San Jose Mercury News Bid to… ?

Posted by James Bowery on Monday, 21 April 2008 19:04.

As with the story cited in “New York Times Bid To Make Obama Genuflect More?” and its (end of article) admission that “almost all the jobs lost by men in the 25 to 54 age group have been lost by whites”, it will come as no surprise to my readers here at MR that there is a New TB threat: Global ties bring an ancient disease to Silicon Valley.

However, when the source is the primary newspaper of Silicon Valley, the San Jose Mercury News, we are compelled to inquire:

What’s the agenda?

Is this yet another bid to make Obama, a clear vectorist, genuflect more?  Plausibly except for one thing: 

Vectorism is Holocaustianity‘s central (if unspoken) dogma for gentiles (and sacrificial Jews in diaspora), and the San Jose Mercury News is clearly targeting those outside of Israel.  This seems more than just another ploy for political extortion by the Theocracy.

Is this the harbinger of a fundamental schism within the Western power structure?

Expanding on some of my esoteric terminology in context:

The idea that, baring legal proof of criminal acts or intent, there must be acceptance of “the other” in all our relations, both public and personal, is fundamental to the current power structure of the West—a power structure which is best described in theocratic terms as the new state religion of “Holocaustianity”.  Holocaustianity holds that for humanity’s Original Sin of kin preference, the innocent, the light unto the Nations, The Chosen by God Himself—THE JEWS (well, OK, 6 million of them give or take)—were sacrificed by the representatives—THE NAZIS—of Satan on Earth—ADOLPH HITLER—in the Incomprehensible Mystery of the Holocaust.  These are the exoteric slogans of Holocaustianity.  The esoteric meaning of the Mystery of the Holocaust is a central dogma:  Except for Israel and some diaspora Jews which are not to be sacrificed, there shall be no barriers to any sort of replicators (memes and genes), save those replicators that the Theocracy declares embody Original Sin (“racists” etc.) or which are so obviously evil that to admit them would discredit Holocaustianity’s moral authority in the eyes of the Faithful (those with IQ’s somewhere under 150 who have been thoroughly indoctrinated by the theocracy’s seminaries known as academia, and its places of worship known as the movie theater or the boob-tube hearth in the home).  ALL FLESH, except for Israeli Jews and some diaspora Jews which are to be preserved, may be sacrificed to this Central Dogma lest another Satan be unleashed on Earth.

This dogmatic suppression of barriers to replicators is the true central belief of the Theocracy—a belief called “vectorism” rooted in the word “vector” as taken to mean in epidemiology:  The transmitter of disease.  (The only relationship to the mathematical concept of “vector” seems to be the image of an arrow showing a direction of transmission of the infectious agent.)

There are a number of ancillary structures here, such as creating centralized repositories of wealth (e.g. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, etc.) which can be turned against the flesh of their own kin, thereby demonstrating their salvation from Original Sin and the associated social status as Righteous in the eyes of the Faithful, but they are merely supporting structures—they are not fundamental.

What is fundamental is the studious ignorance of the criminal negligence of the Theocracy in exposing vast populations of the Faithful to ever-more virulent replicators rendered so by their ability to invade, exploit and escape through repeated generations.  This studious ignorance is critical because without it Holocaustianity loses its moral authority by exposing as criminals, its agents.  Now, this isn’t to say that there can be no discussion of the link between immigration and virulence but it is crucial to keep such discussion disconnected from a double-entry accounting system where negatives can be weighed against positives rationally.  The discussion of Silicon Valley in the context of immigration and TB vectors is running dangerously close to the vectorist analogue of Holocaust Relativism (comparing the incomparable Sacrifice to any other sacrifice):  Rationally weighing the risks posed by virulent replicators brought by immigrants against the putative “benefits” of immigration.  Since there has been studious ignorance of this tradeoff in the past, there is danger of the Faithful starting to question even the “benefits”, thereby opening the Central Dogma itself to rational inquiry hence heresy.




Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 22:47 | #

Help me out with this, James.  Are you suggesting that Bo and Stanley’s favourite organ of news is siding sentimentally with the ordinary Jewish left-behinds who never damned well make the last train to Clarksville, and see Obama, untrusted by the others as he is, as a malleable means for helping the little Jewish guy?

If so, they should maybe read this.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 00:00 | #

I need help too, James.  Could you connect some of the dots for me so I can connect the rest?  I can’t quite see what you’re driving at, but the feeling I get is it’s interesting and important.


Posted by Bo on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 01:04 | #

A very meaty concept and a set of juicy questions.

First, the author of the piece is a dedicated white-hater, well beyond most of the regulation, work-to-the-rule white-bashers at the San Jose Mercury News. I read the article to see if he did it again, but it seemed to be just an article about the most recent inport of insidious & costly diseases. No white people to blame (so far).

Second, it appears to me to be a kind of launch (vectorism?) for the USA to undertake a global initiative in confronting this kind of TB (notice there was no serious call for all visitors and workers to be tested in the article), exactly as we have with HIV and are starting to do with Hep B (about which a similar story was written some months ago).

As a little bit of evidence in support of this, here is a copy of the first letter-to-the-editor responding to the issue and the article linked to by Bowery. This might answer part of the questions raised by Bowery, Guessedworker, and Scrooby. The editorial board selects LTEs as closely as it does stories and writers:



May 19, 2008

Take the stigma out of tuberculosis

I agree that Bay Area authorities should
spruce public health funding efforts to
counter the tuberculosis bacteria. However,
I disagree with the negative tone that labels
and stigmatizes immigrants for draining the
system and burdening local taxpayers. I
find this unfair and unethical. The country
needs high-tech workers for fueling the
economic engine. We must not forget that
research and development at torpedo pace
has been made possible by international
talent. We must approach the issue with a
humanistic perspective, realizing that
students, H-1B workers and immigrants
from Third World countries are humans
who have contributed to the success of
America and hence are entitled to equitable
health care opportunity as residents.

Dimple Gupta
San Jose


While the text of the first LTE on the topic isn’t dispositive of the paper’s motivation as to timing & topic for the original article, it offers a look at what the editorial board sees as an important component of the whole question. Hpe this helps. Just more o’the same. Or maybe Dimple is just dim.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 01:56 | #

Bo, thanks for “fleshing out” the subject.  Very interesting. 

I for one was curious as to whether the San Jose Mercury News was owned by the (fill in the blank) ______ , but the parent company’s honchos don’t appear to include (fill in the blank) ______ names, at any rate:


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 02:05 | #

Look at this though, as potentially part of the explanation this rag has the hots for “technical talent imported from the Third World”:  look who provided the loan the parent company needed to purchase the San Jose Mercury News in August, 2006 (from same URL as above):

Singleton founded MediaNews Group in 1983.

In August, 2006, the company took out around $350 million in loans to purchase four newspapers from McClatchy Company.  Among those providing the loan was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.[2]  The loan was mostly used to help pay for the acquisition of two significant San Francisco Bay Area newspapers (and some smaller papers), including the San Jose Mercury News and the Contra Costa Times, the dominant papers in the San Jose and Contra Costa County, California markets; in total, the purchases amounted to roughly $737 million.

What conditions did the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation insist on, before granting loan financing?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 02:10 | #

Bill Gates has certainly shaped up as ranking right up there with the Kennedys, the Bush family, David Rockefeller, and some others as an agent working as hard and as aggressively as he can for the total obliteration of the American nation.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:14 | #

My apologies for the esoterically dense language.  I’ve posted some exposition.  See above.


Posted by 2R on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 06:39 | #

Its important to also realize that within the religion of Holocaustianity, that a hierarchical system of “trumps” exists.  In the Netherlands there has been a major increase in rape against Dutch women by Muslim men from North Africa.  A Dutch feminist suggested that maybe Dutch women were to blame for wearing clothing which caused these Muslim men to rape them.  Many were shocked to hear a feminist espouse such a thing. 

The reasoning behind this was due to the position of multiculturalism in relation to feminism.  Multiculturalism is the highest of covenants within this religion, thereby “trumping” feminism.  If the rapists were white men, then no excuse would be given (as there shouldn’t be).  But since the rapists were non-whites, their behavior is excused in favor of maintaining the holy covenant of multiculturalism.  Feminism in itself cannot replace the White race, multiculturalism can and will.  Salvation will be realized when no more white people exist (except for the elites, for some reason they remain pretty much white or Jewish?).


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:30 | #

2R - So true, diversity poker in fact.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 10:03 | #

Thank you, James.  But in your original post you wrote: “Is this the harbinger of a fundamental schism within the Western power structure?”

I then enquired: “Are you suggesting that Bo and Stanley’s favourite organ of news is siding sentimentally with the ordinary Jewish left-behinds who never damned well make the last train to Clarksville ...”

Is that the schism, more or less, that you suggest may be developing: a rebellion against the sacrifice of most Jews in diaspore?

Your model, by the way, is good.  Obviously, religions all operate on the basis of a specialised system of truth on the inside and faith in truisms on the outside.  However, over time - perhaps measured by the millenium - the esoteric core dries out and dies.  Everything ends in exoterica.  A systemically genocidal religious mimickry is highly unlikely to enjoy a long and cohesive inner life.  Schism may well come early.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 15:03 | #

GW, It did cross my mind that what we may be seeing is a response to displacement, by H-1b visas, of middle class Jews of Silicon Valley.  It goes something like this:

Mike Swift was probably hanging around Silicon Valley before the dot-com bubble caused the destruction of the engineers that built the Internet.  He developed social ties with many Euro and Jewish people—with a bias toward Jewish people being as he is in the media—during that period and was therefore unable to completely ignore the devastation that occurred when the bubble burst, employment crashed and H-1b visas peaked with almost all remaining jobs going to guys from India and Israel (or anyone else who had an effective ethnic mafia to form a de facto union to weather the storm).  He could rationalize this situation with the Theocracy-supplied rhetoric about the situation involving “cleaning house” of all the cruft that had accumulated during the dot-com bubble—even though what was being kept was the more ethnically nepotistic cruft and what was being cleaned out was the less ethnically connected cruft along with the less ethnically connected population of engineers (Euros) who had built the Internet.  During this time, the diaspora Jews of Silicon Valley probably fared relatively well because of their general ability to play negative sum games bolstered by their connection to their ethnic mafia.  However, as is generally the case with negative sum games, sooner-or-later the bitter harvest comes to fruition—and the parasites, now dominating the Silicon Valley ecology, start trying to throw each other overboard.  In this situation Mike Swift may be seeing some of his Jewish friends going the way of the more “dispensable” Euro guys who built the Internet.  He may be having conversations that a responsible journalist would have had circa 2001 with those “dispensable” Euro guys as they were being booted from their professions and heading for minimum wage jobs in Walmart competing with illegal aliens who, again, had a more effective ethnic mafia protecting their tier of jobs.

A trigger-point for this may be the current election during which H-1b visas are again on the table for expansion due to the fact that there are _some_ businesses that have executives responsive to their stockholders’ interests—and those businesses are starting to rehire some of the Euro engineers who built the Internet.  This is an absolutely deadly situation to the Theocracy and must be stopped by H-1b expansion immediately since those engineers aren’t just witnesses to the murder of their profession—they are victim survivors of vectorism’s promotion of virulence via immigration and the connection of Jews to it.  They were supposed to just die an ignominious death, remaining quiet out of the shame of being “cruft” as they go softly into that good night.  Here we have a situation in which competition in the free market might start to _work_ and get rid of the _real_ cruft—the _virulent_ cruft imported by vectorism—along with the agents of vectorism from Gates to Ellison to Fiorina to McNealy, etc.  This is the real reason why H-1b expansion is being pushed by the leaders of vectorism with a vigor not seen since the peak of the dot-com bubble.


Posted by Bo on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 19:52 | #


I wish I were more fluent in “vectorish” so I could express myself in that dialect, but I’m not adept at it yet. However, it is possible that the article in question could be considered a two-way vector in that it explains biological incursions & makes no serious solutions part of the discourse so that would reflect an incoming vector, and it is reasonable to consider that it may prefigure an attempt to spend millions of our tax dollars abroad to fix TB so that would be an outgoing vector (cash). The latter outgoing vector is well-established in the HIV arena, Hep B will be next, and then TB around the world. If I’m not grasping vectorism, my apologies. I know how it is to have a perfectly clear body of ideas that seem to just slide off people.


Mike Swift is the kind of reporter who, in reporting on out-migration from California to other states will refer to the Latino out-migration phenomenon as “the Latino diaspora” and will refer to the white American out-migration phenomenon as “white flight,” both in the same paragraph. He is a soulless, little-minded person whose keyboard drips with loathing for the diverse white American peoples. We cannot tell his ethicity as yet. He may be writing from a black perspective, that’s a current theory here.


The quest for more H visas appears to be a quest for a larger dollar amount in net profits. These H guys are notoriously underpaid, perhaps by as much as 50% what an American worker could expect for the same or better performance. Many American engineers complain that, while they work with a team of 5-9 engineers from abroad, they have to re-do all the work. India colleges have a wonderful reputation on the surface, but they are subject to more advanced requirements for graduating from each of the castes in proportion to the size of the castes. We tend to think about social promotion as a reality, but in India failure to graduate appropriate numbers is a big scandal, and loss of administrator jobs. Educators in India are much more willing to socially promote students by caste numbers than by academic success.

And don’t forget that H visa employees (along with F, L, M, and trade-treaty visa workers) are counted toward American affirmative action points. That is, a woman PhD from India is literally a two-fer, counting toward “female employment” and “person of color employment.” To the extent it is important, and it is important, work visas are god-sends to companies that just can’t find black or bronze qualified employees….whatever the reasons.


A suggestions was made above that certain indicators might predict a shredding of the protocols that unite the classists (read: Obama’s San Francisco fundraising audience) who have a sense of entitlement as big as the outdoors (a deeply coded reference), but I doubt it. Such a shredding seems to occur only when economic pieces of the pie that have been “owned” by this one or that one are contested, either on public policy grounds (fur coats bad or blood diamonds bad) or on the ground of fish….the big ones get to eat the smaller ones. We hear a lot about the creation of a counterweight to AIPAC on “J Street,” and we hear a lot about Soros’s bid for a leadership role vs. the existing bosses, and we know historically there have been divisions (Pharisees vs. Sadducees), but there’s just not enough evidence to suggest any serious effort in that direction as of yet.


This is a fascinating topic. I remember two instances from the past. One was when the topic of female genital mutilation in foreign countries arose. Theoretically, the rules of multiculturalism should come into play respecting the integrity of the offshore culture. But there was unanimity that the rules of unlimited feminism should govern. (Nobody cared about male genital mutilation.)

The other trumping instance was a local one. An African-American San Jose city council member had made slighting references to certain groups during a closed session with other African-Americans to discuss specifically African-American issues and problems. During the closed meeting proceedings she briefly demonstrated a limp wrist while favorably, indeed admiringly, discussing gay organizations’ effectiveness. A film was made secretly and widely distributed, and I must tell you it wasn’t as vulgar as it sounds. The hand gestures were made in the most refined way and, of course, we were delighted that the diverse white residents of San Jose were not blamed for anything. Gay groups came in for some comparative analysis and some exhortation to her audience to emulate some of their savvy behavior for political success. Well, needless to say, this resulted in her being recalled by the voters. But what blew my mind was when I visited a news conference in front of city hall which featured a dozen or so African-American men and a dozen or so young, slender, well-dressed, gay European-American men and women. The latter group got up and ripped the city council member a new one on the ground that she showed disrespect to gay people! They trumped the hell out of an African-American woman which still kind of amazes me.

With reference to disadvantages suffered by the Jewish community, there seem to be none in terms of employment, education, and so on. There is only a little cloud in the sky and that is that all the people of color, including especially all the new immigrants, think the Jews are us, ie, white people. Having been carefully taught to hate all white people, some Jews are troubled by their being included by the new crowd in our crowd! There is a big discussion in the Jewish community on this point which reveals itself in this or that publication from time to time, much like the contest beween Jewish spokespersons and Japanese-American spokespersons as to which group may or may not use the term “concentration camp” in their songs of victimhood.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 21:07 | #

Over at the Blog today Rob Sanchez blogs on the same article as the present log entry:


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 21:23 | #

Bo, the split I’m referring to isn’t necessarily among the rentiers but, as I mentioned in my response to GW, a split between middle class Jews—the boots on the ground so to speak—and the rentiers as the rentiers attempt a mopping up operation of Euro engineers which, due to the extreme conditions, is seriously eating into even a relatively immune middle-class Jewish constituency.  This can hit guys like Swift in their personal relations.


Posted by Bo on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 19:29 | #

Our favorite organ of news, the San Jose Mercury News, may have revealed its real objective in today’s editorial section when it became apparent that the goal was to “invest in prevention” of TB. Here’s the full editorial—notice, not a hint that TB should be barred from entering the country, only that we spend more on a stat level to cure it.

Editorial: Cutting budget to combat TB increases risk
Mercury News Editorial
Article Launched: 04/24/2008 02:21:30 AM PDT

From a public health perspective, the 1.9 percent drop in California’s tuberculosis cases in 2007 may have been the worst thing that could have happened to the state.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is using the reduction to justify cutting the budget to combat TB. Of the many shortsighted public health decisions in this decade, this ranks among the worst.

The global TB epidemic is threatening the Bay Area like few places in the nation, as Mercury News reporter Mike Swift’s stories in Sunday’s paper illustrated.

TB kills more than 5,000 people worldwide every day. In 2006, public health officials detected 228 cases in Santa Clara County - more than in 35 other states.

Schwarzenegger should be calling for increased funding, at least for this area, to stop the spread of the disease. If he doesn’t, Bay Area lawmakers need to put the money into the state budget.

The county is coming up empty-handed everywhere it turns.

It receives about $4,000 per case from the Centers for Disease Control to fight TB, while 10 other metropolitan areas in the United States receive nearly double that amount. Earlier this year, Dr. Marty Fenstersheib, Santa Clara County’s public health officer, lobbied Washington and the CDC to recognize the severity of the problem here—so far to no avail.

Since it’s already getting shortchanged by the federal government, the county simply can’t take an additional hit from the state.

Investing in prevention is essential. The average cost of treating a single TB case is around $17,000, and the disease is becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics. One strain, XDR, is proving especially difficult to treat. Since TB is spread through the air when an infected person sneezes or coughs, the threat of an epidemic is real.

Fenstersheib makes a convincing case that the county is barely keeping pace with the spread even now. If California doesn’t invest in prevention, the crisis will spread to other regions. The governor and Legislature have to face up to it.


Copyright 2008 San Jose Mercury News


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 16:37 | #

Bo, I don’t read that editorial exactly the way you read it.

While they mention treatment as an “investment” in “prevention”, the final emphasis is on “prevention” or “the crisis will spread to other regions”. 

There are other developments that support speculation of a split between middle class Jews—now finally being affected by H-1b long after the Euro engineers who built the Internet have been deep sixed—and rentiers such as those on Billionaires’ Row in SF recently entertained by Obama without even the benefit of black face.

For example, the Jewish-led Center for Immigration Studies has published Jewish Norm Matloff’s damning article on H-1b’s impact, on which Fred Scooby has commented here


Posted by Bo on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 18:49 | #

Got it, thanks James.  Bo


Posted by James on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 00:17 | #

When will people realize that the Negros and the Jews are in league with the giant Lizard people, hoping to start the New World Order. They have been systematically taking over the world since the year 1633, and at their current rate their goals should be reached by 2643.


Posted by Laptoper on Wed, 14 May 2008 09:12 | #

Is this a brother of Freddy Mercury?

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