Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 22 November 2005 18:55.

JR has received some welcome plaudits for the new page design, based on EE’s latest update.  He is entirely responsible, so don’t blame - or praise - me.  I’d like to add my congratulations and thanks.  I am well aware that he has put a lot of thought and a lot of time into it and the result, at least as far as I am concerned, is very satisfying.  It isn’t quite the final article.  We’ve still got to work out the MR Forum details and there are a couple of plug-ins to come on stream, plus whatever creative tweaks are still lurking at the back of JR’s mind.

I’m giving some consideration now to what we want forum-wise.  What we clearly don’t want is anything that might lead to this sad situation.  The main page will always be open-house.  But access to the MR Forum will require members’ log-in.  Either I or JR will post here on access when the facility is up and running.

Content-wise, the areas of off-blog debate which are most profitable for us are political, scientific and daily news, and we will probably start operating the forum accordingly.  Main page content will adjust to the presence of the forum, probably by losing some of the pure link-based content to it and, therefore, concentrating more on originated pieces.

However, this is not set in stone.  I am open to constructive suggestions, and you are welcome to pitch in with your ideas.

So that’s it.  Thanks to all for your continued patronage.  Let’s hope, after all JR’s work, the guys at EE don’t rush out a new and irresistible, improved version tomorrow morning.



Posted by friedrich braun on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 21:12 | #

Tomasz Winnicki was very foolish to use his real name while posting on VNNForum; and has no one but himself to blame. He knows that kanuckistan is an oppressive, censorious entity. What did he expect?


Posted by Svigor on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 00:25 | #

From the heresy trial:
that are likely to expose persons to hatred or contempt by reason of race, national or ethnic origin, colour or religion, contrary to subsection 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA).
Interesting, as far as I know “anti-discrimination” laws in the U.S.A. do not protect religious beliefs.  My guess is that since religious beliefs are chosen, not inborn, our masters know better than to open that can of worms.  After all, what makes political beliefs different, in this legal sense, from religious beliefs?  The two are practically indistinguishable in the sense that matters.  Of course, arbitrarily deciding what is and is not religion is not beyond judicial fiat.

However, this is not set in stone.  I am open to constructive suggestions, and you are welcome to pitch in with your ideas.

Maybe a good third way would be to restrict news posts (with no or very little original content) to a line or two on the front pageso we can see them but they don’t get in the way - just a thought.


Posted by Svigor on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 00:33 | #

It was represented to this Court that, at the two most recent hearings under s. 13 of the CHRA before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, the Commission and the complainant, Mr. Warman, were advised each time that a decision of the Tribunal would likely take five or six months to be rendered. Hence this application for an interlocutory injunction.

Lol, I wonder if he’s a cotribalist of the esteemed Mr. Newdow’s.


Posted by Svigor on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 00:35 | #

Tomasz Winnicki was very foolish to use his real name while posting on VNNForum; and has no one but himself to blame. He knows that kanuckistan is an oppressive, censorious entity. What did he expect?

Yes, but at least Mr. Winnicki is RESPECTABLE.



Posted by Matra on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 00:51 | #

friedrich - Tomasz Winnicki was very foolish to use his real name while posting on VNNForum;

Would it have mattered? The article says he sometimes used a pseudonym. Unless he’d been posting from an internet cafe using an email address he’d never used at his home computer the authorities would have no trouble tracking him down once a complaint was filed.


Posted by Laban Tall on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 01:15 | #

Surely the saddest situation is that Tomasz Winnicki is as mad as a fish ?

Alas I don’t think he’ll be improved by hauling him up in court. Freedom of speech for idiots - they have rights just like everyone else.


Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 09:22 | #

The new page design is very professional. I sometimes put (on other sites) links to MR articles and I have the experience that they now are less removed than before.

The only thing I miss (a little) is that I henceforth no longer can edit (if necessary – one never knows) comments of my own on articles of others.


Posted by J Richards on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 11:57 | #


You can still edit your comments in any entry.  Recent entries are listed on the home page of the control panel…just click on the comments link and find the entry you want to edit.  If the entry is old, click on the Edit tab on top, search for the entry and then find the comment that you wish to edit.  If you don’t see the edit tab in the control panel (next to the publish tab), then let me know.


Posted by JB on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 06:37 | #

Goyfire #22 : Winnicki interview

and Richard Warman is of course a jew. As is Mary Gusella, the head of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. As is Irwin Cotler the Justice Minister who wants to rid the internet of countersemitism

this is the kind of insanity we have to deal with here :

if you write an insensitive letter to a public official about immigration you can litteraly go to jail. Canada is ruled by petty liberal tyrants and jewish supremacists


Posted by Martin Hutchinson on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 15:02 | #

I have to say I strongly dislike the subhead to the “Majority Rights” title—talks about the cultural and genetic interests of people of European ancestry and doesn’t mention economics.  Frankly, I think that’s highly offputting to those like myself who agree generally with MR’s views, but are most engaged by economics and regard the humanity they wish to protect and nurture as extending beyond the European ethnic group to the cognitive elite of all races. 

Yesterday, I took my son and his Korean best buddy to see “Pride and Prejudice.” It is a fundamental of my worldview that I am significantly benefiting mankind by introducing an intelligent Korean kid to Jane Austen.


Posted by J Richards on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 22:29 | #


The economic interests of people of European ancestry are secondary to their cultural and genetic interests; to take care of their cultural and genetic interests is to also take care of their economic interests, as well as the economic interests of non-Europeans, whereas taking care of the economic interests of people of European ancestry by absorbing the cognitive elite of non-European populations into the West does not necessarily help—and potentially undermines—the cultural and genetic interests of people of European ancestry. 

The humanity that you wish to protect extends “beyond the European ethnic group to the cognitive elite of all races.”  But what about the non-elite masses?  Is their welfare not important, too?  As far as I am concerned, the overall welfare of people with low IQs, irrespective of race, is as important as the welfare of people with high IQs.  However, a problem arises when the interests of the cognitive elite clash with those of the non-elite.  Since the cognitive elite are especially important to the economy and civilization, their impact factor is disproportionate to their numerical prevalence and it is necessary to come up with a just solution to the aforementioned clash of interests that does not undermine the interests of the cognitive elite to such an extent that the overall interests of the entire population are undermined.  On a global level, the cognitive elite disproportionately comprise of people of European ancestry, and a few million Scandinavians can come up with top-notch scientific/engineering work that a billion-plus Chinese cannot come up with.  To ensure that the numbers of the cognitive elite of European ancestry do not decline and that they continue to have a positive influence globally, it is necessary to maintain a large number of white people to produce the cognitive elite in the first place and to also protect the elite from criminal victimization by hostile non-whites; it is also necessary to offer such elite an environment where freedom of speech is respected.  The economic goals you desire are best achieved by maintaining the cultural and genetic interests of European people.  MR is not hostile to the cultural and genetic interests of non-European people and like you, I am also in favor of teaching people about other cultures.


Posted by Martin Hutchinson on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 22:49 | #

My main problem with the subhead is that it’s bad marketing—tends to drive people away who may be basically friendly.  Also it prevents my publishing my Bear’s Lair on MR; BL is a primarily economic column as that is my expertise.  Beyond economics, and the Tory supremacy of 1783-1830, my opinions are basically ignorant hot air, so cutting those two areas off is very restrictive.

I would point out the the frontier for genetic engineering appears currently to be in South Korea, as they don’t have our idiot Christian hangups about cloning and genetic manipulation.  China is still a Commie mess, and Japan has only been a fully advanced economy since about 1975, so it’s not surpising that the main advances of 1400-1975 were Western. Since Asians are a smart bunch, however, I expect this to change.

Democracy, which we seem to be lumbered with, is a system whereby the dummies rule the smart people, since there are always more dummies.  Accordingly, beyond a vague general benevolence, I prefer to restrict my assistance, such as it is, to smart people, many of whom come from my ethnic group and similar ones, but by no means all. If only smart people were allowed to immigrate to the US and Western Europe, the ethnic balance would remain unchanged; there aren’t enough of them that want to come to make a difference.  It’s the dummies that are the problem.


Posted by J Richards on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 00:23 | #


I don’t see how your Bear’s Lair entries would be out of place at MR given the site description that you are concerned with…after all, economic issues affecting Western societies and the World are tied in with the welfare of European people.  Nevertheless, the new heading replaces a rotating heading system previously, which consisted of quotes picked at random.  Anyway, I can change the heading anytime.  Give me some ideas.

Let me address some of the other points that you have made.  The U.S. opposition to stem cell research is specifically to the use of federal funds for [human] embryonic stem cell research; others forms of stem cell research are federally funded.  There are moral problems with both cloning adult humans and the use of human embryos for research, irrespective of Christianity, and to the extent that necessity is the mother of invention, white researchers in the U.S. or elsewhere in the West will likely be the first to derive significant breakthroughs in deriving healthy tissues from non-embryonic stem cells.  The Korean leadership is in the field of cloning, which is hardly genetic engineering.  Genetic engineering proper is manipulating the genetic code, and most breakthroughs in this field are going to come from white researchers—even the ethnic Chinese in Singapore realize this as evidenced in their extensive recruitment of white researchers to do research work at the Biopolis they have built there.

Speaking of China being a commie mess, the commie mess of the former Soviet Union led the World in both space, fighter jet and other military technology for quite a while, in spite of being a fraction of the Chinese population.  Today, it is more meaningful to talk about the Russian elite diaspora since they went West when the Soviet Union collapsed.  China was not able to launch a rocket until a few years ago, and you should see their attempt at launching a rocket in 1996—which was designed using a lot of stolen Western technology—the Chinese government was happily broadcasting the event, but the rocket, instead of going up, went up a little bit and then went sideways (the broadcast was cut here) and fell on a village!  The government claimed six deaths! 

If you go to, you will note that the vast majority of top-ranked computer programmers are white, with few East Asians and no South Asians in the top ranks.  It remains to be seen whether East Asians, notwithstanding their high average IQs, can achieve the scientific and technological output of Northern Europeans on a per capita basis, and for a number of reasons that I will address sometime later, it is a safe bet that they can’t.

Even if there are few non-white elite out there such that absorbing them into the West will not make much of a dent in Western demographics, there are problems associated with absorbing them into the West even if we were to assume that the non-white elite will not be able to open the doors to immigration of their co-ethnics.  Should we be brain draining non-European nations to benefit us economically, when this undermines the welfare of these nations?  I don’t think we should be doing this.  Massive trouble in the Third World cannot leave Europeans unaffected, and most intelligent non-whites had best stay in their homeland to keep the Third World as economically sound as possible.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 02:35 | #

“I have to say I strongly dislike the subhead to the ‘Majority Rights’ title”  (—Martin)

Just so I can follow the conversation, Martin, are you referring to where it says, “Important Issues, Ethnic genetic interests” underneath the daily photo at upper left?

“Beyond economics, and the Tory supremacy of 1783-1830, my opinions are basically ignorant hot air”

Needless to say people here would strongly disagree with that assessment but since the subject of your opinions comes up, forgive me, I’m not sure I do understand the way in which yours differ from, let’s say, those of Stephen Moore who heads the Cato Institute (I hope I’ve got his right name?) or those of John Ray.  Do they differ and could you say the difference in a nutshell?  How are you different from a libertarian?

“If only smart people were allowed to immigrate to the US and Western Europe, the ethnic balance would remain unchanged; there aren’t enough of them that want to come to make a difference.”

You reckon a combined Chinese & Subcon population totalling almost two-and-a-half billion doesn’t include enough smart individuals to alter the ethnic balance here, if we let all come who wanted? 

“It’s the dummies that are the problem.”

But your race being what it is has to do with the dummies who’ve come before, and its continuation in your progeny depends on the dummies’ continued existence.  Those of us who have, shall we say, a feeling for the race we belong to sense, and correctly so, that for a race to continue in existence all its parts, not just the smarties at the top, have to be preserved.  There’s significant gene exchange (or, let’s call it haplotype exchange) constantly going on between the layers.  If you decide to keep just the brainy ones and eject the rest, replacing them with other races, you lose your own race at the top, because the middle and lower portions you’ve been in direct or indirect breeding equilibrium with these thousands of years will disappear and your progeny will no longer be Euro at the top any more than will the progeny of those unfortunate dummies in the replaced “nether regions.” 

And besides, those dummies have their own value and charm which I’d hate to see disappear.

I also second all the points J. Richards makes.


Posted by Martin Hutchinson on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 03:16 | #

No Fred, I’m talking about “A site for the discussion of cultural and genetic interests….” which I regard as bad marketing and unduly limiting.  The rolling highbrow quotations worked pretty well, I thought. “Important issues: Ethnic genetic interests” I don’t think is a problem, it’s not that prominent and it’s certainly a major subject we discuss.

I agree that smart Asians should stay home from the point of view of Asian countries; the subsidy from the Indian education system to the overblown US tech sector is egregious.

I go to a number of meetings at Think Tanks—about the only advantage of living near DC—and Cato is ideologically about the closest.  However, Cato believes in democracy and has Richard Cobden, the Radical free trade nutter, as one of its heroes. It’s also generally in favour of high immigration. I’m more libertarian the GW Bush, but there are days when I think Adolf was more libertarian than GW Bush (no, I didn’t say that, don’t start discussing the Third Reich!) As for JJR, being Australian he’s altogether too sloppy about social class for my taste—I’m a Pitt/Liverpool/Jane Austen Conservative.

I do not regard computer programmers as the cognitive elite; I know too many of them. The fact that Chicoms can’t launch a rocket is a problem with Communism, not the Chinese—anyway, contrary to popular myth rocket science, in the bizarre 1950s technology that NASA has frozen us into, is pretty simple stuff.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 07:40 | #

“I’m talking about ‘A site for the discussion of cultural and genetic interests….’ “  (—Martin)

OK, thanks—that subheading doesn’t show up at all on my machine.  (In the banner strip across the top of the page I get “” and that’s it:  nothing else.)

“I agree that smart Asians should stay home from the point of view of Asian countries; the subsidy from the Indian education system to the overblown US tech sector is egregious.”  (—Martin)

The subsidy from the Indian education system?  That’s peanuts compared to the subsidy to the U.S. tech sector from the Indian dowry markets:

<u>In the Indian</u> dowry market, an Indian IT worker can expect the dowry from the bride’s family to double when he acquires an H-1b visa (which also confers barely a 50% chance of obtaining [U.S.] citizenship).  The bride’s family is paying for US citizenship for their grandchildren—and a chance for other family members to take advantage of chain migration practices.  In raw terms, this means a young H-1b applicant can expect an additional $50-$70,000 soon after obtaining an H-1b visa.  In turn, this means that the H-1b expansion legislation granted corporations the chance to lure employees with the equivalent of a $50,000 sign-on bonus—using a publicly provided resource.  There were about 1.2 Million H-1b visas issued over the last 6 years. That was in effect a subsidy of over $60B to corporate interests—obtained at a cost of little more than $113M in campaign donations.”

That last bit in that excerpt reminds me of when Ross Perot was explaining some “political facts of life” to an audience skeptical of his claim that such-and-such corporation had shelled out fifty million dollars in stealth campaign contributions and the usual sorts of camouflaged political bribes.  He said, “You may be skeptical, until you realize that those fifty million dollars in political bribes got that company five-hundred million dollars in tax breaks.”  (Let’s just say the audience then caught on quickly ...)

“I’m a Pitt/Liverpool/Jane Austen Conservative.”  (—Martin)

Fans of Jane Austen might do well to take an interest in a bit of race-preservation for whites—and English whites, at that:  China never produced a Jane Austen and never will and neither did the other yellows, or the Hindus either, and never will, any of them.  Races are unique, Martin, and they don’t grow on trees—if you’ve got ‘em you’d better look after ‘em.  Can’t replace ‘em once they’re gone.  You’ll get no Jane Austens when the whole world’s gone Chinese (of course you’ll get tons of damned good restaurants as sort of a consolation prize ...). 

Pride and Prejudice was pretty good but I’m more of a Brontë man.  For my money, nothing in the world of the pre-20th-century English novel beats Emily’s Wuthering Heights:  reminds me of the sort of household I grew up in—barking, growling dogs suddenly rushing at visitors innocently trying to enter the front door, family members arguing, snarling, generally being sullen with one another, a constant undercurrent of strong personalities darkly clashing.  I love that book ... reminds me of home (especially the dogs—makes my heart swell with tender nostalgia whenever I read the part about them rushing at the tenant, trying to bite him)!


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 18:18 | #

Fred, you are a treasure.  JJR said I ought to press you to blog through the front door here.  How about it?

Martin, I will discuss your reservations with JR.  We cannot forego the Bear’s Lair.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 08:36 | #

In my comment above (Nov. 29, 6:40 PM) is Randall Burns’ mention of how U.S. corporations are subsidized by the Indian dowry markets’ providing, in effect, “recruitment bonuses” for their hiring of (low-wage) Subcon IT workers.  Burns wrote:

“In the Indian dowry market, an Indian IT worker can expect the dowry from the bride’s family to double when he acquires an H-1b visa (which also confers barely a 50% chance of obtaining [U.S.] citizenship).  The bride’s family is paying for US citizenship for their grandchildren—and a chance for other family members to take advantage of chain migration practices.  In raw terms, this means a young H-1b applicant can expect an additional $50-$70,000 soon after obtaining an H-1b visa.  In turn, this means that the H-1b expansion legislation granted corporations the chance to lure employees with the equivalent of a $50,000 sign-on bonus—using a publicly provided resource.  There were about 1.2 million H-1b visas issued over the last 6 years. That was in effect a subsidy of over $60B to corporate interests—obtained at a cost of little more than $113M in campaign donations.”

In a log entry posted earlier today, Dutch blogger Snouck describes something analogous in the dowry markets of the North African Maghreb:

Every summer ninety percent of Dutch Muslims go back to the countries of origin. They meet family there and have lots of parties. During the frolicking the heads of families arrange marriages between youngsters of families. A marriage contract with a Muslim with a residence permit or a citizenship of a EU country is worth up to 30.000 Euros or Dollars above the sum for a normal marriages. This shows the huge economic net worth of EU citizenship for immigrants, financed by transfer payments by EU taxpayers.  Various sons of Dutch Morroccan immigrants have written interesting books about the summer festivity practice, such as “Seaside Wedding” by Abdelkader Benali.  The marriages are a form of institutionalised nepotism to the financial and national detriment of the Dutch individual and nation.  [Emphasis added.]

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Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:40. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:41. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 18:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:20. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 22:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 20:49. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 18:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:57. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 13:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:39. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 13:15. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 10:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 23:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 23:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View)

anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 20:34. (View)
