Los Angeles on the leading edge From the Daily Telegraph:-
Lynn and Vanhanen already have the answer to that. But, then, so have we. It seems that the only people who haven’t are sitting in government offices. As one of these, the NCII cleaves unquestioningly to the official line. It’s LA report (pdf) is a typical government document, full of the presumption of men who are not paid to think. The word gang does not appear in it. Nor does the word crime. Nor does the word trust. There are only challenges. Lots of them. As in ..
And there are opportunities, too. As in ...
and, my favourite ...
What this report really says in its 74 windy and repetitive pages can be reduced to one sentence ... The government machine is institutionally incapable of absorbing evidence contrary to its foundational belief in the imminence of the multiracial paradise. That’s it. There isn’t any more. Ironically, the degree to which the collapse of trust and racial balkanisation can be countered is the degree to which LA eventually becomes a Mexican city. It might be pretty quick - the report states that in 2000, 36% of the LA population was foreign born, but 55% of the children were second generation. And what will the NCII write about then? Comments:2
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:34 | # America, my beloved country, is being transformed into a third-world shithole; how my heart weeps. 3
Posted by skeptical on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 16:12 | # Guessedworker,
I can’t wait for the collapse, hopefully it will herald a new wave of moral clarity on what’s at stake to many White Americans. If Los Angeles descends into an anarchic mayhem, complete with confused violence and a government that can’t even sustain a patina of control, it will only provide our side with another spectacle we can point to and say, “Look! This is what’s coming if we continue along the present course.” Captainchaos,
Ever day is a new lament for me. 4
Posted by Mark on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 17:29 | # But the whites in LA hate people like you more than anything else. There is no sin greater than racism if you are white, according to them. So don’t mourn LA, just laugh at them. Immigration is a force greater than you can control. 5
Posted by torgrim on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 21:24 | # “A strategy that builds on demograph and catalyzes informed engagement of immigrants and other stakeholders..” This is the kind of language the Establishment uses to obfuscate their criminal actions. Who, after reading this kind of verbage doesn’t want to just go to sleep….which is the purpose of such mendacity. Mark said, “But the Whites in LA hate people like you more than anythng else. There is no sin greater than racism if you are white, according to them. So don’t mourn LA, just laugh at them. Immigration is a greater force than you can control.” I have to agree with you, Mark, there is no sin greater than racism if you are white. Immigration and not being able to stop it, is just what the “grinders”, those that will try and wear us down would have us believe. No way,.... stop immigration, all of it. Stop all benefits, all employment to non- US born Citizens. With that in place I would say that, at least 75% would leave, voluntarily, within a few years. The rest would take longer. I won’t mourn LA and the next time LA burns from riots, this white guy won’t help, not again. Good luck, this ought to be interesting with the multi-culti Army or NG. 6
Posted by 2R on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 22:31 | # “this ought to be interesting with the multi-culti Army or NG. I will wager that the Brass in the Military are weighing the same question.” (-torgrim) This is why the neocons are in such a hurry to “spread Democracy.” They know that by 2025 or so, the country will be so divided, and full of internal pressures that America will be unable to manage an aggressive foreign policy. This is one of the reasons that contractors are on the rise too. Here’s Thomas W. Chittum’s prediction on when and where “Civil War II” will begin. The Year: 2020 If you never read it, I highly recommend Chittum’s book “Civil War II: The coming break up of America.” Here’s a link to the whole book: 8
Posted by James on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 00:08 | # Yes, why didn’t we see it before?! Those poor, uneducated, dirty Mexicans aren’t here to get illegal jobs in hopes of providing a better life for their children. No, they are taking over the United States of America. It’s all a conspiracy started by the Mexican government, which is controlled by the Zionest Council, which is controlled by the Pope, who is controlled by the Homosexual Agenda. Yes, all this time we thought we for to blame for our own failures, when in fact we are in the midst of a widescale invasion. See, first the Mexican government sends over its worst, poorest citizens to illegally sneak into America, and then they wait a few decades and BAM! THE WAR BEGINS! What a brilliant scheme. A dastardly secret conspiracy, thank goodness thousands of people who congegate on the internet were able to figure it out. 9
Posted by skeptical on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 00:32 | # James,
What point are you trying to make here? 10
Posted by James on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 00:36 | # The point is that I hate those damn smelly Mexicans, and it’s wonderful that this massive conspiracy was unmasked by all of you. You must feel so proud. 11
Posted by skeptical on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 00:52 | # James, Do you know how ridiculous you sound? The Mexicans are not here because of any kind of “conspiracy”; rather, they are here because the quality of life (and the stability of American government) far surpasses that which can be found in Mexico or, for that matter, almost any other part of Latin America. Same goes for the rest of the Third World flotsam that have come here because they want to share in our superior quality of life (at least materially speaking). 12
Posted by James on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 02:37 | # Shut up, you Mexican-loving race-traitor! How dare you defend those illegal alien scum! Those sub-humans DESERVE to suffer in their own countries. White people have the duty to make sure WE live comfortabley, not some disgusting dark-skinned foreigners. 13
Posted by 2R on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 03:23 | # “See, first the Mexican government sends over its worst, poorest citizens to illegally sneak into America, and then they wait a few decades and BAM! THE WAR BEGINS! What a brilliant scheme. A dastardly secret conspiracy, thank goodness thousands of people who congregate on the Internet were able to figure it out.” James is a good example of a person who doesn’t understand what we believe or think about so as a result, he creates a straw man and attacks it. The worst part about it is he thinks he’s being original. This always happens here, some very “tolerant” person like James comes here to tell us how ignorant we all are. Then we spend 3 days and 150 posts trying to reason with circular arguments and political correct regurgitated propaganda. We must realize that a person like James has never had an original thought in his life, and just like the Christian who believes in “creation,” we’re not going to change this person no matter how much factual evidence or logic we use. So James, please save yourself the time, I promise that whatever you’re going to say, we’ve heard time after time here. If you want to live in a 3rd world shit hole, I promise you that no one here is going to stop you. Just please, no matter how morally superior it makes you feel, please try to refrain from posting here. 14
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 03:26 | # James, I stongly suspect you are a troll, but you are mouthing the correct doctrine so I say go on with your bad self. Besides, I got a chuckle out of your act, nothing wrong with a few laughs. 15
Posted by James on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 04:49 | # Thank you Captainchaos. It’s nice to get some respect, and not have to listen to the liberal whinings of “2R”. 16
Posted by Fr. John on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 14:39 | # “I can’t wait for the collapse, hopefully it will herald a new wave of moral clarity on what’s at stake to many White Americans.” -Skeptical I disagree. We dare not give L.A. to the mestizo hordes, those sub-human, ignorant peasants, nor should we give it to the Hollywierd types. War is brutal, but often necessary, to take BACK one’s patrimony from an INVADER race. ““All [White, Christian, European] mankind is of one author, and is one volume; As therefore the bell that rings to a sermon, No man is an island, entire of itself… -John Donne The adjectives in brackets are as necessary in this day and age, as the ‘sola’ was in Luther’s era. ‘Man’ as it meant to Donne, meant WHITE MAN. 17
Posted by Top on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 18:55 | # “Those sub-humans DESERVE to suffer in their own countries.” - James While I do realize that James is a troll, I want to respond to this statement in a general way. Many non-white nationalists who diguise themselves as ‘human rights’ advocates in western countries (ex. La Raza, and ADL) often make over-the-top statements like this in order to discredit white worries about a total demographic collapse. They attribute evil intentions to ALL white activists regardless of those activists actually propose. The whole bit about whites who want to survive being some sort of a demonic essence that wants to devour poor third world peasants is part of this strategy. This is how they would debate is in public, and this is how they approach all conversation with those who want to preserve Euro majorities in Euro countries. The strategy is not to debate topics, but to label and to debate empty strawman positions. It’s an old communists strategy finely perfected in the West in the last few decades. If we are to survive as people we will have to address the weakness of how we allowed alien schools of thought to dominate our public discourse. How did foreign nationalists take over our thought systems in the disguise of ‘human rights’ candidates? How did those who seek to destroy us become the intellectually ‘superior’ ones in the teaching of our young people? How were all legitimate pro-Euro/white positions reduced to caricature bits that foreigners like James spit out at us? The third world has not evolved to some higher essence that can morally lecture us on human rights - just look at their countries for a proof of that. What we need to ask is: why do foreign nationalists feel so comfortable attacking us using our own organizational institutions with language developed in our educational establishments and think tanks!? 18
Posted by James on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 19:34 | # What exactly makes you think I am a foreigner? My birth certificate and lily white skin say otherwise… Proud to be white. Not ashamed to have friends who are not. 19
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 20:06 | # Excellent post, Top and I agree James is probably not a Euro. I doubt he’s Jewish (but he could be) so that leaves sub-con. I wonder if he’s not Snax who posted the extremely weird comments in the Enoch Powell thread. As for your question, amounting to, “How did this happen that the black man (yellow man; brown man; Jewish man; tawny man; whoever else non-Euro) has gotten the whip hand over the white man?”, one big piece of the puzzle is women’s suffrage and yes I’m well aware women’s suffrage in Japan hasn’t so far brought about the corresponding evil for the Japanese race but there are reasons for that in Japan’s case, and no I’m not forgetting the major role, in fact the necessary (but not by itself sufficient) role played by the (fill in the blank) _______ . “Even supposing it’s true about women’s suffrage, which many of course will derisively reject, why bring it up if nothing can be done about it?” Because you never know what can be done about something until that “something” has been brought up. The mere fact of bringing it up, moreover, puts the other side on the defensive, weakening it — which is part of why the (fill in the blank) _______ have made it part of their regular operating procedure to incessantly culpabilize Euro-race males no matter how outlandish the accusations: regardless of what’s right or wrong, plausible or implausible, can or can’t be proven, or what can or can’t “be done about it,” it strengthens the accuser and enfeebles the accused, throwing him on the defensive. This is why the (fill in the blank) ______ react so hysterically when they themselves are named in any unflattering way and often even in any perfectly neutral or even flattering way: they immediately feel the pressure of having been taken down a notch, thrown onto the defensive, or that the potential is there if they’re even made visible. Simply stating the problem is the hockey equivalent of your side skating into the other team’s defensive zone with the puck. Suddenly they can no longer attack. They must defend. So there’s that. But more than that, certainly there IS a remedy to be found — there ALWAYS is — but only if the problem is talked about, never if it’s kept under wraps. In this business, such expressions as “Nothing can be done about it,” “It can’t be undone,” “What’s done is done,” and “It’s too late to do anything about it,” are all self-fulling prophesies, no more. They all were trotted out every bit as much in 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005 and will be trotted out in 2010, 2115, 2020, 2025, and in fact to the end of time. These are 1) the defeatists of our side and 2) the demoralizers posing as our friends but working for the victory of the other side. Such expressions are no more true now than they were in 1950. Everything can be undone, everything can be set to rights, we CAN get back to the way things used to be (with necessary modifications for next time, of course, such as taking a close look at which issues people should be permitted to vote on now that women have the vote, and which should be shielded from the possibility of change through ordinary elections, knowing that clueless women voters, especially when slyly manipulated by the (fill in the blank) _____ , will screw certain things up which it’s vital for a normal nation not to have screwed up). Do we want to put women on the defensive? No, we want to mend mistakes our grandfathers and great-grandfathers made so as to restore conditions for our societies that women and men, both, will like best and thrive best under. 20
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 20:13 | #
That’s typical, by the way: it’s not the issue, race-replacement is. Notice this piece of dog shit doesn’t answer that concern. No one’s personal tastes in friends answers the race-replacement issue, an issue of numbers not individuals of any race. Regarding my language: I use the words I must in each context. Svy not long ago said he disliked when I used scatological language I think was how he put it. Let him furnish appropriate alternatives then, for describing something as unclean and as stinking as this piece of filth I’m addressing here. 21
Posted by James on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 20:40 | # “The historical definition of race was an immutable and distinct type or species, sharing distinct racial characteristics such as constitution, temperament, and mental abilities. These races were not conceived as being related with each other, but formed a hierarchy of inherent value called the Great Chain of Being with Europeans usually at the top. As time progressed, Darwin’s theory of evolution was applied to races. By this time, anthropologists considered humans to be related to each other. The word “race,” interpreted to mean common descent, was introduced into English in about 1580, from the Old French rasse (1512), from Italian razza, which may have been derived from the Latin word generatio (a begetting). The etymology can be further traced back to Latin gens (clan, stock, people) and genus (birth, descent, origin, race, stock, family) cognate with Greek genos (?????) “race, kind,” and gonos “birth, offspring, stock [...].” [1] This late origin for the English and French terms is consistent with the thesis that the concept of “race” as defining a very small number of groups of human beings based on lineage dates from the time of Columbus. Older concepts that were also at least partly based on common descent, such as nation and tribe, entail a much larger number of groupings.” 22
Posted by 2R on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 23:18 | # James, its not on us to educate you on our positions and beliefs. I guess you think you’re teaching us something here? You think we don’t know about your positions? You’re just the latest of thousands of lemmings who come here to tell us how much you think you know. Its pretty boring. What have you read as far as race is concerned? Salter? Rushton? Lynn? Feel free to refute any of the authors I just mentioned? Have you ever even heard of any of these people? Maybe you should go read up on these people and ideas before you start “educated” us. You’re a boring shit-bag who never had one original thought in your life. Go away…. 23
Posted by Mark on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 15:58 | # I’d bet that James is white, and his view is very commonplace. Most whites will hate you for not embracing multiculturalism, especially the ones in LA. There is no solidarity among whites and never will be. It’s gone, and its not coming back, so get used to it, and think about smaller groups. 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 17:36 | #
That’s because in LA you’re living among a highly self-selected group of white metrosexuals, Mark. Non-metrosexual whites were ethnically cleansed from LA by the (fill in the blank) ______ ten years ago. To find them today go to Utah, Nevada, and back east in various states. Weissrein LA is now a paradise on earth for (fill in the blank) _____ . Move to LA and you’ll think you’ve died and gone to (fill in the blank) ______ heaven. 25
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 17:49 | # The (fill in the blank) _____ use multiracialism as a tool for ethnic cleansing of whites from a targeted area. Once the place is Weissrein the (fill in the blank) _______ move on to the next targeted area. Why do the (fill in the blank) _____ do that? A number of reasons: there’s always the ethnic vendetta aspect of course, but also getting their hooks into once-valuable real-estate now rendered dirt-cheap so bought up for pennies on the dollar with umpteen gazillion ways to milk cash out of this now-slumified real-estate cow through government poverty programs, racial programs of all sorts, endless cycles of urban-renewal subsidies and bonuses, not to mention ordinary garden-variety slum-lording, etc.), and so forth. The people pulling the strings know two plus two doesn’t equal five every bit as well as we know it. All the degenerateness we see forced on our society around us is being forced for a reason by individuals who know exactly what they’re doing. None is unstoppable, none had to be in the first place, none is irreversible, none is happening by accident. All of it is deliberate and even carefully calculated behind closed doors. 26
Posted by torgrim on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 19:24 | # Fred said, “All of it is deliberate and even carefully calculated behind closed doors.” Mark, read what Fred has said…alot of us have lived through this ethnic cleansing, at different times and different places here in the US. Our people are beginning to understand the “process”...do not submit, resist, grow strong! Resistance begins in the Soul. 27
Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 20:40 | # James, we’re alive, and we intend to stay alive. These statements are irrefutable, and anything else you may say is irrelevant. 28
Posted by Chestertonian on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 20:52 | # Fred, Thank you for your clear-sighted posts. If readers are still having trouble determining who “fill in the blank” is, I’d ask them to ponder this, “Who is it that I cannot criticize?” When they know the answer, they’ll know who rules them. Here’s a hint, it’s not Blacks, Hispanics, or Asians. If anything, Whites are encouraged to criticize these groups so their criticisms can be repeated to the other groups and further the damage done by fill-in-the-blank’s divide-and-conquer strategy. Turn on Fox News (or your nation’s equivalent) and listen to the parade of “experts” ingratiate themselves to the viewers by mirroring their grievances. Now, spin the dial a few channels away to one of the many ethnic stations. Listen to a /very/ similar cadre of “experts” ingratiate themselves to this station’s target viewers. Note the names displayed in the credits. Do a little research and determine who in fact is producing and financing these stations. With trivial attention to surname eytmology, this group of experts and their superiors can be identified precisely. Also note that these ubiquitous “experts” are never themselves subject to criticism. For those of you still in the dark, consider this; what are your thoughts concerning Gypsies? Despite the flattering media portrayals of Gypsies as kind hearted, misunderstood, and persecuted, those who truly know them—-including some who post here—- know them as a danger to society. Their form of antisocial behavior is blue-collar; theft and murder with low-aspirations. They succeed because their lack of conscience and lack of an honor code disarms their host. They have not advanced to the point to where they treat others as they’d like to be treated. The have not arrived at a level of advancement to where they see the impact their crimes have on the communities they live in or, indeed, the future they will someday inhabit. They are evil. Now, reader, ask yourself this, “Are there white-collar Gypsies?”. That is, if it’s a fact that there is a despised group of people who are committed antisocials and who specialize in “blue-collar” crimes, is it not probable that there is a similar group who specializes in more sophisticated, “white-collar” crime? Think about that, and ask yourself again, “Who is it that I cannot criticize?” and further add, “Who is it that is doing the criticizing?” Fred, I’ll fill in the blank with “White-collar Gypsie”. Hopefully the readers will know who, and what, is being referred to. 29
Posted by Reiv on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 21:06 | # Here you go, Fred:
Posted by torgrim on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 21:47 | # Chestertonian said, “Fred I will fill in the blank with “White Collar Gypsy”....
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Harman >example< 31
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 22:24 | # I started using “fill in the blank,” guys, because some comrades here didn’t like my frequent singling out of a certain ethnic group for blame. I figured if I let each reader fill in the blank as he saw fit, I couldn’t get criticized for “blaming one particular group too much.” When I put “fill in the blank,” I know which group I have in mind. But each reader can fill it in according to his own judgment. 32
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 05:04 | # “The government machine is institutionally incapable of absorbing evidence contrary to its foundational belief in the imminence of the multiracial paradise.” This could be said of all Western governments today. Idi Amin gave South Asians a couple of weeks to pack up and leave Uganda, 15 million ethnic Germans were expelled (and 3 million killed) from their ancestral lands in Eastern Europe, Free Algeria ethnically-cleansed hundreds of thousands of French men and women, etc….mass expulsions can be carried out…even millions can be transferred in a relatively short time…history gives innumerable examples… all it takes is the will to do it. 33
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 13:40 | # Just a little of what we have to be thankful for to George Bush, David Rockefeller, and the Jews. Oh excuse me, I meant “what we have to be thankful for to George Bush, David Rockefeller and the (fill in the blank) _______ .” (Sorry about that!) 34
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 14:02 | # Regarding Friedrich’s comment above: In about a year-and-a-half after the German surrender in 1945 two thirds of Prussia were erased from the map including people (with extreme brutality and millions of deaths), and replaced by Poland and Poles. About eighteen months. That’s all it took. (The Jewish plan for it had been on the drawing boards since 1940 at the latest, so before there was any question of concentration camp deaths. It was apparently meant to be getting the Germans back for the 1935 Nuremberg Laws, of which today’s Israel has its own Jewish version by the way, the exact counterpart but in a special Jewish edition and no one complains.) An entire country erased, gone, because the Jews wanted it. The same thing happened in the Sudetenland, the thousand-year-old Danube German regions, the thousand-year-old Baltic German regions (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia), and elsewhere. All in about a year-and-a-half. The whole genocide was carefully shushed up by the Jewish media so no one today even knows it happened. Schoolchildren don’t learn about it. It took me my whole life to find out about it and that thanks solely to the internet. Had the internet not existed I’d never have known about that genocide and wholesale nation-erasure. To say I’m mad, well .... words don’t exist in English or any other language to say what I am. Suffice it to say today’s entire Jewish race-replacement project, everywhere in the Eurosphere the Jews are forcing it on whites, can be fully reversed in three years and humanely. That is, fully reversed and the demographics taken back to 1950. And humanely, not the brutal way the Jews did to the Prussians, the Sudetens, the Baltic Germans, and the Danube Schwabians. But the Jews — oops, excuse me, I meant the (fill in the blank) ______ — and their George-Bush-type confederates won’t let that happen because race-replacement and nation-erasure grandly serve their purposes as they see them ... and Euros are too brain-dead to revolt. 35
Posted by Peter on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 18:34 | # Wow such “strong” language used against James (who seems really bad). Even though he was saying derogatory things about non whites (Mexicans). Which means you guys are not so bad “mass expulsions can be carried out…even millions can be transferred in a relatively short time…history gives innumerable examples… all it takes is the will to do it.” Friedrich Braun 36
Posted by torgrim on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 20:33 | # Fred, Thank you I guess, for the information about Prussia…I knew very little about the genocide of Germans after the War. Talk about a blank space….history, maps, education….! What may I ask, do you know of the history of Pomerania? 37
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 01:44 | #
Whatever can be found at sites like Wikipedia. Pomerania of course is part of Prussia and most of it was lopped off as part of the Kaufman Plan, re-assigned to Poland, and the people race-replaced. German Chancellor Merkel represented it in the Bundestag — or, what’s left of it (a rump called Vorpommern which they combine now with Mecklenburg). Being of Scand extraction you’re probably interested in the days when Pomerania was Swedish territory — is that what you had in mind? Incidentally, I don’t recognize the Oder-Neisse Line or the legitimacy of the Occupation Government of Germany more than sixty years after the war’s end. Furthermore I agree with Horst Mahler that the Third Reich is still the legitimate government of Germany. It’s time for the occupation to end, a proper peace treaty to be signed, and the Yankees to get their paws off and go home where they belong, and stay the hell out of other people’s countries where all they do is damage. 38
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 02:06 | # That’s why I like these people, Frenchmen who are telling the United States to drop dead and get the hell out of Europe. The United States is spreading disease, infection around the world. The destruction of the United States will be not just the salvation of the white race within current U.S. borders but the salvation of the white race worldwide. The United States that was lovingly bequeathed us by our fathers, purchased with the sacrifice and blood of generations, is already dead. What everyone sees is the undead carcass that’s been taken over by body snatchers, impostors, making its limbs move and its mouth speak like a puppet but it’s not real. It’s merely a question of dismantling the lifeless puppet, deactivating the undead carcass, before it does limitless harm. The other one, the real United States which the present impostors killed, can be re-born with necessary modifications and safe-guards, but not until the unclean, undead mortal remains of the present zombie-like creature are cleared away and given a decent burial finally. 39
Posted by torgrim on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:33 | # Fred, Thank you for the information about Pomerania. Yes my interest about Pomerania does go back to the Kalmar Union, however, I have ancestors from Mecklenberg/Pomerania/Schleswig-Holstein areas and I have become aware of how little I know of the history of this area during the 19th and 20th centuries. 40
Posted by Old Guy on Thu, 01 May 2008 05:28 | # Scrooby - You’ve finally said it. The United States is dead. It’s nothing but a shell that’s been occupied by alien zombies. This is the final state of the “long march through the institutions”, but the path has not been marched by unidentified “marxists”. No, this path been (fellow) travelled by (fill in the blank ____)s. We all know this. It’s no longer a secret. I’ve felt this to be the case for a long time. As long as “we” keep behaving as if this “thing”, the “USA” is still alive as a public thing, a res publica, which is an embodiment of the folk, we’re living in a fantasy world. Yet “we” keep using the language and thought categories of the past, of the time when “america” had not yet been hollowed out and occupied by hostile aliens. We still speak as if this land is “ours”, and not “in play”. You’ve stated this very eloquently. Given that we humans seem to have a need for an identity, what do we do when we realize the “thing” which was our identity is dead? We need a new name and a new identity, right? Of late I’ve been focusing on the idea of Vinland. As an identity, that is. It can’t be “america”, so what can, or should I say, should, it be? Yes, we came from Europe, but we’re not really Euros in the same way people in Europe are. My background is Anglo-Celt. I’m a mestizo (!) by that account, right? But I’m a EURO (specifically northern) mix. I can live with others who are different but in the same domain of “assimilability”, ie. of similar enough background that we don’t look/feel alien to each other. So, if we “Americans” are Euros in descent, and if “America” (or the usa) is dead, what do you think our new identity should be? There’s more in this than just a word game, I think. As long as we call ourselves “Americans” in the old sense, as you said, we’re attaching ourselves to the spirit of a dead carcass. A rotting stinking dead carcass at that. Thanks for all your insights, and keep working to kick Prozium out of his drug-stupor! 41
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 01 May 2008 14:32 | #
Was the Mayflower Compact the nation? No. Were the Articles of Confederation the nation? No. Was the Constitution the nation? No. “The United States” didn’t exist before the Constitution. But the nation did. Damn right. What do you think fought the American Revolutionary War, the “United States”? No, because “the United States” didn’t exist. It didn’t? Well, something fought it. That’s right. The nation fought it. The Second American Republic is what is dead, not the nation. That lives. It’s us. I don’t feel especially dead, do you? Of course not, otherwise you wouldn’t have posted what you did here. There are lots more just like us, millions. We’re still here. The Jews push this thing called “The Proposition Nation.” That’s crap, Jewish wishful thinking which we’ll never let them impose on us. The nation was born at Plymouth Rock with the Pilgrim Fathers, at Jamestown with Captain John Smith of Pocahontas fame, and at Nieuw Amsterdam under Pieter Stuyvesant until the “Fergie’s husband” of that era, the Duke of York, sailed into New York Harbor and took it over (re-naming it after ... well, after himself). All that plus some other stuff was the founding of the nation which throve just fine for about six generations before the Second Republic (the Constitution) came along. Central to the nation’s identity was the Euro race or the collection of kindred Euro races we all know were part of it, not a “proposition.” Races create propositions, propositions don’t create races. Without the former, the race or collection of kindred races, you can have all the propositions you want, you won’t have the same nation. That Euro nation that existed long before the Constitution and will exist long after it isn’t going anywhere, it’s here, alive and well, and ready to heal itself from the damage caused by mistakes. It’s ready to continue to forge ahead as soon as it sloughs off the failed Second Republic, now dead, and sets up something far better. And the Mexican nation isn’t part of it any more than, in Europe, the North African and Indian Subcontinental nations are part of it. And if the Jews want to make absolutely certain they’ll be excluded from it as well, they can continue doing what they’re doing, namely, everything they can to destroy it. Oh excuse me — where I put “the Jews” I should have put “the (fill in the blank)” — sometimes I’m a little forgetful ... 42
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 01 May 2008 14:37 | # “Was the Mayflower Compact the nation? No. Were the Articles of Confederation the nation? No. Was the Constitution the nation? No.” And is the United States the nation. No. Not any more than any of the others is. The nation is us. We’re still here, untainted, uninfected, and we’ll build something better. And what we build will still be us, just as we’ve been since 1609. That’s a solemn prediction. 43
Posted by 357 on Thu, 01 May 2008 14:42 | # Fred Scrooby declares: “What everyone sees is the undead carcass that’s been taken over by body snatchers, impostors, making its limbs move and its mouth speak like a puppet but it’s not real. It’s merely a question of dismantling the lifeless puppet, deactivating the undead carcass, before it does limitless harm ...” Is that all there is to it? Just how do you propose we “merely” go about dismantling the “lifeless puppet” ... ? Try and be specific, if you can? 44
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 01 May 2008 15:41 | #
By each person becoming aware and doing what he reasonably can, first and foremost voting intelligently which everyone can do — but in every other way as well, as each is able, and also reasonably, that is without violence, meanness, or injustice, and always relying on and backed by truth. Exactly what we’re in the process of right now, in other words. We keep doing it, we’ll win because truth always wins in the end. “357” (aka “Onlooker” and “Tommy G”) is the kind of unintentional defeatist our old friend “The Other Guy” was, the kind who says unless every policy detail is worked out to the letter and the prospects for success within the coming two weeks look good, all is futile, all is lost, there’s no hope, and we might as well pack it in. This sort of mind doesn’t grasp certain kinds of magnitude where problems are concerned, or certain kinds of pace where speed is concerned. The other side grasps these things perfectly, which is why they’ve successfully maneuvered us into the corner we’re in. Tommy G’s sort of mind doesn’t, and as a result ends up aiding the defeatists. 46
Posted by GT on Thu, 01 May 2008 16:23 | #
We have until 2024 to vote our way out of it. Then what, Fred? Remember, first-class thinkership is required. Thinking that’s able to
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 01 May 2008 17:08 | # The answer I gave stands, Tommy. As for GT: yes, there are nice magic wands as a matter of fact on sale this week over at Walmart, a dolllar-ninety-nine, I suggest we all go pick some up and wave them, and presto! We’ll all be where we want to be and the other side will be defeated! God it’s so easy, why didn’t I think of that before? What in the hell does your comment mean, GT? What in the goddamn hell does it mean? I expect mentally-retarded niggling from the likes of Tommy but I had you pegged for someone smarter. You think rural microcommunities combined with a barter economy are the answer, GO FOR IT! Have I said different? I’m all in favor of whatever works, rural microcommunities and barter economy or whatever else gets us there! What, are you mad or something that I didn’t endorse that as my answer to Tommy’s question? DON’T BE AN ASS PLEASE. I have no bone to pick with anyone on our side who’s not a defeatist pest like Tommy with his limited brain capacity. I’m not here pretending to spell out blue prints for victory. I’m here to endorse everyone doing what he can. If you find something to criticize in that you’re beyond belief and maybe not any better an ally than Tommy is. 48
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 01 May 2008 17:12 | # GT, I didn’t say voting intelligently was the only solution, I said it was first and foremost something aware people could do. You have some quarrel with that? Someone here once question another commenter’s reading comprehension skills. Don’t make us start questioning yours. 49
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 01 May 2008 17:16 | # Tommy you can stop your defeatist niggling because you’re a defeatist asshole. If you can’t boost that ultra-low IQ of yours, please stop showing up here. The last thing our side needs is a moronic defeatist the likes of you. 50
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 01 May 2008 17:25 | # I call on GW to ban Tommy. There’s something more than meets the eye where his niggling is concerned: he’s got some kind of complex or something — feels inadequate or something, and niggles stupidly as his desperate attempt to compensate for it. The conversations here don’t need his dumb, insecure neurotic niggling. He’s an asshole. Shut the hell up with your defeatism, Tommy. No one cares about your inner feelings of inadequacy, I assure you. 51
Posted by Bo on Thu, 01 May 2008 18:02 | # “Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thursday, May 1, 2008 at 01:32 PM”
Posted by GT on Thu, 01 May 2008 18:32 | # Ban Tommy? Come now, Fred. You’re behaving womanly. All I’m asking is for you to provide examples of “first rate” thinking. Specifics, please. If the magic wand of voting is only part of the answer, what else can we do? And while you’re at it bring your boy Scimitar (or is it Prozium?) over here. I really want to “grasp [the] magnitude [of the] problems … concerned” from a Purdue graduate’s h. monetarist perspective. Reading comprehension? Fred, please! Every easy online racialist knows I’m but a big ole illiterate working-class slob. - The (Real) Other Guy 53
Posted by bbrrraap on Thu, 01 May 2008 18:39 | #
I’m sure every detail was worked out before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Right? What we need is more and more people to see and feel unfairness and the pain and suffering that comes from that. Eventually the house of cards will be unsustainable as was nearly the case with sub-prime and Bear Stearns. Those issues are far from resolved. Add to this an L shaped recession/depression, food and energy shortages and all this has the recipe for significant civil unrest. We’re headed in that direction. 54
Posted by GT on Thu, 01 May 2008 19:09 | #
Onlooker is a disingenuous twit. I don’t know if Tommy is Onlooker, but disingenuousness or “defeatism” is not a reason to ban somebody. I’ve been called a defeatist by Frank McGluckin because I don’t give a rat’s ass for Santa Monica. Should I be banned? You’re not “Fred Scrooby.” Should you be banned? Asking GW to ban Tommy is quite silly, imo. I want to learn why some ideas are rejected out of hand by easy online racialists who pretend to “grasp [the] magnitude [of the] problems … concerned” without explaining what these problems are. No, you’re not “pretending to spell out blue prints for victory.” But you do have your druthers - that is, preferences. What are your preferences, Fred? What do you think we should do? Why? Spell them out please, and show how they address the magnitude of the problems we face better than establishing rural microcommunities. 55
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 01 May 2008 19:23 | # My answer to you, GT, is in my first reply to Tommy (“357”) above (2:41 pm). What I recommend is everyone becoming aware and doing what he reasonably can. Which is exactly what’s happening. You want results overnight? I don’t know of a way to give them to you, sorry. Now, there are more productive quarrels for you to pick than picking one with me. Why I attract sniping from what are supposed to be allies I can’t fathom. Am I the enemy? No. Then save your fire for them, please. I don’t relish fighting with friends. Whatever your reason for starting, I can’t see the validity of it. Tommy I’ve already classed as an idiot, so that’s Tommy. In your case I don’t see what’s got the bee under your bonnet. And I don’t want to know, either. Fight with someone else. 56
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 01 May 2008 19:27 | # You’re interpreting me wrong, GT. I’ve never rejected rural microcommunities. I favor anything that works. I don’t have a blueprint. My trust is placed wholly in the genius of the Euro people of this country (and of Europe itself). The wherewithal to overcome this challenge was placed in their genes a billion years ago. It will “rise to the occasion” as it has every other time there’s been a challenge. We’re not going down as easily as the other side imagines. We’re not going down, period. 57
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 01 May 2008 19:32 | # “Easy online racialists.” I’m no racialist; nor do I know what that is. I’m also not a WN, a conservative, or a Republican. I’m apolitical, ordinary, and see myself as wishing for society that which is normal; that’s the totality of it. 59
Posted by GT on Thu, 01 May 2008 19:49 | # Despite appearances there’s no bee under my bonnet, Fred. I’m merely “visiting” with a pointed question which I would be happy to ask Fr. John and F. Braun - both contributors to this thread - as well. Nevertheless I’ll let it go. FYI: I am not taking up for Onlooker or whatever his identity happens to be (Tommy G or .357) on a personal level. 60
Posted by 357 on Thu, 01 May 2008 21:13 | # Gee whiz, it sure doesn’t take much for some people to lose it (or start acting gay). Fred Scrooby, try and get over yourself and start following the rules for commenting set forth by our gracious host. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [“Can I ask the parties to the disagreement above to respect the normal rules of civilised discourse. Please do not use personal insult, nor rise to it if someone else does. All our people are welcome here, and I do not want the atmosphere poisoned by these stupid rows. Enough. Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 at 10:37 AM | #”] 61
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 01 May 2008 21:19 | # Keep out of my way, Tommy. GT, thank you for your gracious reply. 62
Posted by 357 on Thu, 01 May 2008 21:37 | # “Keep out of my way, Tommy.” I only go where the truth takes me. If that gets in your way, too bad! 63
Posted by expf on Fri, 02 May 2008 04:16 | # Random cogitations upon having become embarrassingly drunk and vomiting all over my apartment while a nextdoor neighbor phoned the police because I was making “strange noises”: You guys are brilliant on this thread, especially Scroob. If you had the readership you deserve there would be more than a handful of pseudonyms posting. Its strange to me to observe how systematized german thinking can be, and how Anglo culture overlies all other European culture as a kind of adopted strand– actually twice, if one counts the industrial revolution and the tech/internet/media revolution, the one coming from Britain and the other from America. Its kind of like Polish and Prussian magnates talking in French and enjoying french culture in the 1800s, except its a second culture for the middle class, an adopted culture for the average guy. Everyone adopts it, everyone learns a bit of English and Anglo culture, both in the more general sense of using scientific method/interchangeable parts/assembly-line production (which has become so commonplace as to no longer be specifically attributed to Britain), or more specifically the internet-technology coming out of America but perhaps most penetratingly the media revolution, which guarantees that all kids everywhere get a taste of American culture. I know a portion of the boards readership regards this as a poisonous influence, fair enough, but its interesting to observe. Its interesting to watch germans count straws. To watch a systematized brain further systematize its surroundings, breaking everything down into understandable categories and organizing it. Its interesting that the eugenics movement arose as a scientific movement in the english-speaking world, yet because of circumstances, became popularized in germany as a mythological-populist idea, and this dumbed down mirror reflection of oneself is secretely envied by many anglosphere racialists. Its interesting to weigh the various contributions of either culture and wonder to what extent this tendency influenced the outplay of events. There are alot of Mendel’s out and about, alot of tireless academics who work meticulously on their area, and yet Darwin and Francis Bacon and similar figures seem to tower above the plodding detail-fiends. What does it mean? Guessedworker made a comment about the tendency of the European mind to experiment and push limits. Its certainly true. The more I consider Anglo culture, whether that means Britain or america, the more it becomes apparent to me that a kind of inspired risk-taking has both defined the history of either nation and marked the resulting characters of the peoples populating them, and that this same tendency is much less visible the more ‘continent-ward’ one goes. Britain was the original free-for-all nation where a ton of NW-European groups scrabbled to find a foothold and best one another. Its very clear to me that rigorous systematic thinking didn’t win out there, and yet, consider the contributions of anglo culture. America is like a more civilized version of the same competition, minus the rape, plunder and the spoils. I wonder to what extent the fact of my being chided for being inconsistent, is a character flaw, or just childishness, and to what extent it is part of my nature. Because of the tendency to “keep moving” I’ve covered a large territory intellectually and personal-development wise, yet its often brought to my attention that I’m insufficiently committed to counting straws. Where I slip up, and lose an evening due to drunkenness (first time it ever happened) or (more frequently) my desire to explore some new idea or life-experiment, I’m constantly reminded that there is someone waiting to replace me whose life-essence consists of counting the straws that I so carelessly neglect. This person will define themselves on their ability to count straws, so I had better watch out, Joey! That man has a passion for straw counting. Did Scimitar become Prozium? Man I loved that guy. A rose by any other name does smell as sweet. Is he in a rough spot intellectually at the mo, thats what Im getting from a comment above. He will pull through whatever the difficulty I believe. Scimitar if you’re reading this, thanks for setting me straight about Romanticism- your criticism was well-thought out and I’ve come around to your view of things. Occidental Dissent was rad, man, 2 cool 4 school. 64
Posted by 357 on Fri, 02 May 2008 15:12 | # “... the report states that in 2000, 36% of the LA population was foreign born, but 55% of the children were second generation.” Oh, if only LA were the extent of our problem in the USA. The transformation of the USA from European to Hispanic (and other non-whites) is clipping along a such a rapid pace it’s enough to make your head spin. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120959501599257567.html?mod=googlenews_wsj 65
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 03 May 2008 03:19 | # A web-site devoted entirely to describing the kind of metrosexual whom Mark, who posts above, must contend with in LA: the site calls them “white people.” Here are some typical examples of what Mark must deal with on a daily basis:
Posted by 357 on Sun, 04 May 2008 15:09 | # More “defeatism” from a fellow “defeatist _______”? “The Caucasian race is going the way of the Mohicans.” 67
Posted by 357 on Sun, 04 May 2008 22:42 | # If the Mexification of LA isn’t enough to make you sick, there’s this: http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2008/05/african_refugee.php 68
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 23:34 | # Meet the pure filth who wrote the U.S.‘s 1965 official race-replacement law. When you elect as president an Irish Catholic whose family has always resented WASPs and felt inferior to them you have to expect this kind of thing: the deliberate destruction of the nation they built. Needless to add, the Anglo-Saxon Protestant “Know-Nothings” of the 1850s were exactly right. 69
Posted by EA (European American) Steve on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 08:12 | # In response to Fred: A resentful Irish Catholic, and a resentful Italian Catholic. This really show how important social cohesion is. I suppose the key is to end intra-racial ethnic discrimination in social life, while uprooting potential causes for social lack of cohesion, which entails more successful race tratiors. I am not anti-Catholic, and Catholics have generally assimilated quite well, by now. However, this is an excellent case-in-point. Post a comment:
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Posted by Robert Reis on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 03:57 | #
Thanks for this post.