Norway and the search for political meaning In the immediate aftermath of the January 8th 2011 shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Arizona, in which a dozen others were injured and six killed, the liberal media immediately assigned “right-wing” status to the shooter, Jared Lee Loughner. A big effort was mounted to pin responsibility onto the “cross-hair” image used by Sarah Palin and the “extreme language” generally of the Tea Party Movement. Loughner, it was eventually admitted, was registered as an independent voter. But more than that he was a psychopath. His hatred of Congresswoman Giffords was real but not rooted in reality. The liberal media did not apologise to Mrs Palin for its kneejerk display of hatred. Now there is the Oslo bombing and the shootings at Utoya Island. The death toll stands currently at 84. The media has denounced the perpetrator, Anders Behring Breivik, 32, as “6ft tall and blond” with links to “neo-Nazis” - the links being a Stormfront account (obviously, the media thinks, or likes to think, that White Nationalism is National Socialism). It seems Breivik is actually a Christian fundamentalist who has posted “ravings” on SF against Islam. But he did not bomb an Islamic building or shoot Moslems. He bombed a Norwegian government buildings and shot people associated with the governing party. There is a major difference between an organised terror attack and the killing spree of a lone psychopath. Had the attacks in Norway been group-planned and executed by Islamic extemists the search for a political logic, however terrible and alien to our ears, would have had some validity. What political logic there may be, however, to the actions of the lone psychopath is strained through the filter of his insanity, and has no reference whatever to the world outside his head. Breivik, of course, will be associated with “neo-Nazis” for evermore. There will be some deeply flawed people on the left who prostitute his name and the innocents he has killed to make a point about nationalism. Better than having to debate honestly. But ... no political meaning attaches to the actions of the classic lone psychopath. Except perhaps this. Psychopathy is always with us. The school bully, the overbearing boss, the neighbour from hell, the pub brawler ... the emotionally stunted and violently inclined exist everywhere, and always have. But why are there so many instances of psychopaths rampaging through schools or villages - or holiday islands - with a gun? Does the modern media create not their psychopathy but its expression in this form? Does the sundering of our connectedness and the loss of social capital - the fruits of liberalism - somehow increase the amount of harm a psychopath must cause to encounter his own coldness? No, too difficult. Forget it. They’re all neo-Nazis, right? Comments:2
Posted by Lurker on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 11:00 | # When I first heard the news the muslim extremist line was still being touted - I assumed a false flag attack at once. Now its being retailed as a nationalist attack - I still assume its a false flag attack. Ive been arguing this on reddit - at great cost to my comment karma! 3
Posted by J Richards on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 11:09 | # GW, I revise my comment on Breivik. Aside from him being a patsy, he could be a kosher Nazi working for Israel. 4
Posted by Lurker on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 11:21 | # Its so blatant, this one is so over the top. They were only one step short of using a cartoon nazi like Herr Flick out of Allo, Allo. One can almost imagine someone at Mossad biting their knuckles and wondering how they got away with it, all but leaving a calling card.
Posted by J Richards on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 11:23 | # GW, A couple of things… Norway was ready to pull out of the Libya bombing campaign. Only a few months ago, the Socialist Left Party of Kristin Halvorsen planned on voting to bomb Israel if Israel attacked Hamas in Gaza. The analogy was that if Libya could be bombed for what it does to its dissidents, then a similar treatment should be applied to Israel for what it does to the Palestinians, which is far worse. A number of Norwegian politicians wanted to involve Hamas into the peace process. Norway was planning on recognizing a Palestinian state at the United Nations Convention. The camp where the shootings took place was the site of a pro-Palestinian rally the day before. About two months ago, Shimon Peres described Norway as the most anti-Semitic Western nation (read most Muslim friendly). Jews attempted to incite passions against Muslims by publishing a Mohammed cartoon last year in Dagbladet, depicting him as a pig. Jews are almost certainly behind this massacre. 6
Posted by J Richards on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 11:37 | # GW, I would like to add that the plan was to presumably blame Muslim terrorists, but one of their agents, a blond man, got arrested. So now the blame has to shift to white nationalism. Either way, critical minds would ask why in the world would Muslim terrorists attack Norway of all places? And whereas a white nationalist can conceivably attack government buildings, why would he mass-slaughter white youth, non-politicians of his own kind? 8
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 11:56 | # The place for close scrutiny, in my opinion, will be on the analysis of the explosives at the bombing scene. It appears that this guy was a farmer of sorts, which would give him access to nitrates but NOT detonators. 9
Posted by the Narrator... on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 12:29 | # Good point GW. What always catches my attention with these stories is the way their narrative in framed. Yes, it’s a horrible event, but then so is this Every now and then US or Nato forces will drop a bomb on innocent civilians, killing ten or twenty or more and the story get’s a “meh, whatever” reaction from much of the rest of the world. Kind of like the Casy Anthony story over here in America. Tragedy, sure. But one of thousands that happen every week. Those who think alternative media can compete with the MSM are wrong. The MSM creates our reality, in total. Decides what are morals are, what are religion is to be and what events are important and which are not. The ultimate example was the 9-11 attacks back in 2001. Again, a horrible event, but not the earth shattering one the MSM painted it to be. I remember at the time there were those (including a few celebrities) who were, essentially, asking, “is this really that big of a deal?” They were attacked in the press and shut up. A few years back a congressman released a study estimating that 25 people were killed every day by illegals. Half from reckless illegal drivers and the other half just flat out murdered. That’s 175 innocent people killed every week. And that’s over 87,000 since the terror attacks of September 2001 in which less than 3,000 perished. There used to be a saying that went along the lines of “if the media ain’t reporting it, it ain’t happening.” Meaning if the MSM wasn’t covering it, it remained unknown and insignificant, no matter it’s actual scale. Back in the 50’s the old timers called television, hellevision. Their solution to it’s ill effect was to “throw the damn thing out the window.” That still seems to be the best solution. In fact the more I think about it, the more I come to the conclusion that electronic media (news, tv, movies, music etc…) has contributed absolutely nothing of value in its entire history. It’s been nothing but poison.
Posted by anon on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 12:37 | # The rationalization has begun. There are no white psychopaths — only Israeli wire-pullers and their agents. 11
Posted by J Richards on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 12:37 | # Jimmy, Nitrates won’t cause the damage you see in the pictures released so far by the mainstream media, let alone the actual, much more extensive damage. A fertilizer or home-made bomb is limited because the combustible substance and the source of oxygen are separate compounds or on different molecules. You need a bomb where oxygen atoms are on the same molecule as the combustible structure to cause really powerful explosions, which requires engineering in a military lab. 12
Posted by Graham_Lister on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 12:41 | # GW excellent article - my thoughts obviously go to the victims, their families and friends, and the good people of Norway. Once more what part does liberalism play in such enabling and creating the conditions for such psychopathology is a question which will not be asked. 13
Posted by Lurker on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 12:42 | # Anon - so why the two attacks, why attacks that so beautifully suit the narrative, why not just a random spree killing? And why the initial desire to pin the blame on muslims? Where did that pop out from? 14
Posted by anon on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 12:48 | # Jimmy, I know this company sells electronic detonators to parties with civil mining (tangentially agricultural?) contracts. Acquiring or Afro-engineering a detonator is not the most difficult thing in the world to do, especially for a high-IQ type with land & money. So I believe this fails as a possible mark of outside involvement. 15
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 12:58 | # The people that wee killed were future Stalinists, they (the AUF) are a freak circus of multicult bent on destroying Aryan lands from the inside as is confirmed from the pictures of ‘survivors’ which shows that they were all negroes, arabs, wogs, slavs, mutts and such. 16
Posted by anon on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 13:02 | #
The latter came naturally from association with past events. Nothing mysterious about it. You can be sure this occurred to Muslims themselves, and I think I heard a collective sigh of relief as news of the real perp emerged. 9-11 is more proximate in memory than Oklahoma City, and is more present in the European mind anyhow; who else would do such a thing? So that is not even an argument. As for suiting the narrative ... could it be that you are interpreting this event to suit your narrative? I do not mean to be cross with you at all, of course, as I don’t know you; but it happens. People in the grip of an internal narrative over-interpret events. At that point violence against a minor Congresswoman, buildings packed with people, and kids at an activist summer retreat become not only possible but are believed to be efficacious responses to perceived direct malfeasance. I bet the spree seemed pretty random at the retreat, however. 17
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 13:13 | # The true face of Stalinism revealed.
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 13:21 | # Negroes:
Posted by PM on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 13:21 | # He lists one of his heroes as Max Manus, the Norwegian who fought the Nazis, so the neo-Nazi angle doesn’t really hold up. 20
Posted by anon on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 13:25 | # It is WN spin control at work. Nothing more. Must be either a “false flag op” or a laudable assault on a multiracialist kennel. Most people are sane enough to understand that one cannot shoot the Zeitgeist. Psychopaths are those in whom this understanding has degraded. 21
Posted by J Richards on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 13:26 | # Anti-Wog Alliance, You must stop trying to make it look like you’re affiliated with I kn.ow the person who administers this website and he would never ever argue like you or entertain your arguments. 22
Posted by Helvena on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 13:44 | # Where did Breivik get the police uniform? How did he get onto the island with a bag full of guns and explosives (one lone policeman carring a bag, ya, sure.)? One eyewitness reported hearing gun shots from more then one direction. Why would a *nazi* shoot white people? This from the Telagraph kej 2 minutes ago Come on guys, wake up! This has all the hallmarks of a false flag terror attack. The targets were government buildings (therefore POLITICAL) and a summer camp on an island WHERE THE DAY BEFORE A PRO-PALESTINIAN RALLY HAD JUST BEEN HELD. As usual the CONTEXT is always left out of the reporting, leaving the reader at a loss to understand what is going on. More context: Norwegian Foreign Minister recently announced Norway’s intention to support a Palestinian State at the UN. Norway plans to pull out of the invasion of LIBYA. Additionally, Oslo recently excluded two Israeli firms from a$450 billion Euro oil fund for ethical reasons. As usual, this is another politically motivated “terrorist” attack no doubt orchestrated by the usual suspects: Mossad/CIA/MI5. If you think this has something to do with muslems, or its just a one off lunatic, you are living in a dream world. It took way more planning than one individual could muster. Out of respect for those that died, it would be worth INVESTIGATING who the wolf is, rather than just lazily swallowing the “BS” story given you, telling you that another sheep is to blame. Otherwise its gonna keep on happening guys. You owe it to yourselves to wake up, and expell the wolf from the sheep pen. 23
Posted by PM on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 13:48 | # anon, for what it’s worth I agree, I only mentioned the Max Manus fact out of interest, as I am curious as to where exactly he stands on the right-wing spectrum. It seems ludicrous to be blaming Israel at this stage. When I first heard of the attacks, like most I assumed it was probably Muslims. When you find out it was ‘one of your own’ there is a certain amount of cognitive dissonance, because it ‘doesn’t fit the script’ of where we expect Europe to be heading, and you feel you understand people on the right, and assume they would be incapable of such an attack on their own people. But sometimes you just have to face that dissonance and not make excuses. I suppose it is possible that it is a ‘fasle flag’ operation (I certainly feel that about the Oklahoma bombing) but at this stage it seems reasonable to assume, from what is known about the killer, that he is indeed an opponent of multiculturalism and Marxism, and whether or not we find it easy to accept, he is someone whose views we would probably have approved of, had we met him. Perhaps the logic of attack Norwegian youths was that these were the children of Labour Party members, maybe the ‘political elite’ and he thought that this would ‘hit them where it hurts’ more than an attack on immigrants, about whom the left do not really care? 25
Posted by Helvena on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 14:04 | # GW pls. give a summary of the link you post because when I click on it it says Forbidden. I’m posting from the land of the Free, home of the brave. 26
Posted by J Richards on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 14:07 | # Anon, It doesn’t have to be either a “false flag op” or a laudable assault on a multiracialist kennel. The circumstances point to a false flag. Second, if one had no choice but to resort to violence to attack multiracialism, one would be ill advised to proceed in the manner of the Norwegian carnage, as far from edging closer to the goal, it would engender hate crimes legislation and a crackdown on white nationalism. The one who lauds this horrible event as an assault on multiracialism is “anti-wog alliance,” who has no affiliation with this website and all indications are that he’s a malicious individual. The only workable violent response to multiracialism is targeted killings, which would be individual killings rather than random mass massacres, and the targets would be the money changers in particular, select Jews and kosher Nazis. Multiracialism can’t be attacked by targeting blacks, Asians, Muslims, etc.; the chief architects of multiracialism are the money changers and associated Jews, and they employ kosher Nazis to destroy the opposition from within. A violence-prone white nationalist who doesn’t understand this lacks the intelligence to pull off the Norwegian bombings and shootings, period. Accordingly, there’s no reason to suspect white psychopathy at play. 27
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 14:11 | #
In the 40’s why did the Ubermenschen *Nazis* and the Ostsklaven *Eastern Slav(es)* kill each others even though according to WN they are both ‘whites’? Because it was the Left/Slav(es) indoctrinated by stalinism, leninism, communism and bolshevism (Oriental-Mesopotamian ideologies) in direct opposition against the Right/Aryans fighting for Nazism, Nordicism, Aryanism and Ariosophism (Aryan Ideologies). It is the same story here, the anti-racists/communists wants immigrants and race-mixing, the nazis/extremists wants no immigrants and racial purity. 28
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 14:20 | #
They represent an ideology where the importance of ethnicity is played down or dismissed completely, and the need for the preservation of Western cultural and democratic values is commonly used as the substitute key argument against immigration. Their rhetorics and activities are almost completely focused on Islam and Muslims; other immigrant groups such as Vietnamese, Chinese, non Muslim Africans and other groups are routinely painted as ‘harmless’, or even as ‘positive contributors to society’. This is the currently most popular strain of the anti-immigration movements in Europe, as represented by Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party, the Danish People’s Party, the Sweden Democrats, and in Germany the so called ‘Pro-movement’, of which Pro-Cologne (Pro-Köln) is one of the most active, as well as several recently new established parties with a similar ideology . In England the EDL is connected to this ideology, together with groups such as SIOE and its local chapters, The Danish Free Press Society and their magazine Sappho, and some others. Note that the SIOE uses the slogan: ‘Racism is the lowest form of stupidity! Islamophobia is the height of common sense’. This picture was taken on the island of Utøya the previous day Their American allies are people such as Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Daniel Pipes, etc. The dedication to the Zionist cause, and their rejection of classical nationalist ideas such as the importance of ethnicity, sets them apart from the sincere nationalist parties such ad the British National Party, Front National (France), Jobbik (Hungary), and NPD (Germany - and the only clearly National Socialist inspired movement of those mentioned). Their heroes are mainly Jews such as German Henryk Broder, the French Zionist Bernard Henry Levy, British Melanie Philips, Bernard Lewis, to mention just a few, and many more. The Flemish Nationalists fall somewhere in between, and are mainly traditional Nationalists with no love for the US, Zionism or Israel, who are trying to adapt to a new pro-Zionist image, inspired by the success of Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party in Holland, and the Danish People’s Party in Denmark. Terror victims in Oslo Members of the pro-Zionist groups and parties often paint their non philosemitic fellow nationalists as Nazis, anti-Semites and racists, copying the rhetorics the left wing PC-brigade uses against themselves, and try to present a more polished image towards the mainstream. They are also much better connected to mainstream politicians than the traditional nationalists, and at times are supported by mainstream newspapers, such as Jyllands-Posten in Denmark, as well as by right wing Jewish groups and individuals. The mainstream press usually judges these groups more favorably then traditional nationalists, who are invariably accused of being ‘Nazis’.
You sound effeminated as hell, stop being a drama queen please, thank you kind sir. 29
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 14:25 | #
Since when do you need to be affiliated to a blog to post in its ‘Comments’ section? 30
Posted by Helvena on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 14:28 | # Not buying it Anti. Killing a bunch of white kids would be the perfect way to split nationalist unity which I think may have been the intent. No way was this guy yet another lone wolf. A lone police man comes on the island with a mystry bag full of what and no one takes notice until he starts shooting, meanwhile a bomb goes off in Oslo. Sure. 32
Posted by Peter on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 14:34 | # The Al-Qaeda admission/retraction is interesting. If the suspect had died in the course of events, the Al-Qaeda confession may have remained, thus presenting the world with White Al-Qaeda terrorism, as per certain current propaganda. He’s now captive to a non-complicit, indeed targeted, government, however. I hope the Norwegians have him under as strict of security as that of the Prime Minister, and that they’re up to the task of breaking him (Putin might be if some assistance here). 33
Posted by J Richards on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 14:41 | # Anti-Wog Alliance, You can’t explain why a white nationalist would kill white people [at random] by saying that white German National socialists killed white Slavs. German national socialists weren’t white nationalists; they were German nationalists. These German nationalists killed Slavic communists, not their own people, whereas the present alleged white nationalist killed his own people. The German national socialists weren’t Nordicists. Most of their top leadership didn’t look Nordic and half of Germany wasn’t racially Nordic. Regarding aryanism, you obviously have no idea what it was about if you link to and still espouse your kind of views. The German National Socialists were right wing? Why would a right-wing group call itself the National Socialist Working Class People’s Party (NSDAP)? You can read more on how “right wing” the Nazis were: 34
Posted by anon on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 14:47 | # PM, I saw the Wiki article — so weird there is one — about an hour before you mentioned it. My first thought was, now here’s a WN a step ahead of the pack doing damage control.
Are you Norwegian, or Scandian, or of Scandian heritage? If not, I don’t see why cognitive dissonance is necessary except in a state of false consciousness. Dahmer wasn’t explained away in this fashion, nor Von Brunn, nor Brady and Hindley. I imagine, on the contrary, considerable cog dis resulted from the many massacres of the Civil War or, say, the Peterloo Massacre. White men have acted atrociously to their own kind for thousands of years. You can’t simply choose which white deviant gives you cognitive dissonance. The presupposition is that it cannot have been a white man because white men (especially Europeans, most especially Germanics and above all Scandians) are angels. That is nonsense. The crime bears every tell-tale feature of high IQ-white male violent aberration: access to chemicals and weapons, extensive planning, abstract targets arising from confused ideology and affiliations, and good execution. The actions of violent criminals acting alone mirror the strategies of entire nations in war: whites form comprehensively organized standing armies, blacks (beyond the tribal stage) form little more than armed gangs.
Well put, anyway. Very well put.
Don’t know. From what I do know of the common European mentality, I guess he would disavow racism, just as he appears to disavow “Naziism” or however he might express it; he would perhaps say he opposes “Liberalism” or “Labour”, which isn’t wrong of course, but would condemn us for our racial worldview. His logic may have been as you present, but it amounts to nothing more than a wild case of “altruistic punishment” arising from one aberrant individual’s own false consciousness. If he was cozy with Freemasonry, and is a conservative Christian, and would disavow racism as he apparently disavows Naziism, my guess is that we would find him an obnoxious conservative type who hasn’t yet reached the MR level of discourse. In other words, we’d likely find him elementary in outlook. Anyway, I applaud any and every opponent of the multicult as foisted upon Europe — but such acts only make it worse. Is it worth the symbolic value? I don’t think so. 35
Posted by anon on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 15:13 | # J Richards,
Neither was that other famous arsonist, Marinus van der Lubbe.
I agree that that would have a much higher symbolic value, but I don’t know what you mean by “workable”. On the contrary those are the least accessible targets, that being why psychopaths have resorted to buildings full of white people, a black security guard, a Jewish radio host, school children, and political activists on retreat.
Multiracialism can’t be attacked by targeting blacks, Asians, Muslims, etc.; the chief architects of multiracialism are the money changers and associated Jews, and they employ kosher Nazis to destroy the opposition from within. A violence-prone white nationalist who doesn’t understand this lacks the intelligence to pull off the Norwegian bombings and shootings, period. You’ve completely reframed this occurrence, it seems. 36
Posted by anon on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 15:20 | # Anti-WOG Alliance,
Posted by anon on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 15:24 | #
So when the Lichtschlag Freikorps unit killed German Commies in the Ruhr, who were they really killing — Germans or Communists? how about when the other Freikorps units killed German Commies in Munich? Again, you have merely presumed the perpetrator to be a “white nationalist”. 38
Posted by Ulrich on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 15:55 | # All right, so I hate to be “that guy,” but what exactly is the problem here? I can understand the fear that this attack will be used as a carte blanche a la the Reichstag fire to suppress far right parties and movements, however, it’s difficult for things to become worse for us than they already are. If we are unable to vote ourselves out of our mess, and there is widespread agreement in these circles that we will not, what other recourse do we have than to resort to acts of violence? Perhaps some of you feel that actions like these are premature, but why wait until we’re outnumbered to change course? With regards to the act itself, I’m in agreement with all of you that it was reprehensible, but so too are the consequences of inaction. I’m reminded of the scene at the end of Apocalypse Now, when Kurtz mentions the strength of the Vietcong in hacking off the arms of children that his company had inoculated for polio. It’s true that actions such as these repulse most people from Rightism, but so too do they demoralize our enemies, so too do they make our enemies question their views, so too do they challenge the notion that our enemies can act with impunity. To the people who claim this is a false-flag operation, get real will you, one man with above average intelligence, strong motivation, fair resources, and time for planning can get away with damn near anything. Actions like this will one day be looked upon as the equivalent of the storming of the Bastille; what appears to us as horrendous today will be viewed as a glimmer of clarity tomorrow. 39
Posted by anon2 on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 16:05 | #
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 18:39 | # On days like this, I’m extremely thankful to be in the readership of a diverse, but intellectually powerful commentariat. Special thanks to GW. 41
Posted by Jimmy John on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 20:19 | # Most WNs do not hate any race and believe killing is morally wrong. The most prominent WN, David Duke, is actually friends with Muslims. This guy was allegedly as anti-racist/anti-White, pro-homosexual, and pro-Israel as the jewish media ie not a White Nationalist. The mainstream medias constant anti-White(both racially and culturally) propaganda is also killing Whites albeit in a different way. 42
Posted by Peter on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 20:32 | # J Richards I am sorry but don’t Muslim nationalists kill their own people in the name of Islam? I mean other Muslims? This could be to prove a point, retaliate, extreme form of disagreeing with other people’s point of view. So couldn’t a Norwegian who is against that political party see those teenagers as “enemies” and lash out. Makes sense! 43
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 20:33 | # Listen I do not know where you guys get your news from, but: 1. The Stalin Youths in the majority all seem to be in their early twenties so they hardly qualify as being ten years old ‘white kids’. 2. The majority of the Utoya survivors interviewed obviously didn’t have Norwegian ancestry most seemed to be Wogs/Orientals.
Right, but you forgot to mention the most famous of the German commies, Hans and Sophie Sholl (by the way, none of the members of the White Rose looked Germanic, most weren’t of wholly Germanic ancestry and some were even jewish, so it figures).
‘White Nationalists’ is an internet phenomenon that has zero bearings in the real world, people think in terms of proximity, similarity, nationality and ethnicity. You don’t see Greeks being worried about what happens in Iceland or Denmark, Greeks care about Greece and their fellow wogs, you don’t see Croatians being worried about what happens in France or Belgium, Croatians care about Croatia and their fellow Balkanites. During the Australian riots the Balkanite wogs, Greek wogs and Near Eastern Orientals got together to riot against what they all viewed as their fellow enemy, Australia and the Anglos. White Nationalism does not exist. 44
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 21:13 | #
Not just a political party per say but also an ideology in direct opposition to his, but yes that was pretty much the point I was trying to make and anyone that has any ounce of common sense would come to the same conclusion right away, the only people who would disagree or not see what this is about are White Nationalists who can not seem to think outside of black and white terms. 45
Posted by Foundation on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 21:15 | # Anti-WOG Allianz @ 01:49 PM: ‘If someone took out 80 odd members of the British Labour Party, I wouldn’t shed any tears.’
These are the facts: Labour politicians conspired to bring about conditions which led directly to unlawful deaths within the Englisc Nation. As sovereign people we reserve the right to self-preservation and will avenge these crimes at a time and date of our choosing. 46
Posted by anon on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 21:35 | # Ulrich, Commenter on the TOO sums it up neatly for me:
The feeling is that such actions are depressingly banal, not premature. This is not the way out. To resort to empty eastern rhetoric for one moment, there is no sense compounding bad karma because we can’t exert ourselves in another fashion. Desperation solves nothing.
I believe you’ve enough experience of the Left to know that nothing under the sun can deter them from their views. This is wishful thinking.
.... doubtful, my friend. 47
Posted by Outrider on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 21:48 | # Video allegedly uploaded by Breivik. 48
Posted by anon on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 21:51 | # AWA,
Except shootings achieve nothing. Absolutely nothing. It’s the same forgettable theatre as everything else, a blip, a ripple that travels some way over the face of the black murky pond of modernity and settles back into its depths. Banality and murder are not revolution. 49
Posted by Ulrich on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 22:28 | # anon,
This is pretty ironic coming from somebody who just said:
I wouldn’t trust anything I read on TOO, they’re too busy “naming the Jew” that they can’t look at any problem evenhandedly or with consideration to any other variables. While I’ll admit that the perpetrator doesn’t share our views on many things, he is definitely a fellow traveler; this becomes clear if you skim over his (likely) manifesto which I alluded to in the other thread. I don’t believe that this act can be dismissed with such idle speculation. I also think that we should analyze the context and consequences of what just happened, as this event is quite possibly the most significant counter-revolutionary action in post-war Europe.
The question I posed is, if we are unable to achieve power democratically before we are demographically outnumbered, which most people in these circles agree will happen, what option besides violence do we have? Perhaps a cliché, but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.
I know that leftists are nihilistic, atheistic, hedonistic, morally degenerate, individualistic, and egoistic. I happen to think that coercion is the only recourse with dealing with people who value only themselves. 50
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 23:08 | # Whatever this guy’s real motives, we should be clear about one thing: the white race will not endure except through purifying violence. The drive to globalist homogenization is too strong. At some point, white racial and national patriots will have to pick up weapons and kill some number of our ideological and ethnonational enemies. The only alternative is to see authoritarian parties of the Right gain power, which will never happen in too far gone America, and apparently is unlikely even in not-too-far-gone Europe. Even in that happy eventuality, someone, even if only a policeman or soldier, is still going to have to shoot a nonwhite violently refusing to leave the white nation. Enoch Powell (a good Christian and conservative, incidentally) foresaw much blood, and he will be proven correct. One useful nationalist theoretical task is to formulate the moral justifications for the coming bloodshed. 51
Posted by Peter1 on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 00:24 | # Note: Peter @ 07:32 PM is not Peter @ 01:34 PM. As the latter, I’d like to encourage MR readers to read between the lines of my comment, bearing in mind the history of the creation of Al-Qaeda, and the conventional wisdom regarding the origins of most car/truck bombs used in terrorist attacks. This may prove to be a blunder of catastrophic proportions for the erstwhile creators of mass reality, surpassing the capture of the head of Jundallah, Abdolmalek Rigi, by Iran, if only because Norwegian government conclusions would be far more credible to a Western audience. The most crucial issue right now is whether the Norwegian government is up to the challenge of unraveling Breivik’s operational connections, sans corrupt intelligence inputs, and concluding and reporting despite international pressure and any conflicting political interests. 52
Posted by Peter1 on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 00:31 | # By “as the latter”, I meant of course that I was the first Peter, as per the descending timeline I listed. Also, by “conventional wisdom”, I was referring to within intelligence circles, not of course the public at large (for the time being). 53
Posted by Trainspotter on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 00:32 | # While not unmindful of the possibility that our understanding of this event may change dramatically in the coming days, weeks and years, a few preliminary observations are in order. Regardless of what the ultimate “truth” turns out to be, there are some things we’ve learned already. I should also mention, sincerely and not by way of candy coating the points to follow, that the slaughter of these young people was an astonishing atrocity, and the mind staggers while contemplating the type of individual that would do such a thing. Having said that: 1. If a group of white nationalists had been slaughtered in such a fashion, would the Labour party youth have shed a single tear, even so much as a crocodile tear? Or would they have laughed and guffawed? In your heart, you know the answer. The Left wants nothing for us but humiliation and death. Of course, this is one of the reasons that many of us came to hate the Left, for they are of a different spirit than us. 2. Whatever the truth of the killer’s (or who knows, perhaps killers) motivation, the Left will always seek to blame the Right. They will shamelessly use any tragedy to their own advantage, even though we know that atrocities don’t *really* bother them at all, unless it fits their political script. Atrocities tear us up, they make us sick. Not so with the Left. The Left will shamelessly smear, deceive and lie in order to accomplish their goals. 3. On the other hand, the Left never worries about being smeared itself. By their stars, Leftist terrorists are at worse somewhat misguided idealists who got a bit off track. The imported non-whites that set about raping and murdering the indigenous white stock? You’re an evil racist if you point out the truth. Leftist anger is entirely directed at you, the speaker, as opposed to the rapist. As Linder has so often pointed out, the Left is far angrier at the white who speaks the truth than the black who is dripping with the blood of a white victim. Point is that the Left never lets a tragedy go to waste. God, how much they must love being able to use blonde, fair haired and Nordic in this context. O.K. So what does this mean for us? It will undeniably create problems, but over time I don’t think it’s going to be as bad as some people think. The West really is in crisis, the demographic conquest of our nations really is happening, and the cultural degradation, rapes and murders will continue apace. We are, quite literally, losing everything. This isn’t a TV show, we can’t just change the channel. It really is happening. Many will point to Timothy McVeigh and how his actions took the steam out of the American militia movement. While there is a lot of truth to that, the reality is that the militia movement was largely populated by either oddballs or well meaning yahoos. They had no intellectual foundation, no real worldview beyond a vague paranoia and sense that the country was slipping away, and no solutions beyond putting on some camo and running around play acting as soldiers. Just go to some of the militia type sites that are still out there. They are a total joke. They really are know nothings. We, on the other hand, are building on something far more substantial. A few nutballs, cranks and kooks aside, we’re a different breed today. Our understanding of the situation is not only far broader than that of the yahoos, it’s about a thousand times deeper - and that’s being charitable to the yahoos, I can assure you. We’re not going away. We will continue to hone and refine our worldview, spreading our message because it is true and right and necessary. And we will continue to find a growing audience receptive to our cause, because after all the sturm and drang, our people are still being victimized on a massive scale. The existential threat to our people remains. This tragedy doesn’t change any of that, and reality is a helluva lot more obvious today than it was in 1995. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to build an intellectual foundation, a worldview that is appealing but strong. Once somebody adopts it, they become immune to the cultural toxins. But a movement that lacks such a worldview and solid foundation is easy pickings. Events like the tragedy before us can in fact destroy a movement of know nothings. But it can’t destroy white nationalism, no matter how hard they try to pin this on us. Fortunately, the guy doesn’t seem to have much in terms of white nationalist ties, and has described his views as anti-racist, pro-homosexual, and pro-Zionist. For now, that’s may mantra. We need to hammer that home. He’s not one of us. He’s opposed to us. We also need to take a lesson from the Left’s playbook, which I somewhat went into above. The Left blames us for everything, absolutely, all the time. It never stops. For example, if they can’t find an example of explicit racism, they will come up with “institutional” racism, disparate impact, or something rather less tangible. They don’t quit, they are winners. We should blame the Left for this. Diversity and multiculturalism demonstrably reduce trust and cohesion in a community. We are probably going to see more nutjobs going off as our societal fabric frays. The Left destroyed our culture, our sense of shared values, our sense of belonging, and our most important civic institutions. In such a context, tragedies happen. They are every bit as much responsible for this as they are for the crimes they facilitate in integrated schools. They are every bit as much responsible for this as they are for turning once peaceful and safe white communities into war zones. The Leftist (Jew or otherwise) who comes after you on this? Within 30 seconds you should have put the blood on his hands, hammering him over the countless murders and rapes of innocent whites that he has never once brought up to you, that he demonstrably doesn’t care about. He is a psychopath. We can and should condemn this tragedy in no uncertain terms. It was terrible. But never cede the moral high ground, not even for a minute. Always attack, just as the Left does. 54
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 01:26 | # 55
Posted by Hesper on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 01:32 | # Christ forgive me I’m a coward and, although relatively safe from enemy persecutions as I live in one of the freer Judaeo-American satrapies where the laws restricting speech aren’t as severe, I still give this opinion with the utmost trepidation but the fullest conviction (They’re recording our addresses via the computer links are they not? Sorry, that’s the cowardice talking again). In the Second World War my ancestors fought for the ‘Allied’ cause, i.e. for Jewry, American democracy, Anglo-liberalism, capitalism (Hebrew economic con #1, communism being its so-called ‘opposite’) and each other evil of the modern world. With the fall of of the 65,000-strong British garrison in Singapore (which the habitual liar and half-American degenerate whore Churchill correctly described as the most grievous calamity in British military history, however his motive was to spice it up for the weary public and credulous, ‘unaligned’ Yank morons), grandfather’s brother was captured by the unrelenting, valiant Japanese (their siege and attack were masterful). He was maltreated. He was given a meagre diet of sodden bread and soiled water. To say that such treatment was savage is true - but to say that such is not the way of the world is not true. What occurred in Norway is the way of the world. Whilst I sincerely deplore the fact that Fate and Duty decreed that the massacre was necessary, in the circumstances is was neither unprovoked nor undeserved. Norwegian patriots (of whatever precise catalogue of political opinions they adhere to; they simply feel by intuitive duty and sense that something is devilishly wrong and unfit in the country’s state of affairs, and this is truly so) having suffered intolerable provocations against their honour, the dignity and integrity of the Norwegian commonwealth (the historic state, people, their customs and the public liberty, that is its sovereign independence which is presently frustrated by being a Judaeo-American province) were compelled by a fatal necessity - that is Fate made it necessary - to do what must be done for the higher good. The fact that Norwegian youths (real Norwegians) died does give me pain, and in a perfect world, where modernity, its evils and moneylending supervisors had not arisen, I should wish that they were all spared, the non-Norwegians included, as killing without divine sanction (defending your country or revenging its honour has divine sanction) is unmanly and impious. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time: so what? That’s life. Life is governed by chance, and sometimes we’re lucky and other times not. It was all in the lap of the gods. Whether the dead were personally culpable is irrelevant; if not it was their misfortune, but either way it does not entitle the dead to sainthood or extravagant commemoration as ‘heroes’ or ‘spotless lambs’. The foregoing statements are not mere opinion: they’re observation of the laws and principles of human nature (no I don’t mean to be understood as ratifying a modern materialist system of godlessness, genetic/atomic determinism or any similar epicurean denial of purpose and goods above mere sensual pleasure). Last points; Anon, sadly you’re right about most things and I’m glad to read your penetrating opinions here. Endeavour to refrain from the enemies’ vocabulary. There is no such thing as ‘terrorism’, just like ‘racism’, ‘xenophobia’, ‘homosexuality’ (which is conduct not an identity for pete’s sake), etc are illusory terms of Jewish invention. A Jew coined ‘genocide’ too so I don’t use it as non-ideological words are stronger (if you use genocide it obliges you unconsciously to confirm the WWII Judaeo-American official narrative which is preposterous; the Fascists desired global conquest? Since when?). Norway is being oppressed, destroyed, extirpated and obliterated, not ‘genocided’ (the Jews know much about genocide being the authors of the crime against the Amalekites, Orthodox Slavs, much like they instituted political ‘terrorism’ by blowing up British soldiers and diplomats in Palestine, or slaughtering Palestinian villagers). 56
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 01:35 | # A fine post, Trainspotter. Leon, It is important not to allow oneself to be dragged into the scenarios of political violence of the like which sprang from Breivik’s psychopathy. We do not gain today from violence but from discourse. Violence closes the public mind to our discourse. Violence is not patriotic. It is not necessary. We are in a political phase at least for another fifteen years, by my estimation. Win or lose, we have to see that through. AWA, I agree with Anon about the essential banality of lone wolf murders. You are irresponsible in your commendations as you are in your language (which I ask you to improve). 57
Posted by anon on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 02:23 | # Ulrich, This,
was sarcasm. But perhaps you saw a contradiction where one isn’t; I was denouncing knee-jerk speculation of Jewish involvement, which is plainly absurd, but it turns out that the Belvin or Bervik or whatever his name is, like so many uninteresting and purblind European nationalists, explicitly pro-Israel. Doesn’t mean he was in anyone’s employ. Just means he understood his action a certain way. Just as everyone here is jockeying for their own interpretation of his action.
I know what you mean, but on the other hand, I don’t feel that way. Admittedly I gave the document an extremely brief one-minute perusal. What I saw didn’t catch me. Perhaps I am jaded by the surfeit of far more trenchant philosophies and analyses available on blogs like this one, but what I saw was crude, elementary, boring stuff about Muslim mischief that I can find on Gates of Vienna and about a million European blogs. Saw some sucking up to Jews which further lowered my interest. Then I read some of his purported quotes from the blogosphere, among them this immense profundity:
How tired and trite such thinking is. This fellow is as arrears in his ideology as in his bedroom pursuits. European nationalists will have to wake up to the fact that this is much bigger than “kulturmarxistik” v. “monokulturist”; we are dealing with a human ecological disaster in which we stand to lose the most. If this is the way he understands things, he and I are nowhere near the same path. I’m just bloody sick of how whites rationalize multiracialism to themselves, of all the permutations of for / against that miss the forest for the trees.
There may be no option of the scale you prefer. It could come down to settling in the best place and turning your back on the majority, who seem to be lost anyhow. I can’t argue that the left are anything but narcissistic to the point of total unthinking nihilism, but there is no successful violent response to that order of social oblivion, certainly no collective one. Periodic slaughter may be satisfying to some but it brings us nowhere as peoples. It is not a communal action. Community alone counts toward life. We’ll have a better chance at re-cohering as “a people” by being ever more oppressed than approving of desperate blood-lettings with no strategic value. Punishing the narcissism of postmodern youth is good revenge, but again, revolution or a path to power it is not — not even close. 58
Posted by PM on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 02:35 | # The problem is, terrorism cannot work for us, because we are not in control of the ‘narrative’ created by the media and the political elites. Does anyone think Islamic terrorism in Europe would do Muslims any good if there were aggressively Nationalist parties in power? If anything, such attacks would be secretly welcomed as they would give the government the perfect excuse to crack down on Muslims, strip them of their rights and deport them, because the political right would hopefully be in a position to control the reaction to events. If Nationalist parties were in power, Muslims would be far more terrified of Islamic terrorism than the infidels, and would be queueing up to shop their brothers and sisters in to the police in the event of such attacks. If people in Europe are frightened to critisize Islam, it is not genuinely for fear of being blown up, but for fear that they will be arrested by the security forces who will claim to be motivated precisely by that very need to prevent the possiblity of further attacks. The left controls the narrative, and they have made Islamic terrorism work for them—passing laws to remove civil liberties, forcing intergration to combat extremism, silencing critics of immigration so as not to inflame Muslim sensibilities, etc. Without the dominance of Marixst parties, Islamic terrorists would be nothing. These attacks may have served some purpose if left wing parents in Norway were made to flinch with fear every time they espoused their opinions in public, in case it one day resulted in their offspring being shot by a mad right-wing gunman. But who really thinks like that? We all accept that these things sometimes happen as we accept that people die in car crashes; it does not stop us driving, and no-one thinks it will happen to them. Has this attack struck fear into the hearts of Norwegian leftists everywhere? Will it make them afraid to speak out for fear of reprisals by their fellow Norwegians? Will the media and political elites demand that the voiceless Nationalists of the far right be given a platform to speak out in order to prevent their turning to violent extremism? I wish that it were so, but I cannot see it. Experiencing feelings of gratification that people you hate have lost their children should not be dressed up as ruthless, pragmatic politics. 59
Posted by anon on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 02:55 | # Bravo there, PM. Worth reading more than once. No leftist or zeitgeistling will be mending their speech or commitment to multiracial society because a loner went on the warpath. If anything, it will embolden them with a sense of martyrdom. Any hour now they’ll announce a march or sit-in under the banner “We Won’t Be Afraid” or some such awful schmaltz. WNs can go on about controlling the narrative all they like; they still don’t control the major media that deliver narrative, and the enemy narrative is the zeitgeist. Anything like this works in their favor. What doesn’t is buried or malinterpreted. Sometimes the most conventional explanation is best:
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 03:31 | # But never cede the moral high ground, not even for a minute. Always attack, just as the Left does. (Trainspotter) Good stuff. My way, too, which is why I continually emphasize the ethical aspects of our cause. It is important not to allow oneself to be dragged into the scenarios of political violence of the like which sprang from Breivik’s psychopathy. We do not gain today from violence but from discourse. Violence closes the public mind to our discourse. Violence is not patriotic. It is not necessary. We are in a political phase at least for another fifteen years, by my estimation. Win or lose, we have to see that through. (GW) My comments above should not (really cannot) be construed as a recommendation for nationalist violence at this time. I certainly would never advocate indiscriminate slaughter of the innocent, let alone innocent members of my own race. I was making a purely dispassionate calculation as to political realities, one I have offered several times in the past here at MR. Recall I am constantly reminding regulars, especially those of a more abstruse bent (eg, you), that WNs ultimately face a physical task - the removal and expatriation of nonwhites from European soils. I have advocated this for 30 years, and in all that time have never thought that the white race would be saved absent tremendous bloodshed. I see even less reason today to modify that prediction. I think I will do my dissertation on some aspect of war and national defense from a Catholic natural law perspective. I have long thought that developing a new ethics of war, one suitable for the unprecedented situation in which the ordinary peoples of Europe now find themselves, would be a ‘growth field’ in the future. After all, whatever nationalism’s future political fortunes, the die is long cast. War is coming. We must prepare, intellectually, organizationally, politically, and strategically. 61
Posted by Dennis on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 03:34 | # Curious, any opinions on the 1518 page screed he left behind: 2083 A European Declaration of Independence? 62
Posted by Trainspotter on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 06:34 | # Dennis, here is the bulk of a post that I just put up at the Occidental Observer. It was made in response to what I saw as an unreasonable attack on Kevin Macdonald. Removed from that context, it’s not all that great as a stand alone, but here goes: It’s becoming increasingly clear that the killer is not a dumb man, but in fact has given a great deal of thought to some pretty fundamental issues. Obviously, I disagree with much of his thinking, and it should go without saying that I am disgusted and horrified by his actions. There is no contradiction in acknowledging the truth of the matter. I’ve only had time to skim his book, and while he does make some interesting points, it’s also a strange read. On the one hand, he is an avowed anti-racist…then he turns around and starts favorably quoting Madison Grant. O.K. Then, he meticulously develops a mission that seems years in the making, provides a de facto instruction manual for those that follow (he hopes), and throws in a fairly comprehensive ideological/philosophical worldview for good measure….and then targets a bunch of Norwegian teens. A clearly intelligent man, and that’s what ends up at the top of his terror to do list. Remember, he lives in a small country. Probably most of the “bad guys” would live within an hour of Oslo. So…let’s go for the teens. In all these years of meticulous planning and extensive thought, he couldn’t come up with a better target? Much like McVeigh who, in bombing a Federal building, probably killed a bunch of workaday secretaries and low level administrators. Just average Joes and Janes who needed a job and had no idea that they were involved in a war. No warning, no ongoing conflict that would give notice to any reasonable person that even being a secretary for the Feds had become a dangerous proposition, and that maybe that job at the local diner wasn’t so bad after all. Yep, killing working class clerks and middle class teenagers on a holiday island…what a way to get your violent revolution started. Bottom line: are these guys, who are intelligent enough to pull off these rather astonishing operations, really so dumb/mentally ill that they can’t see the obvious? Or is there something else going on here? Hard to say at this point, and currently I’m still inclined toward the “intelligent but weird nut” explanation, but it’s always good to at least ask… cui bono? Something just isn’t adding up here. Very, very strange. 63
Posted by Jeepers on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 06:37 | # In your discussing of what might have motivated Anders Breivik, I thought it may interest you to know that he wrote a 1500 page Manifesto, which is being digitised at: Whatever his motivations, I fear this will be a disaster for white people and for those who want to abolish third world immigration. 64
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 07:51 | #
Please in case you did not know the clown who made these silly comments under the name of ‘Anti-WOG Allianz’ is a troll posting under an altered version of my moniker. 65
Posted by Peter1 on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 08:15 | # It’s instructive to note who/what Breivik has effectively attempted to demonize by association: Why murder children in the name of the above, when nationalism is ascendant throughout much of the West, including a major success story recently in Finland? While the Christian Zionist angle isn’t being played up in the Western media, the other parties are being tarred heavily. And even with the retraction, the Al-Qaeda angle is being exploited heavily too, for example here, as well as the McVeigh angle. Most ominous is the Times’ claim of a secretive Al-Qaeda-like organization composed of Breivik and unkown European and European-American men formed in London in 2002. Given the awfully convenient backstory for vilifying European nationalism/preservation, I’m not willing to grant even Breivik’s authorship of the manifesto as fact until I have sufficient proof. The press around this tragic spectacle is far too reminiscent of past engineered confabulation/conflation campaigns, e.g. the pre-Iraq-War fabrications and ensuing media onslaught. Possibly related: 66
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 09:56 | #
It is an implicit acknowledgement of Nordic racial superiority which concedes the former as the primary obstacle which must be destroyed in order for some other supremacy to live permanently unopposed.
What if Breivik, as a self-announced National Socialist, had killed 100 non-Whites, none of whom had ever raped or murdered anyone, at a time which was on the cusp of extra-parliamentary revolution as a means of terrorizing other non-Whites into leaving Europe lest they face the same consequences? Would you then characterize Breivik as “a psychopath” and blame “the Left” for his actions? How does passing off rhetoric as sincere analysis serve the cause of White racial preservation? Of course I’m assuming your ability to distinguish talking points from actuality. 67
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 10:21 | # AWA, I have deleted two comments made in your name yesterday from a different IP address. 68
Posted by J Richards on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 11:31 | # anon, How could Breivik possibly have been motivated by Jews? You pooh-pooh the notion of the massacre as a false flag by setting up a straw man… how could Israelis have so motivated Breivik to slaughter 80-plus youth, targeting his own? There’s no indication that a lone wolf did it. All those powerful bombs and the number of shooting victims couldn’t possibly be the work of one man, and if they are,he wouldn’t be so dumb as to be pro Jew/Israel. I’ve learned that two days before the massacre, Oslo police had a security/terror drill about six-and-a-half football fields away from the bombing sites, which reminds one of the security/terror drills on 9/11 and 7/7. How could’ve Breivik been motivated by Jews? There are so many ways. He could be a fanatical Christian Zionist alarmed by Norwegian attitudes toward Muslims, i.e., low IQ, and hence didn’t do it alone. He could be a Jew although he doesn’t look like one. Or maybe the the Jews caught him having sex with children; he might even have had truly nationalist leaning; they gave him a choice of either going to prison for child molestation or working for them; he chose working for them, and was tasked with destroying the nationalist forces by misdirecting (railing against Muslims while promoting Israeli/Jewish interests), then asked to help with shipping some items to a camp, maybe even shooting people to save his ass from prison, where he was caught while the others got away… completely hypothetical but the Jews have lots of ways to “motivate” people. This assumes that Breivik was substantially involved, but questions remain about his involvement. It’s strange that his facebook page was set up shortly before the massacre, as well as his twitter page, and he tweeted in English! Targeted killings from an accessibility perspective Regarding the workable targeted killings idea, targets like the money changers, many Jews and kosher Nazis aren’t inaccesible. Many of them are easy targets. The money changers rule by proxy. They know that to occupy the limelight is to invite public scrutiny, especially people wondering how the money changers got to be so wealthy. So they put up puppet leaders, who are the ones with a posse of armed security personnel protecting them. Targeting these puppets is usually at least mildly difficult, dangerous and a waste of time. But it isn’t difficult to find out who the bank managers in your region are and where they live, especially if you have some friendly police officers to assist you with looking up addresses or you decide to join the police to get access to this information. The same applies to many Jews and kosher Nazis. White nationalist psychopaths? Regarding Marinus van der Lubbe, his culpability is an open question, which is a reason why he was posthumously pardoned. You’ve mentioned instances of white psychopaths engaging in murderous acts. One of them is allegedly Timothy McVeigh. I’ve already noted that he was a patsy and that most of the damage and killings from the Oklahoma bombing were caused by military-grade explosives that had been pre-planted. This isn’t some wild conspiracy theory but a matter of irrefutable physics. You can read the reports by retired General Ben Partin, an explosives expert. It’s physically impossible for a fertilizer bomb to cause anything close to the extensive and highly asymmetric damage sustained by the Murrah building. Additionally, it can’t be assumed that McVeigh believed that he was going to blow up a Federal building and kill dozens. A fertilizer bomb can make a loud bang, shatter windows and spread truck debris around, good enough for scaring people, killing a few and conveying a message to the government, but it’s not a suitable weapon of mass destruction, which McVeigh would’ve known since he was in the military. Maybe this was what he wanted and not large-scale murder. Another alleged psychopath you mentioned was the one who killed a black security guard, and this would be James Wenneker von Brunn. The official story is bogus. Brunn had a genius-level IQ and had written an excellent book on Jews, “Kill the best gentiles.” He had a criminal record stemming from his attempt to make a citizen’s arrest of the Federal Reserve Board. He knew the nature of the Jews and he knew the basis of their power, which is control of the money supply. Would this guy be so stupid as to go to a Holy Hoax museum and start shooting at random? How many Jews could he expect to send to Hell in this manner? If he wanted to shoot Jews randomly, he would’ve found out the location of a mitzvah and done the deed there. Brunn was 88-years-old when the incident happened and had the appearance of a disheveled old white man with one foot in the grave, but the mainstream media didn’t release his current picture; all of them showed a decades-younger Brunn or else people would wonder how a man as old as him could try to attempt the Holy Hoax museum shooting. The alleged incident was caught on videotape, which was never released to the public and Brunn conveniently died in prison. If you look up the clinical definition of psychopathy or sociopathy, these people don’t care about others, period. A white nationalist obviously cares about some others. A white nationalist could therefore be mentally unhinged or mentally ill but not a psychopath. targeting own kind vs. others Regarding the comment on whether one’s own were being killed “when the Lichtschlag Freikorps unit killed German Commies in the Ruhr,” the German Bolshevists were disproportionately Jewish. If non-Jewish Germans joined German-Jewish Bolshevists to undermine national socialism and hopefully kill the national socialist leadership, it’s hardly an instance of killing one’s own when the national socialists targeted the German Bolshevists, and if you insist that this was the case, then the killings were targeted instead of designed to kill people randomly. 69
Posted by Trainspotter on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 11:36 | # CC: “How does passing off rhetoric as sincere analysis serve the cause of White racial preservation? Of course I’m assuming your ability to distinguish talking points from actuality.” Hmmm. Have to say I thought you were a bit quicker on the uptake, CC. A bit disappointed, I am. Let’s be clear. I’m not talking about moral judgement, or deeper questions of right or wrong. Not that those issues aren’t important, it’s just not the point that I’ve been making. For our purposes here, I’m much more focused upon what works and what doesn’t. What’s effective, what’s not. And yes, what is true and what is not. If you could show me an act of brutality that was effective in furthering our cause, then I would fully acknowledge that it was effective, whatever moral judgement I might also make. Simple, no? No passing rhetoric off as analysis, as you so charmingly suggest, just an acknowledgement of reality. Your foray into cutesy lifeboat ethics is not your finest hour, but I’ll play in a fashion. If terrorizing the hundred people would in fact clear Europe of non-whites, then I’d call that effective terror, any moral judgement aside. How could I not, and remain honest? Terrorizing a subset of people in the reasonable expectation that it will cause others to flee, as a purely practical matter, often works - though not on the scale that your cutesy example requires. But still, close enough for government work. The point is that if the terror comports with our understanding of human nature and historical experience, if there is a reasonable expectation in a given context that it would actually work and promote a given cause, then one must acknowledge that reality. It may therefore be “rational,” in the sense that there is a reasonable expectation of success. Whether it is moral or not, or committed by a psychopath or not, are separate issues. But in the case at hand, we aren’t dealing with effective terror. We are dealing with its opposite. What this guy did was slaughter unarmed teenagers as his debut event, his calling card to the world. He slaughtered the innocent in a sea of the guilty. We’ve seen this kind of crazy target selection in the past, with McVeigh and before him the church bombings. Did these aid our cause? Could a sane and intelligent man have reasonably believed that such acts would aid our cause? I’m not offering a clinical definition of psychopath here, but I’d say that a nut who chooses to slaughter innocents in a sea of the guilty qualifies as a psychopath for purposes of this discussion. But perhaps I’m indulging in too much rhetoric, eh Captain? Shame on me for abuse of the English language. I shall endeavor to make amends. As for “blaming the Left,” the answer is of course. They are to blame for what has happened in Oslo, just as they would be to blame for any effective action taken to undo the damage they have inflicted upon us. Had they not inflicted the damage, there would be no need to undo it. This ain’t rocket science, Captain. The Left has imposed this situation upon us, so they are surely to blame for anything that results. Ever heard of the doctrine known as the fruit of the poisonous tree? I’m sure you have.
It should also be remembered that, especially right now, the racialist blogosphere is no doubt being scrutinized by those that seek to do us harm. As if on cue, call in the clowns… 70
Posted by J Richards on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 11:40 | # Just deserts for the leftist white Norwegians who were murdered? Some, such as anti-wog allianz, Foundation and Hesper, aren’t too bothered with the killings of leftist white Norwegian youth since they [or their politician parents] bear [presumably major] responsibility for inviting hordes of low IQ, criminal non-whites into Norway. The implications are that a white nationalist presumably perpetrated the massacre. If Breivik did it all by himself, no one of his intelligence would fall for this thinking. Why? On their own, pro-immigrant Nordics would be at least numerically matched or exceeded by anti-immigrant Nordics, and hence Norway would have few non-whites and that’s how it would remain in the foreseeable future. Think of 1920s America, when northern Europeans voted to keep America northern European; there were northern Europeans then who had no problems with southern and eastern European immigrants and those who wanted more immigrants, but the pro-immigrants were outmatched by the opposition. The equation completely changes when you add Jews to the mix as the Jews use their money power to, sooner or later, shift the balance considerably in favor of immigration of other races. The Jews make leftist, pro-immigration whites prominent and marginalize/demonize the opposition. So if you wanted to kill the people responsible for inviting hordes of non-whites, you’d target Jews, and if there’s collateral damage (leftist whites killed) in the process, it’s understandable, but Breivik didn’t target the single most important demographic troubling white man, the Jews; the targets were random people and whites who expressed sympathy for the Palestinians (not necessarily indicative of a desire to invite non-white hordes; for instance, I sympathize with the Palestinians, but don’t welcome Muslims in the West). Breivik allegedly posted at the Jew Hans Rustad’s site, towing the Jewish line in Europe: denounce the Muslims, other non-white immigrants in Western nations are okay. There’s simply no indication that white nationalist thinking has anything whatsoever to do with the massacre. 71
Posted by J Richards on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 11:47 | # Peter 7:32 p.m., White nationalists vs. Muslim fanatics So white nationalists could kill their own because Muslim nationalists do it to their own in the name of Islam? Bad analogy. Firstly, Nordics are different from Muslims. Secondly, Among the Shias and Sunnis that have historically fought each other, the extremists among one group view the other party as following a perverted version of Islam and don’t exactly consider the other party as their own kind unless it’s Muslims vs. non-Muslims or the differences between Shias and Sunnis pale in comparison to the outsiders. Now you could say that a similar reasoning applies to Breivik, who didn’t view the leftist whites as his own kind or viewed them as perverted in some way, but it’s impossible to be a pro Jew white nationalist. A white nationalist who’s not well educated could be neutral toward Jews, but to be pro Jew like Breivik means that the person has examined Jews and found them valuable to white nationalism, an impossibility, i.e., Breivik isn’t a white nationalist. Thirdly, most instances of Muslims bombing Muslims are false flag operations. Decades ago, when the British were in the Middle East, rival Muslim factions united with each other and acted in concert against the British occupation; they didn’t go around blowing each other up. So why do they do it now in Iraq under American occupation? Consider how these bombings take place. Often, a busy market, full of women and children, is blown up or a marriage or funeral is blow up. If Muslim factions in Iraq hate each other so much that female suicide bombers would kill themselves to blow up women and children of a rival Muslim group, then how in the world did Saddam Hussein manage to keep this behavior under wraps? There’s no way he could’ve done it. I’ll give you a clue. These car bombs often leave huge craters. Here’s a physics challenge. Explain how car bombs could cause such craters: 72
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 13:20 | #
Get real would you, the only one implying that he may have been a ‘white nationalist’ here is you, as I already explained people in the real world do not even suspect that there is such a thing as ‘white nationalism’ (a mere yankee internet subculture invented by Don Black & co) and do not think nor act according to ‘white nationalist terms’.
I appreciate that. 73
Posted by anon on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 15:23 | # Give the guy a break. His thinking may not be as sophisticated as that of the majestic geniuses at MR, but he is apparently at a similar stage of understanding where some of us were at the same age, that is before we discovered AmRen, VDare, MR, KMac, JQ, etc. We can speculate that in time the contradictions would have been worked out, as I would guess they were for many of you at one time. The excuse-making—i.e., psychopath, loner, false flag, Mossad patsy, Judeophile, etc.—is pretty pathetic to watch. Writing scared. 74
Posted by Peter1 on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 15:29 | # Large Cache of Explosives Seized in Helsinki on July 18. 75
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 15:44 | # Anon, Here’s Trainspotter at OO:
Here’s the real bottom line - you can forget everything else: No political meaning attaches to the actions of the classic lone psychopath. Politics simply provided a field of expression appropriate to this man’s psychopathy. It is of no political value to read anything into it beyond the point that he has done this thing because of the nature of his mind. It is, btw, now generally acknowledged that he lifted almost verbatim large sections of the Unabomber’s manifesto. 76
Posted by anon on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 15:45 | # I think his anti-racism was tactical. From 2083: “In any case, we need to get over this taboo as soon as possible because it is estimated that the Nordic genotypes will be extinct completely within 200 years. This is mainly due to intermarriage between Nordics and non-Nordics. Multiculturalist doctrines have speeded this “indirect extermination process” up further in many Western European countries so the extinction might happen sooner. F example the Norwegian cultural Marxist government has created a vast network of asylum camps all over the country (and in historically isolated small towns and villages) which will contribute to accelerate this process substantially. The Nordic genotypes might be wiped out within 200 years and yet not a single counter-measure has been employed to prevent this from happening due to the fact that it is considered politically incorrect.” Hmmm, where have I heard this line of thought before…? 77
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 15:58 | # It’s all tactical. It serves his pathological needs, not the other way round. That is my point. If you think he is guided by principles then you are admitting him to our presence, and justifying the Establishment and the MSM doing the same. I am really not interested in his stated principles. 78
Posted by anon on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 16:08 | # The Establishment and the MSM have already accomplished that, despite the ongoing desperate maneuvers of the WN-webs. It was bound to happen anyway. 79
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 16:15 | # JR
There is no question that the National Socialist leadership were political gangsters. They did not mind “killing their own” at all. At best, they attempted to force into real life the pursuit of a non-real goal, meaning they were criminals. At worst, some, at least, were also psychopaths. Hitler’s final order to his people demonstrate psychopathy. It does not behove us to excuse these people. They are not a light to us. We do not need their example. The reason it tends to be pressed upon us so relentlessly is because many German-American WNs primarily seek to recover Germany’s moral reputation. This is not a bad thing in itself, obviously, and efforts to explicate the way that reputation has been unjustly smeared are laudable and possibly even essential to our freedom. But NS was still a religious teleology, and the standard of truth-searching that goes into revision of the Holocaust narrative should be applied to it also. 80
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 16:19 | # Anon,
As I said in the original post. But we don’t have to help them. 81
Posted by anon on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 17:10 | # What we must do, is stop grovelling, back-pedalling, and running scared. It’s unseemly. The deed is done. The situation is escalated, whether we like it or not. Now what? 82
Posted by anon on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 17:32 | # GW, I just spoke to family back in England. Well-to-do, educated, upper-middle class types, Tory voters in a southern county. According to them, their views (and those of the people they know) on the event in Norway are roughly as follows: It was inevitable, an outrage, but not surprising. It is surprising an event like this has not already occurred. They thought it would have happened in France or Germany first. This is what happens when you have Muslim immigration and allow the Islamics to take over. The government in Norway is ultimately reponsible for the shooter’s actions. The shooting will lead to repression of ‘conservative parties’ throughout Europe. Which in turn will lead to more such events carried out by desperate people. 83
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 17:37 | # Anon,
It always comes down to the final value: we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. The question then is: at what level does this final value need to be effected? Does it need to enter into our life-ideas, to quite literally become our thought-world in replacement of the liberal thinking about man, or can political actions make this happen even in the context of a surviving liberalism? Is a question of where you want to make the revolutionary ceasura, and how fundamental you want to make it. Breivik’s crime tends to argue for the deepest possible break. 84
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 17:42 | # Anon,
I am surprised that such sentiments have been arrived at so quickly. I could see them developing over a few months, as the early shock wears off and the MSM and leftist assault on the right begins to grate. But not now. Very surprised. 85
Posted by anon on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 17:55 | # I was too. They are rather opinionated and politically-involved. 86
Posted by Peter on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 18:29 | # J Richards That is exactly what i meant. The reasoning that the unfortunate victims were seen as “others” even if they were the same race. You always have some interesting “explanation”/conspiracy theory to explain situations/events. I think the Iraqi Shia-Sunni conflict is much more complex. Sadam Hussein used terror as a tactic to keep Shia’s and Kurds under control. The British were a foreign/infidel power and therefore they (Shias and Sunnis) joined ranks against them, also at that time there was an assumption that things could be worked out peacefully but after British control, one minority group started oppressing the others. Decades later the “liberators” known as the Americans came, Shia’s could finally take revenge on the Sunni’s oppression. Plus amid chaotic situations some groups see an opportunity. Maybe the Shia’s want to be in power after Americans are gone and are using terror as a means of seeing that it happens. Lastly, are you in politics? going into them? thinking about it? 87
Posted by Chechar on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 18:32 | # Trainspotter, Yesterday at TOO I posted a comment I received from a tough nationalist that no one has dared to respond at TOO (only at my blogsite). I am intrigued by similar views by Wandrin at TOO and at Occidental Dissent. Although I titled my first post on this subject “No White Nationalist would open fire on White kids”, I still have to figure out how to respond to this man who posted the following at my Facebook page:
Trains, you say: @ “…then I’d call that effective terror, any moral judgement aside.” There’s always the possibility that this starts a copycat epidemic at Europe from lone wolves, perhaps not unlike the scenario William Pierce envisaged in Hunter. If so, wouldn’t it be premature to judge this man? 88
Posted by anon on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 18:43 | # For clarity’s sake, all “anon” comments after 12:48PM on the “Balder” thread are not me, the Belizean guy. I encourage the other guy to append at least a “3” to his handle, LOL. 89
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 20:37 | #
Is it worth considering the possibility that this guy may have attempted to make a patsy of the Mossad? The targets have different symbolic values, and the MO seems to differ significantly. 90
Posted by anon3 on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 22:07 | # That’s a very interesting possibility, but probably not very realistic. This incident isn’t keeping me up at night. Perhaps I’m morally deficient (by Christian standards anyway), but I don’t see any big dilemma in taking out legitimate political targets, as I believe he did. We have been betrayed by our own elites, by our own people (usually in league with a certain ethnic group). The blame does not necessarily lie with innocent third world immigrants. Our problem is the treason of the elites. Therefore, they are the real enemy. Faced with the same existential threats, I have to ask myself: What would my ancestors do? Most likely, the same thing he did. They probably wouldn’t go into a frenzy of soul-searching, back-pedalling, and hair-pulling. Incidentally, I’ve known people like Breivik, whose last stop on the way to full-blown Ethnonationalism was the GoV and Fjordman crowd. I believe he was well on his way to becoming a reader of, if not contributor to, such sites as TOO, MR, etc., and that scares the hell out of some people.
Sort of separates the men from the boys. 91
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 22:28 | # anon,
Let me guess, from the Nordicist boogeyman? Why do you swarthoids care so much, we view ourselves as a distinct race and want to preserve our genotype and phenotype from extinction. No one cares what the south euro wogs do, but all the wogs seem to be really riled up by what the North euros do or think, why’s that? The south euro wogs are the first to decry Nordic ethnonationalism as being ‘hurtful’ to the cause and against the ‘principles of European unity’ (aka ‘white nationalism’), yet they are ethnonationalist themselves and as usual no one cares, why’s that? 92
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 22:38 | # Yeah. I think my affinity for the hypothesis is simply matter of titillation at the imagined possibility of an Aryan taking some creepy Jew boys to the cultural cleaners. 94
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 23:44 | # GW
One of the things the other side has been doing in the media for decades is cheapening white life. The most recent example was the brewery massacre where the media almost immediately lurched into were they racist? i.e. did they deserve it? I think that same deadening effect the media have created may come into play here leading to an intellectual “why?” response rather than an emotional response. Maybe he didn’t think it through but came to it for crazy reasons. I don’t know. I’m still reeling from the thought that somebody even *might* have thought something this extreme through. It reminds me of Kurtz in Apocalypse Now. 95
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 23:55 | # GILAD ATZMON: WAS THE MASSACRE IN NORWAY A REACTION TO BDS? 96
Posted by Saxon on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 00:47 | # “No one cares what the south euro wogs do, but all the wogs seem to be really riled up by what the North euros do or think, why’s that?” It’s because they want acceptance for themselves in a high status group. For them white nationalism isn’t really about racial preservation. It’s just about their own ego. They have nothing else going on in their lives so they latch on to a racial identity to make them feel special. So when you tell them that they have no place in your high status group they go nuts because you are taking away the one thing that gives their pathetic lives meaning. 97
Posted by Trainspotter on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 01:01 | # Anon: “What we must do, is stop grovelling, back-pedalling, and running scared. It’s unseemly.” Let me get this straight. Our objection to being associated with the slaughter of unarmed teenagers, this in a sea of the guilty, constitutes “running scared.” It’s “unseemly.” Excuse me, but I’m going to go back to planet Earth now. As to anyone who claims that some positive developments will result from this act, I would say two things: 1. I’m all ears. Let me know when the mana from heaven arrives as a result of this insanity. I’m hesitant to write on the following, for the simple reason that the troll/clown brigade will attempt to misrepresent my views. Let me be crystal clear on this point, I’m not advocating any kind of terrorist activity whatsoever. None, zero, zilch. However, for purposes of the discussion we are having, a distinction does need to be made between effective and ineffective terrorism - because this distinction has ramifications for everything from false flags to simple nutcases. An effective terrorist action should thrill the base (core supporters of the cause) while at the same time creating proper connections in the public mind. It must instill fear, but it also must instill respect. Otherwise, the public perceives the revolutionary movement as just a bunch of loons, and will cling instead to the devil they know. At least the devil they know sends out social security checks and keeps the traffic lights more or less functioning, and seems to limit its episodes of mass slaughter, more or less, to various imperial ventures - with the occasional deviation such as Waco. A very simple way of putting it, as I did on TOO, is to create the following impression in the typical white mind: “The bombers shouldn’t have done that…but those guys had it coming.” The goal of the effective revolutionary terrorist would be to keep its target selection within the above described framework, while goading the government into doing something really disgusting and obscene. (seeing the point here? Get the opponent to do the disgusting and obscene act. Let him take the blame.) As Waco and Ruby Ridge show, that’s a real possibility. This then begins a cycle of creating the proper connections in the public mind, accompanied by ever great declines in system legitimacy. Again, I am not in any way advocating this, but I also don’t see why it is so difficult to understand. But no, let’s slaughter unarmed teenagers. Or hey, why not bomb a church? Maybe next in line should be a little old lady crossing the road with the assistance of an Eagle Scout? Surely these are all legitimate targets, and any objection would be “unseemly.” We have the righteous and just cause of the survival of our people, so let’s associate it in the public mind with acts that come across as a combination of insanity and pure, unadulterated evil. Great idea. I should also add that not only do these disgusting acts “come across” as such, they ARE insane and evil. This is actually up for debate? Come the f**ck on. To reiterate, I am not advocating ANY form of terrorism, just discussing what’s effective and what’s not. And that’s not addressing the broader question of whether even technically “effective” terrorism could actually be effective in our current context. I tend to agree with Greg Johnson that it wouldn’t be. At this point, it’s a fight we would almost certainly lose. Putting pragmatic considerations aside, my moral judgement is that this was an absolutely disgusting, immoral and reprehensible act. I don’t see how I can make it clearer than that. I’d also ask people to consider the reality that “right wing” terrorists NEVER choose targets that meet the above criteria. They always choose targets that do nothing but disgust, sicken and discredit. One must ask, cui bono? Certainly not us. There are at least two obvious possibilities that can explain this consistent choice of targets that only aids our opponents: false flags and just plain nutcases. I’m not sure what we can do about the false flags at this point, other than not playing into their hands as some have done. As to the kooks, we may not be able to stop them from going off, but we can at least shun and distance ourselves from them - as opposed to playing into their narcissistic and nutty hands. I’ll also note that the vast majority of WN commenters, here and elsewhere, have taken a position appropriate to the situation, and I’ve only had to debate a small handful. I don’t see this as a massive internal dispute by any means. One of course can only speculate about the motivations of the few who have let us down at the particular moment when our sites are receiving extra scrutiny by those who mean us ill. 98
Posted by Trainspotter on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 01:40 | # Chechar, Thanks for the compliment of a few days ago, I appreciate it. As for a response to that guy, I think the post that I just made above largely does that. His basic approach is that, since the System has killed so many civilians in the Middle East, this justifies what any normal person would regard as a grossly overexpansive definition of what constitutes a legitimate target. It’s ridiculous. By the way, even though the System does in fact end up killing a lot of civilians in the course of its wars, either through collateral damage or otherwise, it certainly does not make such a thing it’s centerpiece and propaganda focal point. Can you imagine the System broadcasting: “We’re invading country X, and our primary target is unarmed teenagers. We must slaughter the unarmed teenagers because soon enough they will become adult enemies.” The System is evil, but it is not insane. If it were to do something like that, it certainly would not trumpet it to the world. “There’s always the possibility that this starts a copycat epidemic at Europe from lone wolves, perhaps not unlike the scenario William Pierce envisaged in Hunter. If so, wouldn’t it be premature to judge this man?” Again, I think my previous post addresses this. But succinctly put, no, it is not premature to judge the man. He has already made his choice, and he did so in a certain context. Assuming no false flags, this guy is a psychopath or just a plain nut. It’s true that, while unlikely, it is possible that some good could come of this. I doubt it, but it’s possible. Yet he can’t take credit for some totally unforeseen consequence. The only predictable results of such an act, from our point of view, are negative. And as I said above, even if something positive resulted, it would have been multiplied by a thousand if this guy had not behaved in such a sickening and utterly discrediting fashion. What he did was wrong from both a moral and pragmatic point of view. Disastrously wrong. 99
Posted by anon on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 01:58 | # Trainspotter, It satisfies their bloodlust. Isn’t that obvious? The spectacle of a Nordic man with principles very roughly congruent with our own shooting up the children of the multicult appeals to the frustration we all have pent up in us after a lifetime of being subjected to deracination. But the worse that becomes, the more obscene these attacks appear in a sort of psychological relief. No one benefits but those overseeing the continuous deracination of our people(s). The Chechen rebels who laid siege to the Beslan school were not acting in the name of the Chechen people, though they were acting with their political freedom in mind; sadly that isn’t the way of things and it accomplished nothing. I know where the people who identify with this sort of event are coming from. They feel hard and bloodthirsty and feel the left, any “left”, deserve it. But again, it accomplishes nothing and just freaks people out. Hit the political class where it hurts? No shit. It won’t change a damned thing. We are being asked by the sympathizers to lay all of this aside to admire the ruthlessness of one man because of feeble associations with European warriors of the past and that undying earworm of idiots too big for their breeches, “revolution”. Fuck all the noise. I’m neither playing a violin nor blowing on a kazoo. Has nothing to do with me, with anyone I know, or any of you here. Whatever political fallout that emanates from ground zero won’t reach me and very likely won’t reach America, but will probably reinforce here & there mechanisms of suppression already in place on the continent, at least Scandinavia and Germany. Oh well. I guess it means to the hard-asses that another long-winded Zionist queer must come along to teach the leftists a lesson in what a man of will can do. So cinematic! As Hunter Wallace put it, almost exactly as I did — “Communities make revolutions, not individuals.” There was no community in this act. It was pure murderous anomie. 100
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 02:07 | #
That’s the thing it’s understandable that they would want to take advantage of the opportunity to be part of this, since white nationalism in it’s present form is not about racial preservation and it is even made clear that anyone who is ‘european’ is acceptable as ‘white nationalist’ material, the forum that gave birth to ‘white nationalism’ (stormfront/don black) bans anyone that dares to voice concerns about non-Anglos/non-Nordics being accepted as part of the ‘movement’. To me it seem that ‘white nationalism’ is akin to Arabism (or Arab nationalism), which is something that has zero to do with race or racial preservation and everything to do with geographical affiliation (the Arab Union) and globalization, just like arab nationalism, white nationalism is all about geographical affiliation (the European Union) and globalization with a complete disrespect and disregard toward ethnical, cultural and racial preservation. Rather, I would prefer to use the term Germanic Ethnonationalism, at least it gets to the point and does not cause confusion about who would be accepted (Germanics) and who would be rejected (everybody else), we are the only ones who care about racial preservation because we are the only ones facing extinction. 102
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 02:37 | # Trainspotter, Go cry us a puddle.
: We can see that. 103
Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 02:48 | #
You need a line. Even for something like this. Trainspotter and GW’s line is one option and a reasonable one. “They deserved it” is another option. A third is “an eye for an eye but taken *much* too far.” (The closer people are to the mainstream the more you’ll need to stress the “much”). Pick one or think of your own but you always need a line. 104
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 03:00 | #
Indeed, but who are the elites, how did they become elites and how were they selected to become elites? Stalin Youths and other similar crowds represents the next generation of the treasonous, degenerate and communistic fifth column formed to become the new elites bent on destroying the country from the inside by bringing in destructive elements from the outside. 105
Posted by Trainspotter on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 03:03 | # “Trainspotter, Go cry us a fucking river.” “Trainspotter, Go cry us a puddle.” LOL! You guys are well on your way to a really bad song. Is this going to be a barbershop quartet or something? I’ll bet Ol’ Blue Eyes could have done something with it, though. 106
Posted by sk on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 03:03 | # There is a short post called Endgame Exotica Begins here. The shooter and what the media chooses to say may not be the truth,the whole truth. Probably isn’t! 107
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 03:18 | # This was posted on VNN:
- Previously, the majority agreed with the AUF . Majority community must adapt so that minorities feel welcome. Today it is becoming more acceptable to blame the immigrants and argue that any lack of integration is their own fault. - After the Berlin Wall’s fall was Islamophobia the dominant form of European racism. The more unacceptable form of general racism, was linked to the Muslims. “They can not integrate. They lack manners. They’ll just exploit our welfare system. They are potential terrorists. “…dfrykt?ref=mst…og-inkludering…League_(Norway)
Posted by Lew on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 03:59 | # Although much of the WNist community seems to be coalescing around the the nut case theory, I’m still leaning toward false flag if nut cases versus false flag are the only two options. He pulled off a very sophisticated operation for a lone nut case with no known training or background in tactical shooting or bomb making. 109
Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 04:06 | #
His manifesto goes through all that in detail, like a diary. 110
Posted by Chechar on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 04:26 | # Trainspotter, I reserve the next posts to disclose my views on this thorny subject (hint: my latest reply to Greg Johnson). Like Wandrin, I am still “struggling with my inner daimons” to paraphrase Stefan Zweig’s psychobiography of Kleist, Hölderlin and Nietzsche. Meanwhile I’ll limit myself to quote what a commenter said at my blog:
Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 04:59 | #
It’s more about trying to think of optimal lines to take in the context of an event i’d rather not think about. 112
Posted by Lew on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 05:11 | # “His manifesto goes through all that in detail, like a diary. “ Which sections? If you know. I have been doing key word searches in his manifesto all night using terms like fertilizer, rifle, tactics, combat, shooting, etc. There is a lot of copy/paste of material in the manifesto dealing with these topics, material that he obviously did not write himself. If he explains how he acquired and practiced the shooting skills required to take out 90 people running, ducking, scattering and hiding, I can’t find it. 113
Posted by anon3 on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 05:16 | # Bleivik is NOT to blame. The Multikulti Left are ultimately responsible for this atrocity. Never forget it. The Norwegian Government is the one with blood on its hands. In the counter-revolution, these were legitimate political targets. If you can’t handle this truth, then it’s time for you to ‘man up’. Trainspotter’s pathetic, spineless, grandstanding condemnation is unseemly, unmanly, and unworthy of those here. The Multikult brought this on itself. 114
Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 05:38 | # Lew
No, i only saw some extracts. I guess it could be faked anyway so it doesn’t really answer your point.
There are pictures people took with camera phones. The ones doing the running, ducking and scattering didn’t die. The ones doing the terrified huddling together in a big stationary clump with their eyes shut are the ones who died. . 1) “justice for traitors” – this will only not be counter-productive with people who are already pretty radical. if you’re going to use it then know your audience can take the harshness of it. 115
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 10:54 | # This is a really big deal for all of you, isn’t it? Interesting. I’d quite forgotten about Norway today until checking MR just now pre-sleep. I think the false flag angle is interesting (how easy is weapons access in Norway? how easy is it to kill 80+ people with small arms fire?!), but otherwise, the only option, both morally and pr-wise, is total WN condemnation and disassociation (while blaming the Left for destroying the social ‘belongingness’ of Western societies, which in turn leads to sociocultural malaise, psychological alienation - and the occasional lone nut). I note that no one bothers to argue with my contention that WN violence will, as a matter of cold fact, ultimately be necessary if the West is to survive. Does anyone think the West will endure absent authoritarian police violence, or, alternatively, civil warfare? 116
Posted by J Richards on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 11:48 | # A couple of updates A survivor’s testimony:
This is consistent with multiple shooters, and shows that Wandrin isn‘t quite correct that “The ones doing the running, ducking and scattering didn’t die. The ones doing the terrified huddling together in a big stationary clump with their eyes shut are the ones who died.” I came across two versions of copies of Breivik’s facebook page. The one taken from Google cache (July 22, 2011, 23:52:36 GMT) doesn’t mention him listing his philosophy as Christian conservatism. The other one does. Someone altered Breivik’s facebook page before it was taken down or perhaps made up the copy. Considering that the facebook profile had no friends and had been set up only a few days before the massacre, how could Breivik alter his profile before it was taken down or why didn’t he list his presumably important Christian conservative orientation when he set up his facebook profile? The take home message is that it’s pointless to be debating Breivik’s philosophy or believing that the manifesto (in English!) allegedly written by him was authored by him when it increasing looks like the operation is a false flag. Breivik facebook cache pdf
Posted by J Richards on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 11:59 | # Smoke grenades! Marcel Gleffe allegedly rescued some 30 people from the Island. He gave the following testimony, as reported by the Telegraph (I saved a copy if they delete the passage):
Smoke grenades. What are they used for?
...used for disguising the number of shooters? 118
Posted by J Richards on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 12:55 | # The Norwegian massacre was by Emerging picture… By now there’s hard evidence that the Jews had planned on blaming the massacre on Muslims, as evidenced by these screen captures/links:
These examples can’t be blamed upon sloppy journalism because we’re looking at publications that have a reputation to maintain, i.e., fact checking prior to reporting, especially when the matter’s very serious. It appears that it didn’t go as planned for the Jews. Breivik, if involved, was presumably supposed to have escaped or been shot by the other shooter(s) and stripped (many of the youth were in their undies) so that the police uniform was gone and then he’d be another casualty. Maybe the smoke grenades, the size of the Island and time pressures (they probably were focusing on killing all the youth) saved Breivik from being shot by the others. So apparently it’s time for plan B, which is make it look like a lone “right wing” wolf did it. 119
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 14:44 | # JR, what would Israel stand to gain from this action? 120
Posted by wattylersrevolt on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 17:57 | # Trainspotter’s post recieves an A++ mark. Richard Spencer should hire you on as part of his stable of commentators. So should Peter Brimelow. The situation is evolving forward in time.The whole point of posting on the various websites is to maintain the altenative perspective media. This in itself will not ignite a race revolt. The pain level will ignite the race-revolt….or Euro-People can chose to be murdered off by the rapidly expanding nonwhite population on Euro-people’s living space. But if our co-racials do decide to fight back, the framework fro understanding will exist on the that can be easily processes by the neocortex…that our co-racials can tap into. This framework can not contain the mind-numbing-eyes-glaze over pschometric babble of Murray-Hernstien and Lynn. Only three things should be discussed:1)race-replacement 2)theft of wealth and 3)ecological destruction..all three go hand-in-hand. I pray for ecological collapse,economic collapse and race war..all occuring a the same time..and you might as well throw in the amnesty to accelerate the race war…fuck Let them pass the amnesty..for when it passes..the taunting of the sheepple will commence at a scale and wirth a vicousness that has heretofore never been experienced. It will take White children going to bed hungery at night for a violent race war to break out…and it is only a violent race war that can reverse the situation. Can’t wait for the Smith family fighting it out with the Kahn and Wang families waiting in a very long line at the food banks. Mass expulsion of the darkies is the only solution. I am really shocked that Richard Spencer and Peter Brimelow have posted commetary by Hunter Wallace who has well developed Hal Turner tendencies. Give the space to Trainspotter. Unbelievable. 121
Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 18:08 | # Leon
Don’t put support for violent acts in other people’s mouths. If people support that kind of thing let them speak for themselves. 122
Posted by anon on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 19:18 | # wattylersrevolt, The question that I’m left with after reading your comment is: Have whites become so identified with “ghetto culture” that in this extreme environment they won’t respond as whites against the Wongs, Khans, Jonhsons and Garcias? will the racial ground surface and how far out will it extend beyond the single Smith family and its imperiled children? what about all the bastardized families? I can easily imagine white parents in Texas, Louisiana, Florida, West Virginia, even Oregon and Washington and the worst SWPLs of California going feral, but the logistics of the “Day the EBT Card Stops Working” are so complex, I don’t know that anything will coalesce to the degree that we can say, there now, white people are remembering themselves. There’s too much in the way — half-castes, artificial sympathies, timidity, social relations, laws, police tactical quads ... How many of these jilted Smiths will actually find their way to white nationalist blogs for spiritual direction amid the chaos? Christ, living here makes me so grateful to come from a more peaceable nation. Sadly it’s the size of Massachusetts or some state and will in a few decades be majority Guatemalan and Mexican. 123
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 19:27 | # Posted by Wandrin on July 25, 2011, 05:08 PM | # Leon Don’t put support for violent acts in other people’s mouths. If people support that kind of thing let them speak for themselves. Don’t understand. Will the West be saved other than through violence (obviously targeted, not random killings of our own people) at some level? If so, how? 124
Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 19:48 | #
In entrapment cases silence can be taken as assent.
An organisation that uses violence has its freedom of operation extremely constrained. They can’t recruit openly for example. It only works when they have a broad base of popular support they can move among freely, like Mao said, guerrilas swim among the people like fish in the sea. So even if you believe violence is inevitable eventually, for practical purposes you still need a mass peaceful movement first as the jungle your guerillas are going to hide in. So either you build your mass peaceful movement and it works which would be great or your mass peaceful movement turns into the foundation of an armed struggle. So the question has the same answer - try and build a mass peaceful movement based on the right of a people to preserve themselves as a people with their own exclusive living space. . 125
Posted by Chechar on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 20:02 | # OD is the only place on the WN blogosphere where this is being discussed with brutal honesty. 126
Posted by wattylersrevolt on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 20:54 | # Chechar We are not interested in what the short fat psychotic Hunter Wallace has to say. His shennagans on the internet are well documented. I am shocked that Richard Spencer and Peter Brimelow would give this cockroach a platform to comment…Wallace H is very likely in the Hal Turner realm..not to be trusted…what were you thinking Richard Spencer and Peter Brimelow? 127
Posted by Chechar on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 23:16 | # wattylersrevolt, You misunderstood me, since I am advertizing no Hunter Wallace article, but one by Rome. Ignore in toto what Wallace says in that thread if you wish: there are still fascinating comments by Wandrin, Kievsky, Rollory and even a post by Yggdrasil. 128
Posted by Chechar on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 02:24 | # Selected OD comments on the Norway incident in my blog (with no HW comments). 129
Posted by Peter1 on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 03:58 | # Webster Tarpley on Norway attacks #1 MP3 file location of the above for iOS users ~15 minutes 130
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 04:03 | #
There is no lacuna in my understanding of the deleterious consequences of Breivik’s deed to the cause of nationalism at this nascent stage in the latter’s development, Train. Nor was it my desire to provoke some measure of pique in you, though apparently I have unintentionally done so. So let it now be that the apology I offer is a giving of equal weight to the amends you have attempted to make for what abuses of the language you are guilty. (It would be less than politic of me to enumerate these guilty lapses of yours.) 131
Posted by Selous Scout on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 04:31 | # I support Hunter, and I also support Leon Haller’s contention that “WN violence will, as a matter of cold fact, ultimately be necessary if the West is to survive.” I don’t see how anyone could see it otherwise. I really don’t. If you do, then keep quiet and go back to your philosophical texts. The coming war—and it is coming, whether you like it or not—will require men made of sterner stuff. This is a task for men—not boys. Step aside. 132
Posted by Trainspotter on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 06:22 | # CC: “So let it now be that the apology I offer is a giving of equal weight to the amends you have attempted to make for what abuses of the language you are guilty. (It would be less than politic of me to enumerate these guilty lapses of yours.)” LOL! I accept your sincere and heartfelt apology in the spirit in which it was given! I will offer a sincere apology of my own, at least in part. The irritation which I felt and expressed was mostly the result of dealing with a couple of knuckleheads, and I should not have let that bleed over into my response to you. For that, I apologize. On the other hand, I do think that I was offering actual analysis and not mere rhetoric, though rhetoric of course having its place. I hope that my “guilty lapses” will not cause undue strain upon you in the future, though perhaps that is your cross to bear. Enough of that. It is obvious that we both have a sarcastic side. With me it is usually playful, sometimes it is not. But the fact is that you have been a favorite poster of mine (yes, I know that I started the sentence with a conjunction - sometimes you just have to let a player play). Surely a compliment is better than a half apology? Yet I offer them both, in all seriousness. Fair enough? 134
Posted by Trainspotter on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 06:50 | # Selous Scout: “The coming war—and it is coming, whether you like it or not—will require men made of sterner stuff. This is a task for men—not boys. Step aside.” Yes. Perhaps next time the men of “sterner stuff” should target a little old lady crossing the street with the assistance of an Eagle Scout. That will help our cause, and only pansy intellectuals would have a problem with it. By the way, I realize this shot is not entirely fair…but it’s close enough. I don’t need to hear how in fact the unarmed teens were “legitimate targets.” I know what they were, and further I know how they are perceived, at least by people residing on planet earth. Selous Scout: “The coming war—and it is coming, whether you like it or not—will require men made of sterner stuff.” I would agree that it is coming, though it’s hard to put a date on it. But the problem is, what Breivik has done has put any resistance against the system at a disadvantage. Whether violent or not, any resistance will have a hard time shaking off the child killer image. What breivik did was create a strong connection in the public mind between resistance to the system and the slaughter of unarmed teenagers. So perhaps, in addition to “sterner stuff,” it would be nice to have men of “more perceptive stuff?” Your type just doesn’t get it. Even if one advocates violence, it would largely end up being a psychological war. If and when things go from push to shove, the Left would run circles around your type - you’d hand them victory on a silver platter. You’d always pick the worst, most counterproductive targets possible. Your type could literally be surrounded by a thousand targets that would help your cause, but you’d manage to choose the one that didn’t. And be fiercely proud of it. You’d have every white person in the country wanting to tear apart any white nationalist they could get their hands on. Fortunately, there are perceptive white nationalists, and perhaps some are even made of “sterner stuff.” It is only with such men that victory is possible. 135
Posted by Chechar on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 07:15 | #
True. What he did is not Covingtonesque, as one of the “couple of knuckleheads” that gave you a headache wrote today. In The Brigade Covington wrote: “First and foremost, no kids!” Conversely, in his novels the image of dead bodies of the Feds who tried to steal the children of the nationalists for reeducation in a Northwest town is the spark that ignites the revolution. But that is not the point. The point is that this guy Breivik shattered our pretty script. And if the System retaliates by, say, censoring our blogs we will have no choice but becoming Hunters and target precisely the judges who rule the censoring of the Internet (I mean “Hunters” not in the sense of the other guy who gave you a headache, but like the one in Pierce’s novel). I don’t like this, Trainspotter. Not at all. Believe me. But we must face the fact that Breivik accelerated the ignition process, at least in Europe. 136
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 10:27 | # Stop being so defeatist. I like what Trainspotter said earlier - always attack the Left, never admit anything or back down. I am out there attacking the bastards, pointing out that immigration + multiculturalism + forced integration = genocide of the white race, and that as that genocide becomes ever more obvious, there will be more unhinged acts like this. It’s the Left’s fault. Hammer that home, STOP TALKING AMONGST YOURSELVES, and we will get past this. Ideologists of all types always spend too much time talking to others like themselves, instead of engaging potential ‘converts’ with other intellectual and political interests (as I do constantly, injecting WN arguments into libertarian and Christian chatrooms, ‘stirring things up’). 137
Posted by J Richards on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 12:58 | # GW, You asked, what could Israel have to gain by orchestrating the Norwegian massacre?
1) The plan apparently was to blame Muslims, which could potentially reverse the Norwegian threat to derailing Jewish schemes. Norway was on the verge of pulling out of Libya, about to recognize a Palestinian state, had mainstream politicians openly talking about bombing Israel using the analogy of Libya, wasn’t playing ball with bail outs and the EU, and it wasn’t just ordinary citizens or small business groups divesting from Israeli stocks but the highest levels of the government. Unchecked, this could spread to the rest of the Scandinavian nations and you never know where else. Fear and hatred of Muslims thus had to sown into the Norwegian psyche. Of course, the aftermath of convincing the public of Muslim responsibility would be a gamble. The Madrid bombings of 2003 are an example. Spaniards were fed-up with Spanish involvement in the Iraq war and wanted their troops pulled. Israel attempted to convince Spaniards of the danger of Muslims by blowing up some of their trains in Madrid, right before the election that Jose Aznar was about to lose. But Jews had misunderstood the Spaniards, Aznar’s government was defeated and the troops pulled out. The same could happen with Norway, but what choice did Jews have? Doing nothing wouldn’t stop Norway. 2) If the general public could be sold the tale of a Muslim attack, the military intelligence of Norway would quickly determine that Muslims had nothing to do with it and that it was an Israeli false flag operation, but given infiltration in their ranks and Jewish control of the mainstream media, for an intelligence officer to go public would very well mean career suicide and the endangerment of his family. But these people from the intelligence branches could possibly be persuaded by the ruthlessness of the massacre that they had better encourage others to minimize the extent to which Norway panders to the Muslims or else… 3) Jews must confront the spectre of the sword of Damocles inching toward their throats. What if an outraged public decides to take the matter in their own hands? This is why the Jews must disarm the public, and gun massacres assist this goal. Whereas one could cite many examples, consider the Port Arthur gun massacre in Australia (April 28, 1996). 56 people were shot, of whom 35 died. At the first location, 12 were killed and 10 more wounded, all in the span of 15 seconds. At the second location, 29 rounds were fired within 90–120 seconds, killing 20 people. Shootings and killings took place at three other locations. Prior to the shootings, the local police had been distracted by a fake emergency call. All this was blamed on a tall, 28-year-old blond male, Martin Bryant, who had an IQ of 66 and no military or combat training whatsoever! The mainstream media declared him “guilty” before the trial. No motive was mentioned. Bryant was sentenced to thousands of years in prison, in isolation; his lawyer was forbidden from discussing motives and journalists barred from interacting with him. You can guess what happened in the aftermath. Various firearms were banned; heavy restrictions placed on the legal ownership of self-loading rifles, self-loading shotguns and pump-action shotguns; and about 650,000 guns in the public’s hands were destroyed by the government. 138
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 13:54 | # The problem is, JR, that no one needs a Norwegian intelligence officer to explain anything. Breivik can immediately be identified by anyone who takes an interest in these things as a Christian Zionist and Islamophobe. Only the uncritical masses and the opportunist-left connect him to “neo-Nazis” and “racists”. Mossad must be very dumb indeed if they hadn’t worked out that this would happen ... that the heat would be on their fellow-travellers and creature comforts in the West (Alan Lake and the EDL, for example) ... yet went ahead with using him anyway. It does not add up. 139
Posted by Bubba on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 18:48 | # I’m hesitant to write on the following, for the simple reason that the troll/clown brigade will attempt to misrepresent my views. Let me be crystal clear on this point, I’m not advocating any kind of terrorist activity whatsoever. None, zero, zilch. Legal disclaimer aside there is no need to misrepresent what is perfectly clear: You’re frightened. You’ll continue to be frightened each time an anarchist sharing some belief that can be linked in someway to racial conservatism lashes out at an inappropriate target. Linkage, distinctions, and thresholds for appropriateness all defined by the MSM and university English profs. Today it is a camp filled with teenagers and young adults. Yesterday it was a woman in politics (Loughner). A very simple way of putting it, as I did on TOO, is to create the following impression in the typical white mind: “The bombers shouldn’t have done that…but those guys had it coming.” You know that will never happen with the mainstream media in the hands of the enemy. Somewhere somehow women, children, old folks, the innocent, and the handicapped will always be affected. It is a testimonial to either the stupidity or cowardice of our race that white children in the United States are daily murdered by Third World tools of the jew/Anglo elite without so much as a peep from the majority. This can’t be attributed to ignorance or apathy by and large, for if the race is that incurious and passive we don’t deserve survival. 140
Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 18:55 | # Leon
Yes, use sites like this for ideas and to hammer out arguments then take them outside and use them. . If this was a false flag operation it was an accidental one caused by creating pro-jewish idealogies which *in combination* become anti-jewish. The multicult idealogy in America doesn’t get applied to Israel because American media and politics is saturated with Jews who can prevent that happening. In other countries, like Norway, the multicult idealogy has infected one segment of the white population, as it has elsewhere, but there aren’t enough Jews to control its direction completely. In Norway the multicult idealogy is applied to Israel also (because they’re whiter than the Palestinians). That’s one example of an idealogy created by Jews in their interest has *gone bad* from their point of view. Now nationalism and the desire to not be turned into an ethnic minority in your own homeland is natural. So there’s natural psychological pressure coming from that. At the same time Jews have created the anti-racist and anti-nazi pressures to suppress that pressure and keep it down. The latter idealogical pressure also creates a pro-jewish and pro-israel pressure. In combination the path of least resistance for naturally (but mildly) nationalist people under those combined pressures is a Geert Wilders type path. They can get around the anti-nationalist psychological pressure by doing it for Israel instead of their own nation. So yes maybe it was psychologically *false flag* but i don’t believe for a moment it was planned by Mossad oranything like that. The simple proof of that would be to go to any mainstream site where leftists are making hay over this incident and talk about the agenda of the socialist youth camp was to organise a boycott of Israel. Watch them squirm. 141
Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 19:09 | # babba
The demoralization technique i use is to say, if things extrapolate exactly on the same lines they are on now, that in fifty years time, whether nationalists win or islam wins, there won’t be any Jews in Europe and Israel will be gone. Also, when they realize they’ve screwed up again and they’re going to lose Israel again Jews in Israel will slide into an hysterical nuclear masada mentality, fire off their nukes in various directions, and trigger a nuclear winter. Of course in my case it’s not just a demoralization technique it’s an accurate extrapolation. 142
Posted by Bubba on Tue, 26 Jul 2011 19:37 | # The demoralization technique i use Yourn’s is a very good technique. I’m shore pleased to note your agreement that only the unfit are fearful or demoralized by such language. No doubt you will also agree that the race and its white literary movement is in need of paring from top to bottom? 143
Posted by Bubba on Wed, 27 Jul 2011 00:02 | # Mossad must be very dumb indeed if they hadn’t worked out that this would happen ... that the heat would be on their fellow-travellers and creature comforts in the West (Alan Lake and the EDL, for example) ... yet went ahead with using him anyway. If indeed this was a plot to bring Norway back to the Zionist fold (it never left it, actually), then better gentile fellow travelers take the hit than jewry. For jewry plausible deniability in the promotion of multiracialism among gentiles is a key consideration. Anti-Zionism among whites can be tolerated in tiny open Norway, more so than in the U.S., U.K., France, or Germany. Opposing it in Norway, however, would hinder jewish ability to deny responsibility for the multiracialism that is destroying Europe, North America, and Australia. If there was need tiny Norway could be economically smacked into line at jewry’s pleasure. More likely ABB’s actions will be twisted to serve this purpose without resorting to sterner measures. Don’t let ABB’s pro-Zionism throw you off. More relevant than anything else to white Europe is his anti-racist Islamophobia and the “lessons” it will teach. No matter what Searchlight writes about the EDL, controlled opposition to Third World immigration will continue in England and elsewhere. It can’t afford not to. Too many whites remain. 144
Posted by Bubba on Wed, 27 Jul 2011 00:35 | # how easy is it to kill 80+ people with small arms fire?! Pretty easy to kill unarmed teens and adults huddled in terror, I’d say. Not that quantity means anything. It certainly doesn’t to criminologists when racial comparisons of mass and serial killers are compared (unless Germans are the mass killers). Whites huddled in terror are killed daily in the First World by the Third World. Of course I’m not counting physical and sexual assaults, or victims surrounded by their pathetic First World extended kinsmen who turn a blind eye. 145
Posted by Chechar on Wed, 27 Jul 2011 05:25 | # Dear lefties: Keep working for your multicult global plan. But this is our plan for YOU. 146
Posted by Trainspotter on Wed, 27 Jul 2011 23:17 | # Bubba: “Legal disclaimer aside there is no need to misrepresent what is perfectly clear: You’re frightened. You’ll continue to be frightened each time an anarchist sharing some belief that can be linked in someway to racial conservatism lashes out at an inappropriate target.” I love these sanctimonious, aspergery types who claim that others are frightened. This claim seems to imply that they themselves are made of stern and grim stuff - as they put on their Spock ears and play World of Warcraft. If I were “frightened,” I simply wouldn’t post at all, and certainly not on this subject. It would be quite easy for me to have avoided the issue altogether. I’m an internet poster writing under a pseudonym, not a leader of an organization. Often months go by without me posting at all. In short, I’m not exactly high profile. The Wall Street Journal didn’t consult my opinion on this affair. If I were frightened in the manner of your cutesy accusation, I wouldn’t touch this subject with a ten foot pole. The reality is that very few WN, if any, have any reason whatsoever to be “frightened” by the Breivik incident, at least in the way that you suggest. Those who have advocated violence could possibly be an exception, but even they are mostly such obvious all hat/no cattle losers that I can’t imagine the system would waste much time on them. Breivik wasn’t even one of us. So keep up with your cutesy accusations, as befits an internet chest thumper. I’m not writing for the benefit of sanctimonious blowhards, but for a different sort. Having said all of that, the truth is that I am frightened - just not in the way that you suggest. I am frightened for the future of my people, given that the only movement dedicated to its survival seems to have more than its share of kooks and dysfunctional morons. Whether one advocates peaceful reform or violent revolution, the struggle to come will largely be psychological in nature. What Breivik did was of course far more sophisticated than simply machine gunning a bunch of wogs in a curry shop, as he actually targeted the elite itself. The aspergery chest thumpers are so taken with this that they are defending the man and his target selection. As I and others have now explained countless times, this is pure idiocy. But if it makes you feel better (and tougher!) to dismiss all that we have said, to attribute it to our being “frightened,” then by all means have at it. Don’t worry about that fact that you’re harming our people in doing so. That’s secondary to your self-indulgence. 147
Posted by J Richards on Thu, 28 Jul 2011 22:56 | # GW, In response to the three things I stated Israel/Jews had to gain by orchestrating the Norwegian massacre, you indicated a few problems with the notion. The first was that anyone who takes an interest can identify Breivik as a Christian Zionist and an Islamophobe. How do we know this? The mainstream media (MSM) are telling us, and the tale’s incredible. There’s the altered facebook page for starters, to make him appear a Christian conservative, an alteration he couldn’t have made. Then if you start with his alleged manifesto, he mentions 7000 facebook friends, whereas his facebook profile was set up a few days before the massacre and listed no friends. His alleged criminal behavior is unusual for a Christian. I’ve started going over his alleged manifesto, and I’ll post a review of it. The first 700 pages give no indication that the manifesto was prepared by a Christian. Perhaps the Christian nature of it will become clearer as I proceed, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. I agree that the person who prepared the manuscript is a Zionist and an Islamophobe, but, again, how do we know that Breivik authored it? Why would someone outraged by what’s happening to his nation write a manifesto in a foreign language? Considering that much of the contents are reprints of articles authored by others in English, why didn’t he translate them and add his own in Norwegian, appending an English version to it, given that he had nine years to do it? There’s more that I’ll write on later, but the MSM tale is too tall. Your second objection was that that the Mossad must be very dumb if they hadn’t worked out the possibility that events would turn out as they unfolded, but there’s no fool-proof false flag plan. They must reign the Norwegians and they had back-up and damage control plans. I posted clear evidence previously that the original plan was to blame Muslims. It didn’t work, and now it’s plan B. In either case, they didn‘t have to worry about serious questions being asked in the mainstream media, but blogs are a problem, which thousands of Jews would take upon themselves to handle. Guess what they’re doing? Unfortunately, you’ve inadvertently assisted Jews in this endeavor. This was the very first post on the Norwegian massacre at MR, authored by you, and you focused it on political meaning instead of logistics, which sits well with the Jews. Jews don’t want people to ask what kind of car bomb damages buildings, a number extensively, within a five-block radius. They don’t want people to ask where’s the crater left by this car bomb like all the craters we’re shown allegedly left by car bombs detonated by Muslims in Iraq and elsewhere. They don’t want people to know that most of those injured by the bombing(s) were hit by glass shards, twisted metal and other projectiles ejected from the buildings and don’t want people to ask what this tells us about the location of the bomb(s) and why is it that the MSM are not telling us more about where the car bomb was placed and what kind of car it was. They don’t want people to ask why is it that those in the bombed region reported smelling sulfur and burning tires (related to sulfur) instead of the diesel fumes they should be smelling if the bomb was made of diesel fuel and ammonium nitrate. They don’t want us to wonder that surely, many on the Island had cell phones and took pictures or videos… what happened to these? I could go on, but the point’s clear. You see evidence of Jews deflecting attention from the logistics in this very thread, and all over websites in MR’s genre. They’re also deflecting attention from the logistics when pitting leftists against conservatives over the blame game. And, if the discussion is poor, they pull out the anti-Semitism canard. They’re not dumb. Regarding shooting themselves in the foot, look at their history… repeated expulsions. They’re relentless… it’s a matter of time before a critical mass awakens and expels them; they just hope to acquire complete control before this happens, which hasn’t happened so far, but their relentless pursuit shouldn’t be construed as shooting themselves in the foot as the process is inherently fraught with risks. 148
Posted by J Richards on Thu, 28 Jul 2011 23:45 | # Peter ... July 24, 2011, 05:29 PM, Why do a number of white Christians support Jews? The Christian Zionists believe that the Jews are the Judahites of the Bible, a grotesque distortion. Jews have invested a considerable amount of resources in promoting this lie, undoubtedly even ensuring that the Christian Zionist sheeple are led by their own agents. In addition, like religiously observant people in general, Christian Zionists tend not to question their religious beliefs. Then there are a number of Christians in general who passively absorb the news from the mainstream media… they just don’t know any better. Regarding conspiracy theory, concern yourself with facts. If the facts point to conspiracy, so be it. The official version is also… “Muslims conspired to…,” “Breivik conspired to… ”... facts matter, not whether the argument is a conspiracy theory. I see that you haven’t taken the physics challenge regarding how the car bombs in Iraq and elsewhere are leaving huge craters. If not this physics challenge, maybe you’ll try to go through all the pictures and videos of the Norwegian bombing(s), alleged to have resulted from a car bomb, and try to spot the crater that the massive six-ton bomb must have left. Aside from facts, a little bit of critical thinking can be used to make a reasonable guess as to the gaps in knowledge. It doesn’t matter how brutally Saddam Hussein suppressed dissidents, which we’re told about by the lying-through-their-teeth MSM, hatred so intense that people would blow up, at random, a dozen or two women and children of a rival Muslim faction, sometimes killing themselves in the process, couldn’t possibly be contained by any dictator or government, but the Iraqis didn’t remotely behave in this manner till they were invaded by the U.S.-led coalition. 149
Posted by Peter on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 22:06 | # JRichards I must admit Physics isn’t my forte but are you implying that those huge craters are left my “invisible/secret aircrafts” that are shooting bombs onto the scenes of these craters? Somewhat feasible in a Sci-Fi way. Also are you implying that Zionists are responsible for the mass unrest in Iraq? That they are sending suicide bombers to create the chaos? I don’t know about this one….I think Muslims are responsible. Women and children mean nothing if they are all “infidels”. So if the “White Christian sheeple” is being brainwashed whose fault is that? I am trying to say if some people are stupid enough to be brainwashed into believing they are inferior and responsible for atrocities committed against non whites…Do only the brain washers deserve the blame? What about the sheeple who lack the intelligence to connect the dots? What about people (their own) that allow brainwashing to continue? Regarding the current state of affairs in White countries…I really hope that they rise up once more and see the brain washers for who they really are 150
Posted by Jewtalian on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 22:31 | # Why do a number of white Christians support Jews? I dont know? Maybe because they are human? 151
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 00:32 | # From The Independent, lifted from AP:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsThorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View) |
Posted by J Richards on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 10:54 | #
The Norwegian explosion(s) and shootings have the hallmark of the Mossad/Israel. A lone wolf intelligent enough to come up with such carnage would’ve had the intelligence to figure out that the problems of his nation predominantly stemmed from Jews, and he would’ve targeted Jews.
If Breivik was involved at all, he’s presumably a patsy, like Timothy McVeigh.
In the case of McVeigh, Israeli agents found a mentally disturbed patriot disillusioned with a war he shouldn’t have been in and someone outraged by the Waco incident. He was talked into blowing up a federal building. Mcveigh did his part by parking a truck with a fertilizer bomb outside the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma. Around the time the fertilizer bomb went off, the military-grade bombs placed inside the Murrah building went off, too, causing nearly all the damage that was blamed on the fertilizer bomb. This was the grand finale of a series of false flag events that destroyed the militia movement that had flourished after the savings and loans economic crisis of the 1980s.