Prindle’s America: An Appreciation, Part 2

Posted by Guest Blogger on Monday, 30 July 2007 23:45.

Part Two: The Second Front

Prindle believes that all religions are projections of the mind or minds that imagine them. “As projections they comment on the cleanliness or foulness of the projectors.”

The notion of God to the western mind means the Yahweh of the Old Testament. The Jews fantasy is that God chose a particular people to be the bearers and disseminators of his word to all the peoples of the world. The English came to believe the scepter had been passed to them while the East Anglians who eventually formed the Liberal religion believe the scepter has passed to them.

The history of the Jews since their defeat and scattering by the Romans has been a succession of failed messiahs - more than sixty since they rejected Jesus. Failure has modified, but not eliminated this messianic obsession.

Prindle believes that stirrings of European Enlightenment in the seventeenth century were a significant factor in persuading the rabbis to stop recognizing Messianic claimants. “Science points out the absurdity of religious projections.  Thus all religions were shown to be based on false premises.”

Prindle points out that Christianity, Islam and Judaism were all faced with the challenge of scientific thinking. They all have a vested interest in the old way of perceiving the world.

The Jews had always been able to hold their own theologically vis-a-vis the Roman Catholics and the Protestants, but they had no chance against Science which granted none of their claims. Their only alternative was to corrupt Science and destroy it from within.

Up to this point the Roman Catholic Church had more or less contained Judaism. The Church had isolated the Jews from the body politic much as a computer virus is isolated by a security system.  The French Revolution emancipated both Science and the Jews from the control of the Church.

Prindle argues that the Jews recognized that Science was the true danger to their mental projection. The Jewish strategy was “to appropriate a science with mumbo jumbo; then slowly eviscerate the science of its content while supposedly making it moral or in other words subservient to Jewish religious beliefs.”  He sees Karl Marx’s invention of ‘Scientific Socialism” and Sigmund Freud’s invention of psychoanalysis as parts of this strategy.

Freud was of the Jewish culture and he was militantly Jewish.  He hated Europeans and the European culture.  There is no question but that he intended to replace it with the Jewish culture.  Freud saw that his native city was part of a polyglot empire where a fairly small German minority governed a multicultural empire embracing dozens of cultures and many religions. “Thus the model for Freud’s conquest by culture was already suggested to him by the rising influence of Jewish culture within the Austrian Empire and especially Vienna.”

Prindle urges us to remember that Jewish activities are backed by an inviolable ideology, tight organization and fairly precise coordination.  There is nothing haphazard in the Culture’s activities.

Since Karl Marx the Culture had gained control of the of the Socialist labor movement so a significant portion of the whole population was involved. “The more timid or moderate such as the Wilsonites and other ‘parlor pinks’, fellow travelers and whatnot, Liberals, were distributed throughout society where they could exercise control without revealing themselves in their true guise.”

“[Freud’s] concepts of the unconscious and sex were tailored to upset the morality of European civilization.  His promulgated notions were meant to confuse and obfuscate.  When one combines Freud’s interpretation of the unconscious, sex and emasculation, all of which were worked out by 1915, one has in fact a potent weapon of psychological warfare.”

On the deck of a ship steaming toward the United States, Freud commented to his friends that the people of America thought he was bringing them a panacea, but instead he said, “We are bringing them the plague.” [ Mannoni, O. (1971). Freud. Trans. R. Belice. New York. p.168.]

“In the giddiness of the Russian success the Revolutionaries believed that the world revolution had arrived so that it was a matter of a few months before they assumed control of the world. The spirit of vengeance which had been their dominant characteristic in the French Revolution would remain their goal throughout their existence.  There has been no Red government from the France of 1793 to the present that hasn’t believed in wholesale massacres of ‘enemies’ at the least, genocide at the worst.”

“Reds never did and never will have a disinterested concept of morality.  The Red idea of law and morality is merely a projection of their subconscious desires….No one Red faction can be held more accountable than others.  All participated equally and as joyously as their sour temperaments knew how.  Mild mannered college professors and sanctimonious ministers of the social gospel wholeheartedly supported the murders and atrocities of Communist regimes just as today they raise no outcry against the genocide and crimes taking place in Africa because they think the ‘right side’ has the upper hand.”

The Liberal Coalition had gained the power of the Presidency in 1913 when Woodrow Wilson was inaugurated. The Wilson administration began the ‘partnership’ between America and the Jews. In 1916 Wilson created the ‘Jewish seat’ on the Supreme Court when he appointed the confirmed Zionist, Louis D. Brandeis, to the bench.

Let us recapitulate Prindle’s analysis of the origin of modern American Liberalism. The Normans conquer and enslave the East Anglians in 1066, in the 15th and 16th centuries the East Anglians adopt radical Protestant doctrines and become crypto-Jews called Puritans. Some of them immigrate to New England while preserving their hatred for the Cavaliers who followed them to American and settled in the southern colonies. During the first half of the 19th century their descendants abandoned more and more of traditional Christian doctrines while preserving both their sense of election and their hatred for the descendents of the Normans living in the South. By the end of the 19th century New England had metamorphosed into the core of modern American liberalism.

The American Liberals now made an alliance with Jews and Negroes aimed at those American whites who had failed to espouse the new orthodoxy, especially at American whites living in the South or tainted by Roman Catholicism. From its inception Puritanism had inculcated a virulent hatred of the Roman Catholic Church. Moreover, the Liberals equated European colonialism with Southern slavery so they took the side of the colored peoples of the world against the Europeans.

Why were Jews the natural allies of the American Liberals? Leo Pfeffer, a renowned Jewish attorney wrote that “whenever I felt that my daughter should not have something she wanted, she threatened to marry a Catholic army officer from Alabama.”  “The truth of the matter,” Pfeffer continued, “was that I did not like the Catholic Church as I did not like the military and the South and for pretty much the same reasons.”
[E.Michael Jones, Culture of Death Watch: Francis’s Legacy, Culture War website.]

Liberals share their ultra selfrighteousness with the Jewish Culture. Both are acting on a projection they are exceptional people chosen by god to manage the affairs of the peoples of the world

Prindle notes that Freud was shrewd and that he understood that a frontal attack on the Christian cultural traditions would be met with stern resistance.

The Liberal Jewish Coalition already controlled publishing and news distribution in the United States. “Overnight, almost miraculously, the nature of the authorial community changed.  While the percentage of Jews and homosexuals was fairly small prewar, after the War non-Jews and heterosexuals seem to have lost the talent to write while Jews and homosexuals miraculously acquired it.  As the editors explained it: all the best new writers seem to be of the Left.” 

American became a battlefield in a cultural war. The battles were fought to control the dissemination of information and opnions. The Jews were particularly effective seizing control of the key publishing units, the film industry and the emerging radio-television industries. “Thus the Jews in the US were uniquely positioned to implement Freud’s program of cultural domination.”

Israel Baline, later to be known as Irving Berlin, “giddy with the success of the Russian Revolution sat down in Tin Pan Alley to write a sweet little song to the tune of an earlier hit, When Moses Led The Band With His Nose, entitled God Bless America.  He exhorted his fellow Culturalists to ‘stand beside her, and guide her’ as presumably he thought Americans were incapable of navigating a course without Jewish assistance.” God Bless America wasn’t originally all that successful.  In the critical year of 1938, Irving Berlin, rewrote it. In 1918 spreading a new song by sheet music and phonograph was a long, strenuous effort.  Things had changed.  In one night a new song broadcast over radio would be heard instantly by millions of people. “The same words have different meanings for different cultures.  Thus the message sent to the Jewish Culture by the song was different from what was heard by the general culture or most of it.”

In the twenties a flood of books written by Jews debunking ‘Bad Old America’ and the poor ignorant boobs who formed the country the songwriter claimed to love appeared. 

Prindles provides us with the example of John Dos Passos.  During the thirties he began to write and publish his magnum opus the USA trilogy,  composed of The 42nd Parallel, 1919 and The Big Money. “He didn’t just debunk one person he debunked a whole people.  There is not one single admirable person in his story and few if any immigrants.  He’s attacking the ‘Anglo-Saxons.’  These are all Bad Old Americans in Bad Old America.  One asks as one reads, why would anyone want to know these people or live in the US.  While others were writing utopias Dos Passos ground out these dystopias - people you didn’t want to know in a place you didn’t want to be.”

Prindle describes Freud as a homosexual, a Libertine and dope addict who wanted to destroy ‘Christian’ morality and replace it with the ‘morality’ of homosexuals, Libertines, and dope addicts.

Although Freud’s disciples and idolaters abound on the internet, one can find evidence supporting Prindle’s description of Freud’s character. Freud’s sexual feelings for both Wilhelm Fliess and Carl Jung are well documented, as are his sexual intimacy with Minna Bernays, Freud’s wife’s younger sister, and his enthusiasm for cocaine.

Western morality from the time of Homer was based on the control of sexual appetites or, at the very least, channeling sexual energy into productive habits.  The Roman Catholic Church reinforced these sexual attitudes.

The ‘prudish’, ‘Puritan’ attitude toward sex that prevailed in America was the first target. A systematic campaign was orchestrated to dismantle the existing laws and customs censoring explicit sexual material. The Freudians said ‘There shouldn’t be any shame connected with sex’.

The first effort was to legitimize literary works of questionable morality or, at least, which contradicted the prevailing morality.  So, books such as Madame Bovary, Lady Chatterly’s Lover and James Joyce’s Ulysses were promoted as the highest form of literary attainment, whatever exactly that might be, rather than salacious novels.  Eventually they were all legalized.  ‘They started out on burgundy but soon hit the harder stuff.’  The standards of society had been breached. Then came the Marquis De Sade whose ‘literary’ value was said to override his sadistic sexual psychotic content.  From thence we passed through Esquire Magazine to Hugh Hefner’s Playboy. The latter magazine opened the floodgates of pornography which of course legitimized homosexuality

For Prindle “the driving wheel for this transformation was the film industry of Hollywood.” While reading a person can uphold his intellectual distance, but with movies, especially talking moving, this is no longer possible. Eventually huge wrap around screens filled the entire visual field and overpowering surround sound systems combined to place the viewers in a hypnoid state. “Thus the movie going audience was being hypnotized without being aware of it.”

In the thirties and forties the Jewish studio heads abjured movies with Jewish themes but gradually it became clear that no movie not passing Jewish censorship could be shown.  “Christian movies depicting Jesus were absolutely forbidden hence the huge flap over the Mel Gibson movie led by the Jewish Culture who, that’s right, denounced Gibson as an anti-Semite.  The key word here is culture, not individual Jews but the entire Jewish Culture.  That’s why they call them culture wars.”

Hollywood produced more and more films that conditioned the viewers’ minds in the direction of Freudian criminal and sexual morality. “The ‘Christian’ family was always attacked, fidelity, honor and uprightness demeaned. Gradually ‘Christians’ characters were made the butt of jokes while Jewish characters became heroes.

So that, while if in 1918 you had stood up and said that it was the intent of Freud and the Jewish Culture to hypnotize the entire American population they wouldn’t even have had to call you an anti-Semite to discredit you, you would have been laughed into scorn. Yet here it is. You are all hypnotized.  Except for a small disregarded and vilified minority, a small body not unlike the excommunicated heretics of the Middle Ages, everyone has been conditioned to accept the value system of the Jewish Culture

Prindle examines the pornography industry in the light of his interpretation of Freud’s deconstruction of Christian civilization in favor of Jewish Culture. He guides us to the Winter 2004 issue of the Jewish Quarterly where Nathan Abrams, a lecturer in American history at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland published an article entitled “The Jews in the American Porn Industry”.

Mr. Abrams begins his essay thus:

A story little told is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry.  Perhaps we’d prefer to pretend that the ‘triple-exthnics’ didn’t exist, but there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America.

Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States as Jews have helped transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana.  These are the ‘true blue Jews.’ [Italics added.]

As Prindle bitingly remarks, “The most virulent anti-Semite couldn’t have expressed it more succinctly.”

Prindle points out that the only area in the world in which the production of pornography is legal is right here in the United States and that place is within a twenty mile radius of Hollywood.  “And that city is an expression of the Jewish Culture.  Not American but Israeli, Jewish.  Hollywood is an Israeli colony in the United States.”

Some porn stars viewed themselves as frontline fighters in the spiritual battle between Christian America and secular humanism. Jewish X-rated actors brag about their ‘joy in being anarchic sexual gadflies to the puritanical beast.’  Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: They are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Prindle concludes that as the revolution of 1913-28 has been extended that war still rages on. “Furthermore it is being waged on the terms laid down by Freud.  The Jewish Culture permits even encourages these pornographers toward that goal.  One doesn’t really believe that a bunch of scum criminal pornographers were able to get a law passed legalizing their criminal behavior does one?  Of course one doesn’t.  Such a law could only be passed by very influential ostensibly legitimate people of porn’s less seedy cousin.”

Freud, although still influential, naturally became dated. His psychological program for the conquest of America needed to be updated and reinforced. Mr. Abrams tells about this process:

Those at the forefront of the movement which forced America to adopt a more liberal view of s sex were Jewish.  Jews were also at the vanguard of the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse and Paul Goodman replaced Marx, Trotsky and Lenin as required reading.  Reich’s central preoccupations were work, love and sex, while Marcuse prophesied that a socialist utopia would free individuals to achieve sexual satisfaction.  Goodman wrote of the ‘beautiful cultural consequences’ that would follow on legalizing pornography.’  It would ‘ennoble all our art’; and ‘humanize sexuality.’

Prindle urges us to ask who decided that Reich, Marcuse and Paul Goodman would become required reading and why. He suggests that it was not because of their literary value.

Freud had devised the means to emasculate the hundreds of millions of Americans and that “purely by their own acquiescence.  Rather than be known as anti-Semites they willingly abandoned their sexuality.  This abandonment was conditioned and reinforced by the entire media of the land.”

Prindle concludes:

Do not think I condemn the Jewish Culture for this fait accompli.  On the contrary I applaud it.  Imagine this atavistic religious consciousness projecting a state of ignorance over the most enlightened population on the planet.  Think about it.  It stuns one to silence.  This achievement is so amazing it leaves one standing with mouth gaping.  If the entire Euroamerican population is willing voluntarily to surrender not only their intelligence but their manly and womanly sexuality to another Culture why should the receiving culture be blamed?  No force was used, only psychological manipulation that any fool could have seen and rejected.

By Robert Reis

Tags: Books



Posted by Robert Reis on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 18:41 | #

A new article by me is available here:




Posted by gongstar on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 18:01 | #

Good piece on Marx, Freud and the Frankfurt School here:


Posted by R.E. Prindle on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 01:08 | #

Very nice resume.  Thanks.


Posted by a Finn on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 06:15 | #

My comments start with -.

*Prindle urges us to remember that Jewish activities are backed by an inviolable ideology, tight organization and fairly precise coordination.  There is nothing haphazard in the Culture’s activities.*

- This needs defining. Jewish coordination developed in times, when the larger information and influence networks were slow, incomplete and unreliable. So the coordination on the larger scale had to rely on basic level on the same culture; all jews already knew what to do, how to think and how to react in different situations. Compulsory studying of talmud and other religious texts ensured that every jew learned their culture.

“Since it’s inception, Judaism has made study religious obligation for it’s adherents. Unlike Christianity, for example, which, until the Protestant Reformation, required only it’s clergy to study, among the Jews, study was not only a commandment, but along with charity, the supreme commendment. The biblical injunction “You shall teach your children” (Deuteronomy 6:7) was translated two tousand years ago into a system of universal education. The Talmud legislated that every city was required to have schools and no teacher could be assigned more than twenty-five students. The poor were to be taught free of charge. Parents were forbidden to live in a city without a school system, and if they spent time in such place, the father bore full responsibility for his children’s education. The purpose of all this education was not to achieve professional and financial success (though in the contemporary world it has brought Jews such rewards [I add; in the history too]), but to understand what God required of human beings. Thus, the study was obligatory even when it was financially disadvantageous. In his code of Jewish law, Moses Maimonides ruled: “Every Jew is under an obligation to study Torah, whether he is poor or rich, in sound health or ailing, in the vigor of youth or very old and feeble. Even a man so poor that he is maintained by charity or goes begging from door to door, as also a man with a wife and children to support, are under the obligation to set aside a definite period during the day and night for the study of Torah ..... Until what period in life ought one study Torah? Until the day of one’s death.” At a time when nearly all Christian and Muslim men, and certainly women, were illiterate, a very high percentage of Jewish men and women could read and write, and many of them achieved high levels of knowledge. A twelth-century monk, a student of the great Catholic theologian Abelard, reported: “A Jew, however poor, if he has ten sons, would put them all to letters, not for gain, as the Christians do, but for understanding of God’s Law, and not only his sons but his daughters.” (Why the Jews, Joseph Telushkin and Dennis Prager, Simon & Schuster, 2003)

Deals and arranged coordination was made on top of this base. It also minimized the arranged coordination and deals, thus saved time, energy and resources. Where it was practical and possible on the local community level, coordination was profound, and it was dictated by rabbis and other community leaders to community members in authoritarian manner. Their large scale coordination can be compared to Christians’ Christmas. They all know what to do, in what time and in what order. The difference is that Jews have more coordinating knowledge and it is designed to produce advantages in ethnic competition.

Still they always uphold their national and international networks and use them regularly when necessary to coordinate, to exchange information, to trade, to pool money and resources, to help jews in distress etc.

Situation today is in many respects the same as in history. Most of the coordination is automatic. Networks are ubiquitous and used when necessary. The higher in hierarchy one goes, the more there is coordination, but it is still arranged only when necessary. There is no e.g. central commanding council dispensing orders, it would be too clumsy and inefficient. Networks of powerful jewish organizations in the higher hierarchy rule the jewish community.

*Prindle notes that Freud was shrewd and that he understood that a frontal attack on the Christian cultural traditions would be met with stern resistance.*

- This is in other form our problem today. On the other hand we are in hurry. Our societies are changing fast to the worse. We should make changes fast, but the optimal way to make profound changes is slowly in many generations’ time. On the other hand we don’t have certainty that our ethnic genetic interest policies will become reality/continue in the future generations. It might happen that mainstream espouses our movement and slowly corrupts it to insignificance. Or our movement starts to weaken from the inside, when new generations try to fawn upon the power structures, and implement the harmful changes themselves. Etc.

This results often in too radical policies directed to mainstream and constant uncertainty about can these policies be even transferred to the next generation.

Because of these reasons alone (And there are many other reasons), it would be appropriate to form non-mixing ethnic genetic communities to be the cores of our policies. Culture would be tied to genes inseparably and we would be certain that our policies will move without changing from generation to generation permanently. We would have more time to change the society, and thus we would be able to choose optimal slower policies, where necessary. We could increase the gap between our inside and outside policies. Inside the community we would be free to implement in practice whatever we need and what is efficient. Ethnic genetic community/communities would coordinate their policies and actions, pool their resources, create networks etc. and thus increase their political efficiency. We would be eventually able to form a in essence governing cores emitting our influence to all kinds of nationalists, immigration criticizers, but also to other groups.

In practice the tying of genes, culture and policies together is the only way to make culture and policies permanent.

*Prindle points out that the only area in the world in which the production of pornography is legal is right here in the United States and that place is within a twenty mile radius of Hollywood.*

- Pornography is produced in many European countries legally and freely. In Finland you can buy pornography in normal food stores, department stores, kiosks etc., and it is produced in the biggest towns.


Posted by a Finn on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 06:55 | #

Prindle wrote: “Do not think I condemn the Jewish Culture for this fait accompli.  On the contrary I applaud it.  Imagine this atavistic religious consciousness projecting a state of ignorance over the most enlightened population on the planet.  Think about it.  It stuns one to silence.  This achievement is so amazing it leaves one standing with mouth gaping.  If the entire Euroamerican population is willing voluntarily to surrender not only their intelligence but their manly and womanly sexuality to another Culture why should the receiving culture be blamed?  No force was used, only psychological manipulation that any fool could have seen and rejected.”

- If x uses ploys, psychological warfare and psychological inclinations of y to give his money and wealth to x, emasculate him, individualize him, sour his relations with his wife and women in general (feminism), make him to support destructive immigration policies, increase his universal egalitarianism, control his medias, in essence rule his politics, directing his entertainment, make him to stop procreating, ruin his morality etc., there is nothing for y to applaud. x has not done the mentioned things alone, but he has functioned as a factor which produces a tipping point. x abilities can and should be acknowledged, but it is a different matter than applauds.

Of course it might be that in the current situation it is wise to include such endings to critiques of x.


Posted by R.E. Prindle on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 23:42 | #

    Thank you for your excellent comments.  First, let me say that the article is by Mr. Robert Reis and not me.  Mr. Reis who has read a number of my essays complimented me by condensing them down into his articles.  Naturally the material is severely abbreviated.

The full text of my essays can be found on my blog: I, Dynamo under the title The Deconstruction Of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ America.  I’m actually a Burroughs scholar.

My main catalog can be found on for which magazine I have been contributing for the last three or four years.

My blogs are new.  In addition to I also maintain  The former is non-fiction, the latter is my novels and short fiction.

I’m a psychologist and use different words than you do.  Where you say ‘automatic’ I say ‘conditioned.’  When one is properly conditioned one responds automatically as in military training.  Other than that there are no disagreements in substance.

The closing paragraph you object to is meant on the one hand to be sardonic and on the other to disarm the ADL, AJC, SPLC and others. 

But and besides, when a people willingly submits to slavery what can you possible say about them?  When a x has only to point to a goy and say:  He’s an anti-Semite’ and every other goy shuns that goy and condemns him probably does him injury of one sort or another then that people disgusts me so strongly I want to vomit all over them.  Both Europeans and Americans are kowtowing so grossly to Semites, both Jewish and Arabic that one has to question their manhood.  No man kisses another’s ass unless he is so emasculated he has lost all reason to call himself a man.

Are Euroamericans the descendents of Lancelot and Gawain?  Don’t make me puke.  If they can’t stand up and be men they are fit to be nothing but slaves. 

When a Moslem or Jews makes a complaint all any Euroamerican has to do is coldly eye him and say:  ‘Kiss my ass.’  Why don’t Euroamerican pussys do this?

PS Can you direct me to info on your European porno industry.  I have a hard time believing what you say although I do not doubt you for an instant.


                    R.E. Prindle


Posted by a Finn on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 18:51 | #

R.E. Prindle: PS Can you direct me to info on your European porno industry.  I have a hard time believing what you say although I do not doubt you for an instant.

- I am not an expert on porno industry, but I know it exist in Europe. I probably should know better, because I once lived in an area, where there are more sex shops, than anywhere else in Helsinki. I even had the most beautiful prostitute as a neighbour. What a waste of life. I hope she has quit the job.

I don’t know the names of firms, that produce the magazines and films in Finland, but most of them have been in the past in Tampere, the third biggest town in Finland. Magazines include Jallu, Kalle, Erotica, Erotiikan Maailma etc., if they have not changed their names or quit.

In Europe, probably the bigger producers/trademarks include Silwa, Private, Color-Climax, Seventeen etc., if they haven’t changed their names or quit. There are many smaller producers also. (I recommend Google searches. I could have done it myself, but I want to avoid too explicit sex links in these pages).

One of the producers of sex films and also actor in them in Finland is Rakel Liekki (Rachel Flame, probably not her real name). Shee has also been small public figure in the media:


Posted by a Finn on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 19:52 | #

R.E. Prindle: “I’m a psychologist and use different words than you do.  Where you say ‘automatic’ I say ‘conditioned.’ When one is properly conditioned one responds automatically as in military training.”

- Yes, conditioned is the more proper word here, but evidence points to the direction that in many instances the response/action is nearly automatic.


Posted by R.E. Prindle on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 21:14 | #

    Yes.  Once one is properly conditioned the response is automatic.  See Pavlov and his dogs.  Much of the ‘education’ received in the syngogue is systematic conditioning.  When Haman is mentioned the congregation does the Haman shriek of hate.  Thus one only has to identity someone as a Haman and as you say the response is automatic.

Thanks for the porn information.  I don’t really need sites so much as the specific areas where pornography is legal in Europe.  The places were pornography is legal to produce.  I would like to see the law in Hollywood removed from the books.  Seems like it should be possible no matter who is in control.

I’ll search around and see what I can find.  The legimization of porn figures as celebrities that you mention is a crime.  That is beginning to happen here more and more.  It should be stoutly resisted.

                    R.E. Prindle


Posted by a Finn on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 22:29 | #

R.E. Prindle: “Both Europeans and Americans are kowtowing so grossly to Semites, both Jewish and Arabic that one has to question their manhood….  If they can’t stand up and be men they are fit to be nothing but slaves.”

- I understand your anger. It might be a psychological mechanism to deal with the harsh reality. Also it helps in overcoming the lies and manipulation etc. But one has to start where we are and advance from there. Consider the following about average people:

- The information they get from the media is manipulated, restricted and sometimes invented/artificial.

- The schooling and education include universal egalitarian propaganda etc.

- People normally have quite restricted view of the world. Jobs, family, friends and free time activities use their time and energy so much that they don’t have adequate possibilities to acquaint with the workings of the world and politics.

- People’s intelligence is often limited to specific areas. E.g. a man can be intelligent in his job, engineering, but his ability to comprehend politics is limited.

- People have in history normally overcome lies, manipulation and oppression when they don’t have enough food, their lives are under threat and they are severely restricted/pressured. Evolution has directed Europeans to this direction. Today’s western societies still provide enough food and services, can in many places sustain normality or near normality and reinforce that situation with measures and propaganda.

- Societies produce all kinds of futile activities that distract peoples attention and in practice inhibit them from familiarizing with and participating in really important issues.

- With on the other hand all the liberal propaganda/conditioning, mirages etc, and on the other hand the society’s ability to cancel jobs, use fines and prison and defame, people don’t presently have strong enough incentives to confront the status quo.

- Modern liberal societies have softened people’s minds and natural instincts.

- People have limited ability to predict fairly distant future and liberal society does it’s best to weaken that ability.

- Western people’s have experienced comparatively little ethnic competition in their evolution, so this situation is new to them. Jews and muslims come from areas of intense ethnic competition which has lasted at least thousans of years. Compare this to the seals giving birth in South-African coast. They have formerly given birth in secluded islands. They don’t understand the dangerousness of local predators, like hyenas. When hyenas come, seals just watch stupidly and hyenas easily catch and eat them. Biologists say it takes about 200 hundred years for seals to developed the necessary instinct to protect themselves from the predators. Europeans are in situation, which resembles the seals’ situation. We don’t have time to develop natural ethnic competition instincts so far that they almost automatically protect us. But humans are exceptional in their ability to learn, so we have to accelerate this process. Also evolution happens right now as we write. Those who intermarry between races/ethnicities have on average less ethnocentrism/instinctive ethnic competition abilities than those who, despite egalitarian propaganda, surrounding multiple races/ethnicities, etc., marry inside their own race/ethnicity. Liberalism and race/ethnicity mixing thus have the good and unintended side effect of increasing the remaining people’s ethnocentrism/ethnic competition abilities.

- Ideas often don’t spread linearly. They have tipping points. So first it takes fairly long time to convert small number of people. But somewhere in the future the number of converts and the idea combined become self reinforcing, which accelerate it’s spread to masses. Also, once people espouse anti-immigration and nationalist opinion, they rarely change their view back to universal egalitarianism and liberalism. It is a significant idea for those people who have it. Liberalism/hedonism on the other hand are not very durable opinions. They are not ideas, for which people are ready to make great sacrifices.


This means that Westerners manhood and abililities have not been in any way properly tested yet. Because of the way our societies are changing, the time will come sooner or later.


Posted by a Finn on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 22:53 | #

My answers start with -.

“I don’t really need sites so much as the specific areas where pornography is legal in Europe.  The places were pornography is legal to produce.”

- Yes, with my inadequate information about it, my intention was just to prove it exists. My educated guess is this; in Western Europe it is legal everywhere. In Eastern Europe it doesn’t matter if it is legal or not, it is produced and sold anyway. Eastern European countries produce lots of pornography and abundantly prostitutes.

“I would like to see the law in Hollywood removed from the books.  Seems like it should be possible no matter who is in control.”

- I hope Americans success in that.

“The legimization of porn figures as celebrities that you mention is a crime…. It should be stoutly resisted.”

-  I agree.

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Europeans in Africa

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)
