Prindle on Freud: Part II

Posted by Guest Blogger on Tuesday, 24 July 2007 00:07.

This is a continuation and conclusion of my essay begun yesterday on the illuminating thought of R. E. Prindle.  And the question was: What were Freud’s reasons for wanting to destroy the concept of morality?

“Freud was severely emasculated in both his individual ego and in his group ego. He was in fact a practicing homosexual…. His group, the Jews, was and is a severely emasculated people. They have been since they walked away from Ur.” SOV1

Freud was fond of telling the story of his father and his hat. It seems that Mr. Freud related a story to Sigmund, or Sigismund as he was known then (his Hebrew name significantly was Solomon) of how when he was a young man walking down the street proudly wearing his new hat, a gentile knocked the hat from his head into the gutter, snarling, “Go get your hat, Jew.”

When Sigmund asked breathlessly what his father did, expecting a heroic response, the old gentleman laconically replied: “I stepped into the gutter and picked up my hat,” severely disappointing the young boy.

“Since Freud told and retold this story we may be forgiven for believing it had a profound effect on his young conscious and subconscious minds and possibly his “unconscious” too. On the one hand he may have been so ashamed of his father’s reaction that he shared his emasculation encapsulating it in his subconscious as a fixation. It is possible that this story either made or contributed to his homosexuality. On the other hand we know for a fact that it inflamed his group ego with an ardent desire for revenge against the gentiles.” SOV1

Freud’s father came from an area of the Pale known as Galicia. This area is very close to the homeland of the ecstatic variant of Judaism known as Hasidism, and in fact his father was a Hasid. The Hasid sect arose out of the period of the last great Jewish “Messiah”, Sabbatai Zevi. [or Shabbatai Zvi, etc.] SOV1

The Jews realized the true danger to their religious mental projection was Science. There was no religious argument effective against Science.  They would have to take a different approach. “That approach was to appropriate a science with mumbo jumbo then slowly eviscerate the science of its content while supposedly making it moral or in other words subservient to Jewish religious beliefs.  This required both bold assertions while suppressing discussion or channeling it so that it could be controlled.” DOERBA

“The date selected for the revolution was the period 1913-1928.” Born in 1856, in 1913 Sigmund Freud was fifty-seven years old. Freud was militantly Jewish. “He hated Europeans and the European culture.  There is no question but that he intended to replace it with the Jewish culture.  At what point he decided to manipulate the emerging science isn’t clear but probably by the time he began attending B’nai B’rith meetings in 1895.” DOERBA

”Freud defamed predecessors, mentors, and rivals while organizing psychoanalysis to exclude any opinion but his own….  He organized and controlled the magazines and publishing houses, while he controlled and convened the international congresses.  Following the Jewish Cultural model, no dissent was allowed - there is no freedom of expression in the Jewish Culture - if you refused discipline you were merely expelled.  Once expelled you were defamed and rendered inconsequential.  Marginalized in today’s terms.  The only analyst to survive this treatment was C. J. Jung who had an awful lot going for him.  I can’t think of another dissident who has survived to the present.” DOERBA

Prindle believes that Freud coordinated his research with the needs of the scheduled Jewish revolution. “By 1910 he had his theories in close to final form.  From 1915 on, especially after 1917 he was no longer developing his ideas but organizing them for use by the Revolution…. Thus his concepts of the unconscious and sex were tailored to upset the morality of European civilization.  His promulgated notions were meant to confuse and obfuscate.  When one combines Freud’s interpretation of the unconscious, sex and emasculation, all of which were worked out by 1915, one has in fact a potent weapon of psychological warfare ...

By the advent of the Russian Revolution then, through his association with B’nai B’rith Freud had prepared the Jewish cadres for some particularly dirty work….As the Russian Revolution marked the first great success of the Jewish Revolution, Freud now began to manipulate his scientific knowledge of hypnotism and psychology to confuse and obfuscate the minds of the EuroAmerican cultures while keeping his Culture’s mind focused on the work ahead.” DOERBA

Prindle believes the study of the French Revolution was the role of the men of B’nai “B’rith to which Freud was privy. “Little details pop up in his writing. In his 1914 On The History Of The Psychoanalytic Movement , he lets drop a line that the progress of the French Revolution had been charted and understood ... His role as the psychoanalyst would be to prepare the minds of the revolutionaries for the slaughtering to come while he probably also assisted in the damage control applications for the inevitable reaction when the Europeans had realized what the Jews had done”. DOERBA

“Sometime after I wrote the first part of Something Of Value (see I read David Bakan’s Freud And The Jewish Mystical Tradition: By David Bakan. (London: Bailey Bros. & Swinfen; New York: Schocken Books. 1965. Pp. 326. xxi.)]

“While Freud rejected Rabbinical religious Judaism he was deeply immersed in the Jewish mystical tradition of the Zohar and Kabbalah. Thus one can discount his claim to be an ‘atheistic’ Jew.  Or atheism has a more specific meaning for him.”  FAHU

[ Kabbalah (or cabala) is a medieval and modern system of Jewish theosophy, mysticism and thaumaturgy marked by belief in creation through emanation and a cipher method of interpreting Scripture.]

Prindle explains that the Zohar, or primary mystical book, which is attributed to the first and second century Rabbi, Simeon Ben Yohai, was reworked in twelfth century Spain by Moses de Leon and reached the Middle East after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in the sixteenth century.  Its influence then was transmitted to the seventeenth century messiah, Sabbatai Zevi. “While Freud claimed to be scientific; Mr. Bakan relates almost all of Freud’s psychology to the Kabbalah showing Freud’s dependence on Sabbatianism and Frankism as I indicated in Something Of Value Part I.”  FAHU

Prindle contends that Freud pretended to work as a scientist while he actually was blending in a bit of science with his Jewish religious material in order to subvert the European moral order. FAHU

“This editor’s note to 1927’s The Future Of An Illusion says this:

In the ‘Postscript’ which Freud added in 1935 to his Autobiographical Study he remarked that a ’significant change’ had come about in his writings during the previous decade.  “My interest,” he explained, “after making a long detour through the natural sciences, medicine, and psychotherapy, returned to the cultural problems which fascinated me long before, when I was a youth scarcely old enough for thinking. [Italics added.] FAHU

Freud was studying the Zohar and Kabbalah at the same time that he was working out the nature of psychoanalysis. ”Bakan traces strong mystical influences running side by side with what passed for science in Freud’s mind.  As Freud persistently says he’s going to ignore facts in favor of projections one must assume that there is more mysticism than science in Freud’s construction of psychoanalysis….Freud then for all practical purposes abandoned medicine for healing.  Then, sometime between 1913 and 1915 he abandoned psychoanalytical research for his ‘cultural’ studies.  In other words, he began to apply his psychological studies to the manipulation of cultures through his developing ideas on Group Psychology.” FAHU

Prindle reminds us that “Freud had learned that he could develop ’screen’ language to serve up unpalatable meanings in palatable ways.  Thus what he says has a reasonable meaning to the uninitiated but has a totally different meaning to the initiated - those with the key.  In many ways it is the same as a criminal argot.  Those who understand the argot can discuss topics openly while only those with the key can twig it.  Ya dig?”  FAHU

“[Freud’s] purpose was to knock the whole of European Christianity into the gutter, which is to say the actual persons of Europe. Thus the use of terms like ‘Culture’ and ‘Civilization’ should always be placed in the context of Jews and Europeans.  In this manner he avoids the appearance of bigotry and hatred while sounding ’scientific.’”  FAHU

“Thus from 1915 to 1935 like Dr. Mabuse he sat imprisoned in his projection of reality churning out page after page, volume after volume of criminal plans for the subversion of civilization which is to say of Euroamerican civilization but not Jewish culture.”  He makes a definite point that the “illusion” whose future he is discussing applies only to Europe and Christianity rather than religion in general. Judaism is excluded. Prindle maintains that Freud’s ideas for the subversion of European civilization were carried to America by the international B’nai B’rith organization to be adopted and employed there.  In addition, Prindle argues that the revolutionary plans executed in Europe in 1917 were financed and organized by the world Jewish government based in the US.  The Revolution was conducted on an international scale.  Hence Jewish revolutionaries left the US for Russia after 1918 to aid in the consolidation going on there. “This is really an incredible if repressed story in the Freudian cultural manner.  Very Freudian that such phenomenal criminal activity that was best left invisible was repressed into humanity’s unconscious.” FAHU

“In David Bakan’s view Freud had made ‘a compact with Satan.’  Certainly not in the literal sense but in the figurative sense that Freud would do anything, abandon any moral precepts, to achieve fame.  Bakan points out the superscription to Freud’s Interpretation Of Dreams quotes from Virgil:  Flectere si nesqueo superos, Acheronta movebo.  Translated as:  If the gods above are no use to me, then I’ll move all hell.  Freud further blurred the line between good and evil or amalgamated the two from the influence of Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank who had cast off all morality. FAHU

Prindle condemns Freud’s conception of the “Unconscious” as part of Freud’s pact with the powers below against the powers above. Freud invested his projection of the unconscious with the attributes of ‘Satan’ or evil. Prindle insists that this “view of the subconscious is a self-serving fiction not based on any science….This notion is mere fantasy; it cannot be.  There is no possibility that the Function of the subconscious doesn’t have a positive Function in and of itself and in relation to the conscious.  If you actually think about it for a moment you will realize this must be true; every part of the body works to the benefit of the whole; there can be no exception for the subconscious.” FAHU

Now, in the cultural war between Jewish Culture and Western Civilization, or as Jews express it, Christianity, Freud infused the Jewish subconscious with a disregard for morality a la Jacob Frank and Sabbatai Zevi.  ‘Any evil was excused so long as it seemed to advance the cultural war….The cold war between Jews and Europeans became a shooting war in the wake of the Great War.  Men, money and munitions flowed in a wide steady stream from the United States to Russia.  Coordinators established themselves in strategic locations.  If one reads [only the] restricted, censored literature the impression is made that horrible anti-Semites harassed and hated innocent unresisting Jews.  Jews may have been killed but they were not innocent and unresisting.  To the contrary freed from guilt, or supposedly so, by Freudian/Sabbatian/Frankist precepts, abattoirs were established throughout Russia where unsuspecting Russians were led in one door and flowed out the other in liquid form ...  All this slaughter was made possible and justified by the doctrines of Freud.” FAHU

David Bakan closes his volume with these words:

… under the ruse of “playing the devil” (Freud) served Sabbatian interests.  In this respect, however, just as Freud may be regarded as having infused Kabbalah into science, so may he be regarded as having incorporated science into Kabbalah. Sabbatian-wise, by closing the gap between Jewish culture and Western Enlightenment he acts as the Messiah not only for Jewish culture but for Western culture as well.  FAHU

Thus in Bakan’s eyes and according to Freud’s intent Judaism has deconstructed Euroamerican society so the reconstruction according to Jewish cultural mores can commence.  FAHU

“In 1914-15 the great modern Jewish cultural adventure was beginning. .. It was a matter of waiting patiently for opportunity then taking advantage of it.  In 1917 the big break came when the German General Ludendorff transported Lenin and his cadre of Jewish revolutionaries to the Finland Station of St. Petersburg.  In October Trotsky drove the nail home.  The Jews [were] prepared.  They had been working out the details for a couple decades or more.  At least since Freud joined with his like-minded fellows of B’nai B’rith in 1895.”  DOERBA

Prindle reminds us that Jewish scholars now admit that every national subversive Communist party of this period was over fifty percent Jewish. Those of Russia and Germany were higher. Freud had been involved in Jewish subversive organizations like the B’nai B’rith for many years. “As the master psychologist, an expert in the unconscious, he prepared the Jewish mind for the great task of the millennial years in Central and Eastern Europe, which would require much bloodshed, while formulating his psychological plan of conquest not dissimilar from the military plans of his hero, Hannibal.” SOV1

The Jewish millennial years began in 1913. The Great War began in 1914. The Bolshevik Revolution occurred in 1917. Introductory Lectures On Psychoanalysis appeared in 1917 even though there must have been an extreme paper shortage; it is not a short book. Freud encoded last minute instructions to the Revolutionists in the book….At this point in 1917 Freud released the inhibitions of millions of Mr. Hydes in Russia, Hungary and Germany…. The unconscious psychoses of the Jewish people who it will be remembered as a group was suffering from severe emasculation were erupting. Emasculation of the Ego is always expressed in a sexual manner. Freud had been preaching the practice of unrestrained sexuality for years. Murder is a sexual act. He was against “repression” you will remember. “SOV1

With revolutionaries in power in Russia the United States entered the war and defeat of Germany became inevitable. Germany had a huge Communist party which - it is now admitted - was around sixty percent Jewish.” Thousands of Jewish revolutionaries intent on to realize the millennium flowed back into Germany from Russia in hopes of achieving the Revolution there, giddy with the hopes of thereby annexing Central and Eastern Europe.” SOV1

Prindle raising an obvious question that is always ignored in discussing the revolutions in Russia, Germany and Hungary: where did the money come from to finance the activities of thousands of itinerant revolutionary that flowed from the United States to Russia and from Russia to Germany and Hungary? “The Revolution didn’t come free and it didn’t come cheap; there’s a price tag on everything and a very high price tag on this one.  On the financial and banking level it was fairly easy; the bankers [Schiff and Marshall] just used other people’s money.  Loans are loans and expenditures are expenditures; loans have to be repaid while expenditures are cash out of hand.  So for expenditures the money came largely from vice.  One usually thinks of organized crime as Italian or Sicilian while in actuality the organizers were Jewish.  Enormous sums were raised by crime especially under the kingpins Arnold Rothstein and Lepke Buchalter.  But, lo and behold, when these men died the vast sums that passed through their hands which they could not possibly have spent were nowhere to be found.  To all intents and purposes these men died penniless.” DOERBA

“What I’m about to say has been denied and suppressed but the example was before both Hitler and Stalin. In Hungary where Freud had his man Ferenczi to coordinate the Hungarian Jews, Bela Kun seized the government beginning a reign of terror against the gentiles during which thousands of non-Jews were murdered in a horrific sadistic manner commensurate with an emasculated Ego.” After the Hungarian Communists were overthrown, Bela Kun fled to the Soviet Union. “Taking advantage of the chaos in Russia the Jewish American Joint Distribution Committee under the leadership of Schiff and Marshall decided to appropriate the Crimea as a Jewish state.” Bela Kun was sent down to the Crimea to exterminate the population to make room for the Jews. He was in the process when Lenin died. Stalin then recalled him to Moscow where he was shot. …All these activities were obscured and suppressed. It is forbidden, at least in American universities, to study the subject to this day.” SOV1

“Freud’s circle of psychoanalysts was organized as an Order somewhat along the lines of King Arthur and his court with Freud as king, the psychoanalysts as knights and member of B’nai B’rith as footsoldiers.  Freud would tolerate no deviation from his pronouncements….After the Great War and the success of the Bolsheviks in Russia matters looked very promising, but with the rise of Hitler in Germany and the success of Stalin in Russia the program stalled.  Not yet aware of the covert actions of Stalin in Russia the Order’s position in Germany and Austria became precarious.  Consequently the Order fled Germany for Great Britain and the United States…Some of the Order stayed in London while the bulk continued on to the United States of America.  It didn’t take too much genius to figure which of the two countries would be the safest, while the United States would provide scope for worldwide operations.  Once in the United States the Order set out to capture the country’s two culture capitols, New York and Los Angeles.  New York was already the Freudian capitol of the US while Los Angeles was not far behind, being at the same time the movie capitol of the world wherein the Semites had created an empire of their own. On prepared ground the Order was easily able to direct movies and publishing into Freudian themes of the inevitability of the unconscious and its concentration on sex and pornography. SOV3


Tags: Books



Posted by a Finn on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 21:30 | #

Good and informative article. Just how much Freud had effect in the revolution needs defining. People like Trotsky, Stalin, Lenin, Zinoviev, Lunacharsky, Kamenov, Sverdlov, Stolts, Frenkel, Rappoport, Berman, Kogan, Yagoda etc. certainly didn’t need any schooling on brutality. It is proper that networks are mentioned, because they are the source of communist revolution’s power. Still, the damaging effect of Freud have lasted to present time.


Although this man falls short of ethnic nationalism, his videos seems to be quite effective. His methods of making them could be studied and used in some form by us:

Here is his website:

According to his photo gallery, he seems to have hands full of work:;_120.replyids=90


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 23:04 | #

“Although this man falls short of ethnic nationalism,”  (—Finn)

In this one he comes pretty close.


Posted by Freud Follower on Sun, 16 Oct 2011 16:23 | #

In 1910, psychoanalysis became gradually popular. Around Freud’s have appeared talented students who are very much broadened the range of methods of psychoanalysis, and even these sometimes displeased by Sigmund Freud, who was inclined to preserve the purity of the psychoanalytic school and was in a sense, its totalitarian guru.

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