Is This All the Argument They Have? by David Hamilton
This is Linda Colley professor of History at Princeton and a Wolfson Prize winner; and historian, showing her prejudices in her book, Captives: Britain, Empire, and the World, 1600-1850. The book expresses contemporary orthodoxy. Of today she writes:
To Colley, racism and sexism are the unforgivable crimes - that is code for attacking white males! The British Empire was evil and its “victims” would have been perfect if it were not for us. These themes are still the prevalent ideology now, and are re-interpreted in government policy as moral debts which the beleaguered British people are forced to pay. Well, I thought we should see how intellectual some Caste academics are. These people, this intelligentsia, are erudite and articulate when talking on comfortable subjects. But when it comes to immigration and national identity they go to pieces and can not talk rationally. They become childish or avoid an objective analysis by retreating into the past. The Caste long ago gave up the Conservative value of Noblesse Oblige - the obligation upon rulers to support those at the bottom - in favour of promoting other ethnic groups. They talk of beating us by argument but are incapable of even developing one, and their inability to provide intellectual opposition to those of us who are trying to save our country was made clear in The Guardian of Tuesday 9th of June. From the title, which reads “Is Fascism on the March Again?”, to the final full stop we see the time-warped, paucity of thinking of anti-British historians. They talk and think in old-fashioned clichés. The question the eight of them were to answer was:
An exception was Michael Burleigh, author of The Third Reich, A New History:
But he needs to understand that his group, whatever it is, neither own those symbols nor can they deny them to others, and he must understand that the natives will revolt if constantly oppressed and denied their natural heritage in their own country. Or is this no longer our country? Do the elites think they are entitled to dispossess us? Richard Overy , Professor of history at Exeter University and author of The Morbid Age: Britain Between the Wars, writes:
This “loss of confidence” is because our elites are importing foreigners to push us out of our communities and because they are against their own people. Kathleen Burk , professor of modern and contemporary history at University College London,
I was not born when Moseley’s pantomime party was walking around the East End in fancy dress, but look at the mindless cliches. Far-right! That is all the people who want a future for their children are worth ... to be dismissed as “far-right” and thus do not deserve a decent life. The give-away to their callousness is: “I cannot imagine what cataclysm would have to happen for a far-right party not only to be able to grow but to win power in the UK.” The cataclysm is people like her providing intellectual justification for dispossessing our people of our communities and denying our children their rightful heritage. Overwhelmed in schools, no room on council waiting lists because of the priority given to “asylum getters” … if Ms Burk can’t “imagine” that this is already a disaster, she won’t be able to “imagine” very much when it develops into a “cataclysm”. The famous former supporter of the Soviet Union Eric Hobsbawm, Author of The Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century (1914-1991), among others, shows his failure to keep up. He treats us to a litany of empty and dated cliches. “It is not the threat from the extreme right that is the most striking characteristic of these elections, though clearly there is a shift to the right, and centre-right governments are likely to make more concessions to the far right. The real story is the crisis of the left … We have seen the demoralisation of the French left and a degree of disintegration of the left in Germany. Social democrats will need a new vision as well as a new constituency. Yes, Eric, but the orthodox view of the world no longer fits reality and there is no one on your side capable of developing it. It is a dying ideology. Joanna Bourke, professor of history at Birkbeck College, London, gives a classic example of the Caste’s hatred of its own poor people:
It’s simple Joanna Bourke who is ridiculous. She holds up the old-fashioned spectre of anti-Semitism but she and her kind are importing future holocausts in Europe by immigration of Muslims. All across the country Muslim shops sell The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and these nonentities have not noticed. Did they not see thousands of Muslims march through European cities chanting “Jews to the gas”? Well, the media did cover it up but historians are excellent at research so they should get their facts right before providing the intellectual underpinning for this. They also demonise any poor whites who try to regain control of their lives as fascists. David Kynaston, Research fellow at Kingston University and author of Austerity Britain, is still fighting the last war. Poor thing! It ended 64 years ago.
So people wanting rights in their own country are dismissed as a potential fascist uprising! The oppression of the British working-class is right there, in that. But now comes the real fear.
When they invoke the term democracy it is to silence opposition with an apparently, superior morality. But they are opposing the democratic election of two MEPs. They are not really talking about Demos > Democracy, but are worried by cynicism about “politics” and “intellectualism”. They are worried that we are no longer listening to them. They are worried about losing the power they have enjoyed for so long and wish to hold only to themselves.
By extension, they mean they will use words to keep British poor people down and themselves in power. Norman Davies, Supernumerary fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford, and fellow of the British Academy:
So now we know. Our living in our own communities in peace with our own people in a homogenous society is derided as “an imagined Albion dominated by white nationals”. What a nice life of ease and comfort in beautiful Oxford colleges this hypocrite lives! David Stevenson, professor of international history at the LSE; author of The Penguin History of the First World War:
The intelligentsia are always lecturing us, telling us what to think and arranging negative labels for us if we transgress. But what ideology are they promoting? They do not really mean Democracy, but want us to continue to defer to them while they act against our interests. In Democracy, Demos gives political expression to the voice of the people. In this instance people are starting to support a party that is trying to articulate their concerns and you cannot get more democratic than that. What the Caste are upset about is people turning away from them, the loss of their own power and influence. They are saying “Carry on voting for our Caste, leave it all to us.” They are invoking democracy to stop discussion. And when that fails it is the political police battering patriotic people while allying with Muslims. The above ladies and gentlemen are historians and were asked to pontificate on fascism. But they exemplify the wider truth that the intelligentsia, like the political class, have run out of new ideas. They take refuge in the past. They are still fighting the last war, and have been left behind. They think the common people should be thinking and doing what they tell them and voting for their Caste - Labour or Tory. The rulers are flailing around but they unable to come up with new ideas to explain the present situation, wondering how they can counter our revival and our determination to rescue our children from dispossession, unemployment, Muslim child-rapists and the loss of our women to imported ethnics. They cannot counter this now, because too much of what they kept hidden has come out for them to hide. For years they have preached to us and bullied us but now, at last, we asserting ourselves. People are speaking up for the section of the population that Colley and her kind despise: the white British people. These people feel cheated and are ceasing to obey Authority. They resent the preferential treatment accorded other ethnic groups as exemplified in Harriet Harman’s Equality Bill. They are increasingly no longer cowed by the orthodoxy of anti-racism. They see their communities are destroyed, their children overwhelmed in their schools and their future jobs filled by cheap labour. They see Caste members, however, living in fine, delightful areas, sending their children to the best schools, and then using nepotism to get them on the ladder to the top in television and journalism, in the City and in the major corporations, in politics, and so on. It is no surprise that even the intellectual elites among them have no better words to offer the ordinary British man or woman than the hollow and hateful pities of anti-racism. They are worthless. Comments:2
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 14:41 | # Nick Griffin talks about his plan to trick the lemmings into voting for the BNP. 3
Posted by Frank on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 15:02 | # David Duke’s always trashed for his past affiliation with the klan, and anyone who touches Duke is supposedly contaminated, lol. Reg. the burning cross in that video: that’s a Scottish custom, and it isn’t inherently hateful. - Griffin didn’t truly say anything extreme in the video: every political party strategizes on how to appeal to voters and thus win elections. Of course, the BNP must be held to a different standard from everyone else… The mass media bullies its propaganda onto its naive viewers - that mass media is a truly awesome power. Griffin mentions that perhaps one day voters will be open to expelling immigrants, but so what? That doesn’t mean he secretly wishes to do so, and the other parties apparently wish to ethnically cleanse the British. Interesting how so many attack Griffin for not being extreme enough, while many others attack him for being too extreme. Everyone wishes to be critical, but no one wishes to do anything himself. Rather it’s preferred to shrug off responsibility because any real choice could and will be criticized, and criticism is too painful for feminised Western males - much more pleasant to let others destroy the country. 4
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 15:48 | # Griffin’s plan is to make it plausibly ‘respectable’ for bourgeois lemmings to pull the lever for the BNP. That the lemmings need the illusion of ‘respectability’ to do something as effortless as cast a freakin’ vote, instead of perform that simple task in light of their clear interests, is what makes them lemmings. Is there anything inherently ‘respectable’ about being a lemming? I would tend to think the opposite. 5
Posted by Frank on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 16:37 | # “Is there anything inherently ‘respectable’ about being a lemming?” Who cares? Heh, it’s like I said before: if you go into politics, you must sell your soul. When in Rome, compete against the Romans as they do. If you win, only then may you civilise the Roman barbarians by changing the rules. 6
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 20:38 | # DRS, The same, but I don’t publish all David’s output and I assume the role of editor for what I do publish. 7
Posted by DRS on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 21:57 | #
That’s nice to know. I thought one of them was a plagiarist but the posts appear almost simultaneously so it was hard to tell which one posted first. 8
Posted by h.kalervo on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 22:56 | # “if you go into politics, you must sell your soul” A rather odd way of saying it. I wouldn’t say that Kissinger sold his soul, for example… What you must do is deceive. In this context, I would recommend reading Figures of Earth by James Branch Cabell (especially to the person who said one can’t learn anything from fictions). The world wishes to be deceived, so let it be. In public, Hitler spoke approvingly of God as much as any American President. In private, a different story. Of course, it could be argued that party politics, a relatively new thing, is contrary to our nature and requires extra effort, whereas it fits the Jews perfectly. 9
Posted by randy on Tue, 08 Sep 2009 00:59 | # Something you should read ...
Amongst other things, it shows how 700 rapes are turned into 70,000 by people like Harriet Harman in order to pursue their own ambitions. Best 10
Posted by glyn roach on Fri, 11 Sep 2009 12:35 | # There are several of them. Well, these articles get copied and pasted in slightly different form on several blogs and forums but always appear first on here. Post a comment:
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Posted by DRS on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 13:49 | #
Is “David Hamilton” the “Mr Fox” who posts on the Home Of The Green Arrow blog or are they two different people?