Aftenposten reports rape shock

Posted by Guest Blogger on Monday, 01 August 2005 12:16.

Professor Andrew Fraser is still making the nightly news here in Australia. If this continues he will soon be a household name.

The latest news is that he is neither sacked nor suspended, but will not be allowed to teach again (his students have told reporters that they very much wish to continue their courses with him).

If you remember, one of the reasons Professor Fraser is under siege is because he warned that immigration from some sources could increase crime levels in Australia. He was even called “weird” at one right-liberal website (Catallaxy) for making this claim. I wonder, though, what his detractors would make of the following information.

The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten has published an article today headlined “Oslo rape statistics shock”.

There are two reasons for the shock. The first is the official confirmation that non-Western immigrants are responsible for three quarters of the rapes in Oslo. The second is that the number of rapes is climbing dramatically.

To be precise, there were 111 men charged with rape in Oslo in 2004. Of these the ethnic origin of 14 was unknown, leaving 97 men. Of these 97 men 72 were non-Western immigrants - roughly three quarters of the total where ethnicity is known.

Non-Western immigrants make up 14.3% of Oslo’s population. So the immigrant 14% are committing 75% of the rapes. And in 80% of cases the victim they chose was not a fellow immigrant but a Norwegian.

The report doesn’t say how many victims there were (it’s possible that some men were charged as part of a gang which would mean fewer than 111 victims, but the rapists may have been charged with more than one offence which would make more than 111. Another unknown is how many of the rape charges were proved to be false).

But if we assume one victim per charged man, there were at least 67 Norwegian women raped in Oslo last year because of Norway’s immigration policies. I say at least because we are only talking about crimes which led to a perpetrator being charged - according to the police report only 10% of cases lead to prosecution.

The problem is likely to get worse. In one year alone, 1999-2000, the number of rape charges rose by 40% and so far this year rape charges have risen by 13%.

Remember too that Oslo is a comparatively small city of about 500,000 people. To get the same effect in Sydney you would have to multiply that number of 67 raped Norwegian women by nine, giving you 603 women.

So, if Australia were to allow the same number of immigrants from the same sources that Norway has it’s possible that 600 local women might be raped in Sydney alone every year as a consequence.

Not a pleasant topic I agree. Not a topic for polite conversation. But a topic that deserves consideration by anyone examining the effects of foreign immigration on Western populations.

Tags: Immigration



Posted by Rational Islamophobe on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 12:38 | #

excellent post, mark.


Posted by anon on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 13:49 | #

It has little to do with culture and a lot to do with genes. As Fraser might have asked, if you fill your country with people from violent third world countries, what do you get? Especially after a couple of generations. It’s called regression to the mean..


Posted by Kubilai on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 15:37 | #

Mark, the only problem I foresee with this is the same one we see in the US.  That being the huge discrepancy in Black on White rapes and violent crimes.  The numbers cannot be hidden though they are ignored at best and explained as “Black oppression due to a history of slavery” at worst.  Everything Blacks do wrong is due to evil Whitey, the left says.  Why would this be any different? 

I am glad Oslo has finally awoken enough to even print the data, however as far as this being news, it is not to anyone who has two neurons to rub together.

Everyone here also knows that the left cannot and simply will not agree with this damning evidence.  They are scurrying around looking for an answer, I am sure.


Posted by a reader on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 15:55 | #

They will some how figure out how to blame whites for this…and of course, they will be remarkably indifferent to the plight of women, much more concerned ‘date rape’ and sexual harrassment and other issue designed to create mistrust between white men and women.

I don’t know how much clearer it has to be.  I think we’re at the point of the old soviet union where everyone but a few people grasping power, knows its a sham, and are just waiting for it to fall apart.


Posted by Kubilai on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 16:16 | #

I think we’re at the point of the old soviet union where everyone but a few people grasping power, knows its a sham, and are just waiting for it to fall apart.

That’s exactly where we are, though there are enough “useful idiots” around that are keeping it from falling apart just yet. 

As somewhat of an aside, though in keeping with this frame of thought, I was arguing with a Bushie the other day and despite he not agreeing with Bush on a multitude of issues, he would have nothing to do with the possibility of sending the GOP a message and either not voting or voting for a third party, like the Constitution Party.  He kept falling back on “he’s the lesser of two evils or the best we got”. 

So I see two battles, one is the deep entrenchment of the two party system and the “us vs them” belief.  The other is the relative complacency that middle class Whites have and still make a good living despite things falling apart around them.  The “it ain’t gonna happen to me” notion.


Posted by Andrew L on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 17:03 | #

Exellent post, and Drew Fraser is doing well, They even posted Security to try prevent Students attending.
One of the most reported cases in Sydney is the Pakastani Brothers, who’s Father is a GP un named. They have eight young girls they have raped that we know, they have faced two charges of rape, there are six more girls that have not come foward.
How do we know there are 8 ? easy, The scumm vido taped and recorded all of their Muslem Rituals apon the Infide and Aussi Pigs as they call them.
So what is reported , is a very small portion of what crime is committed, that is only the sex offences, then there is the other sex crimes against the elderly Armed robberies etc, etc, etc,

You should be kicking in the doors of every media outlet and every politition ,State and Federal, and with an Angry Fist , ask why they are SUPRESSING all of what is happening, and when Drew Fraser say’s anything, he is a racist, But if in your local Mosque, the Imams preach it against YOU , and how to kill the Infidel,to Hate and not befriend the Infidel,and the hatred they preach in ISlamic Schools in Australia, USA, UK, Europe, etc well it is all right.
SO do you like the double STANDARD, or tollerat it? and why has the media become so Silent on the Crime Front.START SCREAMING AND MAKE IT HEARD, you are not going to take it any more. shock


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 17:18 | #

I think it’s a mistake to attribute it all to genes and not culture.  My guess is culture and environment are a large part of it.

I see the two as only somewhat separable anyways.

Who cares?  I don’t.  Culture, genetics, the results are the same.


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 17:21 | #

The rape statistics are a great rhetorical tool because rape isn’t an economic crime.

Just try attributing the massive black-on-white rape statistics in America to poverty.  You’ll be forced into some very tenuous logic.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 17:45 | #

“He was even called “weird” at one right-liberal website (Catallaxy) for making this claim.”  (—from the log entry)

Just want to say, Catallaxy is one big zero.  Might as well check out Katy Couric and Matt Lauer.  In other words, don’t waste your time.  Why anyone even knows about them is a mystery to me.  They’re a bunch of nothings over there, including Jason Soon.


Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 17:54 | #

Mark, the only problem I foresee with this is the same one we see in the US.  That being the huge discrepancy in Black on White rapes and violent crimes.

In 1999, for instance, according to U.S. Dept. of Justice statistics, there were about 197,679 black-on-white violent crimes compared to about 8,198 white-on-black violent crimes (single-offender victimizations involving completed, as opposed to mere threatened, violence)—more than 20 times as many—and even more remarkably there were about 20,003 black-on-white rapes or sexual assaults (single-offender victimizations), while the number of white-on-black rapes or sexual assaults was somewhere between 0 and 33!  Black-on-white rapes or sexual assaults were at least 600 times as common as the reverse.

Again, for 1999:

Black-on-white rapes/sexual assaults: 20,003
White-on-black rapes/sexual assaults: between 0 and 33

Follow the link, and go to Table 42.


Posted by a reader on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 18:05 | #

“Black-on-white rapes/sexual assaults: 20,003
White-on-black rapes/sexual assaults: between 0 and 33”

i wonder if this is why the left tried to make a fake issue out of ‘date rape’


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 18:33 | #

Maybe a reader; when the left started disliking IQ and race research, they started attacking IQ and race themselves.

It only follows that if they don’t like the rape statistics they’d start attacking the concept of rape too.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 21:59 | #

Anyone who claims rape is a matter of culture more than genes is completely out to lunch.  Rape is a genetic act—its a selfish gene propagating itself.  The only way culture can come into it is if culture can somewhat reduce the tendency of those with the gene to carry out their programming.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 22:04 | #

Oh, and before some Lewontin-spawn comes in and grabs on my careless use of the singular “gene” rather than “genes” just let me point out the fact that Lewontin destroyed the link between academic and political support of national integrity by lying to us about the concept of the “gene”.  A molecular biological “gene” may be perfectly Mendellian but anyone, who is serious about teasing apart the effects of genes, is likely to frequently use the singular “gene for” as a short hand simply becuase, as Edwards points out in “Lewontin’s Fallacy”, the real data is not in singular gene frequencies but in the correlation between molecular biological “genes”—some of which correlations are very high—high enough to make the use of singular a legitimate short-hand.


Posted by Mark Richardson on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 22:29 | #

Reading through my post this morning I noticed a mistake: I had written the year for the data as 1994 rather than 2004. I’ve corrected the error.


Posted by Mark Richardson on Mon, 01 Aug 2005 23:00 | #

I did a google search and found more evidence that the figure of 75% of Scandinavian rapists being foreigners is close to the mark.

A few years ago a leader of the Danish People’s Party cited exactly the same percentage for Denmark.

Peter Skaarup told The Telegraph that it was right to link immigration directly to crime. “It is very hard not to do so,” he said. “Three quarters of rapes are carried out by non-Danes ... We want to preserve Denmark as a non-immigrant country.”

Denmark did at least act to tighten its controls on foreign immigration.


Posted by Matra on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 00:18 | #

Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway - Authorities Look the Other Way

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