Nick Griffin on the Andrew Marr Show Nick Griffin has appeared on this morning’s Andrew Marr Show in what Simon Darby had built up as ground-breaking television. (That is the full extent of the interview. Anyone in Britain who wants to see the whole show, however, can view it over the next seven days on the BBC i-Player here. The Griffin interview runs from 34 min 12 sec to 42 min 22 sec.) Obviously, there is always going to be a difficulty with media-stereotyping of the BNP. The prigs need only make up an entirely fictional story about the party or any of its officers, as they so love to do, and then that is picked up by every subsequent interviewer. Result: no substantive engagement with the too-too awful fascists. Marr accorded Griffin a little over eight minutes of programme time. But he invested almost all of it in the customary exploration of the press’s BNP myths. Griffin defended himself without difficulty, not least because Marr himself was not overtly hostile. In addition, though, Griffin uttered a few ameliorative policy noises (with which I do not agree). More importantly, he also spoke fundamental truths that the public needs to hear, specifically:
And he managed to say that the alternative to stopping the current wave of African migration to southern Europe is:
He did well. He doesn’t possess the qualities of a truly inspirational leader, the sort who might come along perhaps only once in three or four decades of the nation’s political life. But I agree with Sean Gabb’s assessment that he is clever and not less competent than his opponents in the mainstream parties. Good luck to him, and may he find it possible in the future to talk much more about the fundamentals, and less about the lies. Comments:2
Posted by Rand on Sun, 12 Jul 2009 17:24 | # It’s pretty depressing that nationalist politics don’t even exist in America. 3
Posted by sk on Sun, 12 Jul 2009 19:02 | # “Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.” “The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.”
White nationalist politics will grow in America as these points get out. 4
Posted by DRS on Sun, 12 Jul 2009 19:45 | # Captainchaos, I really like Jonathan Bowden but his appeal to the idiotic masses would be limited in my opinion. 5
Posted by Englander on Sun, 12 Jul 2009 21:11 | # They can’t keep asking Griffin the same questions over and over again forever. They are still in the novelty stage, and as long as he and the party continue to stay relevant and newsworthy, in time Griffin will get the chance to do more than defend himself against the same tired old accusations. I only wish he’s slow his speech down a little. I know he’s used to being cut off but it always seems like he’s rushing.
I have to agree. Even nationalists who already agree with what he is saying have found him off-putting. 6
Posted by Anarcho Anglo on Sun, 12 Jul 2009 22:45 | # The first three parts of Bowden’s recent lecture to the New-Right is up.. 7
Posted by DRS on Sun, 12 Jul 2009 23:04 | # Englander wrote:
I don’t find him off-putting in the least. What I’m saying is that he’s too intellectual for the masses. He’s also got a habit of wandering off topic which makes him hard to follow at times. But he should be there in the midst of things advising and nudging the movement along. 8
Posted by fellist on Mon, 13 Jul 2009 10:10 | # I think Griffin and co. can afford to go on the offensive a little more than they do. Why not ask Marr why he’s never objected to the ethnic/civic distinction when the media and establishment pols talk about ‘British Chinese’ etc., and actually ask, “why the double standard Mr. Marr—are you racist?” And Marr, particularly, offers a great opportunity for attack when he brings up fascism:
Marr’s words and Griffin must be familiar with them. Throw them in his face and call it what it is: fascism, yea, but more importantly, “ethnocide.” 9
Posted by Bill on Mon, 13 Jul 2009 18:35 | # It is early pioneering days for these stage managed Griffin baiting spectacles being staged right in the belly of the media beast, when thinking of the future, we will look back on these tauntings in much the same way we watch grainy flickering images of the Wright brothers historic attempt at defying earth’s gravity. Paper and string airplanes, lunging and bouncing crazily down the field – all very primitive stuff but with the certain knowledge that they were on to something. The confident cool look of Griffin as he concludes the preliminary courtesies belies the turmoil in his head as he awaits the certain to come rocket propelled grenade to the jaw from his ‘ Dumbo’ smiling opponent, seated opposite. Seconds out and here it comes. This is partly a tale of two Griffins. When he is addressing his home fans on his own turf, he is an engaging effective speaker, confident in all he says, friendly, politically incorrect and fully in charge of proceedings, he can be devastating as he is among friends and enjoying himself. Contrast this with the scene set in the in the belly of the beast of the MSM, being hosted by the detesting enemy. It’s an alien world, peopled by aliens who want to skewer his guts to the cross of political correctness, for he is their nemesis. Zero tolerance to the right for ever. Although appearing cool and relaxed, there is an air of foreboding in the voyeur as we all await the launching of the RPG, here it comes, a humdinger, we cringe – the first of many. Griffin and the British National Party carry a lot of baggage, whether true or fabricated over time, are of no import, as it is now written into liberal folklore – for Griffin and the BNP the die is cast and they must live with it. Just imagine what they could do without this baggage. Consequently, the MSM will tenaciously not let go, they will hang on and regurgitate every last morsel of this baggage at every opportunity. This is what the MSM do best. It is at this point I ask myself, do the bulk of the people of these isles give a toss about any of this when they can see their country is going down the tubes? The MSM obviously think they do and act accordingly, slating Griffin and the BNP at every chance. Then I ask another question. Is it possible the establishment is so out of touch with its people they actually do think the majority really do care about liberal political correctness and tolerance of the other? I’m beginning to think they might. As yet, and remember it is early days, poor Griffin cannot convincingly counter this form of attack, he is visibly disturbed by it and his protests of ‘it’s a fix,’ are embarrassingly unconvincing. How long can the MSM can continue in this vein is an open question, but if we are to assume (as I do) that ‘no matter what’ Griffin and the BNP will continue to go from strength to strength the answer is no they can’t, which only begs another question for the MSM – where to next? The formidable task for Nick griffin is to somehow crow-bar open the debate to include a wider audience, trouble is, the MSM are fully aware of this and it will be all hands to batten down the hatches. All interesting stuff to come. Griffin is fully aware of what he has got to do, and is at present showing his impatience and is chomping on the bit, still, he is learning and that’s the main thing. The 64,000 dollar question is this, did the elites factor into their calculations that at some point in the proceedings, the majority of people would suss what was happening? If they did, what measure have they planned to introduce to cow the populace into submission? It defies reality that the PTB didn’t take this into account, but hey, things are so crazy it maybe just possible. I’m getting ahead of myself (as usual) meanwhile, between now and the next election the battle of the media will ramp up, we’re coming up to crunch time, the economy is destined to worsen (things will never be the same again?) the war in Afghanistan is becoming wearisome with increasing casualties, unemployment is soaring, housing shortages will become a major issue and the inevitable conclusion will be drawn – it’s immigration stoopid! Interesting times. 10
Posted by For Peace And Justice To Be Realized, White People on Wed, 15 Jul 2009 04:55 | # Can anyone doubt that Whites ought to be killed off? Saturday, July 11, 2009 WESTERN CIVILIZATION IS CULTURALLY “WIRED” FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY WHITES MUST BE REDUCED TO A MINORITY 11
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Wed, 15 Jul 2009 05:07 | # This remind me of a German girl that came to stay with me for a few days. She insisted that her Croatian friend was also German. I had to explain to her that one could be Croatian or German but not both. Since she’s still new to this way of thinking (although her entire family was in the S.S. - with her grandfather a quite famous S.S. officer - and she’s very Nordic herself), I had to illustrate with an example, let’s say that I move to Japan and acquire Japanese citizenship, am I suddenly Japanese? Did I become Japanese through some miraculous process? What if I was born in Japan? Is a frog that was born in a stable a horse? No? Well, historically one could become German because of one’s German ancestry. This has always been so and it has nothing to do with National Socialist times. However, this ancient law was recently changed by the treasonous anti-German Establishment. One must work slowly with this indoctrinated generation. Hopefully she left by abode a little bit more “braun” than when she arrived. As Christian missionaries used to say: One person at a time… 12
Posted by Bill on Wed, 15 Jul 2009 20:51 | # The Natives are getting Restless This is a cut and paste job from The British Nationalist Home of Green Arrow. (If had linked it, it might have been troublesome to find.) Tell’em as it is Nick. “Most British National Party activists think they know the truth about what is happening to Our Country and why. But in reality only a tiny minority are really close to understanding the whole truth. Even fewer, those like Nick Griffin really know the whole truth and have finally joined all the dots. When those of us who are a bit more politically aware than others, see unchecked immigration, they think that it is just a part of the New World Orders plan to level the world for the benefit of international business in an unholy alliance with a form of global marxism. And to a certain extent, they are correct but the rabbit hole is much deeper than that. The next step towards discovering the real truth is to understand that the next part of the great levelling down is the swamping of Western Europe with imported people to replace the native white people in the same way that China moved millions of Han Chinese into Xinjiang to replace the native Uighurs. Our so called Leaders are not Leaders at all. They are puppets of the New World Order who are very well rewarded for their treason, not just towards Our Country but also the white race. They are like the Jewish Sonderkommando who worked in the Nazi Concentration camps At Auschwitz, the Sonderkommandos had better physical conditions than other inmates; they had decent food, slept on straw mattresses and could wear normal clothing. Sonderkommandos were divided into several groups, each with a specialized function. Some greeted the new arrivals, telling them that they were going to shower prior to being sent to work. They were obliged to lie, telling the soon-to-be-murdered prisoners that after the delousing process they would be assigned to labor teams and reunited with their families. An example of the Labour Sonderkommando lying to us, the inmates on our, now a prison island are the statements made by Immigration Minister Phil Woolas who has made a worthless pledge that the Government will not allow “Immigration” to Our Country go beyond 70 million. The optimum number of people that can be sustained in the UK, as been put at 37 million people. With those numbers, the Country is capable of producing enough food to feed its native population. But that is a subject for debate for another time. But so far along now is the plan of the globalist/marxist alliance and such is their arrogance and confidence in their mad wet dream, that some of them no longer even lie to the public. Phil Woolas’s boss, the Home Secretary,Alan Johnsonhas refused point blank to cap the number of colonisers coming here to displace us, the native Britons. He hates you, he hates me. We are sheep, we do not understand. We must be replaced. Speaking at the Home Affairs Select Committee, Mr Johnson said he would not bring in a cap because it would harm the economy, claiming the argument that immigration had made a contribution to the economy was ‘irrefutable’. ‘I do not lie awake at night worrying about a population of 70million,’ he told the cross-party group of MPs. ‘I’m happy to live in a multi-cultural society. I’m happy to live in a society where we not only welcome those coming to live and work in this country, but also where we can go and live and work in other countries.’ No of course the traitor Johnson will not lie awake worrying about a population of 70 million. It is what he wants and besides he will never live amoungst the people. But read that last sentence in his statement again, for I shall return to it in a short while. Johnson is the perfect tool for the New World Order, he is a committed Communist and atheist. A marxist, who although ideologically in tune with the Communist Party, along with a host of other Labour Politicians realised that the way to power was not through standing under their true flag, the banner of blood that is painted red by the deaths of over 100 million people but by joining the Labour Party. Being an atheist, he has no fear of retribution in an after life. Well let the Christians amoungst us pray that he is wrong and that he rots in hell for his treason against his own people. Like Moslems, communists are insane. Their minds are warped and they do not see the truth. They see a fluffy bunny world and by God the workers are going to live in it, no matter how many they have to kill to see they do. And now we go back to the “last sentence” I asked you to remember, because whilst we are no where near the end of the rabbit hole, we are certainly about to enter a major part of the rabbit warren. Well take a break, go make a coffee - I am again out of it but fortunately I have a couple of cans and shall have one to quench my thirst whist you go make it. Back? Good. Now the next piece of this article, you will have to take on trust, if you are already not aware of what I am about to write. I do not have the time or inclination to provide the links but can do if pushed. Now back to that “last sentence” by Johnson. “I’m happy to live in a society where we not only welcome those coming to live and work in this country, but also where we can go and live and work in other countries.’ When my blogging and routine tasks for the day are done and all emails answered, I start my other self imposed task of digging into the warren of evil. I do it by trawling through the documents of government agencies and the European Union. The truth is all there for those of you prepared to look but it is difficult to find and is well hidden away from the eyes of the world. The European documents I have seen make it quite clear that they do not just wish for “free movement” within the enslaved states of the EU but also World Wide free movement with no borders. The fact that the EU has opened up job centres in North Africa should start ringing the alarm bells in the most densest of people. Since when as Somalia been part of the EUSSR? What benefits do the colonisers bring to Our Country? None. You know it. The answer is none. And if you think that they were brought here just to claim benefits then you would be wrong. They are being brought here for another purpose. To destroy us, to replace us. Not tomorrow, not next week, not even next year. But certainly within a few decades. The New World Order plan is a compliation of short, medium and long term plans. Just as Nationalists before us laboured away knowing that they would never see the final victory, they still worked away tirelessly for those who would come after them as you and I work away now. The long term plan for the White People with their own Nation States is genocide. Not in gas chambers but by slow replacement. The truth is, that white people are natural free thinkers with independant minds. Minds that have dreams and ideas and beliefs in certain principles. They are not a race that is easily controlled. They do not fear authority and they do not respect fools. That is enough to condemn them to extinction. At this moment in time, our greatest asset as Nationalists is the heroic Nick Griffin. When he gets the opportunity to speak on TV, the people listen and understand because when he speaks, he speaks for the people. His statements about rather choking than be found in the company of the vampires called Kinnock rang a bell with the people. He said what they know to be true. The Kinnocks are pigs whose snouts are not just in the trough but their bloated bodies also. In my opinion, now is the time for Nick Griffin to tell the truth about what is really happening to Our Country. I think it is something he should do sooner rather than later, because life is short and you never know what is around the corner or might be under the bonnet of your car.” Posted by The Green Arrow at 06:38 Comments (21) 13
Posted by Bill on Wed, 15 Jul 2009 23:40 | # GW. Re above - Green Arrow. I’ve just revisited GA to read the comments as I couldn’t access them when I copied the article. (don’t know why) I see you made a comment, your right of course, it’s as GA says it’s a heck of rabbit warren to negotiate. Your comment about NG probably not knowing the full depth of the rabbit hole surprised and amused me. You could be right. I sometimes wonder how many of the 600 or so MP’s in Westminster are aware of what’s going on? It’d be a laugh if none of them did. 14
Posted by Englander on Thu, 16 Jul 2009 00:14 | # Nick Griffin’s first speech to the European Parliament. 16
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 17:38 | # Itz the Islamists, Bill. Didn’t you know that’s the new black in what passes for British nationalism? Post a comment:
Next entry: Jonathan Bowden on the London New Right and ...
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Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 12 Jul 2009 16:27 | #
Griffin strikes the right tone in expressing the morality of survival particular to the English. It is much less confrontational to the international dispensation of European denouement than preaching pan-White revolution. If the BNP ever comes to exercise decisive power in a world still hostile to European ethnonationalism Britain will need to keep a low, non-threatening profile. That is until the problem of the American regime, and all hostile elements associated therewith, has been neutralized. I’m not sure what the consequences of an alliance with Russia would be, probably as a sure sign of hostility to American power in its “sphere of influence” - Russia may not even be interested for that reason.
Bowden certainly is a fiery, insightful and energizing speaker, but seems to lack the ambition, and as is clear now, this is Griffin’s party. Hopefully Griffin can subordinate his ego sufficiently to make proper use of Bowden as advocate for the party and cause of English/British survival. And hopefully Bowden will recognize it as his duty to seize the opportunity.