On Blair fucking up England I’m angry. No point in pretending otherwise. Today, I listened to a man getting away with treason. In public and without any attempt to disguise or ameliorate the crime. Why should he? Anthony bleedin’ Blair – English-hater, Surface Man, Bilderberg bum-boy – is all for celebrating the destruction of my people and the slow, ineluctable theft of my homeland. He doesn’t care. He thinks it’s OK. He tells himself - and us - that we don’t care either … that we are all progressing together to that happy la-la land where Trevor Phillips’ racist dreams come true. Or dream singular, to be exact. For the dream of blacks and Jews and the traitor class is one. The dream of all the Western nation-haters is one. When I started this blog I did not know what I know now, not all of it. I did not know why it was that scarcely a single member of the British political, cultural and corporate elite had lifted a little finger for our ethnic interests, indeed had done everything possible to vilify and submerge them. It has been so since the second world war. I knew that. But why, no. Now, deep in middle age as I am, I begin to better understand the interface of liberalism and elite politics. I understand how the elite is always with us, but not the same elite … how the old world, the last fragile beauties of which I saw unawares and just briefly in my 1950s childhood, ageing blooms already, were lost to the steel-eyed ambitions of a generation risen in detachment from all the old loves and loyalties. It was a true revolution and it went, and mostly still goes, unseen. The revolutionaries were, and are even more so today, men for whom family and nation are as nothing, nothing whatsoever beyond the personal and private. I think it was Boris Pasternak’s Strelnikov who proclaimed “the personal life is dead”. He had it wrong. It is the collective life and its loves that the bastards are stamping out as hard and as fast as they can. It is the collective life that they know to be their mortal enemy, lest it survives to tear down the transnational structures, the regnant managerialism, the callow Jewish philosophical artifice, the cheap commerce … all that sustains what is actually no more than an interest in power and wealth. For the enduring purpose of the elite is to make its possession of power and wealth stable. All the treachery, all the nation-destroying is in service of that. I knew long ago that great evil was impossible without a corresponding smallness of the soul, and vice, indeed, means smallness. But I did not know that we were suffering every day under the hateful lash of small men. I do now. This is what I remember as I watch the lying, loathsome Prime Minister of advanced liberalism, Goebbels with a pixie-face filling my TV screen. My anger flows too deep and strong to be wasted on his words. What are they anyway? What are the words of traitors ever? I could tear them up and flush them back at him without any appreciable mental effort. But what is important to me is not a cheap intellectual victory acted out in front of a few friends, excellent but unknown men. Not while millions of my own people, stupified by their little silver screens, imbibe the verbal polonium of this pygmie. No, it is my anger that is important to me now. It is anger, not reason, not political argument, that will sweep these succubi from our necks. To hell with them all. And soon. Comments:2
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 01:40 | # The elites’ indifference to the plight of true Brits, or to narrow it down, English-folk is impressively examined by Ian Jobling: Not clickable, but there anyawy. 3
Posted by jane on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 04:31 | # You are a bunch of losers. You won’t accomplish anything. In five years, you’ll be doing the same thing: screaming into the void on the Internet. At least the Jews you hate so much organize effectively. 4
Posted by Election Summary on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 04:40 | # No, jane. Non-jews the world over are awakening after jews de facto declared war on the world by announcing their plans for global hegemony, i.e. global domination. Nothing in the jewish system is inimitable. History will show that jews tipped their hand a wee bit too soon with the Iraq war. Should’ve kept your cards hidden another decade, sweetie. 5
Posted by jane on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 05:17 | # 1. I’m not Jewish 6
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 05:40 | # Women arent capable of truly understanding the problems discussed on this site. 7
Posted by Election Summary on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 06:21 | # I’ll humor the “girl” and address Jane’s point three. (Point one is irrelevant, point two is an ad hom, and the answer to point four is “Muslim is the symptom, _ _ _ is the disease.”) <i>3. What’s this about tipping hands? Prior to the Iraq war only a few men of genius could detect the level of control through the smokescreen, but always within a second haze of uncertainty with regard to motive. Both clouds are now removed. Now even an average world citizen can see the following. Jews: (media) (government) I’m sure I left out a few. Feel free to add. 8
Posted by Election Summary on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 06:22 | # </i> 3. What’s this about tipping hands? Prior to the Iraq war only a few men of genius could detect the level of control through the smokescreen, but always within a second haze of uncertainty with regard to motive. Both clouds are now removed. Now even an average world citizen can see the following. Jews: (media) (government) I’m sure I left out a few. Feel free to add. 9
Posted by Steven Palese on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 06:57 | # Jane: “At least the Jews you hate so much organize effectively.” Organize effectively? Jane, let me help you understand a few things: Racism & other labels When whites engage in favoritism toward other whites (and therefore discrimination toward non-whites), it’s called racism. When whites object to Jewish favoritism toward other Jews, it’s called anti-semitism. When you buy into these word games, it’s called being a useful idiot. When whites engage in favoritism toward other whites When Michael Regan, an Assistant District Attorney expressed concern for white group interests (let alone advocacy or active pro-white favoritism), he was immediately subject to neo-McCarthyite persecution for “racism”. These persecutions are led by Jewish organizations (such as the ADL) and consist of blacklists, coordinated intimidation and economic strangulation of dissidents. See the Walt-Mearsheimer report on the Israel Lobby for details regarding Neo-McCarthyite persecution methodology. “Regan’s fate was sealed when the Washington Post published his observation, from an interview at the conference, that “you can see European Christian Americans are an endangered species.” Though there was nothing explicitly “anti-Semitic” in Regan’s comment, the Anti-Defamation League, America’s most feared and effective thought police, promptly attacked his reputation and his livelihood. In a letter to Regan’s superior, the ADL’s regional director for New York decreed: “Those kinds of comments are absolutely inappropriate for a public official to make,” and Regan was promptly out of a job.” The policy: When whites engage in favoritism they face neo-McCarthyite persecution for “racism”. When whites object to Jewish favoritism toward other Jews When Michael Eisner was appointed CEO of Disney, one of the five mega-media conglomerates (it owns many media assets besides Mickey Mouse, such as CBS), he purged most whites from upper management within months and replaced them with fellow Jews. Had any victim objected to such Jewish favoritism, they would have been subject to neo-McCarthyite persecution for “anti-semitism”. As with “racism” witch hunts, these are led by Jewish organizations and involve neo-McCarthyite persecution methodology. Michael Medved boasts: “The famous Disney organization, which was founded by Walt Disney, a gentile Midwesterner who allegedly harbored anti-semitic attitudes, now features Jewish personnel in nearly all its most powerful positions.” The policy: When whites object to Jewish favoritism they face neo-McCarthyite persecution for “anti-semitism”. When you buy into these word games Ethnic closed shops This policy of persecuting whites who either object to favoritism by others or try to engage in it themselves is called the Dual Persecution Strategy. The “favoritism for them, persecution for us” double standard creates a systemic competitive imbalance that denies whites a chance to compete on equal terms. An uneven playing field makes it easy for ethnic closed shops to squeeze whites out of any field. The long term consequence is what we see in finance or media: “Four of the largest five entertainment giants are now run or owned by Jews. Murdoch’s News Corp (at number four) is the only gentile holdout—however Rupert is as pro-Israel as any Jew, probably more so.” “Time-Warner, Disney, Viacom-CBS, News Corporation and Universal rule the entertainment world in a way that the old Hollywood studio chiefs only dreamed of. And, after all the deals and buyouts, four of the five are run by Jews. We’re back to where we started, bigger than ever.” “The greatest concentration of Jews, however, is at the producer level—and it is the producers who decide which stories will go on the air, and how long, and in what order, they will run. In 1982, before a shift in assignments, the executive producers of all three evening newscasts were Jews, as were the executive producers of CBS’s 60 Minutes and ABC’s 20/20. And Jews are almost equally prominent at the ‘senior producer’ and ‘broadcast producer’ levels as well as in senior management. When Reuven Frank stepped down as president of NBC News in 1984, for example, he was replaced by Laurence Grossman, who left the presidency of PBS to take the position.” If you buy into “racism” or “anti-semitism” word games, you’re consenting to the Dual Persecution Strategy. In doing so, you’re supporting an uneven playing field designed to dispossess whites and empower Jews and, by extension, the Jewish lobby’s agenda. This includes advancing Zionism (Middle East wars), racial engineering (immigration, diversity, multiculturalism etc.) and censorship (political correctness). Intimidation of politicians The political process is also affected. James Abourezk, former US Senator from South Dakota, clearly describes how the “anti-semitism” side of the Dual Persecution Strategy keeps everyone in the US Congress in line: “I can tell you from personal experience that, at least in the Congress, the support Israel has in that body is based completely on political fear—fear of defeat by anyone who does not do what Israel wants done. I can also tell you that very few members of Congress—at least when I served there—have any affection for Israel or for its Lobby. What they have is contempt, but it is silenced by fear of being found out exactly how they feel. I’ve heard too many cloakroom conversations in which members of the Senate will voice their bitter feelings about how they’re pushed around by the Lobby to think otherwise. In private one hears the dislike of Israel and the tactics of the Lobby, but not one of them is willing to risk the Lobby’s animosity by making their feelings public.” James Abourzek also makes clear that the “anti-semitism” side of the Dual Persecution Strategy is what holds those elements of the media not controlled through ownership or staffing in check: “Secondly, the Lobby is quite clear in its efforts to suppress any congressional dissent from the policy of complete support for Israel which might hurt annual appropriations. Even one voice is attacked, as I was, on grounds that if Congress is completely silent on the issue, the press will have no one to quote, which effectively silences the press as well. Any journalists or editors who step out of line are quickly brought under control by well organized economic pressure against the newspaper caught sinning.” If you buy into “racism” or “anti-semitism” word games, you’re consenting to the Dual Persecution Strategy. In doing so, you’re supporting the Jewish lobby’s coordinated intimidation of politicians and mass media entities and therefore the Jewish lobby’s agenda. This includes advancing Zionism (Middle East wars), racial engineering (immigration, diversity, multiculturalism etc.) and censorship (political correctness). Collaborators and useful idiots Collaborators typically get a pay off for selling out. In apartheid South Africa, blacks who were against black group interests and favored white group interests (uncle Toms) were allowed into the black elite. In Judeo-America, whites who are against white group interests and favor minority group interests (collaborators) are allowed to stay in the white elite. White elites who violate this adapted “Code of the Uncle Tom” are chased out by the Dual Persecution Strategy. Immigration is an issue that illustrates these contrasting white and minority group interests and the anomalous behavior of white elites. Majority opinion has been against immigration, legal or illegal, since polling began. (http://www.numbersusa.com/interests/publicoparchive.html ). Yet, decade after decade, immigration continues. What is blocking the democratic process? A recent opinion poll shows that while almost 80% of the public is against mass immigration and 60% consider it a critical threat, only 14% of the opinion elite (members of Congress, the administration, leaders of church groups, business executives, union leaders, journalists, academics, and heads of major interest groups) share the public’s concern. (http://www.vdare.com/roberts/immigrationdictatorship.htm ). Although collaborators are a minority, they are part of the elite. As opinion polls show, they are not powerful enough to convince the majority that racial engineering (immigration, diversity, multiculturalism etc.) is good. But, being part of the elite, they are powerful enough to block the democratic process while they force racial engineering on white society regardless. Although collaborators agree that an African or Asian who wants to become a minority in his own country is clinically insane, they themselves are not insane and do not consider themselves such. The vast majority collaborates out of fear of the Dual Persecution Strategy, not because they actually believe in Zionism, racial engineering or censorship. In summary, if you buy into “racism” or “anti-semitism” word games, you’re supporting Zionism, racial engineering and censorship. If you’re white and not part of the opinion elite, you’re collaborating for nothing. A useful idiot is someone who sells out for free. 10
Posted by Rnl on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 07:01 | # Al Ross wrote: Women arent capable of truly understanding the problems discussed on this site. Jane isn’t. But she is only one person. There is nothing in White nationalism that women can’t understand. Women are more conservative than men and, on average, they’re less interested in political arguments, especially arguments that sound dangerous. But that will likely change in time, as the results of the multiracial disaster become even more evident. At any rate, there’s no advantage in insulting half our population. We cannot, with due respect to Alex Linder, succeed without women. 11
Posted by Rnl on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 07:23 | # jane wrote: Seems to me that the native English are getting more upset about Muslims than Jews. I wonder, Jane, whether you believe the native English are right to be upset about Muslims. Were the British and the French governments wise to allow so many Muslims to take up residence in their countries? If you conclude that they should not have opened their borders to Islam, then you have just joined MR’s collection of ineffectual thought-criminals. Being right doesn’t always make you popular, but it’s better than being wrong. 12
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 08:39 | # Rnl, women’s being conservative isnt of much practical help. Radicalism is what is required. Also. to be told that one doesnt understand a concept doesnt necessarily qualify as an insult. It certainly wouldnt have been regarded as an insult to 19th Century Egyptians if Howard Carter informed them that they knew nothing about Egyptology - just a fact. 13
Posted by ummjack on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 11:58 | # Women who understand are busy raising children. I wish you all were doing that. They can’t destroy anything. They can only convince you to spend so much time hating them that you do their dirty work for them. Are you teaching to children to survive the wrath to come? Are you giving them the tools they will need? Are you making the networks in the real world we will need when they shut the internet off? Are you ready? If you get taken away in the night, can your oldest boy take over the responsibility for the education of the rest? Do your children know to value the treasure of their heritage more than the shiny toys at the mall? If you were gone, who would carry on? 14
Posted by Amalek on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 14:08 | # I don’t share Guessedworker’s hysteria, and regret his use of bad language in a headline. Blair’s long-winded speech seems standard operating procedure: recite a lot of bromides based on opinion poll findings (i.e. what people have been trained to parrot rather than what they think and how they act) as preface to a retreat from his previous position. Soft preliminaries to cloak tough specifics. It hardly matters in any case, since Blair is a lame duck PM. But when you blow away the waffle about tolerance, what this oration boils down to is: Muslim extremists, shape up or ship out, and we won’t let any more of your dodgy mullahs in either. Even a nod to Ann Cryer! There is nothing in the speech about opening the floodgates to further immigration, or turning the UK into a branch of some international body. Nor is there any promise of concessions of the American sort (affirmative action, quotas, ‘hate speech’ chilling) to appease those already embedded. On the contrary, the undertone is quite menacing: start acting like Brits or else. The total quantum of coloured aliens in this country, including those decorated with titular citizenship, is around one in eight. They are divided into several utually antagonistic groups. I do not trust the nightmarish demographic projections which hold that we will be a coffee-coloured country in two generations. Indeed, I see plenty of scope for pegging or reducing the one-in-eight fraction as the ancestral homes of some of the more intractable Asian immigrants become economically attractive for assisted repatriation. Meanwhile, the negroes are being washed out by miscegenation, but the IQ-assortative nature of the process does not pose a serious threat to the genetic core of Middle England: the folk who make the weather in politics. Add to that outlook disillusionment with the EU, increasing impatience with NATO and the US ‘special relationship’, a resurgence of English patriotism to match the Celtic brands, an inchoate popular sympathy with the BNP… and the climate to me as an isolationist patriot feels more encouraging than for some years past. Not for the first time in his conduct of this blog, Guessedworker has shown poor judgement and taste due to a tendency to over-extrapolate and to take the intentions and potency of politicians too seriously. He should remember his earlier admonitions to white Britons not to be downhearted, to accentuate the positive and to tap the wellsprings of confidence and self-reliance which have made our race worth preserving. This outburst of foul-mouthed gloom only comforts our enemies. 15
Posted by Godloving Socialist on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 16:06 | # http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/12/07/wbrit07.xml That is how it is, and how it will continue to be. We will continue to come to your countries, change your culture to suit our wishes, and take the best of your women. If you try and come to our countries, even to help us, you will be scorned, reviled, and, eventually, stoned to death. You cannot keep us out, while we can attack you with impunity in our lands. We are the strong and you are the weak. Blair just reflects the realities: the white man has lost and the Asian shall inherit the Earth. Get over it. 16
Posted by Kenelm Digby on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 16:35 | # Amalek, 17
Posted by Alfred the Great on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 16:57 | # Dear Godloving Socialist. Firstly you are of asian stock and therefore incapable of sustaining advanced civilisations. If your people become a majority the country will eventually reflect your nature, culture and values it will then of course become a third world shit hole, you know what I mean dont you? like the country you come from! There is an awakening taking place both in england and europe. People are becoming more aware of the parasitic nature of your kind of people and white national consciousness is on the rise. No more freebies for you brownies when the BNP COME TO POWER just a ticket back to whatever shit hole you come from 18
Posted by Alan (UK) on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 17:06 | # Forget all the pseudo intellectual nonsense. Blair is well informed of the overwhelming resentment, by the majority indigenous population, of his failed mullticultural programme. He, along with other members of the cabinet, are now beginning to espouse a watered down version of the sentiments one can hear in public houses the length and breadth of Britain. Unfortunately for him it is too little and far too late. This all started when the BNP won eleven council seats in Dagenham & Barking, it was the wake-up call. It was his ‘Road to Damascus’ moment. The readers letters condemning the government and it’s policies, in such newspapers as the Telegraph and Times, are becoming bolder than ever. Newspaper headlines and leaders are stating things that a year ago would have been unthinkable. The Nation has woken up to the fact that we face a grave threat and are being led by ineffectual morons. It is make or break time. Blair is grasping at straws by this speech, it is blind panic from someone who must have known that what he was doing was wrong from the outset. He also knows that there is an ineffectual opposition and, if the BNP manages to gain even one Westminster MP, despairing Conservative MPs will cross to the BNP. This is what he fears more than anything. Nothing more, nothing less. It is all smoke and mirrors, another marxist con that has been rumbled. 19
Posted by Amalek on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 17:12 | # Kenelm Digby: You don’t know where I live, and in any case different people living anywhere, including ‘inner London’, come to different conclusions about everything. Besides which, how typical of England is inner London, in demographics or anything else? How typical has it ever been, come to that? 20
Posted by Bo Sears on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 17:26 | # Aunty Semite will be very unhappy about the foregoing. I don’t know how Uncle Semite will feel, probably with his hands, as my third-grade nephew would tell me. And, of course, Ray Sizm will be apoplectic with rage about it all. Special kudos to Guessedworker, Election Summary (kindly add universities to your list), and Steven Palese. There is nothing to add but a little humor. 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 17:28 | #
Not hysteria. It’s indignant righteous exasperation and a little of that expressed here and there is most welcome and it’s about time! It’s called being fed-up-to-here with this shit! We’re beyond politeness now. The other side wants politeness? Why didn’t they hold a clearly-worded referendum fifty years ago when all this was still in the planning stage? (Anyone unable to see in retrospect that the current situation was planned, in certain quarters, as early as 1943 is blind.) That would’ve been “polite” but nooooo they thought they were going to maneuvre this shit in under the radar screen and they’ve largely succeeded. I’d hardly call their strategy “politeness”—more like “war to the death and let’s make sure we sneak in the first blow ... under the belt.” What were all those niceties again, that we were supposed to observe at this point? Could you recite that list for us?
“Tough specifics”? We’ll believe that when we see it ...
“Don’t worry, we won’t bring any more Trojan Horses inside the citadel, now that this one’s been laboriously [no pun intended] dragged in. But we did want to make sure this one got in safe and sound and no, we see no reason whatsoever to drag it back outside: it’s staying right where it is. And frankly, we don’t need any more: given enough time this one’ll do the trick.”
Astounding thing to say: affirmative action, quotas, and “hate-speech chilling” are already in place in the U.K. and eagerly burrowing deeper as we speak. They may not match the full-bore (no triple-pun intended, rest assured) Amerikwan variety but they will entrench themselves as firmly over time, as surely as night follows day, unless the only vermin-control measure known to be effective, Moratorium-plus-Repatriation, is implemented. Is Blair the chirruping little fairy set to implement it? ... ... Right, didn’t think so ...
Yeah, tough “undertones” like that will frighten the train bombers, throat-slashers, heart-stabbers, gang-rapists, car-torchers, white-slavery prostitution traffickers, wild-eyed mullahs, and just generally guys who have eyes like Mohammad Atta — those “tough undertones” must really scare the bejesus out of them ... especially in the mouth of Tinker Belle himself! Lord, he’s scary! They must all be quaking. Excuse me if I’d have more expectation of seeing them scared if the “menacing undertones” were coming from Nick Griffin, not ... not “Tip-Toe Through the Tulips” Blair ... Even if it did scare the bejesus out of them they won’t change their genes and what we’re after the most, many of us, is thwarting race-replacement. So no, I don’t think Blair’s “menacing undertones” are part of the solution but just another dreary part of the ever-festering forty-year-and-counting problem.
Their Subcon ancestral homes “become economically attractive”? Thanks, but ... isn’t there anything in the pipeline for sooner than 800,000-to-a-million years from now?
(Looks like that rascal JJR is signing his comments with Amalek’s name now!) We went through this a million times when JJR was here: the British race (or traditional collection of races) exists as a top-to-bottom organic whole whose mutually-gene-exchanging layers are in genetic equilibrium with one another at the same time they are held distinct from each other by an array of forces. You can’t race-replace one of the layers without changing the racial composition of the whole. If you value the whole or any of its layers individually you must value and keep each of the individual layers. I’d go further and say that among all the layers, the one least needed for a race’s preservation is the uppermost crust of the uppermost layer. If any layer had to undergo species-mixing I’d recommend it be that one, which can be species-mixed with least damage to the whole, and leave the others their traditional genetic identity.
A tendency to take the potency of the politicians too seriously? Strange comment considering their observable potency has permitted those politicians to go from a standing start forty years ago to where, today, they’ve succeeded in maneurering the entire worldwide European race to extinction’s brink. If that’s impotence I’d like some impotence for a change, rather than all this “potency” our side has been burdened with these four decades and more ... 22
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 18:11 | #
I too have to say how impressed I was with Steven Palese’s comment in this thread. 23
Posted by Andy Wooster on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 18:11 | # That is how it is, and how it will continue to be. We will continue to come to your countries, change your culture to suit our wishes, and take the best of your women. If you try and come to our countries, even to help us, you will be scorned, reviled, and, eventually, stoned to death. You cannot keep us out, while we can attack you with impunity in our lands. We are the strong and you are the weak. Blair just reflects the realities: the white man has lost and the Asian shall inherit the Earth. Get over it. Note that the barbarism you linked to is not an example of strength, but rather savagery. You are not here because you are strong. You are here solely because we allow you, in our weakness and delusion, to escape the hellish presence of your countrymen. Be careful that you do not gloat too loudly and too soon. The only advantage you have in this fight is that are many who do not yet realize that we are being invaded. It is not in your interest to overplay your hand. 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 18:45 | #
(It doesn’t seem Amalek’s been able to get his mojo working today or something ... Did he switch coffee brands? ...) 25
Posted by Englander on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 18:52 | # “...and take the best of your women.” - Godloving Socialist. No, you aren’t taking the best of our women. Not by a long shot. 27
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 19:17 | # It’s an awful shame to spoil the Indian tea party. Ah ... nope, I just can’t bring myself to do it. 29
Posted by GS on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 21:36 | # “Are you sure he isn’t the latest spawn of WJP’s schizophrenic imagination?” Quite sure. What’s next, saying that Razib is ” the latest spawn of WJP’s schizophrenic imagination?” Stop trying to redefine a proud Asian - far superior to you or any other white - as one of your regular commentators. Is that your only answer to the reality of the rising tide of Asian dominance? How about, if you can, explaining just why large-scale high-IQ immigration of Asians is a bad thing? You cannot do so, because this immigration is self-evidently a good thing, and that fact is quite clear to all honest, patriotic American and British citizens. 30
Posted by Andy Wooster on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 21:39 | # I agree Alex. His handle, Godloving Socialist, is a clear parody of “godless capitalist” of GNXP fame. It’s hard to take the content of his posts seriously either. Rally round the flag and miscegenate? That’s a rather bizarre argument to my mind. 31
Posted by GS on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 22:00 | # “That’s a rather bizarre argument to my mind. “ Why? That argument has already been made on the excellent Gene Expression blog, which Majority Rights links to. See the quote from Gene Expression below. The logic is clear. Multiracial individuals - such as the excellent product of Razib mating with a white woman - would likely have loyalty to the concept and ideals of America, rallying around the flag, rather than loyalty to any race or ethnic group. The raceless Eurasians of the future, produced by South Asian alpha males and your women, would have as their default loyalty, loyalty to America. Don’t you approve of loyalty to America? Are you not an American patriot? Quote: “... I believe it’s a good thing that the multiracial American cognitive elite have high intermarriage rates. If history is any guide, mutts have loyalty to the USA rather than foreign powers… I will accept no definition of an American that leaves me on the outside, as I’m a patriotic citizen through and through. I will also accept no definition that excludes African Americans, or Japanese Americans, or Jewish Americans, or Muslim Americans, or Mexican Americans, or any person who is an American citizen willing to pledge allegiance to the flag.” That is what is important to any loyal American - having mutts with loyalty to America, all pledging allegiance to the flag. God bless America and the beautiful American flag, and the patriotic ideas it represents, ideals that Asian immigrants seem to represent more than anyone here. 32
Posted by chet snark on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 22:28 | # Chet Snicker is a GNXP commentator, previously discussed on this blog after his reference to Finns as “mongrels” and “bitches.” Apparently, this “Austrian economist” and (presumably male) “radical feminist” is starting a blog to use the “master’s tools” to “tear down the master’s house.” Who is this master, the dreaded ‘white male patriarchy?’ I find the “Austrian” label interesting as well, since the resembance seems more toward Alan Dershowitz than to Arnold Schwarzenegger. As it seems that GNXP is a net negative, and is at least as political (in a sense hostile to what MR purports to believe) than it is “scientific”, is there a reason why MR links to GNXP and, amazingly, places that blog in the “science” category? 33
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 22:30 | #
Because if the numbers are excessive it changes the race, GS. Limited numbers are fine, a veritable flood isn’t. We have a right to keep our race. Here, let’s go over that: “Why are limited numbers fine?” Because those won’t race-replace us. “But aren’t whites opposed to wogs?” No, just to letting so many in that we get race-replaced. “So, wogs on an individual level are fine?” Right, they’re fine. “So you’re not opposed to wogs, just to getting race-replaced by them.” That’s right. Policies that bring about race-replacement should at the very least be put to an explicit referendum which asks the population if it wants its traditional race changed to X, Y, Z, some mixture of all three, or whatever the case may be: “We propose to implement immigration policies which, coupled with a whole array of anti-white domestic social policies to be implemented simultaneously, will change this country’s population in about fifteen or twenty years from majority Norwegian to majority Nigerian Negro. How do you vote, Yea or Nay?” Something like that is the least that should be put before the people who are targeted for race-replacement. I’ve never seen such a referendum, however. The powers-that-be are forcing all this from behind the scenes on an unconsulted, unwilling public. If such a referendum were put before the people now, after race-replacement has already been partly accomplished as a fait accompli, it wouldn’t be fair unless restricted to native white voters, they being the ones who should’ve had a chance to vote on this fifty years ago. Again, no trick questions in the referendum, just the straight unadorned story: “We propose to race-replace you with [such-and-such race(s)] ... etc., and just to make sure the race-replacement process actually gets off the ground and finally goes to completion we propose to suppress whites by means of such and such domestic laws favoring Negroes, [etc.] and outlawing all questioning of the race-replacement process on grounds that questioning it is hate. Yea or Nay?” 34
Posted by Andy Wooster on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 23:16 | # I find the “Austrian” label interesting as well, since the resembance seems more toward Alan Dershowitz than to Arnold Schwarzenegger. “Austrian” most likely refers to the Austrian school of economics (von Mises, Rothbard, Hayek, Lewrockwell.com), not this clown’s ethnicity. What makes me laugh is the “radical feminist” appellation. I didn’t think anyone would self-apply that label. It doesn’t say much for the level of discourse at GNXP if they let a radical feminist (i.e. one who denies any biological basis to sex differences) blog there. Austrian economics and radical-feminism would seem to contradict as well. Rothbard was an outspoken critic of feminism.
Posted by Steven Palese on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 23:32 | # Thanks Fred, but it wasn’t an off the top of my head post. Recently rense.com published this essay by some unknown pro-white blogger: I knew rense would publish from unknow bloggers and I knew it would publish known pro-whites (Ed Steele) but its publishing unknown pro-whites is news to me. Not to rag on a fellow activist, particularly one that is breaking new ground, but I felt I had to write up something that’s far more appropriate for an audience of zionist aware lefties. I’m still polishing it up and I’ll submit it soon - hopefully it gets published too. This is a heads up to the many good writers here: Rense is publishing! Take advantage of it! Throw in a link to your favorite site or blog and send them massive traffic! (Forget about the UFOs. Just look at their ungodly traffic volumes - see their alexa rating. Rense has four times the traffic of stormfront - and it’s not a forum! Folks, numbers speak louder than UFOs. Way louder. The UFOs are only there to attract the young and open minded - our favorite demographic. Don’t miss out on tens of thousands of readers, whoever they are.) Jane: See? We’re doing something. 36
Posted by Steven Palese on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 23:36 | # GS, “I will accept no definition of an American that leaves me on the outside, as I’m a patriotic citizen through and through. I will also accept no definition that excludes…” This is the preamble, the first paragraph of the Constitution of the United States of America: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Did you notice the operative words, “and our Posterity”? I’ve bolded the text to make it easier for you. Now go to the [url=“http://www.archives.gov/national-archives-experience/charters/constitution_transcript.html When you’re done, come back and explain to us where exactly the Constitution requires your acceptance. Doing so will help us understand why you seem to believe that what you accept or don’t accept matters. 37
Posted by Andy Wooster on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 23:42 | # The raceless Eurasians of the future, produced by South Asian alpha males and your women, would have as their default loyalty, loyalty to America. Now I KNOW that Godless Socialist is a parody. Asian alpha males? Effeminate, low-testosterone Asians? Because you regularly see pretty blondes exclaiming “Tech support guys are soooooooooooooo sexy!”. Do I need to give you a swirly? When white women miscegenate, they don’t do it with Asians. Don’t you approve of loyalty to America? Are you not an American patriot? Can’t say I’d consider a “socialist” to be a good American, no matter how much he protests. So half-breeds will be more loyal to the government? And that’s supposed to convince me that non-white immigration is a good thing? The United States was founded by whites for whites. Period. By definition, half-breeds and Asians can’t represent these “patriotic ideas”. 38
Posted by Englander on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 00:31 | # lmao at the idea of “asian alpha males”. Even their action heroes look weedy next to the white or black equivalent. As for the loyalty of ‘muts’ to America being greater than that of other groups, I have to disagree. If all Americans were like some of the Irish and Italian Americans, and many of the Jewish and Mexican Americans, then he might have a point, but not many white Americans are loyal to England, Germany, etc. 39
Posted by Election Summary on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 06:39 | # Wait until Razib Jr. detects that above the mongrel stratem reigns Jews impenetrably organized on a kinship basis. Beige-tinted Junior will conclude that he’s the butt of a decades-long Jewish joke, deprived of any co-ethnics with whom he can similarly organize at the time of conception. He will then serve out his life as a politically powerless tax-slave, with a slight possibility of attaining a well-paid but humiliating shabbos goy position. Of course, this still beats repatriating to Bangledesh. 40
Posted by Rnl on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 08:02 | # Al Ross wrote: Rnl, women’s being conservative isnt of much practical help. Radicalism is what is required. I agree, at least in the sense that any rejection of multiracialist orthodoxies is now radical. I was only noting women’s tendency to conservatism, by which I meant an unthinking allegiance to the status quo and a reluctance to disrupt it. That cautious conservatism has been a good quality in the past. It is the conservatism of the stock broker, who doesn’t like any idea, no matter how plausible, that sounds disruptive; evidence is irrelevant if the cause to which the evidence is put seems dangerous. The major problem in our era with this kind of conservativism is that the status quo itself represents the genuine threat, not those who reject it. Also. to be told that one doesnt understand a concept doesnt necessarily qualify as an insult. The core of White nationalism is just racial common sense from a White group perspective. That core is available to anyone. Women will, on average, be slower to accept it because on average they’re less willing to join an ostracized minority. Jane has internalized what various anti-racist authority figures have told her on her television, and that’s far from a distinctively female vice. Most men also find any acknowledgment of White group interests disturbing, since the pursuit of White self-interest has been successfully pathologized as “racism.” 41
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 08:41 | # Rnl, there is, in White society, an upgrade in social status accorded to those individuals who place non-White interests before those of their racial cognates. What may be commonsense to you, and is definitely such to me, is negated by social-climbing Whites to whom the notion of racial-solidarity represents a cosmically unjust anathema. As long as status-seeking Whites are socially rewarded by race treachery we shall look in vain for an improvement in the condition of our race. 42
Posted by Matt O'Halloran on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 11:16 | # I see that the grumbly old men of MR have been so infected by the mores of their opponents that they are resorting to gutter language. As a result I can no longer recommend this site to people who might otherwise be interested in what it has to say, or to their children. You see, this is what happens when you go into a huddle instead of engaging the enemy. You lose perspective and proportion. Arguing civilly with others keeps you on your toes. Judging by the tenor of Guessedworker’s recent comments, he is flat on his back. A sad falling off from the original intentions and pretensions of this blog, but predictable. 43
Posted by Proofreader on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 12:54 | # Razib on a “mongrel prophet”:
[direct linking to gnxp.com is not allowed; the link has been removed - Ed.] (And still no coments from Razib or GC about Sub-con penile size) 44
Posted by Kenelm Digby on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 13:24 | # Amalek, 45
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 13:29 | # That comment of Matt O’Halloran’s critical of this site doesn’t make sense and, to the extent one can make sense of it, is unmerited. Furthermore, it’s a little ironic for him to call GW “flat on his back” when he, O’Halloran (signing as Amalek), more or less judged both Blair’s speech and the present forced-race-replacement régime in Britain both to be the best thing since sliced bread, nothing to worry about, nothing that won’t work themselves out over time and the U.K. will be emerge perfectly fine and unscathed — minus its British working-class layer of population including London’s cockney class, both of which will have been hybridized out of any racially-recognizable existence but hey, the cockneys were never really a part of the British-race identity in the first place, so no real loss. Of course the newly-enmeshed Negro and Pakistani genes will start percolating up from below and finally racially transform the whole of the population into something else but let’s worry about that when the time comes shall we? That’s at least, what ... a hundred years off? Two hundred? They’ve got us over a barrel, you see, so we can’t do much about it anyway and besides, arguing too strenuously and using four-letter words can get you cross looks over at Harry’s Place so let’s just go with the flow on that one, guys. I think that’s so much smarter! Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t it look as if O’Halloran/Amalek is the one running up the white flag and accepting the “new and improved status quo”? If anyone’s “flat on his back” around here, I’d say it’s he, not GW who looks as if he isn’t ready to give an inch while the other looks as if he’s already surrendered on the enemy’s terms. Maybe that’s what comes of hanging around Harry’s Place too much? 46
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 15:01 | # Fred, Thank you for your astute analysis. However, WJP is operating far out on the limbs of reason, where even the blood of kinship does not much circulate. What he is really doing and why is known only to him. As others have said, he would be do better to turn back and work with our grain instead of against it. I have asked him many times and in many ways to do precisely that (a request not <u>UN</u>known to yourself). But we have to conclude that he has a separate vision ... or he really does not wish to see MR develop a sharpened focus on the global political elite. Perhaps he works for the security services, I don’t know. Where’s “kulturkampf” when you need him? 47
Posted by Razib Popper on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 15:36 | # Proofreader, did you see this: The reason for this advice is evident if you click on the link you provided. It really is baffling that Majority Rights has to lower itself by linking to the vulgar filth that is Gene Expression, much less put it into the “science” section (unless inter-racial porn is “science”). I realize this is not your fault, but please be aware that a direct link to GNXP will lead to a doorway into the distorted pornographic psyches of the mongrel desis behind that blog. Gene Expression is a disaster - a blog set up to promote the ethnic and personal interests of two desis, complete with fawning whites who do the actual work of the blog (all serious posts are by whites, Razib’s contributions are the intellectual equivalent of a potato-chip diet), juvenile vulgarity (observe Proofreader’s link), “in-joke” childishness (eg, re: Finns), and a constant war against white interests. That Sailer regards Razib as the “popper of the 21st century” tells us more about Sailer’s mental delusions that it does about Razib’s alleged powers of intellectual discernment. 48
Posted by Retew on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 17:31 | # Al Ross wrote; ======================================= Women aren’t capable of truly understanding the problems discussed on this site. ======================================= There are some good female WN posters on Stormfront (Dani1488 stands out in my view, though there are others like Apartness and whitebread) who are well acquainted with the issues discussed on MR. 49
Posted by ted barlow on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 18:43 | # Man, you guys are pathetic. Instead of engaging your opponents as And kudos to Jane for stating a basic truth. Most of the posters here 50
Posted by Andy Wooster on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 19:32 | # Man, you guys are pathetic. Instead of engaging your opponents as And kudos to Jane for stating a basic truth. Most of the posters here
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 20:54 | # For commenters the best policy is to stick with one pen name, not only at a given site but for all sites where they post comments: sign all your comments on all subjects in all threads at all web-sites with the same name. (It’s time for Amalek to “collapse” his aliases into one pen name and stick with just that.) 52
Posted by GS is NOT Amalek on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 22:26 | # For godssakes Andy and Fred, GS is NOT Amalek. OK, get it? NOT, NOT, NOT Amalek. Stop trying to assume you know that a commentator is Amalek, because you are wrong. It is more likely that GS is “grunting brute” and not Amalek. Address the content of the comment, if you can. It is obvous that GS is a parody, prompted by GW’s comments about Razib on the penile size post. The aim is to point out the destructiveness of GNXP’s philosophy and the ludicrousness of it. GNXP is no more or no less absurd than GS’ parody of GNXP. The parody is in fact the reality, as the quotes from GNXP clearly show. But, Amalek has nothing to do with it. “Rather, they are losers and, I would add, deeply homosexual.” That’s not childish? Or is it a parody? “Instead of engaging your opponents as In fact one major reason this blog even exists is because it was impossible to “engage” the opponents at GNXP, since they delete comments of which they disagree and ban the commentators, with the usual trick being to make some sort of strawman, illogical, and controversial comments against white racial nationalism, followed by deleting/banning when some tried to “engage” them in argument. The tactic of directing links from MR to GNXP to a porno site is an example of how “possible” (sic) it is to “engage” them in a rational debate. Thus, parody is justifiable in that case. 53
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 23:35 | # Thank you, Gruntus Brutus, for the clarification (which should not have been necessary). Fred’s point about WJP’s schizoid commentary stands, of course. The GNXP link can be taken out if that’s what you guys think. It’s there because of the range of race-realist subject matter covered, not because it supports our ethnic interests. If there was a more reliable and equally wide-ranging alternative we would, of course, link to that instead. As it is we assume that our readers are sufficiently in touch with their own interests to see the desi-derata perfectly clearly. Anyhow, if it offends that much I will take it down. 55
Posted by Andy Wooster on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 01:20 | # For godssakes Andy and Fred, GS is NOT Amalek. OK, get it? NOT, NOT, NOT Amalek. Stop trying to assume you know that a commentator is Amalek, because you are wrong. It is more likely that GS is “grunting brute” and not Amalek. Address the content of the comment, if you can. You would seem to have a significant reading comprehension deficit. I never said that Amalek was behind GS; I merely asked if this were the case. I never “assumed” anything. I did put forth the hypothesis that WJP may be responsible for “ted bartow” and possibly “jane” as well, as these two commenters both beat the O’Halloranian “get out there and mix it up” drum. Of course, it is also a distinct possibility that these posts are parodies of Matt O’Halloran in the same way that GS parodied godless capitalist and Razib. Anyway, I did address the “content” of GS’s posts, meager as it may have been. It is obvous that GS is a parody, prompted by GW’s comments about Razib on the penile size post. The aim is to point out the destructiveness of GNXP’s philosophy and the ludicrousness of it. GNXP is no more or no less absurd than GS’ parody of GNXP. The parody is in fact the reality, as the quotes from GNXP clearly show. You’re preaching to the choir. I don’t take GNXP seriously as “scientists” or as thinkers. I don’t have any problem with MR linking there, however. GNXP, like Steve Sailer, has the potential to function as a tool, in that both are race-realists. Posters and commenters at this website are intelligent enough to separate the potentially helpful elements from the destructive ones at these sites. Note the disclaimer “Endorsement not Implied” above the link section. “Rather, they are losers and, I would add, deeply homosexual.” That’s not childish? Or is it a parody? Or both. That is perhaps a childish parody of Matt O’Halloran’s typical rants. 56
Posted by Comment Watcher on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 03:00 | # “Chet Snicker” is razib’s fictional, anti-white “frat boy” alter-ego. The purpose of this exercise in fantasy is not immediately apparent, unless razib is planning to generate ad revenue with the new blog or acting out a wish to be an upper-middle-class white man with access to the type of women he fantasizes about. Note also that after dropping his “Chet Snicker” pretense at his scienceblogs site, razib is again using the photo of a subcon male beauty pageant winner in place of his own. 57
Posted by Gruntus Brutus on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:00 | # For a primitive grunting brute, my reading comprehension is sufficient; however, better that it be made clear early that GS is not Amalek. Yes, certainly, GS’ posts were meager - that was intentional, as a parody of the intellectual vacuity of the South Asian contribution to GNXP. Virtually all of the posts there over time that have had any value whatsoever have been from white contributors. This excludes David B. GNXP may have its virtues, and MR readers may be intelligent enough to discern the nuggets of white gold in GNXP’s mountains of brown waste. But, after the porno linking incident, do the externalities of GNXP justify linking from MR? Or, perhaps, the link should be moved away from the “science” category to the “general” category. If “chet snicker” is Razib, this once again underscores GNXP’s problems. Best for that blog would be a “coup” in which the white majority bloggers oust Razib (and GC) from participation, but that is unfortunately not realistic. 58
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:48 | # Gruntus Brutus Colas, Aside from Arcane who are the other white bloggers of occasional value? Or are you reffering to (as ye not banned) white commenters? 59
Posted by Gruntus Brutus Colas on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:55 | # GW, I do not consider Arcane of any value. But, they have a whole set of new science-oriented bloggers, who I am assuming are white. Perhaps, some are Asian, but the impression I get from the posts is that they are (at least) mainly whites. If you check out GNXP you’ll see what I mean. There is a whole new set of bloggers there compared to the time that you commented there. Their posts have some limited utility, they alert the reader to new and interesting papers, and provide a summary when the papers are not easily available. However, the political contributions of GNXP, which conflate with the South Asian contributions and those of the major white politicized fellow travellers, are worse than useless. 60
Posted by Lurker (Mk II) on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 12:23 | # I see that the grumbly old men of MR have been so infected by the mores of their opponents that they are resorting to gutter language. As a result I can no longer recommend this site to people who might otherwise be interested in what it has to say, or to their children. My local public library system blocks MR.com as a “hate site”. I’m trying to get it unblocked, but if you start spraying the F-word and the N-word around I’m wasting my time. It’s disappointing, I thought GuessedWorker stood for civilized and polite debate here. 61
Posted by Kenelm Digby on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 12:37 | # Lest we forget that in 1960 (in the living memory of many here), the USA was at least 90% White, substantially Whiter than today’s UK in fact, the only ‘ethnic minority’ being negroes, who at that time were generally kept at arm’s length and put into their own little box, in fact their main role in America was as the ‘performing coon’. 62
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 13:41 | # Thanks, Kenelm. I do find elite treachey in general and Blair’s in particular, let us say, quite annoying. His belated but undoubtedly sincere discovery that we were right and Multiculturalism does not work is particularly eggregious, given that the answer is to desist from transforming England into another country, NOT to finesse to a more workable method. This is treachery re-doubled, and with all due respect to Lurker Two and W J Phillips, I have a powerful desire to reply in the same moral currency it pays to us. That’s as close as you will get to an apology from this angry man. As for civilised and polite debate, MR pays its dues and always will. I don’t intend to make a habit of four-letters. But there are times when the gods conspire, and a Kutouzov moment amid the French colours appeals too much. 63
Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 17:00 | # “My local public library system blocks MR.com as a ‘hate site’.” Are you in the US or the UK? In the US, it’s illegal for public libraries to block hate sites. 64
Posted by Lurker (Mk II) on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 18:19 | # U.K., Ben. The commercial software is called StreamShield Protector. It also blocks American Renaissance. 65
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 00:17 | # GW’s employment of the Anglo-Saxon F-word as an intensifier is understandable in this case and we shouldnt fret about a term which, through gross overuse, has largely lost its ability to shock. Most English middle-class parents would rather their children say ‘fuck’ than ‘toilet’. 66
Posted by Top on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 07:31 | # Some thoughts on the Blair speech. Let’s take this quote: “Being British carries rights. It also carries duties. And those duties take clear precedence over any cultural or religious practice.” Over ANY cultural values… including British ones? What does this statement say if you take it away from the whole ‘we are warning Muslims’ message? I see the whole Tony Blair message in two parts: Let me concentrate on point 2. Here is a common definition of culture from the yahoo reference dictionary. Culture is: (1) The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. Blair’s quote says that culture needs to conform to duty. In other words culture may be a subset of duty. Or it may be they are totally different. But it is certain according to his statement that duty does not come from culture. So where exactly does the sense of duty come from if not from “the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought?” That’s something I am still pondering. If Blair wants to abolish culture in favor of duty – whatever that means – what exactly does he want to do? Here are his six points of action. The six ways of structuring Britain outside of culture and religion according to the Blair speech are: 1. Cohesion and integration Think about what he just did with those six points (aside from warning Muslims about being bad). Those six points are an outline of a culture! But the big question is: what kind of a culture? Blair hints at what he means by his culture in the following: “Then you, and all of us, who want to, can worship God in our own way, take pride in our different cultures after our own fashion, respect our distinctive histories according to our own traditions; but do so within a shared space of shared values in which we take no less pride and show no less respect.” Blair is essentially saying that all the worlds’ cultures are a subset of his own version of a culture. In his version of a culture – ALL the cultures must conform to his set of ‘duties’. And make no mistake – the British culture is just one culture within the sea of cultures that Britain is to become. Can anyone say: police state in the making? Are god-like delusions not the first sign of something being wrong? Blair and his advisors think they can whip something up off the top their heads and ‘put everyone in place’. Is that not exactly what happened in Russia at a much faster pace? Let’s see: Looking at points (1) and (2) – am I talking about Britain in 2006 or Russia in 1918? The scary part is that everything is happening so much slower in the Anglo world, and the changes are so much more permanent. And the most paradoxical, bizarre statement of it all is the last statement of the speech: “The right to be different. The duty to integrate. That is what being British means.” Of course comrade! 67
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:03 | # Blair can havel multiculturalrism or he can have equality but he cannot have both. 68
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:46 | # Excellent analysis, Top. Our little friends in high places have indeed been a-pondering since 7/7 and, yes, one can see the form of something vaguely new and determinedly integrationist in this latest statement from Pixie-Face. I find Bliar’s slightly threatening tone instructive also. The traitor class got where they are now through various forms of coercion, not through the triumph of ideas. No one who is English and even half-awake buys race-replacement wihout being forced to, either through Pavlovism or legal repression. But it will still take some time for the import of the new apologetics to clarify in the public mind. You are a long, long way ahead of the wave. 69
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 21:46 | #
We cannot explain why? Read this and weep. 70
Posted by Rnl on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 07:23 | # Let’s imagine ourselves as a group of military strategists hunched over a table planning to wreck a rival nation. We look for its strengths and its weaknesses. We worry about the former and we hope to exploit the latter. Perhaps our rival has a strong navy but a weak army. In that case we must worry about the strength of the navy, but we can exploit the weakness of the army. We will not, unless we are thoroughly moronic strategists, list our rival’s “diversity” among its most dangerous strengths. On the contrary, we will know - no matter how often we repeat for public consumption the platitudes about “diversity” demanded by modern PC - that a culturally and racially homogenous nation, with a strong sense of common purpose, is more difficult to defeat than a nation endowed with an abundance of diversity. A diverse nation is a vulnerable nation. In other words, when we look seriously at another nation, we don’t think that its racial and ethnic divisions are good, unless we are planning to wreck it. The following paragraph is from an article in the current Commentary, but we’ve all seen similar analyses in a variety of contexts. There is nothing remarkable here. It’s just worth noting how, when intelligent people focus their minds on the real world, they ignore multiculturalism’s central claim. Diversity is not a strength. Wrecking another nation is serious business, and the slogans of multiculturalism are of no value to anyone thinking seriously. *** Getting Serious About Iran: A Military Option By Arthur Herman [...] That the regime in Tehran is indeed hated, and also radically unstable, is a point on which both advocates and opponents of American action can agree. In this connection, it is important to bear in mind that Iran is rent by ethnic divisions and rivalries almost as fierce as those that divide Iraq or such former Soviet republics as Georgia and Russia itself. Almost half of Iran’s population is made up of Kurds, Baluchis, Azeris, Arabs, and Turkomans. Unlike the Persians, who are Shiites, most of these minorities are Sunni. Thus, Iran is a country ripe for constitutional overhaul, if not re-federation. Unless the current regime and its backers are willing to change course, decisive military action could open the way for an entirely new Iran. 71
Posted by wjg on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 20:28 | # GW, Bravo for the post and your comments. You are a man not a damned robot and any man who doesn’t see the evil we are facing and not occasionally vent has no stones. Brits - especially - need to set aside their tea cups and “decency” to deal with the situation we face. Otherwise it is Bunker Hill as Ground Hog Day: wonderful form as a prelude to slaughter with never a change. To survive adaptation is needed. Conservatism now has about the same value as a red coat. BTW, taking trolls seriously is Tolkein’s story in the Hobbit in reverse: by continuously answering them WE will be turned to stone thru the folly of endless chatter. 72
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 23:58 | # WJG, You are a gentleman, sir. But while, from a tea and crumpets perspective, I think your erstwhile point about solidarity is a good one, I still think that the contribution to that from certain quarters is self-discipline. Anyway, solidarity does not imply being opinion clones, does it. My offer remains open. 73
Posted by Kenelm Digby on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 12:58 | # Andrew, 74
Posted by Theurgus on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 20:36 | # I am amazed at how naive White Anglo Saxon English People are. For over 1000 years the Anglo-Saxons raped, enslaved, butchered and deported the Irish Celts, Welsh Celts and the Scottish Celts. In Scotland, thanks to the English, from the period of the reign of Edward Plantagenet I (Edward The Longshanks), who reigned from 1307 to 1272, began the long and horrific genocide of the Celts of Scotland. By the period of rule under King James Stuart I from 1625 to 1567, well over 17 million Scottish Celts had been killed. Now today, as of 2007, if the Anglo Saxons had not killed that 17 million Scottish Celts, there would be over 80 million Scottish people living in Britain. The point i am making is this: THE WHITE RACE IS ITS OWN WORST ENEMY ON PLANET EARTH. IT F**KED ITSELF UP AND THEN WENT AROUND F**KING EVERYONE ELSE UP UNDER THE BRITISH EMPIRE FOR OVER 500 YEARS. Now Britain is paying the consequences of its greed and racist arrogance. BTW, the Anti-Semitic bollocks about ‘Jews’ controlling this world is utter crap. The House Of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha are WHITE GERMAN CAUCASIANS for starters. Those homosexual Nazis colluded with Nazi Germany and allowed Adolph Hitler and the NSDAP to rise to power. WHERE WERE THE ‘JEWS’ INVOLVED IN ALL OF THAT. Prescott Bush - grandfather to George W. Bush through the Union Banking Corporation, f**ked the Ashkenazi Jews of Europe. WHERE WERE ‘JEWS’ IN ALL OF THAT???? Come on now, do not keep talking such stupid, racist, naive crap to people here!!!!!!!!!!! In my opinion, with 7.4 million Eastern Europeans in Britain and the Home Office admitting now that over 2.2 million Polish People live here as well as 1.2 million Albanians and Kosovans, i think a massive civil unrest in Britain will come once the White Anglo Saxon Middle Class lose everything after Nazi Amerika collapses and Iran and Syria are attacked. Nazi Blair and all those Scottish Rite Freemasons have f**ked the Muslim Islamic World and 1.9 billion Muslims will arise soon, once Iran and Syria are attacked and you watched 10 million Arabs in France flare up and 9.5 million Turkish People and Kurdish People flare up in Germany. Europe is full of idiots who make ZERO effort to integrate and cunts like Anthony Charles Blair are only puppets to the Banksters and Freemasons that stick a pole up his arse each day. The English are naive wankers, living in Middle Class aspirations and deserve what they get. The House Of Windsor will be destroyed once Muslims wake up in Britain and find out that THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR 9/11, ATTACKING AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ AND MAKING LIKE HELL FOR MUSLIMS IN BRITAIN. Doctor Mohammed Naseem of the Birmingham Central Mosque cleverly spoke and believes Muslims are being used to turn Britain and Planet Earth into GLOBAL POLICE STATE WORSE THAN NAZI DEUTSCHLAND. The time for Britain to sink is here. This little island cannot rule China as the House Of Windsor do right now, forever more. Wake up and smell the COFFEE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!! 75
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 23:24 | # Yes well, thank you for that. I have one or two minor points of dissention, it’s true. But I very rarely argue with capital letters. So I think I’ll just forget about them this time. I must say, that bit about Africa’s death rate was really terribly good. Ten times birthrate, you say. Goodness! 77
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 00:59 | # Niggerbabble like the Theurgus ordure does provide some comic relief from the baneful reality of contemporary events. 78
Posted by Lurker on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 03:53 | # Hes right though, its the leaders who are the problem. Ejecting a few million hispanics and building a big fence are merely logistical problems, easily dealt with. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Sikorski on point by Guessedworker on Friday, 28 March 2025 18:08. (View) Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 23:59. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 23:34. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 23:33. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 22:52. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 21:43. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 11:38. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 20:46. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 17:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 12:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) |
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 01:17 | #
Amen to every blessed word of that!