Krauthammer: Everyone Influential is Jewish

Posted by James Bowery on Monday, 25 September 2006 19:49.

In case you were wondering why our elites hate us, Charles Krauthammer’s explanation is in today’s Washington Post op ed titled “Everyone’s Jewish”:

Krauthammer’s Law: Everyone is Jewish until proven otherwise… if “everyone” means anyone that you’ve heard of in public life, the law works for two reasons. Ever since the Jews were allowed out of the ghetto and into European society at the dawning of the Enlightenment, they have peopled the arts and sciences, politics, and history in astonishing disproportion to their numbers… But it is not just Jewish excellence at work here. There is a dark side to these past centuries of Jewish emancipation and achievement—an unrelenting history of persecution. The result is the other more somber and poignant reason for the Jewishness of public figures being discovered late and with surprise: concealment.




Posted by Amalek on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 10:52 | #

Krauthammer may be whistling to keep his spirits up. The Dr Strangelove of neoconnerie has lately been allowing a note of pessimism about outcomes to creep into his endless columnar demands for gentiles to fight his folks’ wars.

The blend of apprehension and chutzpah shows a little more obviously than usual in this piece. Unarticulated premises:

(1) Jews are the best, the Chosen. Your goodness is measured by how much you help us: that’s what being Righteous Among the Nations is all about.

(2) You gentile American schmucks all loathe us because we’re the best, though most of you pretend not to. You’re jealous of us because we have so much wealth and power, and resentful because you can’t manage without us to make your boring whitebread countries Vibrant. Diverse, Tolerant, Multicultural etc etc. And you just love the results, don’t you? Sure you do.

(3) The only downside of being the best is that sometimes America persecutes us. Oh no, it doesn’t, but we can always dream like what Philip Roth does. If we go on claiming to be actual or potential victims, we will huddle together and not breed ourselves into invisibility. (Good job Gov. Allen’s momma kept schtum or he’d have been forced to go to Harvard and kidnapped by an investment bank lynch mob.)

(4) Although we’re allowed to pat ourselves on the back in public now and again, *you* mustn’t because you might have a concealed knife in your hand. We’re a race when it suits us, an ethnicity, a ‘peoplehood’, a social construction, whatever…. but that’s not for you to go on about, serfs. We guard the protean mystery of our uniqueness: if you get too interested in it, you must be marking us down for a pogrom.

(6) For the same reason, you must just accept that we’re always going to be ‘astonishingly’ successful relative to our numbers and not seek to know why. No explanation founded on genetics, anthropology, sociology or vulgar accusations of mutual assistance will be entertained. They’re all provocative, hateful, reductionist attempts to demystify our Chosenness. Israel Lobby, what Israel Lobby?

Just rejoice at our superiority, be thankful we choose to live among you and keep those reparations coming in and troops flying out!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:15 | #

A lot of gems in that comment by Amalek.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 13:01 | #

And yet he won’t answer my repeated requests to blog from the pitcher’s mound instead of the press bar.  Insight, brilliancy and stubborness, all to excess, really should not reside in the same annoying skull.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 17:30 | #

Never knew you took your political heresies - along with being stubborn and annoying, of course - as far as Lutherism, Søren.

Desiderius Erasmus


Posted by Boris on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 00:51 | #

I don’t buy Krauthammer or his “new found fellow Jew” explanation. I wouldn’t have bought it when I was 12.
But, in todays moronic Western civilazation many people might buy it.
Changing gears a bit, how about them Brits? Now this is an example we should follow, just like they did. From now on minority religious leaders(mullahs) in the UK, will get advance warning of future terrorist suspects arrests. We don’t want to insult their feelings plus this way we also cave in on their threats and show our diplomacy(cowardness) and eliminate costly riots by ‘offended’ muslims.


Posted by Douglas on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 17:06 | #

That very long post by ‘Amalek’ was poorly written and extremist.  I’m surprised people had positive comments to make about it.  He (or she) uses many imperfect or obtuse words, presumably because they have more syllables and he hopes to blanket us with fluffy verbiage.

Also, he speaks of ‘Americans’ and ‘Jews’ as somehow being discrete categories.  Aren’t there Jews in America?  Isn’t ‘American’ adjectivally indicative of birthplace?

Amalek says nothing new or interesting, nor does he express himself succinctly or with any sort of flair.  He’s making simple observations about the state of things, adding his own racial bias, and making weak inferences about causation.  Bravo, Amalek.  The world needed yet one more loud-mouthed buffoon.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 18:07 | #

But, Douglas, would you care to criticise Amalek from the Jewish perspective a little more substantively.  You note somewhat wearily that his points - there seem to be four, not five - have been made before.  But you do not dispute them.  So perhaps you will do so now ...

1) Are Jews not taught Chosenness at Mamma’s knee?

2) Does not a degree of supremacism tend that?  For example, are not Jews privately aggressive towards European-Americans, even going so far in some cases as to relish subversion of their religion and ethnic interests?

3) Are not Jews absolutely convinced of the hatred which the world at large sends them, yet find little or no cause in their own behaviours nor in themselves?

4) Is public discussion about Jews welcomed or is it, if critical, invariably assigned the label of anti-semitism, whereupon nothing more may carry moral weight?


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 18:09 | #

Amalek, your new persona as “Douglas” has taken satire to new heights.  Thanks for sharing your gift


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 04:47 | #

Good to see a Douglas (Feith) contribution. His father, Dalck, was a member of that exclusive 6million-member Holocaust Survivor’s Club.

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James Bowery commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Thu, 29 Aug 2024 16:51. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:15. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 04:31. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Thu, 15 Aug 2024 12:06. (View)

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