Richard Barnbrook resigns party whip in the Greater London Authority Richard Barnbrook has announced on his blog that he has resigned the BNP whip in the GLA because of the persistent allegations of financial impropriety at the top of the party:
Barnbrook’s gesture followed hard on the heels of another elected BNP councillor, Graham Partner, resigning the whip to sit as an independent on Leicestershire County Council and for North West Leicestershire District Council. It appears that there is a continuing impetus for reform inside and outside the party. This has to be allowed to run its course. If it does not produce change ... if Griffin and his aids retain their grip on the party, then minds will turn to the necessity of establishing an alternative party. The next few months are going to be critical for nationalism in this country. Comments:2
Posted by Bill on Sat, 14 Aug 2010 09:51 | # In the space of a brief few months, the fortunes of the British National Party have roller coasted from high expectations of onwards and upwards at the approach of the May General Elections to the shock and awe of disintegration we are witnessing today. It is not my intention here to catalog the events spanning this period - as they have been adequately dealt with elsewhere on this blog. It is a glimpse into the immediate future that is now needed, just to get a feeling of where events might be heading. British summer holiday-time is always a time for political inactivity, so it came as rather a surprise to learn of the emergence of a self destruction exercise being carried out among the ranks of the BNP. In full public display. Perhaps it is worth mentioning, that as far as I’m aware, this very public display of attempted suicide has gone completely unreported by the mainstream media. Which is food for thought in itself. Someone here raised the point this is not the time to lionise the now established upstart English Defence League. Not that I was aware that anyone had attempted to so. Who are the EDL? I must confess this organisation has crept up on me rather unaware, so I thought I would give them a quick Google.
I was soon beginning to wonder where the EDL ends and the BNP begins. The next fixture for the EDL is to be ‘played’ is on the 28th of August 2010 at Bradford, which IMO is fortuitous inasmuch it will show ant immigration sentiment in sharp relief at a time of waning BNP fortunes. At this moment in time British nationalists cannot afford the luxury of dismissing the EDL as lightweight and of having no clout in the anti immigration awareness stakes. For the moment, the EDL could well fill the vacuum that the BNP’s strategy has so obligingly provided. It will be interesting to see how the media react to the Bradford fixture, always provided the authorities allow the event to proceed. If in the barren landscape of immigration awareness the EDL continues to maintain momentum, then the enemy of my enemy is my friend. All we can do is wait and watch. 3
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 14 Aug 2010 10:47 | # At the British Democracy Forum, meanwhile, there are posts on disillusionment: ... and the new party contingency: ... and the insolvency issue: 4
Posted by Bill on Sat, 14 Aug 2010 12:54 | # An increasing interest of mine is trying to gauge and assess the impact of our precious postmodern information tool the Internet is on the real world. It is intriguing to try and gauge how accurate our etheric thoughts and trends are reflected in the real world out there. Having said that, I have opined on numerous occasions that the real world is the virtual, and the virtual is the real world we live in. Where do we go to access the truth? The Internet or the MSM? For example, I have mentioned (above 8.51AM) that only as recent as May this year, it was not unreasonable for BNP supporters to be quietly confident of BNP progress or even gains - maybe the odd member of parliament. From where did BNP supporters derive this confidence? It certainly wasn’t from the MSM, as their unusual tactics of blanking/erasing the BNP from being existent in the election process - ensured complete censorship. So where did this confidence spring from? Well, we now know it was the Internet which provided the optimism. So it was not unnatural to assume this confidence reflected the mood in the real world. However, it proved disastrously false. So why the disparity? The participating numbers engaged in seeking information on the Internet is grossly unrepresentative of the wider public at large, and as a result, reflected trends can prove wide of the mark, hopes are raised and dashed and we are left scratching our collective heads as to how could this be? It is difficult to know how many people consciously and actively seek out political information on the Internet, one suspects that it is a minuscule portion of the population at large, and of that proportion itself, tends to gravitate to areas of their own comfort zones, thereby simply having their perceptions confirmed. We’re all singing from the same page. Do we recognise ourselves here? I too have been following the BNP discussion forums from which it is too easy to to assume gut feelings and trends, within the party, but when you count the actual numbers participating it reveals a pitiful few, usually comprising of the same old faces. For instance, take the Eddie Butler challenge blog. All in all, I felt overtime, Eddie was doing well, his case for challenge seemed sound. As time went on I thought he was in with a shout. When the result was announced it turned out Eddie came nowhere. All of which indicates (to me) that I was basing my evidence simply on Eddies blog. Not really taking into account the mass of party members voters who simply either did not have access to a PC, or didn’t participate on line at all. In conclusion, what I am trying to convey is my faith in the ability of the Internet to sway public opinion has taken a knock. The recent General Election proved conclusively to me that as things are at present, the Internet’s ability to sway millions of people is extremely limited and therefore we must not delude ourselves into thinking we are making a huge difference. The MSM is still supremely in control with little sign (in Britain) of weakening, so it is out on the streets of Britain where attention can be gained and it is where the EDL and the BNP can get their voices heard. 5
Posted by Angry Beard on Sat, 14 Aug 2010 14:37 | # Right you are Bill. We musn’t forget the BNP’s unexpected breakthrough in the 2009 Euro election (fought under a PR system - this THE crucial factor that has stymied nationalism in post-war British politics), in which Griffin and Brons won a seat apiece.That WAS a watershed moment in nationalist politics, previously the BNP never scored above the the odd parish councillor, who always but always woyld be ejected come next election. 6
Posted by jamesUK on Sun, 15 Aug 2010 00:47 | # The problem apart from Norman Lowell’s Imperium Europa is that all the political parties are boring with no big ideas apart from the immigration issue. 7
Posted by Mark Dawson on Sun, 15 Aug 2010 17:23 | # glad u wrote that jamesUK. i find the same now im back in the uk. in malta we were fighting for an idea and not just against those nasty foreigners. here in sunny stoke there seems to be no ideological drive at all. on the other hand this right wing eu grouping looks promising as a starter to a nova europa group that would lay the foundations of an imperium. 8
Posted by Gorboduc on Mon, 16 Aug 2010 01:36 | # Can’t work out from jamesUK’s reference whether or not IMPERIUM EUROPA is seen as something apart from the problem,or as something endemic to it. Make up your own mind. Go here, Go to the ART section, and reverently contemplate Norman’s deathless masterpieces. Don’t be perturbed by the apparently high prices - I assure you that my second favourite, PLAYFUL BOOBS IN SWIMMING POOL is a steal at the price, but others may prefer to own TOMATOE (sic) ON BLUE PLATE, MACHO BECKONS MASOCHIST, or THAT BULGE. My first favourite is of course the one that we ALL want to own RAGING BULL SODOMISES CLOISTERED NUN. Perhaps this highly individual and sensitively-handled masterpiece will form the centrepiece of a NEW EUROPEAN GALLERY. How can the New Right fail? 9
Posted by Revolution Harry on Mon, 16 Aug 2010 21:32 | # Anyone placing great hopes in the EDL need to read this piece by Gilad Atzmon. 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Aug 2010 01:57 | # Commenting on Revolution Harry’s link just above: Jews like Gilad Atzmon and Jews who support them are liberals. Liberal Jews are a great rarity. Examples of Jewish liberals would be Gilad Atzmon (typical sample: ), “MondoWeiss,” Norman Finkelstein, Ran HaCohen (typical sample: ), Noam Chomsky. Jews like Alan Dershowitz, Abe Foxman, and the Jews behind and in support of “Genocide by Pesach,” amounting to 95% of the U.S. Jewish community, whose destructive, indeed genocidal behavior Lawrence Auster wrongly explains by saying they’re liberals, aren’t liberals but Jewish nationalists waging tribal war agaisnt what they see as a tribal enemy, Eurochristians. Post a comment:
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Posted by Angry Beard on Sat, 14 Aug 2010 09:09 | #
I can’t help thinking that the BNP is coing under sustained attack - by hidden and sinister hands.