Richard Warman, friend of the thoughtful nationalist My thanks to Micheal R for this link, an article by the near-libertarian Jewish-Russian-American blogger Eugene Volokh.
Volokh continues:-
Well, as Leviathan approaches the demands made of dissident expression can only increase. The only alternative to being silenced is learning to speak in ways that defeat Mr Warman’s best efforts. In February of this year in another Canadian court in which Paul Fromm was present, this time as the defendant’s lawyer, a judgement was made against Terry Tremaine, (who had been accused of posting “hate” at Stormfront). In his judgement Member Doucet noted, “Freedom to express one’s idea ceases to be freedom of expression or opinion when it is used to stand in the way of the promotion of equality. Freedom of expression ceases to be a fundamental characteristic of democratic values when it becomes a vehicle for the promotion of hate.” Clearly, the Fromm judgement goes a step further, laying down not just that government-approved ideology limits free expression, but that Canadians’ speech must follow that ideology. This is a moral Year Zero. One is entitled to wonder what the next turn of the screw will bring. Comments:2
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 04:15 | # I hope Mr. Fromm appeals. Warman is a homosexual who’s offended by what normal White people think of his lifestyle. This is a personal struggle for him. The Jewish Asper family owns The Ottawa Citizen (as well as most Canadian media). The laudatory articles published by that rag about the crusading sodomite has something to do with that fact, I think. Of course, spewing hate against Muslims and Arabs, while worshipping Zionists and Israel, on a daily basis is just par for the course. That fact never bothered the sexual deviant too much. Who funds sodomite Warman? I believe that he has spend around $30,000 on these trials. Probably a lot more now. Where does he take the money? If you’re a White Nationalist you cannot get justice in Canada. If you hold Mr. Fromm’s views, you’re already a loser before entering a courtroom, so it’s just a waste of time. Mr. Fromm couldn’t win a case if the issue revolved around whether 2 + 2 = 4. In such an instance, a Canadian court would find a way of saying that 2+2 = something else than 4. 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 05:53 | #
Jews laud homosexuals who push the homosexualist agenda (as opposed to discreet homos who live their lives privately without parading before society at large what society at large doesn’t want paraded before its face constantly) because that agenda overturns Euro society, a society Jews hate for the reason that it exludes them, they feel (the wise Jews realize it doesn’t exlude them if they come to a few simple, harmless accommodations with it and refrain from trying to destroy it, but few Jews are wise). Diaspora Jewry feels toward Euro society what Hesbollah feels toward Israeli society: hates it with a passion and wants it done away with. The well-known Jewish attraction to universal societal poisons such as homosexualism, marxism, multiculti, open borders for Euros (closed ones for Israel), race-denial, women’s lib, Negroes, Puerto Ricans, race-replacement, Euro-Negro miscegenation, and so forth, isn’t a principled attraction of course but the attraction a fighter feels for a weapon wherewith to smite his enemies. Jewish attraction toward these things is none other than Jewish nationalism. 4
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 05:57 | #
Excellent question. Anyone know who funds him? 5
Posted by Canada Firster on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 06:54 | # Nobody knows except Warman and his paymaster(s), but appears to be organizations affiliated with Canadian Jewry. The man hasn’t had an official job for years, it seems. 6
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 07:56 | # The censoring of 19 year old Jessica Beaumont, and her postings at Stormfront, is another Warman/CHRC victory. Part of her message, though possibly the least eggregious, in the eyes of the Commission, was the following; Paul Fromm Support Marc Lemire’s Constitutional Challenge to Overturn This Evil Law Be part of our team and contribute what you can to defeat this horrible law and protect Freedom of Speech in Canada ! • Via Mail: Send Cheque or Money Order to: Canadian Association for Free Expression, 7
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 11:39 | # Fred, Richard Warman denies that he is Jewish, though whether that denial is only of an attachment to Judaism I don’t know. He doesn’t look particularly Jewish, and if he says he isn’t, then we should leave it at that. His zeal and the objective nature of what he’s doing render him a tool of Jewish ethnic interests. And, indeed, he works closely with B’nai Brith of Canada, and has received the Saul Hayes Human Rights Award from the Canadian Jewish Congress for “distinguished service to the cause of human rights”. So the point is a bit academic, perhaps. Friedrich, In banging on about “sodomite Warman” you are providing an example of exactly why he prospers in his campaign. It is self-indulgent and self-defeating to allow any degree of anger to speak for you. His approach is strictly legalistic, and like it or not, everybody within his range of fire needs to take account of that, rein in the indiscipline and argue only from factual, moral, political and philosophical perspectives. I am by no means convinced that Warman is a wholly bad thing for Canadian white nationalism. The neo-Nazi, Adolf stuff and the noisy Judeo- and other minority phobias are weights around the neck of any movement that seeks to be taken seriously. Warman lays down a challenge to white nationalism: Get serious! Grow up! It shouldn’t be impossible to respond accordingly even in the present Canadian legal dispensation. If, of course, the thought-prescription - not just proscription - that is visibly emerging from the Fromm and Tremaine judgements proceeds to full fruition, that’s another matter. It’s one step away from Stalinism, that step being government coercion to work only for “equality”. Canadian society ceases to be pluralistic at that point, and becomes totalitarian. The rebellious and the incorrect could quite expect to find themselves relocated to a new Gulag dotted in the terraine east of the Mackenzie River between the Great Bear and Great Slave Lakes. 8
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 13:25 | # Desmond, that organized Canadian Jewry got that girl censored for posting those comments gives me a visceral reaction almost as intense as the one I had on reading the log entry. I’m saving those valuable words she posted, words so precious to us in this time of our mortal racial peril. Thanks for showing us that. 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 13:53 | # GW, thank you for that correction. Sorry for my mistake. I’m certain I’ve read elsewhere that Mr. Warman was Jewish, but should’ve been on my guard since nowadays Jewishness is such a common misattribution by those Euros concerned about all these deadly attacks being launched non-stop against their society (attacks very largely Jewish-orchestrated in any event but not all the frontmen are Jewish of course; far from it, in part because the Jews see to that). I’ll amend my comment as follows: change this,
to this:
Thanks again for giving me the chance to correct my original mistaken post. I hate posting mistaken information — leads people astray. 10
Posted by VLC on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 16:57 | # Scrooby:
americans have to cling on to the first amendment not as if their lives depended on it but because their lives depend on it and the lives of other whites around the world. If you don’t have freedom of speech you become Canada. And we all know who’s greasing that slippery slope
When the police can’t make a case you have Warman to drag them to “human rights” tribunal where they are guilty even before the proceedings begin. And of course the media regurgitate those courts’ conclusions as if it were the word of God so Warman’s actions aren’t good even for bad publicity. He gets a free pass because he’s fighting the good cause, the oppression of whites. 11
Posted by Matra on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 18:00 | # Here is a thread from last year on a similar subject also involving Richard Warman. 12
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 19:42 | # It also is focusing on the MSM, with the recent announcement that 13
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 21:56 | # What GW doesn’t understand that Warman would lodge a complaint against him as well, if he could. It doesn’t matter what language you use, it’s the content that matters and GW has already send some naughty things on his blog that exposed certain minorities to contempt and hatred. Sodomite Warman has accumulated a lot of bad karma. He reminds me of that female judge who sentenced Matt Hale. Another person sodomite Warman reminds me of is that young Dutch fanatic and “animal rights activist” who killed Pym Fortuyn. Both are vegetarian, both are extremely moralistic, both are self-righteous, both of self-absorbed loners witha a Messiah complex. I’m curious to see how things will eventually turn out for sodomite Warman. 14
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 22:01 | # My apologies for the errors in my previous post. Too much booze and food at work. It’s the Christmas spirit! 15
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 22:57 | # Friedrich, Warman might be a celibate homosexual for all you know, and not a “sodomite” at all. Certainly, one gets the impression of somebody sublimating his sexual energy into the uncovering and prosecution of “haters”. The truth is, you don’t actually know much about Warman at all. You are just making a gift of yourself to the Canadian Human Rights court, which is not very bright. It seems to me that in order to criticise Warman one must do so on the basis of what he does, not what he is. And, of course, one must do so on the basis of fact, not supposition or prejudice. I don’t see that criticising a man for his public actions can be legally problematic. It just requires more discipline than you have. Anyhow, do me a favour and don’t push your luck like that here again. At the very least it’s bad taste to come back at me with as many “sodomites” as you can possibly fit in to one short comment. If that’s all you’ve got to offer, stick to your own blog. Demean yourself. But don’t come here to demean us. Even if you are drunk. VLC, Yes, I understand what Warman is doing. But, anyway, it’s simple. If you want to be respected, you have to be respectable. A Canadian white nationalist movement that managed to engage with the common sense and moral sensibilities of ordinary Canadians would also give Warman no opportunities for legal mischief-making. It’s very tough to pull off, witness the legal difficulties of Vlaams Blok/Belang, and the constant media demonisation of Nick Griffin. But if national politics is the way forward, that’s what you have to do. 16
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 00:46 | # No problem, GW. At any rate, any place that would make a contributor out of a bizarre Bolshevik turd like C. von H. is probably not a place for me. You’ve got it, from now on I’ll stick to my business. 17
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 01:46 | # I am a pluralist, Friedrich. You are not a problem to me because of your politics, but because, on this occasion, you made trouble. I’m happy to bury the hatchet if you will operate within the normal limits. 18
Posted by MacGregor on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 04:07 | # It doesn’t matter what language you use, it’s the content that matters and GW has already send some naughty things on his blog that exposed certain minorities to contempt and hatred. No, it is absolutely the language you use. It is no coincidence that every single individual Warman has successfully filed against has posted on Stormfront. Rational arguments made with good-will, even ones completely rejecting the political consensus, do not tend to draw legal attention, and - if you can wrap your mind around it - they also do not expose minorities to contempt in the first place. 19
Posted by Fr. John on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 16:07 | # “I am by no means convinced that Warman is a wholly bad thing for Canadian white nationalism. The neo-Nazi, Adolf stuff and the noisy Judeo- and other minority phobias are weights around the neck of any movement that seeks to be taken seriously.” Only when one is too spineless to utter them, even while believing them implicitly. Sorry, La Raza, the Neo-Con Zionazis, and all the rest don’t. Why in Hell should we? We shouldn’t. Call a ‘spade’ a ‘spade’, etc. Now, we have been intellectually castrated. (I also found the password to post this with ‘88’ in it, somewhat telling!) LMAO 20
Posted by Fr. John on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 16:10 | # “Anyhow, do me a favour and don’t push your luck like that here again. At the very least it’s bad taste to come back at me with as many “sodomites” as you can possibly fit in to one short comment. “ Sodomite is, as sodomite does. The term is apt, concise, and conveys a moral oppobrium. 21
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 13:30 | # Fr. John, We are discussing politics, not homosexual proclivities. Put aside your moral opprobrium. In any case, if one is to generalise about homosexuals in politics, it is not sodomy that defines them. It is self-identification as a victim group. If for one moment Warman could see “straight”, and realise that even a homosexual has ethnic interests, and these constitute a primary interest far outweighing the importance of his victim-group status, he would likely cease to be a harmful political influence in this world. But that status and the political pursuits that flow from it - chiefly the impossible pursuit of “equal validity” - seem far too dear to the great majority of homosexuals. Further, the congruence of those pursuits with other powerful streams of anti-European activism is too well established for all but a very few homosexuals to break free and contribute usefully to the defence of Europe’s children. This is a situation we must simply accept, and cleave to our side of the traditional bargain: tolerance in exchange for discretion. 22
Posted by VLC on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 20:27 | # guessedworker:
We have a section in the criminal code that already deals with “spreading hate” but the HUman Rights Tribunal lowers the bar below the law so that people like Warman can punish those he hates even when they don’t break the law and the official judicial system has to implement their decisions as if they were legitimate court and make anyone obey their orders. 23
Posted by Joe on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 05:36 | # How are the jewish-supremacists over at reacting to this? Are they cheering like they did when Paul Fromm got fired from his job? 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 06:19 | # The Jews have killed the United States. They always hated it. They’ve finally succeeded in murdering it. They’re dancing for joy. We’re filled with foreboding. This is what the United States gets for trusting them, for permitting them to enter. From the minute they enter a Euro country they start plotting its race-replacement. Let what has happened here be a lesson to others: you let Jews in, you sign your death warrant as a nation. Jews and Euros should live in separate countries because if they live in the same country the Jews will try to eradicate the Euros. At worst, Jews are malicious; at best, they don’t know how to behave. 25
Posted by captainchaos on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 10:15 | # Just read Steve Sailor’s article off the link provided by Fred Scrooby. Not a pretty picture. But I still have hope. There are still around 200 million of us Euros in North America (including white canadians). If push comes to shove other races won’t be able to push us around collectively. If we can just get the border closed down and deport the mestizos we’ll at least be able to limp along for awhile. 26
Posted by VLC on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 04:35 | # some news about the human rights inquisitors and Mr.Warman:
* * *
Why should Richard Warman be the only citizen to have his own personal inquisition? It’s all very odd, ‘that’s for sure’
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 04:00 | #
You’re not really a pluralist, GW. You’re a racialist conservative with an authoritarian streak. What you like in Von is his anti-Germanism, that’s the limit of his appeal. After all, you’re the man who still hero-worships “that bastard Churchil” (Major M.F. Thurgood) and hypocritically sermonizes how Britain could not stand idly by why Mr. Hitler was abusing his neighbours. LOL The English would know a thing or two about abusing neighbours…the English have always been very good at it, due to lots of practice (let’s ask Scots, Welsh, and especially the Irish). The English will never stop lying about Germans:
Btw, a new book on Churchill just came out: A book of note: Human Smoke: The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization 28
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 16:59 | # Under oath it’s been revealed that Canadian government bureaucrats working for the Canadian Human Rights Commission (the outfit Richard Warman learned the money-making techniques from, as a result of being employed there before quitting in order to pile up a small fortune doing the same thing as a free-lancer) post literally thousands of “anti-Semitic, anti-black, and anti-gay” messages at sites such as Stormfront and Vanguard. (Hat tip to Kathy Shaidle, at “Five Feet of Fury”: My ball-park estimate would be that at least half and perhaps way more than half of such web-site postings using “over-the-top” language are posted by Canadian or U.S. federal employees (FBI, BATF, Canadian Human Rights Commission, etc.) acting as agents provocateurs hanging around these sites looking to infiltrate and make contacts, and also to plan entrapments. Without doubt a significant number are posted by agents of the ADL as well, and it’s certainly not out of the question that German and British government agents and Mossad agents are also playing this game at such sites — it would seem a certainty. No one should touch one of these over-the-top posters at any of these sites with a ten-foot pole: don’t communicate with any, don’t “fraternize” with any, don’t reply to e-mails from any, avoid them like the plague. Three-fourths of them are agents provocateurs. 29
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 17:05 | #
Excuse me, the article said “hundreds” of messages, not thousands — my mistake. (But you get the message.) 30
Posted by Guest on Sun, 30 Nov 2008 00:22 | #
Earlier this year in an article in a Canadian newspaper discussing Steyn’s case they mentioned that RCMP and people like the subect matter, as well as United States federal and local law enforcement posted on SF. Now that explains quite a bit. Post a comment:
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Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 03:05 | #
Reading this log entry one has to suppress in the upper chest a welling up of feelings of righteous indignation, a warm tightness there and a quickening of the breaths, as if the heart rises into the bottom of the throat and swells. Extremely bad for our side and for everybody would be violence yet reading this entry, violence is what one starts to wish for until catching the grave mistake and banishing it with a “reality check.” I’ll answer the moral leper Mr. Warman, who deeply disgraces the Jews his people, with a poem, to symbolize very simply that despite all their best efforts we shall refuse the planned extinction of our race at Jewish (or any other) hands:
And I condemn Prof. Eugene Volokh’s comments for, in effect, “attacking with faint defense,” to paraphrase a well-known figure of speech. He couldn’t find it within himself to mount a more robust, more indignantly-worded critique of this absolutely appalling miscarriage of justice and this filthy Mr. Warman’s legalistic depredations against Euros? The luke-warmness of his analysis almost shows him to be on Warman’s side but embarrassed or something to say so, whence his offering of this feeblest-possible of dissents.
Evil is abroad and having its way with society, Prof. Volokh! Respond accordingly!