Now is the Tea Party ‘07

Posted by James Bowery on Sunday, 16 December 2007 07:49.

Bottom line according to before and after screenshots of the official Ron Paul site:

$17,980,156.71 - $11,551,156.57 = $6.43M




Posted by daveg on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 09:31 | #

Nice start.


Posted by Marge O'Brien on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 11:55 | #

I have the same graph page permanently open for the day, along with the Ron Paul home page where I love to watch the numbers update—what pleasure it gives me to know how many fellow travelers I have—I think I love them all!  We have SO MUCH in common!!  My donation today will be several times larger than my Nov.5 donation.  I see this as a once in my lifetime chance to help try to lift someone who opposes everything that I oppose into the driver’s seat—a huge and worthy cause—now or never.

What makes this campaign so unique is that it combines the utter seriousness of the issues with a quality of “good, clean fun” that I haven’t seen for a very long time.  After I laughed all the way through the blimp launching video, I realized it had taken me back to a time when we were all so innocent compared to today, in perpetual and light-hearted motion.  Ron Paul and his campaign are beautiful because they’re good.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 12:28 | #

The blimp launch ...


Posted by Maguire on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 13:47 | #


“The blimp launch ...”

A truly great event.  The best part is the young average age of the crowd.  GT was promoting advertising blimps years ago.

I hope it’s a lesson all would-be Ron Paul Revolutionaries take to heart.





We saw the results from the alternate idea back in Y2K.  Back then a career employee of Zionist Jewish controlled media was running a campaign.  He even managed to capture control of a political party and $10 million in Federal matching funds.

This Jews’ media employee proceeded to give almost every penny to his Jews’ Media bosses for ‘advertising’.  After the inevitable non-results this man returned to his six-figure Jews’ media employment as a columnist and talking head.  The party had been destroyed.  His erstwhile supporters were left with nothing to build on.

This man’s name is Pat Buchanan. 

He pretends to be a conservative, he pretends on occaision to be interested in white issues and periodically he even feigns opposition to Zionism.  Learn to recognize false flag regime operatives and enemy agents by their fruits.

Let’s hope RPers everywhere learn from the Blimp, and also from the non-results of the counterfeit dissident Buchanan.  Spend the money on blimps.  Spend it on aircraft banner pulls, spend it on sign trailers, spend it on Batman Signal carbon arc searchlights, spend it on producing music for web-casting, spend it on producing quality issue documentaries for download and reburning on “Samizdat” DVDs for distribution from hand to hand.  There’s more than one way to get “The Message” on the big home plasma screen TVs.

Avoid the fatal trap, the idiocy and yes, the treason of “Supplying The Enemy”.  RPers say, rightly, the mass media is subjecting Ron Paul to the censorship of dynamic silence.  They are right.  So act on this observation and treat this “media” as part of the enemy army.  It must be destroyed along with the puppets it promotes.

There are names for people who complain about ‘media bias’ and then give that same media millions of dollars.  These names are Loser and Traitor.



Posted by Tommy G on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 17:15 | #






Duncan Hunter is the ONLY candidate to have voted against Most Favored Nation trade status, predicting all the problems it would create. Fred Thompson voted yes. John McCain voted yes. Ron Paul voted yes and said he would do it again. Tom Tancredo voted yes (but in his defense, he admits that it was a mistake).



Posted by daveg on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 18:55 | #

If Duncan Hunter was against the Iraq war I would have supported him.  You are talking about spending real money there, and losing lives.

Ditto for Tancredo.


Posted by DavidL on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 19:48 | #

From the site - where Maguire in the FAEM-White leadership academy
has some more good ideas.  Also plenty of good writing and humor from the late
Robert Frenz.  Sample humor follows:

Our Intellectual Betters. (submitted by G.K.)
A few years ago, there was a Mensa convention in San Francisco and a bunch of Mensa members were lunching at a local café. They discovered that their salt shaker contained pepper and their pepper shaker was full of salt. How could they swap the contents of the bottles without spilling, and using only the implements at hand? Clearly this was a job for Mensa!

The group debated and presented ideas, and finally came up with a brilliant solution involving a napkin, a straw, and an empty saucer. They called the waitress over to dazzle her with their solution.

“Ma’am,” they said, “We couldn’t help but notice that pepper shaker contains salt and the salt shaker ...” “Oh,” the waitress interrupted. “Sorry about that.” She unscrewed the caps of both bottles, switched them, and said, “Will that be one check or separate?”


Posted by GT on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 20:33 | #

Maguire wrote - Let’s hope RPers everywhere learn from the Blimp …Spend the money on blimps.  Spend it on aircraft banner pulls, spend it on sign trailers, spend it on Batman Signal carbon arc searchlights, spend it on producing music for web-casting, spend it on producing quality issue documentaries for download and reburning on “Samizdat” DVDs for distribution from hand to hand.  There’s more than one way to get “The Message” on the big home plasma screen TVs.

Non-powered advertising blimps:

Sample Pricing
07’    $ 265.00
10’    $ 440.00
13’    $ 625.00
15’    $ 800.00
18’    $1,165.00
21’    $1,645.00
25’    $2,705.00
30’    $4,645.00

“Batman” carbon arc searchlights, WW2 rebuilds:

Mount professionally done, attention-getting signs on small trailers or pickup beds and do “trailer pulls” around town.

Maguire wrote - … and also from the non-results of the counterfeit dissident Buchanan.

In other words, spending $12 million from the little people on a one-time “media blitz” for the Republican nomination of one man, one “savior” in a country this size is not smart because it enriches the jews, allows jews to control the message, and once it’s spent – it’s gone.  Better to set aside most of that money to seed a lasting nationwide movement by launching perpetual, independent, rural and suburban campaigns for state and congressional office with the intention of destroying the Republican Party and providing genuine alternatives to White deconstruction.  On that score and in my “ineffably jaundiced, pie-in-the-sky” way, Maguire, I’d say all we can do is cross our fingers.  Sunshine patriots attached to lives of comfort and leisure presently provided by the judeoconomy will likely continue to pin their hopes on one man and the Republican Party until bred out of existence.


Posted by Maguire on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 22:00 | #

“On that score and in my “ineffably jaundiced, pie-in-the-sky” way, Maguire, I’d say all we can do is cross our fingers.”

Yes.  At the present time I still think the best result, in the absence of an R-P Independent Candidacy, is the opportunity to go network with other active locals.

The Money Factor has introduced some very regrettable trends in the RP Campaign.  This is to imagine the big money big media model is the Real Thing.  This campaign model is what has left the other candidates speaking in empty halls to teeming dozens who were dragooned into attending by their church or their political employers.

It’s the self-starting initiative of real dissidents, Local and internet that has advanced the R-P campaign to where it is.  The idea that all that should merely be leveraged into mimicking the rest in their pa$$ive Beltway consultant & NYC media centric campaign$ represents a dangerous trend back towards faux dissidence and Buchananism.

The GOP nomination is not worth having.  There is no ‘infrastructure’ to capture.  The present personnel will show zero loyalty to ‘Party’.  Even in the longshot case of RP ‘winning’, he still loses.  The present controllers of the GOP will ‘do a Duke’ first and throw the election towards the ‘Democrat’.

‘Republican’ is a button they wear on one day every four years.  Judeo-Zionist is their full time identity.


Posted by Daveg on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 22:02 | #

I got another idea. Start a blog that features lots of interesting links include a healthy dose of naked women (probably best that they are white in your case).

You might even give it a catchy name like, say, “page 3,” or something like that.

Build up a steady readership and then interlace you political and/or sociological message every so often.

Just a thought.


Posted by GT on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 22:36 | #

Maguire wrote - RPers say, rightly, the mass media is subjecting Ron Paul to the censorship of dynamic silence.  They are right.  So act on this observation and treat this “media” as part of the enemy army.  It must be destroyed along with the puppets it promotes.

For years the acne-scarred bastards at Free Republic dot Com have defended Jim Robinson’s censorship of jew crit by citing property rights and quibbling over first amendment interpretations.  That’s why I love the phrase, “censorship of dynamic silence.”  It’s a great way to describe the voluntary, active, and coordinated suppression of information and communication by private and governmental organizations sharing common sociopolitical goals.  It also defuses the “conspiracy theorist” accusation.


Posted by GT on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 23:26 | #

Maguire wrote - The Money Factor has introduced some very regrettable trends in the RP Campaign.  This is to imagine the big money big media model is the Real Thing.

It’s easier to send a diluted or completely twisted message through the jews than it is to talk to one’s neighbors and risk the loss socioeconomic status.  That is why alternative communities, industries, and economies for the lower middle-class must be established, first with family and long-term friends, and then expanded to include neighbors.

Maguire wrote - The present controllers of the GOP will ‘do a Duke’ first and throw the election towards the ‘Democrat’.

Like me you’re “ineffably jaundiced,” of course. wink



Your blog idea is a good one, but very time-consuming.  Maguire and I are not retired.  We could use MR for that purpose, but hesitate to do so because we don’t want to discomfort GW’s readership to the point of driving them away. 

Re nekkid women: Given the ready availability of Internet porn, pictures of naked White women are not likely to attract the men (age 20-45) with suitable character, leadership potential, technical, and training experience we are searching for.


Posted by calvin on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 02:51 | #

Calm down guys! The liberal domination of the media is dangerous because it allows them to control the transmission of information, not because they make money out of it. Making it transmit your message is an act of subversion.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 08:50 | #

17980156.71-11551156.57 = $6.43M


Posted by Marge O'Brien on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 11:58 | #

Disturbing thread:  “Iowa TV Special A Waste”

1.  Given the refusal of mainstream media to allow the public to see Ron Paul and learn of his positions and his character, it’s disturbing to think the RP campaign is playing games instead of simply putting out the very best media possible in order to try to win Iowa voters.

2.  If RP media planners actually think older people are as described in this thread, then they’re totally out of touch with reality, and their youth will, in this case, be a hindrance instead of a help.

3.  The thread also insults Iowans in general - how does that help the RP campaign?

I sure do agree that monitoring and, if possible, influencing how the money gets used is as important as raising it—so I hope those of you who have ideas for how to counteract the amazing media blackout and how to get Ron Paul into the White House are suggesting those ideas to campaign people who could get them implemented.


Posted by Maguire on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 15:00 | #


“The liberal domination of the media is dangerous because it allows them to control the transmission of information, not because they make money out of it.”

We have to recognize we are in complete disagreement that probably will not be resolved here.  You appear to regard periodic elections as compartmented from the larger structure of modern society.  I agree this is still true for erstwhile pro-white dissidents.  This is why they are commonly known as Losers.  I assure you these events are joined at the hip with the rest of 24/7 daily business for the other groups.

“Making it transmit your message is an act of subversion.”

Buchanan engaged in $12 million worth of such subversion.  There wasn’t one lasting result from this if we exclude his own post-election sinecures with that media.  In reality this so-called private enterprise conservative merely served as a money laundering conduit for a $10 million government subsidy to state licensed oligarchic media, after which he resumed employment with that same media.



Posted by Maguire on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 15:19 | #


“Like me you’re “ineffably jaundiced,” of course.”

With the quadrennial fantasy of “take back your country”, absolutely.  Especially when it’s compounded by the extreme delusion that the agencies which largely created this state of affairs can be temporarily hired to alter them.

“pictures of naked White women”

That website is operated by John “Birdman” Bryant.  He has an M-R link under “Zionism”. 



Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 17:24 | #

The Ron Paul campaign is convinced that the only way to raise polling numbers is buying broadcast media time. 

I _have_ put forth other proposals through the official chain of command—most importantly and specifically, blind poll canvassing which, if adopted, would utilize his grassroots army in a way that would deliver him the nomination and election.

What I didn’t describe in that article was the fact that the 501c3 (tax deductable nonprofit) organization that constructs the scientifically unbiased questionnaire, can also fund and run the canvassing as a non-partisan “get out the vote” organization which does nothing but simply help voters understand which candidates they in fact share views with.

In a fair fight, Ron Paul wins.


Posted by GT on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 18:41 | #

Maguire wrote - Especially when it’s compounded by the extreme delusion that the agencies which largely created this state of affairs can be temporarily hired to alter them.

Interesting that advertising blimps, carbon arc searchlights, trailer pulls, and hand-to-hand Samizdat DVD distributions in <u>perpetual local campaigns</u> all over the country are pooh-poohed by “the smart guys” in the <u>neo-constitutionalist</u> and racial nationalist non-movements as not having sufficient reach or long-term impact; whereas a once-per-generation (or two) media blitz of 12-16 million dollars in the national Republican <u>primary-only</u> campaign of a <u>racial egalitarian</u> savior is not only considered “subversive,” but is also considered to be a productive strategy that will yield the desired results despite past evidence to the contrary.  The lesson we “ineffably jaundiced” -types are supposed to gather from this, Maguire, is that tomorrow’s sunrise can’t be predicted.

Despite his racial egalitarianism it’s good to see this interest in the neo-constitutionalist Ron Paul – that is, assuming he supports <u>genuine</u> free association.  Having observed the suckering of the White electorate throughout my lifetime, however, I’m skeptical.  Assuming RP is not Suckabeed and Duked, respectively, in the primary and national elections we must ensure that we are not fooled again - not at this critical stage of White deconstruction on the North American continent - and left helpless.  Thus RP is irrelevant to our people’s need to prepare.  The time for alternative communities, industries, economies and testicular fortitude is now.


Posted by Tommy G on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 19:57 | #

If y’all are against massive non-white immigration to the USA, Ron Paul ain’t your guy. Thompson, Hunter and Tancredo are better choices. There records:

And if you’re concerned about the hollowing out of manufacturing jobs in the U.S., remember, Ron Paul is unapologetic about voting for Most Favored Nation trade status for China; he is very unapologetic about it… said he would do it again. When his office was questioned why he voted for MFN, their answer was: “not doing so would place tariffs on Chinese imports; therefore, it would increase the amount of revenues the government collected, hence it would allow the already too large government to grow even larger… and they were against a larger government.”

LOL What brilliance!!! Paul’s office says tariffs on Chinese imports will increase Federal revenues? We all know if the government wants more money, all they have to do is print it and ...........

The only thing that sets Paul apart from the other Republican candidates is his opposition to the Iraq war. (Maybe pulling out of Iraq ain’t such a good idea either… would only cause a power vacuum that no one can predict who will fill it—but we can be assured it won’t be filled by something that will have our best intrests in mind!)

Ron Paul comes with as big or bigger “caution label ” than the other Republican candidates. He can be compared to De-con (rat poison). It’s 5% poison, but 95% of it’s contents is nutritious to the rat, otherwise the rat wouldn’t be attracted to eat it.

P.S., Pardon me for being so negative.


Posted by GT on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 20:26 | #

I’m not part of the RP lovefest either, TommyG.  Foremost among my concern is RP’s neo-constitutionalist (jew-friendly, anti-racist) ideology which, in my opinion, means he can’t be trusted to consistently support free association for White people, if at all.  But all things considered there is no better candidate for those searching for a savior to return the Kwa to a period in which our dispossession was “tolerable” and retirement benefits enjoyed in relative “peace” without that nagging sense of guilt about the grandchildren’s future. 

Unlike RP’s supporters, I support White empowerment by junking the judeoconomy and acquiring political legitimacy at local rural and suburban levels with an eye toward secession.  The former requires alternate systems.  The latter requires the destruction of the Republican Party and the de-legitimization of all jew-friendly third parties as alternatives.


Posted by Tommy G on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 21:30 | #


I agree with all of what you are saying. If only we could find a way get that proverbial snowball rolling downhill soon! But right now we are in a catch 22 type quagmire.

I find this column over at ‘Cambria will not yield’ is relevant to our current situation.


“A sizeable minority of disenfranchised working class whites and unemployed whites have not been completely converted by the Academy. They could become part of a white counterrevolution, but they are leaderless. The tiny minority of enfranchised white collar whites who do not share the beliefs of the Academy are the people who should lead the counterrevolution, but they remain in silent disagreement with the Academy lest they become disenfranchised themselves. And the ones who do speak out only recommend actions that are acceptable to the Academy, which places white people in the position of merely voting for a political candidate, such as Ron Paul, whose candidacy constitutes a rear-guard, delaying tactic to cover up a retreat, and not a full-scale counter attack.”


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 22:18 | #

More Kwa nonsense.  I want a very large ocean between America and China. Secessionist are retards.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 23:25 | #

The scenario will most likely unfold in the following manner:

As I predicted 25 years ago, the Internet will be the focal point of a movement representing the pioneering posterity of the founders of the US—the designated beneficiaries of the land trust called the United States of America—whose executors have violated their fiduciary responsibility to that posterity.

The executors—aka “managerial” aka Jewish elites—will respond with a crack down on the Internet in a desperate attempt to forestall the neutralization of their centralized-media control system which has brought them to their present hubris over the last century.  Their primary handicap in doing this will be their own self-deception:  They believe themselves to be not only good people but God’s gift to humanity rather than the vicious monsters they are whose “goodness” is simply genetically endowed hypocrisy born of centuries if not millenia of horizontal transmission induced evolution of parasitic virulence.  If they weren’t so self-deceptive they might be capable of pulling off a surveillance society locking down their control so completely that no one could so much as have an unapproved subconscious emotional reaction to any stimulus.  The Israelis nearly have the conscious sociopathy required for this surveillance society—and they have been vigorously working the surveillance markets to the point that you virtually have to buy their equipment for any video security—as well as their well known dominance of key aspects of telephony and instant messaging.  But even they aren’t quite up to the level of Machiavellian ruthlessness required to victoriously wage the war against freedom born of the Internet.


Posted by GT on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 00:22 | #

Tommy G,

Judging by the article at the link you provided this guy is nearly dead-on in his estimation of the situation.  The key to ending fear of disenfranchisement is to build alternative communities, industries, economies, media, cultural and educational institutions.  These endeavors must initially target the working and lower middle-classes, for at the onset we could not compete with the judeoconomy in providing the upper-classes with the lifestyle to which they’ve grown fond.  Furthermore, at a very fundamental level, I’m not convinced that we should concern ourselves with helping the upper-classes, regardless of our ability to do so, given their moral failings in the struggle.  Since the mid-20th century they have proven themselves unfit to lead, which is not surprising given the disproportionate number of officers killed in warfare during the 19th and 20th centuries in both Europe and North America.  The future of these officers – perhaps our future, as well – died with them.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 01:11 | #

Since the mid-20th century they have proven themselves unfit to lead, which is not surprising given the disproportionate number of officers killed in warfare during the 19th and 20th centuries in both Europe and North America.  The future of these officers – perhaps our future, as well – died with them.

Precisely the problem with war.  It is dysgenic. 

Heroes must have their DNA preserved and propagated.  Anything less is a posthumous dishonor visited upon them by the nation indebted to them and any such nation must die.

Now, the question is: Why, at precisely the point in history when eugenics was coming into its own as a scientific discipline, did these officers fight a war whose principle result was to deligitimize eugenics for their race and their race alone?


Posted by GT on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 01:44 | #

Bowery asks - Why, at precisely the point in history when eugenics was coming into its own as a scientific discipline, did these officers fight a war whose principle result was to deligitimize eugenics for their race and their race alone?

Damn good question.  In my opinion, the answer is that the social breakdown of White high society and the centralization of power in jewish hands was well underway by the 1920-30s.  I believe KMac documents this in CofC.


Posted by GT on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 18:07 | #

Bottom line, folks:

The GOP’s pro-Israel, cheap labor, Free Trade, and high investment returns infrastructure intends to “Suckabee” the Paul candidacy.  If this doesn’t work the GOP management will “Duke” Paul by throwing their support to Hillary. 

Ron Paul is a neo-constitutionalist (neo = semitically correct, racial egalitarian).  In the event of a Paul presidency it’s unlikely that he will support – much less accomplish – the reanimation of the Old Republic and bring about genuine free association for Whites.

More likely, a Ron Paul presidency represents a sleep-inducing period of stasis for Whites that will allow our traditional enemy a period to continue the process of White deconstruction unopposed.  In fact, I’d say you can bank on this.

The excessive enthusiasm shown by racial nationalists for Ron Paul (neo = semitically correct, racial egalitarian) appears to be motivated by a desire for ‘action’ that requires very little from them.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 19:21 | #

By Ockham’s Razor might we attribute subsequent degradation of character less to the, admittedly serious, dysgenic effects of 20th century wars and more to the amplification of Jewish influence during the post WW II era?

I think our real problem is simply ignorance of the profound dangers represented by some of our most valuable characteristics.

The real significance of the Ron Paul movement is in clarifying thinking about the pivotal requirement for “vote with your feet” freedom of association.  I can sit around in MR blogging on how violation of VWYFFoA evolves ecological virulence forever and have little impact compared to people being promised it by a major political figure—even and perhaps especially if they are later betrayed.

The vote with your feet freedom of association is THE prerequisite to anything attempting to be a political system supporting a variety of peaceful and viable human ecologies.

Until people get that idea the whole question boils down to which supremacy will dominate the world.


Posted by GT on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 19:53 | #

I can sit around in MR blogging on how violation of VWYFFoA evolves ecological virulence forever and have little impact compared to people being promised it by a major political figure—even and perhaps especially if they are later betrayed.

True.  However, if MR represents the racial nationalist leadership (or future leadership) I would expect them to grasp the big picture and not wait until they are betrayed.  The enemy never sleeps and is always busy.  Our leaders should know this.

White nationalists have played the jew’s game for more than 50 years.  Our pathetic attempt to manipulate him within his environment and utilizing his tools have failed over and over again.  It’s time for us to say, “No sugar tonight, baby.  A new Splendid Lady has come to call” for White nationalism:

1. Alternative systems
2. Local political engagement and perpetual campaigns
3. Rural and suburban empowerment
4. Secession.


Posted by GT on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 20:19 | #

By Ockham’s Razor might we attribute subsequent degradation of character less to the, admittedly serious, dysgenic effects of 20th century wars and more to the amplification of Jewish influence during the post WW II era?

If we’re discussing the White upper-class, Ockham would say the reverse is true.  The best died in those 19th and 20th century wars.  Left behind were the cockroaches, easily influenced and bought by post wwii jewish propaganda.


Posted by DavidL on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 01:17 | #

Thanks GT for this truth:

“Our pathetic attempt to manipulate him within his environment and utilizing his tools have failed over and over again.”

Thanks to you and many others here for offering a variety of thoughts about how to deal with
what confronts us.  It’s been said before - the cavalry’s not coming to the rescue we’ve
got to wake up and save ourselves.


Posted by Tommy G on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 01:35 | #

“Our pathetic attempt to manipulate him within his environment and utilizing his tools have failed over and over again.”

Him, is Satan.

His enviornment is his dialectic.


Posted by Maguire on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 05:10 | #

“Bowery asks - Why, at precisely the point in history when eugenics was coming into its own as a scientific discipline, did these officers fight a war whose principle result was to deligitimize eugenics for their race and their race alone?”

Because the Lodge told them to.  We tend to forget the enourmous role played previously by Scottish Rite Freemasonry.  It’s subversive work is done so Jewry is shoving aside its previous shabbas goyim.

It’s a fascinating organization.  In my opinion the CIA was largely modeled on it. 

“Damn good question.  In my opinion, the answer is that the social breakdown of White high society and the centralization of power in jewish hands was well underway by the 1920-30s.  I believe KMac documents this in CofC.”

Henry Ford already documented this partially in The International Jew in the early 1920s.  I tend to focus on the late 1890s as the decisive period, and particularly on the role played by Theodore Roosevelt.  This is the era when Jewish central banking and paper money began crawling back out of its sewer after Andrew Jackson’s closure of the Second Bank of the United States.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 20:51 | #

If we are talking about how far back to take the dysgenics of war, one benchmark I look for is the role of single combat to the death as the appeal of last resort in dispute processing.  I don’t think it is a coincidence that Andrew Jackson was not only the last US President to fight tooth and nail for reasonable money, but he was also the last US President to honor a challenge to single combat with death as a likely outcome.

However, by that time, the role of single combat to the death had been diminishing for at least 2 millenia.

I think the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry does have a part in this, btw, going back to the cults of Mithras for men, whose masons built Hadrian’s wall, and Magna Mater for women—I suspect providing some eugenic compensations for the cult of Mithras.  The Roman Empire had continual tension with its Germanic and Celtic mercenaries and their traditions, including single combat—which is one of the main reasons gladiators as ‘entertainment” were such a central social control system within the Roman Empire.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)
