Murder of Eugene Terreblanche, and other news stories From the BBC News online:
By way of a tribute to an indomitable fighter for his people, here is a short extract from an interview he gave one year ago: Meanwhile, from the mentally-deranged anti-fascist folks at Lancaster Unity blog, following days of speculation on nationalist fora in Britain:
The loss of Emma Colgate will be felt in the election effort in the Thurrock constituency, where she was expected to do well. One would hope that the nationalists will put recrimination and suspicion aside until the election has been fought. But I wouldn’t bet on it. One of the odd things about this affair is the total media silence. I would love to know why a gift story about evil Nazis falling out was of no interest at all, even to the rabidly anti-BNP Mirror. Why do I have a nasty feeling that this can’t be good news? At least nationalism in Hungary seems not to tread such a troubled path:
A breaking stroy about, yes, the BNP, from the Telegraph:
Posted by Roger Gray on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 09:08 | # There’s not much to resolve. TerreBlanche wanted to play the big baas in a white homeland to which blacks would be admitted as guest workers. If whites want a separate homeland, they will have to wash their own (green) underpants. 3
Posted by John on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 10:49 | # It’s a dysphemism where they deliberately conflate the first and second meanings of “supreme”. Quite easily debunked in a debate (on both meanings for me, as I hold that Japanese are more intelligent and have a lower level of criminality than Europeans). The people behind multiculturalism have expert general semanticists in their employ. 5
Posted by Roger Gray on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 11:48 | # What rhymes with Ross? I’m not giving TerreBlanche the benefit of the doubt. It won’t be long before we know better if he tried to diddle a couple of guys out of money (I’m betting he did). I know South Africans. I know them well. 6
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 12:46 | # What about the wild, useless, violent, stupid Niggers who were undeservedly fortunate enough to experience and, inevitably, wreck White Civilisation in South Africa? Know these trashcan Savages do you, Roger? 7
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 12:57 | # Erratum : ” and,who inevitably wrecked White….” The rest - stet. 8
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 14:30 | #
How so? Are you posting from there? If you are, is the New & Improved South Africa to your taste? If you were there but left, why didn’t you stay? Wherever you are now, are you living in a majority non-white neighborhood? Are you white? 9
Posted by Roger Gray on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 14:31 | # What do you want from me? Blind adulation? That Bible-thumping buffoon has set back the cause of white separatism. And now his provocative and unethical dealings with blacks have led to his unedifying death, which has made the vulnerability of whites yet clearer to those of murderous intent. 10
Posted by Roger Gray on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 14:49 | #
So many questions. What are you? A Jew? I am white, which is the sole criterion for inclusion in a white homeland. 11
Posted by Eddie Booth on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 15:55 | # ‘Roger Gray’ isn’t Arthur Kemp by any chance? 14
Posted by Felix on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 17:50 | # Eugene Terre´Blanche becomes the 3100th farm murder victim in South Africa and all Roger/Friedrich whats his face can do is show the same scruples the liberal media have been doing for years by referring to Eugene Terreblanche and the holy green underpants. Wage dispute? That is the word of the two stinking shitskins that hacked and bludgeoned the man to death in his own home. But, oh, sorry, I forgot, he was a Boer, they’re fair game then - the niggers of the world, right? You from Canada/UK ?..well that figures 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 18:31 | # Hunter Wallace:
Posted by DRS on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 19:28 | # This might seem very selfish and cruel but the sooner South Africa collapses the more chance we’ll have of getting nationalism into second gear in Britain and Europe. Saving the world is no longer an option. Britain is all I really care about. 17
Posted by Kulaks Never learn on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 19:51 | # This song is in honour of the tragic passing of Our Bruder and Kamarad (Brother and Comrade) Eugene Terre’blanche, …whose steadfast character and courage in the heights of his people - the Boers - dispossession, …may he be an example to all of us in the coming battles and struggles ahead for Our People. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. - John 15:13 Like his Boer ancestor Jacobus Herculaas ‘Koos’ De la Rey … Eugene Terre’blanche demonstrated and proved himself as ‘…the lion of the West Transvaal’
~ 18
Posted by FB on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 20:43 | # I’m not Roger and I have no sympathy for his statements here, get a grip Fred. 19
Posted by FB on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 20:45 | # Hunter Wallace has expressed my thoughts on this matter. 20
Posted by Gorboduc on Mon, 05 Apr 2010 00:31 | # I posted about Griffin and Collett on the LJB thread on 1 April, the day after the organisers’ bulletin. 21
Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 05 Apr 2010 01:04 | # I don’t understand the fascination with South Africa. Whites are a minority and Black are the historical native majority population. When Louis met the Boer leader - BBC And Guessworker being the ethnic nationalist you are you should know it was the British Empire and there imperial hubris against the Boars just as it continues today across the world especially the MacKinder strategy in Eurasia and spreading Islamic imperialism across the world. 22
Posted by Stephen Wordsworth on Mon, 05 Apr 2010 01:30 | # Actually the native population of South Africa were the Koishans who are now pretty extinct, The current South African Black population of Zulus ans Bantus are no more native to South Africa than they are to the USA. 23
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 05 Apr 2010 01:46 | # James, The two words you are searching for are “banks” and “capitalism”. There is a third that is also highly germaine: “elitism”. The solution to these three problems is the politics of nationalism. 24
Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 05 Apr 2010 02:30 | # @Guessedworker
America had “banks” and “capitalism” which they fought a civil war of independence against the British Empirical economic system until they eventually became part of the system again because they are a bunch of cowards. Even the so called “patriots” and “alternative right” drone on about the mantra of “free market” capitalism the same free market that deregulated markets and outsourced our industrial capacity overseas to cheaper foreign countries under Thatcher and Reagan during the 80’s.
It didn’t work in WW2 and it won’t work today. Notice the examples in Georgia and Ukraine. The Jobbik party has issues with Hungarian minority in Ukraine. 25
Posted by Anon on Mon, 05 Apr 2010 16:45 | # “I don’t understand the fascination with South Africa. Whites are a minority and Black are the historical native majority population.” I don’t have the link right now available, but I’ve read that Transvaal had a ca. 60% white majority around 100 years ago. Lots of blacks were imported thereafter (and undoubtedly before as well) as cheap labor (gold mines, farms). This together with their high breeding potential brought about the present overwhelming black majority. Looks like whites never learn as this same process has been occuring over and over again in history. 26
Posted by Guest on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 03:50 | # I do not, for a moment, accept the ‘official line’ on this assassination.
Posted by Roger Gray on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 10:37 | #
There’s your problem right there. Calling a farm murder an assassination is begging the question. Evidence? None.
Anyone familiar with attacks on farms knows that the response time is highly variable. Anyone familiar with the terrain of South Africa knows that many farms are very remote. Terre’Blanche’s farm was not one such. It is on the outskirts of Ventersdorp, a sizeable town. A plausible explanation for the police’s unusual haste is that Terre’Blanche is a prominent figure, some would say notorious, and the cops feared repercussions if their legendary incompetence was publicly exposed. Yes, farm murders are a serious problem. Yes, many farm murders are politically or racially motivated, which in South Africa amounts to the same thing. Yes, farm murders are probably tacitly approved by the ANC. Yes, there is a slow genocide of whites in South Africa. But has the ANC conducted a single assassination of a political figure since it came to power? Name one. And would they carry out such an assassination on the eve of the soccer World Cup? It is a PR disaster for the ruling party, which wants to showcase the shiny New South Africa™ to a gullible world. 28
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 11:55 | # Roger Gray says, “Yes, farm murders are a serious problem. Yes, many farm murders are politically or racially motivated, which in South Africa amounts to the same thing. Yes, farm murders are probably tacitly approved by the ANC. Yes, there is a slow genocide of whites in South Africa.” Then he starts the next sentence with “But ...” But there is no “but” after that. No “but” is possible. All that is possible after that is to proceed with absolute condemnation. I think it is clear where Roger Gray’s main sympathies lie. They do not lie with the Boers, notwithstanding that these whites are being methodically wiped out. I think it is clear Mr. Gray privately applauds what is taking place. You, Mr. Gray, are lying filth. 29
Posted by Roger Gray on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 12:11 | # And you, Mr. Scrooby, are an impotent keyboard warrior, and a humourless one at that. Bought your plane ticket to go fight with the AWB yet? Thought not. This forum is just another plaything for a handful of cranks who demand ideological purity and have no tolerance for even the mildest dissent, parading their arcana for each others’ delectation. No help. No bloody help at all. 30
Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 12:27 | # When president Zuma immediately after the murder called on the white population to calm down, then Zuma must be aware that there is a low profile genocide against them in South Africa, isn’t it? 31
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 12:59 | # “and have no tolerance for even the mildest dissent” While I in no way speak for the blog, a few here, me included, have a personal zero tolerance policy — a personal zero tolerance policy for race-replacement advocacy and a personal zero tolerance policy for genocide advocacy, Mr. Gray. Including on the part of individuals who aren’t frank about such advocacy. Like you. Race-replacement advocacy and genocide advocacy are not “mild dissent.” 32
Posted by Roger Gray on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 13:14 | #
I’m not taking the bait. Your position is based entirely on bad faith, and your inquisitorial mentality reminds me of Genrikh Yagoda. Bad faith deserves bad faith. Roger and out. 33
Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 13:24 | # @Anon
That is there own fault. If they didn’t employ and import slave labour from blacks just like the Americans did then they would not be in the position they are today just like in the US And who was there before the Boars? @Guest And who was behind the campaign of the ANC? In what capital did representatives hold there meetings? London Our dear foreign minister Mr Milliband’s father was good friends of Mr Slovo.
Not only that it was British controlled banks that withheld banking loans to the Apartheid regime dooming it but part of the deal of the new ANC government is British Rothschild controlled industry in Africa stays under there control like De Beers mining. And “former” Trotskyite Marxist Peter Hitchens will never mention British connection to ANC government and control of the South African economy. 35
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 13:35 | # “And who was there before the Boars?” (—JamesUK) Extremely sparse populations of Hottentots who’d exist there in greater numbers today had they not been pushed out largely by invading Bantus from the north who’ve filled the whole goddamn place up. 36
Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 17:40 | # The murder of ET was farm murder nr. 3368, in Afrikaans :’Blanche_was_plaasmoord_nr_3368 38
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 07 Apr 2010 01:21 | # An American version of the South African farm murders of whites has already started: 39
Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Wed, 07 Apr 2010 07:57 | # After the murder, the killers pulled off ET’s trousers, to see his genitals, see (in Afrikaans) A hate crime? 40
Posted by Gorboduc on Wed, 07 Apr 2010 12:30 | # I shall put my head on the block here, and already I hear Scrooby whetting his axe. As almost all the comments here relate to ETB’s murder and not to certain events in Europe which might be expected to affect most of us more closely, and to which GW had drawn attention, I feel I should ask, Why wasn’t ETB employing WHITE farm-workers? If he wanted a white homeland, why didn’t he start with his own homestead? 41
Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Wed, 07 Apr 2010 13:39 | # To Gorboduc: 42
Posted by Lurker on Wed, 07 Apr 2010 13:54 | #
Yet, on the final balance sheet, ETB has paid a very high price for having them around. A high price that other whites in SA are paying too. If they and we elsewhere cant find a way to factor in that seemingly hidden cost - getting murdered - then we have a problem. 43
Posted by Gorboduc on Wed, 07 Apr 2010 13:56 | # @JVV: 44
Posted by David on Wed, 07 Apr 2010 17:30 | # Should be fun at the World Cup! I can’t wait! A meaningful cultural exchange for us. 45
Posted by Frank on Thu, 08 Apr 2010 03:44 | # South Africa has a quota of nonwhites employers must hire. Hindus are a popular replacement for blacks I’ve been told (by South Africans). The AWB did right in backing down. They were walking into a trap. Any conflict would have been blamed on the Boers and resulting white suffering downplayed or forgotten entirely. I suspect the AWB ought to dig in, and do its best to develop a media. Maybe that’s our role on the outside: report what’s going on for them, though they’ll at least need to provide the material. - Europe and colonies love immigrants. Boers would sure be preferred to these mutts and outright aliens. 46
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 08 Apr 2010 04:11 | # Frank, Salvation for the Boer will not come until salvation comes for us all. And that salvation will not come without leaders, which is something quite distinct from politicians. Verily, if many of our people really knew the mettle of our ancestors - such as George Washington, who in his younger days was an Indian killer, and in his middle years rode on horse-back heedless of musket fire to rally his troops - they would disown them as “Nazis.” And, if our ancestors could see us now - who knows, perhaps they can - they would not deign to acknowledge us as men. How far we have fallen, and if we continue to fall, we will not deserve to survive, and the underman will inherit the earth. 47
Posted by Lurker on Thu, 08 Apr 2010 04:53 | # Frank:
OK, that kind of deals with my comment. 48
Posted by Lurker on Thu, 08 Apr 2010 04:58 | # Racists-vow-to-rape-and-kill-white-World-Cup-fans Read the language used in that article and reflect that nice liberals in the UK believe the Express (owned by a member of a certain ethnic/religious minority) is a ‘right wing’ paper. 49
Posted by Frank on Thu, 08 Apr 2010 17:49 | # CC, I suspect you’re right that we’re in a global conflict, JamesUK would agree. We need militias, separate institutions and such; but the reconquest of the US you like to speak of is I think a mistake. Washington didn’t kill Amerindians needlessly did he? Regardless such things are illegal today, meaning I doubt we may even propose them. The Amerindians were driven out because they caused trouble. The Celts fought hard for God and race, or so the Romans say, and the Celts lost. The Romans had learned how to defeat them. We too must learn from our defeats. Being a man isn’t enough - we have to be thinking men. Which is my way of saying: stop proposing ethnic cleansing. And I’m not going to get into this discussion of would I favour under such and such conditions and do those conditions apply today. I’m simply not going to prison, and there is simply no benefit in my cheering on a proposal that will land me there. A real man would not rot in jail with nothing to show for it. And if its cowardly to decline sitting in jail with nothing to show for it, then fine I’m a coward. Have fun with the blacks in prison while the minuscule remnant of racially aware whites fight to prevent Brazil… or Zimbabwe. 50
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 08 Apr 2010 21:40 | #
If you get numbers and momentum then eventually such things will start to spiral of their own accord. Numbers and momentum. 51
Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Mon, 12 Apr 2010 09:26 | # Good news for the murderers of Terreblanche! Their legal costs will be paid by….the ANC political party. It must really be a great comfort to the murderers to have such rich and mighty friends who look after you in difficult times! See (in Afrikaans) 52
Posted by Dasein on Mon, 12 Apr 2010 10:22 | # Jobbik ended up winning 16.7% of the vote, and will enter parliament for the first time. The governing socialist party (one of who’s final acts was to pass a law criminalising Holocaust dissent) won only 19.3% of the vote. The center-right party won 52.8% of the vote, so it looks like Jobbik still has a large pool from which to draw further support. FB, what do you make of Jobbik’s success? They certainly weren’t appealing to, or getting any support from Jews.
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 12 Apr 2010 23:47 | # From the Telegraph:
There are some amazing comments in the thread to this article, including one by a Jew who calls Hungary “a dog returning to it’s vomit”. 54
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 00:34 | #
What’s wrong with this picture? Say you’re standing in the public street minding your own business when along comes a guy who knocks you down, beats you, and robs you. Let’s say his friends just stood by watching as the beating was going on, never lifting a finger. Then, let’s say, his friends come over to you and plead with you not to get angry, because they have a horror of any trouble starting. What??? They have a horror of any trouble starting??? Aren’t they pleading with the wrong party??? Where were they when their friend was causing trouble??? If they have such a horror of trouble starting why did they stand by and watch the trouble their friend was starting right in front of their faces??? Shouldn’t they have pled first with their friend not to come over to knock you down, beat you, and rob you??? Isn’t he the party they should have pled with??? Why in the world are they coming to you now when you have done nothing??? The Association of Hungarian Jewish Religious Communities is doing things the wrong way around. It’s pleading with the wrong party. Instead of “pleading with voters to turn against anti-Semitic candidates” it should have pled with Jews to stop supporting positions hateful to and destructive of the Hungarian people. But somehow we never saw it do that, back when there was still time. Had it taken that approach from the beginning and succeeded in persuading Jews to stop destroying society, perhaps people wouldn’t be looking askance at Jews now. But no, the Association of Hungarian Jewish Religious Communities had to do things its way. Well, it made its bed, now let it sleep in it. God bless Jobbik and Gabor Vona! Long live Hungary! 55
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 00:36 | # Excuse me, not “from the log entry,” of course, but from GW’s comment just above. 56
Posted by Verwoerd on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 07:13 | # Was Terre’blanche a nigger loving faggot? “Police investigate homosexual link in Terreblanche killing” 57
Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 08:08 | # Mr. Verwoerd, There is no sodomy. ET’s trousers were pulled off AFTER his death, see (in Afrikaans) This is just another smear story against someone who can’t defend himself any longer. 58
Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Thu, 15 Apr 2010 13:18 | # New racism grips South Africa (please klick on, Andrew Bolt From: Herald Sun April 13, 2010) 59
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 15 Apr 2010 17:17 | #
Looks like a pretty obvious smear attempt to me.
Inevitable really. Black rule was never going to be able to appease the black poor and when that happened the black elite would set them on the whites as scapegoats.
They thought they’d be safe. Destroy the whites and then rule over the blacks from the shadows. What they don’t understand is the dumbest people will always hate them the most.
And yet they never wonder why they keep seeing this kind of thing over and over. 60
Posted by Jawake on Fri, 16 Apr 2010 04:15 | # ...And back here in America:
For the rest: Did Tea Party Smear Incite Racial Incident? 61
Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 16 Apr 2010 05:52 | #
Every cloud has a silver lining. 62
Posted by Jawake on Fri, 16 Apr 2010 06:18 | # LOL. So, the Dems living there better watch out because:
A really good article. 63
Posted by Q on Fri, 16 Apr 2010 11:38 | # Here’s an interesting article about the ongoing genocide against whites in South Africa. It’s written by, I assume, a Jewess, Pamela Geller; she manages to paint Israel in a positive light, but the article is informative nevertheless.
Posted by Guest on Fri, 16 Apr 2010 23:41 | # The guys who ran the “South Africa Sucks” blog in its various incarnations SHUT DOWN THE SITES rather than permit discussion of Jewish influence in the demise of RSA. 65
Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Tue, 20 Apr 2010 17:55 | # Meanwhile in South Africa the daily news goes on: House set alight with family inside, Cops traumatised after attack, 66
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 20 Apr 2010 20:34 | # The future of South Africa - and not only South Africa - is becoming ever plainer, Johan. The savagery of witless Sub-Saharan Africa, its unique appetite for bludgeoning the beauty and intelligence it cannot match and racially-hates, already lies upon our European brothers in that land, and is going to grow much, much heavier. 67
Posted by Intervenor on Fri, 23 Apr 2010 04:13 | # It appears white supremacist Richard Barrett of Mississippi also died while involved in sexual activities with a young black man: Eugene Terreblanc one month. Barrett the next. What is it with you guys? 69
Posted by Q on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 14:09 | # Why are so many whites stupid? YES I MEAN STUPID!!!!! Here is the latest example of such:
This guy, of all people, should have known better than to hire I nigger. He is a victim of his own stupidity. 70
Posted by Frank on Fri, 30 Apr 2010 04:29 | # GW or another Englishman, I’d be curious what you think of the South’s future, and the South it should be noted is whiter than the other regions - that is the white population is very much old stock American. Englishmen seem to have a problem with our having owned slaves, a sin which we may not be redeemed from and for which we may not resist submersion into the black and immigrant white (of new white ethnicities) tide. Slavery was a mistake, yes, but are not those who sold them to us partly culpable, and isn’t our ability to grow a very rich society out of such a race amazing, if less than the white ideal? And we’re surely entitled to fight for our survival amidst the black and mystery meat tides washing over our lands. - A healing or attempt at understanding seems in order, Southerners forgiven for slavery and the North for its total war and exploitation of the South (which is undeniable), the English forgiven for Cromwell, Germany and England forgiven for “events”, England forgiven for involvement in South Africa. As an American I view all of these nations as very closely related - they’re the components of the old stock America after all. 71
Posted by Frank on Fri, 30 Apr 2010 04:34 | # Or to put it plainly, Kemp needs to change his stance on “neo-Confederates”. We’re not a cancer. We’re essentially Nordicists, and we do not wish to restore slavery. However, blacks are an unfortunate legacy of slavery. We’re stuck with them. The best we can do is separate somewhat. But the South is distinct from the North just as England is distinct from Greece. Different ethnicities make up the other regions. 72
Posted by Frank on Fri, 30 Apr 2010 04:54 | # Brief history of the US. The South gets rich. The North gets greedy. The North uses blacks to rule the South, and most of them want the freed blacks to be citizens living amongst the whites rather than noncitizens. The war was fierce, and the hatred between the two sides great. The North doesn’t care about preserving race - it wants to harm the South. New immigrants enter the US from outside northwest Europe - they don’t move into the South in large numbers. Much of the rest of America declines to fight amalgamating with these new peoples. There is a Know-Nothing movement, but it’s snuffed out by the war and never recovers from it. The North tries to get whites and blacks to mix in the South once again. The Civil Rights Movement is a huge success. By this time though there’s no longer much of a North left, or at least the old WASP North is no longer the main player. Jews and Catholics now seem to be more important players, especially Jews. - The North is not this great white supremacist power anymore than the South is. Both are flawed from that perspective. The South fought to defend slavery, yes, but the North didn’t want to simply ship slaves overseas. It wanted money. The war was over greed. The South was extraordinarily wealthy - cotton was good money. Robert E. Lee reluctantly joined the South because he was defending his people. The war was not over an “ideology of slavery”. Lee wanted to preserve the Union, and many other Southerners felt the same. But when war breaks out, you defend your own - especially if the other side actually invades your lands! - And as any good antebellum Southerner would have known: aristocracy is a better system than Kemp’s democracy. Democracy is merely a system you promise when trying to win support among the masses. In reality it is a rule by the worst elements of society because they outnumber the best elements. The ideal system is something approaching Plato’s extreme proposal (too extreme on other points) of a propertyless class of guardians. I point this out because as CC said: a movement needs leaders. Conflicts are among elites. A mass, even a white mass, that simply enjoys numbers is a mass with no better sense than a herd of cattle and that’ll soon be dancing to another’s tune. 73
Posted by Frank on Fri, 30 Apr 2010 05:20 | # I’m of slave-owners (though slavery was already in practice when they arrived, though still early, in Virginia), but regardless here’s my rough take (written quickly) on the South and its future: The Lesson of Slavery: The Meek Inherit a Society at the original OD. Conclusion: separate or die. 74
Posted by francois venter on Fri, 14 May 2010 10:27 | # hi guys i just want to speak my mind. i am frm the free state in south africa. speaking to friends of mine whom also live on farms around us, its not realy hard to hear the anger but also the sadness about the death of e.t. where i live we also had a few farm murders around us and it feels more like living in a jail than in your own home just because you want to feel safe while sleeping at night. the laws in s.a says tha you cannot kill a person unless the intruder makes the first move, in other words if you wake up in the middel of the night with someone standing over your bed who doesnt belong there, you may not attack or do anything to him unless he tries to attack you first. so our hands are tied up and we are being abused while watching them raping our wives and children. then only after putting you threw that do they kill you. then just to respond to a few people saying that we want to own all the land in s.a as whites. now they ( goverment ) wants to take all our mines and nationalise them just like they did with the mine aroura wich is because of them taking it over now under licuidation and falling apart so what is going to happen when they take over all the mines? they have allready taken over most of our farms and the goverment gave the black farmers everything they needed to start farming and even more but still 90% of these black farms didnt survive and there isnt even a chicken left on most of them. i watched the news last night and now they are planning to take 40% of all white farms and give them to blacks???????????????? i realy dont know what the future of our once beautifull country is going to look like but it is a scary ride on the way there. 75
Posted by Ben Booysen on Sat, 14 Jan 2012 21:22 | # The BNP has been quiet lately, but I have personally witnessed a rise in nationalism in the English. I suspect it must be due to the declining economic conditions. Post a comment:
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Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 02:08 | #
The MSM crew haven’t yet resolved the apparent contradiction of Mr Terreblanche’s having been simultaneously a “Supremacist” and a “Separatist”.