“Hey Popopoyotl, about your job ...”

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 December 2007 00:08.

The Japanese are an ageing people with the low-birthrate typical today of a prosperous first-world economy.  The Japanese are also fiercely ethnocentric, and really, really don’t intend to import millions of black and brown gaijin.  The Japanese are also crazy about horizon technology, especially electronic gadgetry.

The result?

It’s on display at the 2007 International Robot Exhibition in Tokyo, a 1,000-booth show that ends tomorrow.  The greater part of the floor area is devoted to manufacturing robots, since that’s where the money is today.  But the buzz is coming from the non-manufacturing robot sector, which is still in its initial research phase.  The vision shared in the big Japanese corporations, universities and public research institutes involved in this effort is of a future in which, if robots don’t do everything (human contact work, for example), they will certainly share in the execution of the more utilitarian tasks.

The main categories where development is proceeding now are: maintenance (inspection, repair); home automation (cleaning, security); life assistance (for medical and welfare use); entertainment; hobbies.

The Guardian ran a piece on the exhibition today:-

In Japan, robots can already be found working as home helps, office receptionists and security guards, as well as on the factory floor. There were more than 370,000 industrial robots in use in Japan in 2005, according to a report by Macquarie bank, 40% of the world total, with 32 robots for every 1,000 manufacturing workers. The economy ministry calculates that the Japanese robot market will be worth more than £26bn by 2025.

There are compelling economic reasons for Japan’s obsession with robots. The population recently went into long-term decline and a reduced workforce is expected to struggle to fill jobs in the health and welfare sectors. As long as Japanese leaders remain cautious about relaxing immigration laws, robots will be seen as at least part of the solution.

Here are a very few of the Tokyo machines I’ve been able to identify:-

Hitachi’s EMIEW2 is an office worker.  Of course.  What else?

Reborg-Q is a security guard that will stare at the target space all day if need be, which no human can.
Chapit, despite its size, is a companion and does the odd thing around the house.
Mr Cube is a one inch, well, cube - and not much more than an exercise in miniaturisation.  Though it can solve Rubiks Cube.  Eventually.
Simroid is a dental training computer that tells trainees when they’ve hit a nerve.
Twendy-One is designed to safely help the elderly.
Despite the astonaut appearance, the well-known Asimo, from Honda, is designed to function an office worker.

In addition there are golf-club carriers and, yes, lawn-cutting machines ... and one called Lady Bird that will clean the most god-awful public toilet in the Western world, and never complain.

Who’d be a Mexican?



Posted by skeptical on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 01:53 | #

As a consequence of being tainted with the experience of actually participating in an Artificial Intelligence research group I feel comfortable saying that these robots will with near certainty not live up to expectation.  The Japanese will, like the rest of us, need to start make babies again if they want to continue their society.

In my opinion robots will almost certainly not achieve any form of human consciousness nor will they ever effectively replace the functional versatility of the human worker.  Harvesting crops, picking genetically modified fruit, gluing on plastic labels, and assembling machine parts is one thing…running society (even at the mundane levels) is something else.

Not to imply that all of this mechanical innovation on the part of the Japanese isn’t a good thing though.


Posted by cryosteel on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 05:49 | #

Although noninvasive means of scanning the brain from outside the skull are rapidly improving, the most practical approach to capturing every salient neural detail will be to scan it from inside. By 2030, “nanobot” (i.e., nano robot) technology will be viable, and brain scanning will be a prominent application. Nanobots are robots that are the size of human blood cells, or even smaller. Billions of them could travel through every brain capillary and scan every relevant feature from up close. Using high speed wireless communication, the nanobots would communicate with each other, and with other computers that are compiling the brain scan data base (in other words, the nanobots will all be on a wireless local area network).

Furthermore, most of the genome is redundant, so the initial design of the brain is characterized by approximately one hundred million bytes, about the size of Microsoft Word. Of course, the complexity of our brains greatly increases as we interact with the world (by a factor of more than ten million). Because of the highly repetitive patterns found in each specific brain region, it is not necessary to capture each detail in order to reverse engineer the significant digital-analog algorithms. With this information, we can design simulated nets that operate similarly. There are already multiple efforts under way to scan the human brain and apply the insights derived to the design of intelligent machines.



Posted by skeptical on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 06:24 | #

“Furthermore, most of the genome is redundant, ...”

Scientists are continually reporting that what they previously thought to be junk (seemingly redundant) DNA actually turns out to serve purposes that are not well understood at this time.  After all, it’s primarily in the “junk” autosomal DNA that researchers find some of the genetic markers that distinguish humans racially.

Much of the human brain (and genome) is currently uncharted territory, which is why it’s so hard to take futurists like Kurzweil seriously.

Anyway, I am a hardcore skeptic when it comes to these things hence my moniker.


Posted by kurt9 on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 07:28 | #

We can always sell the Japanese on the SENS approach (for human rejuvenation) to go along with their robotics technology. Perhaps Japan will become the world’s first “transhumanist” society and lead the world.

I’ve heard somewhere that the South Korean government is considering SENS.


Posted by gongstar on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 17:06 | #

The Japanese are also fiercely ethnocentric, and really, really don’t intend to import millions of black and brown gaijin.

That’s disgusting. Have they never read Stephen Jay Gould and learnt how we’re all the same under the skin? Still, it’s not only Japan that doesn’t want enrichers.

What could be blocking these Jews’ aliyah?
By Simon Rocker

A black Jewish family from South London have been forced to delay their aliyah because of unexplained stonewalling by the Israeli authorities. Carl and Maleka Levy — Reform converts to Judaism from Rastafarianism — had been set to begin a new life with their five daughters in Ashkelon three months ago. But this week the family, who are regular worshippers at Bromley Reform Synagogue in Kent, vented their frustration at the failure of Israel’s Interior Ministry to approve their emigration. “It’s awful,” said Mrs Levy, whose youngest, 10-month-old daughter was named Ahliyah in anticipation of their move. “As far as we understand, Israel welcomes people home. We are Jewish, so I don’t see why we are being treated this way.” Israel’s Law of Return, granting citizenship to diaspora Jews, makes no distinction between Progressive and Orthodox converts. But in recent years, the Interior Ministry has tried to impose new conditions on the entry of converts. Rabbi Uri Regev, the Israel-based president of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, said: “It is unfortunate and regrettable that obstacles are being put in the way of the Levy family, who should be fully treated as fellow Jews by the state of Israel. We do not know of any objective reason why they should be treated differently, other than the colour of their skin.”



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 17:32 | #

That way in which the article posted by Gongstar embarrasses the whole Jewish pro-race-replacement edifice in the deepest most indelible way imaginable is absolutely hilarious.  I could piss my pants for laughing.  Needless to say, the utterly clueless, racially moribund and braindead cognitive non-entities known as the Euro goys, won’t see the bittersweet irony at all, let alone righteously gloat over it, or in any way whatsoever follow up on it, adjust their thinking because of it, or pursue the Jews and force them to beat a retreat in light of it:  the Euro race is too fucking stupid for any of that stuff a normal race would do.  So forget about the Euro congenital morons, they’re a completely lost cause, but I can still laugh my own ass off, so pardon me while I indulge myself a moment:  LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!  So fricking FUNNY!!!!!!!!!


Posted by zusammen on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 21:59 | #

Why not just bypass the whole mess and decouple to the fullest extent from modernity? Does gene propogation directly depend on industrial society or something? Hint: Amish


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 22:10 | #

“robots will almost certainly not achieve any form of human consciousness”  (—skeptical)

That’s right, they almost certainly won’t.  Ever.  I agree.  There won’t even be “designer babies,” something infinitely simpler in theory (the supposed certainty of which GC was trotting out a few years ago as one reason concern over race-replacement was unwarranted:  soon you’ll be able to order your baby’s race, so who comes into the country makes no difference — or so GC’s pig-ignorant wishful thinking went).  Nevertheless it’s an interesting subject, on which F. Braun happens to have a log entry posted (click on the entry’s text when it comes up, and that’ll go to the original article).


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 23:11 | #

Great as the Japanese are, they’re losing their grip as well—just more slowly.

It remains to be seen whether they can delay the progression of the disease long enough to be able to perceive clearly its consequences in Euro territories—or whether their very perception will have become so dimmed by the disease that they are unable to learn from our mistakes.


Posted by Alex on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 23:46 | #

Great as the Japanese are, they’re losing their grip as well—just more slowly.

The Japanese are indeed very much under attack.    As is usual ‘cheap labor’ is the primary device that would be utilized to bring about division….err….‘diversity.’ 

Tony Laszlo says Japan needs
to embrace diversity

...The difficulty, however, comes when considering unskilled labourers, who are currently not allowed to work in Japan.

And they are just the kind of people Japan needs most as its population ages, according to Tony Laszlo, director of an anti-discrimination organisation in Tokyo.

“In 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, you have to ask yourself who is going to be finding the holes in the tunnel and patching them up so people don’t die, who is going to be climbing the buildings to wash the windows, who is going to be building bridges and fixing bridges, and the answer is you don’t have these people,” he said.

Illegal labour could take up some of the slack. Japanese authorities say there are 250,000 illegal immigrants, the majority of whom entered the country on a temporary visa and over-stayed. Many of these people are thought to work as unskilled labourers.

But the government wants to halve that number in the next five years, and it does not appear ready to legalise unskilled foreign workers…



Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 00:02 | #

Alex, if it’s not a sickness, then it’s a profound unease that makes a man reject his essential ethnic self and his extended family for otherness ... and then, finding that he cannot belong there, reject that also.  Here’s another, it would seem.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 02:16 | #

I’d bet money this Tony Laszlo character is Jewish.  (Google only says half-Hungarian, half-Italian.)  The Japs should send him packing out of their country (he’s married to a Japanese woman, so send her packing with him).  These days governments are sending 87-year-old senile men packing because accused by the Jews of having been concentration camp guards, men too senile to defend themselves in case it’s mistaken identity and if not mistaken who cares? so they were concentration camp guards, so what???, men who’ve never done any harm here whatsoever are rounded up at age nearly 90, put on trial, and deported to Belarus, Poland, the Ukraine, or some damn thing, by the Jews.  Let the Japs deport this disgusting Laszlo nation-destroyer creep, then.


Posted by skeptical on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 03:55 | #

“That’s right, they almost certainly won’t.  Ever.  I agree.  There won’t even be “designer babies,” something infinitely simpler in theory”

There’s a number of scientific hurdles to be crossed in order for the “designer baby” to be possible but I don’t see it as being quite the conceptual impossibility that is artificial consciousness.  It wouldn’t surprise me if the “designer baby” becomes a reality at some point in the future.

Scrooby, I’d really like to hear why you’re so skeptical on this one (no pun intended).


Posted by Lurker on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 05:06 | #

Alex - that BBC link is from 2004, Laszlo seems to dead in the water these days.

Laszlo’s site As you can see he is blogging up a storm - nothing posted for two years!

Apparently its supposed to be “A non-profit organization formed by Tokyo-based ex-pats using performing arts, symposia and e-networking to promote internationalization.” The arrogance! Maybe the Japanese have scuppered it somehow?

This - ISSHO also looks dead as a doornail. How is that e-networking coming along guys?

Check this out as well. Its all very basic stuff. Its almost as if multiculturalsim in Japan is promoted only by a few disgruntled outsiders and malcontents. They dont have the support of business, government, MSM and academia that they do in the west. Without that full spectrum dominence they are getting nowhere.

Then there is this which has the following:

Information-rich and amazingly multi-lingual, the Issho Kikaku site is a great resource for information on living in Japan no matter what languages you may speak. Not to be confused with your garden-variety “Japan guide” site offering tips of chopstick etiquette and rail travel, Issho focuses on the serious issues facing long-time foreign residents such as taxation, discrimination, permanent residency, as well as legal and political issues that us as non-Japanese citizens. In 14 languages.

From the Issho web site:

ISSHO Kikaku (also known as ISSHO), is a Japan-based, non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 1992. The organization aims to monitor issues related to human diversity, language, culture and coexistence worldwide, and strives to facilitate a greater recognition and understanding of these issues, both in the East Asian region and worldwide. (note: ISSHO = Together; KIKAKU = Project) We can be reached by email at the following address: issho AT issho DOT org.
Posted by denbushi at March 7, 2004 10:24 PM

So Laszlo did have something going a few years back. What happened?

Ive tried the wayback machine, got this.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 05:24 | #

“Scrooby, I’d really like to hear why you’re so skeptical on this one [...].”  (—Skeptical)

You think there are scientific grounds for believing you’re going to choose a baby’s race any time soon, Skep?  Take what would have been a Negro baby and change him into a white baby?  Any time soon meaning the next five centuries, say?  Five years ago GC was “predicting” it would be up and running within 20 years — so, in fifteen years from now.  You think that?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 05:34 | #

“Maybe the Japanese have scuppered it somehow?”  (—Lurker)

Thank GOD!  Sent this hyper-obnoxious Jew packing (to Port Moresby, one hopes)!  Gotta love those Japs, they know how to defend themselves against sickening racial attack!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 05:41 | #

Lurker, that outfit may be dormant but it’s only a matter of time before some Jew comes along and pours a hundred million dollars into it and revives the monster.  The Japs had better be on their guard if they want to survive as a race and ethnoculture.

Long live Japan and the great Japanese race and culture!  May God defend and preserve them from Jewish race-murder!


Posted by skeptical on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 05:49 | #


Take what would have been a Negro baby and change him into a white baby? ... You think that?


My gut tells me we’ll never get to that point (scientifically).  And even if we did, what point is there in re-engineering negro DNA when we could just clone White DNA?

And if our reproductive science did advavnce to such a state why not just develop a non-communicable sterilization virus and give it to all non-Whites as part of some eugenics program?  Sterilization for citizenship has a nice ring to it don’t you think?!  That would seem much easier than forcing negro DNA to jump through hulahoops in order to spawn offspring that I am not ever sure I could truly accept as White.  But there I go daydreaming again…

However, my point about “designer babies” is that it doesn’t seem entirely implausible to me that (at the very least) the wealthier tiers of society will have the option to control for certain genes in their offspring.  Genes which might either determine (or at least influence) the usual suspects: height, eye color, intelligence, aggressiveness, immunity to certain diseases, etc.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 05:56 | #

As for this slimy Arudou (Aldwinkle) character linked in GW’s last comment, he makes me puke.  Presumably he’s a Euro, and is one of these Euros who are as much enemies of Euro survival as the ADL.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 06:21 | #

“it doesn’t seem entirely implausible [...] to control for certain genes in their offspring.  Genes which might either determine (or at least influence) the usual suspects: height, eye color, intelligence, aggressiveness, immunity to certain diseases, etc.”  (—Skeptical)

It is as good as definite that in this century certain genetic disease traits will be “cured” in the germ cells by “genetic engineering,” so that babies will neither manifest the disease nor be “carriers.”  As for getting inside an individual already stricken and curing him (as will still be needed, given the occurrence of sporadic mutations of these genetic defects), that will be harder.  When will it happen?  Impossible to predict.  Extensive genetic engineering of babies for “desirable cosmetic, cognitive, or behavioral traits” won’t happen this century.  When will it happen, if ever?  It depends on what trait you’re talking about but the whole deal is impossible to predict.  As for race change of babies, which is essentially what GC meant by predicting “designer babies in 20 years so don’t worry about immigration,” there is as much reason to suppose it will never happen as to suppose it will.  There are no grounds for predicting it.


Posted by skeptical on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 06:44 | #


There are no grounds for predicting it.

I agree, which is why I was initially taken aback by your claim that “designer babies” would be impossible.

But I see now that we were just talking past each other.  You were primarily referencing GC’s earlier claim that we would soon be able to control for race when “planning” babies…a claim that I too find highly dubious (if not impossible).

With respect to potentially controlling for the more cosmetic traits I find myself repeatedly changing my mind.  Some days it seems were on the verge of entering a new age of bio-tech capabilities and some days I feel like we’ve only just discovered the wheel (i.e. our own genome).

It is the conservationist instinct in me that is titillated by such possibilities.  Many of us have recessive genes that would be easier to preserve if they could be controlled for at the genetic level.  How did that line in Gattaca go, “Keep in mind this baby will still be you but simply the best of you.  You could conceive a thousand times and never obtain such a result.”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 06:57 | #

The wife of Jewish Lord Gavron, who is one of the Jews who created and own Tony Blair (all of whom were created life peers the minute Blair assumed the prime ministership — there are something like eight or ten of them, all now styling themselves “Lord this” and “Lord that,” and their wives “Lady this” and “Lady that”) said, Ziv-like, that Prince Charles should be made to marry a non-European (worse than Ziv-like:  Ziv leaves us a choice).  In the same article just linked it talks about the Jewish think tank that controls the Labour Party under Blair/Brown calling for the abolition of Christmas, of christening of babies, and of the English character of England.  No surprise there, of course:  Jews hate Christianity, Christmas, christening, Euros, and Euro particularism and want them all extinct.  (Hat tip to Andrew for linking the site where I saw the article reference.)

“if it’s not a sickness, then it’s a profound unease that makes a man reject his essential ethnic self and his extended family for otherness”  (—GW)

But it is a sickness, one caused by a germ (see above for the germ’s identity).  To blame disease that’s caused by a germ on vague generalities such as the Zeitgeist or “managerialism” is like people in the middle ages blaming disease on “bad stagnant air” or “vaporous emissions.” 

Louis Pasteur came along and found out it was a specific germ doing it.

Then a cure became, for the first time, possible:  you counterattack the germ, not the “bad air” or the “stagnant vapors.”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 07:40 | #

The Jewish media are still agonizing over what Prof. Watson said.  Can it be believed?  It’s a jaw-dropping spectacle one sees psychologically hamstringing the Jews time and again.  This defect you’re seeing right here is closely linked to the gene that makes Jews fly into candle flames like moths destroying themselves, and is going to be their undoing.  There’s a profound sense in which Jews simply are not capable of getting their act together and facing reality.  As a result they go stumbling along and are going to end up stumbling right over a cliff one of these days.  Anyone who is constitutionally unable to face reality is doomed sooner or later to fall by the wayside.  Jews are no exception.  But you can repeat that till you’re blue in the face, Jews won’t listen.  Why?  They can’t:  genetic defect.


Posted by Fr. John on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 15:39 | #

“After all, it’s primarily in the “junk” autosomal DNA that researchers find some of the genetic markers that distinguish humans racially.”

What was that catch phrase used some decades ago?

God don’t make no junk!

Of course, that was to make Whites ‘feel guilty’ for not ‘giving every advantage’ to the non-White.
Even in the face of IQ differences.

So, while God does not make ‘junk’ He DOES make ‘one vessel to honor, and another vessel to dishonor,’ as St. Paul states.

While despotic rule is clearly evil, does that mean that all men are ipso facto, ‘equal’?
No. See St. Paul. And the Bible condones slavery. Follow the logic.
Ante-bellum society in America had far less crime, rape, incest, and social decay. There was a reason.

Or, to put it blunt, Some are elect, others not.

Therefore, clearly, in the Elect at any rate, ‘junk’ does not exist.
I cannot speak to sub-saharan Africa, on the other hand….

Others have already trod this road, and ably. We just don’t want to listen to them….


Posted by Fr. John on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 15:46 | #

“Louis Pasteur came along and found out it was a specific germ doing it.”

Pasteur’s ‘discovery’ led to big agribusiness pasteurizing fetid, germ-laden second rate milk, and selling it as ‘safe’ to millions, even in the early days of the 20th Century.

Read Ron Schmid’s “The True Story of Milk” to learn that raw, unpasteurized milk is FULL of vitamins, minerals, and the ‘x factor’ that once made it a ‘cure’ at what was the predecessor of the Mayo Clinic!

Pasteur simply aided the greedy to sell second rate produce.

The first ‘genetically modified’ food on the planet.


Posted by Wild Bill on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 05:23 | #

Hmmm…. the Japanese are building real robots?? 
Delicate and dexterous enough for human contact… imagine that. 

Are they ahead or behind us? 
Haven’t they heard about the economic collapse?

Our guys are the smart ones. 
We wax enthusiastic about assembling blown car motors and other miscellaneous junk into contraptions the promoters call lathes and milling machines. (Because they are too poor to buy either new or used ones and too stupid to understand the reasons for doing so.)

Admit it: The white Americans are too stupid to see they are being run off the cliff.

LOL Idiootsky!!


Posted by GT on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 19:10 | #

Wild Bill’s “critique” sounds jewish to me.  Is he a biological jew, a sycophant, or merely ignorant?  I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and say it’s the latter, rather than assume he has a financial stake in preserving “our” globalist service economy.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 20:03 | #

I suspect he’s just the same guy that was trying to sell his motivational tapes.


Posted by Wild Bill on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 21:04 | #


All you young fellas listen up!

I want you to do like ole GT, Bowery, an McGuiver tell ya:

Get yourself an axe and go out in the woods and cut down enough tress to build you a house.  That way you make the money the lumber mill charges for their dubious sawing service / value added bs and make yourself a house you and the kids can be proud of.  This way you don’t gotta spend no money on that bank interest jew stuff. 

The money you save digging your own water well can be used to get youre woman a new scrub board.  She will love you for that.  Before too long you can get some of that new fangelled plumbing stuff what lets you dodo inside when it be too cold out there.  An take a tric from granpaw: use the sears catalog for butt paper.  Youins will save big money on that too.

Mean while you can keep working on that multi machine made out of old car engines, diswasher motors and ruste pipe.  You can show those international jew bankers who the boss is!  But they don tell you where youins can get a vise, chuck or collett for that super fantabulous multimachine but never mind… the object is to teach youin something about mechanicin.

Yeah we shore gonna take back America and teach those smart aleks something.

Gol dang robots and brain balancing subliminal audio high technology stuff what they try to make too much money offen usin!


Posted by GT on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 00:01 | #

You’re right, JB.  Wild Bill is none other than Alexander “Mr. Amway” Thiele, back again with his “high-tech” subliminal mental programming message and judging by the intentional misspelling of the name, a hard-on for Maguire.

Wild Bill looks down upon all that “low-tech” mechanicin’.  Do you suppose he looks down upon “low-tech” electrical applications as well?


Posted by Maguire on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 01:30 | #



Ty esche kakienibud’ slova znaesh’....?


Posted by Wild Bill on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 04:11 | #

Uhh, Maguire, GT, Bowery,

I did not train myself in electronics, though I could save a couple of thousand dollars a year and one or two days of down time if I did…  because my junk is always braking.  But what I did do is learn to see BS at a distance so as to get out of the way when those who suffer from it come into my part of town.

Here is a place you and your junior apprentices can get some real equipment and start the rebuilding of the US economy today by making parts for farmer Brown (who, by the way, is a friend of mine).


lathes for the taking, just give them a little money.

LAT1691     CLAUSING 12” x 36” Engine Lathe,  Model 5310,  S/N 001026
LAT740   HARDINGE 11” x 18” Dovetail Bed Lathe,  Model HLV-BK, S/N 588-3
LAT1471   HARDINGE Speed Lathe, Model HSL-5C, S/N 1015C
LAT637   HARDINGE Automatic Chucker, S/N AHC 226,  Hydraulically Operated
LAT993   HARDINGE Lathe, Model HFC
LAT914   HARDINGE Lathe, S/N 5974140-7
LAT1108   MONARCH Model 10EE Lathe, S/N EE 33770
LAT1483   RIVETT 9” x 18” Lathe, Model 918-S, S/N 1540
LAT1591   RIVETT 9” x 18” Lathe, Model 918-S, S/N 1741
LAT1239   SOUTHBEND 10” x 20” Lathe, Model C1C8187ZB, S/N 18958-RKX
LAT718   WARNER & SWASEY #1 Electrocycle Lathe, Model-2620,  S/N 1307261
LAT1802   WARNER & SWASEY #3 Turret Lathe, Type M-1200, S/N 1216916
LAT963   WARNER & SWASEY #5 Turret Lathe, Model M-2770,  S/N R1774086

The lathes are in good working condition and some of them have chucks and colletts and you wont have to worry about cutting a 24” flat thread screw or tapping the carriage you hope to run on it.  Just start making those parts and re-energize the US economy, today, not at some distant point in the future. Today.

Probably you guys are so smart you could begin mass producing the “multi-machine” with the #5 Turret Lathe listed above.  Or even better get a government contract to machine cannon ammunition.  I am sure your electrical genius, Mcguire, could get a patent on a real special detonator to go along with it and you guys could become the biggest and baddest armorment magnates this side of Bell Helicopter and Magnus von Kruppenstein.  Your first IPO could also re-energize the stock market and give savy investors everywhere new hope.

Ti panne myish, malinkv klabugchek?


Posted by skeptical on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 07:35 | #

Wild Bill,

Why do you bother posting here?

What are you trying to accomplish?


Posted by Alex on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 10:03 | #

Alex, if it’s not a sickness, then it’s a profound unease that makes a man reject his essential ethnic self and his extended family for otherness ... and then, finding that he cannot belong there, reject that also…

Yes, in general I’d have to say that’s certainly true.    The peoples of the world have been lied to and heavily propagandized, and been told the multi-cult is about peace, love, and the building of ‘a brotherhood of man’, when in reality it is anything but.    It is rather, it would seem, about avarice, greed, and a general hatred for mankind.    If they were to realize that the 19th century ‘abolition’ of slavery was a lie and a fraud, the recent celebrations in certain parts of the world regarding the supposed end of that trade being something of a gigantic mockery,  and that the ‘mass immigration’ they see today is a direct continuation of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, merely manifesting itself in a far more virulent and destructive form, I’d suspect they’d see things differently.    They would see that they are being asked to give up something most dear to them, the extended self of their peoplehood (ie ethnicity) and culture, something that took in many instances many thousands of years to build up, and endure mass murder and rapine, and (God forbid!) should it continue on, ultimate destruction, for the extreme self-centeredness and selfishness of a relative few.

For those who might not be aware, the rot that is at the core of the ideology of Multi-Culturalism…

...the rise of the modern industrial system made wage slavery a more efficient agent of production than chattel slavery.  From the 1907 foreward to the book The War-Time Journal of a Georgia Girl, 1864-1865

And the avarice and greed driving it…

“The educated free labor of Massachusetts, we have seen, doubles the products of toil, per capita, as compared with Maryland, and quadruples them (as the Census shows) compared with South Carolina….” Former US Treasurer and slave speculator Robert Walker writing from Europe in December 1863.  By comparing Massachusetts, heavily reliant on imported ‘cheap labor, a variant of slavery, with South Carolina, heavily reliant on chattel slaves, Walker effectively calculated that cheap ‘free’ labor was four times more profitable than chattel slavery.  The Continental Monthly - March 1864

The War-Time Journal of a Georgia Girl, 1864-1865  published in 1908

The Continental Monthly - March 1864


Posted by Alex on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 11:43 | #

Check this out as well. Its all very basic stuff. Its almost as if multiculturalsim in Japan is promoted only by a few disgruntled outsiders and malcontents. They dont have the support of business, government, MSM and academia that they do in the west. Without that full spectrum dominence they are getting nowhere.

That’s where ‘cheap labor’ comes into create division (if there’s not already enough there for the multi-culturalists to work with, there soon will be with millions of ‘immigrants’ being ‘imported’ in as ‘cheap labor’ from every part of the world) as in ‘divide and conquer’, ‘divide and rule,’ which just after the incredible profits, is a major purpose of that exploitation.

And to be sure, the world has many a severe problem that needs working on, but the ‘cure’ that multi-culturalism offers is far, far, worse than the ‘disease’, and is not the way.

Thanks for the links Lurker.    It looks as though that particular site is down more or less for the time being, indeed a positive thing for the Japanese people.  Though to be sure, as others have indicated, there are efforts to get at the Japanese elites as part of a top down strategy.    Hopefully those efforts will ultimately fail.

Then there is this which has the following:

Information-rich and amazingly multi-lingual, the Issho Kikaku site is a great resource for information on living in Japan no matter what languages you may speak. Not to be confused with your garden-variety “Japan guide” site offering tips of chopstick etiquette and rail travel, Issho focuses on the serious issues facing long-time foreign residents such as taxation, discrimination, permanent residency, as well as legal and political issues that us as non-Japanese citizens. In 14 languages.

From the Issho web site:

ISSHO Kikaku (also known as ISSHO), is a Japan-based, non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 1992. The organization aims to monitor issues related to human diversity, language, culture and coexistence worldwide, and strives to facilitate a greater recognition and understanding of these issues, both in the East Asian region and worldwide. (note: ISSHO = Together; KIKAKU = Project) We can be reached by email at the following address: issho AT issho DOT org.

Posted by denbushi at March 7, 2004 10:24 PM

Yes, an almost desparation to create division.    The absolute last thing those who advocate the ideology of multi-culturalism wish to see is a more or less homogenous place, living in a relative peace amongst themselves, as Japan is still at present and many a European nation was till recently.    The multi-culturalists define that as ‘hate.’

But anyone with eyes can see who it is that the true haters are.


Posted by Alex on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 12:50 | #

The Japanese, amongst the most charitable and giving of peoples today, are wise to look into robots so as to both preserve themselves, and so as to retain their integrity, and not prey upon and exploit others in that variant of slavery know as ‘cheap labor’.  An article related to this subject from the past…

In 1874 the Pall Mall Gazette expresses its pleasure that hundreds of thousands of Chinese are being utilized as “cheap labor” in such far flung places as North and South America, Hawaii, and in Australia, but laments that there is growing worldwide resistance to this phenomena.    The newspaper, besides referring to this “anxiety and alarm” as “out of proportion”, comments that there is

“A dread of what might happen if capitalists could command and control these vast hordes of workmen as against men of their own race, has made the labouring class, at any rate, blind to their good qualities.”

In an article that’s reminescent in certain ways of the biblical rendition of Christ’s temptation, the Gazette attempts to pursuade its readers that the Chinese as cheap labor do work others won’t do, are great cooks, are excellent gardeners, etc.  The writer attempts to induce guilt, and lastly, almost beggingly to the reader, makes the claim that untold wealth is to be taken from the Earth if only the Chinese could be brought in to do the work.    Finally, the writer acknowledges that peoples’ resistance (particularly from Europeans in Australia and North America) as to their physical, cultural, and economic replacement, by Chinese cheap labor is strong, and everywhere things are tending “to their discouragement.”

It would be over a hundred years yet before the perfect ideological vehicle would come about to make the world safe for cheap labor…or so they would think.  They would call this vehicle multi-culturalism.

The World in Hemisperes - Ca 1880

The Pall Mall Gazette
Chinamen Out Of China

“OF late years we have heard so much of “Chinese cheap labour” from various parts of the world that it is somewhat difficult to realize the fact that not more than 200,000 Chinamen are working in foreign countries at the present time.    Even this number is quite an outside estimate.    America and Australia have so far been the favourite resorts for Chinese emigrants.    Allowing 130,000 for the former country and 30,000 for the latter, 40,000 are left for Peru, the Sandwich Islands [ed. Hawaii], and other places;  evidently a more than sufficent margin.    Yet the anxiety and alarm shown have been altogether out of proportion to these figures.    We cannot help thinking that this is one of these cases - more common perhaps than is readily admitted - in which imagination plays a considerable part.    Irishmen have emigrated and are still emigrating in far larger numbers than the Chinese, and they are more troublesome to deal with in the countries in which they settle.    Nevertheless the Irishman is looked upon as a neccessary evil in new lands and tolerated accordingly.    The Chinamen, however, is always regarded as an intruder.    They are the only Asiatic race which, if they were secure from ill treatment, would without special urging leave their native country freely.    And even the most ignorant of those who among they come have a hazy notion that there are 400,000,000 or more similar strange looking people tightly packed at home and ready enough to seek their fortune elsewhere.    The storehouse of labour seems practically inexhaustible.    A dread of what might happen if capitalists could command and control these vast hordes of workmen as against men of their own race has made the labouring class, at any rate, blind to their good qualities.    The Americans, for instance, were fain to admit that the Chinese came out grandly in the construction of the Pacific Railway.    But this has nowise abated the sullen hostility with which they are regarded in California, and it needs but little to stir up this enimity to take a much more active shape than that of mere petitions to Congress.    We, too, insist upon forcing ourselves and our commerce upon the Chinese, but the most peaceful invasion on their side would, we take it, be resented by our trade unionist in very practical fashion.    It is well enough that we should balance our Indian budget by debauching them with opium, and if need be we must support our position in that respect by war as before.    They had better not emigrate to England none the less.”

Chinese Rail Workers in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
North America - Ca 1867

“We have been led to make these remarks by the news of a little misunderstanding which has arisen recently in Victoria.      The miners at the Lothair Mine struck for an increase of their already high wages.    Other miners in the neighborhood who at first were ready to take the wages then paid were pursuaded to stand aloof.    As a last resort, the owners engaged a body of Chinamen who were brought into the place accompanied by police.    The colonial miners were in no mood to put up with this.    They attacked police and Chinamen together, and worsted them, inflicting serious injuries on many.    Eventually the Chinamen were obliged to give way, the origonal miners remained masters of the field, and the mine stands idle.    The Victorian Government, afraid to lose the mining vote in the colony, behaved in a most cowardly manner and took no active proceedings against the rioters.    Clearly, therefore, the line of democratic freedom in Victoria is drawn at industrious Asiatics, and if they seek work on equal terms with European colonists they do so at the risk of their lives.    This, taken in conjunction with the harshness shown towards them in California and the massacre reported from South America, ought to keep the Chinese at home for the present.

And yet it seems a pity that this emigration, small as it is,  should be checked.    A Chinaman is qualified to do much that cannot be so well or so cheaply done by the white man.    He can work, and work well, in a great variety of climates.    A German, so the saying runs, will dine off a bone which an Englishman has picked.    A Chinaman will fare sumptuously after both the Europeans have done their worst.    It may perhaps be an exaggeration to couple the Chinese with the French as the best cooks in the world.    But those who have most experience of their powers rate them highly, and in the capacity for making much out of little they are in no way inferior to the great leaders of European gastronomy.    In many a Bush township a Chinaman is the only human being who has the sense to devote his spare time to the cultivation and irrigation of vegetables.    Who would not have charitable feelings towards the man who in a dry and thirsty land can for a consideration furnish you with the crispest of lettuces on a hot summer’s day?    Give a Chinaman a bit of land, and if anything can be done with it all he will turn it into a market garden.    His capacity for getting to places where his labour may be wanted, when once he has begun to roam, is remarkable.    In 1869, when Fiji was not so well known as it is now, a labour vessel chanced to call at one of the remotest plantations.    A Chinaman at once stepped ashore, and walking to the planter’s house, inquired if any hands would be needed next season, as by that time he and 300 more then at work in Taheiti (!) would be ready to take a fresh engagement.    He had come to Fiji, so both he and the skipper averred, for that particular purpose.    Most of them have a “dead horse” to work off on first landing in the shape of their passage money and advances paid by some great Chinese house.    They are, therefore, let out into a sort of mitigated slavery until they have cleared this.    Nothing but the most unremitting industry enables them to become fairly their own masters.    And when once they have got a little money they quickly go out of the mere labouring class.    In this respect they resemble the Jews and genuine Americans.    All of them being educated to a fair point, there is nothing to keep them back.    And it is noteworthy that, passionately addicted as they are to opium - and one of the best freights for the up-country coaches is the opium case - they rarely take to it abroad to excess until they have made their “pile.”    Some of the richest and most influential importers in Melbourne, San Francisco, and Honolulu came out as common labourers, with their great round hats and coarse clothing.    On the gold fields, of course, they are familiar figures, and many claims which have been abandoned as too poor have afforded them the means of returning to China with a comparitive fortune.    In short, for steady, dogged, persistent labourm under proper direction Chinamen are almost unequalled.    To counterbalance their frugality, their industry, and, as a rule, their quiet peaceful behaviour, they certainly have drawbacks that, apart from the cheapness of their labour, account for the enmity felt towards them by the rest of the population.”

“In the first place, they have until recently brought with them no women.    This has often given rise to serious troubles.  A white woman who has once taken up with a Chinaman rarely leaves him.    A famous and dramatic trial which took place some years ago at Melbourne threw some light upon this.    Next they have a knack of carrying out their own peculair system of law and equity quite regardless of the customs of the country in which they may be temporarily resident.    Some singular instances of the secret and relentless way in which they enforce their rules among themselves have been discovered in California.    In Victoria it is believed in one case at least an innocent Chinaman has been hanged for murder by arrangement, his own confession confirming the evidence of his fellows and exonerating the guilty party.    One Chinaman is so uncommonly like another to the eye of an unpracticed European that it is almost impossilbe to get valuable outside evidence on such a matter.    Then, again, their districts in the cities are generally most abominably dirty and overcrowded.    The Chinese qurter of San Francisco is one of the shows of the place.    Little Bourke-street, which runs parallel to the priciple business street in Melbourne, is, too, beyond all question a most filty hole.    Still we could point to courts and alleys within a stone’s throw of the Houses of Parliament, to say nothing of the waterside dens near the docks, which are worse even than these in a way of dirt and unwholesomeness.    Remissness on the part of municipal authorities and greed on the part of the landlords are the causes in each case.    Lastly, in the matter of gambling Chinamen are quite unmanageable.    Gamble they will, though raid after raid be made upon their gambling tables.    And the extent to which they carry the practice is barely conceivable.    Chinamen have been known to gamble themselves away when they had nothing else to play for.    Their passion for gambling and their indifference to life were both curiously shown on Mr. Stuart’s plantation at Taheiti - a plantation, by the way, which by means of the Moaroa and other vessels was responsible for much of what is called the South Sea Slave Trade - where at one time more than 400 Chinamen were employed.    A complete epidemic of suicide broke out among them.    They were not ill used, nor were they ill paid, nor was the labour painful and distressing, like that on the ill famed Guano Islands.  Still the mania for self destruction spread.    This was a serious matter for the owners of the plantation, inasmuch, as each Chinaman who thus put himself out of the world had, counting his passage, outfit, etc, cost a good round sum, and was bound over to work for a certain number of years at a fixed rate of wages.  It was found upon examination that the suicides took place becasue the Chinamen, who had gambled away all their money in hand and to come as well as their persons, thought existance a burden.    All sorts of devices were tried to stop the gambling, but to no purpose.    At last the manager hit upon the bright idea of making the survivors of each gang of twenty men pay the full value of the one who made away with himself.    After this there were no more suicides.    It may be observed that one of the difficulties in dealing with Chinamen both in Taheiti and in the Sandwich Islands, where they are much employed, arises from the fact that some of those who emigrate are skilled workmen, and are consequently much disinclined to devote their time to field labour unless they are offered special inducements.    This the planter too often does not understand, and attributes their hesitation to laziness or determination to break their contract.   

There are such vast tracts distributed over the earth’s surface which the Chinese could and would cultivate to advantage, but which are now quite useless, that it is impossible not to hope that ere long arrangements will be made to afford the security to their emigrants which is now lacking.    If their numbers were increased a hundredfold, they would not suffice for the development of the idle wealth of South America, Jamaica, and the Southern States.    And so far as can be seen, they are the only people who could be induced to undertake the work on a large scale.  At present, however, all the steps which are being taken tend to their discouragement.”

A link to the full article which first appeared in a Spring 1874 edition of The Pall Mall Gazette and is republished here in the April 11 1874 issue of Littell’s Living Age pg 124-127


Posted by Alex on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 12:58 | #

It truly has to be said that the idea of ‘cheap labor’ must be one of the most nefarious things to have ever come across the face of the Earth.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 13:54 | #

“Yes, an almost desparation to create division.  The absolute last thing those who advocate the ideology of multi-culturalism wish to see is a more or less homogenous place, living in a relative peace amongst themselves, as Japan is still at present and many a European nation was till recently.  The multi-culturalists define that as ‘hate.’  But anyone with eyes can see who it is that the true haters are.”

Well said by Alex (that’s Alex Zeka I presume?).  As for the Pall Mall Gazette article, is it possible that magazine was under ........... uhhhhhh .........Jewish control in 1874?

No I did NOT mean anything by that question! .......... NOTHING!

No I WAS NOT insinuating anything, ANYTHING WHATSOEVER!! ...............

............ was just wondering, that’s all ...............................

........... a completely innocent question .................

......... I could just as easily have said Irish control, Welsh control, Cornish control ............ That I said what I said was PURE CHANCE! ...........

.......... just popped into my head at random, no particular reason .................

(........anyone happen to know the answer??? .........................)


Posted by Alex on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 17:20 | #

Well said by Alex

TY!  wink 

(that’s Alex Zeka I presume?).

Not me.  Just Alex


Posted by GT on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 20:15 | #

Wild Bill Thiele,

You’re looking at a circuit used to switch fractional horsepower load devices and more importantly, provide 5500-7500v of isolation between sensor or microcomputer inputs and the AC load.  FYI, this circuit (or one of a similar design) was used throughout the manufacturing process of the subassemblies used to build the robots featured on this page.  No doubt the robots themselves contain DC versions of this circuit with transistors and silicon-controlled rectifiers used in place of triacs.

In the multimachaine thread Maguire and I made clear that we don’t object to incorporating “pre-owned” factory equipment in our alternate industries where it is logistically feasible to do so at low cost, but we’ve also explained that this is not usually the case.

Falsely equating what we advocate to a pre-industrial lifestyle and combining this with an arrogant disdain for southern English was a very jewish thing to do.  You might consider taking your own advice and “balance your brain” before addressing us further.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 20:15 | #

“skeptical”, I suspect the reason Alexander “Mr. Amway” Thiele aka “Wild Bill” continues to post here is not so much because he is trying to sell his motivational tapes as he is promoting an agenda he finds threatened by self-sufficient small rural groups.

When he first posted his article about subliminal “brain balancing” or whatever, I thought his attack on GT’s article, forwarding of a link on turning auto engine blocks into machine tools, was just sort of a random happenstance resulting from GT’s article being next in the blog.  Now its fairly clear that it was more than a coincidence. 

The contempt with which he attacked the self-sufficiency approach is not characteristic of someone who is trying to do a “make vs buy” decision rationally.  If it were, he would have attacked, not with contempt, but with an analysis of the reliability of strategic supply chains under conditions where the centers of control have become obvious military targets for a freedom loving populous.

By tying—through dependence—the fate of a freedom loving populous to those centers of control, you make it much easier to control them.

That’s where I think he’s coming from, whether his “balanced brain” realizes consciously or not.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 20:38 | #

GT wrote: Falsely equating what we advocate to a pre-industrial lifestyle and combining this with an arrogant disdain for southern English was a very jewish thing to do.  You might consider taking your own advice and “balance your brain” before addressing us further.

And, if his agenda is, as I suspect, for centralization of control, then he is exhibiting the primary Jewish extended phenotype of all—as I’ve described elsewhere several times:

Jewish virulence evolved from the following horizontal transmission cycle (starting point is a chicken/egg question):

<ol><li> Hyper centralization of net assets (communist, capitalist, monarchy—doesn’t matter), <li> Social breakdown as middle class (Yeomen) are unable to afford subsistence, <li> Grab and convert wealth in easily transported forms (gold historically, diamonds more recently, etc.), <li> “virulent antisemitism” breaks out, <li> Emigrate leaving behind less “savvy” Jews to take the heat, <li> Cry out for help to elites at destination nation while offering concentrated wealth to enter new cycle (see step 1).</ol>

This cycle explains a lot about Jewish behavior regarding immigration and centralization.


Posted by GT on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 22:27 | #

”Wild Bill” Thiele’s position is at odds with White survival.  At first I thought this was due to his ignorance or my failure to communicate, but then he insulted young under- and unemployed White males in the alternate production thread:

Tell your unemployed and underemployed auto mechanic friends to borrow $30 from their Mothers and use it to buy a cd, any cd from anyone of these companies:

On his blog’s profile Thiele wrote that he was a construction contractor in Texas, which was neither confirmed nor denied when I mentioned it.  Neither did he reply when I asked about his contributions toward facilitating the training, licensing, and employment of young White men in engineering, technology, and the trades.

Given the fluctuations in the construction industry I think it’s strange that a pro-White contractor in Texas would have such a low opinion of under- and unemployed young White men!  I mean, are their brains not aligned?  Or is “competent, hard-working” Mexican labor cheaper?


Posted by Wild Bill on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 22:46 | #

Attention: Maguire, GT, Bowery,

My training emphasized that the purpose of fighting is to win the war.

Like most people, yourselves included, it is a necessity of social function to take people at face value.  I came here to Majority Rights because the promoter of this web site indicated that he/they were trying to do something to make sure that the White Race has a decent place to live its life and fulfill its God given purpose, whatever that purpose is.  There was also an indication from the webmaster that time is of the essence in the matter of securing this White future, and this concern is congruent with my understanding of the situation.

It is obvious that you three guys are probably senior PhDs and absolute masters in electrical, mechanical,  aerospace and nuclear engineering.  I am sure you are all more intelligent that I ever dreamed of being and you can probably tell me more about the science of welding than I can tell you.  And while there is nothing in your vernacular to give this point away its probably a safe bet that I have laid down more miles of weld and threaded more pipe and tapped more steel than you have.

And just like you and everyone else my feelings get hurt when someone laughs at me and calls me a liar, spammer and Amway sales rep.  I can understand that your feelings were hurt when I suggested that your multi machine project was not appropriate for the purpose of Majority Rights.

Now, we have this tar baby: you call me a liar, Amway rep (looking to make big money off of the unsuspecting patrons of Majority Rights) and general no goodnik and I reflect back that you guys are at best retired academics and desk jockys that know nothing about practical industrial economy. ... And that is the nature of political discussion.  We both proclaim: I am South and everywhere I look is north.

Our exchange has deteriorated too far to kiss and make up or even to agree to disagree.  So I am going on my way to other fields ... where I can find people who are interested in winning the war as I understand it.  And in closing I will include a paragraph or two from a remorseful cointelpro agent.  If you read closely you can see that he is talking about subliminal persuasion though he does not use that term.

Confessions of a Covert Agent
Psychological Operations are my specialty

... It’s hard to get the average American to understand these things. Most everyone in this country has been mind-fucked since birth. For a very blatant example, you can look at the advertising industry and the way they have increased intensely their focus on the youth. It’s all about breeding impulsive emotionally driven consumers through repetition - over and over again - buy, buy, buy. You hear something enough and you internalize the message. It becomes something like the air you breathe, like gravity. It’s there, omnipresent, but you don’t realize it or consciously think about it. It becomes the spring from which your thoughts leap forth.

It’s psychological operations on a grand scale, mass psychology. The scientific art of manipulating public opinion is 100 years old now. PsyOps have evolved to the point, thanks to the all pervasive mass media, where we can make you believe, or at least passively accept, whatever we want you to. I secretly worked with the world’s most powerful media companies to get you to believe what “they” want you to believe. The media is the most efficient weapon of tyranny and oppression ever created. No need to physically control populations anymore when you can do it mentally - program it in, internalize the rules. ...


Posted by GT on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 00:01 | #

Wild Bill,

I am not a degreed engineer or academic.  I am self-taught and am associated with the electrical industry.  The industry has slowed, as I’m sure you’re aware.

Now, Bowery wrote the following:

The contempt with which he attacked the self-sufficiency approach is not characteristic of someone who is trying to do a “make vs buy” decision rationally.  If it were, he would have attacked, not with contempt, but with an analysis of the reliability of strategic supply chains under conditions where the centers of control have become obvious military targets for a freedom loving populous.

Pay particular attention to that last sentence.  We want to hear what you have to say, but criticize our strategy from that angle.  Give up the “idiootsky” stuff and the insinuations that we’re stupid.

If it’s any consolation know that not only have Bowery and I insulted each other, but half or more of MR’s greybearded readers have placed me on permanent “ignore.”  Hell, ask MR’s Frank McGuckin what he thinks about me!  It doesn’t matter very much.  This is cyberspace.  People dish it out and I dish it back in spades, if I choose.  Much more important than ego is the fact that my take on Maguire and Bowery’s message of White independence is slowly making its way to young men of character and leadership potential.  That’s the primary concern.

If the message is wrong we’ll change it, but you must do better - a lot better.

BTW, I don’t totally discount the effectiveness of subliminal messaging.  After all, the Amway cult uses it.


Posted by Svigor on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 01:13 | #

Can anyone explain the conceptual impossibility of AI?

P.S., still wishing for a placeholder for the comment submission code image, so I can view it via the context menu, and don’t have to load all the friggin’ images in a page just to see the code; I think HTML specifying the size of the image would do it, but that’s just an educated guess.


Posted by Tommy G on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 01:28 | #

“It is obvious that you three guys are probably senior PhDs and absolute masters in electrical, mechanical, aerospace and nuclear engineering.”



Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 02:42 | #

Svigor, there is nothing conceptually impossible about “AI” and indeed depending on how you define it, “AI” has been achieved in various ways for a very long time.

However if you want to talk about general intelligence required of a humanoid that can put white color workers out of work en masse, then there is a fairly trivial thing Japan can do to make it happen:  Back the Hutter Prize for Lossless Compression of Human Knowledge with around $10M.  The ensuing chain of events would be:

1) A lot of publicity as people around the world come up with ever more sophisticated ways of succinctly stating human knowledge.

2) An explosion of the numbers and variety of people who would understand the fundamental importance of Ockham’s Razor to universal intelligence (basically:  the closer you approach a body of knowledge’s Kolmogorov Complexity description, the closer you approach the most truthful description of that knowlege).

3) A move to shift much of government science funding to much more ambitious contests modeled after the Hutter Prize.

4) An epistemological revolution as truthfulness becomes a measurable number and differing “paradigms” become rationally comparable in those terms.

5) A shift of hardware development from normal “von Neuman” models to models more suitable for knowledge processing.

6) AI.


Posted by Maguire on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 03:13 | #

Alexander “Will Bill” Thiele,

“So I am going on my way to other fields ...”

You promised me this before, too.  And you broke my heart.

“It’s psychological operations on a grand scale, mass psychology… PsyOps have evolved to the point, thanks to the all pervasive mass media”

“If you read closely you can see that he is talking about subliminal persuasion”

I can see he is talking about the use of an all pervasive mass media to implement his conditioning strategy.  I personally don’t control an all-pervasive ‘mass media’.  And I know you don’t, Thiele, or you wouldn’t be writing here.  And you are seriously proposing strategies whose successful implementation requires prior possession and control of a mass media?  Is this state of mind supposed to be an advertisment for the ‘After’ results of using your touted brain wave alignment tools?

‘Delusional’ is what I’d label it.

“Ti panne myish, malinkv klabugchek?”

Oh, I think I understand more than a small ball of yarn.  I just don’t agree with you is all.


“And, if his agenda is, as I suspect, for centralization of control, then he is exhibiting the primary Jewish extended phenotype of all—as I’ve described elsewhere several times”

He confirmed your suspicion with the strategy he chose to cite favorably from “Global Research”.  By definition an ‘all pervasive mass media’ requires centralized control.



Posted by GT on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 06:47 | #


Can anyone explain the conceptual impossibility of AI?

I don’t think software can be conscious of hardware in the sense that an organism is conscious of its body.


Posted by Annika O'Brien's robotics enterprise on Sat, 24 Feb 2018 08:52 | #

Annika O’Brien discusses her robotics enterprise with JF

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:28. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:30. (View)
