Peter Hain, history and the BNP Today the disgraced former minister and Cabinet member and founder of violent anti-racism, Peter Hain, graced the Guardian today with another of his graceless scribbles. It was titled We need to wake up and tackle BNP poison head on. This is the gist of it:-
Etcetera. I don’t think I have left anything out. On their respective blogs Simon Darby and Martin Wingfield both celebrated this new free exposure for the BNP. Darby noted:-
For his part Wingfield noted:-
It is a most extraordinary state of affairs when a senior member of the party of government admits he has no arguments of his own - there are none in his article, of course - and the sole remaining option is extra-political action. Let’s have a look at where Hain is coming from biographically.
This is an extract from a letter written by a white South African lady named Glynis Burleigh to the English solicitor Francis Bennion. Glynis was twelve years old when, on 24th July 1964, John Harris, a member of the African Resistance Movement and close friend of the Hain family, planted a suitcase bomb filled with dynamite and petrol at Johannesbourg Station. The explosion gave Glynis 75% burns, crippled her and killed her grandmother. More than twenty others were injured. Harris confessed and was hanged for murder. Bennion continues:-
Now, loyalty to friends I well understand. But the young Hain went further than that, hence Bennion’s use of the word “notorious”. Harris was Hain’s hero. At the murderer’s cremation service Hain stood up and recited Ecclesiastes 3.3: A time to kill and a time to heal; a time to break down and a time to build up ... This passage had become popular with peaceniks in the late fifties and early sixties after veteran peace activist Pete Seeger set it to music (played and sung here with Seeger by the wondrous Judy Collins). To Hain, Ecclesiastes probably seemed a sure bet to hit the right note. But the attempt to excuse the suffering Harris caused and associate his action with “peace” went down very badly. The South African authorities made life difficult for the Hains, and they were effectively forced to flee the country. They set up home in England and happily continued in their ultra-liberal convictions. After university Hain became chairman of the Stop The Tour campaign against touring South African sports teams. His most notorious moment was the attack on the cricket pitch at Lords (for which he was sued by Francis Bennion). Notwithstanding this unpleasant pedigree - or perhaps because of it - Hain prosperred in the political world. But when the opportunity arose to meet Glynis Burleigh this man of high liberal principle refused. Hain has continued to maintain that John Harris did not mean to hurt anyone, or really understand what he was doing. Hain is a man who thinks that the end justifies the means. From a BBC Radio 4 programme looking back on Hain’s anti-apartheid activism, involving Hain, Bennion and lawyer-broadcaster Clive Anderson:-
And if the means to that end are violent or even terroristic, that’s still OK by him. He simply doesn’t have the courage to explain that in person to Harris’s victim. In his Guardian piece today Hain writes:-
This, from just six weeks ago, is the violence that a strategy of tackling “BNP poison head on” yields:-
Mr Ward’s attacker was black. But for me Hain is fully in the frame for that one - and for the next, whenever it comes. It’s what a man like that, with no principles and no arguments, is all too apt to fall back on. Comments:2
Posted by Jupiter on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 01:03 | # Guessdworker Anthony Daniels-Theodore Darlrmple-has written quite recently that Britain will be the first Europoean to implode into race riots. I put an upper bound of ten years for this to happen. A three year economic crash should do the job. What do you think? I live in America. But I would love to beat the fucking shit out of Billy Bragg. 3
Posted by Anon on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 03:09 | # Why, with the BNP, England is only a vote away from becoming the 4th Reich! Like I’ve said before, if you are being called racist, anti-semitic, homophobic, hateful, you are doing something right. 4
Posted by Dr_Theodore on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 05:24 | # Hmm one would never personally condone or advocate illegal activities but I to find Mr Billy Bragg to be an untalented but extremely annoying gobshite. Bragg is a typical leftist hypocrite; is it rather bizarre that extreme liberals and left-wingers think they have a monopoly on all of humanities virtues and even mildly conservative people have all of the vices of humanity. But there is an enormous amount of blood on the collective hands of the Left - the USSR, Red China, Pol Pot, the dear leader in North Korea et al. Off topic I know but did you know that the Pakistani community in Britain account for 3.5% of live births but some 30% of all children with recessive disorders in Britain? I was amazed the BBC reported this fact. see and and Note that marxist shit Steve Jones in the second link pretending like it is no big problem - the impact on infant death rates might be low (in his view) but how many children is he cruelly condeming to a life of suffering and pain all because he wants to keep up his mutlicultural and PC image - he’s a scumbag to let “tolerance” and “openness” trump every other virtue renders it peculiarly impotent when faced with substantive moral dilemmas: absolutized, “tolerance” and “openness” become indistinguishable from moral paralysis. We should have family trees not family stumps. 5
Posted by GREAT ARTICLE on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 08:43 | # Hey GW - the following article might be a good one to post here; it’s very good - “Why the West is Supreme” The website this was posted on, Global Politician, is a bit iffy but contains some decent material occasionally. 6
Posted by Countering White-hating hypocrites on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 10:14 | # Bust out the following Churchill quote to your loony ‘anti-fa’ White-hating native Britons next time you are arguing with them: “I will not pretend that, if I had to choose between Communism and Nazism, I would choose Communism.” (1937) 7
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 11:48 | # After the mauling Hain took on the thread to his article yesterday, encapsulated in the following declaration this morning:-
... the Guardian published a piece by Saint Tony Blair today. It is about the glories of tourism in Sierra Leone - I kid you not. The article was posted at 08.00 hrs BST. At 09.56 the thread was closed by CiF Editor Matt Seaton with the following explanation:-
Peremptorily? That’s a new one on me. Anyone wanting a good laugh can enjoy the moderator’s handiwork here:- 8
Posted by Dasein on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:10 | # I’ve had a quick read through the comments on the Hain piece (searching on the term ‘replacement’). Someone with the handle ‘endogamist’ has been making very good points and using judo effectively:
I suspect this is someone who is familiar with the snappy refutations exercises… 11
Posted by Dasein on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 19:41 | # Not surprising, he was a vile hater GW, not sure if you were joking in that earlier comment. If I violated some form of etiquette (e.g. not pointing out CiF posters till after the thread closes), then I apologize. Perhaps Matt Seaton and his good guys squad are keeping tabs on what the evil anti-Semites are up to. 12
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 20:36 | # No, Das, don’t be daft. Anyway, it doesn’t matter if I get blocked. I’m ahead of their game. 13
Posted by Valerian on Fri, 01 May 2009 05:35 | # This is off-topic but I went to the site (the same one that the user above GREAT ARTICLE linked) and this particular article shows the distortion and vileness of a Jew. 14
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sat, 02 May 2009 02:26 | # Labour Party embroiled in race row after candidate told she was ‘too white and Jewish’ to be selected. 15
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sat, 02 May 2009 02:54 | # Is Mr. Hain a person of the Jewish faith? Yes, the new South Africa has been a “miracle.” If by “miracle” one means a corrupt, violent, and mismanaged shithole. A place where a dumb rapist is slated to be the next president. These are the stupid and violent man-ape hybrids who believe raping babies will cure them of AIDS. Why won’t Mr. Hain move to his native “miraculous” South Africa? His admiration from the safety of another continent is appreciated. I have a message for the BNP, let the hunted become hunters. Perhaps Mr. Hain would like to have a little taste of his own medicine? This great apologist of violent political action and of ends justify the means…I think that a few well-placed hits to the forehead with an sharp ice-pick might get his attention. It would be nice to then ask him if he still feels as strongly about the benefits of violent persuasion. Hain is your typical leftist dirtbag, whose sort will be the first to swing from a meathook when the revolution comes. 16
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 02 May 2009 07:26 | # You’re in a bad mood today, Friedrich. Does it make you feel better to get it off your chest like that? Doesn’t exactly help us, though, does it? I mean, if these people rely upon being able to point to the nationalist mind as a toxic, hateful thing, it’s kind of an own goal to go around shouting in agreement. Might be better, though more difficult, to look at the hatreds in their hearts, and develop a language accordingly. Pay them back in kind, Friedrich, not with fantasies of violence, even comedic ones, that bring us all into disrepute. 17
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 02 May 2009 08:46 | # GW, the cultural Marxist thought crime promoters have done the word ‘hate’ to death. Hain disgusts me and Friedrich’s perfectly reasonable opinion that this vile South African should experience the equivalent of the ‘anti-apartheid’ violence that was for so long supported by him seems to me a just outcome. 18
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 02 May 2009 12:40 | # With all due respect, GW, you are totally wrong in your post above to Mr. Braun. Fire must be fought with fire. If ANYONE thinks any longer that the West will be saved except through violent revolution (and subsequent mass internal liquidations of traitors), he is deeply naive. I have considered this matter at some length, and from within several relevant disciplines, as no doubt you have, too, which is why I am constantly advocating on nationalist sites a greater focus on the ethics of violent action. England had its Glorious Revolution, we Yanks (and Rebels) had ours. While rightist violence may, for now, be nought but a dream, it is one we must cultivate and theorize, especially now, before the storm, that our people (or at least, OUR people, those on the Right) shall have been conditioned to act properly and without soon-to-be-superfluous bourgeois moralities when the time for action does arrive (and it will, no matter how much most whites, whether Left or Right, might wish to avoid such unpleasantness - the racial aliens will bring it upon us, all of us, regardless of any pacific attitudes we might hold). Our race’s choice in this century is simple: accept a combination of genocide and passive extinction (I believe the most likely course will be predominantly passive attrition, much of it self-imposed, followed by genocide directed against the last whites) as the final fate of the West - or wage exterminatory war in defense of our genetic purity and cultural heritage. A war for life and living space for our people. If someone can present a likely alternative through which our race will be peacefully preserved, I would like to learn of it. 19
Posted by Svigor on Sun, 03 May 2009 03:16 | # Leon, pay attention. This has been discussed a zillion times already. Roughly speaking, violent and non-violent revolution have the same requirements: a critical mass of devotees who will not be denied, and ample public sympathy in potentially constituent groups. So how is planning and welcoming violent revolution superior (or even equal) to planning and welcoming non-violent revolution in pursuing the aforementioned requirements? The point is to get our movement big enough so that we need to restrain it, rather than exhort it. Clearly we’re a long way from that point, and when we do get there, it won’t be about what we think any more, it’ll be about what our race decides collectively. At that point, I’ll pursue whatever methods are agreed upon. Until that point, I am suspicious of people like you. Have you not thought things through (not a good sign), or have you (a worse sign)? 20
Posted by Coward on Mon, 04 May 2009 00:58 | # Cowardice disguised as prudence. Sometimes one needs to undertake violent action to usher a new Zeitgeist. We don’t have the luxury to wait around until a sufficient (?) number of lemmings is in the mood. That’s perhaps the only lesson to take from the ANC. Post a comment:
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Posted by Jupiter on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 00:57 | #
This why I strongly believe that to get things moving forward very rapidly in OUR AMERICA-that is to say, America does not belong to Charle Wang’s peopple-WE must frame the issue the right way. If the issue is framed the right way in public performances on the MSM, the post-1965 non-whites will GO APOPLECTIC…and in the process give White Nationalist free publicity and tap into the underlying rage and anger towards asians..which I JUPITER HAVE NO DOUBT EXISTS RIGHT BELOW THE SURFACE.
So…WE have a choice 1) in a public perfromance on the MSM we can discuss the finer points of econometrics to determine if asians are smarter than Whites or WE focus the discission completetly on the predatory agenda of post-1965 LEGAL IMMIGRANT asians.
I believe that it is crucial in public debates to keep things VERY SIMPLE AND VERY FOCUSED ON ONE ISSUE. Anything else is a complete waste of time. needs to take on the asians and the cubans. No more stupid posts by Steve Sailer about the whether NBA point guards have higher IQs than NBA fowards. Sailer would have the discussion of the core issue-the complete race replacement of Native Born White Americans by post-1965 non-whites sided tracked by nit-wit wonkish discussions about the IQs of NBA point guards vs NBA forward. All I can say is that this is a disgracefull waste of vdare.coms scarce resources. should go after the fucking asians the same way it has gone after Barack Obama. They post-1965 asians would go ballistic. This is obvious. And it is obvious that this would be a wonderfull thing. Why doesn’t do this giving what the asians have in store for Native Born White Americans is beyond me.