Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part three In July and August of 2021, James Bowery and I became embroiled in a productive debate about, as James eventually titled it, the causal structure of Dasein. I am returning to that subject now, because I find I cannot proceed with my Part Two NSDAP essay without doing so. My thanks to James for his participation and commentary on that thread, which was to his film review here .
Let us begin this essay by reminding ourselves why such abstract and theoretical subject matter, which attends to a primordial aspect of human existence of surpassing irrelevance to those contesting the politics of the day, is nevertheless necessary and meaningful for us as nationalists. How we came to the point of needing new thinking For the reason, in brief, that since the Greeks, Western thinking has been overly concentrated on the technical question of how can we know truth and not the existential what are we … For the reason that Christianity’s idiosyncratic model of the sinner seeking a personal salvation post-mortem by the grace of God does not, in fact, tend to Man’s relational truth but moves him in a manner wholly consistent with the Judaic End-Time ... For the reason that liberalism’s unfettering will - the guiding idea of our epoch and the secular child of Christianity - is likewise a non-real and non-possible desideratum, the pursuit of which can only consume our lives and distance us from our truth ... For the reason in consequence that Western metaphysics has not been able to centre itself on the human principle but has surrendered it to science and technology, reducing the lived life to mere utility filled with economism, materialism, consumption and “progress” ... For the reason that investment, banking, corporate, media and tech elites, and the internationalist institutions, hold sway over the liberal democratic system, and thus over the parties and governments of the West also, imposing their agendas on national politics and reducing it everywhere to a ritual of deception and betrayal … For the reason that since the middle of the 19th century the Jewish ethno-religious paradigm has accommodated itself, via the leading Jewish intellectuals and activists, in the development of Western political and cultural life, colouring political decision to the profound exclusion of our own interests and freedom … For the reason that we have no recourse to an active politics of those interests and of the truth of our person, indeed a war of false morality is waged against these even while our ancestral homelands are deliberately and wickedly flooded with foreign populations (which are no less wickedly presented to us as “oppressed peoples” and “ethnic minorities”) ... … for such reasons, great and small, we are not only subject to the soft-genocidal power play of global elites but to an acquired inner condition of estrangement and confusion. The modern life so ceaselessly and seamlessly manufactures artifice, the stranger within us reacts to the mortal danger to our kind not with love and commitment to putting things straight but with perfect insouciance. “What does it matter to me?” the stranger may ask. Because, of course, in artifice and its detachments lies self-referentialism and nihilism. So we all sleep on while, to borrow from Enoch Powell, our elites and other enemies heap up the European demographic funeral pyre, and drag the European man and woman and the European family through their neo-Marxist sewer. In such a compromised condition, from whence is the capacity to defend our life and being to come? If it comes only from the anti-globalist and traditionalist right as represented by the phenomenon that is Georgia Meloni, and by the rise of Jimmie Åkesson and the Sweden Democrats, and AfD in Germany, by the revitalisation of Marine Le Pen, perhaps even in the person of Donald Trump, then we will see gestures in the direction of recovery, for sure. But none of these will ever sweep away modernity and the mass man, or the Money Power, never mind the more subtly enworlding powers of the West’s deep religious and ethical, philosophical, social, economic and cultural forms … its very models of Life and Man and their complete possession by the Jewish spirit. Likewise, none of our own discursive efforts to this point … on race and immigration, on the JQ, on cultural Marxism, on Islam, and latterly on globalism and the Money Power … will ever measure up to this task. But any measure less and the formative default will confound, limit, frustrate, outlast, and swallow all the forces of reaction. All that was before them will be after them. Preparatory notes for a critical Heideggerian So we return to this question of the abstract, the theoretical, because that is the language in which the formative is re-conceptualised and brought anew to the world. Only thus could a new and complete philosophy for life and truth, emerging from the human fundamentals, be brought forth. Only thus could nationalists properly defy our historical trajectory, change it and become the driving force of a revolution for existence. But why being? Why so tenuous and recondite a principle, and why Martin Heidegger’s idiosyncratic account of it? Well, is it not the very substrate of the human existence and the witness to, and participant in, pure reality? And was not epochal change Heidegger’s stated goal when, a century ago, he sat down to pen the first paragraphs of what would, four years later, appear as Being and Time? And here we are, still waiting for the epoch of being. While, in the meantime, his thought has become key to large swathes of later thinking, little to nothing of it doesn’t smuggle in marxian or freudian argument. Change in our life there has been, but nothing to help us. Of course, Heidegger never wrote Being and Time’s anticipated sequel. What we do have is substantially modified by his much quoted “turn” from one central concept to another ... from Dasein as the principal active element in human being-in-the-world to Beyng as the principal piece in the great neurological jig-saw puzzle that is being-in-reality. But, in fact, these are not the only two directions we could go. In total, we might distinguish at least four: a) Dasein as human being in the world, ie, the standing within our own being to witness the being of the organic and inorganic Other and the world-hood about it. This is “early” Heidegger’s general model of disclosure with which he opposes classical Cartesian epistemology. It is not detailed in such a way that it meaningfully incorporates … (b) The tragedy that is the general absence of our native and optimal state of being-here-now from our consciousness, overtaken as it is by an habitual falling into self-obscuration and mechanicity. The very stuff of the world of men, with all its error, darkness and travail, flows from this vast interior failing. But, against that, even a small correction to the people’s consciousness must direct it towards the lodestars of individual and collective self-ownership and authenticity, and thus yield more vivifying outcomes. Heidegger’s closest approach to this was probably Seinsvergessenheit, or oblivion of being. However, his thinking tended to veer away into historical and historiographical argument (not least because of his quite marked sensitivities about his own place in the canon). Certainly, the technological modernity he disparaged deepens the fall. But there was a curse upon us long before the modern era, as also there was a possibility of at least some redress, however brief. Actually, human evolution worked out one means: faith as an evolved, higher-emotional trait with the fitness gain of turning the subject towards its own sense of presence. In that most human norm abides adaptive choice-making. But any means of turning will generate benefit, the more practical and direct the better and the closer to the natural and inalienable, founded truth of us. Redress itself may be defined as:
(c) The “late” Heideggerian concept of Beyng as the praeternatural process by which factic being first manifests in our similarly factic world (which is only later mind-ordered into what we accept as reality). Heidegger spoke of a rift facilitating this most mysterious progress. But every generation of philosophers since Plato has poured over this mystery. A common conclusion is for a prior, fundamental openness or space (an obvious parallel being a painted image which cannot be produced but on a canvas or similarly open and receptive medium). Whether there is some sub-atomic, causal truth to that idea or whether it is an interpolation from elsewhere in the mind-scape remains to be seen. Either way, for our purposes, as seekers of a life-philosophy for European Man at what is otherwise his end-time, this whole line of thought has no agentive product. It’s the wrong causal focus. (d) Being as be-ing, or the organism’s singular act of ongoing. Heidegger made the claim not for ongoing-ness but for existence. “Man alone exists, all other things are,” he said. In other words, while the temporality of all other beings is fixed at a single point of Time’s progression, Man’s temporality renders him additionally historical and futural. This is true enough, but it is not enough! Arrayed with all the same, reflexive tenacity for life as every other living being, Man destines ceaselessly in the cause of his own survival and the continuity of his tribe. This is a grand gesture of ongoing, not mere existence. As seekers of agency, our interest must lie here. What, then, of Heidegger, “early” or “late”. Well, he remains an immensely valuable figure, not only as an original thinker and a champion for renewal of a canon ... the Western canon … which so completely fails the race of Man from whom, and for whom, it was extrapolated, but also as an avowed Swabian identitarian and German nationalist. He was one of us, if a nationalist who thought rather than a thinker on nationalism. As noted above, it has not proven possible to develop a functioning philosophy out of his thought. For one thing, it does not extend to a systematic structuring of causality. In fact, his account is unstructured, a jumble of ontological principles, chief among them Being-in-the-World, Dasein, Being-Toward-Death, Being-With, and Dasein’s Care/Concern for its being. Some of them, certainly, must be adjudged primordial. But some are surely contingent. For example, we are informed by Heidegger that “the They” is primordial and, in consequence, belongs to “Dasein’s constitution”. Happily, “the They” does not refer to transsexuals but to ordinary folk ordinarily unthinking about their own enworldment, and thus immersed in the social forms du jour, including religious forms, all of which Heidegger saw as the sign and source of inauthenticity. Well, in my understanding, enworldment as the parent of personhood applies as much to philosophically aware – even notionally self-aware - intellectuals as it does to the dog-faced denizens of “the lower orders”, and personhood is as much a matter of mechanicity for one as it is for the other. We are all “the They”. Yes, there is a methodological line to be drawn, but it is not drawn by relative intellectual ability or even by a philosophical take on life, but by a particular use of attention. The latter fact effectively compresses the whole of Heidegger’s position on “the They” into the term “ordinary waking consciousness”, regardless of anyone’s intelligence and schooling. But, then, consciousness and psychology generally were non-ontological tools he vigorously eschewed. He was always likely to draw his line in some intellectually exclusive quarter, which could not be without cost to his project’s potential. Another issue is that Heidegger’s concept of Care, like his concept of Time, effortlessly expands beyond all limits, to the point where he declared at various times that “Being is Care” and “Being is Time”. Obviously, he did not mean that these are synonymous and interchangeable. But the effect is to over-generalise the whole question of constitution, which might be considered unhelpful. As an explanation for life’s tenacity, Dasein’s Care implies that the being-there of a being settles (what is) a definite human emotion on causality. But carrying any value or preference … love or hate, compassion or indifference ... or, indeed, any cognitive product of Mind into primordiality, no matter how generalised and de-contextualised it may be, how distanced from ethics as such, is an interpolation. If one eschews Heidegger’s narrow focus on human there-being, and thus such ornamentation of the bare, biochemical mechanics of the organism as “preferring for” or “willing” being over non-being, we perforce arrive at the conclusion that those mechanics existed before Homo sapiens, before sapience itself. There cannot be another rule for Homo sapiens whereby the driving truth of all organic life at all times in its 3.5 billion year history does not drive him also. It is only reasonable, then, to conclude that they are no less part of being human than any non-human life-form, are cellular in origin, reflexive and abiding, and therefore Mind-independent. Thus we have to look not for preference or will or any working of the mind but for a mechanical recoil which has the appearance to us of preference or will, and to which these latter things are easily and anthropomorphically imputed. To be clear, then, and in principle, everything must begin in the ultimately prior, and emerge whole from what comes before, each stage in the sequence being a causatum and environmental modifier for the next. For the reason of stage-modification alone, it is a methodological error to interpolate anything at all into the causes of life’s tenacity. It is sometimes said that Heidegger never fully relinquished the Catholicism of his youth, and perhaps Care is a sign of that. After all, Christians do something similar with the doctrine of “For God who so loved the world”, not seeing that it is the needs of faith in the mind which create a fulfilling God, not the other way round (upon the verity of which the whole universe is, of course, silent). It is a failing against which the humble ethologist Frank Salter, working scientistically from the opposite direction (ie, from genes towards ethics) is proofed. Doubtless, both he and Heidegger would (at least formally) accept that the universe is the product of the perpetual and dynamic interaction of forces and mass, and not of design; and the appearance of life on Earth likewise. But whether Salter could explain more readily why genes have interests than Heidegger could have explained why being-there-then has values is another question. Let us look a little into that question. As identified in Part One of this series, a reductive or evolutionary analytic upon such a question necessarily involves:
So currently, anyway, and notwithstanding the differing methodologies involved and the vastly different intellectual standing of the pair, I judge Salter’s model to be the more fundamental because of its starting point, and therefore the closer to the “reflex, impulsion and movement” - reflexivity, for short - mentioned above. This is what I believe to be the plain fact of life’s tenacity (which we might only ornamentally call, “the sole imperative of the will to continuity”) in critical contact with “the cold state of mechanics”. It should be remembered that the organism’s origin is a result of inorganic processes occurring under those same conditions (because they are constant and universal). Origin means integration within confines which gift separation and difference, but only until the organism is reclaimed by the cold state of mechanics, as it must be in time. Part One puts it this way (framing the contest as between essence and existence, but the meaning is clear):
This novel reductive or evolutionary analytic allows us not only to critique Heidegger and Salter on this narrow point but to go beyond interrogating both Dasein and natural ethics. The final point of arrival is a singular and perpetual re-energising of separation and difference, by which origin was and is sustained on contact with that equally singular and perpetual “cold state of mechanics”. What is ultimately “there-then” - and “here-now”, of course - is pure recoil rather than an interest, a preference, a will, a care, (each of which also express it, or part of it, but through the filter of higher mental function, and thus never more than proximately). It is causally, temporally, and ontologically prior to the act of extension that is be-ing as ongoing-ness or differentiation, which is itself only possible because recoil exceeds the requirements for such. In excess, it masses its actions against disintegration such that be-ing itself is a work of flowing and radical increase. It is this utterly insistent, primordial and constitutional energy which propels be-ing. Thought and feeling only come after. If Heidegger’s very general claim for Care is open to question, so is his claim for Time and temporality. As claims go, it is extensive. In The Basic Problems of Phenomenology, a lecture paper from 1954 but published post-mortem, he wrote:
In the round, Heidegger rated Space as strictly subordinate to Time. Neither as the universal fabric nor the Cartesian situant of all matter was he especially interested in it. Similarly, the conceptual unity of theoretical physics, in which Time is always local, seems to have held less appeal than it might, given its gradual emergence during his formative intellectual years and Einstein’s preliminary paper on Space-Time which was published in 1926 at the height of interest in Heidegger’s original thinking. In the event, he proposed that being flowed beyond location and into an extra-locative with-ness demonstrated by the exchange gifts and love letters at a distance, or likewise the entering into contracts, giving of legal opinions, sending diplomatic notes or, in our age, playing chess online or visiting a message board. Locales may de-severate, as he put it. However, other thinkers, notably Jacques Derrida and the postmodernists and, latterly, the German essayist and hyper-modernist Peter Sloterdijk, have sought to balance the books and give Space its due. To that end they have presented it as the primordial field of ontological realisation, in which any living being takes on its ownmost truth; and on this issue they are surely right. We will do that too. It remains, therefore, to structure the process, tracing its causalities to arrive at the constitution of the human reality. Which, after our fashion, we shall do. To that end, we have one further task, which is to supplement both Space and Time with a third cosmic determinant. We have already mentioned it just above. It is the ceaseless flux of mass and energy in Space-Time. From its cycles of integration and disintegration arise all material creation but also all systemic decay. In the Heideggerian context it supplies the cessation of the organism’s being, without which Heidegger’s commentary on Time and temporality would have no dynamic content, for there would be no approaching end towards which organic being must face. Dasein’s futural (but never purposive) standing could not be conceived. The table below, therefore, proposes three principal determining grounds, each working through the same short, staged sequence of causal inter-actions with human being. Ground as, say, Time, is obviously different to its respective determining power of temporalisation. But temporalisation belongs solely to Time. It is a property of Time which is, as we have seen, both characterising to the universal fabric as a whole and local within it. From this we can ascertain that Property acts as a causatum conditioning the further sequence as a matter of absolute law and universal government. Everything, organic or inorganic, is subject to it from its origin, dependent upon it and, within its range of possibilities, in conformity with it. Accordingly, ground and its property are not in themselves responsive to anything, and thus not relational to being, or even primordial, or anything that constitutes an orientation towards being. Only being responds, relates, and orients - all of which is reflexive. But ground and its property are always mechanism and everywhere cold and dark, and implacable, and port no meaning. Meaning would require design, and design would require Mind. In the broadest terms we are accident or we are design, and if we are design then everything is design, everything is meant and has meaning. But no part of Man’s factual knowledge ever demonstrated one scintilla of design. Faith in design is an exercise of the higher emotions. If we exclude it, therefore, and guide ourselves only by what we know and, presently, can know, we really are left with a life in a universe of forces acting blindly upon us as an organic anomaly, just as they act upon everything. The perpetual question for the study of cause, then, is wither fact or myth, and if our way is selected for us by fact then we cannot rest. Only the faithful can rest. We are obliged to uncover being’s coherent developmental sequence as it is conditioned by ground. That sequence must yield being’s founded solidity, such that the human truth may then flow and all our historical and historiographical factors, with which this essay began by listing, may be compared to it without favour. THE CAUSAL STRUCTURE With that, we will proceed to the proposition. It isn’t remarkably radical. There are no surprises. After all, we are dealing in the common currency of human fundamentals. This is detection, not invention, and once detected the outline ought to be reasonably apparent to any Philip Marlow of ontological investigation. Detection extends to the only novel element in this investigation, which is the (tolerably tight) sequence, whereby final products articulate from an at-hand given ground: One should acknowledge at the outset that an evolutionary ontology will always be narrow in focus and fact-bound compared to the philosophical norm. For example, in his late epistemological thinking Heidegger developed an aesthetic theory of four-fold being, the four-foldness comprising earth, sky, divinities, and mortals. His assertion was that humans dwell in a given natural or nurtural relation with these. It feels like a foray into the structure of experience advanced via allegory. It may also be an attempt to integrate the transcendental into the everyday or exoteric life, or to sacralise that life. Whichever it may be, it is very far from the narrow detection” with “no surprises” that I am perpetrating right now on you, dear reader! Anyway, methodically right or wrong, we are now embarked upon a quest for constitution – the real, inhering, causal grounds of human being. The primary structure This investigation has identified three grounds, interlinked certainly but each inviolate and unsurpassable in its own domain: (i) The ceaseless flux of mass and energy. We have also touched upon ground’s property, which is the aspect of it to which all matter is passively subject. While conformity is inevitable and, of course, conditioning, still it belongs to the passive component as a separating, differentiating entity. We are then concerned with being as it emerges from that first stage and unfolds. To a greater or lesser extent, that thing emergence conforms within its own range of reflexive possibility. What is reflex? As a practical example, its presence may be inferred in the “survival of the fittest” evolutionary strategy. So, say, common household microbes with genes most conducive to resistance tend to survive serial applications of a chemical-based cleaning agent such that, over time, an increasingly resistant population arises. The conforming act in that case is not only the extinction of large numbers of the population but also its orienting towards greater resistance, thereby maintaining its state of differentiation from “the prevailing All”. While the above example is drawn from the line of flux - or Flux - those of Time and Space proceed after the same fashion. The separating, differentiating organism cannot be as inorganic matter is before Space-Time’s respective and co-active properties of locality and temporality. It cannot be arrested in either as mere lumpen matter is arrested. Its separation has a vote on the question. Après Heidegger, Time is “an issue for being” because Time is consonant with disintegration. From the Part One essay again:
Heidegger wrote at length about our formative experience of past → present → future, representing it as a product of Dasein’s temporality. “The future is not later than having been, and having been is not earlier than the Present,” he wrote. We need take no issue. We are not discussing here whether Time is indeed linear or is in some hidden way non-linear, but how linearity is human being’s singular reflex under temporalision, as it is under the like impacts of disintegration and locality. In the question of Time’s form it may be a fair copy of the thing that is or it may not. But it is what’s possible, and it is the real starting point for an ontological consideration of human being – not, of course, as the mere factic thereness of it, which is the passive thereness of any thing at its point in time and in space (including its initiating point), but as the plighted, ceaseless struggle for be-ing or ongoing-ness which truly characterises human existence. In a general sense, it is Ground’s property occasioning this inhering, reflexive impulsion in being, such that the latter’s conformity can never be held by it at nought. Being is a three-part emergent process and, so, primordially directional. As we see, linearity orients as futurity. Reflexivity (as recoil in the table) is most directly apparent where the existential threat is most immediate: on the ground of “the ceaseless flux of mass and energy”. It is being’s only possible recourse to orient itself away towards homeostasis, which is, though, still always and only a partial rebuke to disintegration, as noted in Part One:
As noted above, the recoil from imminent disintegration seems to have no stopping point at actual homeostasis, at least not as mere sufficiency. How that is so, whether by a lack of a means of recognition of stasis or, given disintegration’s constancy, by Nature’s seeming downright cruel and unnecessary erring on precaution (as, for example, in the extreme earliness of puberty in humans), I cannot now say. But the undoubted result is excess beyond the requirements for basic ongoing-ness or differentiation. The previous statement suffices: “in excess, it masses its actions against disintegration such that be-ing itself is a work of flowing and radical increase.” It is increase, therefore, that imbues human being constitutionally. For its part, locality-as-confine is the site of the vitalising entity whose extreme fragility would otherwise be exposed to “the vast forces without”, and whose physical integrity would be quickly undone. Apparently, Derrida spoke of a womb, and perhaps he also had in mind this idea that life’s coming into being is an event which could occur only in a certain confined locale. Confine, then, is the accidentally arising precondition of viability for that second accident which is vitalisation of the organic. Confine does not know vita as the womb knows the foetus, of course (and if Derrida is speaking of this idea then he is doing so poetically and not philosophically). But vita knows and relates to confine, or relates to it enough for the organism’s act of attenuation, its “reflex, impulsion and movement”, to proceed. Confine, meanwhile, does not change one whit in itself, and does not even exist except as locale. Its existence is a fact only of the organism’s relation of dependence. In that relation, certain particulars of confine facilitate the attenuation of the organism’s first-being into be-ing. It is be-ing’s particularity, then, which transforms confine into an environment in the classic Darwinian sense as a process-bound causatum of ever-increasing differentiation in which relational dependence always moves towards relational independence (and specificity). It can never truly arrive at independence, not even with cloning and transhumanism. But we see pure mechanism in the transmission of traits for fitness eventually become will-dependent selection, and in the sublime trajectory of independence which is the life of European Man we see nature itself brought ever more under his audacious hand. This entire history of relation is given over to particularity. It is particularity which is constitutional to human being in his spacial context. The wicked and deliberate flooding of European living spaces today with foreign peoples, and the imposed political culture of human sameness and racial equality, is precisely a stamping out of particularity in the European being, by generational replacement and by miscegenation. We conclude by returning to the temporal context, which we left at futurity. Be-ing’s orientation towards the future never leaves the present moment. Heidegger spoke of ecstasis but I struggle to see how one might make a convincing case for that from a constitution for which Time is ground, and which, by its sheer existence, is itself and commands from the centre of itself. Rather, its futurity inheres in the massive positivity which emerges – Heidegger would have said unconceals – with “normal” consciousness of, or presence to, be-ing. I have previously referred to this as an emergent and reclaiming self-affirmation and appropriation in which the restless power to live life intentionally is available and the future is full not of the foreboding of death but of life’s possibility. Apologies for the polyphony, but the opening Allegro vigoroso of Michael Tippett’s little-played Second Symphony from 1957: ... is 8 minutes 6 seconds of the pure and primal energy and massive, abiding optimism I am trying to convey. Just the forging reverberative chords and the commanding brass above offer the sense of that. You need to begin listening a little way in, though, since at the piece’s live premiere by the BBC Symphony Orchestra in 1958 this opening section went awry. The conductor Adrian Boult halted everyone, apologised to the audience and began again (at 2 min 45 sec in the video). Polyphany, btw, which somewhat ironically became a cultural artifact of the period, was intended to free composition from all cultural attachment. In our case, that tender hope of cultural detachment must stand for the disentangled abstraction we need for this pursuit of constitution (which can never really end, for understanding is unquantifiable). On that musical gesture we will end for now. We have arrived at a three-fold constitution of increase, affirmation and particularity. In the next essay in this series we will investigate the secondary structure which exists by an error of Nature, and from which we humans derive error everywhere and the saving evolutionary strategies of transcendent action and religious feeling. Comments:2
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 14 Sep 2023 06:35 | # It was taken down several years ago, James, because it was inadequate in scholarly terms, and the work of bringing it up to scratch was too consuming of our time and effort. I will have a root around in the directories and, if I can find it, see what whether it might be brought back as a post. 3
Posted by Richard Yorke on Sun, 17 Sep 2023 16:44 | # How can a person select in a way that is positive to nationalism, what is being selected for? Youth/Innocence? A person has to have either affinity/sincerity, or faith/courage. So Heidegger supports a plurality of destiny? that doesn’t make sense. “Ye must be born again.” To whit I wonder if the American nation will be born again? If it be established on divine providence. Being English I kind of feel it wrong that people pay taxes relating to their home, though others see it as a duty, street lights, roads, schools. Though perhaps my conception is wrong (Of English)? What is it to be English or Anglo-Saxon. 4
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 18 Sep 2023 06:39 | #
One selects for something and against anything else. A conservative selects for some aspect of conservatism (individual freedom, say, or self-reliance) and rejects anything that is of socialism. But such a person still belongs to the zeitgeist ... still lives in the horizontal plane, close to the worldly surface. He hasn’t developed a question of that surface or a deeper and more instinctual sense of human truth. It is, of course, that sense which leads him by degrees into formulating a new critique and negative valuation of the world about him, and finding its politics unsupportable. He quite naturally turns towards where (what we might call nationalist) truth and light and value lie, and begins to understand that, in rejecting it previously, he was acting out of suggestibility and conformism, such that everything he thought he knew about nationalism was wrong. Thus the journey of discovery begins.
The table of causalities is mine, and seeks to capture the essence of human being as a threefold or constituted unity. All constitution has plurality at its source. The plurality here derives from the irreduceable foundations on which being rests: time, space, and the constant flux of matter and energy. Each produce a specific imperative - really a human essential, without which being is not possible or complete. We humans must survive, we must have continuity, we must act accordingly. If a worldly Power constrains us to act in such a way that we then hold our physical survival or our genes on the soil to be insignificant or even wrong, and to strive only to apologise for the immorality of our cause, then not only the truth of that Power must be exposed to the light, but our own human truth must be rediscovered and made regnant. Making that regnancy is nationalism.
Rebirth is not an existential possibility. Heidegger spoke of “Eriegnis” or disclosure ... unconcealing, if one wants to add some human agency to it, because the awakening of which nationalists speak is a rediscovery of who and what we are, and what needs must flow from that.
We could be Scottish or Welsh, or French or German, but you and I are English. We are sons of English mothers and fathers and kin to all the English people, and only to the English people. This is not some social confection. This is the truth of our very being, which is shared. Thus our survival, continuity and destining is precisely that of our whole people, and not merely of our petty selves. 5
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 20 Sep 2023 04:55 | # GW , your last heartfelt and admirably patriotic sentence could well have been constructed by my late great hero , Enoch Powell , and he , as we all know was of recent Welsh descent. 6
Posted by Richard Yorke on Tue, 26 Sep 2023 05:39 | # I feel I know next to nothing about the UK really. Even being English, there is a vast difference between the home counties, the midlands and the north. Between people living on council estates and people in the suburbs, in general. Effectively with the exception of Kent and Wales in the past, the UK is still under a kind of feudalism. London and the East Midlands are effectively gone. The massive immigration from Eastern Europe saw to the East Midlands, looking at minority English in many areas near where I live. People in fortuitous circumstances have abandoned ship for Australia, New Zealand and Canada; which can be said are more English than England. Strictly put, what is to distinguish being regnant, between that and a “Will to Power”, a pure material outlook. What does one English person really have in common with another. Individualistically people in the south are more likely to do their own thing if left to it. The UK though is severely depleted of resources and not as egalitarian as many other countries, given the historical wealth disparity and collapse of the middle class. Bloody Karens. What commonality is there? England is laid waste, indoctrination central, in a way that makes ‘1984’ some what of a dream. To me religious belief is the thing keeping me going, in a world of darkness. Though it’s only a particular view of Christianity(The New Church) that is held by a few thousand worldwide, and my experience on Facebook is that I rarely see eye to eye, with those affiliated with. Yet to me it is true. Freedom… in a world, where people have 2.1 children and everyone lives under ‘Gavelkind’. No arseholes. Enough land in this green and pleasant land… But in general it’s not like that… Everyone having a stake in the land…, not enough land presently, going to be a bloodbath eventually. When even the rubbish collection system is a mess, I can’t see “Bladerunner” style cities working. The Whig Golden age of the UK reigns again…(ex 1st Earl Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Lord Chancellor and Regent) and then only because the UK was massively outnumbered by France, Sweden, Russia, Austria, Spain. Most(basically all) of the wealth in the long time landed primogeniture Tory faction. 7
Posted by Timothy Murray on Tue, 26 Sep 2023 13:45 | # @Richard Yorke Read Logos Rising by E. Michael Jones. Dr. Jones creates a narrative of the patient work of Logos* in the world from the dawn of human history to today. It puts “us” in a robust historical context that gives us the tools to kick heathen ass. *per St. John in the opening to his Gospel God bless.
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Sep 2023 23:17 | # A couple of observations, Richard. 1. Relation is prior to all socio-economic and cultural division. Before you write off your own English people, try living beside Africans, Arabs, and Asians. Alternatively, try tracing your own family back, say, twenty or twenty-five generations, ideally tracing each familial line. Then turn and come forward to the present, again marking all the children of every generation. You would arrive at a vast crowd of kin, perhaps exceeding a million in number, and representing no mean portion of our whole tribe. As to the rest, well, if you were able to go back far enough and repeat the process, you might discover your relation to every one of us alive today. 2. We do not have to talk ourselves into oblivion. No part of our home is “gone”. As a people we have to find commonality even if it is elusive today, because only thereby may we make politics which can secure the existence of our people and an English future for our children. What is foreignised today, therefore, must be de-foreignised tomorrow. It is very difficult, but it is also our only way to life, and it must be done. Don’t weaken or lose hope. Yes, much damage has been done. Yet, incredibly, it falls to each of us, excluded and dismissed as we are, to do everything within our power to bring this about - and to exhort our English brothers to do likewise. What a privilege, really. To what better end could an Englishman desire to devote his life! 9
Posted by Richard Yorke on Wed, 27 Sep 2023 12:46 | # To a large extent my feeling is to seal off London, the major cities, that they be a tomb. “Drag Ireland into the mid Atlantic and sink it.” What is politics? The Polis or City. In my mind there is a kind of conscious animus or masculine mind, that would use the military, duels, courts etc to resolve such a situation. Can’t see the cities being de-foreignized. saw a clip that Nick Griffin posted on Twitter showing Leicester, majority non-white now. The political class isn’t typically English, hasn’t been for over a thousand years. I can’t see animus(Logos) resolving the situation, people are inclined to tip the table over. Anima(Spirit) and the proper application of could. I know from looking into religion that the Swastika in Jainism, that Swastika… is a move towards the unconscious and habit. Though to me the symbol is “taking the Lord’s name in vain”. I try to filter things down now on a metaphysical level. I don’t tend to listen to Trinitarians for a resolution, I think it’s wrong, I think a One person metaphysic is correct. Religion adds another dimension to politics, I generally feel that nationalists are good people. If they religiously differ however, kind of a sense of taking a step back. Nationalists tend to be Trinitarian. My general sense though is the Whig Faction in the UK and later USA tended to support a One person Metaphysic. Between a National Socialist or a National Conservative, neither appeal to me. A National Whig has appeal, though the Whig party is effectively dead. A National Nationalist? Or a National National Nationalist? Is a Liberal Nationalist enough or too much. 10
Posted by timothy murray on Thu, 28 Sep 2023 02:33 | # Hi Richard
Evil has had its time, it is lashing out now, God is always true. “Behold! I create a new thing”
Frankly, I am having a blast watching Truth unnfold. Also, thank you for the distinction between soul and spirit…
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 30 Sep 2023 01:41 | # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We2_myqkqNA God created Trannies , yes siree. 12
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 30 Sep 2023 02:10 | # #10 Truth is unfolding in the West , where all the young interloper “migrant” Muslim males will acquiesce to Christianity’s polite feline requests and respect the milquetoast squeak : ” Please don’t groom our 12 year old daughters , because God/Jesus forbids it , but never mind you will, of course , be forgiven for ruining our lives and genetic future by rape - enforced miscegenation.” TM has a righteous understanding of Europe’s proximate future because that is what Christians demand. 13
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 30 Sep 2023 02:33 | # Some enquiring minds may be tempted to ask , what is the practical application of Christianity to the raison d’etre of GW’s temporal blog ? Can Christianity aid White EGI , in Salterian terms ? You , Thorn and TM are like two Mormons chatting during a stroll between a Las Vegas slots venue and the nearest bar. 14
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 30 Sep 2023 21:41 | # Al, you ask:
On another thread I said the following in reply to James Bowery:
At a minimum de-Judaisation means voiding (a) the model of the sinning-then-saved individual, and (b) the model of the love of all humanity. Obviously, these are not part of any liberational or enlightening practik. They are atomising and universalising forces in the life of our people. 16
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 03 Oct 2023 05:09 | # # 14 . Thank you , GW . Marcionism partially covers Christianity’s , temporary and overdue purported Hebrew exit, but for me it’s all simply Middle Eastern mythical Semitic cultural mulch. I like The Talmud , though. That puts Christians in their Noahide place. 17
Posted by timothy murray on Tue, 03 Oct 2023 22:36 | # @GW Christianity predates the jews
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 03 Oct 2023 22:57 | # “I like The Talmud” - Asshat Al LOL GW, Your admirer/student, Al, likes the Talmud. Did you encourage him to “like” the Talmud? Do you, GW, “like” the Talmud (as Al does) too? Serious question. It deserves to be answered. 19
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 04 Oct 2023 07:34 | # Timothy, the faculty of faith - an evolved complex in the higher emotions - might reasonably be said to pre-date its products of religions and their deities, because we can test that hypothesis based on the constancy of the former and variability of all the latter. But nothing faith insists upon can be tested. It is all circular. Thorn, the objectives of, respectively, Pharisaic Judaism and the early Christ-cult were the same, namely to inherit the mantle of Second Temple Judaism, which was disintegrating under the occupying military government of Rome (and which was finally smashed with the Romans’ destruction of the Temple in AD 70). Peter’s mission to the Jews failed. Paul’s mission continues to this day under the various church leaderships. You are part of that mission. Obviously, Al is not, and neither am I for the reason that I don’t have expressed genes for faith and don’t know what it is. I do, however, accept that those with it must live according to their nature, and so - for me - the only question is whether a given religious form adds to the genetic interests of one’s race. So if there are flaws in, say, our religious system which reduce our interests, then it is necessary to question that system. That is what Al and I were talking about here. Do you accept that the individualising and de-ethnicising/universalising characteristics of Christian doctrine derive from Judaism’s model for the a-causal, amorphous and servile gentile of Olam Ha-ba? That’s really the question. Do you not want to address it? 20
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 Oct 2023 11:14 | # Reality check. GW, over the course of at least the last 75 years Cultural Marxism has insidiously infiltrated our culture and now, for all intents and purposes, it is the dominate force. Christianity as it stands today has been subverted and or perverted by its ‘commie-pinko-fag’ enemies. Hence, it has been deformed by secular religions ... obviously (or in some cases not so obviously) many of which are disguised as or deceptively operate under the name of Christianity. DEI + CRT + ‘Antiracism’ = The War on Whites. (Of course, there are other dynamics at work against us such as globalism and all it entails such as massive migration non-white into white homelands, but I just named three biggies that negatively impact the psychology of the vulnerable White masses. They, in effect disable, render ineffective, whites’ natural EGI defense mechanisms. They were deviously designed to do just that!!) Put all your emotions aside, it is of utmost importance to first and foremost identify who/what our enemy actually is. It isn’t traditional Christianity. Traditional Christianity is a thing of the past. “Wokeism” is the new Western religion. Wokeism is the religion you should be concerned with. Wokeism is the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) that threatens our EGI.
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 04 Oct 2023 13:40 | # To effect change to what regular people see as real, which is only the immediate effects and surface appearance, and to do it in any controllable and lasting sense, we have to reach into the causal action beneath. So, for example, to address the Jewish Question in a non-reactionary and morally validating way we have to understand how, to a non-trivial degree, we do actually live in the Jewish Mind. What power can we hope to wield if we do not inhabit our own mentational universe wherein everything is of us and for us? Our future cannot differ from our past because, even if we resile from the worst of today’s cultural trespasses, still we only step back and seek something enduring from where the same fundamentally alien causes abide. These things makes strangers of us to ourselves and suffocate our creativity. We should not be in fear of the radicality required to cut them out. 22
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 02:46 | # #17 TM you sound like a fundamentalist Muslim who insists that (((Abraham))), ( forgetting Zoroaster, who invented group - accepted monotheism - yes I know an Ancient Egyptian King imposed it but it did not long survive him in tribal group terms ), was the “First Muslim” because he “submitted” to the old Jew god. The Middle East is a horrible place. It was then and it is now. But still, the Semitic nonsense which emanated from that Jewish cultural cul - de - sac remains your moral compass. Your moral compass points South. 23
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 02:54 | # “it deserves to be answered” . #18 Well , perhaps I might suggest that GW , infinitely laid back as usual about my unacceptable ( to nitwit Christians ) Weltanschauung , gives two fifths of fuck all at the double for your inane enquiry. 24
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 06:46 | # Theologically , there is so much foreskin room between Jews and their American Christian , Noahide, enthusiasts. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsThorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View) |
Posted by james on Tue, 12 Sep 2023 10:32 | #
do you guys still have that FAQ you did about race ages ago? i remember it being seriously excellent but can’t find it anymore