silicon Valley hiring new-grad CEs for $80k with plump benefits packages. Not too shabby for 22 year old kids with a 4 year degree. These companies are loaded with immigrants.

Go to your nearest medical center and do a provider lookup. Parse the surnames for ethnicity, then stroll to the doctors’ parking lot and take an educated guess as to whether or not they’re being forced to live rough by “greedy businesses” paying “undercut” wages.

In my wife’s field, companies are unable to fill open positions and so headhunters regularly call offering signing bonuses.

These are just a few examples of essential, skilled, non-white value creators helping to keep the west afloat. Who exactly would take their places were they to depart? There’s certainly no exogenous reasons why natives can’t fill all of these jobs except that they don’t appear to want them, despite the high incomes, job stability, and the social respect which they provide.

As for the “western culture” whose preservation you’ve stated is among your top concerns, zip down to your local performing arts center and take a look at who is actually patronizing the arts, buying the instruments, supporting the instructors, performing the classics. (GARVER)


You don’t read vdare.com enough. I’ve lived much of my life in CA, indeed, greater LA, the Ground Zero of America’s immigration invasion, and I can tell you that what you say is pure neoliberal propaganda (Sheesh - where the fuck is Graham Lister, or XPWA, the ‘intellectuals’ always accusing me of fealty to neoliberalism, when they could actually have something useful to say?!). I have personally heard white men with technical computer programming expertise complain to me about the Asian invasion of Silicon Valley, and how unnecessary and dirty dealing it is.

So many problems (I do not have time for more than a couple)...

First, do you recognize the distinction between the skilled foreign worker issue in America v Europe, as well as the general truths wrt the divergent numbers between H1B visa seekers, and family reunification immigrants? Most immigrants are NOT skilled workers - this is PURE IMMIGRATIONIST MYTH!! You’re buying into the Bill Gates / Wall Street Journal crowd’s bullshit (probably for personal reasons)! The educational levels of the vast bulk of immigrants to the US, and especially to Europe, are low relative to the native born (especially when you compare to whites only), precisely because the bulk of them are NOT admitted based on skills (as I believe is disproportionately the case in Canada; perhaps Australia, too).

Second, I’m not talking about removing all nonwhites from the US (only about not allowing additional ones to settle here). I said Europe. Europe has far fewer nonwhites than the US, and they are heavily overrepresented among criminals, welfare parasites, and those performing menial tasks which do not produce enough in taxes to compensate for the public benefits they, as a class, collect. Same is true on America. The notion that nonwhite immigrants in their ghettoes are essential to the maintenance of European economies is ignorance that is beyond laughable.

I agree - and have said so like a zillion times here at MR - that Third World immigrants could be an economic blessing were we to cherry-pick them based only on greater-than-native-born, economic-value-added skill sets (ie, all those computer experts, surgeons, etc).

[I would still oppose bringing them in, however, purely for racial reasons, which I hold trump economic concerns - do you hear that Richards, Lister, XPWA, and all their ilk? I have always said this, and I am remarkably consistent in my views.] 

But that is not what most Western nations, esp the US, actually do. For the record, just as I support total abolition of the Federal Reserve, but would also accept, if that proved impossible, the elimination of the Fed’s alleged “dual mandate”, which stipulates that it should concern itself with both inflation and unemployment when formulating monetary policy (and which only dates to the 70s), returning it to its ostensible earlier sole concern with price level stability (which I don’t ideally support, either; in a real free market economy, most industries would be characterized by persistent, mild deflation), so, too, do I want the total abolition of all future nonwhite immigration - but if that fails to pass, then I think a second-best demand would be to replace existing, dominant refugee and family reunification criteria with an enlarged emphasis on economically valuable skills.

Anyway, you’re missing my point. I’m not saying that immigrant doctors have it rough, but that artificially expanding the labor supply through immigration necessarily leads to lower native-born wages. This is praxeologically certain - as well as empirically demonstrated (recall my argument re the truth behind the Occupy Wall Street’s correct claims about rising income inequality - that such inequality is due to Fed created inflation, economic globalization, mass immigration, and the general growth of parasitic Big (wasteful, overregulatory) Government).

With the right electoral will, we can easily eliminate the Fed and mass immigration, and at least start pruning back the overhang of too big government (stopping America’s participation in economic globalization may in fact now be impossible, as too many companies, and hence citizen-shareholders, have too much money invested overseas, and make too much from foreign sales; we could slow the growth of continued globalization, however).

To reiterate, I myself have immigrant medical specialists. I also have many American doctors. If fewer Americans are going to med school, this itself is in part due to mass immigration (and also, the often correct belief among white men, now challenged by circumstances, that greater wealth was to be had from finance than scientific professions - in part because of the perception of greater competition from immigrants in the latter).

But get rid of the immigrants, and I assure you, the nations would adapt accordingly (and salutarily). And no, it’s not my responsibility to show some precise mechanism for dealing with the problem (if Richards understood economics or public policy, he would know this). If all immigrant dentists were suddenly expelled from the US (not something I have advocated), then the price of the services provided by American dentists would increase, their wages would go up - and more American students would be attracted to dentistry.

Really, I’m surprised and disappointed at these kinds of responses at a place like MR.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 07:24 | #


I feel no need to reply to someone who thinks it’s easier to expel Jews from sovereign, nuclearized Israel, and set them up in Siberia, than to expel nonwhite colonists in Europe.


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 07:29 | #

Credit is due

Yes, it certainly is.

Brilliant! It’s pleasing to see this kind of forward planning in European political nationalists - like the chess master, always thinking three moves ahead of his opponent.

Only The Captain has the panoramic view.  Just as the Fuhrer did.

were it not for the fact that this fellow wisely conceals the details of his Goebellian schemes in seemingly innocuous internet comment threads.

That tore it, now I’m not going to let you kiss my ring.

a complete lack of other important aesthetic standards.

I hope you dig towering, neoclassical monuments constructed as tributes to the strength and power of the Nordic race.


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 08:00 | #

someone who thinks it’s easier to expel Jews from sovereign, nuclearized Israel, and set them up in Siberia, than to expel nonwhite colonists in Europe.

Richards tends to get bogged down in wonkish details and responding to internally-generated cues that are the product of his, erm, unique view of the world.  That is why I decided to ask him a Big Question in the hope that it will clarify his thinking, or at least motivate him to more clearly present his thinking to us, assuming his thinking is not confused.  How to get from proximate to ultimate?  It’s that panoramic thing.

P.S.  Jews (and crypto-Jews) who support my litmus test (i.e., the creation of a Whites-only, Jew-free Reich, er, ethnostate in North America) are effectively signing on for their own eventual expulsion.  That’s why I like it better.  LOL Not that I don’t concur with Richards on the importance of monetary reform - he’s made a believer out of me.




Posted by Olam Ba-Humbug on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 08:27 | #

I don’t want to live amongst low-class, foul-mouthed, belligerent slappers

It is not within the power of a man of your alleged aesthetic refinement to live amongst better folk under any political dispensation?  Hmm, I think I smell the disagreeable scent of a loser.


Posted by Mr Voight on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 09:53 | #

Leon, I was being serious when I said that I have great confidence that it(Tasmania) has the birth rate and family-culture to thrive.

Whether or not it’s a potential ‘White Zion’ is not for me to say. I don’t think making a lot of noise about it would endear you to the locals as it smells of a takeover. If you want to move there, get the necessary visa and just become Tasmanian. It’s overwhelmingly white and likely to remain so, regardless of whether it has a left/right/commie/nationalist government.


Posted by Silver on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 09:55 | #


Suggesting that you don’t care about the continued existence of Africans and then suggesting that you will aid them in some remote chance that they will leave you alone is not a sensible position. What is the outcome of the West’s aid to Africa? The answer is massive population growth even in times of famine. Population growth creates migratory pressures. Where naturally will they migrate? Europe. Why would anyone advocate additional pressure for Africans to migrate to Europe unless they were African or belonged to an ethnic group who benefited from African migration to Europe? Hmmm…which ethnic group will benefit from the mass migration of Africans into Europe? And why is Mr. Silverstein advocating for them?

SSA’s population growth is much more the result of medical advances made available to SSA than ‘aid’ in the form of food or dollars.  That medical aid began with the colonization of Africa in the latter part of the 19th century and has continued ever since.  If all aid to Africa were halted tomorrow Africans would still retain the medical knowledge they have gained, ensuring that their population could keep growing.  If no aid at all had been provided during famines and the people allowed to starve to death that would have meant only a few million fewer Africans; even if one hundred million had perished it would scarcely change the big picture.  If AIDS takes out even as much as a third of today’s population over the next decade (and it won’t) we’re still facing at least 1300 million by mid-century. 

In light of all that, is it really so incredible to attempt to aid them where they are in the hopes that they might thereby remain there? 

In any case, SSA’s growth rate is slowing (ever so slowly, but so far quite surely).  Total fertility rates have decreased from about 7.0 in 1970 to about 5.0 today.  Total fertility rates aren’t real; they are only conjectures, premised on present breeding patters holding in the future.  Considering the actual growth rates recorded, from the 60s to the 70s SSA’s population grew at about 2.7% annually on average, hitting a high of some 3% annually during the early 80s.  Since then the annual growth rate has slowed to about 2.4% annually at present, and decreasing by 1% per year.  If the growth rate keeps decreasing by 1% per year, by 2050 the growth rate will be down to 1.6%, and the total SSA population about 1650 million, by 2100, over 3000 million.  If the growth rate decreases by an annually accelerating rate, beginning at a rate of decrease of 1% per year and increasing up to a rate of decrease of, say, 3% annually, then the growth rate will have slowed to 1% annually in 2050, and the total SSA population would be about 1500 million.  If the growth rate remained 1% in 2050, then in 2100 you’d have about 2200 million.  If the growth rate continues to decrease, we could see less than 2000 million by 2100. 

Helping modernize them has the effect of decreasing that growth rate.


P.S.  Jews (and crypto-Jews) who support my litmus test (i.e., the creation of a Whites-only, Jew-free Reich, er, ethnostate in North America) are effectively signing on for their own eventual expulsion.  That’s why I like it better.  LOL Not that I don’t concur with Richards on the importance of monetary reform - he’s made a believer out of me.

That’s not surprising.  Many people who lack the processing power to see past the smoke and mirrors of ‘monetary reform’ fall for this claptrap.  Check back into that thread and I’ll walk you through a standard demolition of ‘Money Masters’ mythology. (And I think you’ll appreciate why it’s vastly more likely Bill Still is a peculiar kind of leftard than any serious sort of patriot.)




Posted by Silver on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 10:48 | #

Desmond Jones (or Uh),

The Saudis people like you and me out of Mecca.  Does that bother you at all?  Is your response, “Oh, you’re going to keep me out?  Well in that case I want in!”?  Probably not.  It’s more likely that you don’t want in to their smelly country in the first place.  What if Mecca were renowned as richest, most prosperous city in the world, and they still refused you entry?  I imagine you probably still wouldn’t care.  Neither would most people, because most people tend not to go where it’s clear to them they’re not wanted.

If it ever became clear that you don’t want others around, why is the notion that others might understand and allow you to have your way so unbelievable?  With the sort of ‘understanding’ I keep banging on about achieved, people could just say, “Well, they came close to being snuffed out of existence once, so it’s not surprising they take a hardline on outsiders now.”  And done.  Pretty simple.  ‘Peaceable segregation’ isn’t at all a difficult concept for people to accept and adhere to—once it’s there.  It’s getting there that’s the hard part.

In getting there, I fail to see how hardline rhetoric helps anything.




Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 11:04 | #


Just read ‘Austrians’ Mises and esp Rothbard on money (or Ron Paul’s very simple End the Fed). Don’t worry about them being Jewish - so was the discoverer of thr polio vaccine that I’m sure runs somehow in your blood. Richards is about 90% correct, but for a number of incorrect reasons.

In sum:

1. Abolish central banking.

2. Require 100% reserves (that is, end fractional reserve banking and the ensuing debt-driven economy, a move which is independently justifiable on Christian, conservative, libertarian, nationalist, and even environmentalist grounds - and for once all strains of non-leftist ideology are correct, if for different reasons).

3. Those reserves should be a commodity money ideally determined by the free market, but in the transition back to monetary rationality, the commodity will have to be initially legislated (after an “acclimatizing” period, during which people become used again to economic calculation based on commodity money pricing, we can simply repeal remaining legal tender laws, and just let the consumer decide his preferred medium of exchange). The best commodity money is the historic one: gold. Thus, we must eliminate any state role in money, except that of detailing the initial dollar-weight conversion into gold (ie, stating that “one dollar = 1/1000 or whatever of an oz of gold” - monetary experts will have to determine this unit wt so as to cause the least disruption to regularly established market prices). 

4. What Richards essentially advocates is a deprivatization of the quasi-private/quasi-public Fed, an end to fractional reserve loans by bankers, and the lodging of the ability to print money in the hands of democratic representatives (I guess, Congress and the White House). I’m not sure this would be better than the existing system, but it damn sure would be worse than just getting the State the hell out of money printing, period! Do not doubt for one minute that the parasites in DC would like nothing better than to ‘solve’ their self-inflicted national debt problem by monetizing it; ie, inflating it away (that is, looting savers and bondholders - extracting the value of their money - by debasing the currency, as Bernanke has also been doing in order to help reelect Obama).

The only ultimately just as well as maximally efficient monetary system is one established by the consumer driven free market, with the traditional criminological understanding that lending out money you don’t actually possess is FRAUD, and should be properly criminally prosecuted (and not made into the very basis of your economy, as now!!!).

To reiterate, the Austrians are correct re pure, value-free economics. Study them. But remember, supporting free markets does not in itself lead one to the nonsense of libertarianism. That is an unwarranted conceptual leap.


Posted by uh on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 14:19 | #

If it ever became clear that you don’t want others around, why is the notion that others might understand and allow you to have your way so unbelievable?

Because it presumes too much of their goodwill — and is in fact Anglo projection (despite your race). Moreover, they have been pre-armed with victim entitlement ideology by the chosen; they feel and believe themselves to be entitled to the fruits of white men’s labor. Any diminution of such entitlement will call forth bitter reaction, not understanding, plainly in evidence whenever they hear the merest squeak from a lone white dissident, like Miss West.


Understanding might come from foreigners who have remained in their homelands. But from asylum seekers and laborers resentment is all we could expect.

By the way .... please tell me what “SSA” means. You’ve used it a hundred times and I just have no idea.


Posted by Silver on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 14:24 | #


Well, thats a very reasonable answer too. And glad to hear it.

Why thank you, kind lurker.  I do try to be reasonable, you know.  It’s not always easy, with the hardcore set breathing down my neck, but I try.

I should have also added that the ‘interests’ aspect is only one side of it (albeit a most important side, I’m sure you’ll agree).  There’s also the question of ‘truth’ and ‘justice.’ 

One of the first things that attracted me to the whole race debate thingy was that racialists were telling more truth than anyone else.  It wasn’t the sort of truth that made me want to pop the champagne.  In fact, it was a most unwelcome truth.  But time and time again everything they said (with allowances for certain excesses) had uncomfortable ring of truth to it; the sort of truth that you can only ignore for so long before to pries its way into your attention.

Then there’s ‘justice.’  It’d be one thing if the price for all that’s going on race-wise was a few disturbances here, a cultural clash or three there, then the ensuing ‘flight’ and a few rounds of heated debate before things settled down into predictable patterns that we could all work our way around.  For some, even that’s an exorbitant price to pay (given how little in the way of perceptible benefit there is).  But ultimately the price it exacts is racial death (with today’s numbers anyway).  Well, that’s obviously a price few who are aware of it would willingly pay.  You know, I’ve got a big mouth on me and some say I talk too much, but that’s one aspect of the issue I’ve never had a convincing comeback to.  Some people don’t find any of my comebacks convincing, of course, but at least I can believe in them.  But with racial death/extinction, I can’t even convince myself.  (I sort of can, in the sense that if there’s nothing that can be done, then there’s nothing that can be done, but that’s kinda beside the point.)  And the thing I hate most about that is that makes me feel wrong.  It kills me to admit a malicious turd like crapandchaos has morality and justice over me, but to the extent that he’s merely fighting for a place in the sun (and he is) then he has and I have to concede his point.

Also, you might say that’s all very well, but these issues have been circulating for a very long time.  Surely at some point you became at least vaguely aware of them.  Where were you to speak up then?  Now that the blow is almost fatal, now you speak up (you ^&$#%^&%)?  That’s another hard question that makes me feel ‘sort of wrong’—not as wrong as before, but still wrongish.  Because of course I have been aware of the race issue for a long time; really, since I was a kid.

Probably the first time I really became aware of it was in 1983, at the age of six.  I got to school one morning and the other kids were jumping all about, waving their hands in the air.  “What’s going on?” I asked my ‘best friend.’  “We won the America’s Cup! We’re celebrating!” he said.  Then he stopped and, with a concerned look, pointed at me. “But you can’t celebrate,” he emphasized.  I don’t think he said any more than that.  He didn’t have to. I understood immediately.  Ahh, so that’s how it goes, is it? I said to myself. (Lol, this is just the sort of thing that gets ‘nice white people’ upset. Oh, how horrible, how utterly, utterly horrible we are etc Relax, potential anti readers. That’s not my intention.)

An incident like that will make you think, but nobody’s going to conclude that it’s his presence on a certain piece of territory that is wrong; everyone will conclude that it’s racism that is wrong.  And once you draw that conclusion, that’s it, it’s settled.  It’s psychologically comforting. It certainly ‘feels right.’  And your mind just goes on auto-pilot.  It takes something either very dramatic or something very subtle to break through that barrier.  So that’s my answer to the “where were you to speak up back then?” question. Might not satisfy you, but it satisfies me, and I’d be willing to accept it from someone directing it at me from, to put it bluntly, the ‘even less white’ end.



Posted by uh on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 14:27 | #

Randy Garver in a nutshell: Asians are just soooo awesome, dude.

Agreed. Everything that guys says is basically an argument for his wife. And in the distance ... a whip cracketh.

Who exactly would take their places were they to depart?

Whites, as wealth is redistributed to whites alone. WAH U PLAYIN BRAH.


zip down to your local performing arts center and take a look at who is actually patronizing the arts, buying the instruments, supporting the instructors, performing the classics.

hahaha, ZIP! like your wife!!! lozlozozozzoozoz

Perhaps if more money went to the arts in grade school, and not “Holocaust education” and “diversity modules”, or for trailers to accommodate more kaffirs, and down the bottomless kaffir-ball drain, why, we might just witness some whites waking up their cultural patrimony!




But isn’t this Garver’s old trick .... “What’s stopping you from doing all of this RIGHT NOW?”, asks the impish AZN-loving lord, just in from pruning his wolfberry bush.




Posted by Randy Garver on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 14:54 | #

Leon Haller:

First, do you recognize the distinction between the skilled foreign worker issue in America v Europe, as well as the general truths wrt the divergent numbers between H1B visa seekers, and family reunification immigrants? Most immigrants are NOT skilled workers - this is PURE IMMIGRATIONIST MYTH!!

I wasn’t arguing about the relative numbers of skilled immigrants vs. non-skilled immigrants, only that at present, immigrants fill essential high-skill occupations in the US. Perhaps Europe is different in this regard. Personally, I’m in favor of greater restrictions on entry, but we’re discussing practicalities here, not preferences.

Leon Haller:

Anyway, you’re missing my point. I’m not saying that immigrant doctors have it rough, but that artificially expanding the labor supply through immigration necessarily leads to lower native-born wages.

You’re also implying that “lower native-born wages” through an expanded workforce is inherently detrimental. I would suggest that this is not always the the case. As the unemployment rate in an occupation nears its lower bound, wages become inflationary and a shortage of labor prevents businesses from operating properly or expanding.

Here’s a telling (albeit absurd) example: what if there were only 1 doctor in California. He’d sure make a fine living. Wouldn’t that be grand? No, of course not. Expanding the workforce in fields with growing labor needs benefits the economy.

Leon Haller:

If all immigrant dentists were suddenly expelled from the US (not something I have advocated), then the price of the services provided by American dentists would increase, their wages would go up - and more American students would be attracted to dentistry.

That sounds like a quaint, idealized problem in an Econ 101 textbook where the “invisible hand” magically (and quickly) sorts out all imbalances. In the case of sudden engineer shortages, more firms would simply move overseas causing the current and future economy to suffer. Also, if I had to speculate, I’d guess that you underestimate the parlous state of American education and mainstream attitudes of American students.


But Asians, man, you’d be mad to pass up the chance to be replaced by Asians.  It’s the opportunity of a lifetime!

I’m describing practicalities not preferences.

Put another way, which option would have benefited Zimbabweans the most:

a. Building up native farming and entrepreneurial capacities
b. Driving the Rhodesian farmers from the land

(even if your ultimate goal is “b”, you’d still need to first succeed at “a”, as we’ve seen the results of attempting “b” before “a”)


Posted by Silver on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 14:55 | #

Uh (get a real name will ya?),

Because it presumes too much of their goodwill — and is in fact Anglo projection (despite your race). Moreover, they have been pre-armed with victim entitlement ideology by the chosen; they feel and believe themselves to be entitled to the fruits of white men’s labor.

I suppose I should take that as a compliment.  But I take it as insult, because for me Anglo=Sucker, and I’m no sucker.  (Readers: are you Anglos? Does my comment upset you?  Good. Use it.)

I’m not talking about meekly requesting ‘understanding.’  I’m talking about pointing a loaded gun at the nigger’s head and appealing, not to his goodwill, but to his self-interest, “Nigger, we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way.” And when he slinks off like every good nigger should you can say, “Now, there’s a good chap. I knew you’d ‘understand.’”

But of course, after he does ‘understand,’ why pursue the matter further (a la da cap’n)?  That is an understanding of sorts, Lentini [fuck Uh]. Isn’t that the stuff of treaties of bygone days?  It seems to me that people ‘understood’ those treaties and managed to get on with their lives.  I just happen to think that with today’s communications technologies a great deal more understanding, more genuine understanding, is possible, at least for those interested. 

Any diminution of such entitlement will call forth bitter reaction, not understanding, plainly in evidence whenever they hear the merest squeak from a lone white dissident, like Miss West.

Bullshit. You’ve got to be kidding.  They’re not hearing ‘dissent’ there.  Anyone would regard that as insulting verbal assault.




Posted by Silver on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 15:03 | #


I’m describing practicalities not preferences.

Put another way, which option would have benefited Zimbabweans the most:

a. Building up native farming and entrepreneurial capacities
b. Driving the Rhodesian farmers from the land

(even if your ultimate goal is “b”, you’d still need to first succeed at “a”, as we’ve seen the results of attempting “b” before “a”)

So you’re on board with “b” then?  You just want to ensure that all the practicalities are dealt with first?  Wonderful. I do beg your pardon then. It’s just that I thought you were an obstructionist.  I’ve encountered plenty of obstructionists before (hell, I’ve been one) so I can usually tell obstructionism when I see it. But in this case I’m glad to have been wrong.



Posted by Silver on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 15:42 | #

Last I checked, your blog was blank!

Yes, I know.  I was never able to restart it after the initial deletion.  I should have just deleted the posts I felt most uncomfortable with.

Some good times there.

Remember “Emperor’s New Clothes, Racialist Edition” regarding the Obama inauguration adulation?  “He’s just a fucking nigger!” Rofl.  Okay, that was uncouth. Must remember to be couth.

Or what about my take on the ‘BRIC’s?  “Organization of Melanin Exporting Nations—O.M.E.N.”  I think that’s couth.

Laughter takes away the pain my friend.

(I’m no “great writer,” btw.  Or were you just mocking me?  That hurts, because I’d sure like to be, despite being far from it at the moment.)

PS - SSA.  Sub-Saharan Africans, duh.  (For those moments you tire of saying ‘nigger.’)

Leon Haller,

If there was any justice in this world you’d be on TV.  (Just don’t talk about money.  It’ll only hurt your career.)

Could I make a suggestion for the New Era Christianity you’re crafting?

Call it “8th Day Adventist.”

“On the eighth day the Lord said, ‘Let there be White.’”

4 words




Posted by J Richards on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 16:44 | #


Don’t kid yourself about the people allegedly lacking the processing power to see past “the smoke and mirrors of monetary reform.”  You have to be remarkably arrogant if you think you’ve demolished the “money masters mythology.” 

Here’s your “demolition,” full of falsehoods and undoubtedly lies, too:

http://www.majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/money#c117946 [#41]

I exposed your falsehoods, and you didn’t respond:

http://www.majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/money#c117986 [#48]

I’m still waiting for your expose of the “gross misinformation” in the Money Masters video, but not holding my breath considering the substantial time you’ve spent answering others after promising this expose but not delivering it.

Also, Bill Still’s the narrator of the video, not the mastermind behind it, who happens to be Patrick Carmack.


Posted by J Richards on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 16:47 | #


What do I hope will be the living situation of Whites on the North American continent 100 years from now?  I hope that Jewry’s vanquished, that the races naturally largely self-segregate, that large chunks of the land become all or overwhelmingly white and that a substantial number of the effectively white regions that cluster in geographic space secede from the union.  Thus you have a large geographic area for whites who don’t want non-whites around, other areas for those who wish to live in predominantly white societies but don’t mind some non-white presence, and accommodation for whites with non-white relatives who wish to live with their non-white relatives that are unable or prohibited from living in the other regions. 

Why this as opposed to an all-white North American continent?  With 100 million-plus non-whites in the region, one’s looking at considerable collateral damage if an attempt’s made to expel all non-whites, and a grudge against whites passed across generations among the displaced non-whites.


Posted by J Richards on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 16:53 | #


I never said that “it’s easier to expel Jews from sovereign, nuclearized Israel, and set them up in Siberia, than to expel nonwhite colonists in Europe.”  To hell with your strawmen!

BTW, if you’re interested in a scenario of how to deal with nuclear-armed Israel, start with the U.S. military moving in on New York and Los Angeles, arresting 100,000 Jews in one day.  Then it’s time to negotiate with Israel while mass arrests of Jews are underway in America.  The deal’s straightforward: your nuclear weapons in exchange for safe passage of American Jews and all of you Jews in Israel to a homeland in remote Siberia, with assistance to set up a settlement there.  Jews are a parasitic people, not a suicidal one.  If they decide to use their nuclear weapons against the world if they can’t have Israel, which’s unlikely, so be it.  They die and so do we.  All of us are going to die as individuals any way, and there’s no telling how far into the future the race or the species or even the mammalian class will prevail.  If we can’t have dignified lives, we die fighting for it.

On the issue of mechanism, whereas you’re not bound to provide a precise mechanism for your vision, if you don’t even provide a basic mechanism, it’s just empty huffing and puffing that doesn’t make you credible.


Posted by J Richards on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 16:56 | #


You blamed rising income inequality on “Fed created inflation, economic globalization, mass immigration, and the general growth of parasitic Big (wasteful, overregulatory) Government.”  The singular cause of rising income inequality’s fractional reserve banking [creating loans out of nothing].  FRB causes inflation.  The wealth acquired by bankers as a result of FRB has enabled them to further their schemes via globalization and mass immigration into Western nations.  The growth of big government’s a consequence of the government having to pick up the tab of providing assistance to people impoverished by the bankers and the bankers promoting legislation that undermines the freedom of the people.


Posted by J Richards on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 17:00 | #


@225, you’ve again promoted the Austrian School.  Let me remind you of a choice I gave you, which’s you either justify the fundamental premise of the Austrian School for starters, which’s that government issuance and control of money leads to financial problems and the trade cycle of booms and busts, or stop promoting the Austrian School.  A choice will be made for you if you don’t make it yourself.  Here’s where I originally mentioned it: http://www.majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/money#c117973

I’ve had enough of you pretending as if a rebuttal to your arguments hasn’t been provided.  In point #3, you’ve again promoted the gold standard, completely ignoring the rebuttal: http://www.majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/money#c117949 [on top of documented examples from history of bankers forcing a gold standard to their benefit]

You’ve stated that “The only ultimately just as well as maximally efficient monetary system is one established by the consumer driven free market,” ignoring documented examples from history where people have starved and frozen in the midst of plenty, because bankers don’t drive the market with consumer interests in mind but only their interests.  Here’s an example from the Great Depression: http://www.majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/money#c117790 and here’s and example from the Irish potato famine: http://www.majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/money#c117972

You’ve characterized my position in #4 as “deprivatization of the quasi-private/quasi-public Fed.”  I don’t want to deprivatize the Federal Reserve system; I want it abolished.  You’ve also stated that I wish to have democratic representatives (Congress and the White House) print money, whereas I’ve stated that I only want Congress to do so, not the White House.  Whereas Congress is democratically elected, the U.S. isn’t a democracy, so no worries here.

In addition, there’s nothing quasi-private/quasi-public about the Federal Reserve banks as these are fully private.  Only the Federal Reserve system can’t be said to be fully private, but the Federal Reserve system’s simply the Federal Reserve Board in addition to the Federal Reserve banks.  It’s a mere show that the President appoints members of the Federal Reserve Board as the Federal Reserve system isn’t accountable to the government and sets monetary policy independently. 

You blame the “D.C. parasites” a.k.a. the government for the “self-inflicted national debt problem by monetizing it,” ignoring, for the umpteenth time, that the only money created by the government is coins, which are created debt free.  All other money, which means just about all money, is created as debt by private banks.  I’ve cited the necessary legal information, which you continue to ignore.  This is the problem with you and the Austrian School.  You people cite the horrors of government control of money, failing to mention the success when government actually controlled money [colonial script before the revolutionary war; national socialist Germany] and blaming the government when the government doesn’t have control of the money supply and the problems have demonstrably been created by bankers.

Heed the choice I gave you Haller or one will be made for you.


Posted by Silver on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 17:30 | #

Don’t kid yourself about the people allegedly lacking the processing power to see past “the smoke and mirrors of monetary reform.”

I’m not kidding myself. They really can’t. They’re totally sucked in by it (which I have to believe is what the producer intended).

You have to be remarkably arrogant if you think you’ve demolished the “money masters mythology.”

Here’s your “demolition,” full of falsehoods and undoubtedly lies, too:

http://www.majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/money#c117946 [#41]

It’s amusing to hear you talk about falsehoods when (a) my post hardly contained any, and (b) ‘Money Masters’ is so chock-full of them, and really such obvious and elementary falsehoods it’s really no wonder real economists pay it no attention. 

I exposed your falsehoods, and you didn’t respond:

http://www.majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/money#c117986 [#48]

I’m still waiting for your expose of the “gross misinformation” in the Money Masters video, but not holding my breath considering the substantial time you’ve spent answering others after promising this expose but not delivering it.

Fair enough, I should have replied sooner. It’d be nice if you could just stick to the empirical issues and cease imputing malice at every turn, though.  FFS is it so far out of the bounds of possibility that someone may want both the optimal financial system and honestly disagree with you that the Money Master’s proposal constitutes it?  Again, there are legions upon legions of economists who see nothing untoward about central banking or FRB whatsoever, who, like me, consider it an advance.  Well, anyway.  More on that later.

Also, Bill Still’s the narrator of the video, not the mastermind behind it, who happens to be Patrick Carmack.

I understand Still’s also the producer.  Apparently he wants the Libertarian Party nomination for 2012, so he’s no small fry.



Posted by uh on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 18:01 | #


I ask you again. WAH U PLAYIN BRAH?

(even if your ultimate goal is “b”, you’d still need to first succeed at “a”, as we’ve seen the results of attempting “b” before “a”)

So you are equating whites with Africans. But whites created the technologies you so love watching Asians exploit for profit in our homeland.. Zimbabwe failed because blacks cannot bring themselves up to white standard.

You remind me of a priceless Il Ragno quote ...

... my arm’s getting heavy waving this WELCOME GOOK SUPERMEN pennant

WAH U PL ... nevermind.

Randy Garver: betrayed his kind, equates his kind with incompetent Zimbabwean kaffirs, and completely misses the lumbering yiddish elephant in the room.

And we’re debating this shithead?


Posted by uh on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 18:18 | #

They’re not hearing ‘dissent’ there.  Anyone would regard that as insulting verbal assault.

I didn’t mean to imply it is principled dissent, as the word has come to connote. Only that it is a whiteskin speaking the plain truth: that non-whites have grown too numerous in ‘her’ country. That is literally dissent from the bitter quietude forced on whites by the New Discipline. And behold the reaction — a circus outpouring of hatred of a magnitude that, from us, would prompt TPTB to call in the national guard.

Can’t wait to find out what erupts when someone tells them they all have to go home, with guns leveled at their faces, as you allow. But by then the “foreigners” will have been replaced with second, third and fourth gens born in the West, like Garver’s multiculti kewpie dolls. Old story.

There’s nowhere for them to go. They are home. No European nation — with their 5,000 cheeses and weird women with spiked haircuts & blue turtleneck sweaters — has the will to tell them otherwise.

White power! Leave the cannoli, take the gun.


Some good times there.

Freak that I am, I actually printed out the entire blog, including comments. And no, I was not being facetious about your writing.


Posted by J Richards on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 18:26 | #


So your commentary didn’t contain falsehoods?  How about the hocus pocus math of fractional reserve banking reducing interest rate for borrowers, the false claim that FRB increases the amount of productive work that takes place [when it actually forces the public into debt slavery and much work/efforts go toward paying off the debts that were created out of nothing and people lose their farmland, their houses, their possessions, their bodies… their pound of flesh to the money changers], the false representation of bank profits, the false dissociation of inflation from fractional reserve banking [pertaining to your analogy of Bill being better off keeping his money in a bank], and the false claim that Bill’s better off letting a bank loan his money [seen in light of a run on the bank, a direct consequence of fractional reserve banking]?  I’ve exposed them all and you’ve not responded.

If the money masters video is chock-full of falsehoods, why haven’t you exposed them, instead wasting your time in responding to trivial issues at length?  The reason real economists don’t pay attention to the argument in the video’s that they can’t spite the hand that feeds them, yet Carmack and Still got Milton Friedman to endorse them, though I have little doubt that Milton Friedman decided to be honest here knowing that in the foreseeable future, it’s unlikely that the monetary reform proposed would be put in practice [and his community would thus remain in control of the money supply].

You’ve got some chutzpah asking me to stick to empirical issues when you’re the one who’s ignored all empirical rebuttals to your falsehoods and come up with an appeal-to-authority argument by referencing legions upon legions of economists who see nothing wrong with central banking or FRB. 

Let me remind you that I don’t have problems with central banking, but I do have problems with FRB and bankers in charge of money creation.  If the bankers want to have a central bank to lend to individual banks and coordinate the activities of individual banks, they can be my guest, but they don’t get to create money or control its supply.

Your attempt to discredit the argument in the money masters video by pointing to Bill Still’s endorsement of Libertarianism’s seen for what it is.  Is the work of a chemist, comprising of working out the structure of a molecule, discredited by his belief in the occult?


Posted by Bill Yancey on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 22:48 | #

Now let’s see, what was this thread about?


Posted by Silver on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 02:54 | #


I didn’t mean to imply it is principled dissent, as the word has come to connote. Only that it is a whiteskin speaking the plain truth: that non-whites have grown too numerous in ‘her’ country. That is literally dissent from the bitter quietude forced on whites by the New Discipline. And behold the reaction — a circus outpouring of hatred of a magnitude that, from us, would prompt TPTB to call in the national guard.

Okay, but I meant it’s not perceived as dissent.

Obviously people (everywhere) are extremely resistant to suggestions that they ought to be made to depart, so there’s never really any ‘nice’ way to put it.  Nevertheless, there remains an important difference between appearing to merely gratuitously ‘hate’ people and taking a principled position; the former almost never commands serious consideration, the latter occasionally does. 

Can’t wait to find out what erupts when someone tells them they all have to go home, with guns leveled at their faces, as you allow. But by then the “foreigners” will have been replaced with second, third and fourth gens born in the West, like Garver’s multiculti kewpie dolls. Old story.

There’s nowhere for them to go. They are home. No European nation — with their 5,000 cheeses and weird women with spiked haircuts & blue turtleneck sweaters — has the will to tell them otherwise.

Firstly, trends can change, and sometimes quite abruptly.  That’s also an ‘old story’ (that nevertheless manages to catch people totally by surprise every single time).

Deportation and segregation are two different things, I remind you.  The ‘political intensity’ required for segregation is a lot lower than that for deportation.  You might think that if people want to segregate because they can’t stand other people then they why wouldn’t they support the deportation of those other people? Many would support it.  Others, though, would regard segregation as more humane. Or they’d weigh up the destabilization of deportation versus segregation and opt for the latter as easier or more practical.  (Politicians would feature prominently in these ranks.) In any case, even if one’s heart is set on deportation, segregation does as good job as anything else as setting the scene for it. 

Also, there would likely be some enthusiastic adopters among the out-groupers, which would do a stellar job of opening more white eyes to the issues.  You know, you’ll get the patriot types who insist that “no fucking way, I ain’t givin’ one square inch of this country to no one.”  Regardless of what position he subsequently takes after reality sets in and he realizes that he’s on the verge of giving it all up, you’ve probably got yourself a racist.



Posted by Silver on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 03:54 | #


[when it actually forces the public into debt slavery and much work/efforts go toward paying off the debts that were created out of nothing and people lose their farmland, their houses, their possessions, their bodies… their pound of flesh to the money changers]

I read that passage a few times through and couldn’t quite figure out what was missing.  Then it came to me.  You forgot to add “....for pennies on the dollar.”  [Nod your head gently as you utter that phrase, and then grimace.  Really adds to the effect.]

If the money masters video is chock-full of falsehoods, why haven’t you exposed them, instead wasting your time in responding to trivial issues at length?  The reason real economists don’t pay attention to the argument in the video’s that they can’t spite the hand that feeds them, yet Carmack and Still got Milton Friedman to endorse them, though I have little doubt that Milton Friedman decided to be honest here knowing that in the foreseeable future, it’s unlikely that the monetary reform proposed would be put in practice [and his community would thus remain in control of the money supply].

You’ve got some chutzpah asking me to stick to empirical issues when you’re the one who’s ignored all empirical rebuttals to your falsehoods and come up with an appeal-to-authority argument by referencing legions upon legions of economists who see nothing wrong with central banking or FRB.

Discussion of demographics and the prospects of ‘managing’ demographic consequences is hardly trivial.  If total dispossession and extinction occur it will be directly the result of demographic effects, not monetary issues.

Economists don’t subsist on fractional reserve banking, nor even on the capitalist system in toto.  If that were so, it would be impossible for leftwing economists who advocate the overthrow of the system to “spite the hand that feeds them,” yet such economists certainly exist. 

Appeals to authority aren’t completely fallacious.  One must consider the reason they are employed.  In this case, you are so irate and insistent that the present system is a complete scam and only fools or those with malicious designs refuse to see it that pointing out that most economists see little problem with FRB is a reasonable counterstatement.

Your attempt to discredit the argument in the money masters video by pointing to Bill Still’s endorsement of Libertarianism’s seen for what it is.  Is the work of a chemist, comprising of working out the structure of a molecule, discredited by his belief in the occult?

Go easy with the apostrophes would you? It makes your writing hard to follow.

I wasn’t attempting to discredit anything by pointing out Still’s Libertarian Party candidacy.  You described Still as a narrator, implying (intentionally or not) that he’s unimportant.  I simply wanted to clarify that he’s much more heavily invested in the project than mere narration.




Posted by Bill Yancey on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 07:52 | #

Are you people insane?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 07:53 | #

There’s nowhere for them to go. They are home.

Exactly and here’s an example…

I am 2nd generation Canadian-Pakistani Muslim. Born and raised in Canada. I’ve played hockey since I was 8. How is it that what I practice at home and the colour of my skin makes me less Canadian??

Fact of the matter is, the “immigrants” or as I would like to call them, “the new mainstream” is the new Canada my ignorant friend. The new comers to this country will give Canada the much needed leg up on an international development playing field. Some of the most prominent companies in North America are run by 1st/2nd generation “immigrants”.

No doubt this individual lives in a de facto segregated community , however, would show the utmost of resistance to being deported, because, well, he’s Canadian. Not only that but he and his fellow travelers intend to dominate the scene because they are “the new mainstream”, the new face of Canada. He justifies this new imperial colonialism by asserting..

“And if we’re even on this point…not that I want to open up this bag of tricks, but, Canada is not technically your land. It was taken from the previous inhabitants.

It’s morally justified because the land was already stolen goods so if we take it from you what difference does it make one thief to another. We’re here, we will continue to come, will will dominate you and we feel no compassion for your position because you are just a thief. Once there are a 100 million subcons here, segregation is meaningless.



Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 12:05 | #


I get into arguments with liberals - and even libertarians - all the time on this point, and, for reasons I just don’t want to expound upon at length right now (I’ve done so previously at MR), it does have some moral validity. The answer, however, lies in the concept of ‘homesteading’ (so important to natural rights libertarians, which I why I italicized mention of them above).

Basically, very simply, but correctly ... we whites built the fucking country!!!!!! That’s the whole answer.

There were original (pre-white) inhabitants of N. America and Australia, but they didn’t establish property in those lands. That is, they did not bring them within cultivation and civilization. They simply lived off of them. The Indian could, under the white man’s own jurisprudence, claim property rights in his bow, spear, animals he killed or husbanded, crops he planted, etc. But such property constituted an infinitesimal fraction of the material composing the N. American landmass. Thus, the Indian could hardly lay claim to the entirety of the continent, simply because he happened to be standing on a tiny piece of it before any white man set foot on a similar piece.

Of course, when some paki filth talks about Canada as though it were still virgin territory, he is neglecting the historical fact of the infrastructure (in the largest sense, beyond roads, sewers, grids, etc) already and originally laid down by whites. Whites founded and built Canada. Thus they have a right to be aggrieved (and to legislate their grievances) re current or future immigrants that Indians, who hardly did anything productive with “their” land, never had vis a vis whites.

Think of it this way. Americans were first on the moon. But supposing the Chinese are the first to build some kind of lunar mining operation. Can Americans later say the Chinese mine is morally illegitimate, simply because we happened to have stood on lunar soil before any Chinaman? What would our justification be?

Note I am arguing within the liberal individualist tradition. Of course, maybe we should try to keep other races off the moon as a matter of Darwinian conflict / white racial EGI. But that undercuts at least mainstream Western morality (“might is right” is not a moral argument).


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 12:22 | #

Can’t wait to find out what erupts when someone tells them they all have to go home, with guns leveled at their faces, as you allow. But by then the “foreigners” will have been replaced with second, third and fourth gens born in the West, like Garver’s multiculti kewpie dolls. Old story.

There’s nowhere for them to go. They are home. No European nation — with their 5,000 cheeses and weird women with spiked haircuts & blue turtleneck sweaters — has the will to tell them otherwise. (UH)

Nonsense! Do not confuse the practical issue, which I always acknowledge (will we have the physical power to effectuate our desires? increasingly doubtful - hence, by several logical steps, the need for White Zion), with the moral one (nonwhites, by virtue of their racial unassimilability, have no right to reside on European soil).

Also, you just might wish to study the history of Third World decolonization, esp wrt places like Algeria, India, Vietnam, Rhodesia, and soon, South Africa - the worst outrage of all. Whites resided in some of these places for generations, too, but the natives (who were inferior to the European settlers, unlike today’s Europeans confronting their present immigrant communities) felt no compunction about throwing them out - and did so, most unceremoniously.

We will do the same to today’s Third World “settler-colonialists” of Europe. They will be returned to their ancestral nations,exactly as I stated somewhere above.


Posted by Randy Garver on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 13:06 | #


(even if your ultimate goal is “b”, you’d still to succeed at “a”, as we’ve all see the results of “b” before “a”)

So you’re on board with “b” then?  You just want to ensure that all the practicalities are dealt with first?  Wonderful. I do beg your pardon then. It’s just that I thought you were an obstructionist.  I’ve encountered plenty of obstructionists before (hell, I’ve been one) so I can usually tell obstructionism when I see it. But in this case I’m glad to have been wrong.

Not precisely, though I’m not opposed to any sovereign nation choosing who it wants to embrace as citizens. 

My interest is the preservation of western civilization against the backslide towards idiocracy. Supposedly, that is also a goal of this blog, but culture usually appears treated as merely a side effect of preferential genetic management.

Culture? That will spontaneously coalesce once you get enough white folks together don’t you know. It’s in the bones! Parents will suddenly want to properly parent again, and kids will want to study. Dad will come home at 6 to a resplendent roast on the table, and little Johnny will win a blue ribbon at the science fair.

(He’d do that today if not for that sandbagging little Patel kid. What? Competition is supposed to bring out the best in people you say? Not in this case! It disempowers poor little Johnny so he turns to vidya games and sodey pop. He’s going for a BA in weed and barflies next year at State and we couldn’t be prouder.)

As for your question about purpose, I’d say that our goals probably share a long path, at least if the “plan b” people are being practical about desiring to take charge of their destiny. Naturally, it’s easier to buy into the romantic movie-trope myth that if one can simply assemble a rag-tag army with sufficiently noble aspirations, that success in a difficult and complex endeavor is inevitable. Such thinking seems rather like fantasy to me.

Commenters like “uh” might not be willing to countenance the idea that non-whites (semites too!) play important social and economic roles in the US, but that originates from a place of reactionary emotionalism rather than empiricism.



I ask you again. WAH U PLAYIN BRAH?

Sorry, I’m unable to parse your patois. Auf Englisch, bitte.


And we’re debating this shithead?

Ideally one debates ideas, not the shithead offering them.


Posted by uh on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 13:38 | #


Do not confuse the practical issue, which I always acknowledge (will we have the physical power to effectuate our desires? increasingly doubtful - hence, by several logical steps, the need for White Zion), with the moral one (nonwhites, by virtue of their racial unassimilability, have no right to reside on European soil).

No confusion here! The moral issue does not exist. What concerns me, and it appears Desmond, are realia — every real relation encountered in modern society, not fictions of legitimacy. “Rights”, as you see from that stray comment quoted by Desmond, boils down to self-assertive thievery for the colonists. You implicitly acknowledge this by putting “White Zion” first. It would not be paramount if the matter of “right” were not hot air as it always is. We are suffering the inevitable contraction of the scope of our civilization. That’s all I see.

... felt no compunction about throwing them out - and did so, most unceremoniously.

Refer to the link to the HBDChick blog about levels of social trust among nations. I’ll save you time though: Northern Europe / North America — absurdly high; Africa — abysmally low. We would not have this dynamic if it weren’t for such a deep, endemic difference. Whites were not welcomed by the world, but their elite exploited it. Another elite has welcomed the world into white lands, now the exploited. This is a crucial difference, you see. Whites are full to eyes with compunction. It has been their religion for two-thousand years. It is yours, in fact. The rest of the world does not live in this permanent state of denial, however, and they’ve no compunction in taking what is offered them — but I promise you will be devilishly mad if it’s taken from them. Morality is a Northern European disease. The truth is that the end of colonization might have come with a renunciation of the guilt-religion formerly known as Christianity. But Europeans have given it new life with their bloodless, finger-wagging Hague humanism.

Also, whites were driven (not “thrown”) out of their colonial holdings because they never reached critical mass in any of them. Vietnam was never a colony. The white populations of the Raj and Rhodesia were vanishingly small compared to the native population (-2%, 4% respectivey); I imagine that of South Africa was or has been slightly larger, but I’m sure nowhere near parity. Yet this is what is occurring in America and Britain. Only French Algeria came within sight of demographic parity. I think there were nearly a million Frenchmen at its end, to four or five million natives. F. Engels declared in an editorial that the French conquest of Algeria would one day be decisive in the collapse of capitalism — though of course it was European nerve that ultimately collapsed, not their systematic greed.

All I can say is back at you, for it seems you’ve read some really dubious and one-sided shit if you missed all the havoc wrought by Europeans and Americans abroad (you approve of the Indochina debacle??). The French were genuinely monstrous to the Algerian natives, from start to finish. It was all over the European press and the denouement of the long infamy is portrayed in films like Pontecorvo’s La battaglia di Algeri and L’Ennemi intime. I am not the side of state torturers of any people, sorry. I don’t know what prompts you to be so — capitalism I suppose. The most I can say is that I am behind every people that rises to throw off a foreign yoke, be they kaffir, muzz, dink, kike, or cracker.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 13:49 | #


What WNs want is gene+culture survival. For myself, I do not believe that, over the long haul, Western Civ (or any civ) will be perpetuated by persons who were not of the civ’s founding genetic stock. Chinese have a unique civ, yes? Would hordes of whites moving to China, and learning Chinese, be sufficient over time to ‘continue’ Chinese civ, even assuming rough cognitive and capabilities equality? Doubtful. And Chinese are far closer to whites behaviorally and mentally than Latinos, Muslims or blacks. And anyway, why should we whites chance it? If I never interacted with another nonwhite again, including my part-Asian girlfriend, my one Chinese-American friend, and my one Hispanic friend, believe me, I’d live (I do admit I’d miss my many Jewish friends).

Moreover, nonwhites do not play important roles in Europe. Yes, there are some powerful Jews there, and their roles are almost universally subversive of white EGI. And just because we now have lots of Asian dentists in CA, doesn’t mean we originally had to have them - or that we would now forever require them in the future. Your thinking is very static and ‘presentist’.

In terms of brute realism, I of course agree that minorities will never be expelled en masse from the US. Here we WNs (I mean the ‘mainstream’ of us; not the radical fringe (fringe of a fringe, so to speak)) want an end to further immigration; deportation of illegals; end to affirmative racism; and a white rights movement to protect our people in the new, multiracial shithole of democratic America. If we whites don’t organize to defend our political and economic interests, our dispossession and immiseration will proceed apace. Note this organizational effort is vital and worthy, even if what we finally want in someteleological sense - the White Republic - is never likely to be realized, and whites in NA will ultimately be mongrelized or murdered out of discrete existence.


Posted by uh on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 13:50 | #

That is, they did not bring them within cultivation and civilization.

I will tell you a secret.

Cultivation brings both possession and dispossession.

Agriculture is legitimacy for some, and doom for most.

Agriculture is and is not god.

They simply lived off of them.

Simply living — now, there’s a nutty idea.

Do you eat corn, by the way?

Thus, the Indian could hardly lay claim to the entirety of the continent, simply because he happened to be standing on a tiny piece of it before any white man set foot on a similar piece.

He could not claim it because he could not defend it. Your jurisprudence is an ideological proxy for weapons tech.

What would our justification be?

Probably that silly flag. Do not for a minute think conservatives won’t complain of that. They’ll sense the lameness of the argument, but they’ll make it anyway.

Note I am arguing within the liberal individualist tradition. Of course, maybe we should try to keep other races off the moon as a matter of Darwinian conflict / white racial EGI.

The current minor cold war (lol) over claims in Antarctica may be a more useful analogy. You’ve now taken one giant leap with Constantin, whose credibility has never recovered.

Sorry to be gnomic; the language morality does nothing for me.


Posted by Mr Voight on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 14:00 | #

And Chinese are far closer to whites behaviorally and mentally than Latinos, Muslims or blacks.



Posted by Liberal Heresy on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 14:29 | #


My point is that even if a person happily rejects all that ‘racism’ has come to mean, whether he does so intelligently or philosophically, or whether he does so informally (“bunch of liberal bullshit”), he still feels that the term retains some essential meaning, so he doesn’t reject it entirely (the way a WN, say, does—you know, “white makes right” and that’s it, as far he is concerned).  Typically, he views this essential meaning of racism as having something to do with aversion towards or revulsion of other races (which he may feel to varying degrees himself, or he knows of others who feel or display it) and/or something to do with ‘racial determinism,’ the idea that behaviors and capacities are shaped by heritable (racial) traits.

Sorry, been out of the game for a couple of days and it also seems to have picked up momentum here too.

As I said in the answer to which you were responding I see ‘racism’ as primarily “a socially imbued taboo, a Pavlovian reflexive fear” accompanied of course, by a few choice phrases that have been learnt by rote.

Seems to me you, by using phrases like “essential meaning of racism” suggests that you see it as actually holding a more rational basis and some degree of truth power to the average man on the street.

I believe that its non-rational / irrational nature probably makes it stronger for that fact. Opinions of course cannot usually be dislodged just by rational argument but have some deeper anchor.

One way to see it being more conditioned than rational as a response is that its purchasing power has risen in each generation since WW2, but that this has been in line with its increased prominence in the education systems of the west (and via the media) especially since those who were finishing their education in the 1960s came to head the political class. Inculcated before the rational mind starts to blink into the light of day. Even the reasonably intelligent falter when trying to discuss its reach, application or moral weight.

How to overcome it is less easy to outline in a manner that would meet the requirements of most situations.

I do believe though as a general rule that defensive tactics –“I’m not a racist” - are not helpful. Rather a more offensive approach along the lines of “racism is too ambiguous and politically slippery or dishonest to be useful in discussions” or “racism is largely made redundant as a moral objection in the context of population replacement” or even “OK you say I’m racist for the sake of argument I’m not going to try to convince you otherwise now answer the fucking point”



Posted by uh on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 14:31 | #

Commenters like “uh” might not be willing to countenance the idea that non-whites (semites too!) play important social and economic roles in the US, but that originates from a place of reactionary emotionalism rather than empiricism.

What I am not willing to countenance are informal fallacies employed to deny white inventiveness and ability, and pretend non-whites are necessary to us when in fact they are exploiting what our kind has constructed over time.

You leave the Jewish involvement in spreading the niggercult all over white living space. You do this because you like Jews and are able to insulate you and yours from the niggercult. To you it does not exist. So it is nothing for you to construct a false reality in which whites, as you implied above, are like utterly improvident Bantus who didn’t “learn farming” before contesting white rule in Rhodesia. What you leave out, and must, because you prefer non-whites to your own kind (non-whites now are your kind given your multiculti piano-playing kewpies), is the perfectly obvious and undeniable — that whites built this society and its technology, and have lost it by being guilt-tripped into allow non-whites to exploit it, be it with college degrees or EBT cards.

And of course we have the lefty pose of impassive objectivity. “A place of reactionary emotionalism” — your type loves to speak of “a place”, or “a space for x”, you know, “creating a space for multicultural dialogue” and all that insidious self-righteous mouth-rot.

But you too come at us in reactionary emotionalism. You do this because you have sired racial bastards. These are now your people: your Asian wife, her nattering parents and siblings, and your multiculti kewpie dolls. And you genuinely believe you are objective here, pretending that we “need” Asians? Ah, it’s like Sartre said, echoing Voltaire — “If the Jews did not exist, we would have to invent them.” We pitiful whites as backward as Bantus, we never done nothin’ right, cain’t hardly take care of uhselves, we need dem AZNs to get dem degrees n work on the cancer so we aint die!

NO MATTER TO RANDY GARVER that whites: BUILT THE UNIVERSITIES, INSTITUTED THE DEGREES, DEVELOPED THE SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES, AND PROVIDE THE FUNDING exploited by these “necessary” AZNs (and semites too!!!). And of course he’s never heard of an invasive subspecies creating its own niche by slowly distorting its environment. I mean, all these lawyers in the Miami-Dade phonebook — there’s a real need for them! every one! Without it, we nigger whites would just COLLAPSE.

But all this phantasia because Randy Garver, the dispassionate bastard-breeding objective panopticon of our destiny, just missed that small detail of Jews wrecking white culture by forcing integration and ghetto anti-culture upon us.

It isn’t that RANDY GARVER HAS ANY BIAS. Oh, no, no sir. It’s only the “reactionary emotionalism” of the pitiful white who affects to remind His Grace that his holy Gook Supermen WOULD HAVE NO PLACE TO STUDY OR OBTAIN DEGREES OR WORK IF IT WEREN’T FOR WHITE CULTURE.

I love spectacles like Randy Garver. I absolutely love when a human animal affects to not carry within it emotional biases that subtly redirect the valence of argument to its own interests. It couldn’t be that because Randy Garver has married a gook and sired gookish bastards that

he has a need

for Asian overlordship — he couldn’t possibly be running his mouth from his sheer familial bias, for Randy Garver, he’s an objective economist type. It’s all just business, money, economics. Who’s the best at gettin’ dem degrees, focusin’ dem super-powered micro-scope thingies, tweekin’ ‘em wee silicon microchippies? Ain’t like whites in’ven’id ‘em! Whites can’t do nothin’ no more. Dey’s as competent as dem Bantus who done kicked out de whites ‘fore dey “learned farmin”, cause blacks can learn to be not blacks, LOLOOZZ.

Sorry, I’m unable to parse your patois. Auf Englisch, bitte.

I shall endeavor to speak a patois you understand. How’s this: YON YON YON YON YON YON WAAAAAHHHH!!!!


Ideally one debates ideas, not the shithead offering them.

Piss off ya poser. Look at this Casper Milquetoast race-traitor turning his nope, putting on a socratic air. He’s soooooo objective. Nevermind the Asian wife — here, honey, behind the [whatever those folding chink screens are called]; Amy, Zachary, you too, ching chong ching chong wah, daddy has a pose to strike, go play your instruments and maintain Western Civilization, pretty please now wah wah wah chingiddy chong — Randy Garver is objective. We white Bantus are reacting emotionally to the assertion that we “need” foreigners to do the high-end jobs our kind created, to the complete ignorance that our present low level of culture is the rotten harvest of decades of ethnic favoritism and shit media dumbing us down and pushing us out.

Let’s hear it for Mr. Objective!


My interest is the preservation of western civilization against the backslide towards idiocracy. Supposedly, that is also a goal of this blog, but culture usually appears treated as merely a side effect of preferential genetic management.


“Backslide towards idiocracy”. Listen to this guy. It’s just something magically happening. No one is doing or has done it. It’s just in the air because of TV or something. Not the Semites behind the curtain, nah, they are necessary too! 


He’s going for a BA in weed and barflies next year at State and we couldn’t be prouder.

What’s going on here, just to make it perfectly clear, is that Garver writes white distractions into their nature; they are not competing with AZNs because they are constitutionally incapable, not because they have been misled to believe that keeping borders wide open is a great thing for their kind. He is of course an IQ fetishist. The white underclass ought to be ruled over by Asiatics — brand loyalty being nothing to Garver, having betrayed his kind in the flesh. People are only our people if they make enough money or have the coolest science project. Race is not race, race is really class. It follows from this that non-whites eminently capable of exploiting the niche and the technology created entirely by whites are better for us than our own kind, living among our own kind — whom he then retrojects as “necessary”, although of course they had no part in creating the world in which they thrive. They are just “necessary” now that white men are smoking weed and playing video games. Nevermind that those video games come from Asia. And the weed from liberal entities like California and Canada. Randy lives in the Northwest. It’s the home of his bastards. He too thrives under liberalism, but this doesn’t stop him castigating hapless white people elsewhere for succumbing to supernormal stimuli.

Spurious, hostile semantics at work here. This poser needs to go away forever. Go trim his wife’s goji bush or wherever he finds the fluff of “Western Civilization”. As though Western civilization were all just art and classical music — the rarefied secretions of the upper class! It was never booze, crusading, scything the rows, loafing, fratricide, pox, plague, persecution, lusty screwing in the barnyard, cross-toting and chest-pounding, horror stories and campfires ... all of this is irrelevant to Randy Garver, ‘cause Randy’s got himself a slitty-eye and a couple of racial bastards who play instruments, and he is really really impressed by the Sikh gynecologist he had over for supper the other night; the wife just loved him.

Ah well. Need a smoke. Ah! “NEED” a smoke? How’s that for an artificial malign pathway pretending necessity! Am I understood?


Posted by uh on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 14:42 | #

“racism is largely made redundant as a moral objection in the context of population replacement”

Good one. Going in my pocket.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 14:49 | #


You are making several radical and far-reaching claims, which we will/can not resolve here.

1. You imply that morality is not ontologically independent (I’m not sure if that exactly states what I have in mind, but I think it does). I disagree, precisely because I’m not an atheist (if I were then I would not be like GW, earnest and worried about something - in his case, whitey - but would simply laugh at the gullible; the ghetto pimp or drug dealer is the purest atheist). The moral law exists, is given effect by God, and is at the very center of reality.

2. Even if God does not exist, and hence morality is simply delusional (esp when maladaptive, as Western universalism clearly is), the psychological ‘hold’ that (this putatively false) morality exercises on the white mind is, indeed, a ‘real’ (material) fact. Even if you think Christianity is nonsense, others do not, and thus there is power-value to demonstrating that the faith does not mandate race replacement, or racial indifference (this applies of course to any religion whose adherents act in ultimately deleterious ways - ‘deleterious’ determined by your preference for how you’d like society arranged, of course).

3. Our civ is indeed contracting, as Burnham pointed out a half century ago. There is nothing inevitable about this process. History could have taken a different path, and we still have the power to save ourselves. Communism was inevitable, until it wasn’t.


Morality is a Northern European disease.(UH)

Now you’re getting there, Uh, congrats. This is not empirically true - morality is nearly universal - but you are so right that whites are the most moral race (which is precisely the supreme justification for their survival - why the hell do you think I’m studying theology now, instead of making money or at least staying by my lady?). This may be a fact of biology (which still would not invalidate the concept or ontological reality of morality). Certainly, we have to take it into account as we try to awaken our people. Our people will not be awakened by mere appeals to power. There must be a moral dimension (again, I am studying what I am studying, why ...).

5. “Driven”, “thrown” - ach! The point is that whites created property in these places, which was then stolen from them by the native parasites. India was militarily and politically conquered by the Brits; Britain is being demographically conquered by its subcons. The Anglo colonisers of India were vasty less relatively numerous than the subcon colonisers of Britain, but they were also far more comparatively physically powerful. Britain today could easily do what India in the 18th century apparently could not: keep free of foreign ethnic rule. The issue there (unlike here in US) is still simple willpower. That is true across Europe (though it won’t be for that much longer). 

6. Lastly, the Europeans did so much for the colonised, from infrastructure, to law, to therapeutics - the only imperial powers that really did make life better for their colonised (the Romans would be another example; though I think they were still less conscientiously generous than the Europeans). Certainly, life got much shittier for the native peoples of most colonies once the Euros packed up and exited.

Also, almost every line of this

All I can say is back at you, for it seems you’ve read some really dubious and one-sided shit if you missed all the havoc wrought by Europeans and Americans abroad (you approve of the Indochina debacle??). The French were genuinely monstrous to the Algerian natives, from start to finish. It was all over the European press and the denouement of the long infamy is portrayed in films like Pontecorvo’s La battaglia di Algeri and L’Ennemi intime. I am not the side of state torturers of any people, sorry. I don’t know what prompts you to be so — capitalism I suppose. The most I can say is that I am behind every people that rises to throw off a foreign yoke, be they kaffir, muzz, dink, kike, or cracker. (uh)

is balderdash (the true horrors of Indochina came mostly after the US got out; the French did their best to civilize and integrate - big mistake - the native Algerians - they were not Nazis; you mean the “mendacious, communist, self-hating, Jewish dominated European press”; Pontecorvo was a very talented director, as well as a propagandistic communist; the French authorities in Algeria were too merciful, as their generals in the theater pointed out; I do not support Third World liberation movements, but the expansion and global domination of the white race- of our right and destiny to shape the world to serve our purposes - that’s what is properly called “rightwing”, friend - and yours truly defines it ...).

But enough. I have work before an early class.


Posted by Randy Garver on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 16:38 | #

@uh: Hilarious comment. A+ Would read again.

I feel a tinge of regret at having to disagree with a few of the assumptions you’ve made in your essay.

When I state that immigrants currently occupy essential high-skilled occupations, it’s not because I believe that native-born Americans lack the ability to fill them. This is a critical point. I’m simply noting that they haven’t done so.

In fact, one of my greatest laments is that more Americans aren’t pursuing these types of jobs. And whereas you think someone like me is engaged in a type of genocidal, dysgenic globalized utopianism, I’m actually striving to practice a form of antiquarian Americanism.

Pursuit of educational and/or industrial excellence is an inherently oriental (and explicitly non-occidental) characteristic? Tell that to the average American (great) grandfather, but first hide the belt and protect your backside.


What’s going on here, just to make it perfectly clear, is that Garver writes white distractions into their nature; they are not competing with AZNs because they are constitutionally incapable, not because they have been misled to believe that keeping borders wide open is a great thing for their kind.

Nearly exactly the opposite of my beliefs. I postulate that more native-born Americans are not competing for these types of jobs because they’ve been misled to think that the future has been “won”, and that mediocrity and the overpursuit of Dionysian pleasures will not have serious consequences on the quantity and quality of provisions in the larder for themselves and their descendants. I’d suggest that the average American strives demonstrably less in attempting to reach their own potential than their forebears, even if said antecedents were peasant farmers.


He too thrives under liberalism, but this doesn’t stop him castigating hapless white people elsewhere for succumbing to supernormal stimuli.

Here’s an amusing thought: how ironic is it that many white folks will tell black folks to “get over legacy racism, buckle down, and pull yourselves up by your bootstraps” as a cure for black social pathologies but then bristle at simlar advice regarding white social pathologies? Swap “white” for “black” and “white racism” for “jewish racism” and the blame-game talking points are nearly identical. Swap “acting white” for “acting asian” and the achievement-gap talking points are nearly identical.

(programming note: is this where I write “lolzlolzlolzlolz”?)

Maybe you should ask yourself why you think that white folks are incapable of competing globally.

“They shouldn’t have to! We invented this, that, the other that everybody else now exploits!”

Ah, the mediocrity / historical excellence defense. Sounds like a Greek taxpayer responding to a German one. 

How successful has mediocrity been as a socioeconomic strategy throughout history? Not well, of course, and globalism has brought far away competitors to everyone’s door.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 17:32 | #

Hey, Uh, I was just cruising the place when I spotted that great comment at #255.

Nice work!


Posted by Alaric on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 20:24 | #

Leon Haller’s hollering of a racial genocide of niggers and other assorted racial detritus I find quite hilarious. If it should be done, it’d be actioned by evil Nazis like myself and not the mice of men like him.


Posted by J Richards on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 20:52 | #


Discussion of demographics and the prospects of ‘managing’ demographic consequences is hardly trivial.

Your comments are full of trivial anecdotes and attacks on unsubstantiated assumed motives of some commenters.  And a discussion of demographics isn’t better than trivial if the root causes aren’t discussed or attention deflected from them.

If total dispossession and extinction occur it will be directly the result of demographic effects, not monetary issues.

Alarmist talk… parasites don’t cause the host to go extinct.  What other than parasitic bankers are primarily behind the demographic issues related to alien immigration and reduced childbirths among responsible parents because of insufficient money and lack of financial security?

Economists don’t subsist on fractional reserve banking, nor even on the capitalist system in toto.

A strawman.  Economists subsist on promoting banker-friendly policies, whatever they are, which don’t have to be within a capitalistic framework [after all, the capitalist bankers funded the communist revolution].

If that were so, it would be impossible for leftwing economists who advocate the overthrow of the system to “spite the hand that feeds them,” yet such economists certainly exist.

The typical leftist economist advocating for an overthrow of the system’s also promoting banker-friendly policies and earning his keep from the bankers.  This issue’s readily understood once one grasps the Jewish adaptation of Hegelian dialectics, which’s provide the thesis, the antithesis and the synthesis.  The bankers attempt to cover all bases.  If public pressure forces a shift from one policy, they’ll present a different policy to “undermine the abuses of the previous policy” that mostly achieves the same thing.

I wasn’t attempting to discredit anything by pointing out Still’s Libertarian Party candidacy.

So you’re telling me that you mentioned this just as you could’ve mentioned the color of his hair or whether he wears glasses?  It’s pretty obvious why you mentioned it.

Appeals to authority aren’t completely fallacious.

I didn’t say that an appeal to authority is a fallacious argument.  It’s inappropriate in most circumstances, especially our discussion.  If most economists don’t see a problem with fractional reserve banking then there’s a reason for it, and if this reason’s irrelevancy to or compatibility with or an essential element of sound monetary policy, then you need to provide this reason instead of appealing to authority.

I see you’ve made another attempt to defend fractional reserve banking: http://www.majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/money#c118940

And here’s the rebuttal to it, in three parts, starting with http://www.majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/money#c118964


Posted by Silver on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 21:55 | #


As I said in the answer to which you were responding I see ‘racism’ as primarily “a socially imbued taboo, a Pavlovian reflexive fear” accompanied of course, by a few choice phrases that have been learnt by rote.

I’m not sure I understand that completely, but from what I can make out I would say I agree.

Seems to me you, by using phrases like “essential meaning of racism” suggests that you see it as actually holding a more rational basis and some degree of truth power to the average man on the street.

I wasn’t trying to make a deep, penetrating point.  It was just a ‘shallow’ observation that even if the average man rejects what leftists/progressives/antiracists present as ‘racism’ as ‘liberal bullshit, antiracism is today so pervasive that his tendency is to still think that there exist attitudes and behaviors that could fairly be described as racism.  Why?

When you get down to it, a great many whites (majority? vast majority?) consider themselves superior to other races, whether they’re racists or antiracists.  The main difference between the two is that racists feel good about it, while antiracists feel guilty. In either case, the existence of those feelings alone is more than enough to leave the average white feeling that there is something to the charge of ‘racism.’ 

I do believe though as a general rule that defensive tactics –“I’m not a racist” - are not helpful. Rather a more offensive approach along the lines of “racism is too ambiguous and politically slippery or dishonest to be useful in discussions” or “racism is largely made redundant as a moral objection in the context of population replacement” or even “OK you say I’m racist for the sake of argument I’m not going to try to convince you otherwise now answer the fucking point”

Those are all good responses.

“Racism isn’t a problem; anti-white racism is a problem.”

If your interlocutor is white you can point out that racial disparities in socioeconomic outcomes are largely the result of differences in average heritable intellectual and behavioral endowments between groups.  ‘Racism’ is a phantom explanation that has been overturned by the evidence and itself now constitutes the main problem: anti-white racism. 

If he plays the ‘supremacist’ card tell him he’s a liberal white supremacist: he’s the one who believes blacks should feel bad about being black and why all race talk has to be suppressed to prevent blacks feeling bad about themselves.  You [yourself] don’t believe blacks should feel bad about themselves, no matter what the facts of race say; you believe they should feel good about themselves, because race is an important part of identity.  What you want is the same right to prefer and love your own race as you believe blacks should enjoy (and do enjoy).  [Substitute any group/race for black. Black’s the biggie though.] 

If your interlocutor is non-white, use the opportunity to put him on the back foot (for once in his life).  He may not agree or care, but he’ll have to operate with his anti-white racism out in the open, rather than under the cover of ‘anti-racism.’



Posted by Astrid on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 22:22 | #

Let’s just keep it simple.  I read this, or something close to it, somewhere today.

Britain is a small country. It cannot allow itself to be flooded by welfare or work infiltrators. This threatens its society, its economy and its security. They are not refugees, they are economic migrants.

We must see that the last of the infiltrators return to their countries. Their presence is an existential threat to Britain. Each and every one of them must return to their countries.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 23:16 | #

Is the comment at 262 directed to me? Why? Those block quotes are not mine.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sat, 10 Dec 2011 00:16 | #

Happy Holiday, Leon


Posted by Lew on Sat, 10 Dec 2011 03:52 | #


+ 1 @ #255.

Hilarious and every sentence resonates with truth.

Why are anti-Whites like Randy Garver even allowed to comment here? A quick scan of his comments reveals nothing that warrants discussion. I mean, it is a just a fact that there more than enough high IQ Whites to do any every technical job that presently exists in the world. And if it is true he is married to an Asian woman with mixed race kids, he is obviously not on our side and can only be here to troll and disrupt.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 10 Dec 2011 10:11 | #


And a blessed Yule (or is it “Wolfmoon”?) to you!

PS - I couldn’t stomach even 60 seconds of that vid. How low the country has sunk!


Posted by Randy Garver on Sat, 10 Dec 2011 17:49 | #


I mean, it is a just a fact that there more than enough high IQ Whites to do any every technical job that presently exists in the world.

Assuming for a moment that your assertion is true, why do you think that more of them are not currently doing so? And how can this situation be improved?

Or do you think that on day 1 of La Revolución that all of the structurally unemployed factory workers and occupy-wallstreeters will suddenly be imbued with the capacity for in-demand skilled work? Baristas and art history majors will transmogrify into farmers, nurses, and civil engineers?

In that case, I guess there’s no action items needed with regards to helping your fellow white folks to actually improve their lot and compete in the global economy. Jesus take the wheel, and all that.

Leon Haller:

For myself, I do not believe that, over the long haul, Western Civ (or any civ) will be perpetuated by persons who were not of the civ’s founding genetic stock. Chinese have a unique civ, yes? Would hordes of whites moving to China, and learning Chinese, be sufficient over time to ‘continue’ Chinese civ, even assuming rough cognitive and capabilities equality?

That’s an interesting question worth pondering. Do you also surmise that one’s ability to truly understand Goethe or Basho diminishes as one’s genetic distance from them increases? I suppose that is possible, though I’ve had transcendent experiences with both.


Posted by Lew on Sat, 10 Dec 2011 19:08 | #


What are you doing at Majority Rights? If you have mixed race kids with an Asian woman, your family is on the opposite side of the civilizational divide from everyone here. You obviously have some intelligence and education, so you must know that.


Posted by Randy Garver on Sun, 11 Dec 2011 16:24 | #


What are you doing at Majority Rights? If you have mixed race kids with an Asian woman, your family is on the opposite side of the civilizational divide from everyone here.

I am interested in the preservation of western civilization and the future of my fellow European descendents. By definition, shouldn’t the recognition of grand truths, and the subsequent development and implementation of supporting policy, ultimately be both the responsibility and serve to the benefit of all honest actors?


Posted by Foundation on Mon, 12 Dec 2011 15:45 | #

Randy Garver @ 11.24:

‘I am interested in the preservation of western civilization and the future of my fellow European descendents.’

I put it to you gave up any such interest when you made the conscious decision to miscegnate with an Asian female.  You sir are a do-gooder. We may be a global minority in racial terms but we are not a charity case. Not ever.

Where do I claim my £5.


Posted by Randy Garver on Mon, 12 Dec 2011 19:56 | #


Your comment appears to contain two contestable implications:

1. Benefits from ideal race-related policies must predominantly or exclusively accrue to one party or another. In other words, there’s no “win-win” option.

I would contend that “ideal” race-related policies would by necessity be mutual beneficial. Otherwise, existing grievances will continue to fester and new ones incubated.

For example: wouldn’t a more equitable and well-structured Treaty of Versailles have been in the mutual interest of most persons, regardless of what side of the war they were on?

2. A person ought only to be concerned about the interests of one’s ethnic group if they and their descendents are exclusive members of that group.

I would argue that man’s capacity for genuine concern is rather broad. Does an Italian abdicate his or her interest in fellow Italians if married to a Scot?


Posted by Foundation on Mon, 12 Dec 2011 21:54 | #

I’m an Englishman Mr Garver, a thousand years deep, it’s deeds not words that interest me. My English enemy is the one who wants to eradicate my folk, ethnically first then racially. I’ve no time for pseuds, or who makes the best ice-cream in Abroath.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 01:23. (View)
