Nick Griffin’s election speech in Manchester Town Hall

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 08 June 2009 08:20.




Posted by Bill on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 08:50 | #

Three cheers for Nick Griffin and the BNP - Heroes all.

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.

Nice to see he was not triumphal - good speech.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 14:08 | #

John Humphries on Today interviewing Nick Griffin, followed by Harriet Harman, deputy leader of the Labour Party.  Don’t bother to listen very far into Ms Harman’s interview.  It is not worth it.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 14:21 | #

A couple of thoughts:  The BNP members going to the EP cannot be like other MEPs.  They have to be simon-pure.  They have to be saints in their conduct.  Not a hint of any wrongdoing or anything remotely questionable.  The name of the game in the E.U., as Vladimir Bukovsky and others have pointed out, is top-down corruption.  No BNP member must ever be implicated in any of this.  Not even on a minor scale — drinking, marijuana, relatives on the payroll, girlfriends, parties, and so on.  Remember that minor flap where MEPs were signing time cards or whatever it was, saying they were putting in week-ends in the office when someone snuck into the hallways and filmed them with their bags packed ready to leave the premises immediately after signing the thing?  Remember how embarrassing it was for those caught on video?  No BNP member must EVER EVEN THINK ABOUT doing anything like that.  THEY MUST BE PURITANS, SAINTS, IN THEIR CONDUCT OVER THERE, NO EXCEPTIONS.

Point number two and people may be getting tired of me repeating this but I’m sorry, I see it as important:  No BNP member or indeed Vlaams Belang member, Le Pen member, Geert Wilders member, Northern League member, or any of those currently labeled as “far right” should acquiesce in being so labeled.  Labeling us as that is simply one tactic the other side uses against us, who are middle-of-the-roaders, as they’ve already got this horrific media-created image of “the far right” which they need only label us as to wring maximum propaganda value from it.  It’s a communist and Jewish-created image anyway but it’s imprinted on everyone’s brain and is powerful.  Don’t accept to be labeled it.  WE ARE NOT FAR RIGHT OR FAR ANYTHING.  We are middle of the road centrists, perhaps slightly left of center for many of us.  What the other side is doing is re-defining race-replacement as the center.  It’s not.  Those who question race-replacement are the center.  That’s us, sorry communists, sorry Jews, for foiling your little name-game.


Posted by A. Clay-More on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 14:44 | #

Congrats to the BNP!! This is only the beginning.

I am worried for NG’s safety. Surely all that travelling to and fro creates numerous opportunities for his enemies to harm him…?


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 15:45 | #

Fred, you are correct about the labeling problem.  The argument I make here is similar to the argument I made in Can We Use Ron Paul to Measure Media Bias?:

I would suggest that a real scientific poll wouldn’t ask people about which candidate they prefer, but rather work like a dating service, asking people about their preferences: matching the preferences of the people to the positions of the candidates.

By comparing the outcome of this position preference poll to the outcome of the current “scientific” polls of people asked to choose from among candidates, we would see a measure of the degree to which the people were being mislead by the Old Media.

To this I would add this very important point:

When the 2 BNP MEPs join together with the other patriotic MEPs to the EU from other countries to form a party with 25+ MEPs, they will have research funds.  I strongly suggest they invest some of those research funds in precisely this kind of research to demonstrate just how unrepresentative the current political elite and biased the old media are.

PS: Moved off topic posts to the forums section under appropriate headings.  This situation is too important for distractions.



Posted by vonnie on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 15:52 | #

Excellent speech and as posted by Bill at the top there, not at all triumphal.  Two Euro seats won fair and square, against all the lies and sleaze that is one hell of an achievement.  May the British people continue to look around for themselves and wake up.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 17:00 | #

Here is what happens now.

This evening the Labour parliamentary party convenes to meet the Prime Minister.  He will declare that he is going to “fight on”.  The party will leave the meeting perfectly split, many MPs fearing that it would be impossible to govern with a second unelected leader, yet an immediate general election would destroy the party.

Civil war will recommence within 48 hours.  The rebels will change the drift of the argument, claiming that with Brown gone there need not be any electoral wipe-out.  The idea will be that the party can fight on the new leader’s “bounce” in the opinion polls.  They may even win, since the electoral system has been so re-engineered by boundary changes over the last decade that Cameron must take one hundred new seats just to get a majority in the Commons of two!

One other factor that will be taken into account, though it is not in any way central, is that the hated BNP will be wrong-footed by the declaration of an early GE.  It cannot raise funds for a second national campaign in so short a period, and will be forced to pour its resources into the few seats such as Barking & Dagenham and the seats in Stoke where it is strong at Council level.  This will appear to Labour MPs as a containment policy, offering the prospect of stalling a further advance by the BNP.

The rays of light in this argument, compared to the unremitting gloom of a Brown continuation, will attract enough Labour MPs to seal the Prime Minister’s fate.  Alan Johnson will be elected leader in haste and unopposed.  An election will be announced for October 8th, which gives the party managers time to raise a fighting fund targeted at the unions and the party’s business clients feeding at the public sector tit.

We’re going to dance this dance again!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 00:40 | #

Very good election-night interview with Nick Griffin:


Posted by Anonymous on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 03:08 | #

Posted by Fred Scrooby on June 08, 2009, 01:21 PM | #

Dear God, ain’t that the truth.  The press will devote vast amounts of time and resources to find something, anything.  Nick didn’t call his mom on Sunday?  Nick didn’t take out the trash?  Etc…And as A Clay More commented, he’d better watch his ass.  Look what happened to Theo Van Gogh.  Griffin had better wear body armor.  I’m not kidding.  I sure as hell would. 
Just a few weeks ago, Berslusconi basically said Italy for the Italians.  jews/homosexuals/muslims/leftists/freaks/etc…went nuts.  And wouldn’t you know it, suddenly there was a story about him hanging out with a young woman not his wife.  That’s how these people operate.


Posted by Frank on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 05:18 | #

Sean Gabb at VDare:

What we have at the moment, therefore, is not a revolution—as some of the newspapers have claimed—but a peasants’ revolt. We have grievances. But we lack the organised articulating body for those grievances that will bring about meaningful change.

This may, though, be one of the precursors of revolution. It may be our equivalent of the Diamond Necklace Scandal in ancien regime France. That did not bring on the Great Revolution. But it did prepare the way by showing the greed and stupidity of the people who ruled France.

It is to be hoped—though not necessarily expected—that the longer term result of what has just happened will be to enable the emergence of new political forces in the United Kingdom—or perhaps just in England. I do not think these have yet made an appearance. I voted for the United Kingdom Independence Party. But this is a protest party. It has neither the personnel nor the ideology for mounting a challenge capable of overturning the established order of things.

Several people I know voted for the British National Party, and are rejoicing in its successes. This party has the best leader any nationalist party in England has had since the Establishment itself stopped being recognisably pro-British. He is clever. He is articulate. He is brave. He and his party, nevertheless, are tainted by their national socialist past. Too many of the party’s leading members have said or done things that most people in this country regard as disreputable.

Whatever successes it may now be celebrating, I do not think the British National Party has much of a future. Or, if it does have a future, this must be under a new and untainted leadership.

However, just because I cannot see where it will lead, I can take pleasure in watching the modern equivalent of the Peasants’ Revolt, and hope that it will ultimately lead us out of the gutter into which our political class has dumped the British people.

I hope he’s wrong.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 05:38 | #

He is.  He totally missed the fact that if the BNP MEPs can form a party of 25 patriotic MEPs from across Europe, they will have funding.  Now, we can clearly see from Ron Paul’s $20M that it is possible to have a very motivated rank and file and somehow totally blow the potential of that money, but I suspect that the BNP won’t be as likely to squander the money.


Posted by Mentious on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 09:09 | #

God bless these men.


Posted by Establishment propaganda is pathetic on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 10:06 | #

The latest tack by the Elite is to claim that while the BNP got a higher share of the Euro vote in 2009 than 2004, their absolute number of votes declined. For example, Alistair Darling has claimed, “They [the BNP] have particularly nasty and unpleasant beliefs and they need to be confronted head-on. The BNP got fewer votes than last time, but a bigger share of the vote because our vote collapsed. We have a huge responsibility to repair that damage.

This is an easily refuted fiction - the BNP received 943,598 votes in these latest polls, whereas in 2004 they .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) 808,200. Their percentage of the vote is at 6.26%, up from 4.9%.

So the BNP vote INCREASED both in absolute and percentage terms, despite a large fall in overall voting turnout. Why are the Establishment lying to themselves? Are they that out of touch?


Posted by Fiotheth on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 10:54 | #

And wouldn’t you know it, suddenly there was a story about him hanging out with a young woman not his wife.  That’s how these people operate.

That won’ get them very far in Italy.  Philandering by powerful men is acceptable there.  (indeed it is here in the States as well, one needs only look at Bill Clinton or Ted Kennedy.) 

Berslusconi will be fine and I look forwards to Fini possibly re-entering the political arena and working to mainstream Baron Evolas works!  ( Evola becoming mainstream in Italy? )

PS congrats to BNP!


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 11:38 | #

The meme that the BNP vote went down is widely circulated. So much so that it already seems to be part of the standard narrative.

Lets try to refute that wherever and whenever possible.


Posted by Michael on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 12:04 | #

This meme started out as “the BNP lost votes in the North-West”, which is true as it fell by almost 3,000 votes (from 135,000 to 132,000) when I checked, but has sinced morphed into “the BNP has lost votes everywhere”, an obvious lie.

Exposing this is something the BNP themselves should be doing. They should hurry up and get on the case.


Posted by q on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 12:15 | #

Philandering by powerful men is acceptable there.  (indeed it is here in the States as well, one needs only look at Bill Clinton or Ted Kennedy.)

Only if you’re a liberal Democrat. Hypocrisy reigns supreme amongst the libs.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 13:01 | #

Sean Gabb’s comment posted above nauseated me.  Sean, you are sickening.  You are worth zero, something I’ve suspected but never seen confirmed with such clarity.  You are dishonest garbage.  As far as I am concerned you are working for the other side and for our side’s defeat.  I would use the language here that you truly deserve but it would only get deleted by the blog owner so you’re spared that, to my frustration.  You are, as of now, totally irrelevant to everything in the known universe.  That’s the absolute best, politest thing a person can say about you.  Go take a running leap.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 13:02 | #

I heartly second Mentious above:  God bless these men!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 13:07 | #

Sean Gabb’s brand of libertardianism has been in its death throes for twenty-five years but just won’t die.  It’s the invasion of the undead, these creeps, like in the zombie movies — they just keep lurching forward, walking dead, with no hope whatsoever of becoming alive again but nothing stops them stumbling at you with outstretched hands trying to get them around decent people’s necks.


Posted by Englander on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 13:13 | #

I don’t see anything wrong with what Sean Gabb said. I think he’s echoing what many thoughtful nationalists have been saying, on here and elsewhere.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 13:19 | #

I totally dissociate myself from the anti-BNP stances taken by Sean Gabb, Englander, Guessedworker, and whoever else.


Posted by Jupiter on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 13:39 | #


On a fundamental level, I totally oppose Ron Paul and quite frankly despise him. Sure there are issues I agree with him on. But the fact of the matter is, Libertarians couldn’t run a society.

Ron Paul is politically aracial. He is in bed with corporate power. Labor issues-like not being maimed at work for example-would take a back seat to the needs of the corporation.

James,with all do respect, you are delusional-please do not take this as a mean insult-if you think Native Born White Americans are going to go for a Libertarian free-for-all-of disconnected utility function maximizers. Nick Griffin has almost nothing in common with Ron Paul.

So I will say the “dirty” word:SOCIALISM within a White Nationalist context. This is not to be confused with the national socialism of Hitler where labor was brutally oppressed, lack of free expression was normal and wars of aggression were a divine mandate from the Fuhrer.

Anyhow, I really do think it is a good idea to have Libertarians around such as Ron Paul. They are probably necessary to have around in some very important way.

I would like to see America cleansed and disinsfected of Republicans and Democrats although.


Posted by Dasein on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 13:44 | #

If there are problems with the BNP, my preferred solution would be to try to fix them from within, rather than wait for a new party to form.  No organization is perfect and there is a lot of work that goes into creating a functioning political party.  Given their policy on immigration, I don’t see how anyone who considers this issue to be of paramount importance could vote for any other party.  The UKIP is a ‘protest’ party in the same way that someone is a ‘rebel’ for wearing a Che Guevera t-shirt.


Posted by Jupiter on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 14:13 | #

I want to clarify my previouos post.

If I am advocating socialism, it is a very flexible and open at the boundaries socialism. I do not believe at a fundamental level that any party vanguard should run a society. Ordinary people should run society. I do not think the Libertarian party BNP or any other party should run a society.

I don’t believe in top down “democracy”.  I advocate local community vigelence gatherings networkes across America and England. What I am advocating is very similar to what Ralph Nader has been advocating for years. Go to his website, he has a blueprint.

So I suppose what I am advocating is Naderism without the legalized homosexual marriage-as Vladmir Putin recently said, it is a thrat to the moral health of the nation-and massive non-white immigration. Nader is ultimatley a fraud…..and just plain fucking wierd.

So the BNP very good. But it should not be the be all and end all. There has to be someone at the bottom,organic,highy mobilized and highly vigilent. This will very likely require White males in England and America giving up sports entertainment and jock snifing. In other words, White will have to start acting and thinking like REAL WHITE MEN. Real White Men do not sit in sports stadiums worshipping and drooling over multimillionaire jocks.


Posted by Jupiter on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 14:22 | #

This why I roll my eyes back when Peter Brimelow waste time and effort trying to save the Republican party. The Republican party will always be the mortal enemy of Native Born White Americans because it is owned completely by THE CORPORATIONS and the STATE OF ISRAEL.

Peter Brimelow and Steve Sailer are corporatists-worshippers of the corporation-at heart. This why they are Reublican party holdouts. Nothing could be more obvious. LET THE FUCKING REPUBLICAN PARTY DIE!!!!!


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 14:41 | #

Jupiter, if you read over my posts on libertarianism generally and Ron Paul specifically you’ll see a deep criticism of the kind of shallow “libertarianism” represented by the the Libertarian party.  From a Eurocentric point of view the problem is that Euroman is more of an individualist, by nature, than others and this is just as much his gift as it is his curse.  Frankly, if 95% of the so-called “libertarians” were presented with a social contract that was serious about individual sovereignty they would run screaming for the hills like the hypocrites they are.  So I understand your disgust with the word “libertarian” and many of those who represent that moniker.

But I must work with Euroman as he is, in his natural strength and weakness as an individual, so I cannot afford to be distracted by the mutilated minds afflicting virtually every political movement, including so-called “libertarians”.

Please read the 3 degrees of radicalism I describe in another thread and think about how #2—the new political paradigm, which is where you, the BNP and the entire “New Right” are—relates to serious libertarianism, because it very much does.  (Clue:  Think about the anarcho-capitalist interpretation of #3.)  I repeat that post here because it is important to put things in perspective:

There are 3 reasonable positions corresponding to 3 degrees of radicalism:

1) Within the current political paradigm, promote programs that convert CO2 to high protein food via algae.  This will re-route government programs from simply buying votes in the guise of “public works” to genuine job creation that will more sustainably favor the middle class while defusing the CO2 debate.  (The US emits 6Gmetrictons/year of CO2.  Think about that in terms of biomass and the kind of public works it generates.)

2) Within the new political paradigm, focus all rhetoric solely on citizens dividends funded by replacing taxes on economic activity with a tax on the net liquidation value of assets at short term treasury rates.  This dispenses with the political class and takes care of the economy, immigration and the middle class instantaneously.

3) Within the revolutionary paradigm, form local militias prepared to mutually defend the people against impositions by illegitimate governments—my preference being, of course, the Actuarial Militia which, instead of taxing net liquidation value of assets, collects adjustable premiums for militia insured property rights, and instead of paying citizens dividends in fiat money pays out virtually all collected premiums as dividends to the militia in militia issued scrip.

I don’t know how much more clearly I can state it.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 14:54 | #

Jupiter, Brimelow is on record for at least several years now as advocating the abandonment of the GOP in favor of creating a third party which would be sensible on what he refers to as “the national question.”  (In his lexicon, as nearly as I can interpret it, race is a factor in “the national question.”)  You perhaps think that because Brimelow publishes Pat Buchanan’s columns he, like Buchanan, continues to cling to the GOP and desires to “save” it.  He certainly doesn’t (he’s explained many times that doesn’t necessarily endorse all stances adopted in writings it publishes) and as for why Buchanan does, I can’t fathom.  Buchanan has good and bad about him.  The worst position I’ve seen Buchanan take was endorsing Bush for a second term in 2004.  Just unfricking believable.  And his ongoing desire to “save” the GOP is beyond the beyond, as the Irish say.  I suspect Buch’s Catholicism gets in the way of clear thinking on certain issues.  BUT I don’t want to appear to be making any sort of blanket attack on Buch — he’s one of the best out there.  But the man has defects.


Posted by Jupiter on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 15:54 | #


Be carefull with the green algae foods. Although it has not been scientifically established-it is being investigated though - the green-blue algaes may contain a neurotoxin-methyl-alanine blah blah..-the same shit they may be the cause of Guamian ALS.  Anyhow, this is not a criticism of your main point about a possible environmentally friendly decentralized alternative the parties-Democrat and Republican- of race-replacement.

I think my views are very similar to the ones held by that famous english writer-th one who pusheed communitarianism- whose friggin name I can not remeber at the moment. Should had taken some Astaxanthin this morning -completely free of the neurotoxin.


Posted by Jupiter on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 16:07 | #

By the way, some of you now about the troubles of poor Marcus Epstien. Best way to deal with it is toss the racism charge back at the immigration enthusiasts-race replacerment enhusiasts:supporting the continuation of post-1965 immigration because it will bring about the race-replacement of Native Born White Americans is vicously racists. This what Peter Brimelow and Jared Taylor should be saying publicly nonstop.

What Marcus did was a non-event in the larger scheme of things. What do you think blacks say about whites in private? Blacks put into office enthusiasctically a anti-white kenyan bigot who with great enthusiasm wants to breing about the race-replacement of NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS via post 1965 immigration policy. This is racism with fangs.

Ten-twenty- I don’t know what would be the upper-bound-Ron Pauls in the US congress would be a good thing. Trying for the Presidency is a complete waste of time and effort.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 16:52 | #

Jupiter, your warning regarding BMAA is generally proper.  Incredibly, the study that originally found production of BMAA in most cyanobacteria inexplicably did not study the most widely consumed source of cyanobacterial protein, spirulina (arthrospira platensis).  Subsequent independent analyses of commercially produced spirulina have shown it devoid of BMAA.  This is clearly a very noisy topic and must be dealt with cautiously, but a few facts remain:

1) cyanobacteria are at the base of the food chain so the BMAA problem is a general problem with food

2) algae are around 5 times more efficient at converting solar energy and CO2 to biomass than any other photosynthetic species

3) the amount of carbon being dug up and burned represents a correspondingly enormous rate of balacing photosynthesis that, even if passed through multiple trophic layers in the food chain and food processing, would be greater than all existing sources of human consumed protein

I don’t want to dwell on this too much, but the fact that this isn’t being vigorously pursued by the political class is compelling evidence, even for the run-of-the-mill political paradigm, that the political class doesn’t know what they are doing.


Posted by Jupiter on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 18:13 | #


I couldn’t have stated it better. On the one hand, it is good that millions of Native Born White Americans have opted out of voting. However, millions of them still do. It is terryfying that so many of them believe that Republicans-Democrats are up to the task of preventing societal collapse.

By this time, America should have been well on its way to energy independence.

The goverment spends pennies on earth crossing meteor-comet detection. I just saw Ed Liu on TV. He said the American people and the politiians just don’t have a clue. Keep in mind that the probability estimates will be revised with a greater degree of money on detection of earth crossers.

One can not give excuses for civic sloth.  Honestly, millions of Native Born White Americans confuse rooting for their favorite sports team and jocks with civic duty. Would it have been a great loss if Mohamad Atta had taken out Yankee Stadium at full capacity? I do not think so. The Population of imbeciles would have been culled by a percentage.

All of the problems confronting Native Born White America are a direct consequence of civic sloth.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 19:42 | #

Jupiter writes: One can not give excuses for civic sloth.

I view it as a public health problem.  Basically, imagine a parasite that has most of the population manipulated into such a state of degeneracy that they enjoy rubbing feces all over themselves and each other and being outraged at “anal” people who want to avoid such an essential and vibrant joy of life.


Posted by Jupiter on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 19:56 | #


Very true. Rootless Cosmopolitan creatures slander socially conservative people with the term “anal retentive”. Now I should point out that Rootless Cosmopolitan types come from different backgrounds. Some of them come form the American South and Midwest with Chrisrian backgrounds. They view family men who will not shake their ass and wiggle it labada style on a NYC dance floor as anal retentive.That it is to say, abormal and defective.

But from the point of view of a conservative family man , the rootless cosmopolitan NYC dance floor ass-wigglers are defective effeminized men. It is not a coincidence that these abnormal men have between one to 0 children.

What would we think of our fathers if they shook their bootys on a NYC dance disco dance floor. WE would disown them.


Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 07:28 | #

I think tribal nationalism with at least one foot firmly planted amongst the white working class and socialist seeming elements is probably the best way forward in Europe but I can’t see that strategy working in North America - partly because, from my understanding at least, the white urban working class has already been largely eradicated. It seems to me the North American solution is likely to be very different and suiting the American mold better i.e something federated and libertarian or… something. I don’t know what form it will take but I don’t expect it will look anything like the BNP or Vlaams Belang because North America isn’t one blood-tribe.

Different strokes for different folks.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 16:25 | #

Well, specific symptoms aside, the proper way to deal with public health problems is the question—particularly public health problems that involve transmissible parasites that manipulate the minds of their hosts to maximize transmission—including identifying anyone fleeing from the infected as “the enemy”.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 00:14 | #

A very talented young BNP campaign worker, Joey Smith, has written and sung a very moving song commemorating this historic BNP victory, and posted it on YouTube.  Surely, with the tireless work and stout hearts of young patriots like Joey, this is only the first of many more such victories to come.

Victory Song ‘09

We’ve come a long way now.
Ten years ago whoever thought this could be!
We got through somehow,
And every step of the journey, you were all there next to me!

There have been times when I thought we couldn’t get through,
So nationalists of Britain, this is for you:

Brothers in the war,
Fighting for love and freedom in the face of adversity,
We’re like boats in the storm
Facing the waves of lies to set our people free!

We carried on through all the ups and downs
To claim back our cities and our towns!

Facing closed doors,
Trying at every turn to make the people see.
They said we’d fail for sure;
We stood there alongside you, there’s no place I’d rather be!

I know for sure we’ve still got far to go,
But we won’t give up!  Oh no!

The struggle carries on!
We’ve still got far to go; the end’s nowhere in sight.
As a people we are strong!
You can never be a hero if you’re not prepared to fight!

We’ve come so far, we’ve fought the battles through,
And nationalists of Britain it’s thanks to you!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 02:05 | #

“We stood there alongside you, there’s no place I’d rather be!”

Excuse me, he sings “We stood there alongside you, there’s nowhere I’d rather be!”

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

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Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)
