GNXP, GNP and the golden future of elitism Apparently, you and I are criminals. Or possible animals. I never got to find out which. Yesterday at midnight in multicultural Greenwich - the Observational one, not the beatified Mr Ginsberg’s - erstwhile MR luminary JWH alerted me to a rather Sub-Condescending thread at GNXP. Ever the sharp-eye, he had already posted on it at Western Biopolitics (which, if it isn’t already a staple read for you guys, darn well should be). He thought I should get up to speed. So here’s the gist. Godless Capitalist, co-founder of GNXP and the attack-dog of South Asian cognitive elitism in the Kwa, took it upon himself to contribute to a GNXP thread on Steve Sailer’s self-promoting VDare review of Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam’s book, Grand New Party. THE political book of 2008, apparently. Anyway, I will return to it shortly. First, let’s deal with gc. Now, both Douthat and Salam - a “Bangladeshi-American” like Razib Khan - are editors at Douthat had put up a couple of posts on Sailer’s review, the threads to both of which degenerated into the usual, pointless argument with difference-deniers and the kind of mental dross which manages to make every third word “racist”. On July 10th Razib - he, we must presume, of the vindictive inter-racial porn link - posted a short entry headed Sailer on Grand New Party. The thread to this post also got a bit stuck on sticking it to the racially-aware white American - but in that special GNXP way, since the Sub-Con cognitive elitist’s promulgation of human difference is what makes him cognitively elite. In this spirit Razib unburdened himself of the under-capitalised observation that:-
Now, a dispassionate, socially scientific mind encountering this unpleasant point of view for the first time might, having established that black racial consciousness and Jewish hyper-ethnocentrism are flourishing all over, ask itself whether “ethnic nationalism” has really been pathologized, or just white racial consciousness. And if it is the latter, why? And by whom? Well, by Razib and gc, for one. Er, two. Here’s the latter’s response to his pal:-
This is a direct attack on us and on my friend and co-blogger, James Bowery. James it was who posted this catchy number at MR a year ago:-
Well, if you read the thread to that post you will find that the subject of reader comprehension comes up fairly early. But reader comprehension is not gc’s problem. A year is a long time in blogging, and all that time he has nursed his superficial reading of James’ post, just waiting for the opportunity to prostitute it. I don’t like that. So I bit back, posting this on Razib’s “Grand New Party” thread:-
This morning I find that my, one might think, comparitively thoughtful rebuke has been removed, and in its place is only this:-
So, it’s fine for Razib and gc to comment upon the pathologisation of white racial awareness. It’s fine to heap more pathologisation on top, as they both did in their comments - Razib subtle in his arrogance, gc right out there. But any explication of their own racial consciousness brings an instant foreclosure. No contrary argument, no defence is offered. It’s just unclassy. But it is also the very particular, Asian morality of our two cognitive elitists. Now, I am going to finish with a quick comment on the premise of the Douthat/Salam book - not because I have immersed myself in it, but because from a nationalist perspective it suffers from Republican Election Mania. It is solely concerned with building a working-class voting constituency, and deals with the bread-and-butter issues of daily politics: economic self-improvement, health, eductaion eductation and so on. Its authors have not noticed that the entire democratic process is bought by interests that perceive the American working-class by colour, and seek to disfavour the white majority therein - together, of course, with the conservative middle-class, the traditional American family, etc. Here’s what one might call the money quote from an Independent piece yesterday on the political tentacles of Goldman Sachs:-
And here is the full list of Goldman Sachs employees providing comfortably more than any other organisational group. But it isn’t the sort of money that buys elections and, in fact, its inclusion in the Indie piece was a bit misleading. This is the story of a wider elitism than the governmental-focussed power elitism of the world’s leading investment bank. Here’s that David Brooks NYT article cited by the Indie. In it he makes the point that Murray and Hernnstein did back in 1994:-
This fissure runs right down into white America and was behind the “Obama elitist affair” when, at a fundraiser in San Francisco, the senator from Illinois observed that small-town Pennsylvanians “cling to guns and religion” out of bitterness at their economic decline. The lines are drawn for the long-term, and they are drawn racially - not just politically as red or blue, and not by class as Douthat and Salam suppose. Assuming an Obama win in November (not, I think, an unwise asumption), politics in America is set to become increasingly a game in which the elite class patronises minorities to imbue them - the elites - with moral superiority over the small-town white church-goer and NRA member. There ought to be an opportunity there for someone. Not the GOP, and not Douthat and Salam’s GNP. But perhaps a criminal or an animal, you never know. Comments:2
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 17:39 | # Dave, There is a fundamental difference between elite decisions such as Brown v Board of Education and the widescale development of cognitive dissonance à la The Bell Curve. David Brooks’ argument is that we are witnessing the unfolding of the political impact of a wealthy and educated professional elite for the first time. Remember, we are not talking about a Marxist professoriate or liberal judges on the Supreme Court, and we are not talking about sixties hippies. This is another phenomenon entirely. 3
Posted by Selous Scout on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 21:16 | # I have no problem with a wealthy and educated professional elite (aristocracy?) managing things. As long as the interests and loyalties of said elite are aligned with those of citizens. Such is not the case in the modern West now. I think the real problem lies in the political and cultural indoctrination (via mass media and university) of today’s elite, who now appear to be imbued with a devotion to the Multi-Cult, Race Replacement, mass non-white immigration, and virulent anti-white hatred. Many of them, of course, are Jews, and therefore do not necessarily share the same interests of Authentic Americans among whom they live and work. I know two retired ex-Goldman Sachs directors, now in their 60s, both working class Euro-American guys from NYC who made good, with big houses in Long Island and Hilton Head (or wherever), who strongly oppose Obama and everything he represents. 4
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 21:59 | # Matthews is a typical anti-White scumbag who welcomes the material dispossession and biological destruction of Whites. All ethnic and racial groups are becoming more race conscious and tribalistic, only Whites are expressly denied their racial identity. Like your typical pontificating, posturing, hypocritical liberal, I bet Matthews lives in an all White neighborhood, all his friends are White, and that he most certainly sent his kids to elite, all White schools and colleges. In point of fact, folks like Matthews lead a sheltered, self-segrating existence that poor Whites cannot have, because they don’t have the financial means at their disposal, they’re the ones who have had to deal with forced (at gun point!) racial integration. It’s fucks like Matthews who have taken away our freedom of association, while living in lily Whites neighborhoods themselves. Fuck you, Matthews, you fucking piece of shit! It’s Whites like you who are the biggest threat to our cultural and racial survival! 5
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 22:34 | # GC is the biggest lump of shit floating in cyberspace. He once wrote an entire post on gnxp attacking me AFTER banning my I.P. address so that I couldn’t respond to his attacks. Very classy. He also made public our private correspondence on a forum without my prior consent . More class. I haven’t visited gnxp in over 5 years. As to the other brownster, when he’s not blogging platitudes, he’s furiously masturbating to inter-racial porn while fantasizing about defiling blonde women. South Asian “cognitive elitists”, both. I’d rather live a racially separate existence from such characters, in real life or cyberspace. Asians (South or East), like Jews, need us. We don’t need them. And they know it. Hence, gc’s unbelievably aggressive and deranged attitude towards all manifestations of White solidaritity. Ditto for Jews. 6
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 22:44 | # I have never met two individuals who were more racially conscious than those two devious brownsters, while denying that they cared “what race they are”...then why all those posts about the Indian subcontinent and its inhabitants? On a side-note, my mother was a real estate broker for many years…she has told me that South Asians (East Indians) are the dirtiest and smelliest people in the world. For example, did you know that when South Asians move in somewhere they usually release a cockroach in their new dwellings? It’s supposed to bring them good luck. I hate these swarthoids as a matter of principle. 7
Posted by Red Herring on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 22:58 | # Almnst without exception, my experience with Subcons has been negative. They are incredibly arrogant, for no reason. Why Americans insist on importing these Subcons, is beyond reason. I once worked with an Indian chap at a private bank. His nickname in the office was “Chunky Monkey” on account of his weight and overall simian characteristics. He refused to work with whites, associating only with other Asians. He was deathly afraid of white men, however, including many of his clients, and would make fun of them behind their back. He took anti-anxiety medication which, according to his boss (who told me in confidence), had made him impotent. The last I heard he had resigned from the bank and married a Vietnamese girl. 8
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 23:42 | # “I hate these swarthoids as a matter of principle.” Never heard of the moral high-ground then, Friedrich. I’m not in John Ray’s category of pan-Asiatic admirer, but as a rule I have found the high-caste Indians I’ve met socially and in business preferable conversationally to the very few Moslem folk and SSAs I’ve encountered. Preferable to the Chinese too, of whom I have known quite a few and who, I think, have struggled to uncover sufficient social conformity in my manner. I agree with Red Herring about the arrogance issue with higher-caste Indians. They seem to be appalling social snobs, but also decent enough to laugh about it and themselves - something a European can empathise with, at least. That doesn’t mean I want any of them domiciling in my ancestral homeland, of course. But one thing I’ve learned is: given our complete lack of power, it is a sheer waste of time to discuss immigration and race-replacement with anyone but our own people. Real, honest and vital conversation is something reserved for one’s own. 9
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 23:59 | # An East Indian to my liking…too bad he’s virtually incomprehensible. 10
Posted by skeptical on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 00:11 | # Guessedworker, Advanced apologies for not being on topic. Someone should write up an entry about how 200,000 Germans gathered round the Berlin victory column, and its golden angel, just to hear the American mulatto introduce himself as a fellow citizen of the world. Who knew that so many Europeans could take such an interest in one of Chicago’s community organizers? Sickening… 11
Posted by Selous Scout on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 00:30 | # The Uncrowned Emperor visiting Germania Inferior, a subjugated province of the empire. 12
Posted by Darren on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 00:47 | # Its pretty simple. The GNXP’ers represent classical liberalism as modified by discovery of scientific truths about genetics. Its much like how Christianity and organized religion in general has had to adapt to the advancements of science to maintain its grip on people. They are acutely aware of how science is shattering old liberal social dogmas but they’re not ready to adopt a fullly sober and realistic approach to racial issues - it is just inherently incompatible with the modern moral/social dogma of (classical/economic) liberalism. It will take time before that happens I don’t even see this as a matter of the racial identity of the GNXP posters. They could have very well been white folk and still said the same generally inane garbage. All the stuff about “cogelites” is just neo-capitalist and neo-liberal codephrasery (Herrnstein/Murray) to justify a new social order based on IQ in which the higher-IQ races tend to find themselves at the top of the economic pecking order. It is not fundamentally earth-shattering. The research into group psychology that has shown differences in group behavior between populations is what is earth-shattering because it demonstrates that ethnic pluralism is fundamentally wrong and doomed to failure or genocide (through mixing or through inevitable conflict) as the end result. GNXP isn’t interested in this. GNXP is a good starting place for people who are unfamiliar with topics regarding genetics, but beyond a basic discussion, its just cowardly masturbation by a bunch of pointy-haired academics who are holding on to their dogmatic liberal social agendas. 13
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 01:24 | # GW, you might be interested in this email I got yesterday from a cognitive elitist: 14
Posted by GT on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 02:05 | #
While easy money urban GOP types are falling all over themselves to kiss African ass during an Obama presidency, there will be social, economic, and political opportunities for us in the small towns and countryside. Lots of it. Can we strategize, organize, prioritize, and act? Can we be populists? Can we roll up our sleeves and provide straightforward proposals and concrete programs? 15
Posted by Jim Crowe on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 07:01 | # Here’s a rather candid admission from Razib, GNXP’s resident Bangladeshi castaway:
“Scandinavian-style homogeneity” strikes me as a Volkish-ly suggestive turn-of-phrase. He admits the (implicitly genetic) uniqueness of Northern European cultural and social institutions and their unparalleled integrity and near-incorruptibility. (How many brown and/or Semitic civilizations can boast of this?) And yet Razib and other “cogelitists” argue in favor of swarthoid and Asiatic immigration, seemingly incognizant of the contradiction. How many sticky-fingered Semites and Gangeans does it take to overload the “Scandinavian-style homogeneity” required for free and transparent social institutions? Oscar Wilde put it best: Each man kills the thing he loves. 16
Posted by j on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 07:51 | # guessedworker, Very good your original insight that Goldman Sachs’s brotherhood is very successful. I was aware of that years ago. The reason is very simple: in the competition for IQ, GS was able to pay more than others, more than Microsoft or the academy. It offered the best chance to translate rapidly IQ in US$. I must point out for your paranoid readers that it is not a Jewish conclave. I think it is bad for America that they are heading for civil service, because they have no compassion for the common folk. Maybe I am wrong. 17
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 09:03 | # j, I’m glad to see that you have jumped on the cognitive elite band wagon. Ashkenazi jews have a group average IQ of about 115 (50% of ashkenazi jews are at or below this IQ score). That’s impressive for a group average but not so great per se; that’s just about good enough to get you a department manager’s job at Walmart. What enlightened jews such as yourself really need to push for in Israel is the immigration of a few million Chinese. They excell at math and science, you know. That is, if you want to stay competitive in the global economy. Also, all those Chinamen will eventually get pretty lonely so far from home; that could negatively effect their productivity. My recommendation? They should be encouraged to take jewish brides and have lots of children. The next crop of Israeli children will thereby provide some much needed diversity to Israel’s non-vibrant, homogeneous population. 18
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 11:14 | # j, As one would expect, Jews are “over-represented” on the Board of Directors of Goldman Sachs. But you will frequently find at MR a distinction between the pursuit of power elitism by such Jews and the prosecution of the traditon of subversion which permeates Jewish intellectualism, Jewish-owned media direction, low-level political activism, and all the rest. So whilst they never lose their sense of Jewish solidarity and will work to keep certain major Jewish interests “within the loop”, Jews in the power elite nonetheless have very probably detached in a significant way from the body of Jewry. I am not aware offhand of a recent test case whereby these people have been forced to chose between loyalty to the power elite and loyalty to fellow Jews. But history has some disturbing examples, as expressed in James Bowery’s concept of horizontal transmission. I suspect that, if push comes to shove, most of them would be extremely loathe to relinquish their place among the elite. Does this mean that some common ground exists between the greater part of Jewry and the mass of European-Americans ... indeed, Europeans everywhere? No, not a chance. Their ethnic interests are far too divergent, as Captainchaos intimates. Ethnic interests trump all for the bulk of humanity, as power trumps all for the clever and corruptible, regardless of their ethnic background. 19
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 11:22 | # Friedrich, Dr Jacob is worth attention, I agree. Your Indian correspondent is probably not. It is very good, though, that Indians in diaspore have such terrific pride in their homeland, and a sense that things are moving forward in some millenial way. We need to have these reassurances that returning home will be a rewarding and exciting adventure for them. skeptical, The Thrilling Voice Box is coming to my little country today, so I will get a better look at him, and may post tomorrow. 20
Posted by j on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 14:09 | # guessedworker, I have read again your post and I cant follow your reasoning from gc and razib to Obama. You should rewrite the whole thing for your lesser readers like me. You say that gc and razib glorify IQ because they have it. They are against white nationalism because they are not white. OK. Then you seem to link Goldman and Sachs investment bank (these days almost broke or broke) to the Obama phenomenon. GS is an organization that has collected (paying good money) the brightest people in the world, and these people seems to be interested in public service. Do you think Obama will open the government to them? You fear Omaba leads a coalition of colored Americans and the cognitive elite? Be more explicit, I think you are needlessly self-censuring yourself. 21
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 14:30 | # j, The link is Charles Murray and Richard Hernnstein’s theory of cognitive dissonance which, if one factors in a qualified anti-white prejudice, agrees with the Desi GNXP ramp, with David Brooks, and with “Elitist Obama”. By contrast, Douthat and Salam are gesturing towards an empty household in trying to accomodate the GOP to a (racially undifferentiated) working-class vote. It is a very inviting gesture, of course, as the history of the British Conservative Party shows. But, ultimately, it is the way to lose one’s political soul. I don’t think Obama leads anyone. You could say sections of the American electorate are being led, but this is to slip into the Independent’s correct but slightly off-topic view of a power elitist Goldman Sachs. In terms of cognitive dissonance it’s an issue of conflicting needs and ambitions between different demographics, with all the real-world power sliding rapidly towards the elites of the information age and their minority clientele. Again, this is not the same power as in the Major League Game played by the real Jewish and Wasp power elites. 22
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 14:50 | # Of course, another way of looking at the difference between the Major Leaguers and the emerging cognitive elite is in their respective attitudes to ethnicity. The Wasp power elites regard ordinary people and their preoccupations as ants working away ceaselessly at ant things. The big Jewish players are more respectful towards their people, but still don’t actually see their personal choices as being linked to or dictated solely by Jewish ethnic interests. I think they are like libertarians: providing they don’t actually harm Jewish ethnic interests ... These are not the attitudes of the comparable sectors of the cognitive elites. Another way to distinguish them is by their attitude to politics. The players regard it as a means to get business done. Nothing more. The cogelites actually believe in political means and objectives. Doubtless there are plenty of other defining issues. But I hope I’m making myself a bit clearer than I did in my post. 23
Posted by Maguire on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 15:04 | # GW, >>I don’t think Obama leads anyone.<< No. He energizes them with his demogoguery. Otherwise he’s a non-entity. Obama is a type well known in municipal negro politics here in the USA. No serious people seriously suppose this south Chicago patronage peddler set out on his quest Horatio Alger style. It’s true he has no foreign or military experience whatsoever. His policy is that of Trilateralist founder Zbigniew Brezezinksi, the last living member of the Great Game Player’s Club. >>Again, this is not the same power as in the Major League Game played by the real Jewish and Wasp power elites.<< Obama is an integral part of this game. And the next round of the game increasingly looks like War With China over Africa. This article has gained some current cache: The US Deparment of Defense has been busily organizing an African Command for the last two years. Now the Judeo-Anglo elites are providing an appropriate poster child for this developing campaign. And who did they pick? They chose a figure who can start African civil wars, coups and insurrections merely by making a speech from the Oval Office. M 24
Posted by .357 (Dave Johns) on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 15:19 | # “[T]he next round of the game increasingly looks like War With China over Africa.” Plausible but not likely. What IS shaping-up however, is a War with Iran. 25
Posted by GT on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 19:17 | # Maguire,
Your prediction wouldn’t surprise me. Candidate Obama’s international trips have Zbigniew Brzezinski written all over them. With CENTCOM containing China in East Africa coupled to a steep rise in interest rates the ZOG buck will be strengthened and the older, lower yielding paper held by Wan Hung Dong devalued. McCain’s expansion of “the war on terror” would be too closely identified with Israeli jewish interests. That wouldn’t be good for jews in America or Israel. Furthermore, it isn’t necessary. We supply the money, arms, and permission (wink, wink) for Israel to attack whomever they wish. Obama’s containment of China would make more sense, for it would have the effect of strengthening the value of Judeo-monetarism’s recent recessionary acquisitions in America and leave the Obamanation smelling like a rose throughout the Eurosphere. 26
Posted by GT on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 19:44 | # “...throughout the Eurosphere and in Israel,” that is. The key is Chinese containment. Containment because the Chinese really don’t want a war with the U.S., as Norman Lowell has said. Although a McCain presidency is easier for us to exploit, opportunities present themselves with Obama as well: Racially-tinged populist social, economic, and political opportunities in the countryside. Judeo-monetarism is a big target in the United States and throughout the world. Here on the Internet conservative racial-monetarism will continue to oppose efforts to exploit these opportunities, for their first loyalty is to easy money. 27
Posted by Bill on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 22:36 | # The Postmodern Coup: Making of a Manchurian Candidate
Posted by GT on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 23:39 | # Africa Command has nothing to do with the “War on Terror” U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) located at MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Fla., is the unified command responsible for U.S. security interests in 25 nations that stretch from the Horn of Africa through the Arabian Gulf region, into Central Asia. United States Central Command’s Area of Responsibility (AOR) includes 25 nations, ranging from Egypt in the West to Pakistan in the East, from Kazakhstan in the North to Kenya and the Horn of Africa in the South. The 25 countries within the AOR are: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, and Yemen. On October 1, 1999, USCENTCOM assumed responsibility for all U.S. military engagement activities, planning, and operations for the five Central Asian states. USCENTCOM is responsible for peacetime engagement planning and program execution for the five countries in the Central Asian Region: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. The Area of Responsibility includes the waters of the Red Sea, Arabian Gulf, and the Western portions of the Indian Ocean. The region comprises an area larger than the continental United States, stretching more than 3,600 miles East-to-West and 4,600 miles North-to-South. It includes mountain ranges with elevations exceeding 24,000 feet, desert areas below sea level and temperatures ranging from below freezing to more than 130 degrees Fahrenheit. It remains, as it has for centuries, a region of diversity, with different cultures, religions, economic conditions, demographics, and forms of government. —— Keys to understanding the “War on Terror”: 1. Terror = Muslim = Chinese ally. Troops Build African Partnerships U.S. CENTCOM pushing partnerships not ‘kinetics’ in Mideast/N. Africa
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 00:50 | #
Both those statements are correct. GC is what you must scrape off the bottom of your shoe after accidentally stepping in it in the street. 30
Posted by GT on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 00:54 | # A conjecture Without strong American support Israel dies, Europe and Oz are crippled. Thus the “100 year war on terror” is really about propping the beneficiaries of America’s judeo-monetarist system. These beneficiaries are: 1. American jews, sycophantic gentiles, useful gentile idiots, and the controlled gentile opposition to the former’s excesses. Muslims are potential Chinese allies. The geopolitical goal of the “war on terror” is Chinese containment. In a pinch Israel can be sacrificed. Underclass Israeli jews would suddenly become “irrelevant” to upperclass jews if things got hot with China. Israel’s upperclass could be brought to the “Good Ole U.S.A” over night. Many if not most of Israel’s upperclass already have second homes in the U.S. White nationalists supporting Obama ‘cause “worse is better” are bound to fooled again. The average gentile is, can, and will become accustomed to gradual decreases in the standard of living. Change will not be handed to us on a platter. We must work for it. 31
Posted by .357 (Dave Johns) on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 01:11 | # “GC is what you must scrape off the bottom of your shoe after accidentally stepping in it in the street.” You know that disgusting slimy jelly-like stuff you have to remove from a canned ham? That’s GC. 32
Posted by Maguire on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 01:29 | # “Africa Command has nothing to do with the “War on Terror” “ Except to the extent the “War On Terror” becomes connected to the struggle with China. When CENTCOM was first organized Israel and Lebanon were excluded from its area of responsibility. Israel was instead left under the European Command/NATO. This made military-diplomatic relations with the Muslim states less complicated. As the African Command gels we’ll see a similar praxis. The Sahara Desert will be used as the rough geographic dividing line. The Africa Command will be oriented on sub-Saharan Africa with its overwhelming majority of Animist and nominal Christian negroes. This will enable the Africa Command to orient its own military-diplomatic endeavors in more sharply ‘pro’ Christian and Animist directions, and anti-Muslim. An example is the ongoing struggle in Darfur. This falls on Muslim vs Christian/Animist fault lines, with the Muslims being backed by the Chinese. And it’s utimately over oil resources. It’s an example of how this will work out in practice. In this case CENTCOM would stand back even if Al Qaida were to again (yes again) set up a major presence in the Sudan. This would enable African Command and its African auxiliaries to treat all of northern Sudan as an enemy combatant, and without the faux pretense of only being against ‘extremist’ Muslims. The rule of African warfare, well known to us here, is to choose your enemy and then slaughter and rape everyone on that side of all ages and sexes. It is total demographic warfare at its most primeval. Combats between reasonably well matched armed opponents are aberrations, and perhaps even reflect “racist” thinking. Africa Command will not succeed at instilling a new ethic in its auxiliaries. It can only ensure these scenes are hidden as best as possible. Since the Chinese a) are attempting a creeping colonization, b) bringing in numbers of Chinese women with them and c) have a high racial and national consciousness, this process will be exceptionally inflammatory and fraught with possibilities of rapid escalation. The Chinese will consider themselves well-justified in retaliating in multiple ways. One example is arming MS-13 here in the states to a much higher level than it already is. The recent MS-13 killing in San Francisco was done with an AK-47, which is manufactured in large numbers in China. “May you live in interesting times”, went the old Confucian curse. 33
Posted by .357 (Dave Johns) on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 03:04 | # Curiouser and Curiouser “Barack Obama spent a dizzying day delivering a speech to tens of thousands of Germans. As he stood under the tower of Winged Victory in Berlin, he spoke of bringing the globe together as a “citizen of the world.” One world rhetoric, and all that. For the audience at home, he tossed in a helpful reminder that he also hearts America: “I love America,” he said, face all studied earnestness. (Interestingly, neither John F. Kennedy nor Ronald Reagan had to be prompted to speak of their love of their country while there.) Meanwhile, reports surfaced that while he is seducing Europe, his team is preparing for the transition to the White House. This is hardly a shocker since his entire repertoire has been based upon acting as if he’s already president. In their “trip and transition” euphoria, however, Team Obama seems to be making what could be a fatal error. They have swallowed the adulation of the crowds, the glow of the press coverage, and the sense of inevitability those things promise. This, however, is a delusion that can lead to wipe-out. The last two candidates to buy the Inevitability Hype found this out in most inglorious fashion: Hillary’s now baking cookies in Chappaqua, and Rudy’s kicking it in the Hamptons. The Obama Spectacle is cartoonish. It is a hyper-exaggerated stage play. The overreach is dramatic. And the effects may not be what the Obama Disciples had intended.” —Monica Crowley 34
Posted by ATBOTL on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 06:18 | # There is a lot of truth to what the GNXP people are saying. WN in America does attract a disproportionately large number of mental defectives, paranoid types, morons, conspiracy weirdos and people who are attracted to all out there things in general. And this does scare normal people away from the movement. The European approach for racially conscious white people of organizing themselves into political parties that contest elections seems to do a lot better at attracting normal people and repelling crazies. Guessedworker: Your comments about super wealthy jews are absurd. Why do you think America has the foreign policy it does? Because the “New York money people” want it it that way. Wealthy jews give the Democratic party most of it’s money and much of the Republican’s money too. Read the article in the following link: 35
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 08:42 | # ATBOTL, I think you have missed my point. From the article you link:-
“Money-people” are NOT the power elite. That elite is WASP as well as Jewish, is self-selected and has the common principal interest of furthering its own control, even to the point of constructing a global goverment. I have commented above upon the heirarchy of loyalties of Jews in the power elite. I am not questioning the ethnic loyalty of Jews outside the power elite. 37
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 17:41 | # mordred, Amerikwa is Alex Linder’s Natalian-influenced bastardisation of that bastard child of egalitarianism, multiracial America. It is the same in the European context, though superior in force, as my own little confection, the MultiCult. Both describe the state of things ... the postmodern left-overs after you subtract European ethnic interests ... the world of political lies and cold, violent reality. Amerikwa is where you don’t go anymore because you are hated, where your car breaks down inconveniently, where alienness borders your world and, worse than that, trespasses upon it. Continually. Amerikwa is where you and I and every son and daughter of Europe is headed sometime, possibly soon. 38
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 17:44 | # ‘Kwa is short for Amerikwa (or my own favorite, Kwamerikwa). The U.S. has turned itself into a Negro country, so deserves a Negro name. 39
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 17:49 | # Amerikwa (“the Kwa” for short) is a Bantustan name, appropriate for a country that’s turning itself into a Bantustan under Jewish guidance. 40
Posted by Bill on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 18:01 | # “please tell us what kwa means.” Posted by mordred on Saturday, July 26, 2008 at 04:18 PM Thanks, I’ve wanted to know that also. Why didn’t I have the balls to ask? An old teacher used to say, better you remain quiet and let people think your a fool than open your mouth and prove it. Thanks also to the sheriff of Nottingham. 41
Posted by j on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 19:41 | # Kwamerica or Amerikwa seems to me rather pointless. Blacks in America make up 15% of the population and they are meaningless in every aspect except three: the media, where there are Africans in every spot and they talk a lot. Watching American TV can be easily convinced that most professionals (lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc.) in America are black, while the truth is that their numbers are negligible. Only a systematic exaggeration of their contribution can create an illusion that they have a presence in literature or the academy or everywhere except crime. In popular sports they are well represented, mostly because blacks are disproportionately intense consumers of sports. And then politics, where the black voting block - given the general indifference of the electorate - is important. Blacks are very marginal in America and the fact you see to dedicate so much thought to them is consequence of a false image you have in your mind and not reality. Africa, as a continent, is also meaningless. Nothing happens serious ever happens there. America is still the 150 - 200 million European folk and little else. 42
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 20:33 | #
But more are arriving every day from Somalia, Nigeria, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, you-name-it, if it’s Negro they’re arriving from it — so there’s a drive by the Kwamerikwan élites to Negrify the place, J, and even if the élites haven’t reached their goal of one-hundred-percent Negro yet, it’s the thought that counts, don’t you find? So I think ‘Kwa is appropriate. Also it sort of symbolically covers the tons of mystery meat that you don’t even know what in the goddamn hell their race is, that the élites have got flooding into the place just to hold the fort and keep whites down till they can get the entire population of Nigeria in here. So no, I don’t think calling it the United States of Kwamerikwa is pointless. Quite the contrary. Plus it refers to all these laws that subordinate Euros to Negroes and every variety of non-white.
You forgot judges: the Jews who produce, write, and direct 99.99999999999% of this crap have found it written somewhere in Torah that all judges depicted in sitcoms, full length movies, daytime soaps, or just irritating TV commercials have to be Negro women.
Yeah but our overlords are working as hard as they can to make “systematic exaggeration” a reality — and when they succeed, J, Occupied Palestine (that’s what I call Israel as of yesterday) can kiss good-bye to any back-up protection or support from the United States because even if the new-and-improved population of one-hundred-percent non-white mystery meat approves such support, something tells me the Moslems around the world who have it in for <strike>Israel</strike> Occupied Palestine aren’t exactly gonna quake in their boots before a population that’s a dead-ringer for Brazil’s (call it a hunch .......).
Is that why? I thought it was because they were better athletes, sports being the one area where they legitimately shine (no pun intended, I’m sure).
So the tons of Jewish money and the swooning Jewish media hype for non-white candidates all count for naught?
Thanks for your confidence in us, J — just for that, if we ever get ourselves out of this fix, I might consider calling your country Israel again. Hey don’t mention it, just my way of saying thanx .... 43
Posted by .357 (Dave Johns) on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 20:39 | # Blacks are very marginal in America and the fact you see to dedicate so much thought to them is consequence of a false image you have in your mind and not reality. Yes, j, you are so right. How refreshing! I think we are all better people now that you corrected our distorted perceptions of the marginal impact blacks have on American society. I certainly hope that we can move on from our centuries old racist attitudes . That is, if we are ever going to have a constructive dialogue on the issue of race, we need to get past our long-held prejudices. Thankfully, we are more enlightened and tolerant today than 100 years ago. Guessedworker might well be a fine writer, but his views on race are vastly outdated and xenophobic. NOT!!!!!!! 44
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 21:34 | #
The lead article up today over at (an excerpt from a new book) makes largely the same point, and look what one of the influences happens to have been, that helped secure that awful Supreme Court decision: our old friend <strike>Israel Ehrenberg’s</strike> Ashley Montagu’s 1950-51 UNESCO Statement on Race (coming after his 1943 book, “Race: Mankind’s Most Dangerous Myth”, which tells you something about why the race-denying, one-coffee-colored-world-obsessed Jews running the setting-up of the U.N. made sure he got the influential U.N. appointments he was given):
So, that UNESCO paper on race, which was scientifically pure crap, nothing but Jewish race-denying propaganda (being, essentially, merely an earlier 1950 version of the <strike>Adorno U.</strike> Stanford U. position paper on race which GW just replied to) — that scientifically-fraudulent 1950 UNESCO paper on race (which I also touched on here), in influencing the Brown v. Board of Education decision, influenced a whole series of subsequent, ill-considered decisions and laws whose effects we now know involved serious societal harm:
<a href=“”]Some of Jim Kalb’s thoughts[/url] on the Brown decision from a few years ago. 45
Posted by snax on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 23:53 | #
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 00:11 | # “There is a lot of truth to what the GNXP people are saying. WN in America does attract a disproportionately large number of mental defectives, paranoid types, morons, conspiracy weirdos and people who are attracted to all out there things in general.” This is the self-serving, standard party-line that one gets in the Jewish-run media (based on what evidence? Every movement from Greens to trade unions has its freaks and lunatics…and normally is never judged in toto by its fringe, but that’s precisely what is consistently done to American W.N.‘s…who can doubt that a David Duke, let’s say, stands head and shoulder above a George W. Bush?). If it were true, GNXP’s subcontinental immigrants wouldn’t be obsessing about W.N.‘s as much as they do. I submit, hostiles associated with GNXP know that W.N. in the U.S. has huge potentialities, and that we’re only about five years away from overtly race-based, race-conscious Europ-White politics (as in some parts of Europe). Such tidings can’t gladden the heart of GNXP’ers and Jews. They’re nervous at a racial awakening on the part of Whites and what it could mean for them. 47
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 00:24 | # The NAACP was founded as a Jewish front organization devoted to advancing JN, which in Jewish eyes was accomplished by racially disrupting U.S. society till it became unworkable and was falling apart. (Negroes didn’t found that organization or have much to do with running it its first decades.) They succeeded in spades, of course (no pun intended). Now, while the U.S. Jews were wrecking our country in the interest, as they saw things, of JN, using the pretext of our mistreatment of minorities, they were simultaneously backing to the hilt those in their own country who were treating their own minorities this way. (Do they expect no one to notice these things, these ... slight inconsistencies? These sickening hypocrisies? This all-out ethnoracial warfare against us?) Brown v. Board of Education was a Jewish operation, same as “The Sixties,” same as women’s lib, same as the 1965 open-borders immigration law, same as the War on Christmas, same as The Diversity Lottery, same as Roe v. Wade, same as ... Which is why I got away from the miasma theories purporting to explain this disease we’re afflicted with, in favor of the germ theory — I mean, when you don’t even need a microscope to see the germ the way Louis Pasteur did, and it’s staring you right in the face in plain sight, you have to be pretty brain-dead to think up stuff like managerialism and other miasmas to explain the crap that keeps going on, always in the same way, always tending to the same outcome. (Hat tip.) 48
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 00:26 | # (My comment just above was in response to Snax’s last, a bit higher up.) 49
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 00:30 | #
Amen! 50
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 00:45 | # The Jews are after Steve Sailer’s scalp. His offense? He’s normal and tells truth (the Jews want none of that going on). These are the same Jews who support Occupied Palestine, a National Socialist Apartheid State, to the hilt. 51
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 00:56 | #
Well, these Jews should know, since a hundred percent of the Negro- and Black-on-Blonde porn that proves it is owned and run by their Jewish co-ethnics who are known the world over, especially in Occupied Palestine, for producing and getting rich off the vile stuff, unlike Rushton who’s just a humble researcher. 52
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 02:25 | # The other thing I’m going to call Israel is the Zionist Entity. So, until the Jews stop their highly obnoxious insistence on “CE/BCE” replacing “AD/BC” in contexts where it’s inappropriate and can only be interpreted as an attack on the West, an attack on Europe, I’m calling Jerusalem “al-Quds” and Israel “the Zionist Entity” or “Occupied Palestine.” Two can play that game! The Jews aren’t the only ones who can play, just the most obnoxious. 53
Posted by n/a on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 06:58 | # GW, Who do you number among present-day “Wasp power elites”? Do you believe the “power elites” are limited to “WASPs” and Jews? 54
Posted by n/a on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 07:25 | # Scrooby must have an interesting definition of “prove”. Most of Rushton’s claims concerning genital size are based on incredibly weak or non-existent evidence. 55
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 07:31 | # GT, I wonder what you see as ultimately more desirable: building cells of system independent micro-communities or achieving total control over the system (i.e., a pro-White regime)? If the latter is not the micro-community strategy just an intermediate step to a pro-White regime? 56
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 08:53 | # “Most of Rushton’s claims concerning genital size are based on incredibly weak or non-existent evidence.” This is, of course, bullshit. See Rushton, J.P. & Bogaert, A.F. (1987) Race differences in sexual behavior: Testing an evolutionary hypothesis. Journal Research in Personality 21(4): pp. 536-7. The condoms that the World Health Organization sends to Africa are longer and wider than for other populations. 57
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 13:57 | # To Northerner (“n/a”) and Friedrich: Gentlemen, I haven’t researched the issue or read Rushton’s data. I was firing back at the Jews who 1) were firing at Sailer and 2) are well-known and disliked for, in general — how to put this? — for throwing the biggest rocks at others despite living in the biggest glass houses themselves. I didn’t mean literally that Jewish porn (i.e., porn — virtually all of it is produced by the Jews) “proved” anything Again, I was merely “firing back” in response to the latest obnoxious behavior on the part of the world’s most obnoxious, most destructive, most selfish ethnic group. 58
Posted by Fr. John on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 15:19 | # “But any explication of their own racial consciousness brings an instant foreclosure. No contrary argument, no defence is offered. It’s just unclassy. But it is also the very particular, Asian morality of our two cognitive elitists.” You expected anything different? The longer I live, the more I understand that the “Other” neither can adapt to OUR ways, know OUR God, or understand OUR minds. Thus, the Ethnic and Racial nature of most of Eastern Orthodoxy, as compared to “Papal Rome’s ‘one size fits most’” model. “Its pretty simple. The GNXP’ers represent classical liberalism as modified by discovery of scientific truths about genetics. Its much like how Christianity and organized religion in general has had to adapt to the advancements of science to maintain its grip on people.” Darren, I fear you know neither Christianity, nor science. Most of the great scientists in the West WERE Christians, many of them priests. IF by ‘adaptation,’ you mean the discredited THEOLOGICAL paradigm of darwinian “Evolution,” please. How many times have the Hawkings, Goulds, Asimovs, etc. of the ‘First Church of Man, Evolutionist’ had to change THEIR Weltanschauung, in the light of new scientific discoveries? Far less than Galileo’s tribunal,’ one must admit…. “this doesn’t mean that diverse metropoles…don’t have advantages and good qualities vis-a-vis western mass, vermont or minnesota…but if you want scandinavian style transparency you need scandinavian style homogeneity.” Well, yes, of you like rising crime rates, intolerant liberals, and houses completely boarded up, businesses run out of the area, and trash scattered all over the streets. I live in Minnesota. Yesterday, my wife and I drove to a party in what used to be a nice, homogenous, CLEAN neighborhood- the ONLY houses that still were nice, well-kept, quiet, orderly, were by those remnants of that ‘Scandinavian homogenity.’ All the rest of ‘diversity-ville’ had that monotonous sameness in the barrios of the World- filth, disease, stupidity, ugliness, and crime. Gimme back my Scandinavian homogeneity…by force if necessary.
OMG, laugh till I cried. From your mouth to God’s ears! “McCain’s expansion of “the war on terror” would be too closely identified with Israeli jewish interests. That wouldn’t be good for jews in America or Israel. “ Too late, already known… at least to those of us who don’t listen to NPR (National Propaganda Radio) for our news, but check out columns at websites such as this!
Fred, I like your mind- it actually works! You ought to teach a Freshman seminar in Universities across the nation - in the interests of ‘diversity’, of course! 59
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 15:52 | #
After reading the story, I’d say Obama’s dumping her for her whiteness might have been the luckiest thing that ever happened to that girl. I wouldn’t be surprised if her parents felt the same way — though with some of these degenerate white families you never know ... (like the family Obama’s white mother was raised in ...). 60
Posted by n/a on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 17:45 | # Reply to Braun here: 61
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 18:19 | # Personally, I think that a pro-White regime is obviously a more desirable ultimate goal. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t think we should give up the fight until ALL our White brothers are secured from harm. That includes those in southern Africa. If we are to secure a viable future for our race globally, ultimately, the head of the snake of the NWO needs to be smashed. That means Amerikwa. If building micro-communities helps us accomplish that end I’m all for it, but to my mind the prize is clear and that’s where our eyes need to be affixed. 62
Posted by j on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 19:14 | # .e., porn — virtually all of it is produced by the jews scrooby, The Germans may take offense. Germany produces the best quality porn and the largest quantities. All the perversities you can imagine. 63
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 19:49 | #
OK so you win. So about stopping with the “CE/BCE” replacement terminology where it’s not appropriate (when it’s not meant for sectarian Jewish articles and publications)? You guys wanna be gentlemen about it or assholes? If the latter, I’ll stick with “Occupied Palestine,” “the Zionist Entity,” and “al-Quds” if you don’t mind. Call it a personal preference. Not to mention self-defense against assholes. 64
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 19:53 | # BTW, may we have the ethnicity of those German pornographers, please? Is it the same ethnicity as the ... Germans ... who are running the world’s biggest white slavery operations out of Israel using poor Russian and Ukrainian women duped by promises of legitimate work? 65
Posted by j on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 20:04 | # Mr Scrooby, You will have to ask somebody else about the ethnicity of German porn producers. It is rather out of my area of interests. Regarding “al-Quds” - The Sacred, in Arabic, it is OK with me. You can also call Jerusalem “al-Jedid”, the Friend, because Mohammed was a Friend of Allah. You can also call yourself al-Kaffir, meaning the unbeliever, you imagine why. Anyway, they call you that already. Jews you can call Sons of Apes, which in a way we may well be. 66
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 20:38 | #
Right and with the immigration/forced-integration policies they force on us Jews are retaliating for any name-calling in spades (no pun intended, I assure you) by actually turning us into sons of apes. I dunno about you but I’d rather be called a son of an ape than actually turned into one. So we see who’s winning that battle. 67
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 20:38 | # j: “Occupied it is now and for eternity.” White Nationalists feel the same way about Canada, America, Russian Siberia, and New Zealand (and hopefully, again, one day South Africa and Rhodesia). That our respective peoples colonized these lands contra the will of their indigenous populations is beyond question, but our respective dynamisms made them what they are. We, respectively, have a moral right to them. I dare say the reason many White Nationalists give two hoots about Israel and its depredations committed against the Palestinians is jewish ethnic aggression that compromises our ability to what we perceive as our birthright. This is not rocket science, j. 68
Posted by snax on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 20:42 | # Those wishing to confirm Sailer’s many quotes from Obama’s Dreams - and RER’s above - can download the book here: There’s no point paying to read his self-justifications for being anti-White. 69
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 20:53 | # Robert Reis, Aelia Capitolina certainly is a beautiful name, with a graceful lilt to it when spoken I imagine, and of course there’s more than ample justification for using it, especially for Euros who’ve been on the receiving end of diaspora-Jewish aggression against their societies and even their whole civilization for a century-and-a-half and counting and are heartily sick-and-tired of it. But it just doesn’t have the sting which the Arabic “al-Quds” has, and don’t forget my motivation is to get the Jews back for their attacks on us — so I’ll stick with the Arab name for now. 70
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 20:56 | # And who could forget Australia, never can leave that fine country out. 71
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 21:07 | # While you’re at it, CC, what about Europe? BTW, I was just over at to look something up in their “glossary” feature, and it wasn’t there! If they had to take it down for some reason, that’s really too bad. I’ve been in the habit of going there from time to time to look stuff up. This time I went to look up that Jewish-German historian of the 1800s, Gratz, who pioneered the diaspora-Jewish techniques for “cracking” Euro societies. 72
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 21:09 | # (the site was there, just the “glossary” feature wasn’t) 73
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 21:20 | # Here’s the man: In this Wiki article they don’t talk about those of his writings which explicitly advocated demolishing German and other Eurochristian societies (this was mid-1800s) by, among other strategies, constantly flagellating them with criticisms (subjecting them to a non-stop withering “culture of critique,” in other words) — I wonder why they leave that part out of the Wiki bio? ... I can’t imagine .... 74
Posted by Pamela on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 21:37 | # “Most of Rushton’s claims concerning genital size are based on incredibly weak or non-existent evidence.” This is, of course, bullshit. See Rushton, J.P. & Bogaert, A.F. (1987) Race differences in sexual behavior: Testing an evolutionary hypothesis. Journal Research in Personality 21(4): pp. 536-7. The condoms that the World Health Organization sends to Africa are longer and wider than for other populations. Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sunday, July 27, 2008 at 07:53 AM | # 75
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 21:57 | # Are Jew$ sick, twisted perverts and liars? Yup, sure, you bet! You already knew that, right? However, the lying shysters can always come up with something that will shock and stun even the most blasé and apathetic witness of Jewi$h depravity. The entire so-called holocau$t (TM) literture is fictitous garbage, internalized by both Jew$ and the goyim as “Truth,” and to dispute its version of events is to victimize the poor, lying kikes once again…if not to engage in a “hate crime.” In any case, one should keep in mind that filthy kikes and porn have a long and illustrious history. For examples of Jewi$h family values, see: Fictitious memory By Nirit Anderman A few years ago, a book in a Tel Aviv used-book store caught the eye of documentary filmmaker Ari Libsker. The book, written in Hebrew, featured hard-core pornography, but what attracted his attention was its setting and the identity of its characters. The story tells of a Nazi prison camp commanded by women, and includes descriptions of their abuse of prisoners of war - some of them sexual.
His interest in this subject led Libsker to Eli Eshed, a researcher of popular Israeli culture and pulp literature, who examined the “stalag” phenomenon. In an article Eshed published in the Ha’ayal Hakoreh online publication in 2001, he cited dozens of titles belonging to this genre, which were released in Israel between 1961 and 1964. The first publication of the series, “Stalag 13,” was printed seven times and sold a total of 25,000 copies. Not only did these books break taboos relating to pornography in Hebrew fiction - they broke taboos that had existed with regard to the literary treatment of the Holocaust, according to Eshed. “It is no accident that ’stalagim’ began to appear in 1961, in the shadow of the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem,” Eshed writes. “The bitter and widely publicized testimony gave rise to a renewed public discourse on the Holocaust.” It was the exposure to this literary genre that led to Libsker’s decision to make a documentary film to examine the phenomenon. Filming, which began a year ago, mainly focuses on interviews with people who wrote these books under pseudonyms, and their readers. “The film will expose the inventor of this genre, who was interviewed for the first time,” Libsker says. Two weeks ago, Libsker interviewed Uri Avnery, editor of the now defunct Haolam Hazeh weekly news magazine that devoted the back pages of two editions to “stalagim.” Avnery also referred to the Eichmann trial as a turning point in Israel’s approach to the Holocaust. He believes the “stalagim” developed as a sado-masochistic, public response to the horrors described in the trial. “The film attempts to identify the backdrop to which this fiction was created, and the reason it became so popular,” Libsker says. “It also examines how these books influenced the generation that read them - people now in their 50s and 60s - and how the books shaped their memory.” He maintains that for many “stalag” readers, the boundaries between fact and fiction became blurred. “Although these are fictional books, members of that generation absorbed the ’stalagim’ as part of the collective memory of the Holocaust,” he says. Libsker says it was hard to find the books’ writers and to persuade them to grant interviews for the film. Readers were also reluctant to expose their reading habits on camera. According to Libsker, many find the subject intimidating and some interviewees demanded that he conceal their identities on film. In some scenes, he asked readers to read passages from the books aloud, as he documented their responses to the text. He says many of them remembered the books as soft pornography and were surprised by the extremely graphic details of sexual abuse (that include the amputation of genitalia, for example). The years that passed not only softened the memory of the pornographic details in the readers’ minds. According to Libsker, many switched the roles and sexes of the characters: Readers, who have matured since reading these books, often remember them as stories about Nazi men raping and torturing Jewish women, rather than the opposite. The filming of the documentary, temporarily entitled “Stalagim,” will be completed in the coming days. Barak Heiman co-produced the movie with Libsker and the film was funded by the “Yes Doco” television channel and the New Fund for Film and Television in Israel. 76
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 22:07 | # Excellent video linked by Robert Reis (both links are for the same video). My favorite line in it (actually there were so many, it’s hard to choose) has to be this one: “Britain’s Home Secretary says ‘Islamic Terrorism should be re-named ‘anti-Islamic Activity.’” 77
Posted by DJ 357. on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 23:45 | # “Most of Rushton’s claims concerning genital size are based on incredibly weak or non-existent evidence.” Anybody with two braincells to rub together can deduce why the Sub-Saharan Blacks have larger pronounced physical features. It is due to to the HOT climate they evolved in. 78
Posted by n/a on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 01:26 | # Anybody with two braincells to rub together can deduce why the Sub-Saharan Blacks have larger pronounced physical features. It is due to to the HOT climate they evolved in. Excellent two-brain-cell thinking. This must also explain why southern Indians, SE Asians, and Central Amerindians are known for having “larger pronounced physical features”. 79
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 05:08 | # You know the crap we’re constantly subjected to on TV and in the movies? Ever wonder if a large proportion of these productions has any particular characteristic in common? One guy did .... 80
Posted by n/a on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 06:59 | # For those who are capable of reading: I’ve already replied to the paper cited by Braun and other of Rushton’s work. Again: In brief, Rushton did not “average ethnographic data”. He copied some numbers from a single 19th-century “French Army Surgeon”, while ignoring claims by “A French Army Surgeon” that don’t support his case. 81
Posted by Darren on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 07:54 | # I’m glad we’re discussing the most important aspect of europid ethnonationalism: the (allegedly) differing size of genitals between the races. 82
Posted by a morehead on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 11:05 | # It’s quite funny that after centuries whites are feeling the exact pressure that they impose on other races in america. But its not funny nor should it be tolerated. I believe that this is not the most beautiful woman in the world and her race doesn’t give a her a one up on any race woman. I prefer darker women but I still would not choose their beauty according to race. There beautiful women in all races. But it still is judged according to majority preference, not race. That’s like going to a all white school and asking if the white girl is smarter than the black girl. The majority will win. Even if the black girl was clearly more intelligent. Please lets stop the RACISM. A very large part of this country is mixed including the so-called whites. Many whites have african and indian all through there families. BUT… there is also those who are not. Let’s not all get along. Let’s be intelligent and realize that we are in a country of immigrants. Where the Only true decendants of the land are the American Indians. Every other race here Immigrated in one way or another. Genocide would be to destroy a race like what has been done to the blacks and indians. The blacks can never recover from what was done to them in this country. Indians are also in the same predicament. Expressing her bias opinon does absolutely nothing to the white race but pierce your already too large egos. 83
Posted by Darren on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 14:37 | # morehead: The emphasis on race on this website is in the interests of self-preservation and not out of a desire to control and subjugate other races. If you feel that preserving your heritage is not important, then that is your business, but don’t expect your nihilism to catch on here, especially when its supported by purely moralistic reasoning. “A very large part of this country is mixed including the so-called whites.” Proof please. “Let’s be intelligent and realize that we are in a country of immigrants. Where the Only true decendants of the land are the American Indians. Every other race here Immigrated in one way or another.” Well, there is some dispute over who actually came here first, but regardless of who is indeed first, we still wish to preserve our ethnic and genetic interests. I don’t explicitly wish others harm, but the health and welfare of people outside of my group do not factor into my immediate concerns. “Genocide would be to destroy a race like what has been done to the blacks and indians. The blacks can never recover from what was done to them in this country. Indians are also in the same predicament. Expressing her bias opinon does absolutely nothing to the white race but pierce your already too large egos. “ Blacks are handicapped by the egalitarian insistence that they are equal in psychological/cognitive ability (as a group) and can fit into a white-derived society. Recovery, in true sense of the word, would mean returning blacks to a culture/society that fits their abilities. I support black separatism (ideologically) to this extent. 84
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 21:37 | # On the SPLC-Sailer thing — Morris Disease gets owned by Sailer: Steve recycles an older story on Disease and his slimy outfit that should make scales drop from a few eyes: see the URL herewith, second link in the entry it takes you to, at “Here’s the real story”: 85
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 23:07 | # The latest from the Damn, That Just Gave Me A Splitting Migraine department (also known as Boy, Those Hollywood Jews Really Know How To Hurt A Guy dept.): As if casting Tom Cruise in the role of ... (wait for it .... you’ll never guess this one .....) Count von Stauffenberg in a new WW-II movie wasn’t enough ... (no, that’s OK, go get your migraine pills, I’ll wait .....) [Tom Cruise!!!]), the Jews are really getting us back now for that pogrom in the Rheinland in 1190 (you know, the one with the guys with horns sticking out of their helmets passing through on their way to the crusades, yeah, those guys, the Jews are still getting us back now for that, bet you didn’t know that): I saw today where the guy who starred in the Spiderman movies is slated to star next in a movie version of ... (oh God, should I do this to you guys? ... I mean, you’re my friends and everytnig ....) a movie version of ..... Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka .... (yeah ... no, that was no joke .... I wish it were, guys ..... no I didn’t make that up ..... no, I saw it, I swear .... No I don’t need new glasses, I don’t wear glasses .... No there isn’t a shitload of viruses in my computer, I just ran the virus scan, already thought of that, and it’s clean ............ Yeah I agree, I knew the Jews were mean but I didn’t know they were that mean ..... Race-replacement’s one thing, genocide I can understand, but I never would’ve guessed in a million years they’d stoop to this kind of warfare ..... It’s all right, I’ll give you guys a minute, I realize I hit you with that kind of sudden, I’ll come back later ............. ) 86
Posted by Bo on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 03:00 | # “This time I went to look up that Jewish-German historian of the 1800s, Gratz, who pioneered the diaspora-Jewish techniques for “cracking” Euro societies. Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sunday, July 27, 2008 at 08:07 PM” ============= Hi Fred, we didn’t destroy it, we just have to keep the syllabus short. We took Graetz down and added the story of Senator Byrd’s hateful “white N” comment at: However, the Graetz material exists at: I’m not sure if an outside computer can reach the text, so here it is: ===
The ideology, techniques, and goals of the campaign of defamation may be traced back to the philosophy of a man named Heinrich Graetz who launched a propaganda campaign of “scourging” and “flogging” the majority ethnicity in his home country (Germany) in 1868, as well as a parallel propaganda campaign “to shatter Christianity.” Graetz would be known now as a left-wing racialist and anti-Christian bigot. [Information about Heinrich Graetz may be found at pages 91 and 141 in Alfred S. Lindemann’s 1997 book, “Esau’s Tears.”] The Graetz campaign is one of calumny and hatred against the majority ethnic group (whatever it might be in the area where the defamer chooses to live) and the majority religion (whatever it might be in the same area) to destabilize and silence members of that group and religion, an early example of culture cracking. The campaign of defamation against European Americans does not seem to have a religious basis, but it does seem to attract certain pathological and deeply hating personality types (left-wing racialists) who seek to destroy whatever society and religion they find around themselves. Heinrich Graetz (1817 - 1891) left a mean-spirited ideological, defamatory, and propagandistic legacy that endures to this day. His bashing program has been in place for 138 years since 1868. Understanding his legacy of hate speech and propaganda explains why so much media and entertainment agitprop in the US attacks European Americans and Christians simultaneously. The Graetz legacy operates through public slander, lawsuits, defamatory art and cartoons, attacks on public monuments and symbols, and tendentious discourse. ACLU, ADL, PAW, and SPLC are good examples of the institutionalization of the Graetz legacy in American society today. The Graetz legacy is displayed by writers and editors for the dominant media culture who often embrace their craft to silence, smear, and destroy people who are disfavored by left-wing racialists. The Graetz legacy cannot be placated. The Graetz legacy will never stop. European Americans must come to recognize and understand this. The reason the Graetz legacy will never die is because it is based on the deformed mental characteristics of his followers who find excitement in destruction and defamation. They have no positive program for a better society. There is no appeasement that would end their campaign of defamation. European Americans can only, and finally, learn to name and resist the Graetz legacy’s campaign of defamation. Followers of Graetz use code words like “sensitivity” and phrases like “separation of church and state” as tools in their culture cracking campaign. However, his followers don’t believe in sensitivity or separation of church and state for themselves. This is not a difficult charge to assess—when a person urges sensitivity or separation of church and state, for example, consider whether that person applies the same concepts in his or her own activities, or whether these concepts are merely useful arguing tactics to modify European American behavior and to silence European American voices. Other techniques favored by the Graetz legacy are the venomous application of so-called critical theory (deceptive theoretical constructs that “criticize” in the most malignant way possible), ridicule, historical omissions and deceptions, the techniques of deconstruction, universalist claims, and the legacy’s always useful devices of artful anecdotes and Big Lies. 87
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 03:41 | # Bo, knowledge of the Graetz Legacy of “cultural cracking” of Euro societies is of paramount importance to The Cause. Is that article accessible from your site’s home page? If so, how? Which home-page sub-heading do we click on to get there? If not, you cannot continue this set-up which excludes the Graetz Legacy from easy accessibility. That article almost single-handedly explains the crisis we’re in, in ways that should be obvious to all without spelling them out (obvious to all except the two commenters “White, Jewish, and Proud” and our Israeli water engineer friend “j” — those two won’t get it no matter how clearly it’s explained ... hey that’s just the way it is, it’s a fact of life, something like the law of gravity ... no one can change it though many have tried). Forgive me Bo, but that article is absolutely key to an understanding of what’s going on, and has to be made easily accessible at your site or at some other site. 88
Posted by n/a on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 04:24 | # FB, To review: (1) I post a two sentence response to someone who is not you. As for the size of my dick, sorry, not into dudes, so it’s got nothing to do with you; but I will say I’m several standard deviations above the mean in height and pretty damn well-proportioned throughout. And—again—there is no “WHO study”. The WHO report merely cites the Kinsey data. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) |
Posted by .357 (Dave Johns) on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 16:37 | #
“Assuming an Obama win in November (not, I think, an unwise asumption), politics in America is set to become a game in which the elite class patronises minorities to imbue them with moral superiority over the small-town white church-goer and NRA member.”
An Obama win, at this point in time, looks to be a certainty. But anyway, the elites that direct and control the social aspects of American society have been patronizing and imbuing minorities with moral superiority since post WWII.
It really started to heat up with the push to desegregate the public school system. IMO, the 1954 decision of Brown v. Board of Education was the seminal event, or milestone, that marked the decline of white-America. The subsequent passage of the ‘Civil Rights Act of 1964’, and the ‘Kutler, Stanley Immigration Act of 1965’ ensured that whites couldn’t escape the benefits of multiculturalism and diversity - or the"animals and criminals.” But all is not lost…:-
Integration Has Failed (Part I)
Each new generation defies the liberals.
by Jared Taylor