Reasons to be cheerful, Part 4 Here are some interesting and even some good news stories from the Brit media. Lead story in the Times:-
Go Donald Tusk, I suppose. Meanwhile in London, Evening Standard journalist Andrew Gilligan’s widely reported campaign to expose corruption among Ken Livingstone’s allies has born fruit. Fearful of the political capital to be made out of it in the run-up to May’s Mayoral Election, Livingstone has been forced to suspend his voluble race-ace Lee Jasper, and call in the police to investigate:-
Elsewhere in South London egg appears to be flying towards the faces of everyone who instantly decided that the breaking of eight rather large windows ... ... at the new Stephen Lawrence Centre in Deptford was a “racist act”. The on-line edition of something called the News Shopper reports:-
Shame really. The Stephen Lawrence juggernaut is an anti-English political movement and, no doubt, a honeypot for anti-English activists and English-haters of all races. Had this faultless saint’s building been damaged by politically-aware Englishmen it would have been an act of political resistance. Still criminal damage, of course. But down the years there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of criminal acts in the name of politics by the vandalistic, English-hating left. Source for the goose. Lastly, the Independent is so hard up for new hooks upon which to hang its anti-racism, it’s been reduced to this
I never knew the fashion puffery had it in them.
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 17:49 | #
“Racist act,” I dunno, but “act of desperation” born of a desire to defend human beings against unpalatable soul-destroying architecture, I can see. Did everyone get a look at that Stephen Lawrence Center in the photo? How can anyone put up a building like that or, once it’s up, expect locals not to throw rocks at it, those locals who still possess souls? OK, OK, I’m exaggerating, people shouldn’t throw rocks, but did everyone see that monstrosity of a building? Have mercy, for pity’s sake!! We have to look at stuff like that as we walk around town?? Forget “water-boarding,” just force the terrorists to look at the Stephen Lawrence Center, they’ll “talk” soon enough! What are these “moderns” doing to our physical surroundings?? What are they trying to do to our brains?? To our souls?? (Whatever it is, it appears they’re succeeding!) 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 18:01 | #
I’ve just looked it up — the Geneva Conventions strictly forbid getting POWs to “talk” by showing them pictures of the Stephen Lawrence Center and refusing to take the pictures away until they agree to divulge what they know. That’s considered way too cruel and has been declared to be as unacceptable as pulling teeth, tearing out fingernails, making them read a column by Johan Hari, or playing Garth Brooks, Michael Bolton, or Barry Manilow CDs. So ... I guess it’s back to water-boarding ... 4
Posted by onlooker on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 18:36 | # “Forget ‘water-boarding,’ just force the terrorists to look at the Stephen Lawrence Center” Worse yet, make them stare at this beast: 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 18:40 | # That’s outlawed by the Geneva Conventions too, Onlooker. Way too “cruel and unusual,” their ruling said. (I’m sure I saw that online somewhere; I’ll try to find the link ...) Meanwhile, a reason to be cheerful on this side of the pond. 6
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 19:14 | # That picture of Leona Helmsley, some sadist in the CHEKA once proposed using that and Lavrenti Beria ruled it out immediately as too inhuman — rumor had it that just thinking about it gave Beria nightmares for six months. 7
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 19:24 | # The Stephen Lawrence juggernaut is an anti-English political movement and, no doubt, a honeypot for anti-English activists and English-haters of all races. No need for “no doubt”. That centre must have put a few bob in a few deserving pockets. Replacing the windows will put more. And if your rule for white-bashing incidents is cherchez le Chosen One (as it should be), here he is: Richard Stone, chairman of the Jewish Council for Racial Equality, was a member of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry team which recommended that the government consider changing the double jeopardy rule. Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation Yesterday Richard Stone, an adviser to Sir William Macpherson in the Stephen Lawrence inquiry, said he was horrified by the attack on the centre. “The killers of Stephen are still at large in south-east London. They hate black people getting on in life. I feel devastated for Doreen and Neville [Stephen’s father], who put so much into the building which has become a target. It just suggests there are people out there who are filled with hate.” He called for a review of the 1999 Lawrence report, which concluded that institutional racism within the Metropolitan police had hampered attempts to catch the killers, to investigate whether racism in institutions and British society was being reduced. 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 21:00 | # Is there a Kris Donald Center in the U.K.? If so, good, that’s as it should be, and furthermore there should be ten of them for every Stephen Lawrence Center. And if not, WHY NOT? Regarding the treacherous likes of Richard Stone: Eurosphere Jews, as is by now abundantly clear to every Euro with eyes, will always side with non-whites against whites. Euros who don’t realize this (as I, amazingly enough, didn’t till not too long ago) need to learn it. Why do Jews unfailingly side with non-whites against Euros? Simple: they hate Euros. Do they themselves have any particular love for non-whites? No. None. So, it’s purely on the basis of, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”? Right, you’ve got it exactly. Why do they hate Euros? Same reason Hutus and Watusis can’t stand each other, Germans and Poles can’t, Palestinians and Israeli Jews can’t, Greeks and Turks can’t, and Prods and Catholics in NI can’t: it’s tribal. What can Euros do to protect themselves? They can figure out that the Jews doing it, for starters. 10
Posted by Englander on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 22:04 | # According to wiki, there is now: “An annual architectural award, the Stephen Lawrence Prize, (which) was established by the Royal Institute of British Architects in Lawrence’s memory.” This is because the teenage Lawrence wanted to be an architect. Next there’ll be naming a wing of NASA after a slain negro who wanted to be an astronaut. The Stephen Lawrence center is for ‘underprivileged’ youths, so perhaps the damage was simply carried out by some of those same youths in the way that these scum tend to trash their youth clubs and schools whenever they get the chance. 11
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 22:21 | # Why do they [Jews] hate Euros? Same reason Hutus and Watusis can’t stand each other, Germans and Poles can’t, Palestinians and Israeli Jews can’t, Greeks and Turks can’t, and Prods and Catholics in NI can’t: it’s tribal. No, it’s more than tribal, Fred. It’s predator-and-prey or parasite-and-host. Mutually hostile tribes generally want to live free of the enemy tribe; Jews want (and need) to live-with-and-dominate. 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 23:02 | # Nux is right. Euros have to insist on separate countries for themselves and Jews. Jews won’t like it — they’ll insist in living in Euro countries — but Euros should be firm. Jews have to grow legs so they can be free-standing like every other group. Right now they’re not free-standing but are dependent on a parasite-host mode of existence. Like the cuckoo they invade the nest but instead of pushing the host egg or baby bird out and taking its place as the cuckoo does, they do the equivalent of pushing the parents out, that is, host élites, and taking their place. Israel was supposed to change that. It hasn’t and doesn’t look as if it’s going to: for one thing, Jews don’t want to live there, they want to live here. They have to be made to understand that they can’t live here, for the simple reason they sooner or later try to kill the host society, even unto the host race itself, no matter how good the intentions were of their grateful original settler generation: the instinct to kill the host society and even to wipe the host out racially emerges in succeeding generations even where the original settler generation wouldn’t have dreamt of behaving in such a shocking way. I’d give the Jews territories more than sufficient to have as their country: either most of the state of Florida or half the state of California. That’s way more land than any nation of five million needs. Let them live there, apart from Euros and let Euros live on lands reserved in turn for them, apart from Jews who don’t know how to behave in a majority-Euro country. I learned a Latin saying the other month when I was translating something. Roughly, it’s “If you’d kept quiet you’d still be thought a philosopher” (Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses.) Paraphrasing this for the Jews, one could say to them, “If you hadn’t tried to kill us, you’d still be welcome in our lands.” 13
Posted by Maguire on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 23:23 | # Fred, “either most of the state of Florida or half the state of California.” Florida has too much fresh water and is thus too valuable for agriculture and biomass energy and fuels production. I vote for the lower half of California, plus the Island of Manhattan remodeled on Escape From New York lines. As Israel Shamir observed, the example of the Palestinians proves the coming North American Jewish State need not be geographically contiguous. Out west we can arrange to use up the Colorado River before it gets to lower California. Don’t forget, the California Ranchero Jews will need some economic basis for their existence. Monopolizing and selling scarce fresh water to Mexicans will meet their aptitudes for real production (none) and arbitraging shortages of life essential commodities (unlimited). Maguire 14
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 23:42 | #
Right I think GW pointed this out in a log entry a while back, how when the victim of one of these tragedies is a Negro we always see sympathetic accounts of the dreams he was said to have for his future, along with obvious inflations (GW didn’t say “obvious inflations” but I’m saying it) of his potential for realizing them, while white victims never merit any such posthumous memorialization whatsoever. With white victims it’s the strict cut-and-dried minimum and get the article over as fast as possible; with Negroes it’s prolonged dwelling on what we’re always assured was once-in-a-generation intellectual promise cut short, and so on. You see it in the intoduction to the Wiki article on Stephen Lawrence. If you look up the article on Kris Donald you see nothing of the kind. But fourteen-year-old Kris Donald must’ve had dreams too. (Did he dream of being an architect? We’re never told.) And there must’ve been potential in him also, potential that was cut short by his murder, his truly horrific and unspeakable torture and snuffing-out at age fourteen, chosen purely at random by non-whites for murder, a completely inoffensive and innocent schoolboy plucked off the street. And if the Jewish-controlled newspapers and media won’t memorialize this boy to that meagre extent, we others will nevertheless think of it and remember it about him ... and remember, too, I hope I don’t need to add, those with media control who refused to show this boy’s memory even that much respect. 15
Posted by Bret Ludwig on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 02:54 | # I’d offer the Jews the entire Florida peninsula if they’d give up all claims to Israel except for a third share of Jerusalem. In the deal, all Jews would have to leave the rest of this country No Jews in New York, none in Hollywood. (Such a deal. ) A number of other combinations could be considered, but the Prime Directive needs to be cutting Jewish media power and Jewish finance out of the US. 16
Posted by Robert ap Richard on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 05:42 | # “If you hadn’t tried to kill us, you’d still be welcome in our lands.” How about, “Utinam ne nos temptaveritis interficere, nunc in terris nostris accepti sitis.” 17
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 13:54 | # That sounds straight out of Vergil, Robert ap Richard. Good job. 18
Posted by Fr. John on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 16:16 | # Worse yet, make them stare at this beast: I don’t know who this is, but she’s a Jew, right? 19
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 16:37 | # Fred. John Standing just altered the intro text on that Wiki page from “who was stabbed to death in a racially-motivated attack” to “who was stabbed to death in an alleged racially-motivated attack”, which is the honest truth. Watch it change back. 20
Posted by ROBERT CROSS on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 17:16 | # What happened to the madagascar idea,the jews can not interfere with any-one down there.As for st steve,wonderful with wattle and dawb i understand,the african “gaudi” 21
Posted by onlooker on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 17:44 | # “I don’t know who this is, but she’s a Jew, right?”—Fr. John That’s the late Jewess billionaire, Leona Helmsley, the notorious Queen of Mean. That photo caught her in one of her more cheerful moods ... it was right before she flew away on her broom. 22
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 19:34 | # John Standing just altered the intro text on that Wiki page from “who was stabbed to death in a racially-motivated attack” to “who was stabbed to death in an alleged racially-motivated attack”, which is the honest truth. Watch it change back. The place is crawling with Grauniad-readers and whatever the US equivalent is. P.S. Hope no-one’s going to take this the wrong way, but the thread above does strike the lingering liberal in me as slightly bonkers at times. Larry Auster has an interesting thread at the moment that might be relevant. Verb. sap. 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 23:42 | #
The VFR entry and thread which Nux links counsels against long-windedness by thread commenters so, since my comments in the present thread are the longest-winded, Nux must be pointing diplomatically at me. He’s right. That’s a major fault of mine. I keep telling myself to re-read and pare things down more before posting. I’ll keep working on that. Thanks. But I don’t get what bothers “the lingering liberal” in Nux or strikes him as “slightly bonkers.” Is it the part about saying Euros and Jews shouldn’t live together in the same countries? That’s come to be my view over just the past two years or so, maybe a bit longer, based on the obvious fact that the things Jews and Euros respectively want make the other miserable — for example, public Christmas and open borders: the former makes Euros happy and Jews miserable, the latter the reverse (open borders make Jews happy and Euros miserable). Why not have separate countries then, instead of each group making the other miserable? That’s bonkers? National Socialist Israel doesn’t think so — it very carefully keeps everything Jewish, just the way it, and Jews, like it. National Socialist Japan either and ditto, mutatis mutandis. Add Vietnam, China, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and lots of others to the list. 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 01:49 | # The Jews are OK with discrimination against women as long as it’s part of getting the Euro race and culture replaced. 25
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:52 | # It’s the tone and length rather than the content that strike me as slightly bonkers. I know the dire situation isn’t easy to take quietly, but there are fish to catch who are easily scared away. Maybe MR should hand out pairs of these to new members: Peril Sensitive Sunglasses Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses have been specially designed to help people develop a relaxed attitude to danger. At the first hint of trouble, they turn totally black and thus prevent you from seeing anything that might alarm you. 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 17:41 | # Nux, what you desire are brief, light comments. You feel the curious will be frightened away by comment length and seriousness. But can’t they just skip the ones they don’t like? Every comments thread will include lots of the sort of light, brief posts you call for. 27
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 18:51 | # No, I don’t say replies have to be X or Y, but the longer and more repetitive they are, the less effective they will tend to be. Can you not become a writer here or start your own blog? 28
Posted by onlooker on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 19:27 | # I just heard Rush Limbaugh read this excellent peice on his show, and thought I’d pass it on: Post a comment:
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Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:04 | #
There are now definitely more Poles going back to Poland.
And what about non-Euros?
This “good” news about Poles doesn’t strike me as good if the employment environment of GB thereby becomes better for invaders from non-Euro countries. It’s a simple matter of ethnic genetic interests.