Most Americans support Marxist solutions to national problems

Posted by Guest Blogger on Sunday, 27 February 2005 15:17.

I am against interventions in other nation’s political affairs, just as I am against them meddling in ours.  I am opposed to exporting communitarian political systems, just as I am opposed to importing them into the U.S. If every political party supports rebuilding the world with communitarian wars and laws, and if every non-governmental organization supports it, and if the TV and papers tell us it’s all good (and no one else is complaining), then, what’s my problem?

The United States has troops spread out across the globe. We are actively pursuing a War on Terror that nobody can define. Our President uses religious terms to describe our new “enemies,” who just happen to be followers of Islam or Marx. We have a prominent but little known Marxist, communitarian, Zionist, former terrorist “guru” in the White House. His home country has used US tax-dollars to sustain an ongoing war with its Islamic former homeowners for fifty years. Now he says the U.S. military power should be expanded and integrated with the UN’s authority. This means somehow Americans must be convinced to accept the UN as the highest authority in the world.

Americans have never been willing to give up their law for international Marxism before. They pretty much across the board reject the UN. What on earth could possibly happen now to make them do that?  Marxists always had to bear in mind the fact that Americans are born skeptics. That’s why the Marxists had to trick everyone into endorsing the antithesis of everything America represents.

We’re all being tricked into endorsing a global Marxist system of government.

President George Bush is openly a communitarian. Many of his staff are communitarian thinkers. Communitarianism is the synthesis in the Marxist dialectic. They count on the fact that Americans don’t know what that means. Bush has proposed, implemented, and supported numerous communitarian laws, programs, and wars. If we support Bush we may know we support violent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but we might not know that these are Marxist takeovers. The “red” states unwittingly also support many new Marxist solutions for America, including redistribution of property, compulsory volunteerism, Rebuilding [communist] Communities, a National-International ID database, and a central Military - Police organization appointed by the President. The Bush neo-cons are said to follow Lenin’s more harsh and murderous political ideals.

Democrats who don’t admit their Marxist tendencies are kidding themselves too. Ex-President Bill Clinton and V.P. Al Gore are openly committed communitarians. The Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) and its Ultimate Third Way agenda endorses Marxist induced laws. The “blue” states could know their leaders created many Marxist solutions for America, including outright confiscation of private property, compulsory volunteerism, Rebuilding [communist] Communities, a National-International ID database, and a central Military - Police organization appointed by the President. The Democrats are said to follow Trotsky’s softer face of totalitarian communism, aka a communism where people are genuinely happy with their slave status. Democratic candidate John Kerry is a Liberal Internationalist who supports the global system too.

Americans are led by the nose into embracing a new world order, no matter which way they turn.  Both major political parties elect candidates who support communitarian programmes and laws. While our national and state congresses pass the backbone for our new communitarian system, Bush and Kerry supporters push the red v blue conflict. Sometimes it sounds like they hate each other. Many people on both sides blame the other side for being too stupid to “get it.” The next logical step in this contrived Hegelian conflict is to push the Democrats over the edge. Gee, if they’re mad enough, maybe they’ll call for a U.N. investigation and trial against Bush for war crimes and/or Crimes Against Humanity.

Thousands of people around the world have called for an “international investigation” into Bush’s war exploits. All groups and individuals who seek justice from the UN’s International Court are playing directly into the hands of the global communitarians. Look closely at the mission statements and affiliations of the various individuals and groups who claim to be in opposition with U.S. foreign or domestic policy. It’s a bad sign if they suggest ANY kind of assistance from the UN. All people have some good ideas and nice things to say, no matter who they are. I use the “there’s a little bit of good in the worst of us” idea. Some Marxist players are fairly obvious to identify (Kucinich, Hilary, McKinney etc.) but others are somewhat harder to see (LaRouche, Nader, Libertarians, etc.).

The bottom line is the U.N.‘s International Court of Law is part of the communitarian synthesis. The UN is not based in American legal principles that protect individuals from big government guns. Americans are supposed to forget their own rule of law. Our laws protect every individual person. We are walking into the greatest trap of all time if we seek redress of grievances before an international authority of Marxists. We have the most powerful constitution in the history of the world at our command. We don’t need anything but our own restoration of rule of law to get our country back on track.

Marxist ideas and writers always come before the Marxist programs. It took many years before these “ideas” were presented to Americans. Every Marxist political philosophy taught in the U.S. was introduced and discussed first at the academic level. (Communitarianism is still primarily an academic topic that excludes outsiders.) The London Fabian Society published several books for us about their ideas for a “League of Nations” at the turn of the 20th century. The Fabians created the League of Nations to further the goals of international Marxism. Interestingly, Marxist - communitarian political ideology stands in stark contrast to Engels and Marx’s view of history. Hegel said the ideas come first, Marx said the events come first. Good thing Lenin, Trotsky, and Mao came along and rewrote Marx to fit the programme.

Their programme calls for a World government.  This is not a hidden agenda, nor is it a conspiracy theory. The Marxist platform has always openly been the destruction of all nations that protect private property. The Marxist platform calls for total control over all people, all production, and all markets. Why? Because they want it for themselves and their buddies. Why do they have to lie and sneak around behind free people’s backs? Because, unlike every variation of communism in play, the real American system of protecting local trade and merchants, while building a healthy, strong balance between agriculture and trade, worked pretty good for the little guy. America was built by commoners whose ideals were based in union and trade associations. Our union of states was basically a version of a craftsmen’s union.

I know I’m not supposed to talk about Freemasonry, but it’s real. It looks to me like Free and Accepted Freemasonry was the spirit behind the American Revolution. If so, secret freemasonry played a very significant (and I would say honorable) role in U.S. history. But for some reason we’re not allowed to study it (or ever mention it). The earliest European guilds look like they were formed to protect their members from Imperialist traders who stole from the locals wherever they landed. Ties between U.S. founders and their French and Prussian co-conspirators is clearly linked to economics and Freemasonry. American revolutionaries formed a Union of States, each retaining independence and free will in all areas of life, except in areas affecting the whole Union. Workers everywhere liked the original American system. They trusted it to be what it said it was. The Marxists, on the other hand, have been caught lying with their hands in the national cookie jars wherever they gained control. There also exists another branch of secret freemasonry that wasn’t quite the same as the Free and Accepted American version.

The U.S. withstood over one hundred years of attempts to destroy it from within and without. After WWI, the Marxists made major inroads into the White House and the U.S. Supreme Court, but Soviet Leader V. Lenin discussed the American power that still somehow managed to stay strong in 1929. The American system of protected trade withstood the industry v. agriculture War (it lasted thirty years and culminated in the great Civil War), and World War WI too. (Lenin also promised that American financial capital on Wall Street was lighting a fuse underneath their own buildings, right before the big Stock Market Crash of 1929.) The Great Depression in the 1930s (which although an admitted “accident” was caused by the Private Federal Reserve Bank) finally broke through American isolationism. After twenty years of Marxist infiltration and Marxist induced poverty, a lot of Americans became highly suspicious of the Marxists, and some became very vocal about them.

Legitimate Congressional Investigations into communist organizations were thoroughly discredited after the highly publicized communist “witch hunts” led by J. Edgar Hoover and the House Committee on un-American Activities. After that, any anti-communist sentiments were disrespectfully written off as McCarthyism. Americans were taught their republican system of law is really a democracy of mob rule. Most Americans do not know protecting Fabian Socialist Emma Goldman’s Marxist union activities is the foundation for establishing the ACLU. Personally, this shocked the hell out of me, and I’m very interested in learning more about union history prior to Marxism. Hardly any Americans know President William McKinley was shot in 1901 by a Fabian who spent time in Chicago with Goldman, or that Goldman was deported as a traitor after the Bolshevik Revolution. While John Dewey was busy improving federal education standards, other Marxist writers wormed their way into public arenas and gained more and more credibility. By 1960, there were no longer any barriers to the Marxist’s plans in the United States. Communitarian Network President Amitai Etzioni’s activities in the New World Order Projects in 1963 are not even an issue today. All we are to know about him is that he is somehow more moral than the rest of us.

Modern day Marxist rhetoric covers up the sinister realities inherent in Marxist policies, like genocidal murders, starvation, sadism, terrorism, secret tribunals, work camps, political murders, poisonings, endless wars, HAARP, biometric data, Shadow Governments, and false accusations of Weapons. They gloss it up with lovely, phony phrases like, “create safe and livable communities, improve quality of life, clean up the environment, save planet earth, save the children, bring freedom and democracy, restore order, liberate the oppressed, stop global warming,” etc. etc. This is all about rebuilding a global community that shares the same values. Nobody knows exactly what those values are, not even the ones who promote it. It sounds vague and fuzzy and warm. We’re lulled by it. They call their modern form of communism “community government” so Americans think it’s a good thing. They call their communist cops “community police” so Americans won’t challenge their authority of law. God forbid Americans should ever actually start using their law. They’d put the whole criminal cabal right out of business.

The Peace Movement was infiltrated by the International Marxists in the 1970s. They called for direct U.N. intervention in U.S. national affairs in 2001. Thousands of well-known American writers, activists, entertainers, and politicians already signed these anti-war/Bush petitions. The idea has also been suggested by several politicians. And now the “right” has Arnold in California. So if Bush doesn’t incite us to riot, maybe Arnie will. Who knows.

In the meantime, Local Agenda 21 laws are taking out the vital foundations for American strength, once and for all.




Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Feb 2005 21:36 | #

(Excellent post, yet another tour de force in a long string of them at, one of the best sites on the web!)

It doesn’t take much imagination to see how the race-replacement population transfers currently being imposed on white-Euro Christian populations, transfers that always work only one way (non-whites are allowed—nay, encouraged—to replace whites but never the other way around) fit right into the overall communitarian strategy:  races, ethnocultures, and nations with a past track record suggesting they’d make things hot for any planned new Marxist World Nomenklatura have to be eliminated, and that means mainly white-Euro Christians.  Traditional white-Euro Christian races and nation-states have to be replaced/filled up with with African and Caribbean Negroes, Maghrebians, Subcontinentals, Orientals, Southeastern Asians, and Latin Americans—and, the sooner the better, so that the point of no return be reached before effective opposition have time to organize itself.  Of course it goes completely without saying that all the wives chosen by the members of the New World Nomenklatura will be the blondest, willowiest, fairest, most Nordic-looking women they can possibly find, their fervent hope being that their children, grandchildren, and more remote posterity will become more and more Nordic-looking every generation.  Introduce non-Nordic-looking people into the bloodlines of their planned future dynasties?  ARE YOU KIDDING????  YOU MUST BE INSANE!!!!

(For the record incidentally, as I think I’ve already mentioned here I’m not Nordic in appearance, nor is my wife.  But let’s please all face the truth about these vile Marxists, shall we?  Let’s join the author of this log entry in saying in plain language what it is they’re after.)

Long live Flanders!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Feb 2005 23:57 | #

<u>Here’s</u> how the system works in Rwanda-Burundi and Mexico (ethnic-cleansing, race-replacing white neo-Marxist aspirants to neo-Nomenklatura status are no exception):

“The relationship between the [Hutus and Tutsis] is similar to Latin America where after 500 years of intermarriage the ruling class still looks white. But nobody understands how Latin America works (some of my most gratifying emails are from Mexicans and South Americans thanking me for explaining this paradox), so it’s hardly surprising that nobody in the West understands how Rwanda works either. I wrote in my review:

” ‘The Tutsi ascendancy resembled the white pre-eminence in Latin America. Intermarriage was frequent, yet physical differences between the classes endured, just as they have in Mexico, where despite five centuries of intermarrying, the elite remains much taller and fairer than the masses. The trick is that Mexico’s most successful short, dark men often wed tall, blonde women and have more European-looking offspring, thus replenishing the caste system. Likewise, in “Hotel Rwanda,” Cheadle’s ultra-competent Hutu executive is married to a Tutsi beauty who is taller and fairer than he is. (She’s played by Oscar nominee Sophie Okonedo, whose mother is a Jewish Englishwoman.)’ “

Long live Flanders!


Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 28 Feb 2005 00:18 | #

President George Bush is openly a communitarian. Many of his staff are communitarian thinkers. Communitarianism is the synthesis in the Marxist dialectic. They count on the fact that Americans don’t know what that means. Bush has proposed, implemented, and supported numerous communitarian laws, programs, and wars.
Let’s get these labels straight.  What you are talking about is not communitarianism.  It may be “Communitarianism”, if its proponents have chosen to mislabel their product.  However, there is no reason for us to be complicit in this project.  Let’s find an accurate label and apply it.  Small-c “communitarianism” is not accurate.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 28 Feb 2005 03:19 | #

Amitai Etzioni has embraced blogging (I just checked - easy to find) but not to the degree of allowing comments on his posts. Ah the cut & thrust of healthy debate…not.


Posted by anticommunitarian on Wed, 09 Mar 2005 22:50 | #

Not that anyone noticed, but I mistakenly wrote that Lenin wrote about the American system in 1929. It was actually Trotsky. My apologies for historical innacuracies.


Posted by anticommunitarian on Wed, 09 Mar 2005 23:06 | #


I followed the term communitarianism back to the earliest useage of the word I could find. It has always defined a controlled, contrived, collectivist, communistic community (often created by ruling religious leaders). What I am talking about is simply called communitarianism, with a capital “C” or a lower case “c.”  Please explain what you think the difference is between the Communitarian Network or lower-case communitarian, because I see no difference what-so-ever.


Posted by ben tillman on Thu, 10 Mar 2005 21:41 | #

My point is that “community” is a desideratum, and the natural reading of “communitarian” suggests nothing contrived or artificial.  Opposition to “communitarianism” is likely to be perceived as opposition to the creation, preservation, or re-creation of community.  In fact, “communitarian” is a brand name that fares pretty well in market testing.  It should not be ceded to those who seek to contrive artificial communities.  Those people deserve the name “pseudo-communitarians”.


Posted by Rusty Mason on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 19:52 | #

“Hardly any Americans know President William McKinley was shot in 1901 by a Fabian who spent time in Chicago with Goldman, or that Goldman was deported as a traitor after the Bolshevik Revolution.”

No doubt this is also true:
“Hardly any Americans know President William McKinley ...”

I write often that most conservatives today hold dear the radical beliefs of 1960’s liberals.  When I say it to any conservative close to me, he will agree completley with me (sometimes it takes a few minutes), but then goes silent and glassy-eyed, and the conversation is over.  There is no anger, no fear, just a total disconnection with politics, and a strong bit of confusion, as if I have awakened them temporarily.  It’s a very interesting psychological phenomenon.


Posted by Rusty Mason on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 20:15 | #

More on Niki’s views on Hegel and communitarianism (what I would simply call, communism):

Her and her daughter’s website:

Be sure to check out the references at the bottom of their articles, interesting reading in their own right.


Posted by WLindsayWheeler on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 14:10 | #

Thanks, Rusty for pulling this up. Have got more information to add to this thread.

Fr. John A. Hardon, S. J. wrote definitively that America is a Marxist Nation. The title of his speech is “The Influence of Marxism in the United States Today”.

In the light of what we have just seen, can anyone doubt that the United States has been deeply infected by Marxism. However, I believe we can say even more. Our country is a Marxist nation, Dare I say still more? The United States of America is the most powerful Marxist country in the world.

This thesis deserves not just another lecture, or even just a semester of class. It should be the bedrock of our understanding of what the Vicar of Christ is telling us. As we come to the close of the twentieth century, we are seeing the gravest crisis in the history of Christianity. In my judgment, at the center of this crisis is the deep penetration of Marxism into our beloved country.

What Fr. Hardon doesn’t know and what he should add to his list of criteria, is the deracination ideology of Karl Marx and Communism. This is also a hallmark of Communism and the deracination ideology is throughout America.

To read the rest of the article is here:

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