Immigration may be a major cause of delayed fatherhood, hence autism

Posted by James Bowery on Wednesday, 06 September 2006 18:19.

Some thoughts on the buzz about autism—buzz resulting from an Israeli study showing a strong association between the biological father’s age and the likelihood of autism

In short:  My previously documented State-level ecological correlation between immigration from India to areas high in Finnish ancestry, and autism is consistent with their finding.  The rising cost of housing caused by immigration to areas where people of northern European ancestry reside would create a deadly combination effect where people of northern European ancestry genetically predisposed to k-strategy child-rearing by their ancestral climate, would have an additional impetus to delay childbirth due to the cost of housing.

The rank-ordered correlations of two-variable demographies, including economic variables, with autism has, as its top entries:

0.61 PublicEducationExpenditurePerStudent1998*WorkingParentsPercapita2000 bettering r1=0.54 and r2=0.25
0.60 () sqrt(FinnishPercapita1990*ImmigrantsIndiaPercapita1998)  bettering r1=0.42 and r2=0.43
0.60 sqrt() log(GSPIndustriesPerGSP1999*ImmigrantsNonWesternPercapita1998)  bettering r1=0.04 and r2=0.42

These are all very close to each other—close enough to be virtually indistinguishable.

Could they be causally interconnected? 

It’s clear that immigration is driving housing prices up and wages down—particularly non-western immigration which directly attacks the middle class.

It’s clear that being able to afford to buy a house is connected with reproduction.

It’s clear that northern climates tend to select for k-strategy reproduction (high parental investment)

If autism is “caused” by the advanced age of fathers then it makes sense that immigration—particularly non-western immigration directly attacking the reproductive viability of northern Europeans—would result in an increase of autism.

Finally, “father’s age” may be a distraction from viral hypotheses.

Basically, if a young man can’t settle down he is more likely to be exposed to more (possibly but not necessarily sexually transmitted) viruses.  The Israeli study’s finding that, “Advancing maternal age showed no association with ASD after adjusting for paternal age.” may be explained by a lesser tendency for women to be exposed to pathogens.  So the causal chain may still be:

Nonwestern immigration (mainly Indian) to northern European areas -> delayed marriage -> virus exposure -> autism.

Of course this doesn’t preclude the possibility that immigration may be bringing in viral pathogens as well, but then there are other forms of pathology to which northern European males may be less immune, that non-Western immigrants may be bringing with them—such as rent-seeking ethnic nepotism.

PS: Even the New York Times is starting to catch on:

“People are getting married later, they’re having children later, and they’re buying houses later,” said Cecilia E. Rouse, an economist at Princeton University and a co-editor of a forthcoming book on the economics of early adulthood. “There’s been a lengthening of the transition to adulthood, and it is very possible that what has happened in the economy is leading to some of these changes.”

Too bad they’re a generation late.  I wonder how they managed to ignore what was happening during the peak of boomer fertility?  Actually, its pretty obvious.  Urbanization was shoving huge numbers of young first-generation-off-the-farm females into the New York City area, and in a state of desperate depdendency on corporate harem masters, so the policies they had promoted were working just fine for them then.




Posted by PatrickZ on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 19:45 | #

Pat Buchannan is obviously trying very hard no to talk or write about the massive damage that legal immigrant east asian immigrants are inflicting upon Native Born White American Males.

I don’t understand whtyhe is doing this. He would find a very large and receptive audience. If he had writen about this in his book it would have boosted book sales even further.

Steve Sailer has addresed this issue over at

Sailer, who is in love with the east asian hindu legal immigrant, refuses to write about the harmfull consequnces of east asian legal immigration on Native Born White American Male fertilty. Instead he fantasizes about a political coalition between the more intelligent east asian and the less intelligent White American. These are almost the exact words he used several years ago in I totally despise Sailer.

Derbyshire, my neighbor, is infatuated with the east asian supremacist over at geneexpression.

On the fish shaped NYC suburb that I live on, I see more and more east asians and chinese pursuing their middle class dreams. Very common site to see them walking the golden retreiver,sheep dog or in the neighborhood John Derbyshire and I live in, the asian legal immigrant chinese guy-or perhaps japanese-walking his huskie every evening. Native Born White Males born and raised on LI are fleeing asian legal immigrant infested LI either because they can’t afford to start a family-like you wrote:no home——>you are unmarriable-or because the can’t afford the property taxes that are being driven up John Derbyshire’s asian neighbors.The American Dream has died for who knows how many Native Born White American Males. The American Dream is alive and well for the legal immigrant asian supemacists entering America every year by the thousands.

I believe that John Derbyshire believes he married into the master race. Very insecure man. He probably would agree with me.

Hispanic illegal immigrants are an easy target. However , the asians-Steve Sailers nonesense notwithstanding-are a very serious threat to the economic and DEMOGRAPHIC VIABILITY OF NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS.

Silicon Valley is now chinese and hindu occupied territory. They have already made it publicly known that they don’t want Native Born White Amerians(REAl Americans) around the area.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 20:01 | #

I think the failure to address the Asian immigration impact on white fertility by the likes of Buchanan, Brimelow and Sailer (we can’t expect much out of Derbyshire can we?) is the same problem we face with addressing the impact of Jews on white fertility, except not at the advanced stage it is with Jews.

Basically if you have a prosperous ethnicity that can claim “minority” protections, you have the same witches brew you have with Jews:  You speak out and you terminate your career.

Essentially, by my having spoken out about the reality of Indian immigration and their impact on my profession, I have largely sacrificed my career as a computer consultant, which I pursued successfully for almost 20 years.


Posted by Swelling Wave on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 20:33 | #

“Derbyshire, my neighbor, is infatuated with the east asian supremacist over at geneexpression.”

South Asian.

If Derbyshire is your neighbor - how close? - were you around when he had is house guest?


Posted by PatrickZ on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 20:56 | #

Was majority rights ever on the links page.

A pox on liberal immigration reform organizations.

Charles Wang, former CEO of computer Computer associates and mentor to convicted thief and east asian legal immigrant Sanjay Kumar, is in the real estate business these days.

The traitors in the Republican and Democratic parties have handed over precious LI open space(county owned land) to the asian parasite Wang. Wang intetnds to build luxuory housing on this land. Given the Demographic shift occuring on LI, this luxoury housing will be built for the legal immigrant asian overlord class(parasite class). Their mexican slaves will be cutting the grass.

I can tell you from first hand experience-and my brothers and sisters first hand experience-that there was a time when kids could pick bucketfulls of blackberries,blueberries and concorde grapes on the public land that the legal immigrant asian parasite Wang is about to pave over. These days,entrace to these formely public lands is blocked by a sign that says:NO TESSPASSING PRIVATE LAND VIOLATORS WILL BE PORSECUTED. There go the amenities that made life nice and pleasant on LI. Some of us actually had a Tom Sawyer childhood on LI.

It’s gone. It’s being replaced by an asian dominated slave based urban hell-hole.

These are the kind of immigrants that Peter Brimelow-legal immigrant, nice spread in the bucolic Berkshires-Steve Sailer and John Derbyshire(I really wish you cosmopolitan legal immigrants from England would stay the hell out my country. Wierdo John Cleese-likes to simulate intercourse on the big screen with young women on the big screen-is another one.)

What will the asian overlord class do when millions of disenfranchised White American males revolt. It will happen.There is probably not much they can do about it .They will be driven out and sent back.

The traitors in the Republican party have no idea what they are creating. They gets of hell will be opened.


Posted by Boris Perez Buliak on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 21:43 | #

Whites are being persecuted wherever they stand. Now, don’t get me wrong, I oppose pedophelia, but not polygamy. After all if you can maintain four wives and all of your siblings, why not? More power to them. I fully and unconditionally support our western polygamists, they are the only whites reproducing like rabbits hence their persecution.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 22:35 | #

Boris, polygyny is largely a red-herring issue given the caloric availability of modern societies.  The key to a viable k-strategy for most people now is real estate equity.


Posted by Boris Perez Buliak on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 22:37 | #

I don’t mind polygamy one bit, so long as you don’t bite more than can chew. To me its inmoral not to take care of your children. Pre-arranged marriages rob you the wrong way? Get over it. Is pedophillia allright? Hell no, so if those parameters are met I see nothing wrong with polygamy given of course the females are allright with it.


Posted by Boris Perez Buliak on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 00:09 | #

JB real estate equity might also be in danger if the housing bubble really takes a dump. I wish I could be as optimistic as PatrickZ who accerts millions of disenchranchised white males will take action. I think it’s almost too late already.


Posted by Boris Perez Buliak on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 00:41 | #

I would like this opportunity to expose a fact that might be lost a bit on this conversation. James Bowery, PatrickZ and Rustymason, please tell me what you think.
I don’t think poligamy is such a red herring or overhyped. That their way of life is being threaten should be no new news for whites, what they are currently STILL doing is worth mentioning.
1- They’re living as a homogenous population. Period. End of story. As far as I’m concerned their communities should expand and we should move west and take our stand there. All lands surrounding people like that should be gobbled up by whites.


Posted by PatrickZ on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 00:49 | #


It will take a little bit of time for it to sink into the heads of White males that the post WW2 social contract has been flushed down the toilet bowl.

The anger and rage is just below the surface. It was unleashed briefly on 9/11 across America.

The gate keepers won’t be so lucky in the future.

Greedy creatures are hell-bent on maximizing profits as quickly as possible. Doesn’t leave them time to fully comprehend the consequences of their actions for themselves and their families.


Posted by Boris Perez Buliak on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 01:12 | #

I believe the WW2 generation(and this has been discussed here before) feels the most guilt, although in my opinion they should be proud as hell. To me it doesn’t matter if the war was wrong(as often the case is) but rather that one serves and proudly. IMO Germans shouldn’t be ashamed as I well know Japanese aren’t. But, it falls on us, the generation after them to correct this mistake which gravely threatens us. I truly hope we’re up to the task.


Posted by rustymason on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 01:32 | #

Polygamy in normal times exerts a destabilizing pressure on traditional society, at least in the West.  It will make more White babies, fine, but the society polygamy tends to foster is not one I’d care to live in.  But like I said, there are a lot more important things to talk about out there.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 02:20 | #

Fjordman, noting that women voters generally favor race-replacement, blames the phenomenon on women’s lib.


Posted by Boris Perez Buliak on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 02:40 | #

More important things to talk about…..... you’re right. Like how can the GOP have commited such a blunder by not passing an immigration bill before mid-term? They’re(the elites) actually shifting the voters to the Dems even though they may be worse when it comes to immigration, no matter, we demand change dam it!!!! Even if you were thinking straight and voted on the issues the candidate stands for, who out there is looking out for whites? I can think of a couple…..
out of a hundred on the senate, the house might be friendlier.


Posted by Boris Perez Buliak on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 02:53 | #

Do you really think poligamy exerts a destabilizing pressure on traditional society? I mean, I’m not advocating for every single to become one, rather, the ones who want to do it are free to do so. After all, if all this women are laying around is it not the fault of local males who have not taken interest?


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 03:43 | #

Actually, there is a quasi-polygyny that isn’t a red-herring:  de facto polygyny (sometimes called “serial monogamy”).  Much of the reason policies like this are promoted is the regime within which corporate harem masters are given access to large numbers of highly dependent females.  The de facto nature of this polygyny is what makes it a particularly vicious aspect of the centralization of resources.


Posted by Boris Perez Buliak on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 04:27 | #

Corporate harem masters…....
Are this the Moromons out west?
Or, the sheiks down in Arabia?
Are they the same?
I just don’t see the big deal with polygamy. It should be legal if one choose to. Is this too hard to swallow in a Christian society? Rustymason implies that in normal circumstances polygamy is bad, as if we’re in normal times!!!!!!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 05:05 | #

James, if the correlation between the father’s age and autism is real, there has to be a cause-and-effect association between excessive incompatible immigration and the increased incidence of autism, since excessive incompatible immigration is—not “may be,” but is—a major cause of delayed fatherhood.  The correlation is incontrovertible if the Israeli study is sound—it cannot be disputed in that case.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 06:28 | #

Boris, I understand that current circumstances may require polygyny for some families—particularly given the fact that many women have been<ol><li>Left with children from other men<li>discarded corporations, governments and other organizations that paid them during their youthful fertility to be but office ornaments as part of what I’m calling “corporate harems”<li>habituate to polygyny by triggering deep instincts relating to “independent women” and the implied harem size
It’s a deadly serious situation.

However, it is one thing to have a formal polygynous relationship, committed to supporting children and their mothers, and quite another for some corporate, or government, or other managerial elitist, go from woman to woman during “serial monogamy” perhaps leaving children behind but most definitely leaving degraded women behind.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 13:33 | #

James, this thread makes me see one explanation I’d never thought of before of the seemingly incomprehensible very strong governmental and corporate support shown down through the decades for all the women’s-lib nonsense:  namely, procurement of corporate harems for upwardly-mobile older men, consisting of swarms of clueless young white women largely useless for the real work to be done but serving nicely as office ornaments for men to ogle and of course for doing bed duty (young women whose earlier contingents from the late ‘60s, when women’s lib started to gear up, to probably the 1980s included, as you said, likely a considerable number of first-generation-off-the-farm wholesome but clueless white girls being packed off to places like New York City to be subjected to theretofore-undreamt-of pressures and debauchery they hadn’t the slightest notion of how to deal with intelligently).  By couching a “young-females-only” hiring policy—“no young men need apply (or way fewer than previously)”—in terms of complying with the “legitimate demands” of women’s liberation, freeing women from “centuries of male oppression,” these male corporate and high-governmental types succeeded in the only way possible in surrounding themselves with young women they could intimidate, control, and use, without young male competition around, the bimbos running women’s lib having handed to them on a silver platter the perfect excuse for excluding that from the picture (“We have to hire only or mainly women now, to undo centuries of male oppression!  No young men, or way fewer, need apply!  The butch-lezzes and bull-dykes running women’s lib said so!”).  When women’s lib came along, these corporate and high-governmental types, far from seeing it as a bother, probably couldn’t believe their luck—it was a dream come true!  Unlike the Moslems who had to go through martyrdom to get their 72 virgins, these guys had them handed to them, nay, virtually forced on them!  “Please don’t throw me in that briar patch!”

Seen in that light, corporate and fed-government support for all the women’s-lib insanity down through the decades starts to ... make a little more sense, shall we say? ...


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 13:40 | #

Seen in that light, corporate and fed-government support for all the women’s-lib insanity down through the decades starts to ... make a little more sense, shall we say? ...

Precisely, as does their “marriage” to policies encouraging centralization of population and ruinous real estate policies that delay or at least profoundly degrade marriage for their sexual selection competitors.


Posted by On Holliday on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 13:41 | #

” de facto polygyny (sometimes called “serial monogamy”)”

Exhibit one: Dr. John Jay Ray.


Posted by Daedalus on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 15:04 | #

Corporate America loves feminism. What better way to depress wages than to encourage the decline of patriarchy and entry of millions of women into the workforce? Bring back child labor! A child in every chimney by 2030!


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 18:00 | #

Exhibit one: Dr. John Jay Ray.

Co-ethnic sellouts are more like host-derived protein coats parasites use to shield themselves from the host immune system.  In this case, the parasite wants us to see this as an intergenerational conflict, where the GI generation and the early boomers ate the bulk of the baby boomer generation’s fertility,worked them in dead end jobs until middle age and then discarded them in favor of younger more servile foreigners.

That is the host-derived protein coat of the parasite.


Posted by ben tillman on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 23:51 | #

“Do you really think poligamy exerts a destabilizing pressure on traditional society?”

Please read Kevin MacDonald:


Posted by ben tillman on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 00:06 | #

“Co-ethnic sellouts are more like host-derived protein coats parasites use to shield themselves from the host immune system.”

Indeed.  And it is important to realize that the reference to parasitism is not metaphorical; it is a reference to a straightforward fact. 

Even a cursory review of the strategies of various parasites reveals that a common strategy is to neuter the host and redirect reproductive resources to the parasite.  These are the activities that are of least value to most parasites.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 03:58 | #

Even a cursory review of the strategies of various parasites reveals that a common strategy is to neuter the host and redirect reproductive resources to the parasite.  These are the activities that are of least value to most parasites.

A phenomenon called “parasitic castration”.  And in fact I’ve discussed <a >the amygdala and parasitic castration</a> with an eye to explaining autism, although my explanation is more along the lines of some sort of pathogen, genetic or memetic, impacting the amygdalas of young relatively recessive (in genetic terms) males.

I didn’t discuss it but <a >Greg Easterbrook’s article discussing the video-exposure of young males</a> is more in line with my previous discussions of autism but depriving males of territory is clearly a form of castration in an ecological sense.


Posted by Daedalus on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 07:05 | #

Even a cursory review of the strategies of various parasites reveals that a common strategy is to neuter the host and redirect reproductive resources to the parasite.

Sounds like conservatism.


Posted by Italion Stallion on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 02:36 | #

Wouldnt it be the case that those men mildly affected with aspergers are going to take a while longer than average to sexually negotiate.

That is do men with aspergers marry later anyway ? Unlike a younger man, a 40 year old man with apsergers, emotional restrain, analytical skills, routine and detatchment may just seem like a man laden with the experiences and trials of life, and set in his ways as a result. This can be quite attractive to a younger woman.

The man is then going to pass on whatever genetic predispostion he had for autism spectrum.

Also is there any evidence at all for a virus for autism ?

Another point, most of the best research on mylenation diseases and mercury comes from nordic countries.


Posted by Eva Headly on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 23:38 | #

It is our belief that Britain has the highest rate of cancer, child cancer, asthma in the world and shared with the United States the highest rates of multiple schlerosis, osteoporosis, muscular dystrophy, tourette’s syndrome, infertility, altzimers disease, autism, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADD, epilepsy, cystic fibrosis and many more genetic conditions. Many affecting the old and young alike, devastaing lives. We believe the reason for this is because this county and the United states are truly made up of European and other immigrants. The above leads me as I hope it will you to the following conclusion. Despite what the people who govern us tell us all, with the highest rates of virtually every genetic condition in the world , we are not better off as a nation of immigrants after all….........

We believe that the rates of all these conditions are rapidly increasing as immigration an racial integration continues whether our people/government accept it or not. This is a modern day holocaust. The increase in autism was at first denied but now has been linked by the government (An ISRAELI study) to the age of males having children. but we do not believe this explains why the rate in America and Britan is so high. Although we accept it could play a part. Why doesn’t Germany have this apparent autism epidemic like Britain? They are having children later just like us!


We fully recognise that smoking, the sun and other factors trigger cancer, but I do not belive it explains why so many people in America nad Britain get cancer. I am sure that Britain has the highest rate of child cancer in the world and as children don’t smoke (well most of them) we must look to other causes.


We believe that the sun is a trigger to cancer rather than the cause. We believe that most skin cancers come from pre-existing skin conditions such as moles or birthmarks which is ultimatley genetic. We believe that only certain types of people get skin cancer. We believe the high rate of skin cancer in this county is because of its immigrant make up. In that it has weekened the genetic structure making moles, freckles, birthmarks, pale skin more prolific.

Due to the generosity of our people more and more people are being cured of cancer but due to their ignorance more and more are getting it. Detection of these condtions is growing but so are the conditions themselves. Many people smoke their entire lives never getting cancer, others smoke for a year get cancer and die, it is genetic weaking of the lung. The same resson for the highest asthma rate in the world and the rest.

Q I though fathers having children later was incresing autism?
A A possible fator indeed, but it doesnt explainthe sheer amount of sutism cases in Britan compared to Germany.

Q I believ you how can I help?

A In lots of ways, Create a web blog or website using the info here, it is’nt copyrighted fell free to copy and paste what you want.

A Post messages on internet talk formus, there are lots of them out there, on immigration, autism, cystic fibrosis, getting a seriour discussion going for the sake of our people.

A Send the infromation out to contacts via email

We will keep this site updated regualry with new information and hopefully serve humanity in the process. I leave you with these words again..

Despite what the people who govern us tell us all, with the highest rates of virtually every genetic condition in the world , we are not better off as a nation of immigrants after all….........

(We,our = A couple of people)

Thakyou for your time


Posted by Longevity Science on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 05:02 | #

Thank you for your interesting post!
I thought perhaps you may also find this related scientific study interesting to you:
Human Longevity and Parental Age at Conception

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