Questions for Alex Linder Tomorrow morning Central Time I’ll be interviewing Alex Linder. The shape of the discussion is pretty well set, but I would be interested to know if readers have their own questions they would like to see asked. If such questions differ from what I already have planned, and providing they are productive, of course, I’ll find some time to ask them. Comments:2
Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 16 Nov 2009 23:44 | # Who is Alex Linder? Some background info on him and topics he covers would be useful to what type of question to submit to him. 3
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 16 Nov 2009 23:51 | # jamesUK, Alex is a very widely known and, for some, highly controversial American WN who owns Vanguard News Network. We interviewed him during the first rush of MR Radio activity. But in this podcast I intend to move beyond the questions of tactics and speech which tend to dominate conversation with Alex, and explore much more interesting and deeper issues. 4
Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 16 Nov 2009 23:55 | # Forgot to mention David Irvings website has been hacked and is down and those who did it sent out emails with all his personal info including bank details, phone numbers, email addresses, website account and password, etc. I recieved one. 5
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 17 Nov 2009 01:13 | # GW, could you please ask Alex Linder what is his best estimate of the White race’s survival prospects in 21st Century America? Thank you. Apropos another matter, the successor to zasucks is online and it is : 6
Posted by tc on Tue, 17 Nov 2009 05:25 | # If I read Your motivation correctly GW: good move! OTOH, don’t forget, that he is not on the top of his game so to speak. Wish him well, miss his personal day-to-day touch, but this is the endgame, so I understand, and don’t want to get anyone into more shit, that we are already in… And thanx, lookin’ forward to it. 7
Posted by Wanderer on Tue, 17 Nov 2009 06:26 | # Ask him - whatever happened to Geoff Beck?
(note: I really liked Geoff Beck and it’s a shame he has dropped off the radar, AFAICT. Whereas, Hal Turner is and always has been a contemptible clown. Nevertheless, Linder knows both men.) 8
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 17 Nov 2009 07:37 | # Yes, I miss Geoff Beck also. Amusingly enough, below GB’s name on the vnnforums sidebar was an avatar photograph of the forbiddingly austere Dr Lee Raymond, former Chairman & CEO of Exxon Mobil Corp., wearing an unfeasibly goofy grin. 9
Posted by vo on Tue, 17 Nov 2009 07:42 | # “now-imprisoned” Anyone know the status of the heretical. com guys? Alex? 10
Posted by Dasein on Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:02 | # GW, I’d like you to ask him what he means when he says the Jews should be exterminated. How does he see this being carried out? 13
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Nov 2009 20:16 | # I second Dasein — that was a shocker when I heard him say that recently (possibly it was on the Jim Giles show, “Radio Free Mississippi,” which was linked the other day at Occidental Dissent); I have no doubt he did not mean it literally, just something like “get them away from us, get them out of our society if they cannot behave themselves,” or something like that, but he definitely needs to clarify exactly what he meant by that. He made that statement, now he cannot do other than to clarify it. 14
Posted by tc on Tue, 17 Nov 2009 20:54 | # “He made that statement, now he cannot do other than to clarify it.’ I find no upside to that. Let us work ourselves into a position, whereas this prospect presents itself, and then discuss the preferable option. At this point it is like talking about weather control. I would be giddy, if most our people simpy had access to appropriate, seasonal clothing at this point… 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Nov 2009 23:54 | # In fact that sounds like the kind stuff that’s computer generated. Could simply be a bot someone is sending here to be annoying. The other instance of it was “Jonathan” in the Soren Renner interview thread. 18
Posted by Pshaw on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 02:55 | # M-R is proceeding rapidly down the slope of Linder & Metzgerism, but with a City of London gentlemen’s club motif. 19
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 04:01 | # I posted this on OD: As to questions for Alex Linder. Well, I would ask him about his Jewish monomania and hammer at it mercilessly. I would want to know how he developed his views on the Jews. What books and articles influenced him. Now, to follow up, you’d need a background in the history of philosophy and world history (particularly American history). However, as a start, I would try to get at the bottom of what influenced his views. Now, a couple of years ago I felt the way he feels, so I know where he’s coming from. I would tell him why my thinking has evolved and get his reaction. Perhaps you could have a blog on your site and encourage visitors to offer running commentary while you’re conducting your interview(s) and we could suggest follow up questions. I would want to know how he makes a living, since calling for the murder of Jews is not a career-enhancing move. Does he have a job? Is he married? Are his parents alive? What do they think of his political activism? What kind of politics do they espouse? Old friends? What do they think of his transformation? Who are now his current friends in the so-called movement? Why can’t he get along with anyone for a length of time? How many kids does he have? Has he been threatened with physical harm? These types of questions would help us situate the person. I’d ask him about how he reconciles libertarianism with racialism. I’d ask him about his philosophy. What has influenced him? What authors? What is his worldview? I’d ask him for the title of his 10 favorite books and authors/philosophers. Favorite racialists? White Nationalists? I’d ask him what historical figures he admires and respects. What White Nationalist figures does he respect? How does he see himself in 5 years from now? 10 years? What are his goals is life? How does he plan to get there? What’s he trying to achieve? What does he want for his children? Is his goal, like Covington’s, an ethnostate for Whites? Does he think that his rhetoric attracts of repels Whites? How come he hasn’t produce a monograph yet spelling out his vision and solutions? Is there a grand strategy at work or is he flying by the seat of his pants? Why did he decide to go public with his name? What hardships has this caused him? This should give you some ideas. 20
Posted by Mark on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 04:04 | # Yes, ask him how his advocation of genocide against Jews is productive to legitimizing white nationalism. Apparently some disturbed individuals think it is, as this somehow pushes the discourse farther and makes us look acceptable. Ask him if he’s ever had a psychological evaluation, and if he’s been diagnosed as having a narcissistic/antisocial personality disorder. 21
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 04:13 | # You’re deluding yourself, Fred…again. I’ve been reading him for at least 6 years, he really would like to see the Jews exterminated. If you didn’t get that yet, you’re refusing to face facts. Linder: “Like I say, jews should be physically exterminated. That is not an extremist position, that is a moderate position. The extremist position is that they ought to be shot with silver bullets and have stakes driven through their hearts.” 22
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 04:21 | # Why do you think he’s kidding? Do you know anyone who focuses on the Jews as much? It’s his private little obsession. It’s ultimately all the Jews’ fault. He’s certainly beyond anyone in the Third Reich in his focus. It’s a form of monomania, no doubt. 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 04:50 | #
First, I don’t know Linder’s ideas in detail. If you’ve been following him for six years, FB, you certainly know him well. I hardly know him at all, though I can say I generally like him (to the extent I know him). I didn’t say I thought he was kidding, I said he must have meant the word in some other way. Why did I think that? I thought it because he’s rational. Rational people don’t want to exterminate any group of people. If he meant it literally, that’s bad obviously, very bad because for one thing it means everyone has to now distance himself from him. The problem with that is he has lots of excellent ideas. But no matter how excellent your ideas, if you say something like that and mean it you have to be shunned. (You almost have to be shunned if you say something like that and don’t mean it.) So it’s bad unless he explains he didn’t mean it. (And even then it’s not great.) But your quote, FB, obviously suggests he meant it. I’ll reserve judgement till I hear his side, provided GW saw Dasein’s comment in time and put this specific question to him. 24
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 09:37 | # I’ve heard Linder say that Jews should be exterminated several times now. I remember him saying they should be vertically expelled through smokestacks. 25
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 09:39 | # Saying is one thing. Doing is another. If he had the power to do so, I don’t seriously believe Linder would carry out the threat. 26
Posted by tc on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 13:42 | # “Clearly this Scrooby character is a troll and needs to be ejected. He’s here, he’s over in .........’s new entry, he may have been the troll whom Q confronted yesterday, I forget in which thread but the style’s exactly the same as that other creep. GW, I hate to keep bothering you with this kind of thing, but, sincerely, there are creeps hanging around who do need to be gotten out of here. Posted by Fred Scrooby on November 17, 2009, 10:54 PM | # In fact that sounds like the kind stuff that’s computer generated. Could simply be a bot someone is sending here to be annoying. The other instance of it was “Jonathan” in the Soren Renner interview thread. Posted by Fred Scrooby on November 17, 2009, 10:56 PM | # the kind of stuff” Clearly, this Mr Screwby caracter is off his medicine. What is it with self subscribed “intellectuals”, that makes them so absolutely unable to deal with pragmatic solutions? Oh, yeah, forgot - the Hamlet syndrome… Mr Scrooby, how many ways can You spell: No Jews - Just right? Where is the mystery? Shall I desribe Blue to You? 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 15:51 | #
I apologize to you as well, tc: re-reading your stuff more carefully now, I see the points you were making (or, I think I do). They are valid points. 28
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 15:55 | # I assume by “the preferable option” you mean sanity not insanity. But let’s not take it further than that — I think I saw your point and I think you were trying to be a voice of sanity. Enough said. 29
Posted by tc on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 16:30 | # No harm done, but I have to admit, my description of sanity will prolly differ from Yours, OTOH this thread is not about us two here. Linder CAN fend for himself in most situations I imagine, I was simply stating, that the line of questioning suggested above doesn’t appear fruitfull to me personally, because any answer given will further alienate. Let us concentrate on the stuff right in front of our noses, and leave the horizon to lay there for the time being… 30
Posted by Jim Giles on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 16:32 | # Friedrich Braun and Alex Linder have my attention. How to phrase the question? How to define the conflict? Is this a coming war and a fight for survival or something far less? Do evil human monsters exist today? The answers to these questions suggest responses. Who is the enemy? What is the most effective response to the enemy or enemies? Lacking ‘a background in the history of philosophy and world history (particularly American history),’ I remain confused but agitated. I don’t mind ‘taking back’ things I’ve said after I’ve had a chance to rein in my agitation but then I think about 9 year old Charlotte Parker who you can find in the criminal files of the Mississippi Supreme Court. If I could definitively conclude who is to blame for that crime I would go after the monsters in such a way that some would label me evil; but I would not care. Mr. Braun, (BTW, why did you choose your particular nomme de guerre?) Do you support the death penalty for those convicted of murder? Additionally, if a court were to try the Jewish people as were the Nazis tried at Nuremberg, and you were their defense counsel, what would your defense be? If found guilty what should their sentence be? Lastly, who in your opinion is to blame and what is your solution to the mess we are in? 31
Posted by tc on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 16:36 | # Oh, and one thing, that just came to me, Your personal conduct Mr Scrooby is, what makes this board and it’s regulars stand out from the rest. It is a welcome change to be amongst adults. 32
Posted by Linderite at heart? on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 18:56 | # Prozium wrote: “Saying is one thing. Doing is another. If he had the power to do so, I don’t seriously believe Linder would carry out the threat [to exterminate the Jews].” Then he is truly a disappointment on all levels. I am a socially functioning individual, and I consider myself fairly well-educated and cultured; I have buried myself in academia and try my best to keep my ethnocentric thoughts to myself. I navigate the world just fine, I have a very attractive wife, and I don’t consider myself to have a monomaniacal obsession with Jews. I keep my public rhetoric, which is always written under pseudonyms, mild because I actually hope to make progress and influence wider discourse—thus, I would never openly proclaim my desire to exterminate Jews—but that is exactly the sort of influence that I would ultimately exert if I were given the power to do so. The Jews are not merely, as Kevin Macdonald said, a people destined to dwell alone, but rather a people who have forfeited their right to dwell at all. I am not trying to shock people when I say that Adolf Hitler was too lenient, too soft, too much sun and not enough lightning. The next one will fix that: “That last, great individual—an absolutely harmonious blending of the sharpest of all opposites; equally sun and lightning—is the one whom the faithful of all religions and the bearers of practically all cultures await; the one of whom Adolf Hitler (knowingly or unknowingly) said, in 1928: “I am not he; but while nobody comes forward to prepare the way for him, I do so”; the one whom I have called by his Hindu name, Kalki, on account of the cosmic truth that this name evokes. Contrarily to Adolf Hitler, he will spare not a single one of the enemies of the divine cause: not a single one of its outspoken opponents but also not a single one of the lukewarm, of the opportunists, of the ideologically heretical, of the racially bastardized, of the unhealthy, of the hesitating, of the all-too-human; not a single one of those who, in body or character or mind, bear the stamp of the fallen ages. “ As for how we might physically accomplish this task, Dr. Pierce suggested dumping them into abandoned coal mines. I think this presents too great a risk of escape. Does that view make me a Linderite? A sociopath? I am genuinely interested to know. Søren is right: Billions Will Die; We Will Win! 34
Posted by Hannibal Coon on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 01:31 | # ” help us situate the person” Into a gulag no doubt if F.Braun had his way. We all know what kind of people want our personal info. Was his statement serious or hyperbole? Was Susan Sontag serious when she called the white race the cancer of human history? Was she shunned? 35
Posted by 40th-Level White Revolutionary Demagogue on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 02:40 | # “Like I say, jews should be physically exterminated. That is not an extremist position, that is a moderate position. The extremist position is that they ought to be shot with silver bullets and have stakes driven through their hearts.” Still the greatest profession of faith to come out of all white nationalism. wat is a genes Second greatest. 36
Posted by Alex Linder on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 02:52 | # GW, could you please ask Alex Linder what is his best estimate of the White race’s survival prospects in 21st Century America? Thank you. Whites will be around in North America in the 22nd century- whether as a tiny, hated minority or as a new proud people - who knows? It depends in part on our efforts. Trends only continue if the underlying factors producing them stay constant. Our future depends in large measure on our will and our actions. Nothing human is inevitable; if it were, why bother? It has been said a large part of marxism’s success was persuading people of its inevitability - and of course the marxies lied that their socialism was scientific, much as the green crusaders try to do today with their bogus global warming claims. Their claim that whites will be a minority is merely a projection of current trends - its real aim is not to tell you what the future will be like but to persuade you that resistance is futile. They try to persuade you that precisely because it is not futile. 38
Posted by Alex Linder on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 03:05 | # Ask him - whatever happened to Geoff Beck? Geoff withdrew for personal reasons. His views have never changed, and I have no doubt that in some form he continues to work for our cause. And - What his take on the notorious, now-imprisoned, known-federal-agent-provocateur “Hal Turner” is. Hal the member of a subset within WN is a racialist patriotard. There is a need for those, they do appeal to a segment of the people we are trying to reach. I follow George Lincoln Rockwell in believing we need multi-level propaganda. Hal the individual turned out to be a federal informer. I did not know this but had followed my instincts in banning him from VNNF long before the truth came out. I did not know the man personally beyond a couple exchanges when I invited him to speak at our Knoxville rally. Hal is as good an open air speaker as one will find, altho I certainly disagreed with some of his content (he appeals to cops, I believe we should shame them and/or attack them verbally). Before the rally I met Hal (and some others). I noted his bearing was extremely coplike. He is short, but he has the burliness that many cops possess, and also the iron lungs and the general air of loud bravado. I do not trust anybody with the feel of a cop/prison guard. I do not trust people waving around guns and gung-ho about a rally in which people sticking up for murder victims are considered the bad guys by heavily armed pigs on roofs and in helicopters and on the ground in their hundreds. I am and advise you to be extremely careful around such types. The antis who infiltrate our ranks consider us cowards who will be easily impressed by uber-masculine types with stentorian voices. That fact, combined with Hal’s listing of individual addresses and calls for violent action - while NOT ILLEGAL (the standard of inciting violence is in fact extremely hard to meet legally - if the prosecutors follow the law, which as the cases of Hal Turner and Bill White show, they do not). So, his cop bearing, his legal but unwise attempts to get others to commit violence against listed individuals, and his tendency to make up ludicrous lies (causing earthquakes, etc.) led me to stay clear of him and then to ban him. Maybe these are inappropriate questions towards what your aim is. But I am curious about those two personalities about which he has intimate knowledge. “Intimate knowledge” - far from it. 39
Posted by Alex Linder on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 03:10 | # Anyone know the status of the heretical. com guys? Alex? Far as I know, they’re in jail in the UK. 40
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 03:16 | # (The comment just above is an example of what I meant when I said Alex Linder is full of excellent ideas and deep, important truths.) Alex Linder, did you make the statement we’re talking about above, in the Jim Giles interview? If so, does it need any clarification on your part? By the way, since you’re here, I’ll add that I agree with those in Hunter Wallace’s thread who questioned the appropriateness of you and Mr. Giles exchanging what amounted to lots of gossip about the various individuals discussed by name. I don’t see what help that part of the interview was to anything. Of course, this is really a criticism (a friendly, constructive criticism is how I intend it) of Mr. Giles, not of yourself. 42
Posted by MB on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 03:23 | # The Jewish leadership invokes the bloodthirsty Old Testament, or Torah, in modern politics as a righteous history. This, combined with their history as a people, makes Linder’s statements less extreme than what the Jews actually have done. Whether he is serious or not is another question but shunning him for it would only be a tactic, as they definitely deserve what he recommends. 43
Posted by Alex Linder on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 03:24 | # I didn’t say I thought he was kidding, I said he must have meant the word in some other way. Why did I think that? I thought it because he’s rational. Rational people don’t want to exterminate any group of people. Really? So all those policies your jewish relatives put in place to damage, defame and deny our race - policies which meet even their own commie UN standard for genocide - are just jokes? And all their holidays and “religious” writings celebrating the genocide of the various Amaleks are things they don’t really mean? Who’s the joker here? It’s not me or the jews - it’s you. I don’t lie. I don’t say things I don’t mean. I have operated under my real name from day one. So when I say exterminate, that’s goddam well what I mean. It is an analytical conclusion. If you disagree that it is the right policy, then you either don’t believe jews are the root of the problem, or you want to try yet again one of the policies that has failed: - treating jews as individuals (American/European policy) All of these have failed - repeatedly. There is one policy, that for all the oft-repeated lies in the controlled media has never been tried: exterminating the jews. Physically getting rid of them. 44
Posted by Alex Linder on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 03:49 | # By the way, since you’re here, I’ll add that I agree with those in Hunter Wallace’s thread who questioned the appropriateness of you and Mr. Giles exchanging what amounted to lots of gossip about the various individuals discussed by name. I don’t see what help that part of the interview was to anything. Of course, this is really a criticism (a friendly, constructive criticism is how I intend it) of Mr. Giles, not of yourself. I agree - but a couple points: We weren’t gossiping. The stuff I said about people was either stuff I’ve written many times or just saying that I didn’t know the person. There was very little (I’ve-heard-these-bad-things), which is what I agree is destructive gossip. Now, as for going over individuals being not really that valuable or relevant, I agree. But Jim is still learning about some of these people, as are, no doubt, his growing body of listeners, so I see some value to it, altho it probably went on too long in that interview. But I fully agree that destructive gossip is a bad thing, and to be avoided. Recall that it was VNN virtually alone that focused on changing WN culture from hush-hush to speaking the facts about people, even if the cultists didn’t like it. Really, it comes down to character, doesn’t it? All I can do is post under my own name (as I’m glad to see Hunter Wallace now is) and not lie. I would say, in the vein of “it’s not bragging if you can do it,” it’s not destructive gossip if it’s true and relevant. 45
Posted by Dan Dare on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 03:49 | #
Posted by Alex Linder on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 03:55 | # The Jewish leadership invokes the bloodthirsty Old Testament, or Torah, in modern politics as a righteous history. This, combined with their history as a people, makes Linder’s statements less extreme than what the Jews actually have done. Whether he is serious or not is another question but shunning him for it would only be a tactic, as they definitely deserve what he recommends.
Really, we all write about jews attempting to genocide our race, but when someone suggests we bring a gun to the gunfight you think he’s joking, or saying it for effect? You think Sontag was joking? You think Harvard prof Ignatiev was joking? You think the policies we bemoan don’t reflect their attitude? Why not advocate fighting back in the one way that actually works? 47
Posted by Alex Linder on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 03:57 | # As a matter of historical fact, the NS policy was remarkably successful. More than half of all Reichsjuden (including those in Austria and the Protectorate) were expelled in the period before emigration was halted in May 1941. The issue was not one of persuading them to emigrate but one of finding countries willing to accept them. It was an utter failure. The flushed jews came to America and destroyed it; they got America to destroy NS and implement policies that are conducing to the genocide not just of Germany but all of Europe. 49
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 04:24 | #
Exterminating the Jews would not be honorable, at least by our standards, and it is our standards we ought seek to abide by. If we win in North America, there will be no White country to which the Jews can flee that is sufficiently powerful for us to fear, in the instance they could turn it against us. 50
Posted by Alex Linder on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 04:35 | # Hunter Wallace is not his real name. You know this how? Lately you’ve been digging for personal info on me and Wallace. Why? Most of what you wanted to know about me has been posted for years, and you have read VNN for years, and say you agreed with our positions until two years ago. Well, the jews haven’t changed their spots - the change in spots has been yours. Perhaps I was harsh on Scrooby above - I don’t take it back (I do admit he’s my favorite poster here, part-jew or not), I merely make these observations as a longtime reader of MR but never-poster: - Scrooby’s positions are invariably insightful and precisely articulated - and the closest to my own (on everything but a couple important points) The other thing I disagree with Fred about is letting 1,000 WN flowers bloom. People who advocate this don’t seem to realize the metaphor comes from the Chinese communists. They wanted the blooming so they could identify their enemies - and chop their heads off. Fred and jews in general are wry and sly enough to know that and find it funny. Those like the BNP who take pride in their pragmatism always dismiss those who disagree as purists. In fact, those who disagree are principled. The only thing we know for sure will come out of Nick Griffin’s mouth in public tomorrow is praise for Israel. What Griffin stands for is anybody’s guess. And his PR guy brags about this! WN should be multi-level and principled. We should focus on polarizing politics between us and the enemy, so that as many people as possible understand the real forces doing battle. I’ve written about this at length in “Attack the Conservatives.” Anyway, I will answer any relevant questions that appear on this thread. I thank GuessedWorker for the interview (and Soren for introducing us), and enjoy and benefit from reading all the intelligent comments this place is famous for. 51
Posted by Alex Linder on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 04:40 | # Exterminating the Jews would not be honorable, at least by our standards, and it is our standards we ought seek to abide by. If we win in North America, there will be no White country to which the Jews can flee that is sufficiently powerful for us to fear, in the instance they could turn it against us. I don’t agree that exterminating jews is dishonorable, but leave that aside. What if the choice is between exterminating jews and accepting our own genocide? I have posed this question repeatedly to Christians, and they will not address it. They want to pretend there is a safe, legal, honorable way to defeat our only true enemy. So I say it again, for whomever wants to answer: what if exterminating jews is the only way to avoid being genocided ourselves? 52
Posted by Dan Dare on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 04:46 | #
Ahistorical claptrap. You sound like a 14 year-old Stormfronter still on training wheels. 53
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 04:55 | # Anyone who doubts that Alex Linder’s extermination propositon is merely reactive should read Theodore Kaufman’s book - form recipe for the liquidation of all German people, ‘Germany Must Perish’! I would imagine that Friedrich Braun has read it. 54
Posted by 40th-Level White Revolutionary Demagogue on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 04:59 | # Ah, man. Alex rules. 55
Posted by Syler on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:06 | #
Wait, Hal was an informer, but then you worry about the prosecution following the law in trying to convict him? 56
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:11 | #
Because I asked him. Why did you think it was his real name?
Feeling paranoid tonight? I’ve known Wallace for 8 years. What’s the problem, you don’t what to tell us about yourself? Why not? I’m curious how you can make a living while calling for Jews’ mass murder on almost daily basis, or what your family thinks of your deranged cyberspace antics. It’s like you’re either doing it for attention (i.e., exhibitionism) or because you have a self-destructive personality. I don’t think you’re a psychopath. Although “outing” Greg Johnson for no apparent reason was certainly a mean-spirited, sociopathic gesture, if not treasonous. It showed you to be an untrustworthy individual of low character. All those who have divulged their true identities to Linder should take notice. Generally speaking, I would advise everyone to stay clear of you and VNN. 57
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:12 | # “... you don’t what to tell us about yourself?” want* Good night. 58
Posted by Alex Linder on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:16 | # Wait, Hal was an informer, but then you worry about the prosecution following the law in trying to convict him? I’m worried about the First Amendment and how to prevent the jews from shrinking it. I don’t defend Hal’s informing by pointing out that what he said was not, according to the law, which Hal knew very well (the relevant court decisions) illegal. 59
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:24 | # Linder’s approach is a loser. Exhibit A: in ten years of activity he has nothing to show for. I’d venture to say that those who find his rhetoric attractive are either 12-year old boys who like to sound tough from their mother’s basement or mental defectives. Perhaps 00000.1 of the White population. Nobody with whom you can build a movement. I ask, does he attracts Whites or has the contrary effect? Whatever he is, he’s not a serious individual buy a hobbyist. The exact opposite of what he wants you to believe about himself. 60
Posted by Syler on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:27 | #
But I’m confused as to why the FBI is prosecuting him if he works for them. 61
Posted by Alex Linder on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:32 | # But I’m confused as to why the FBI is prosecuting him if he works for them. You need to read up on the FBI. Following the law is not one of their big concerns. Hal, it is my understanding, worked for them for a few years starting around 2002, if I recall from media reports. Some of his email exchanges with his handlers came out a couple years ago. Maybe they got tired of his antics, who knows. What we have seen, not just in his case, is that the left wishes to enjoy, alone, the prerogative of listing the addresses of right-wing or racist individuals and inciting others to attack them. The laws are not applied the same to WN as they are to jews, communists and leftists. 62
Posted by Baldwin de Cormier on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:33 | #
The FDR administration was packed with Communists, many of them Jews. It would be accurate to say that FDR’s was the most heavily Jewish in the nation’s history up to that point. Obviously this demographic fact of his administration played a large part in America’s involvement against WWII. That is not ahistorical claptrap but well-documented fact. 63
Posted by tc on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:34 | # Let us take this to the next logical step: What is Your definition of “the jews” Alex? 64
Posted by Baldwin de Cormier on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:39 | # 65
Posted by Alex Linder on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:43 | # Let us take this to the next logical step: What is Your definition of “the jews” Alex? That’s like asking what my definition of a grapefruit is - the implication is that it’s a subjective decision made by me rather than something objective in the real world. Jews are a genetic criminal clan masquerading as a religion. The only decision about them to be made is whether one drop is enough to make one (serious men have made this contention) or drawing the line where the National Socialists and the Israelis do, at the 1/4 grandparents level. 66
Posted by Alex Linder on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:56 | # u<But I’m confused as to why the FBI is prosecuting him if he works for them.</i> I wasn’t clear enough on this. Hal was NOT working for the FBI when arrested, and had not been for a least a couple years. 67
Posted by MB on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 06:13 | # Braun, I have read statements from you that were at least as “extreme” regarding the jewish problem. I’m surprised to see you turning on Linder for such. 68
Posted by PW on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 11:50 | # Linderite at heart? - your post was good, but why o’ why have you resigned yourself to Messianic attitudes? I figured you might be more intelligent than that. No long awaited Messiah is coming to save us—not Kalki, not the Second Coming of Jesus, not the Mahdi, or Maitreya, or Saoshyant, nor any of the other Messiahs which have been prophesied over the last few thousand years of human religious development. We are on our own, and we have to sort this mess out rationally and scientifically. 69
Posted by PW on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 14:14 | #
No it wasn’t. Millions of Jews escaped Europe to settle in nations all over the globe, spreading the Jewish plague even more worldwide. Basically, all the Nazis did was stir up the Jewish hornet’s nest. The USA alone received millions of Jewish immigrants from Europe during the 30s/40s/50s…how is that good? Other White nations like Australia, Argentina, Canada, South Africa, and so on also had to deal with a major influx of rootless Jews during the war years and post-war years, and those Jews eventually often fully or partially took over the economy and cultures in those countries too. I do not advocate wholesale extermination, but rather permanent containment and ghettoization of Jews within various designated territories and city-states worldwide (Israel, NYC, etc)—almost like forever imprisoning them in large open-air penitentiaries, permanently ghettoizing them. This worked in Old Europe for around 1,500 years, it was only in the 1700s-1800s when this policy was moronically relaxed and Jews were allowed to live outside of their designated ghettos. 70
Posted by Tanstaafl on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 15:20 | #
Add this one to the tried and failed list Linder provided above. 71
Posted by Baldwin de Cormier on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 15:44 | # May I ask to all the lily-livered “we must not hurt the poor dears” types: What’s wrong with wanting revenge for what has been done? Millions of my kinsmen died at the hands of these demons, and you people are concerned about “how we look.” Disgusting. If wanting revenge on the Jews for their megacidal harvests makes me a sociopath, then I’m Goddamned proud to be one. 72
Posted by Linderite at heart? on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 18:01 | # PW, As all Aryans are tiny manifestations of Brahma, the “one-who-returns” will simply be a human being who personifies the right characteristics at the right time. This agent of Fate will not be some bogeyman who descends from the skies, or a cultist who takes to the hills with his harem, but will demonstrate his worthiness through the only thing that matters: the deed. 73
Posted by Linderite at heart? on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 18:40 | # “Q: How can one be a rebel today? DV: How can one not! To exist is to defy all that threatens you. To be a rebel is not to accumulate a library of subversive books or to dream of fantastic conspiracies or of taking to the hills. It is to make yourself your own law. To find in yourself what counts. To make sure that you’re never “cured” of your youth. To prefer to put everyone up against the wall rather than to remain supine. To pillage whatever can be converted to your law, without concern for appearance.” - Dominique Venner 74
Posted by PW on Thu, 19 Nov 2009 22:08 | #
And what exactly do you think this “deed” is? 75
Posted by Linderite at heart? on Fri, 20 Nov 2009 00:03 | # PW, I was not referring to one particular deed, per se, but rather to a general process of cultural restoration. To paraphrase Evola, this man would embody within the temporal order a living and vibrant manifestation of the power that comes from “Above.” His natural sovereignty would increase as more and more people acknowledged his ontological rank. He will be like Goethe’s Faust: a man to whom nothing is given, yet for whom everything is possible. However, all of this is a digression, and I would prefer we cleave to the matter of concern to me. My initial post was meant to gauge the sincere opinion of MR readers on der Endlösung der Judenfrage, and I have yet to get a reply. Am I alone (aside from Linder) in believing that extirpation of Jews is an unpleasant but necessary imperative? Expulsion simply doesn’t work, although I wish it did. Any student of history can tell you that the presence of Jews in Europe has been characterized by cycles of extreme wealth followed by persecution. It’s time to stop this cycle for good. 76
Posted by Alex Linder on Fri, 20 Nov 2009 02:13 | # Here’s just a tiny scoop of the misery inflicted on Whites (in America AND BRITAIN) by the jews Hitler flushed into America. The fact of the matter is the jews have formally, professionally and deliberately, and under the rubric of science, created a knowledge base of techniques for destroying the white mind - brainwashing, spirit-breaking, menticide - whatever you want to call it. My counter-call for the extermination of this race is fully justified.
“K. Lewin, in our opinion, has been one of the most prominent psychologists to elucidate this question of ... the experimental disorganization of behavior. The method of his procedure - the introduction of an emotional setting into the experience of a human ... helped him to obtain an artificial disruption of the psyche of considerable strength ... Here the fundamental conception of Lewin is very close to ours.” After Lewin came to America in 1933, his work, The Topology of Psychology, launched what became known as the ‘Topology Group,’ a band of leading social psychologists. Under the cover of studying prejudice in children, primarily anti-semitism (which was a hot topic, with World War II in progress), he launched a host of well-funded studies that eventually led to the first American-based high-stress, spirit-breaking, encounter-style, behavior modification facility, the National Training Laboratory (NTL) in Bethel, Maine. The NTL later became formally aligned with the National Education Association (NEA). This and Lewin’s ‘sensitivity training’ changed America’s educational system and civil society forever, as acceptance of ‘encounter’ techniques by supposed bastions of the education establishment like the NEA, the Education Department, and even many churches served as further incentive to produce a new kind of child of the future, in which the rights of the child, as set forth in the famous document by the United Nations, superseded the rights of the parent and other adults. These rights, of course, included sexual and other ‘liberation’ that pushed children into adult roles before they were ready and without the maturity or guidance to assume such roles. We may recall from news reports that First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton continued this effort by strongly advocating early sexual training and liberation for children in her speeches to the Women’s Forum in Beijing, China, in 1997 [4]. Kurt Lewin was a primary figure in the wartime research that was later translated into the techniques used today in ‘sensitivity training.’ The only comprehensive biography on Lewin available anywhere was written by Alfred Jay Marrow [5]. This book describes Kurt Lewin as the key link in the Frankfurt School/Tavistock migration to America. Small group encounter methods have been expanded to reach an even higher goal - to influence masses of people through coordinated media techniques of thought control through polls, focus groups, and other propaganda mechanisms. Now, these techniques are being used nationwide to force military personnel, officer and enlisted, to accept the radical notion that women should engage in combat with an enemy as members of our armed forces. On a larger scale, they are being used on the American public to accept, encourage, and support such a notion. The techniques perfected by behavioral scientists to change our core beliefs aim at sowing confusion in the minds of those who would oppose such change. This confusion is created by presenting logical contradictions as equally plausible, valid, and actionable. Those without a strong belief system, be it empirical, scientific, religious, or logical are especially susceptible to the urgings of those who seek change. Those who have strong enough belief systems that enable them to challenge, refute, and oppose this change are coerced by small-group encounter techniques to conform to the ‘majority’ view as determined and sown by a ‘facilitator’ and supported by the core group of ‘believers’ plus the newly recruited ‘sheep’ who join the ‘majority’ group for fear of confrontation. If the challenger does not conform to the group pressure to adopt the ‘consensus’ view, he is further isolated from the group and/or discarded. He is never allowed to participate fully in the process thereafter. In the U.S. military, he is purged from service via the mechanism of his annual ‘efficiency report,’ thus blacklisted on his promotion to the next higher rank. According to Eakman [6], it was the Tavistock Institute that initiated ‘sensitivity training’ in the United Kingdom. Beginning in 1932, a psychiatrist and British military officer by the name of John Rawlings Rees headed England’s famous Tavistock Clinic, an outgrowth of the Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology, founded in 1920 and alive and well in London today. 77
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Nov 2009 15:32 | # After thinking about this the past several days since the subject came up here, listening to Alex Linder’s interview with GW, and considering the rest of what I’ve seen of Linder (recent interview with Jimmy Giles, old interview with MR Radio, posts of his I’m familiar with at his site others) I consider the specific piece of rhetoric in question to be just that, rhetoric. I see the claimed moral justification, namely they’re trying to exterminate us (which they are, that’s absolutely correct: not literally true of every Jewish footsoldier obviously, but literally true of the central core of Jews doing this to us, the most powerful ones, who consciously, explicitly in their minds, do absolutely see themselves as exterminating the Euro race — they view it as “white Christians”; we sometimes call it Eurochristians: they hate it and want to rid the world of it). Though they are trying to exterminate us, I consider this form of retaliatory rhetoric wrong and wrong-headed. But what it is is rhetoric. Alex, if you might be tempted to reply, please don’t, as I know exactly what you’ll say and it won’t change my position but will only prolong a somewhat agonizing facet of discussion. Finally: we didn’t start this. The Jews did. One hundred percent. Any unpleasantness that surfaces, such as the subject matter of the above specific discussion, is one thousand percent the fault of the Jews. No one was bothering them here in the 1880s, the 1920s, the 1960s, as they were toiling night and day to destroy us for no reason, not one reason on Earth, men like Emanuel Celler, Jacob Javits, the Frankfurt refugees, you could list a thousand Jewish names — no one was bothering the Jews in the U.S., Britain, France, Belgium, Holland, Canada, when they started their drive to harm us, do away with us, rid the world of us, wipe us out. The blame for anything unpleasant that gets discussed or otherwise is laid at their feet. We others don’t want any of this. Never did. Let it stop and we’ll all go home and never talk of it again as long as we live. But the Jews won’t let it stop. Does anyone think the Jew York Times will let it stop? Multiply that outfit by ten thousand: anyone think any portion of Jewry will let it stop? We on this side want it to stop. They, and no one else, are the aggressors, the instigators, the culprits. 78
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Nov 2009 15:49 | #
Lest the “single Jewish cause” debunkers start firing off rejoinders, I meant Jews and no one else are the instigators of “accusations from our side of major Jewish involvement.” I and everyone else sees the role of the Vatican, Lambeth Palace, the U.S. Lutherans, the homosexuals, the Bush-family-type and Windsor-royal-family-type WASP degenerate class, the gentile communists, and so on ad nauseam. I’ve posted hundreds nay probably thousands of comments on it all. Don’t confront me with any strawmen please, those who are tempted. I know the strawmen and I know the issues. Stick to the issue: no one’s here to waste time. 79
Posted by Bill on Fri, 20 Nov 2009 18:25 | # It’s all the rage these days to turn convention on its head, so let’s ask the question, if all the facilitators didn’t exist, would we still have this threat? (Or has this question already been asked?) And there’s this. Can we blame Jo six-pack for being what he is when he is obviously a manufactured product of liberalism? Jews plus zero equals Jews. Jews plus facilitators equals liberalism. 80
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 20 Nov 2009 19:56 | # Linderite at heart: Am I alone (aside from Linder) in believing that extirpation of Jews is an unpleasant but necessary imperative? I imagine so. It is grotesque to destroy a man for his ethnicity, particularly where guilt is ascribed on the basis of that ethnicity alone, since no man cannot choose to be other than he is. We are Europeans. We cannot be other than we are also. We cannot live like some murderous Asiatic potentate without doing violence to ourselves. We cannot divorce judgement from individual wrong-doing. 81
Posted by Dan Dare on Fri, 20 Nov 2009 20:34 | # Agreed GW. If the law is an ass our task is to transform it into a thoroughbred stallion, fit for purpose, not to send it to the knacker’s yard. Our heritage compels to us to do no less. 82
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 20 Nov 2009 21:03 | #
No. Organised Jews plus facilitated coercion equals Leviathan. In fact coercion is enough. Example, the LDS Church in Texas. 83
Posted by Mark on Sat, 21 Nov 2009 05:34 | # What’s more disturbing, reading Linder’s vulgar, reductionist, sociopathic rantings and repeated calls for genocide, or others who defend him and give him a pass? They say, oh, he’s just kidding, it’s rhetoric, it’s a minor personality flaw. It’s sad, like battered wife syndrome. Do you really consider people who behave like this your people? I don’t. GW, you were far more interesting to listen to in the interview. I hope you have more interesting guests on in the future. You hit rock bottom with that one, so it can only get better. Hunter Wallace would be a good guest. You mentioned Tom Sunic, who would be excellent. 84
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 04:58 | #
I have never called for the physical extermination Jews or any other group. Further, I have never advocated that any harm be done to Jews or any other group. Period. Guessedworker, I’m going to send you an email. 85
Posted by Ivan on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 09:02 | # “As for how we might physically accomplish this task, Dr. Pierce suggested dumping them into abandoned coal mines. I think this presents too great a risk of escape. Does that view make me a Linderite? A sociopath? I am genuinely interested to know. Am I alone (aside from Linder) in believing that extirpation of Jews is an unpleasant but necessary imperative?” (Linderite at heart?) No, you are not alone. I don’t know if your views make you a Linderite or not, but you sound perfectly normal to me. Just like George Rockwell and William Pierce sounded perfectly logical and perfectly normal to me. And I see straight line from George Rockwell to William Pierce to Alex Linder. But what I value even more than the absolute consistency of logic, exhibited by these three extraordinary personalities, is the valor, the openness, the sense of dignity and honor which they share. In 1941, when Germany invaded Russia, it took only a few minutes of the announcement of the beginning of the war in order for everybody to understand that this is a war for survival - either the Germans will kill us or we’ll kill the Germans. It’s not that complicated, it is not a rocket science, as they say, is it? Everybody understood it without long explanations and philosophical discussions. Nobody came out saying: Look brothers and sisters we shouldn’t be killing the Germans because it will make us look like Germans. So why is it so difficult to comprehend that annihilation of the enemy by whatever means necessary is the only logical conclusion that can be made by any normal human being when the enemy happens to be the Jew? What’s the difference? I’ll tell you what’s the difference if you don’t see it. The Jew is 100 times more dangerous and 1000 times more disgusting an enemy than the German could ever be. The German might kill you but he will not corrupt your soul. If Joe 6 pack new what the Jew is up to, he would instantly understood what Alex Linder is talking about and would back him up 100%, just like Germans did back Hitler when he came to power. The interesting question is - everybody (or almost everybody) in this forum has the knowledge and understanding what the Jew is up to, but almost nobody understands what Alex is talking about. Why is that? That’s a million dollar question. This forum started under the banner - can we trust Alex Linder, but I believe Alex turned it around - can I trust any of you guys. I do not see anybody around (and I looked hard) who could measure up to Alex in his potential to become a leader, a true leader; he is somebody the Jew undoubtedly will keep a close eye from now on. And I have no doubt that Alex understands that better than anybody else. God help him to withstand the psychological and all other pressures the Jew will put on him. God help him, even if he is a nonbeliever. From my point of view, he is the true believer - he believes in his kin and he believes in common sense. God help him. 86
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 09:27 | # What are the odds Ivan the Bogus Russian is an agent provocateur or Linder’s sock puppet? 87
Posted by Mark on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 11:56 | # Sycophantic provocateur I’d say. The expression in that post is too calm, and doesn’t including enough derangement and profanity to be Linder. 88
Posted by Ivan on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 17:23 | # What are the odds Ivan the Bogus Russian is an agent provocateur or Linder’s sock puppet? I guess this is not a question for me, so please forgive me if I comment on your comment to my comment. You ask a lot of questions, good questions. A smart person should ask questions, good for you, Friedrich Braun. And I have very little doubt, if any, that you are a smart person. But your smartness is somewhat different from GW’s type of smartness (and we know that GW is a sophisticated guy, he told us so - he is more sophisticated than Tom Sunic is). GM’s smartness is a smartness of an English snob for which I do not have much of a taste but it does not bother me - it is harmless. The name Friedrich Braun sounds very German to me but your smartness is not of German type either. So what are the odds that Friedrich Braun is a German? You see, Friedrich, theory of probability is my hobby, not your conventional theory of probability that is known today as Kolmogorov system, but the one originated by Bernoulli, Laplace, and Bayes. So I love that kind of questions. What are the odds, what is the degree of plausibility of this or that proposition? How does one make plausible inferences from a very limited information? Beautiful, I love that kind of staff. As Laplace succinctly put it: “The theory of probabilities is at bottom only common sense reduced to calculus; it makes us appreciate with exactitude that which exact minds feel by a sort of instinct without being able ofttimes to give a reason for it.” Edwin Jaynes, late American physicist, has advanced even broader view of things: probability theory as extended logic. You see, Friedrich, one doesn’t find who the other one is by asking question like who are your parents, how many kids do you have, what your parents think of you views etcetera. No doubt every piece of information is useful. But what I am trying to say is that if you want to understand a person all you need to do is to observe, to listen, and observe again. You see, Friedrich, human beings, normal human beings are more complicated than Jews give credit for. The strength of normal human beings is not in their smartness, although smartness is extremely important of course, the strength of normal human beings comes from something much deeper. But I wouldn’t expect your type of smartness to fully comprehend what I am talking about. You see, Friedrich, you and I have different mentalities, it is very difficult for us to understand each other, we have different priors, so to speak, not to mention different sets of values. Sycophantic provocateur I’d say. The expression in that post is too calm, and doesn’t including enough derangement and profanity to be Linder. Mark is another very smart, very perceptive guy of Friedrich Browns’s type. The not so subtle implication here is that Ivan is Linder. Pathetic. Mark, forgive my calm, but let me say without much of emotion: I do not like your name, especially when I put your name next to every comment you made in this thread. I don’t like it at all. 89
Posted by Ivan on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 01:46 | # Thank you for your kind words, Soren. I sense goodwill here. 90
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 02:04 | # Ivan: GM’s smartness is a smartness of an English snob for which I do not have much of a taste Not snobbery. Arrogance. I am given to using my own terminology which I do not always bother to explain. The explanation you are lacking is here: Thank you for your kind words, Soren. I sense goodwill here. Hope you are right. 91
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 02:21 | # The quickest way for this Web site to get shut down and for people to get thrown in jail is to to tolerate calls for the mass murder of Jews. Anyone who does that is either an agent provocateur or a sicko. In either case, I’d turf them and delete such calls. 92
Posted by Ivan on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 03:29 | # GW, I’m not sure if I read you correctly when you say “The explanation you are lacking is here” (incidentally, I have read that “explanation” before I posted my comment). Should I treat it as an explanation of why you consider yourself more advanced than Sunic? I do not think that something is terribly wrong in thinking that one is more advanced than somebody else, though it was a bit surprising to hear from a gentleman like yourself pronouncing it in a radio broadcast especially if you consider Tom Sunic as one of your good friends. Another surprise was (perhaps this one wasn’t such a big surprise, it was more in line with what I would have expected after I have listened your interview with Linder a second time) that you would seriously argue with Friedrich in ‘Friedrich Braun on the other approach to Jewry’ thread. It is difficult for me to imagine Alex doing that. I hope you and Alex can work together but my instincts tell me that’s not likely to happen. You have made a lot of good points in that, by the way excellent, interview. Especially I liked your take on Christianity and it’s relevance/ impact on the fate of Europeans. Nevertheless, I have to admit that after rereading my comment I can see clearly that I was, should I say, a bit mean - it wasn’t call for. I’m sorry for that. 93
Posted by AD on Fri, 27 Nov 2009 04:26 | # Fred Scrooby,
Well now, speaking of ahistorical claptrap. The truth of the matter is that Jew was hated from the minute he set foot on American soil. He wasn’t hated for anything he did—long before he was hated for his swindles he was hated for his looks. That’s what bothered Lothrop and Maddie. And the Jew, being of an intellectual bent, understood immediately that those concerns were legitimate; and being fearful, he figured it was only a matter of time before those views filtered through the rank and file and did the Jews in. And the Jew was also hurt: Why, he asked, must the white man make so much of race? We are not bad people, why must he hate us so? There are other things in life besides race, are there not? Why should we not concern ourselves with those, and put aside what cannot be altered? Those were simple, eminently reasonable requests, and they were honored. But the rise of the Nazi proved there would be no respite from white hatred, none at all. So the simple, eminently reasonable requests eventually transmuted into sly and cunning manipulation—Come, come, my dear; why don’t you and this nigger have sex?—driven always foremost by fear, and only then by a self-deception born not so much of resentment as of sheer necessity, for peace of mind is plainly difficult to come by in a world in which the racist’s truth prevails. Ivan,
Yes, but they never said they had to kill every single German. 94
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Fri, 27 Nov 2009 04:42 | # But the rise of the Nazi proved there would be no respite from white hatred, none at all. Why conflate Whites with Nazis when the overwhelming majority of Whites fought Nazis? The Nazis, as in party membership, were also a minority in Germany. 95
Posted by Ivan on Fri, 27 Nov 2009 08:44 | # Yes, but they never said they had to kill every single German By Scrooby’s standards, the above is surprisingly weak argument. I know you can do much better than that, Fred. But I definitely appreciate that your argument was short, please keep it that way. Yes, it is absolutely true (to my knowledge i.e.) - no Russian ever said we had to kill every single German. Here is an interesting quote for you: An even more specific and immediate cause of the atrocities committed against the German population of East Prussia was the Soviet hate propaganda which deliberately incited the Soviet troops to rape and murder - even to murder German infants. The chief of the Soviet propaganda commissars was a hate-filled Jew named Ilya Ehrenburg. One of his directives to the Soviet troops read: “Kill! Kill! In the German race there is nothing but evil; not one among the living, not one among the yet unborn but is evil! Follow the precepts of Comrade Stalin. Stamp out the fascist beast once and for all in its lair! Use force and break the racial pride of these German women. Take them as your lawful booty. Kill! As you storm onward, kill, you gallant soldiers of the Red Army.” The above quote is from: Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff. I hope I can be excused for quoting to much of Dr. Pierce. 96
Posted by AD on Fri, 27 Nov 2009 17:19 | # Ivan, Your argument was that you should play tit-for-tat: Germans wanted to kill you, so you had to respond by killing the Germans. Fine. But the Jew is not “killing” you; he is only contributing to factors that are not conducive to long-term racial existence. Whatever you estimate the proper reaction to such actions should be it’s not as mindlessly simple as you originally claimed. Yes, I’m aware of that Ehrenburg quote. I read it in “Defeat in the East,” by Jurgen Thorwald. Terrible suffering. Will it be repeated? I hope not. 97
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 27 Nov 2009 17:53 | #
Ivan, as you can already tell (since he’s already made his rejoinder to you), it wasn’t I who made the argument, but AD. AD stands for Accidental Dissent, a blog, , the blogger known as “Silver.” 98
Posted by Ivan on Fri, 27 Nov 2009 18:48 | # AD and Fred, 99
Posted by aryan, croat, slav or ashkenazi khazar jew? on Tue, 14 Dec 2010 05:05 | # Linder is a Jewish name. Do research on Ashkenazi Khazar Jewish names, Linder is one of them. Look at his features. Does he look Nordic or white European? Does he look like he came from the middle east?? There is an Anita Linder in Israel who is on the Jew Shit List. Why isn’t Alex Linder on it? Just because Abe Foxman spews at him could mean it’s all a Jewish trick, the Jews are always confusing the “goyim”, the gentiles. Fake opposition, fake fights. The gentiles think logically and the Jews are always a few steps ahead. Research the Croatian Ustashi. They were supposedly “Aryan Catholic Croats” but in fact, most were Jews who brutally murdered the Serbs with kosher, Talmudic slaughter and torture. Ante Pavelic, the leader, was married to a Jewess and he had a penchant for Serbian children’s eyeballs. Jasenovac was the death camp and they specialized in women and children. Kvaternik, Macek, Jewish Ustashi dressed up as Croatian Aryan Catholic priests did the killings. Kvaternik said “for the Serbs and Jews we have bullets”. Alex Linder has almost quoted exactly Slavko Kvaternik, the Croat Jewish Ustasa butcher of the Serbs. Jews murder their own people and they convince gentiles to murder each other. Josip Frank, a Jewish intellectual, convinced the “Aryan” Croats that they are descended from Ostrogoths and Romans and that their Serbian neighbors are Slavic untermenshcen, sub human animals. Racial theories right from the Talmud. The Jews oldest ploy is to divide and conquer the gentiles, pitting one group against the other and convincing them to slaughter each other. The Jews knew very well that Croats wanted independence from the Serbian empire and played along and gave the Croats what they wanted in return for a Catholic church, Jewish dominated New World Order. Popes are Jews too (Ratzinger is an German Ashkenazi name, Pope John Paul’s mother was a Katz, a Jewess, etc.) Today’s Croatian leadership, the HDZ party was led by Jew posing as a Croatian Aryan nationalist, late Dr. Franjo Tudjman, and former president, Ivo Sanader, was a Jew, and current members are Jews. Names that end in “er”, “el” “man”, “schwartz”, for example, are not Croatian or Slavic, they are Ashkenazi or German Jewish or Russian/Polish/Urkainian Jewish. Holocaust denial is another Jewish trick. The holocaust happened and yes it is exaggerrated and used to extort money for Jews only, but the Slavic victims are ignored just as the Croatian Catholic Ashkenazi Jewish genocide against the Serbs is ignored, and they never mention that Jews in Washington supported their Jewish led Croatian government in its ethnic cleansing of the Serbian population in the Krajina, Military Frontier land. Remember through history, Jews lead the opposition and control all sides, that includes the fascists as well as the communistis and all the “ISTS”. Why do you think the Mossad allowed Milivoj Aser, to live this long? He was a Croatian Ustashi who slaughtered Serbs, along with Jews and others. Because Croatia and the Catholic church are controlled by the Jews and their Rothschilds banking family Kings. The elite Aryan Croat fascists are Ashkenazi Jews who look very Germanic because they ARE German Jews mixed with Croats, Mishlinge, and they supported the Muslims and Albanians against the Serbs in WW2, and again in the 1990s yet they claim white aryan racial purity, but claim muslims and albanians are crap. Lots of double speak. You’ll notice that whenever a Jew exposes the crimes of their fellow AshkeNAZI Jews, they are dismissed as Jew trolls and infiltrators. Connect the dots. Notice that Ante Pavelic does NOT LOOK NORDIC at all just like Alex LindER. Chamish/article_archive/2005/jul_05.html Chamish/html/jews_murder_jews.html (it looks like they took this down, this is the best web site about this subject) Who benefits from hiding it?? 100
Posted by aryan, croat slav or ashkenazi khazar jew? on Tue, 14 Dec 2010 16:35 | # Canada’s Princess Patricia Light Infantry in the town of Medak, the Province of Lika, home of Serbs including Nikola Tesla 101
Posted by aryan, croat slav or ashkenazi khazar jew? on Thu, 16 Dec 2010 07:49 | # Linder does not allow any discussion or pics of Ante Pavelic on VNN, yet he speaks like him and looks like him, black hair, black bushy eyebrows, black eyes, a true Turkic Jew with psychopathic eyes, speech and deeds. Why is Linder protecting him? Maybe he’s a relative. 102
Posted by jon thames on Thu, 12 Apr 2012 06:50 | # Mr. Braun has an unfortunate habit of playing psychologist. Psychologists classify every behavior and point of view they dislike as a “syndrome”. Mr. Linder is, I believe, entirely accurate that Jews should be exterminated as the only workable method of dealing with them. That most whites would never agree does not make Mr. Linder wrong; it merely makes him impracticable. Post a comment:
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Posted by Red Mercury on Mon, 16 Nov 2009 23:22 | #
“Alex, are you a Jewish informant?” would be popular amongst certain portions of the online WN audience.