More thread wars

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 25 March 2012 23:53.

One ought to note the fact that three of the poor old Daily Telegraph’s threads have been occupied today by a very race-conscious commentariat.

The first was a news report about an announcement from the Conservative Party that, yes, they are going to “get tough” on immigration.  Again.  The relentless bile directed towards the natural party of government has been something to behold.  My efforts to expand the discourse were rendered redundant by a succession of commenters speaking even more expansively than me.

The second thread concerned another announcement, this time that a garden city is to be built in the Meriden area between Coventry and Birmingham.  There is only one reason why this breaking of the ground is necessary, and it has nothing to do with finding homes for young English couples who are first-time buyers.  There are few causes dearer to the English heart than the banks of green willow, and again the DT commentariat did a stellar job.

The third thread was to a leader supporting that announcement of the “immigration crackdown”, and again the speaking could not get much plainer.  It was my intention to reproduce some of the comments to illustrate what, even a year ago, would have seemed impossible for a national newspaper to let pass.  But there is so much of it, I wouldn’t know where to start.

Of course, one has to put this free-speaking, welcome as it is, into perspective.  The DT is unique in sometimes - not always - allowing pro-white sentiment of this order (followed by The Independent, but not very closely).  The other rags control comments with pre-moderation or, in the case of The Guardian, with really outrageous post-moderation.  Even at the DT, the wider subject matter produces a less nationalist readership, and threads can be hard-going for a racial loyalist.  Recent football threads and one on Friday about the sad F1 driver Lewis Hamilton offered little in the way of reward for statements of our Weltanschauung.  There is a long way to go to exercise any kind of real influence over public discourse.  But since the freeing of the discourse is a precondition for making politics, and the nationals’ threads offer the only way to reach tens of thousands of still pretty sleepy readers, one has to make the effort.

When I see commentary like that on the three aforementioned threads, it does encourage me to believe that the effort is worthwhile.

Tags: Thread Wars



Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 01:25 | #

I concur fully. The tide has turned. Even at the Guardian the liberals are being challenged, and conceding ground at every turn. Recent events such as the Toulouse shootings (where neo nazis and the far right were initially blamed despite no evidence), muslim grooming arrests and trials (minimal coverage, no comment allowed), the shooting in Florida of two British students by a black gunman (as well as many other recent black on black and black on white violent crimes) with minimal coverage, juxtaposed with the reporting and subsequent uproar over the Trayvon Martin shooting (where even Obama has now made comment despite the MSM account of the incident being full of disinformation), have not gone unnoticed. This backlash was inevitable.

An end game of sorts may be approaching, dependent on the scale of black summer unrest. But we must stay cautious and be wary of any traps that have been set. Caucasians in large number may have finally found their voices, bravery, and communal spirit, but they must be careful at the same time not to lose their heads.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 01:38 | #

Sadly I’ve missed all the fun at the DT. I’ll have to try and thrown in my two pennyworth.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 01:57 | #

If the comment thread wars are won, what next?. 


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 02:44 | #

If the comment thread wars are won, what next?

We begin the dismantling of civilization and the implementation of single deadly combat - er, I’m sorry, I mean “Natural Duel”.  Even in a nationalist England after the very last subhuman has been repatriated the lowliest 85 IQ Chav should yet have the right to challenge a sitting prime minister to a battle to the death.  Only then will good and orderly governance obtain.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 02:45 | #

Leo - I dont think the thread wars are won yet. Its just a step in the right direction.

DT & Guardian moderators are in the position of secret police in other times and places. They know the amount of dissent, perhaps in a way that others dont. What a dispiriting job for a young liberal/leftie, perhaps fresh out of uni and working at the Guardian. On the hot button issues of the day you have to sit there all day deleting comments by people who profoundly disagree with the mainstream narrative. All to give the semblance of balance or liberal superiority. But sitting there you know that you are in the minority. You know that its only your part in maintaining the illusion, that you & yours represent the majority view.

Of course some of them comfort themselves (there is a guy on those DT threads doing this today I note) that ‘out there’ a vast silent majority supporting mass immigration etc They just dont ever bother to show up to these threads. Or make comments. Or vote on others. Thats how silent they are, they wont read the article, they wont move a mouse far enough to click ‘like’. Now thats what I call a silent majority!


Posted by Dan Dare on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 03:05 | #

DT & Guardian moderators are in the position of secret police in other times and places. They know the amount of dissent, perhaps in a way that others dont. What a dispiriting job for a young liberal/leftie, perhaps fresh out of uni and working at the Guardian.

I’m given to understand that comment moderation at the websites of many of the organs of the MSM including, I believe, the BBC, are outsourced to private companies.

Therein lies a whole new field for investigative inquiry. Who owns these companies, and who decrees the moderation policies?


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 03:06 | #

Funny, Lurker. lmao.

Unfortunately, I think these threads may be more indicative of where the real majority is in a still mostly white nation like UK, than they are for a heavily nonwhite one like the US.

Over the past year or so I’ve been checking out the comments section on Yahoo whenever there is a racial issue (er, “racial conflict issue”: anybody notice how the phrase “racial issue” automatically conjures up in the mind racial conflict?). I’ve noticed a heavy tilt towards the PinC. Sometimes, I’ve left either our general mantra

“anti-racist = anti-white”,

or my own preferred mantra

“America was better when America was whiter”,

and often I’ve then received in my own yahoo email new “Yahoo Updates”, showing where people have responded to my comment. Often, the mantras will get Thumbs Up/Down ratios like 35/6 or 21/3, etc. Huge discrepancies showing support for our side.

My only concern is that, wrt the US, I really suspect that whites are on the internet at much higher rates than nonwhites (other than East Asians). Wouldn’t that stand to reason, just given the general cognitive discrepancies?

Also, it seems like conservative, libertarian and nationalist sites all get a lot more traffic than lefty ones.

I remain disturbed and disheartened, incidentally, that the No to 70 million petition has garnered fewer than 140,000 sigs so far. I would have thought it would have received 10 times that number in a week.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 03:32 | #

For example, I just checked my email, and here’s the response to a recent mantra of mine:

Sorry, I couldn’t copy it, for some reason.

Anyway, the new mantra was:

Liberalism + Diversity = Death of America

Got 8 thumbs up, 0 thumbs down.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 03:43 | #

and often I’ve then received in my own yahoo email new “Yahoo Updates”, showing where people have responded to my comment. Often, the mantras will get Thumbs Up/Down ratios like 35/6 or 21/3, etc. Huge discrepancies showing support for our side.

I do a bit of that on Yahoo, but the comment system is too clunky. I make a token effort to comment and throw a few votes to our guys but there is no real debate on Yahoo. There used to be Yahoo message boards but they werent heavily frequented.

My only concern is that, wrt the US, I really suspect that whites are on the internet at much higher rates than nonwhites (other than East Asians). Wouldn’t that stand to reason, just given the general cognitive discrepancies?

Yes. I was saying this to Leo the other day re the Guardian CiF. Most of these debates, in fact most politics in general in white countries is white people arguing with other white people. The Guardian’s hamfisted pre-moderation probably boosts the apparent number of non-white posters to a degree.

Reddit, Facebook, Cif, DT, NYT etc etc its all a lot of white folks plus jews having these debates. Blacks, hispanics and asians barely take part at all and when they do its often at a very superficial level.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 03:51 | #


We begin with the dismantling of civilization and the implementation of single deadly combat…only then will good and orderly governance obtain.

For your insolence CC, I hereby challenge you to a natural duel.

The rules of combat are thus: a) I get the knife b) You get the piece of string.

You have 12 months to answer.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 03:54 | #

In theory shouldnt the BBC have to disclose how their comments are moderated through a FoI request?

If they are subject to FoI Im wondering how to frame a question re non-payment of the license fee.

The BBC are very hot on pursuing non-payers and prosecuting. Im willing to bet they have very good records of who pays and who doesnt and the demographics thereof. Im sure we all suspect that the BBC is funded largely by white people while others figure more heavily in the non-paying category. To have that nailed down in writing, by the BBC itself, would be most gratifying. And worth trotting out every time we are reminded that the BBC ‘must’ devote airtime, jobs etc to certain other groups.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 04:09 | #

Looks like the BBC is subject to FoI. The trick is in framing the questions correctly I suppose. Need to look to see if anyone has already asked about any of these issues.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 04:15 | #

The thread wars are over. The real war has begun.

“Monday marks the one-month anniversary of the shooting. Calls were repeated on Sunday for the arrest of Zimmerman.

The civil rights campaigner Jesse Jackson called for a wider reaction, preaching to a standing-room only congregation of hundreds at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church in Eatonville, Florida, about 20 miles from the site of the shooting.

Jackson said: “How do we turn pain into power? How do we go from a moment to a movement that curries favor?” He called, among other things, for Martin’s “martyr” death to be used as an opportunity to revive the Civil Rights Commission”.



Posted by Lurker on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 04:59 | #

Leon - tried to find your comment on Yahoo, to add another thumbs up. No success.


Posted by Greenish Credentialled Dirty Bull on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 07:16 | #

Simply put, ‘Garden Cities’ are luxuries England can no longer accomodate. We simply haven’t got the space any longer for low density affordable single family housing with gardens and rosebanks etc. The only way foward is back to high density tower blocks and multi story tenements. It’s so damned obvious, but as ever the politicoes can’t or won’t see it.
You can either have houses with gardens or uncontrolled immigration - you can’t have both.


Posted by Silver on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 15:03 | #


My only concern is that, wrt the US, I really suspect that whites are on the internet at much higher rates than nonwhites (other than East Asians). Wouldn’t that stand to reason, just given the general cognitive discrepancies?

I don’t believe whites are on the internet per se at much higher rates at all—ten, fifteen years ago, yes, not today.  But I’m sure whites form a significantly greater proportion of readers of the kind of sites that generate commentary on public affairs.  Why is that a “concern”?  If it’s mostly whites commenting and reading comments, then shouldn’t you encouraged that pro-white comments are up-voted by high margins?  If there were more hispanic or black readers you’d expect comments like “America was better when it was whiter” would be down-voted much more than they are in your experience (even though the comment is “true,” technically, even for them).

Also, it seems like conservative, libertarian and nationalist sites all get a lot more traffic than lefty ones.

Give us some examples. In my opinion, the exact opposite is true. The mainstream media outlets, including their internet presence (where a great deal of debate today occurs), are totally left-dominated.  They are not nearly left enough for the lunatic left fringe, who never cease to complain about it, but from the white racial point of view, catastrophically left-dominated.  It’s not impossible to get “edgy” opposition views in there, but the readership is generally very leftist.  If you exclude those sites then the C-L-N sites fare better in comparison, but look at Huffington Post: totally leftist, began as an alternative media site, and today receives more unique visitors per month than, and more than the New York Times and Washington Post combined. (This is aAccording to It doesn’t matter whether their data for number of unique visitors is accurate; as long as the methodology for determining the data is the same, what matters is the relative standing of the various sites according to that methodology.) 

The big C-L-N sites are Free Republic, Townhall and WND.  They are easily matched by and Slate, though.  Second-tier C-L-Ns would be National Review, Reason and Lew Rockwell (neither of whom show much willingness to touch race), but they are balanced by leftist counterparts like Alternet, Daily Kos, Mother Jones and The Nation.  At the lowest tier you have your Stormfront (far and away the biggest WN site, sadly), and way down from that VNN, Amren and Vdare, down further still MR, The OO, CC, IHR.  I’m sure these are also balanced by the lunatic left’s own offerings (ie at a similar level of radicalism). How about a plug for just one of them, our old friend Robert Lindsay, who, for an avowed commie —and for all the blindness to and detestation of reality that implies—has made tremendous progress and at least has the guts to be a race-realist, denounces feminism and is appropriately critical of Big Hebrew; he remains adamant, however, that nothing but nothing must be permitted to be done about race, nor even merely immigration.



Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 15:05 | #

Spread this around the internet, folks:

The real Trayvon Martin:


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 15:25 | #

I’m interested to see the response to this comment:

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could partition America along racial lines: a large white area, proportionally smaller black and Latino areas, an “Other” area, and an integrated area for the idealists? Then all those white racists, who just want to live in the same nation as America was 1776-1966, can move there, and there will be peace and prosperity everywhere. Just imagine how wonderful life will be for future Trayvons, living in an all-black country of their own! How wealthy, civilized, law abiding and scientifically and culturally advanced their New Africa will surely be - without the terrible hand of white racism holding them back!!


Posted by The Daily Enricher on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 15:31 | #

The “happiest man in England”, and his new home:


Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 15:40 | #

@Leon Haller

“No sir, there ain’t no trollin’, like a white mans trollin”. - Martin Luther King


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 15:42 | #

Yet more evidence that liberalism is bad for a nation’s health:

Unbelievable. Enough with the cross-Channel bickering. We have a common enemy, and he looks nothing like us.


14 words


Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 16:00 | #

The comments section of this Chicago Tribune Trayvon Martin piece may be of interest:


Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 16:49 | #

*MUST WATCH*  New Black Panthers run out of town:


Posted by Gregor on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 18:03 | #

GW identified the current “Front” in the battle with one phrase:

“The freeing of discourse is a precondition for making politics.”

Cracking open the enemy-occupied discourse streams is the ONLY game worth playing, at this stage in the war.  All the plans for “the future”, & etc. are meaningless until we crack open the discourse streams and destabilize the anti-White memes currently put out by our enemies.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 21:05 | #

Current debate raging in the Guardian:

Users of Cif are complaining to Alan Rusbridger (Editor) about the number of recommends that ‘right’ leaning posts are getting.

“Comments critical of Islam as an example, receiving 100’s of recommends giving the impression we are a far right readership”.

Their solutions. To abolish the recommend function in Cif, or to list the names of all readers that recommend a non liberal viewpoint.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 21:12 | #

Direct quote from a (il)liberal:

“I would like to ask Mr Rusbridger if he feels any concern about the way recommends seem to befalsely manipulated on certain threads i.e. any article which deals with the Arab Spring will usually be followed by a fair amount of comments which display anti-Islam sentiment and which gain huge numbers of recommends. It looks like most Guardian readers (at least those who comment and/or recommend) are in fact right wing nationalists. Why not get rid of the recommend button altogether, or at least display the list of users who do choose to recommend such posts?”.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 21:35 | #

Mr Rusbridger has also just all but admitted that he and his team consistently - lie, misrepresent, distort, cover up the truth, align with their corporate sponsors, back corporate power, ignore vested interest, uncritically reproduce government spin, parrot official announcements, squash/erase dissent, discredit dissenters as unhelpful or conspiracists - because their careers and large salaries depend on it.


Posted by gregor on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 21:53 | #

Over at the Globe and Mail, the anti-White hate is screaming along at a high pitch.  Hard to get in there, it’s so crowded with anti-Whites.


Posted by Gregor on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 21:56 | #

@ Leon Haller

Leon, did you notice that the Treyvor Martin fan club has gone into the T-shirt business?


Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 23:02 | #

Article in the Guardian by a black journalist complaining that Cape Town is a racist city. Authors argument then gets destroyed by the commenters with the most MR like comments receiving hundreds of recommends whilst liberal comments garner minimal support:


Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 23:14 | #

26 March 2012 3:38PM

‘We blacks are not used to being a minority in our own country. The whites of Cape Town are not used to serving moneyed, educated, confident blacks. We are suspicious of each other. We wait for the racist white to strike, or the marauding black of one’s racist nightmares to threaten to take one’s property’.

Shurely shome mishtake there…or are ‘racist nightmares’ confined to the borders of Zimbabwe for the present?

Dan Dare - YOU are the infamous Cif destroyer of liberals Guido Fawkes and I claim my 5 pounds!.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 23:24 | #

Comments on this thread closed early.


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 27 Mar 2012 00:13 | #


or at least display the list of users who do choose to recommend such posts?

Bring it on!

Disqus already does that at the DT and elsewhere, its handy knowing who has voted for you and other righteous commenters. Then you can look out for them and back them up in turn. I would appreciate CiF facilitating our discourse in the same manner.



Posted by uKn_Leo on Tue, 27 Mar 2012 01:38 | #

The libs/lefties/whatever they are, on Cif are really feeling the pain Lurks. I’ve been following it as intently as possible for a week and have more things to say about it than is reasonable for an MR post. I’ll sum it up. They are getting hammered, and in their own back yard too. The same thing is happening all over the UK MSM, in the US too as far as I can tell. Not so much in Canada though judging by the thread Gregor posted.

And to cap it all they have hugely put their foot in it over this Trayvon Martin thing. The truth is nothing like how it’s being portrayed, but they are insisting on an investigation, where the truth will have to come out for all to see. It’s all bloody fantastic.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Tue, 27 Mar 2012 01:43 | #

‘During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act’ - Jimmy Crankie


Posted by Guardian debate on Tue, 27 Mar 2012 23:25 | #

on the far right (neo-nazis/history revisionists/contesters of crimes against humanity) in Europe and their current relationship with Zionism and Islamism. Opens for comment at 9am GMT 28/03/12:


Posted by Incontrovertible on Wed, 28 Mar 2012 00:07 | #

evidence that the liberal argument is losing/has lost the battle of the UK threads. Anti liberal/Islam commentariat being outvoted by a factor of 100/1, in their own hallowed news source!.


Posted by Felix on Wed, 28 Mar 2012 14:31 | #

The new British Olympic uniforms have been released (designed by Paul McCartney’s daughter) and they are mediocre and ugly like the UK nowadays, but lol at the picture they used to display them:

1 nigger, 3 miscellaneous, 2 amputees and a dwarf are chosen to represent the peak of British athleticism


Posted by uKn_Leo on Wed, 28 Mar 2012 15:16 | #

And a ginge, goddamit!!!. And where, pray tell, has the St George cross gone from the Union flag?. BOYCOTT THE OLYMPICS. End discrimination against the English. END ENGLISH GENOCIDE. Anti racism means anti English!!!.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 21 Apr 2012 14:53 | #

Cameron and the ‘inevitability’ factor. 

In my quest, it soon became self evident that mass immigration of third world non whites into white nations of the West was a key component of the elite’s globalist project.  It was also self evident that as such, there would come a moment when the intentions of the elites could no longer remain hidden from the people.  This moment would become pivotal in the undeclared war on whites.

I’ve noticed in recent weeks a surge in the avalanche of forthright comment being posted in the DT’s threads, I think what we are witnessing is the Cameron factor kicking in.

Over the years here, on these comment threads, the term ‘inevitability factor’ has woven its intermittent path on its wax and wane journey, only appearing in rare moments of perceived optimism by some commenter’s here, including me.

I can well remember a few years ago during the waning Blair years submitting comments to both the Mail and Telegraph opining that a future clueless electorate would vote in their millions for a Cameron Tory government.  This is around the time when Cameron had just become leader of the opposition Conservative Party

I then went on to say that Cameron would be elected prime minister and within two years would be thrown out of office and political Britain would find itself in uncharted territory.  The two years is almost up and our Dave is still there.  So much for my forecasting!

The reason at that time for posting my crystal gazings in the Mail and DT was my perceiving of a future ‘inevitability’ moment when Cameron would be seen for what he is, an imposter, a Tony Blair MK II on steroids, my reasoning being that Cameron’s faux Tories would seamlessly continue (and accelerate) the anti white globalist project as embarked upon by the previous owners.

The globalist project in Britain has arrived at that moment.  Cameron and his ilk have been sussed, its been a long time a coming. One glance at a provocative honey-trap article at the Telegraph blog section will show where a thousand vitriolic anti Cameron comments can amass within a very short time and will tell you Cameron and his faux conservatives are toast. 

The comment threads are seething with cries of traitor as they see with their own eyes that Cameron is selling them down the river big-time.

This inevitability moment has been…. err….well, inevitable from the start.  The time has now arrived (or fast approaching) where the elite establishment is making unforced errors on a myriad of issues and taxing the media to cover up for them.  The people can see in plain view their elected representatives are not only acting against their political interest but are also engaged in disenfranchising them (whites) of their existence.  Cognitive dissonance has reached epidemic proportions.

All of which raises the question what strategy now for the elites?  Surely they, (elites) had foreseen this moment of inevitability and planned accordingly.  With all the power of think tanks and influence of the media at their disposal, plans for countering the elite’s forced coming out would be effect.  It is pure guesswork on how things will pan out from here.  As I said some time ago, political Britain will have entered uncharted waters.  Toto, we’re not in Kansas any more.

Where does the British voter go from here?

It is of interest to note that most (enlightened) commenter’s continue to invest their hopes in the existing scam of Britain’s faux political system.

I’ve lost count of those commenter’s who, like a demented wild eyed gold prospector striking out for the Klondike, declares he is going to vote UKIP and strike it rich.  Good luck to him!

There’s no longer any pretence by the establishment, events are moving at such speed the elites have thrown all caution to the wind and is simply raising two fingers to its people.  It is only the consummate BBC (media) that is the enabling them to do this.

The elites seem in a hurry, is it something to do with it being 2012?

Trouble is, all what I describe here is confined to the bubble of the Internet, but I get the feeling this inevitable scale from the eyes moment could soon spill over to the public at large, (well, at least some of them.)  What will it take to burst the bubble?  I’m not sure, as there are so many unstable plates spinning (even at the social level) that one or more spinning out of control could do the trick.

Cameron and his contribution to the globalist project have reached the point, (as ‘inevitability’ said it would) where the whole project will have to to forge ahead regardless, there’s no turning back and things can’t stand still.

To hazard a guess, I think the establishment hubris feels that the game is won, and most sensible people have capitulated into accepting a multicultural Britain (fait accompli)  The project will just carry on carrying on, (EU style) at least this is how the BBC’s (media) will play it.

PS. I see Oborne over at the DT has just put up a similar article.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Sat, 21 Apr 2012 17:42 | #


Everyone is slowly waking up to the fact that just about everywhere, but particularly in the Anglosphere, all of the mainstream parties represent one form or another of liberal cosmopolitanism/globalism (culturally and economically).

Tariq Ali calls this radical narrowing of the political spectrum the ‘extreme centre’. You can also put it in Schmitt’s terms of the political economy of ‘spaceless universalism’.

My own formation is that liberalism - properly understood - has ‘full spectrum dominance’. It has won over all of its rivals at least for now. Genuine non-liberals (of whatever type) are quite thin on the ground.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 21 Apr 2012 22:09 | #


Did you see this in Friday’s WSJ? I really like Dalrymple, and don’t care at all if he’s Jewish. Jewry in general has been bad for the West, I concede, but many individual Jews are fine and even superior people.

I think this article is very insightful (in part because I have long had the same thoughts about an ultimate (moral) Dysgenic Struggle between civilization and its enemies).

Britain seems even more degenerate than the US, especially among its whites. Poor Roger Scruton, the very height of culture and civilization, in a nation whose elites betray him, and whose masses could never begin to understand him.



The Ugly Brutishness of Modern Britain

A demotic egalitariansim, allied with multiculturalism, has rendered civility passé.


A few days ago at a crowded bus-stop in the city of Nottingham, a fat youth of about 13 started to throw food at a friend. Some of it nearly hit me and landed on the ground just beyond me, making a mess.

“Excuse me,” I said to the youth, “could you pick that up?”

“Shut the f— up!” he snarled, with real hatred contorting his face.

Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings, in England, come—obscenities. No one at the bus stop dared say, much less do, anything. For increasingly, the English are a people who know neither inner nor outer restraint. They turn to aggression, if not to violence, the moment they are thwarted, even in trifles. And those who are neither aggressive nor violent are by no means sure that the law will take their side in the event of a fracas. It is better, or easier, for them to pretend not to notice anything, even if it means living in constant fear.

Under the circumstances, it is hardly surprising that, according to a survey recently conducted by Lloyds Bank, a fifth of all people with assets of more than $640,000 are thinking of leaving the country. Personally I am surprised it is so few. Other surveys have shown that at least 50% of the population wants to leave, in the main to flee the other 50% of the population.

It is difficult to overstate the deleterious effect on the quality of life in modern Britain of incivility and bad behavior. One small manifestation is the littering of the country. No hedgerow, even in the most beautiful countryside, is without its discarded plastic bottles of soft drinks and wrappings of take-away food. In the matter of litter, the British are now by far the dirtiest people in the Western world, a sign of their unsocial mindset.

Every Friday and Saturday night, the police riot vans come to my otherwise charming small market town in Shropshire where, were it not for the mass drunkenness of young people, no police would be needed. Not long ago I returned home just before midnight to find, about a hundred yards from my front door, the police bending solicitously over a collapsed, scantily clad and lumpen, drunken young woman lying unconscious in her own vomit. There is only so much of this kind of thing that one can take.

The paralysis of the public administration in the face of the problem induces a state of despair in the more civilized half of the population. (The public sector now accounts for more than 50% of British GDP, so the paralysis is not caused by a lack of resources.) Recently, for example, three people stripped naked a vulnerable young man of low intelligence, tied him to a lamppost, covered him in food, insulted him and left him there for four hours, then cut him down so carelessly that he banged his head on the ground (by the time he reached the hospital he was in a state of hypothermia). They were not even sent to prison.

In other words, practically no behavior is now beyond the pale for the British state. Sadly, the freedom to behave badly is almost the only freedom valued by, or left to, young Britons.

The people who want to flee Britain are not economic migrants. It is not high taxes that they object to (many want to move to France, where taxes are not low), but barbarism. They are cultural refugees in search of a more civilized homeland, where fewer people are uncouth or militantly vulgar.

What has caused this collapse of civility in Britain, which was, within living memory, a civil country? In my view, it is a demotic version of egalitariansim, allied with multiculturalism.

Even middle-class people now behave in an increasingly uncouth and rough fashion in Britain because they think that by doing so they are expressing their solidarity with the lower reaches of their society. Imitation, they think, is the highest form of sympathy. This, of course, is an implicit insult to many of the poor, for poverty and unmannerliness are by no means the same thing.

Multiculturalism is damaging because it denies that, when it comes to culture, there is a better and a worse, a higher and a lower—only difference. The word culture is used here in its anthropological sense, that is to mean the totality of behavior that is not directly biological.

Hence any conduct—lying scantily clad in a pool of vomit, for example—is part of a culture, and since all cultures, ex hypothesi, are of equal worth, no one has the moral right to criticize, much less forbid, any kind of behavior. And if I have to accept your culture, you have to accept mine. If you don’t like it—tough. Unfortunately, the lowest level of culture is the easiest to reach and, again ex hypothesi, there is no reason to aim higher.

Incivility in Britain thus has a militant or ideological edge to it. The uncivil British are not uncivilized by default—they actively hate and repudiate civilization.

Theodore Dalrymple is the pen name of the physician Anthony Daniels. He is a contributing editor at the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 22 Apr 2012 11:11 | #

And on Scottish independence:

It’ll cost you
Scottish independence would come at a high price
Apr 14th 2012 | from the print edition

IN 1698 the nobles and landowners of the Kingdom of Scotland tried to elevate their country to a world trading nation by colonising the isthmus of Panama. The Darien scheme failed and nearly bankrupted the country. Within a decade Scotland had signed an Act of Union with England to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Scots found it tough in the 18th century to be a small nation in a globalising world. But nationalists are an optimistic bunch, and they would dearly like to have another go.

In two years’ time the people of Scotland will be asked whether they want to become an independent sovereign state. It is not often that a 300-year-old union is broken, so the vote will have ramifications far beyond a land of 5m people. Scottish independence could lead to a break-up of the United Kingdom. The Catalans, among other disaffected European groups, see Scottish independence as a harbinger of their own bid for nationhood. Other diverse nation-states watch, and worry.

Some of the arguments for and against Scottish independence are aimed at the heart. Alex Salmond’s pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) says Scotland has its own “society and nation” that could thrive with autonomy. It has also played on local resentment at being bossed around by posh Westminster politicians—so successfully that no politician with an English accent, let alone a plummy one, is likely to play a large part in the pro-union campaign. As for the unionists, they argue that Britain would be diminished on the world stage if Scotland were to go its own way. Petty resentments and centuries-ago battles notwithstanding, the nations have rubbed along pretty well over the years and have a glorious common history, they say. Why dissolve the marriage now?

The political and cultural issues around independence are hotly debated. Yet fittingly, in the birthplace of Adam Smith economic arguments seem to weigh heaviest. Opinion polls suggest that they will determine whether or not Scots go for independence. One poll found that just 21% of Scots would favour independence if it would leave them £500 ($795) a year worse off, and only 24% would vote to stay in the union even if they would be less well off sticking with Britain. Almost everyone else would vote for independence if it brought in roughly enough money to buy a new iPad, and against it if not.

Opinions on the economics of independence are starkly divided. Nationalists argue that, mostly thanks to North Sea oil and gas, Scotland subsidises the union and would be better off alone. The more sneering sort of unionist argues the opposite, that Scotland is a parasitic subsidy junkie.

Both are wrong, in the short term at least. Assuming it keeps the oil and gas extracted from under Scottish waters, an independent Scotland would currently gain roughly as much in taxes as it would lose in subsidies (see article).

The future, however, looks much dicier. This is a stormy economic world, and an independent Scotland would be a small, vulnerable barque. It would depend on oil for some 18% of its GDP, making it subject to shifts in global commodity prices. Though high oil and gas prices have pushed up tax revenues, if they drop production as well as receipts would plummet. The richest reserves have already been exploited, leaving inaccessible oil that becomes uneconomic when prices fall. North Sea production has been falling by about 6% a year for the past decade. Eventually the oil will run out entirely.

A small country is more vulnerable to other shocks. In 2008 the British government had to bail out Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and HBOS, Scotland’s two biggest banks. At its peak, RBS’s balance sheet was 13 times Scottish GDP. Edinburgh has faltered as a financial centre since, and would be hard to revive. There is a limit to how large a financial sector an independent Scotland—a new, small economy—could support. Mr Salmond has already rebuffed suggestions that he should take a share of RBS’s £187 billion of toxic assets.

By virtue of its size, an independent Scotland’s borrowing costs would almost certainly be higher: its bond market would be small and illiquid. But Scotland’s biggest problem could be its currency. The SNP’s enthusiasm for the euro has faded: it wants Scotland to stick with the pound for the moment. That would mean entering a monetary union without fiscal union, a set-up that has proved disastrous in Europe. Though Mr Salmond claims Scotland would enjoy automatic EU membership, European Commission lawyers are doubtful. A candidate Scotland would have to negotiate entry terms—and commit to join the euro one day.

Subtly, the nationalist argument has shifted. Some years ago the SNP envisaged Scotland joining an “arc of prosperity” of small, thriving countries such as Iceland and Ireland. After the banking and euro-zone crises, advocates for independence have pointed instead to the Nordic countries. The SNP implies that Scotland can combine a Scandinavian-style nurturing state—with free university tuition, free elderly care, free universal child care and more generous pensions—with a thriving business sector. An independent Scotland would hope to lure businesses through low corporation taxes, hucksterism and a dose of industrial policy—something the SNP says cannot be safely left to a government in far-off London.

Small countries can indeed pull in foreign investment: just look at Ireland. But Scotland would struggle to attract enough to pay for such a generous state. The country would not be the only one bidding for footloose global capital: one competitor would be Britain, which is cutting corporation taxes swiftly.

If Scots really want independence for political or cultural reasons, they should go for it. National pride is impossible to price. But if they vote for independence they should do so in the knowledge that their country could end up as one of Europe’s vulnerable, marginal economies. In the 18th century, Edinburgh’s fine architecture and its Enlightenment role earned it the nickname “Athens of the North”. It would be a shame if that name became apt again for less positive reasons.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Sun, 22 Apr 2012 11:31 | #

Re - small nations - and I suppose Denmark or Finland are examples of the inherent failures of small nations? They should both beg Germany to take them over as they are obviously totally unfit for such tasks as running a half-decent society. One might also ask how on Earth can Norway survive outside of the EU etc.?

Perhaps more boldly the USA should simply declare a United States of the West? Europeans under this protectorate could become citizens (eventually) and their former nations become full US states, perhaps even having a European born President one day!

I did plan to write something on British politics especially on the independence question - I think I’ll try to finish something asap.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 22 Apr 2012 13:21 | #

Well, I’m rooting for Scotland, as that might enable Scotland to enact rational immigration policies, and England would be made more Conservative (and perhaps even conservative).

I was surprised to learn that Scotland only had 5m people. For some reason I was in mind of 8m or more. That’s not even Greater LA.

The article was from that bastion of neoliberalism, The Economist, btw.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Sun, 22 Apr 2012 14:21 | #

Leon - Denmark only has 4 million or so Danes and the Republic of Ireland has a similar population size. They manage somehow…

An independent Scotland would start with being 98% Euro - a good thing I think - call it a form of ‘white flight’. It would not be ‘heaven on Earth’ by any means but it wouldn’t quite be ‘hell on Earth’ either. The cost (or not) of an iPod or so in tax really isn’t how I see the issue.

Personally I think Salmond would love Cameron to front the pro-Union side - all plummy condescension along the lines of “you half-wits the Scots cannot possibly manage on your own can you?”

Cameron would generate at least 10% more support for the nationalist side just by visiting Scotland during the campaign. It’s not his fault but he is just the type of Englishman that many Scots love to hate. The smarmy, upper-class, public school ‘wind & piss’ merchant. Prejudicial yes but a part of the cultural politics of the Isles all the same.




Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 09:56 | #


All I can say is I would love to be a member of a small, ethnoculturally near-homogeneous nation like that. You are most lucky! I once badly wanted to do politics myself, and a lot of my friends have thought that was my true forte. But as an American, let alone a Californian, what real difference could I have made? But in a small and sovereign and still mostly white place like an independent Scotland - WOW! It would still be a struggle for a hard-edged WN, but a moderate ethnocommunitarian politics whose racialist aspect consists mainly in keeping out immigrants could be a real contender.

Good luck! I hope you (or others) will keep us foreigners abreast of the evolving Scottish political situation, and what it might bode for real nationalists.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 10:17 | #

Well, I’m rooting for Scotland, as that might enable Scotland to enact rational immigration policies - Leon

An independent Scotland would start with being 98% Euro Graham

But the SNP seem to be gagging for mass immigration. Their public pronouncements anyway.

The SNP gets the anti-English vote of course but the only vocal pro-SNP types I ever come across seem to be more a variety of anti-tory, Guardianista. Always sneering at English racists, Sun reading BNP voters etc. These people arent nationalists at all. They just want to recreate 1997 all over again north of the border. Where the natural socialist, non-racist Scots will happily invite in their demographic nemesis.

Its often been noted that most non-whites emigrating to Scotland end up in England, Im not sure why that will change after independence. Unless of course the SNP have really radical plans for border control, or really generous benefits to keep them.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 11:10 | #


I really wouldn’t know, though I’ve heard nothing re the SNP to suggest they’re anything like the BNP. The question is how the Scots would respond if the SNP went “Blair” on immigration. I do think small polities in general are better for our cause. If America ever gets some anti-immigration leadership, it will, paradoxically, have to come from one of the whitest states. Whites in places of heavy immigration are usually the most anti-immigration (understandably), yet they cannot be expected to produce the national leadership for the issue, as staunch anti-immigrationists would not be electable (eg, in a state like CA). And yet, likewise paradoxically, the places (eg, like Utah or North Dakota) where the electorate is white enough not to reject an anti-immigrationist out of hand are also the places where immigration is not perceived to be of paramount importance - and thus where being anti-immigration is not particularly electorally advantageous (what is really needed, obviously, is an anti-immigration President).

However, what if Utah were a sovereign country? Then it would have to determine some kind of policy wrt immigration, and, given its currently favorable racial profile, a nationalist agenda would be a distinct possibility.

I’m rather tired at the moment, so I’m not sure if that makes sense. The bottom line is I think an independent Scotland would be more likely to enact rational immigration policies than England ever will, as long as it is tied to Scotland.  Separate them, and I bet both will have better policies in a decade than they do now.

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