National feeling and the nation state in Europe

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 26 September 2008 22:55.

Politics is … the shaping of the future through power over the present.  That’s it, really.  But already in that simply formulation there is an inherent contradiction.  If we survive into the future, it will necessarily contain us.  But who is shaping it?  In whose interests?  And exactly what future are they shaping?

The realisation that the “we” in this are the people, our own people, and that not only is the hand on the lever of power not ours, but our allotted future is not one we would ever wish upon ourselves … that realisation is the wellspring of all nationalist dissidence in the modern age.  It’s the reason why political nationalism throughout Europe today is centred on a principled defence against mass immigration.

But obviously, the impulse itself predates all political “isms” by tens of thousands of years, predates the nation state, predates the sovereign king.  In its evolutionary essence it is as pure an affirmation of life as was ever made.

It is also an affirmation of the sacred tie between the people and the land.  But we are not talking about mere patriotism here.  Patriotic pride is fully acceptable to the enemies of Europe’s people.  There is not enough such pride in the whole world to fill the heart of one man or woman who rediscovers the love of and sense of belonging to his or her own people.  To borrow from a rather well-known if propagandistic Hollywood call to arms:-

An emotion as drenching and unifying as this is profoundly destructive of other foundations for political action.  It cuts the ground away completely from the classical Marxist analysis of social class.  What use is division to us?  What use exploitation and what use envy?  Likewise, the cultural analysis of “gender” and sexual orientation are rendered ridiculous beside it, just signs of a Weimaresque moral weakness and debasement.  The internationalists and elitists who serve their own dreams and ambitions by proclaiming that “the 19th century nation state has had its day” are simply struck dumb, completely dumb, by a resurgent tide of national feeling.

It is the final word.

But as we see all around us every day, it isn’t a word spoken too often in our long summers of material ease and contentment.  The sense of nation is never uppermost in men’s minds until it needs to be.  Something to kick against is necessary, something so manifestly harmful and unjust that the simplest of men and the most exalted might, in a moment of sudden clear-sightedness, rediscover their nobility of mind and power of action.

The true product of national feeling like this is an iron resolve to confront the source of the injustice.  There is no power on Earth - not the Roman Empire, not the British, not the Soviet - that could stand against it indefinitely.  Its engendering at its most unquenchable and vigorous is the inevitable goal of every European nationalist.

But then we come to the age-old problem of competition between European neighbours … of war, land grabs, every kind of disaster.  For the last fifty-five years we Europeans have been pretending to ourselves that national feeling - our greatest collective truth - is the enemy of peace and civilisation.  Should we ever again give it voice, we are told, it will drag us down into the jingoistic mire of 1914-18 and the veritable lime pit of 1939-45.

It is a strange kind of imprisonment of the European spirit.  As a result we find ourselves vassals of an empire again, this time a vast and legalistic plutocracy of failed, mostly socialist politicians.  It is meant to be the post-nation future in which we will never find it necessary or even possible to express our national feeling.

Well, I reject the central tenet of sacrificing nation, or any part of nation, for peace.  It is defeatist and guilt-ridden to internalise the idea that Europe will tear itself apart again through the destructiveness and war-will of its own sovereign peoples.  That is manifestly untrue.  The parent of war in Europe is the multi-ethnic state, which breeds injustice and resentment.  When people find themselves in the wrong country, that is the start of the dance.  Far from the solution being for all Europe’s nations to be turned into post-nations, which merely multiplies the wrong, the people should be freed to unite with their own kinfolk, thereby resolving multi-ethnicism forever and adding immeasurably to the contentment and stability of the continent.

That’s as far as my idealism can run, and it brings me into slight conflict with the many supporters of pan-Europeanism in the nationalist world.  Norman Lowell’s Imperium is widely quoted as a basis for a stable nationalist future for Europe.  It is not.  Any drawing away of sovereign power from the nation state will be balanced by dissatisfactions within it, and a nett loss in stability.

Our people understand and love nation.  They must - it is bred into us all.  Let us acknowledge the fact and base our ideas upon it.



Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 02:13 | #

There is not enough such pride in the whole world to fill the heart of one man or woman who rediscovers the love of and sense of belonging to his or her own people.

“His or her” own people?


Posted by skeptical on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 02:25 | #

Here are some interesting videos about the results of the very same Asch conformity experiments that I was commenting about earlier.

Asch Conformity Experiments: Video 1

Asch Conformity Experiments: Video 2

“...subjects of these studies attributed their performance to their own misjudgment and ‘poor eyesight’.”

I wonder what we’ll tell ourselves after the habit of racial egalitarianism has been kicked.


Posted by Thorum on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 02:26 | #

Glad I found your site!! Keep up the good work!!!


Posted by skeptical on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 02:37 | #

Sorry, but I just have to post one more link.

Asch Conformity Experiments: Video 3 (contemporary)

It is interesting how the subjects initially resist the pressures of group conformity but eventually give in.

Oh yes, did I mention that the full name of the professor who invented this experiment was Solomon Asch.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 04:53 | #

Christopher Meyer:

“Globalisation and interdependence were supposed to have swept aside these ancient feuds and rivalries. Theories of the postmodern state now abound. Tony Blair preached how national interest would be trumped by the spread of “global values”. This is self-evident rubbish.”

“It is useless to say that nationalism and ethnic tribalism have no place in the international relations of the 21st century. If anything the spread of Western-style democracy has amplified their appeal and resonance.”


Posted by Bill on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:08 | #

I feel upbeat this morning, it looks as though Global Capitalism is the first postmodern domino about to fall, or am I being too optimistic?  Would it be outlandish of me to suggest the next domino to topple will be multiculturalism?

I’m getting vibes that Gulliver is stirring from his slumber.


Posted by Othelma_Jr on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:08 | #

Hey Bill, here is an article that may lift your spirits more:

Surprise, Surprise:The Subprime Mortgage Crisis And The Government War On “Redlining”

It turns out the whole ‘problem’ has been caused by giving mortgages to minorities!!  WNs have an iron-clad case to make that integrating minorities into an advanced economy is not possible and there are now 700 Billion reasons to discriminate based on Race!!!  LOL!!!!!!


Posted by snax on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 19:49 | #

It might be interesting to speculate on how much the very small minority and ‘illegal’ mortgage contribution to a much bigger problem is intended to create further problems: racism (in multiple directions), social division, anti-AA calls, pro-amnesty calls, increased “White flight”, etc.


Posted by snax on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 19:55 | #

Sorry to have continued the slight derailment there GW. Like you I’m an English nationalist - if Mr Lowell’s program is antithetical to that ideal, then I’m against it, but I’m not sure it is.


Posted by Bauhaus on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 20:26 | #

Increased “white flight”?  If anything, I think this crisis will cause more “mud flow,” so to speak. I know of about a dozen Asian, Arab, and Hispanic individuals who are making plans to leave the US, which is a very good sign. Hopefully economic conditions will embolden White Americans to be more outspoken about the racism, diversity, and Race Replacement policies directed at them. Worse is better.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 21:14 | #


Norman is just about universally recognised in nationalist circles as a “good guy”, and I hugely admire his pluck.  MR offers him frequent support, and tempers it with very little criticism.

Even so, as an Englishman I have absolutely no need or desire to legitimate a supra-national European body - even one charged only with the responsibility for maintaining peaceful and productive relations between the states.  After all, we accept that there is a case based in economics and sovereignty for Britain staying out of the Euro/ECB, despite its equally well-meaning goal.  There is, of course, extremely good reason to suppose that currency union is a formality along the road to full economic union - who, really, thinks otherwise?

As I mentioned on another thread, it is in the nature of things that political slopes are slippery, or will invariably become so due to the moral frailties of the political type.  Defence, of course, is the first duty of government - standing above and before economic management.  It is fundamental, therefore, that England regains and jealously retains full control over its capacities in that regard.

A strong right arm and the occasional judicious alliance is enough.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 21:21 | #

Crystal ball Gazing.

Disclaimer.  I ‘m not sure if this off topic or not.

I’m reading this present crisis of capitalism is about to make 1929 look like a walk in the park, personally I do not think the UK will recover. (but hey! what the hell do I know?)

I also think that the effects of this economic crisis will linger on into the territory of Peak oil, thus presenting further obstacle to recovery, which begs the question how is this mess going to affect what we’re discussing here?

For starters, by 2010 at the latest, British politics will be in crisis as there is no-one in sight capable of influencing events, thus highlighting the presence of an alternative to the failed consensus - enter into the equation British nationalism.

This scenario may be replicated throughout Europe, but I’m sorry to say I cannot say the same for America, for over there, things are not the same.

My crystal ball is now becoming cloudy, can anyone else see anything similar to this?


Posted by skeptical on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 22:51 | #


This scenario may be replicated throughout Europe, but I’m sorry to say I cannot say the same for America, for over there, things are not the same.

Things are certainly not the same over here, I am sure that we are too far gone for there to be any kind of resurgent nationalist movement.  Our future is now, so to speak.

However, my crystal ball has America splintering off into separate states sometime before 2040.  I consider this prediction to be rather safe since, given the way things are going, we could conceivably dissolve our union around 2020.

God only knows what kind of world Western man will inhabit once the dust settles.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 18:00 | #

The Jews are now, for the first time since their 1965 stab to the back of the United States, pretending to give an academic explanation of why they’re race-replacing us by force.  Professor Salter responds, and JWH also comments.  It’s good reading.

I just want to make sure everyone understands that “Rubin” is a Jewish name.  (Some Europeans, especially among non-English-speakers, might not understand that part.) 

This is one of those times I have to keep myself calm while typing, such is the intensity of the righteous indignation gripping me as I talk about these excerpts from this filthy Euro-race-hating, genocidal Jew’s book.  But I can’t suppress a lump that’s formed in my throat or the accompanying feeling of hatred, the most solemn loathing.  (Sorry, I’m human.) 

OK, go ahead and read:


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 20:14 | #

“The Jews are now, for the first time since their 1965 stab to the back of the United States…” - Fred Scrooby

How much do wanna bet this “book” gets some play on C-SPAN?

But when contrasted with Dr. Salter’s and JWH’s dismantling of Rubin’s rubbish it, maybe, can wake some people up.

I’ve been blasting some threads at Takimag with said.

Salter/EGI, Salter/EGI, Salter/EGI!

That’s the silver (HaHa!) bullet we can kill this race-replacement monster with, at least one can hope.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 20:27 | #

Professor Zinn, who’s Jewish, comes up with, guess what?  (Careful, this is one of those things you’ll never guess, especially when you know he’s Jewish — that’ll really throw you off.) 

If you said, “number eighteen million seven-hundred-and-ninety-six thousand four hundred and twenty-two in a century-and-a-half-long series of Jewish ethno-attacks on Euros,” you’d be ... wrong, I’m so sorry — the correct answer is “number eighteen million seven-hundred-and-ninety-six thousand four hundred and twenty-three.”  But you won’t go away empty-handed, we have for you the runner-up prize, a CD which happens to be selling like hot cakes in the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Equatorial Guinea, and yes, a huge suprise, Port Moresby, always a very hard-to-please market:  it’s Sarah Bernhardt Duz the Dallas Women’s Softball Team with very rare, nearly impossible to find shots of Hillary performing cunnilinctus on Janet Reno, so this is a real collector’s item.  But thank you for participating, and let’s take a look at the latest thing Prof. Zinn has come up with — apparently a huge surprise knowing he’s Jewish, as no one would’ve expected this in a million years from a Jewish college teacher:  we can see Prof. Zinn is really thinking outside the box for a Jew:

Stereotype #1:  Whites are greedy; non-whites are communal and generous.

Stereotype #2:  Whites are hierarchical and authoritarian; non-whites are egalitarian and libertarian.

Stereotype #3:  Whites are violent; non-whites are peaceful.

Stereotype #4:  Non-whites live in harmony with the natural world; whites exploit and destroy it.

Stereotype #5:  The white establishment is unwaveringly racist and has never behaved generously towards non-whites.

Stereotype #6:  Injustice flows in one direction only —  from whites to non-whites.

Stereotype #7:  All of non-whites’ problems are due to whites.

Stereotype #8:  Western culture has not resulted in any positive achievement.

The Exception of World War II Japan


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 20:31 | #

So Rubin is another in the long, long line of Jews who will intellectualise any anti-European argument.  I commend Dr Salter for his measured, patient approach.  Frankly, Rubin is lying to the world, or to himself and the world, and he should be treated with outrage and contempt as an apologist for European genocide.

The inevitable question arises as to whether Jews can ever live alongside another people, on equal terms, without developing these aggressive behaviours.  There is scant evidence that they can, and mountainous evidence to the contrary.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 20:43 | #

Oops, make that Sandra Bernhard (not Sarah Bernhardt), sorry!  Sandra, if you read this, I’m Sorry!  I know that was a big CD of yours, probably your biggest — we don’t want people asking for the wrong one in stores, especially in Port Moresby your biggest market!


Posted by silver on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 20:50 | #

That’s the silver (HaHa!) bullet we can kill this race-replacement monster with, at least one can hope.

Buddy, with silver bullets like silver on your team, there’s always hope.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 20:53 | #

“The inevitable question arises as to whether Jews can ever live alongside another people, on equal terms, without developing these aggressive behaviours.  There is scant evidence that they can”  (—GW)

They cannot, in my opinion, which is why they must live apart from Euros, which of course they no more want than a tapeworm wants to live apart from your intestine:  they’ve evolved as a parasite.  But if Jews and Euros aren’t separated the Jews will forever try to kill the Euro hosts.

The Jews have two countries now, Israel and Birobidzhan.  If those together aren’t enough, give them land for a third.  Give them the southern half of California — thanks to them it’s full of Mexicans now anyway; we don’t want it.  Let them have it.  But they all must move there and never come back till they learn how to behave among their hosts (which will be never, of course — but don’t tell them that or they’ll never agree to leave!  Tell them it’ll be temporary, then once they’re out, shut the door quickly and lock it!  Don’t let them back in unless you love genocide because that’s what you’ll get!).


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 23:49 | #

Here is good old Pauly boy’s areas of interest:  anti-white genocidalist centerfold of the month. 

Areas of Interest
My main area of research is Law and Economics.  I have written on many aspects of this subject.  Recent papers have examined the effects of
tort reform on death rates (tort reform leads to fewer accidental deaths) and the deterrent effect of capital punishment (it is a significant deterrent).  I have also completed a survey article on the economics of the Bill of Rights.  (These papers have been coauthored with colleagues at Emory.)  A few years ago I completed a book on the evolution of economic and political behavior.  I also write on policy issues, and have had several op-eds in the Wall Street Journal and other newspapers.  Two favored topics are the regulation of pharmaceuticals and the economics of privacy and information.  I also enjoy fucking up Whitey’s EGI.

Sounds like standard stock neoconservatism to me.  Note the “several op-eds in the Wall Street Journal and other newspapers.”

Here is an article he wrote in reply to Dr. Salter’s review of his book “How to Most Efficiently Fuckup Whitey’s EGI”.

Fitness, Utility, and Immigration: Reply to Salter,” Journal of Bioeconomics, V. 9, No. 1, June, 2007, 53-67.



Posted by Sodium Chloride on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 00:28 | #

Salter’s response summarized


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 04:12 | #

From Salter’s reply to Rubin’s rejoinder

Neither is [Prof. Rubin’s] position majoritorian or assimilationist since he does not accept the utilitarian principle of favoring the happiness of the greater number when majority and minority interests conflict.  Instead he rejects the policy as inimical to minorities without reference to majority interests.  I used “multicultural” to mean heightened sensitivity to minorities combined with a cavalier attitude towards majority ethnic interests.  Indeed the book does repeatedly assert or imply the benefit of empowering ethnic minorities, at least when the majority is a European-derived population.  The problem is that no established conceptual language exists with which this position can be summarized.  “Minority supremacist” is inappropriate because Rubin opposes affirmative action.  [Scroob note:  But his likely reason for opposing it is its potential for placing Jews at a disadvantage.  Clearly, this guy cares about nothing but Jews.On the other hand, he disapproves of majority ethnic loyalty getting in the way of economic efficiency, even if that means allowing immigrant groups to reduce the livelihood of part of the native-born workforce.  “Laissez-faire,” “public choice,” and “utilitarianism” are also bad fits because these doctrines respect majority preferences, even if they frustrate minority preferences. 

I am open to suggestions for an appropriate term, but accept that “multiculturalism” is inadequate.

“An appropriate term”?  All right, let’s cut right to the chase with this Rubin person:  how about just plain “Jewish nationalist”?  I don’t see where that leaves anything out, frankly.  It covers the whole shooting match.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 16:35 | #

The guy’s picture (CC’s link three comments above) makes my blood run cold, frankly.  Frightening.  This guy is the worst kind of totalitarian.  He could’ve headed up the Holodomor and gone home every night and slept like a baby (which is exactly what Russian Jews like him did).  Same exact type of Jew as Abe Foxman.  These people are ruthless.  Allowing their kind to get control over Euro-race peoples is certain genocide.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 18:22 | #

Clearly the guy posting those interracial pix is Jewish.  If anyone skillful at photoshopping could insert a realistic-looking Star of David around that white girl’s neck, that’d be great.  See, the Jews have a good thing going with interracial representations of a sexual or romantic nature, because the white person in them gets the default assumption of being Euro.  So Jews can always use such pix as ethnic weapons against Euros, weapons threatening racial annihilation, without running the risk Jews will be affected, since no one assumes the whites in them are Jews.  It makes for a very handy anti-Euro weapon for Jews who not only want Euros eradicated, but want to rub their impending eradication in their faces.  Photoshopping Jewish identification markers on the whites in such pictures would infuriate Jews.  They can dish it out, as the saying goes, but they can’t take it.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 18:25 | #

The behavior of this obvious Jew who’s posting this stuff also highlights the total genetic absence in Jews of an ability to appreciate the principle of freedom of expression.  Their impulse is always to suppress expression they dislike.  Racially, Jews are Asiatic totalitarians, genetically incapable of understanding the European principle of freedom of speech:  they haven’t got the genes for it.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 18:29 | #

Jews only engage in civilized debate when they can’t crush.  The minute they acquire the power to crush, all debate ends and the most brutal, ruthless suppression begins.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 12:53 | #

Happy Michaelmas, everyone!  (”Technically, [it’s] the Feast of Michael and All Angels.”)  (NB:  this Michaelmas greeting does NOT go out to the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury — they can both DROP DEAD.)

(OK, OK, Happy Rosh Hashanah too ... but only for guys like Chaim ben Pesach and David ben Moshe.  Oh yeah, and Rabbi Meyer Schiller.  There, that covers it I think ... Three good guys!) 

(Oh wait a minute, wait a minute — I almost forgot Ilana Mercer, definitely one of the good guys!  Happy Rosh Hashanah, Ilana!)


Posted by Othelma_Jr on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 13:10 | #

Jews only engage in civilized debate when they can’t crush.  The minute they acquire the power to crush, all debate ends and the most brutal, ruthless suppression begins.

Adolf Hitler (pbuh) referred to this as the ‘blood jew’. 

With the economy crumbling, one may see a mad dash to seek Control before there is a Populist Reaction and this is where one needs to be very careful of Chertoff (name actually means devil in Russian!)


Posted by j on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 08:53 | #

This Speech by Geert Wilders in New York , 25 september 2008, may make you think. Worth reading. Thanks. j

I come to America with a mission. All is not well in the old world. There is
a tremendous danger looming, and it is very difficult to be optimistic. We
might be in the final stages of the Islamization of Europe. This not only is
a clear and present danger to the future of Europe itself, it is a threat to
America and the sheer survival of the West. The danger I see looming is the
scenario of America as the last man standing. The United States as the last
bastion of Western civilization, facing an Islamic Europe. In a generation
or two, the US will ask itself: who lost Europe ? Patriots from around
Europe risk their lives every day to prevent precisely this scenario form
becoming a reality.
The Europe you know is changing. You have probably seen the landmarks. The
Eiffel Tower and Trafalgar Square and Rome ’s ancient buildings and maybe
the canals of Amsterdam . They are still there. And they still look very
much the same as they did a hundred years ago.
But in all of these cities, sometimes a few blocks away from your tourist
destination, there is another world, a world very few visitors see – and one
that does not appear in your tourist guidebook. It is the world of the
parallel society created by Muslim mass-migration. All throughout Europe a
new reality is rising: entire Muslim neighbourhoods where very few
indigenous people reside or are even seen. And if they are, they might
regret it. This goes for the police as well. It’s the world of head scarves,
where women walk around in figureless tents, with baby strollers and a group
of children. Their husbands, or slaveholders if you prefer, walk three steps
ahead. With mosques on many street corner. The shops have signs you and I
cannot read. You will be hard-pressed to find any economic activity. These
are Muslim ghettos controlled by religious fanatics. These are Muslim
neighbourhoods, and they are mushrooming in every city across Europe . These
  are the building-blocks for territorial control of increasingly larger
portions of Europe , street by street, neighbourhood by neighbourhood, city
by city.
There are now thousands of mosques throughout Europe . With larger
congregations than there are in churches. And in every European city there
are plans to build super-mosques that will dwarf every church in the region.
Clearly, the signal is: we rule.
Many European cities are already one-quarter Muslim: just take Amsterdam ,
Marseille and Malmo in Sweden . In many cities the majority of the under-18
population is Muslim. Paris is now surrounded by a ring of Muslim
neighbourhoods. Mohammed is the most popular name among boys in many cities.
In some elementary schools in Amsterdam the farm can no longer be mentioned,
because that would also mean mentioning the pig, and that would be an insult
to Muslims. Many state schools in Belgium and Denmark only serve halal
food to all pupils.  In once-tolerant Amsterdam gays are beaten up almost
exclusively by Muslims. Non-Muslim women routinely hear “whore, whore”.
Satellite dishes are not pointed to local TV stations, but to stations in
the country of origin.  In France school teachers are advised to avoid
authors deemed offensive to Muslims, including Voltaire and Diderot; the
same is increasingly true of Darwin . The history of the Holocaust can in
many cases no longer be taught because of Muslim sensitivity.  In England
sharia courts are now officially part of the British legal system. Many
neighbourhoods in France are no-go areas for women without head scarves.
Last week a man almost died after being beaten up by Muslims in Brussels ,
because he was drinking during the Ramadan.

A total of fifty-four million Muslims now live in Europe . San Diego
University recently calculated that a staggering 25 percent of the
population in Europe will be Muslim just 12 years from now. Bernhard Lewis
has predicted a Muslim majority by the end of this century.
Now these are just numbers. And the numbers would not be threatening if the
Muslim-immigrants had a strong desire to assimilate. But there are few signs
of that. The Pew Research Center reported that half of French Muslims see
their loyalty to Islam as greater than their loyalty to France . One-third
of French Muslims do not object to suicide attacks. The British Centre for
Social Cohesion reported that one-third of British Muslim students are in
favour of a worldwide caliphate. A Dutch study reported that half of Dutch
Muslims admit they “understand” the 9/11 attacks.
Muslims demand what they call ‘respect’. And this is how we give them
respect. Our elites are willing to give in. To give up.
Politicians shy away from taking a stand against this creeping sharia. They
believe in the equality of all cultures. Moreover, on a mundane level,
Muslims are now a swing vote not to be ignored.
Our many problems with Islam cannot be explained by poverty, repression or
the European colonial past, as the Left claims. Nor does it have anything to
do with Palestinians or American troops in Iraq . The problem is Islam
It is very difficult to be an optimist in the face of the growing
Islamization of Europe. All the tides are against us. On all fronts we are
losing. Demographically the momentum is with Islam. Muslim immigration is
even a source of pride within ruling liberal parties. Academia, the arts,
the media, trade unions, the churches, the business world, the entire
political establishment have all converted to the suicidal theory of
multiculturalism. So-called journalists volunteer to label any and all
critics of Islamization as a ‘right-wing extremists’ or ‘racists’. The
entire establishment has sided with our enemy. Leftists, liberals and
Christian-Democrats are now all in bed with Islam.
This is the most painful thing to see: the betrayal by our elites. At this
moment in Europe ’s history, our elites are supposed to lead us. To stand up
for centuries of civilization. To defend our heritage.  To honour our
eternal Judeo-Christian values that made Europe what it is today. But there
are very few signs of hope to be seen at the governmental level. Sarkozy,
Merkel, Brown, Berlusconi; in private, they probably know how grave the
situation is. But when the little red light goes on, they stare into the
camera and tell us that Islam is a religion of peace, and we should all try
to get along nicely and sing Kumbaya. They willingly participate in, what
President Reagan so aptly called: “the betrayal of our past, the squandering
of our freedom.”
If there is hope in Europe , it comes from the people, not from the elites.
Change can only come from a grass-roots level. It has to come from the
citizens themselves. Yet these patriots will have to take on the entire
political, legal and media establishment.
Over the past years there have been some small, but encouraging, signs of a
rebirth of the original European spirit. Maybe the elites turn their backs
on freedom, the public does not. In my country, the Netherlands , 60 percent
of the population now sees the mass immigration of Muslims as the number one
policy mistake since World War II. And another 60 percent sees Islam as the
biggest threat to our national identity. I don’t think the public opinion in
Holland is very different from other European countries.
Patriotic parties that oppose jihad are growing, against all odds. My own
party debuted two years ago, with five percent of the vote. Now it stands at
ten percent in the polls. The same is true of all smililary-minded parties
in Europe . They are fighting the liberal establishment, and are gaining
footholds on the political arena, one voter at the time.

All throughout Europe American cemeteries remind us of the young boys who never made it home, and whose
memory we cherish. My generation does not own this freedom; we are merely
its custodians. We can only hand over this hard won liberty to Europe ’s
children in the same state in which it was offered to us. We cannot strike a
deal with mullahs and imams. Future generations would never forgive us. We
cannot squander our liberties. We simply do not have the right to do so.
This is not the first time our civilization is under threat. We have seen
dangers before. We have been betrayed by our elites before. They have sided
with our enemies before. And yet,  then, freedom prevailed.
These are not times in which to take lessons from appeasement, capitulation,
giving away,  giving up or giving in. These are not times in which to draw
lessons from Mr. Chamberlain. These are times calling us to draw lessons
from Mr. Churchill and the words he spoke in 1942:
“Never give in, never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large
or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of
the enemy”.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 12:07 | #

Geert Wilders said lots of good things in that speech.  This wasn’t one of them:

”And the numbers [of Muslim immigrants in Europe] would not be threatening if the Muslim immigrants had a strong desire to assimilate.”

Wrong, Geert.  They’d still be “threatening,” of course, the “threat” being race-change of the host country.  In fact it’s better if they don’t assimilate, for exactly that reason:  less likely to change the host race. 

Our friend J doesn’t see it that way of course because, being Jewish, he’s allergic to race, preferring to see things solely in terms of “culture.”  (I don’t know what Geert Wilders’ excuse is.) 

But I agree with J, it was on the whole an excellent speech which everyone should read.  (I would’ve omitted all the “Nazi” references.  Also, it’s meaningless to refer to the Moslems as “fascists.”)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 12:20 | #

I consider Geert Wilders a great man, by the way, his apparent blindness on race notwithstanding.  He towers above all other politicians in his country in honesty, courage, integrity, and moral fiber.  His personal courage is so great, in fact, it borders on recklessness.  That film he made, for example, exposed him to extreme personal danger.  After what happened to Theo van Gogh, one wonders how wise that was.  (I place Frederick Toben, Ernst Zündel, Gerd Honsik, Germar Rudolf, Horst Mahler, Robert Faurisson, and all others who are in their situation whether real or threatened, in the same class of greatness as Wilders.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 14:14 | #

If it makes sense to call Moslems “fascists” it makes sense to call Jews “fascists.”  Look how the Jews run Brandeis.  Look how they run the National Socialist apartheid state of Israel for crying out loud, a country Wilders strongly supports.  Calling everything under the sun “fascist,” a practice which originated with Jewish communists in the 1930s, should have gone out with Godwin’s Law.  Doing it only weakens an otherwise strong argument, and brings no advantage.  It really ought to be stopped.  It’s become completely meaningless and likely has been completely meaningless since something like the end of WW II.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 15:02 | #

“Calling everything under the sun ‘fascist’ should have gone out with Godwin’s Law”  (—my comment just above)

Godwin’s Law.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 15:06 | #

“It’s become completely meaningless and likely has been completely meaningless since something like the end of WW II.”  (—my commment above)

That was unclear.  Try this:  It was already 90% meaningless prior to the end of WW II and has been 100% meaningless since.

There, that’s much better.


Posted by silver on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 02:52 | #

Ilana Mercer’s one of the good guys.  Chaim ben Pesach.  Mayer Schiller.  But Jews, according to you, musn’t be allowed to live with “Euros.”  So how are they good guys?  Do they say “we must not be allowed to live with Europeans”? 

But I agree with J, it was on the whole an excellent speech which everyone should read.

Is there anybody here not familiar with vdare or amren that you have to keep posting excerpts and recommending they read this or read that?


Posted by sebastian on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 00:41 | #

No offence but you can’t be seriously suggesting that Humphrey Bogart was a serious social commentator


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 00:53 | #

“Is there anybody here not familiar with vdare or amren that you have to keep posting excerpts and recommending they read this or read that?” - silver

Has the report come back from the lab yet, silver?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 01:11 | #

Geert Wilders’ speech wasn’t published in or Amren, Silver.  Pay attention.  (Or at any rate, those weren’t where I saw it.  I saw it linked at VFR, number one, and number two, I was replying above to J’s posting of the speech in this thread.)  (Got those prescriptions filled yet?  What in the world are you waiting for???)

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