Mythical action and the fake reality of our immediate future – part 2 by Neil Vodavzny Myths are stories and, therefore, difficult to disentangle from the impetus to story-telling. To that extent, they are products of Man’s subconscious which itself is a more primordial product of nature. The question is what do myths mean, and second, how detached is material Man from his subconscious reality?
Clifton’s point is that a comic-book fan or artist aims to produce the definitive version of Batman or Loki. The reason is that they’re archetypal figures; Superman the sungod to the dark dionysic Batman. Marvel’s schtick is for characters to represent forces of Nature, such as the Norse thunder god. Comments:2
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 24 Dec 2013 18:38 | # What is insidious is when myths (or traditional stories) get reinterpreted in ways serving the (antiwhite) regime. Case in partial point, the new installment of The Hobbit. Saw it over this past weekend. I wonder how many persons noticed that, unlike in the LOTR films (or the first Hobbit installment, as far as I can recall), this new one contains nonwhite humans (as citizens of the laketown). The dwarves are still all-white, as are the elves and wizards. The orcs and goblins are racially unclassifiable. The main human characters are all white, but why were those nonwhite faces included? 3
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 09 Jan 2014 21:55 | # MR, by insisting on publishing boring, pretentious, and mostly ill-thought out ‘philosophy’ by unlettered souls, instead of practical, factual pieces on what really interests most nationalists, has now obviously lost nearly all its former readership. This is unfortunate, though unsurprising. Warnings have been sounded many times. Well, here’s something worth noting. The leader of UKIP is now calling for a 5 year moratorium on immigration. Not as much as we would like, but under the “gradual radicalization” thesis I have advanced for many years, it’s certainly a start in the right direction. 4
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 09 Jan 2014 22:06 | # BTW, the comments following that article are just overwhelmingly (exclusively?) anti-immigration. All patriots really need to vote UKIP in the next election. Farage seems like a normal politician following the voters, who are clearly fed up with the invasion. How rare! 5
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 10 Jan 2014 07:47 | # For Americans: A good examination of the unreliability of Sen. Rand Paul, alas, a typical libertarian: My comment:
Posted by Silver on Sun, 12 Jan 2014 08:49 | #
Too true. What a damnable fool GW turned out to be. Even as early as 2005 and 2006 some were wondering whether he didn’t have a screw loose, but a great deal of quality material was being turned out in those days so the danger didn’t seem so obvious. The arrival of DanielS on the front page unquestionably signaled the end; I hope there’s a special circle of hell reserved for that lunatic. 7
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 13 Jan 2014 00:04 | # Incredably cheap shot, Silver. GW has been more than gratious and accomodating to you and this is how you repay him? Shameful and dishonerble. As far a Daniels goes, I agree that much of his work is impenitrable for your average reader. But give credit where credit is due: DanielS demonstrates more often than not that he’s capable of writing some pretty darned effective arguements on behalf of WN. What more can—or should—you ask for? 8
Posted by Silver on Mon, 13 Jan 2014 05:07 | # Thorn, Firstly, the damn blog exists in order to invite debate and discussion. Contributing to that debate and discussion doesn’t mean I “owe” GW anything. If anything, the damnable old fool himself owes his readership an explanation of why he ran the blog into the ground. (At this point it’s doubtful it’ll see out its tenth year.) Secondly, calling my post a “cheap shot” implies you agree with its content, only you’d have preferred that I made my point less harshly. Well, maybe, but I think GW deserves it. Thirdly, DanielS is a complete imbecile. The only effective points he has made are the most obvious ones; the rest of his corpus stinks to high heaven. 9
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 13 Jan 2014 05:33 | # Silver doesn’t want people to hear what I say. Having penetrated his veneer of calm rationale and impartial critique to have aroused his non-White consternation, I am satisfied, is an indicator of having done some things very right. To meet with his disapproval is a sure sign MR is getting better - more sincere, more relevant and more honestly informative: focused on the essences while contributing occasional sublime detail. Silver’s non-White coalition is losing control, sob. 10
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 13 Jan 2014 09:25 | # Thorn@10 Is that actually you, Midwestern Thorn, or someone else taking the moniker? It is unfortunate that GW, a seemingly affable chap, has allowed his blog to deteriorate so. We have no right per se to tell GW how to run his site, but regulars at any website - ie, those who have invested substantial amounts of their time in the cyber-conversation - have earned the right at least to express their displeasure when editorial action (or, in this case I think, inaction) is causing the site to peter out (rather like the West ...). It’s frustrating when the Powers That Be refuse to defend the borders; it’s maddening when they prevent others from doing so in their place. Re DanielS: please summarize for me just one of his “pretty darned effective arguements [sic] on behalf of WN”. 11
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 13 Jan 2014 09:51 | # Leon, if you cannot (refuse to) see important points and arguments in my posts (honestly, you seek one, while I would need time to catalog them), and on the other hand, you find them impossible to ignore and turn your suffered attention to useful discussion to be generated from the posts of others, you may find a home at Occidental Dissent. Hunter Wallace is a good writer and has more affinity with you. 12
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 13 Jan 2014 17:37 | # No it’s me, Leon. I just think it was in bad taste for Silver to take the opportunity to kick MR when it’s at its lowest point in the site’s history. But on second thought maybe he is justified. However I’m going to give GW the benefit of the doubt and attribute his conspicuous absence to burn-out—hopefully it’s temporary. If so, it’s understandable; after all, when one puts so much time and energy into a project or proposition only to arrive at the point of realization that it hasn’t accrued any appreciable progress towards the objective, I can imagine that feeling could be very deflating ... to say the least.
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 13 Jan 2014 17:59 | # Jesus welcomes you to Occidental Dissent as well, Thorn. Undoubtedly at a highpoint of history LOL. 14
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 14 Jan 2014 01:09 | # Danny, you sacriligious twit. Don’t you know that no movement can succeed without God at its core? Obviously you do not. Maybe you should cry on GW’s shoulder. He has plenty of crying towels… including the one he, himself, so often crys in…....... 15
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 14 Jan 2014 09:29 | # Thorn, I agree lack of WP success is always deflating. Each generation goes through it. The racial decline of our people, though with extensive antecedents (eg, Radical Reconstruction, Europeans’, especially dbag French, race-liberality extended toward Negro servicemen in WW1, immediate postwar military integration), began in earnest in the late 50s. WPs have now been fighting for over a half-century - two generations - with absolutely not an iota of real world legislative success. Of course, the same thing can be said of free marketers, at least in the US. The quality and extent of economic (as with WP) understanding is greater than at any time since the New Deal. Never before have so many persons had such a deep understanding of free markets. Never since the creation of the Fed have so many called for its abolition. Never have so many Americans understood the disaster of immigration and Diversity. And yet, all of those awakened souls dwell ‘underground’. Immigration is worse than ever, the Fed more disruptive than ever, government larger and more intrusive than ever, even though the merits of liberty, and demerits of Diversity, have never been so plain to see, and so widely seen. Does this signify anything? I don’t know. Recall my constant refrain, lifted from the “godfather” WP work, The Dispossessed Majority: ripening harvest / encroaching jungle. Which will win? I honestly do not know. But we do know our racial duty, as also our Christian one (the former is in fact a subset, I believe, of the latter), and that should be enough to keep us marching forward as best we can. PS - I was serious. Please, Thorn, go ahead and summarize one of DanielS’s arguments which you have found convincing. You may find the task a hard one (and not because of any deficiency on your part). 16
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 14 Jan 2014 12:53 | # ..... Still, you might be more comfortable at Occidental Dissent, where they try to accommodate those who wish to accommodate those things as they have been of recent “tradition”, European. Deeper people recognize them as non-European affectations imposed upon European culture in fairly recent times. Haller says PS - I was serious. Please, Thorn, go ahead and summarize one of DanielS’s arguments which you have found convincing. You may find the task a hard one (and not because of any deficiency on your part). As I very was serious, Haller: to do that would require a catalog over a few years now. I am convinced, Haller, that you are not only unhelpful, not only a diversion, but dishonest, a man of defective (bad) character. But we do know our racial duty, as also our Christian one (the former is in fact a subset, I believe, of the latter), and that should be enough to keep us marching forward as best we can. Rather than trying to fit this site into your dishonest, anachronistic, faux conservative template, that the growing awareness of which you speak recognizes as liberalism in fact, you would be better served elsewhere. Here, we will triumph over you and your fundamental dishonesty. ........................ 17
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 14 Jan 2014 17:44 | # Leon, Yes we all agree that lack of success wrt WP is discouraging, but I was talking about GW in particular. I’m assuming he has come to the realization that the approach he’s been taking to counter the ongoing soft genocide of the White Race has been ineffective.. I believe it’s been ineffective for various reasons, but the central reason is you can’t BUILD a pro-White pro-life culture sans God at its core. Of course you can tear down a culture without God; the Frankfort School intellectuals proved that. At any rate, I’m going to spend more time concentrating on my Catholic faith. That doesn’t mean I’m giving up on WP! Not at all. However, I sincerely believe the only way white people are going find their way out of this Divine retribution is to find their way back to the Church. I know you agree with that. Lately I’ve been becoming a fan of both Ann Barhardt and Laura Wood—both devout Roman Catholics—some programing on EWTN too. That said, I’ll leave you with a link to one of Miss B’s excellent podcast and associated essay.
Pulchra Vera Essay link: 18
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 15 Jan 2014 11:45 | # Daniel, As you prove yet again, in this exchange alone, you are either really weird, or too stupid for words. Thorn, Thanks for the links. I agree re the importance of the Transcendent, though I think GW would as well. His problem is that he doesn’t believe in divinity, and so he’s left trying to devise a secular approximation of God, imputing Grand Meaning to a lot of word-play about “authenticity” and the like. Good luck with that. I think God is God, and that there is nothing divine outside of the Trinity, nor any ‘meaning’ except in relation to it. Anything not rooted in Trinitarian truth will always fail (though modern liberalism is especially maladaptive, even from its own secular/evolutionary perspective). But note: in terms of WP and Western survival, our Church is sadly corrupted (and getting worse under Francis). Violent white supremacism is hardly compatible with the justice of Christ - but neither is PC mendacity or multicultural enviousness (egalitarian envy of an especially rancid type is at the core of multiculturalism, I am convinced). The true Christian position re race, etc, is, I believe, my own (as I hope to argue formally, in publication, someday). The Christian has no warrant to aggress against or exploit others (as was the case with slavery, even if that was an ancient institution, one never actually condemned by Christ, and even though American slavery, contrary to various Hollywood propaganda, was comparatively mild, precisely, I suspect because most of the slaveholders were sincere white Christians). But he is also under no obligation to allow others to visit injustices upon himself. We must stand up for what is right, which includes justice and perpetuity for our people. And we must do so within the Church, which badly needs an ideological reformation to cleanse itself of liberal intellectual pollutants. 19
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 15 Jan 2014 13:18 | # . Daniel, As you prove yet again, in this exchange alone, you are either really weird, or too stupid for words.
I am prepared to believe that you are one who is paying the price of some unmerited fortune (that is to say, you were a bit spoiled by some good luck; not that you did not work and are wholly without merit, of course). The result is that you have not been compelled to think-through and find wanting some social customs, habits and traditions. That is to say, they have worked well enough for you and you somehow think that proves their correctness. It doesn’t. You have not been confronted bluntly enough with their flaws to drop them as the insufficient premises that the are. I suppose what led me to consider that you might be some sort of asset here, come to instill diversion into hapless, traditional forms, is that you refuse to see the obvious. That this is a site for free thinking WN’s. Majority Rights is very important as it provides White nationalists a platform which recognizes native European nationalists as in-group, Jews and other non-Whites as out-group. At the same time it is not beholden to Christianity or Hitler. That isn’t weird or stupid, that is normal and correct. As for your disapproval of my posts and your unwillingness to consider that there might be significant matters to discuss there (absurd that you would try to suggest that, but oh well), I would think that just as with a particular column or section of a newspaper that you didn’t like or were not interested in, that you would just skip it. Above that, on the editorial level, if you are demanding a site that sets Christianity as its guiding light, then this is the wrong place for you. Nobody is stopping you from going to a Catholic site or starting one. It is crucially important that White Nationalists have recourse to a platform such as Majority Rights that allows for thinking beyond reverence for the rules of Hitler and Jesus. 20
Posted by Bill on Tue, 05 Aug 2014 10:39 | # Nigel Farage - shades of Rand Paul? Is this Ukip’s future? - I think it’s already here. 21
Posted by Obat Infeksi Gusi on Tue, 10 Feb 2015 04:05 | # nice info , terima kasih banyak untuk semua nya obat infeksi gusi Post a comment:
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Posted by DanielS on Tue, 24 Dec 2013 17:08 | #
Neil’s pieces are inspirational, good to think over this Christmas/Solstice time: speaking of which, Merry Christmas and Solstice everyone!