
Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 24 July 2008 23:50.

Several times over the days since his capture I’ve toyed with putting up a post about Radovan Karadži?.  The angle would have been to speculate on his trial strategy ... on whether there really is forensic evidence for the Srebrenica massacre ... on whether the wider claims of a Bosnian genocide actually stand up ... on whether the issues will remain as clear as the prosecution would want, or whether the realities of Western geopolitics will be forced into the open, to overtake the moral standard.  In a word, will Karadži? do what Miloševi? did prior to his death, and lead the Court by the evidential nose.

But the deeper I got into the researching the issues to a depth sufficient to float the intellectual boat, the more I learned how little I understood, or really have any likelihood of understanding, this extraordinarily dark and challenging event.

I did not understand the region and its peoples and their tremendously complex histories.  I did not adequately understand the Bosnian War itself.  I did not at all understand the legalities and precedent involved in bringing a case before The International Court of the Hague.  I did, I felt, understand the geopolitics of Nato in Bosnia and of the importance to the West’s interests in Serbia of bringing Karadži? and Mladi? to “justice”.  But it wasn’t enough.  Discretion won and I deleted my notes.

Karadži?, however, remains a charismatic and slippery figure, comic in his disguise but also admirable in the roguish but resourceful way he lived.  But he still has that word “Nationalism” attached to him and his, we are told, pitiless, genocidal deeds.  For us it is an unjust attachment because Nationalism is not that, but is something born of love.  Still, those who strive to darken Europe at dawn don’t baulk at such distinctions nor hesitate to use the spectre of Karadži? the War Criminal for their purposes.

We are bound to respond in some way, and this post - a not-post, really - must suffice.  Feel free to broach the issue however you please.



Posted by Friedrich Braun on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 00:41 | #

Anyone persecuted by Z.O.G. and the dark forces of the Jewish New World Order cannot be a bad person.

I laughed when C.N.N.‘s horrid Jew and Zionist fanatic, Blitzer, said that Karadzic is accused of massacring Muslims. Isn’t that what the criminal Jewnited Sates (a.k.a. “Torture Nation”) is doing around the world now?

Question: why now?

Answer: Pro-Western Serbian government cut a deal with the E.U. and the Jewnited States. It wants entry to the club; hence, the speedy arrest and delivery.

It’s all a set-up.  A big cover for the huge communist crimes in 1945-1950, which took place with Allied blessing and participation.


Posted by ATBOTL on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 05:54 | #

Karadzic isn’t bad or a criminal anymore than Charles Martel was.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 08:39 | #

Jew$ and the U$A as the Enemy of Serbia and Yugoslavia.

This is extremely long, but worth reading. It basically shows how the Bosnian Muslim leaders used American firms to solicite support from Jew$ in a total war against Serbia and then to treat those who defended the Serbs in the same as Holocau$t (TM) Revisionists are treated.

Dr.Radovan Karadzic



Posted by Fr. John on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 14:34 | #

The hatred of the West against Serbia is twofold- it is ‘ethnic’ and it is ‘religious.’

On both accounts, it is the hatred of an apostate West against a European power that still sees herself as Christendom. Serbia is an ORTHODOX nation, and still lives in the land that God gave her, and where over 90% of her churches, holy places, etc. are located.

That is first. The Western, filioquist nations of Europe will not tolerate ANY nation that sees itself as self-consciously, racially Blessed by YHWH God Almighty, for they long ago abandoned that King for the lies of the Statists; and, like all spurned lovers, hates the thought that someone else has replaced her. If you don’t believe this, why is there such animosity against Russia, now that Medvedev and Putin are actively seeking the re-Orthodoxification of their nation?

On the purely religious, secondly, it is ALSO the hatred of APOSTATES from that aforementioned Orthodoxy/Religion of God. The Bosnians were once Christian, but in the middle ages, they adopted a theological heresy called Bogomilism. This is the very much the belief that there are two ways to Christ, a physical and a spiritual, which is now iterated within the heretical sects known as Dispensationalism here in the USA, and abroad. It is most rabidly exemplified in the words and thoughts of those who are graduates of the Dallas Theological Seminary, known as Falwell, Robertson, Bakker, Swaggart, et al. The most vocal (and thus most heretical) member today is John Hagee. While we can see the beginnings of apostasy with those charlatans, in their unequivocal support for a godless regime, known as Israel, such a ‘state’ did not exist during the time of the Bogomils. What DID exist, was Islam. The Bogomils, because they had a faulty doctrine of the Trinity, and sought ‘signs and wonders’ much like the Pentecostals do today, eventually got ‘burned out’ and found that the mere outward, physical, ‘fleshly’ observance of a religion like Islam was easier, than trying to wait for some purported ‘Rapture’ converted as a RACIAL GROUP APART FROM THE SERBS, to Mohammadenism.

Thirdly, (on the purely ethnic front, with a tinge of religious ‘envy’) it is the HATRED of the Jews for ANY OVERT Christian State. That is why you had two ‘covert Jews’ [Kanne Clark, and Albright] engaging in a ‘genocide’ of the Serbs under President Adulterer (Clinton) with a shiksa like Lewinsky acting to ‘hide their actions’ as a racial sub-group ....who, coincidentally, ALSO are considered ‘passed over’ in the affairs of YHWH God’s love for a ‘particular people.’ This (above all) was what awoke me to the racial, and religious nature of all the wars we are fighting, that none are willing to face. When Clinton, Clark, and Albright launched their offensive against Serbia, they did so on the ONE day that would be most OFFENSIVE to the Serbs, who are Orthodox Christiansa, and who follow a different theological festal calendar- the U.S. forces launched their attack on Orthodox Good Friday, the holiest day of the year!!

So, we have Croats, who worked with Hitler, and the Serbs, who worked with the USA during WWII, now being treated completely differently. But because the Croats are ostensibly aligned with ‘Roman Catholi-schism,’ that is seen as a Western ‘multicultural’ component today, they are allowed to have ‘self-determination.’ Also, because of the success of Dispensationalism to downplay the utter evil of, or to make Apostate Jewry seem almost ‘normal,’ we have people who are traitors to Europe and Christendom (the Bosnians AND the Jews) seem almost ‘morally good’ in the West’s myopic multiculturalism, merely because they are contemporaneous Unitarians with Clark, and Albright, against the overtly, defiantly, Trinitarian Serbs.

We then have Russia coming out of her [Jewish] Bolshevik coma, arguing that ANY Pipeline for oil (the reason for Halliburton, Bush and Cheney’s continued bloodlust over what Clinton started) leading through Serbia has be considered Serbia’s (which makes sense, to those who still believe in national sovereignty, and borders..). But, need I remind you, the same interests [Jews, Trilateralists, NWO scum] are willing to destroy the USA in favor of their hegemony ‘Amero-based currency, new proposition nation’ here at home… So, is it any wonder the Serbs said ‘no’ to the Godlessness of a Europe that has forgotten her first love, an America who is nothing more than the ‘Beast’ at the hands of Antichrist Jews, and a world that seemingly cares nothing for Christendom anymore, who allows Mosques to be built in all the lands formerly known as CHristian Europe, and sees nothing heretical in having Cantuar speak approvingly of “Sharia Law” as an OPTION in Christian Britain!?!?!?!? What do you folks have to offer to Orthodox, other than utter annihilation, and the loss of our souls? Like the song of the ‘60’s “War! Huh! What is it good for? Ab-so-LUTE-ly nothin.’

Orthodoxia ki thanatos!


Posted by Calvin on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 21:19 | #

Let’s not get too complex about this. The Bosnians began ethnic cleansing in this region under the leadership of convicted war criminal, Naser Oric. The activities of Oric are displayed here, the fact that these atrocities have been co-opted by a Zionist fringe group should not detract from their veracity….


The people who perpetrated these crimes holed up in Srebrenica. When the Serbs army under the leadership of Karadzic closed in on the Mujaheddin and Bosnian army Coalition, the well armed fighters (after murdering a UN peacekeeper for failing to “protect” them) staged a mass breakout. The Bosniak force came into frequent bloody conflict with the Serbs, in which hundreds of fighters were killed. This is touted as a “genocide”.

The Bosniak force is described as “men and boys”, purely on hearsay allegations that some underage fighters were killed in the breakout. The 8,000 figure is based on an estimate of missing persons. Since a significant percentage of the unit in question were either, foreign nationals (Chechens, Iraqis, Afghanis, Saudis, etc.,) war criminals, illegal combatants, or killed in combat, a “missing” persons assessment really is a laughable method of ascertaining a death toll.

There is no doubt that Serb militias carried out some revenge killings, this in no way amounts to a “genocide”. The allegations against Karadizc are as bogus as the WMDs fable, the Kuwait incubator lie, or the Trnopolje fabrication.


Posted by silver on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 22:28 | #

The Bosnians began ethnic cleansing in this region under the leadership of convicted war criminal, Naser Oric.

He was recently cleared on appeal of all charges.


Posted by calvin on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 22:59 | #

“He was recently cleared on appeal of all charges”

So Oric is innocent. The atrocities are well documented. The only force known to be in the region were under the command and control of Oric. Where then is the shadow army that apparently escaped detection by the Serbs and all of the international media, who committed these brutal massacres of Serb civilians?

OJ simpson was cleared of all charges.

Even if you ignore the photographic evidence of sub-human brutality perpetrated on Serbs, you still cannot contest the fact that there is zero evidence that eight thousnad Bosniaks were executed by the Serbs, nor can you deny that the Bosniaks who were killed were, for all significant extents and purposes, armed and determined combatants conducting a well executed attack upon Serb lines.


Posted by Matra on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 05:06 | #

silver: He was recently cleared on appeal of all charges.

Naser Oric was convicted then cleared supposedly because the earlier trial failed to prove he knew of the activities of the men under his command. Strange how the US/EU allies in the former Yugoslavia always seem to land on their feet whilst the Serbs always end up on the losing side.

The reports from the world’s news media about Srebrenica since Karadzic’s arrest are worded as if penned by the US/EU policymakers themselves. The one constant rule of Western media coverage from the former Yugoslavia is that the initial reports of any incident remain the permanent ‘facts’ no matter what evidence is subsequently revealed.

(Not only that many members of the US media and former US officials continue to mispronounce the names of Karadzic and Mladic and Bosnian cities as if they were hearing of them for the first time. It further demonstrates their complete lack of curiosity about the former Yugoslavia and what has happened there).

The allegations against Karadizc are as bogus as the WMDs fable, the Kuwait incubator lie, or the Trnopolje fabrication.

You are right, of course, but it won’t matter. The attempted genocide charge in Kosovo was a lie too (remember Defense Secretary William Cohen talking about 100,000 dead Albanians?) but it is still repeated without being questioned and not only by political partisans and media hacks. In the US conservatives use Clinton’s alleged success in Kosovo in their efforts to convince anti-Iraq war liberals to support greater use of American military power around the world.

A liberal US president stopped genocide. The UN Security Council along with Russia’s interests can be safely ignored. A demonstration to Europeans of the need for US leadership. The success of a tranzi-friendly international court prosecuting ‘fascist’ war criminals. Camp Bondsteel. And perhaps best of all a lesson to nationalists everywhere: Don’t mess with the diversity enforcers of the US of A.

Too much good stuff came out of the US-led Western interference in the former Yugoslavia to expect any mainstream revisionism.


Posted by calvin on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 11:15 | #

“but it is still repeated without being questioned and not only by political partisans and media hacks”

The problem for elites is that the internet has created a hole in the information dam that can be exploited by activists. The best example of this is (whether you believe them or not) the 9/11 truth movement. If I say that the Serbs surrounded Srebrenica to contain a Muslim brigade, with 6,000 ruthless non-European Jihadis, which was terrorising ethnic Serbs, and that it was a conflict between thes fighters and the Serb army that is the basis of the myth of a genocide in Srebrenica, I’m an internet nut-job…...until you watch this…...



Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 13:34 | #

That URL doesn’t function, Calvin.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 14:15 | #

Powerful comment by Matra there, a pleasure to read.


Posted by calvin on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 15:45 | #

Do a Youtube search under this heading…

Mudzahedini u Bosni

Probably old news, but kind off gives a different perspective on the conflict, doesn’t it?


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 17:24 | #

OK, Calvin, I saw that in my initial research.  That was part of what convinced me that one can only ask questions about Bosnia.  The answers have been buried in the past, where no one can get at them.  We are left with the barren process of sifting claim and counter-claim, and wondering how it can possibly be, since the fair-minded, justice-loving West was there at the time, listening-in, that there is such a paucity of hard evidence (yet, nonetheless, a diamond-hard intention to get the Serbs in and out of Bosnia).

American geopolitics called all the crucial shots.  And, as always, the tool of diversity was to hand.  Good Muslims.  Bad, bad Serbs.

What happened among Bosnians is a concern for Bosnians.  What happened because of the elites is a concern for us.


Posted by Calvin on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 00:57 | #

GW, reading even the Wikipedia (orthodox) version of the “genocide”, reveals the mythic nature of Karadzic’s so-called crimes.

“The Srebrenica Massacre, also known as Srebrenica Genocide,[1][2] was the July 1995 killing of an estimated 8,000 Bosniak men and boys in the region of Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina” Wiki

The official account almost immediately falls over its own feet….

“Although those killed were almost entirely men and teenage boys, the massacre also included instances where boys under 15, men over the age of 65, and reportedly even a baby were killed” Wiki

So, although there are unsubstantiated claims that some young teenagers were killed, we have a basic admission that the missing persons were all males of fighting age. “And boys” has been incorporated into the account, on the flimsiest pretext, to camouflage the true nature of the personnel that comprised the missing eight thousand.

“By mid 1995, the humanitarian situation of the Bosniak civilians and military personnel in the enclave was catastrophic. In May, following orders, Naser Ori? and his staff left the enclave by helicopter to Tuzla, leaving ranking officers in command of the 28th Division” Wiki

The picture becomes clearer. The males of fighting age contained in Srebrenica were substantially members of the 28th mountain brigade, the all Muslim brigade that worked in concord with the six thousand Murderous terrorists portrayed in the Sky News expose.

“From the morning of 12 July, Serb forces began gathering men from the refugee population in Poto?ari and holding them in separate locations, and as the refugees began boarding the buses headed north towards Bosniak-held territory, Serb soldiers separated out men of military age who were trying to clamber aboard"Wiki

Who we now know were substantially members of Oric’s 28th Mountain Brigade and Mujaheddin terrorists.

“On the evening of July 11, 1995, word spread through the Bosniak community that able-bodied men should take to the woods, form a column together with members of the ARBiH’s 28th Division and attempt a breakthrough towards Bosnian-held territory in the north"Wiki

Shouldn’t that be all able-bodied men and BOYS? Because that’s who the Serbs are accused of genociding. No mater, here we have a clear admission that the blood soaked 28th mountain division were continuing to operate and exert authority in Srebrenica.

“At around 10 p.m., the division command, together with the Bosniak municipal authorities of Srebrenica, made the decision to form the column. The men believed they stood a better chance of surviving by trying to escape through the woods to Tuzla…..Witnesses estimate there were between 10,000 and 15,000 men in the retreating column; around 5,000 were military personnel from the 28th Division”

So, indeed, at least one third of the Tuzla column were members of the 28th brigade, however, it is known that by no means all of the combatants in the Bosniak forces were members of the 28th, there were an estimated six thousand Mujaheddin fighters in the disputed territory and hundreds of civilian militias. The figure of ten to fifteen thousand is based on eyewitness estimates, and, as such, is unlikely to be accurate, but even in a best case scenario we have a force of fifteen thousand Bosniaks, all of fighting age, one third of which were battle hardened soldiers. The alternative scenario, of course, is that a mixed force of fighters, Mujaheddin, 28th Brigade and partisans, staged a breakout from Serb encirclement.

“The journey to Tuzla—a distance of 55 kilometres—entailed crossing extremely hilly terrain in the height of the summer heat. Most individuals started out with enough rations for only two days”

Please note that the Mayor of Srebrenica claimed that in the last days before the Serbs re-occupied Srebrenica, people were dying of starvation, and yet fifteen thousand adult males were able to equip themselves with enough food for two days during the breakout?

“The vast majority of the people from Srebrenica later reported as missing were among the 10,000 to 15,000 people who undertook this perilous journey”

So the decisive factor in establishing the charge of genocide revolves around the fate of between 10 to 15 thousand Muslim males, all of fighting age, one third of which, at the very least, were armed soldiers on active duty, conducting a military operation against Serbian lines.

“Serb general Milan Gvero in a briefing described the column as “hardened and violent criminals who will stop at nothing to prevent being taken prisoner and to enable their escape into Bosnian territory.” Wiki

Please take a look at the links in my previous posts before you dismiss this assessment. There is in fact ample evidence that Gvero spoke the truth. Not least the evidence the 28th brigade left on a pitchfork with a cigarette hanging from its mouth.

“On the evening of July 15, a heavy hailstorm caused the Serb forces to take cover. The column’s advance group took advantage of this to attack the Serb rear lines at Baljkovica. During the fighting, the main body of what remained of the column began to move from Krizevici. It reached the area of fighting at about 3 a.m. on Sunday, July 16, just as the forward groups managed to breach the line of the Zvornik Brigade’s 4th Infantry Battalion. Unable to move several captured heavy arms including two Praga self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, they used them to fire into the Serb front line. Thus the column finally succeeded in breaking through to Bosnian government controlled territory and linked up with BiH units which had assaulted the 4th Battalion’s front in order to meet the column at between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. on July

So, the “poorly armed” “boys and men” of Srebrenica, touted as refugees by Nato, were ultimately able to defeat the Serbian army and effect their escape. was it “genocide”, or was Gvero, in fact, right?

Do a Youtube search under this heading…

Mudzahedini u Bosni

Click on this link to see the activities of the 28th Brigade.


Should karadzic be on trial for war crimes, or should he be commended for his restraint?


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 10:18 | #

It adds up, Calvin.  And what about Sarajevo?  The rape camps?


Posted by calvin on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 13:35 | #

GW, Sarajevo, rape camps? Take a look at Jared Israel’s film “Judgement” on google video. Fake death camps at Tropolje, lies about genocide, lies about 45mins from Iraqi air strikes, let the establishment be held to account for the slanders that have led to the murder of hundreds of thousands, before we accept any responsibility to believe their other accusations.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 14:38 | #


The seige of Sarajevo lasted almost four years, and was reported by every network that could get a man and a camera in there.  There was deliberate targeting of civilians throughout - for a while we saw it every damned night on the TV.

No, the facts are not in dispute.  But the seige does form part of the charges against Karadzic, so the question has to be asked: Was it legitimate warfare, given the many precedents in earlier conflicts of the use of military power against civilian targets?  Is ethnic cleansing a legitimate war aim?

In my view it has to be, since war for territory is the most traditional warfare there is, and trumps the morals of war for geopolitical power every time:-

Some critics have accused the coalition of leading a war in Kosovo under the false pretense of genocide.[9] United States President Bill Clinton, and his administration, were accused of inflating the number of Kosovar Albanians killed by Serbians.[10] Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, said, “The appalling accounts of mass killing in Kosovo and the pictures of refugees fleeing Serb oppression for their lives makes it clear that this is a fight for justice over genocide.”[11] On CBS’ Face the Nation Cohen claimed, “We’ve now seen about 100,000 military-aged men missing…They may have been murdered.”[12] Clinton, citing the same figure, spoke of “at least 100,000 (Kosovar Albanians) missing”.[13] Later, talking about Serbian elections, Clinton said, “they’re going to have to come to grips with what Mr. Miloševi? ordered in Kosovo…They’re going to have to decide whether they support his leadership or not; whether they think it’s OK that all those tens of thousands of people were killed…”.[14] In the same press conference, Clinton also claimed “NATO stopped deliberate, systematic efforts at ethnic cleansing and genocide.”[15] Clinton compared the events of Kosovo to the Holocaust. CNN reported, “Accusing Serbia of ‘ethnic cleansing’ in Kosovo similar to the genocide of Jews in World War II, an impassioned President Clinton sought Tuesday to rally public support for his decision to send U.S. forces into combat against Yugoslavia, a prospect that seemed increasingly likely with the breakdown of a diplomatic peace effort.”[16] Clinton’s State Department also claimed Serbian troops had committed genocide. The New York Times reported, “the Administration said evidence of ‘genocide’ by Serbian forces was growing to include ‘abhorrent and criminal action’ on a vast scale. The language was the State Department’s strongest yet in denouncing Yugoslav President Slobodan Miloševi?.”[17] The State Department also gave the highest estimate of dead Albanians. The New York Times reported, “On April 19, the State Department said that up to 500,000 Kosovar Albanians were missing and feared dead.”[18] The claims of purported genocide had subsequently been proven untrue.[who?]

The United Nations Charter does not allow military interventions in other sovereign countries with few exceptions which, in general, need to be decided upon by the United Nations Security Council. The issue was brought before the UN Security Council by Russia, in a draft resolution which - inter alia - would affirm “that such unilateral use of force constitutes a flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter”. China, Namibia and Russia voted for the resolution, the other members against, thus it failed to pass [19][20] (PDF). The absence of Security Council approval as a legal basis for the intervention led some observers to argue that the intervention undermined international law.[

That, of course, refers to the 1999 NATO campaign in Kosovo:-


As for the rape camps, three senior officers have been tried and found guilty in a Serbian court, I believe.  So rape there was.  Does that mean that the camps were set up for that specific purpose?

The fact is that taking ordinary blokes off the streets and out of the factories ... taking builders, clerks, farm labourers, warehousemen, teachers - many of whom will have had relatives and loved ones murdered by an enemy exactly like them ... putting them in fatigues and sticking an AK47 in their arms, marching them around a bit and forming them up into a “unit” or a “brigade”, and pitching them into a fire-fight ... that doesn’t make disciplined, professional soldiers.  Not that professionals don’t commit their share of brutality, obviously.  But civil war has “licence” printed all over it, and is the most morally dangerous and crime-laden of all conflicts.

So what is the standard by which a civil tribunal may judge the participants after the event?  It is a heavy question, and I have already admitted that I do not possess the answer.  Perhaps “the truth” is the place to start, but the judges in the Hague may not hear that - or even want to.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 15:02 | #

“Perhaps ‘the truth’ is the place to start, but the judges in the Hague may not hear that - or even want to.”  (—GW)

If it’s truth you’re after, the judges in the Hague are the last place to start.


Posted by Matra on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 17:05 | #

If the ‘Bosniaks’, that is, the Muslims, weren’t ready to fight a war then they shouldn’t have declared independence and claimed sovereignty over the Serb areas as they knew what the Serb response would be.

As for the truth it is not in the interests of the Bosnian government to have a truth and reconcilliation commission as they are yet to achieve their war aims: control over all of Bosnia, including Republika Srpska. Since they will need US and European help to do that it is essential that they, the Muslims, remain the internationally recognised victims. That’s part of the explanation for their recent demands that it the EU make it a crime to deny the so-called genocide in Bosnia.


Posted by Matra on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 18:13 | #

If the ‘Bosniaks’, that is, the Muslims, weren’t ready to fight a war then they shouldn’t have declared independence and claimed sovereignty over the Serb areas as they knew what the Serb response would be.

I should also point out that the decision to declare independence was influenced by events outside of Bosnia. You can’t discuss the events in Bosnia without looking at Croatia and the international community’s response to Croatia’s UDI. Once the EU’s Badinter Commission declared that Yugoslavia was in the process of dissolving because it was losing most of its people and Republics it was inevitable there would be war in Bosnia. Prior to that the Bosnian government said it would remain in Yugoslavia if Croatia remained in it. The EU set up its own guidelines detailing the conditions which would have to be met by Eastern European and former Soviet Republics before receiving EU recognition. Croatia did not meet the requirements with regards to having control over its territory or in its treatment of the Serb minority nor did Croatia. Yet the Germans went ahead and recognised Croatia’s independence against the EU guidelines. The rest of the EU knuckled under to the Germans in order to show EU solidarity - remember the Europeans were desperate to show leadership as opposed to relying on the Americans - thus forcing the Bosnian government to make a decision on independence.

So in addition to possible German geopolitical interests the well orchestrated public relations campaign waged by Croatian expats, the sympathetic German media, and the Catholic Church, ended up being more important than EU guidelines or international law. (The Croats enrolled Jewish organisations in their US PR campaign). Even before the recognition of Croatian independence when all of Europe still supported Yugoslavia’s sovereignty the EU condemned Yugoslavia for using its army to fight the Croatian separatists in order to exercise that sovereignty!  In the end it was politics that drove the international community response to the break-up of Yugoslavia not any respect for legality. Even their insistence that the borders of the Republics within Yugoslavia could not be changed - based on uti possidetis juris - was dubious as that rule had never been applied outside of the context of decolonisation. Yugoslavia was not a colonial power.

Once the EU and US chose sides in the conflict international laws were applied in a selective manner to suit their preferred political policies. Radovan Karadzic’s trial is just a continuation of that.

Though now that Serbia is ‘returning to the community of nations’ (ie. it now has a ‘pro-Western’ government that’s not as friendly to Russia) maybe the Serbs will suddenly start getting some breaks from US/EU.


Posted by calvin on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 22:03 | #

Excellent comment Matra, well said!

In the light of the siege of, and embargo placed upon Iraq, the shock and awe bombardment of Baghdad and the air strikes against Belgrade by Nato, you must forgive me for laughing at the charges regarding Sarajevo.

Naser Oric was acquitted of culpability for the atrocities committed by his forces, so we are left with genocide. The genocide fable is based on an estimate of missing persons. The persons who went missing were from the 28th Mountain Brigade, who happened to be conducting a mass assault against Serbian lines just before they went missing. It’s worth noting that Islamic armies are known for their casual disregard for troop welfare and casualties, I find it strange that the Bosniaks are suddenly so concerned about the “missing”. They haven’t been concerned enough to have a look for them in Chechnya, Afghanistan or the middle-East, which is where a large percent of them came from in the first place.


Posted by silver on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 10:38 | #

GW, Sarajevo, rape camps? Take a look at Jared Israel’s film “Judgement” on google video.

Calvin, I’d be very suspicious of taking anything Jared Israel says at face value.  Let me explain why.

Israel, as ought to be clear, is a Jew.  He teamed up with another Jew, a certain Fransisco Gil-White, formerly a psychology professor at U. Pennsylvania, to write some scathing articles regarding the US position on the former Yugoslavia.  One has to be suspicious of this duo.

They appear to be hard-lefties, and their site, Emperor’s New Clothes (tenc.net), contained links to commie outfits defending Milosevic during his Hague trial.  The key is commie outfits.  It was the international hard-left which took the pro-Serb side during the conflict.  Not because they gave a damn about Serbs, but because Milosevic was a socialist.  The “Judgement” video is the result of the work of German marxists.  Marxist Michael Parenti wrote a book, To Kill A Nation, accusing the US of destroying Yugoslavia because it was a socialist country.  Diana Johnstone wrote Fools Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions, a book much more subtle than Parenti’s, which took a hard pro-Serb stance, but the book’s extensive notes almost all referenced hard-left sources. 

Israel and Gil-White, however, depart from standard international leftism, and hint at their true colors, in their treatment of Israel.  Here, they take a hard anti-Palestinian, anti-Islam stance which could give Front Page a run for its money.  Gil-White is particularly vituperative—and, there is good reason to believe, particularly duplicitous.  There’s little hint of hard-leftism in his writings on Bosnia, Kosovo, Islam or Israel, and so much firey rhetoric one would think he’s a Horowitz clone.  When writing about Kosovo, he comes across as an indignant Serb nationalist—in an email to me, he claimed he’d sob uncontrollably at the injustices done to the Serbs—and when writing about Bosnia and Israel he pulls no punches in attacking Islam, making sure to weave into the narrative the Waffen SS Muslim “Handzar” division and the collusion between the Nazis and the Palestinian Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini, who helped recruit for the Handzars.  Nazis>Islam>Islamofascism, I suppose, is the connection he’d wish us to make.

So, this specialist in the “Pyschology of Ethnic Conflict” looks unflinchingly at the reality of ethnic conflict and draws the only conclusions his observations permit: people are inherently different and will dispute territory they both share and clash as a result?  Not necessarily. 


That’s Gil-White’s book Resurrecting Racism, a little compendium of race-denial.  One gathers it was a response to John Entine’s Taboo.  Perhaps sensing the threat, Gil-White got to work.  It’s all in there: no such thing as “black”; no such thing as race; no such thing as IQ; or if there is, IQ-tests don’t measure, etc.

In sum, I’d be very, very cautious just how much stock I put into anything coming out of the mouth of Jared Israel or Fransisco Gil-White, or any of the international-left’s ostensible pro-Serbism.


Posted by calvin on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 20:12 | #

“Calvin, I’d be very suspicious of taking anything Jared Israel says at face value”

Yes I know. Thanks for pointing that out though. The transparency of these pseudo-Euronationalist Zionists is laughable. Mark Steyn, Flemming Rose. The funniest part of the whole charade is watching these lowlives replicating the analytical methodoligy of the movement they have persecuted for decades. Should not Jared Israel be treated like Ernst Zundel? The myth being peddled is that the Serbs in maintaining national independence from Germany, were somehow motivated by compassion for Zionists.


Posted by snax on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 00:06 | #


Bosnian Serb wartime leader Radovan Karadzic was protected by the United States until a CIA phone bug caught him breaking the terms of his “deal”, the Serb newspaper Blic reported Saturday, quoting a US intelligence source.

The newspaper claims Karadzic was secretly granted immunity in return for keeping a low profile.

“Karadzic, indicted for genocide and war crimes, was under US protection until 2000, when the CIA intercepted his telephone conversation that clearly proved he personally chaired a meeting of his old political party,” the daily quoted a “well-informed US intelligence source” as saying.

That view partly echoed what Karadzic himself told the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in his opening written submission this week. He told The Hague-based court that US peace negotiator in Bosnia, Richard Holbrooke, had promised he would avoid trial if he withdrew from public life.

Karadzic was arrested in Belgrade last month after more than a decade as a fugitive and transferred to the ICTY to be tried for alleged war crimes during the 1992-1995 conflict in Bosnia.

Holbrooke has insisted that no deal with Karadzic existed.

The Blic source said: “I’m not sure there was a written document confirming so, but I do have Holbrooke’s admission of verbal guarantees given to Karadzic from the highest level of the US.”

“During the year 2000, at the time of the (November general) elections in Bosnia, the CIA learned that Karadzic was still leading the SDS (the Serbian Democratic Party, founded by Karadzic), despite their deal that he was not to interfere in political life,” the source added, according to the newspaper.

“In 2000 there was a SDS meeting in (the eastern Bosnian town of) Bijeljina, chaired personally by Karadzic. He was providing instructions to members and the leadership who should be replaced and who should be appointed to which position,” it said.

Karadzic “was personally engaged in all activities of the SDS,” the source said.

“In America they went crazy realising Karadzic was making a fool of them,” it said, adding that “the Americans and CIA then withdrew the informal protection enjoyed by Karadzic.”

Karadzic also was granted immunity from the arrest by other intelligence services, such as the French and British one, as a part of the deal with the CIA, the daily claimed.

In a separate report by the state-run Radio Belgrade, former Bosnian Serb foreign minister Aleksa Buha claimed he witnessed the deal.

“Holbrooke strongly promised me that The Hague tribunal would be history for Karadzic if he withdrew from politics forever,” Buha told the radio.

The promise was allegedly given at a meeting in Belgrade “overnight 18 and 19 July, 1996,” also attended by then Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic and foreign minister Milan Milutinovic, as well as former Bosnian Serb official Momcilo Krajisnik, Buha said.


Posted by Angela on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 14:22 | #

I have no knowledge of this case and could not venture an opinion on the guilt or otherwise of the individual concerned. However, I expect most people would agree there is little chance of a fair trial, regardless of mechanism by which they try him. Perhaps this has already been evidenced by the manner of his detention. The Jewdiciary will probably ensure he is convicted regardless. He may be best served by conducting his own defense, assuming he doesn’t conveniently drop dead mid trial (if it goes well for him).


Posted by Phoebus_412 on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 11:25 | #

Karadzic is a brave hero falsely imprisoned for merely defending Serbia and also Europe as a Whole!

WTH are Serbs and Croats just supposed to sit by whilst muzzies march all the way to the gates of Vienna… AGAIN??? 

Clearly Karadzic and Milosevic are later day CHARLES MARTELS and should be acknowledged as such.

However Karadzic should deploy some different legal defense then the one Milosevic used to just to see if maybe a different approach will make the New World Order stumble on its way to Dominion. 

When it comes to the cabal of jews who pushed for the Zionist Occupied Government intervention it should also be pointed out that I think William COHEN was defense secretary at that time.  Some in the thread have already mentioned the jewess Lewinsky, my personal opinion was she was sent in on an ‘operation esther 2’ to embroil Clinton in a sex scandal as revenge for him actually daring to negotiate in good fate with freedom fighter Yassir Arafat


Posted by Lurker on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 03:23 | #

Ive just been looking at the BBC site where I noticed this list of charges against him:

1)Persecution of Bosnian Muslim (Bosniak) and Bosnian Croat civilians

2)Targeting of political leaders, intellectuals and professionals

3)Unlawful deportation and transfer of civilians

4)Unlawful shelling of civilians

5)Unlawful appropriation and plunder of property

6)Destruction of homes and businesses

7)Destruction of places of worship

Most of them charges that could be leveled, rightly or wrongly, against any army. And some of those terms sound distinctly insipid; ‘persecution’ , ‘targeting’. Not really the blockbusting above-the-credits mass murder story we were promised.

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