Signs of life

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 10 August 2011 00:10.

These appear to be locals, not the EDL (though they are certainly trying to get involved).

If this catches on, the Establishment will have a heart attack.  Watch for senior Met brass warning against vigilantism.

Hat-tip to PM.



Posted by PM on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 00:24 | #

Just to expand on this, I heard a while ago that there has been the first casualty of the riots, an elderly man in Enfield. A little later, looking at the footage in the Telegraph live section at 21.56 it spoke of “‘a few hints of ugly scenes and racial tension in Enfield.” I don’t know about you, but when the Telegraph talks of ‘ugly scenes’ in the middle of a riot, it sounds to me like some raicst English people may be defending their lives. There is an accompanying video, with grainy footage; lots of people running, and chants of Ingerland, Ingerland, Ingerland.’ It seems unlikely to me that this could be the rioters. There is also a photo which is still linked on the Telegraph Live section of a group of Millwall supporters who have gathered to protect their local High Street. Ugly scenes indeed.

The EDL really should get involved in this. There is so much anger from the public, it would be a terrific publicity coup. If law and order breaks down, it would be a very good thing to be seen as the possible last line of defence for English people.


Posted by Guest Lurker on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 00:48 | #

As if what’s been occurring the past few days in England haven’t been “ugly scenes?” Not to worry, though. I’m sure after this is all over, the white racial cuckolds will get to work making amends for any “ugliness” by volunteering to cleanup up the debris left over by the destructive colored savages, as they did in L.A. after the riots. Negroes destroy, whites volunteer to clean up after them to show community solidarity. That’s how it works.


Posted by PM on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 01:06 | #

Here is an interview from Sky News with one of the men who has organised the groups patrolling Enfield. Notice ant 0.40 minutes, where he has been talking about the fact that the police are doing nothing to stop the rioting, and he says ‘is it because of civil liberties, or is it because of…other pressures?’ You know exactly what he is thinking, but of course, he cannot suggest it. That would be racist. The attitude of the journalist interviewing him stinks. On his Twitter feed, he has left the following comment—

“Enfield group of men patrolling their streets tell me they are not racist, not vigilantes but just protecting their community”

Right…so these riots aren’t racial…but trying to stop them is racist?

Lurker, if you think the ‘ugly scenes commeny is bad, just go and look at some of the discussions about this on left-wing blogs. There are some priceless comments. They are so far removed from reality it is unreal.

This is the interview—


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 01:13 | #

If someone else is killed by the police or in any possible inter-ethnic clashes then the shit might really hit the fan.

Also, especially in London, there seems to be a degree of organisation and tactical sophistication for a merely ‘spontaneous’ group of yobs. I suspect there is some degree of coordination perhaps by ex-soccer thugs and/or serious hard-core anarchists.

But remember the ‘conservative’ wisdom of ‘there is no such thing as society’ - so really why should anyone be concerned right?


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 01:36 | #

I predict a riot?

or rivers of blood?


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 02:20 | #

Towards the end (8th minute or so) there is an interesting little snippet about Thatcher rejecting Enoch Powell’s views of multiculturalism (i.e. Thatcher embraced it). Again what a wonderful ‘ethnocentric conservative’ at work - I don’t bloody well think so.


Posted by Trainspotter on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 03:26 | #

Great video.  That’s the proper!!

In any event, thanks for posting it.  Whether recorded or not, I hope that there are scenes like this playing out all over the affected areas of England.  A simple clip like this is demonstrative of just how unnatural and fragile the multiracial cesspool is, and therefore why enormous societal resources have to be expended in order to keep a lid on things.  Not only are mountains of wealth extracted from us in order to keep the multiracial cesspool more or less functioning, but we must lose our freedoms of speech and association as well - and that’s just for starters. 

As Linder has so frequently put it, the Left/Jews control the media because they have to.  They suppress us because they have to.  They know exactly what is ready to erupt should they lay off even in the slightest.  I mean, look at these guys: some are wearing dumb t-shirts, or even have a ring in the ear.  I don’t doubt many have more than one ridiculous tattoo.  To all appearances, they exemplify the modern deracinated white male…and yet.  When it comes right down to it, they are more than capable of forming up as an imposing and unforgiving group of white MEN.  Men who instinctively recognize their natural enemies and competitors.

If you were a black or a paki, would you want these guys mad at you?  The same black that would snort in contempt at a white under *normal* (read: system imposed) circumstances, well, they probably aren’t snorting at these guys. 

This is why the Left must persist in its efforts to genocide us, because as long as we exist at all, there is always the possibility of us becoming men again, however ridiculous our form of dress, or however much mush was made of our brains during the so called educational process.  No matter what they do, there is still the possibility that we will revert to form. 

How the Left would have preferred that the mothers of such men had bedded down with Africans or Indians instead of a white man.  Since they failed with the mothers of these men, they will instead target their white daughters.  All they need is for one person in a family line to not breed true, and it’s all over.  The anti-whites will continue to do this as long as we allow their sick and evil regime to hold power over us.   

Yes, this too will run its course, but it is teaching powerful lessons on many levels.  I’ll also have to say that, despite serious problems that I have with what Breivik did, it is damn near priceless that this has followed so close on his heels.  (Note to Soren: He stoppeth one of three, indeed)

PM:  “Right…so these riots aren’t racial…but trying to stop them is racist?”

Excellent point, and one that will come in quite handy when the Left does its inevitable work at obfuscation.  Wonder how Mr. Barnes would respond to that?


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 04:04 | #

I found the following comment on a Facebook page entitled League of European Americans. It had received an alarming number of “likes”.

“The Brits had no problem murdering White Irishmen in their homes. But won’t mow down these Black and Arab dogs in the streets. Or hating the Germans ‘till this day for trying to liberate them from Zionism. Piss on that. How are those fish n’ chips now? Extra crispy?”


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 05:50 | #

The site you took these from is obviously run buy sniveling liberals, er, ‘conservatives’. My posted response:

What the hell do you have against the noble heroes of the BNP and the EDL? Why do you feel the need to disparage them (implicitly)? The EDL itself seems far too liberal, pretending that this is something other than the opening salvos in a race war for the destruction (or for patriots, survival) of England.

England has been invaded, colonized and apparently conquered by Third World peoples brought in by treasonous cultural Marxists with the intent of destroying white, Christian England. There can never be peace and a decent chance for a future civilized Britain until EVERY nonwhite is repatriated from British soil. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Start with the Muslim terrorists, then move to the black criminals, then back to non-criminal Muslims, then on to other groups - until every person resident on British soil is WHITE.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 06:01 | #

To the MR community:

This is YOUR moment. England burns. Question: what are you doing about it? If not physical hooligan control, are you all at least blogging on mainstream sites? If so, remember something I often forget (at least here and at other more intellectual venues): Keep It Short. This is not just a race war; it is also a media war. It is very important that Brit patriots win that latter struggle. It is vital that this wonderful educational opportunity not be lost, that everyone, but esp British themselves, people who presumably know how the police function, where neighborhoods are, what a “quango” is, etc, GET OUT ON THE NET (if not the streets and pubs) IN FORCE, undermining the PC regime with micro thought-bombs (eg, “Wasn’t England better before diversity was imposed on us?”, “If minorities are unhappy here, perhaps it’s best they return to their own lands.”, etc), anywhere and everywhere.

Selous Scout is correct. The little debates still raging between the godly and the godless (Rusty and RevHarry v GW), while quite interesting on their own terms, are not productive at this opportune moment.

As a clever American Jewish leftist put it, “We shouldn’t let a good crisis go to waste.”

No, we shouldn’t.


Posted by Robert Reis on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 06:20 | #



The Office of Racial Policy of the NSDAP(Das Rassenpolitische Amt der NSDAP)has printed pictures and plaques and has distributed them in German schools, where we read in large letters the following words:  Each race in itself represents the highest value.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 06:39 | #

Orthodox Jews Involved In London Riots.

What are these yiddles up to?


Posted by CS on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 07:22 | #


I for one post on mainstream sites to get the message out. One tactic I use on boards that don’t allow much “free speech” is to post links to ones that do. The one is particular I try to steer our people to is

Aside from this, we need to get started on our “White Zion” website.


Posted by 'Whiff of Grape Shot'. on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 08:21 | #

One bonus of these riots is that is engendering a *real* hatred between the blacks and pakis, in London at least.
As mentioned previously, there are very few and will soon be even less fit young white men left in London.Those that do remain appear to be negrified, chavvy white-trash.
Many a paki had his shop destroyed, burned and looted.The Met. did sweet FA because they are scared of the blacks, and the pakis know it.It also appears that In Birmingham a black ran over and kiled three pakis, deliberately.
  I hate, despise, revile and loath the blacks, and I also have a pretty low opinion of the pakis.
In the future, after whitey hs gone, I predict that the pakis and blacks will duke it out for the posession of London, rather like vultures and hyaenas foghting over the corpse of a lion.
The pakis will prevail.The blacks give it all this large, but basically they’re a load of sh*t.‘The first whiff of grape shot’ and all that.
It was noticeable that Hackney’s Turks (actually Turks are a sight better and more honorable men than blacks and pakis), ran the black rabble out of town.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 08:43 | #

Will these scenes be shown on BBC?  This dramatic sequence of events (Britain’s Spring) is challenging the BBC’s (media) hegemony of the airwaves.

This war is moving into a new phase, the blackberry mobile war.  The media cannot counter Youtube and mobile technology.  They, (BBC) cannot stand still while images (above) flash around the world in seconds.  Similarly, Breivik who has been tossed down the memory hole.

The time has come which I said was inevitable (but thought would arrive years ago)  and that is the BBC (media) will not be able to sustain whites paralysing cognisant dissonance.  IOW’s, the people’s world view does not tally with the smiley messages coming from their screens.

Immigration is good for Britain. These people are just like us.  They enrich our nation, they’re vibrant, they do the jobs you idle whites won’t do, they fill our skills gap, they empty you bedpans, they will pay for yor pensions.  (LOL)


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 08:48 | #


You know what annoys me? I’ve been thinking about white conquest / the Racial State / White Zion for decades, and discussing it for many years, and now, doing a google search, I just discovered that the venerable Sam Dickson gave a talk on the subject (calling it “Euro-Zionism”) at this year’s AR conference (I’m really behind in my AR reading this year). Hunter Wallace is discussing it, too (Hunter among others is using the idea for a domestic US racial state or migration of WNs to the Pacific Northwest, I guess similar to Dr. Pierce and Harold Covington - I have not read HC’s books, but I will eventually).

Hmmm, I know some friends of Dickson’s, with whom I’ve discussed the matter at past times ....

Anyway, I think a site specifically dedicated to White Zion issues is really needed, though it might need another name, as the word “Zion” in there could be a turn off, and misleading - many whites might think it refers to white support for (Jewish) Zionism, as opposed to appropriating the model of the Zionist ethnoconquest and absorption of Palestine for WN purposes, which is obviously my interest.

Name possibilities:

White Zion


The Racial State

A New Land

White Separatism

White Separation

White Nation

New White Nation

White Conquest

White Colonization

White Pioneer

White Homeland (I think this sounds most promising)

I’m open to suggestions (from everybody).

I think the site would have to be kept homeland-specific. We really don’t need yet another all-purpose, general interest WN issues site, like MR or Amren or Stormfront or Occidental Observer. I wouldn’t want the site to discuss the English race war, Christianity, the Jews, the banks, Great White Men, or anything else except - all the myriad issues which are implicated in creating a WN / WS(eparatist) homeland. Of course, knowing me, I might not be able to resist discussions of what the Racial State would look like, once established - and maybe that would be an appropriate discussion topic, come to think of it.

I have to ensure that people would be interested in posting on it. I’m going to be really busy in the next few years doing further graduate study (I’ve been out of school for nearly two decades); writing some extracurricular articles for some WN publications (which will have some crossover with my formal studies); and setting up another site under another name and with some other people, which will be oriented towards American non-racial (aka conservative) nationalism, and will be an adjunct to a political activist organization we’re setting up.

So my ideological activism will increasingly have two components: promotion of conservative American nationalism (that is, an agenda not specifically racialist, but which is geared towards the empowerment of white Americans: basically the old Buchananite/Sam Francis agenda minus the moral values concerns), to protect my people as they are transformed into an oppressed minority group in the USA (and we will be oppressed, when a minority, let no fool doubt that); and the broader, global promotion of WN nation-establishment.

I will have huge amounts of school work for the next few years (plus some continuing part-time money work carrying over from my current job - not to mention never-ending investment decisions in this awful volatile climate, which may not abate for many years, perhaps not until we get a hard money man at the Fed, and/or a free-market or at least pro-business Republican in the Presidency). My scholarly agenda is very important to me, too. I want to develop my rightist political philosophy uniting classical conservatism, market economics, sociobiological realism, and Catholic natural law (moral theory). I have conceived of several volumes of scholarship I plan to write before I die (plus a couple of more popular works, geared, I hope, to the mass market).

Bottom line is that I can’t drop my life at this point and dedicate it to a WZ site, though I think I could be a decent editor of such a site. My concern is that I don’t want to have to write all the text, except maybe some intro stuff, which perhaps I could base on an article I’ve thought about writing on this topic for TOQ for a few years now (and I could recover a decent bit of casual writing on the matter that I’ve done here and elsewhere).

I have made a firm commitment towards getting the other site up by the end of the calendar year. Plus, I have lots of reading to do in this next academic year to figure out my precise dissertation topic as early as possible (I want it to be something directly related to my life-scholarship plans, something foundational, but which doesn’t raise any PC flags among my Christian liberal / Jewish Marxist -multiculti professors).

Do you think a White Homeland site would attract intelligent and serious posters, as MR does?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 08:51 | #

Brevik and the London riots…more evidence of the failure of a policy of gun control.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 09:18 | #

A damn near close run thing!

How near were the elites to losing the Capital over the weekend?

Damn near close I’d say.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 09:25 | #

Towards the end (8th minute or so) there is an interesting little snippet about Thatcher rejecting Enoch Powell’s views of multiculturalism (i.e. Thatcher embraced it). Again what a wonderful ‘ethnocentric conservative’ at work - I don’t bloody well think so. (Lister)

Excellent video. Thanks for alerting me to it.

It is shocking, however. As I keep repeating, how much easier everything would have been had we merely maintained territorial segregation , aka, ‘borders’.

I am a Powellite. That is my ideology: defense of Western (European, Christian) civilization, defense of ethnoculturalism, public recognition of racial reality, private property and the free market that arises from its protection, strong military, small non-security government, ‘blood and soil’, traditional moral and aesthetic standards, law and order.

Note, please, Mr. Lister, that Powell was a very strong defender of private property, free markets, and sound money. You do realize that support for supranationalist bureaucracies like the EU has nothing to do with either conservatism or classical liberalism?

Thatcher was basically a classical liberal, albeit a culturally conservative one (but that still places her, in relative terms, on the Right). Re immigration, she was generally against it (unlike Reagan, who really did not think in race-realist terms at all), but she was, like so many Western, postwar politicians of what has passed for a “Right”, basically cowardly, or at least, she wanted to fight what she saw as the main issues (the Cold War, and reviving Britain’s economy through in part taming the odious, Marxist labor unions), and was too ignorant to understand the mortal future dangers inherent in immigration (which really consists in admitting the principle that harmonious racial integration is possible and immigration of nonwhites thus acceptable).

I’m absolutely serious when I say that Thatcher remains a great PM, and that Britain would be a much worse place had she not held power. (It was Blair/Brown who, predictably, ruined Britain, mainly through immigration, but also with reckless social spending - Iraq war was a minor distraction). Of course, Britain might be the best country on Earth had Powell made it to PM.

Would that Cameron proves her successor.


Posted by CS on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 09:48 | #


- How about “The European Homeland Project”? or “The European Homeland”, or “The European Preservation Project”

- Covington is proposing internal migration within America. Ultimately violence will be necessary to acheive indepenence. The problem is, is that government will know exactly who to go for through people’s use of the internet. Furthermore, it is hard to get people to do anything in the real world. All we have to do is get people who are planning on moving anyway to move to the same country and preferably the same city in that country.

- There are plenty of sites dealing with other issues. The webiste’s sole purpose is to motivate and persuade WN to move the same place.

- I’m not even sure we should have a forum or posting on this website. That saves us the hassle of dealing with trolls and idiots. We’ll allow people to email the website and we’ll post their questions and answer them if it is worthwhile.

This website is something you could delegate to someone else. All we need to do is check out and suggest modifications to improve it.


Posted by Norman Lowell on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 10:21 | #

The Police top brass whom we heard interviewed, clearly do not know the Blacks.
Police experience in Ireland (North & South) is no good whatsoever, in this situation.
The Irish are Europids, Celts and so they understand the deterrent threat, like the threat of plastic bullets and fire-power.

Here we have negroes, lagging 220,000 years behind Whites in brain development.
Blacks do not respond to the abstract force of a threat, it is no deterrent to their primitive minds.
A Police statement that they “might use plastic bullets” - the Black primitive thinks it’s a joke!

The Black Man does understand actual Force, the Whiplash.
He would understand Whites responding with FirePower, real live rounds and in rapid, sustained fire.
But one needs Leadership for that - the RRRRR.

2012: Anno Zero!



Posted by Bill on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 10:50 | #

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

I detect across the comments of all opinion, both television and print, there is a problem, reaction, solution message - running through like a stick of seaside rock.

Something must be done, we can’t carry on like this.  Where have I heard this before?

Whites are crying out for measures that will further hogtie them when the time comes.

Be careful what you wish for.


Posted by Whiff of Grape-Shot on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 10:57 | #

Mulling over the conflagration and associated chimp-out in mind this morning, I’ve come to the firm conclusion that this is the best ever thing ever to happen to the cause of British Nationalsm in the past 60 odd years, and we shouldn’t be angry or depressed by the situation, but our hearts should be gladdened with joy and warm, smug self-satisfaction.
You see, not since St. Enoch made his divinely inspired prophecies way, way back in ‘68 has the agenda and argument moved to our side.What we witnessed was black criminality pure and simple - black criminality that is genetically rooted in the synpases and lateral sulcii of the negroid brain.They can no more help it than a roach can help rushing a hooked worm.
  Any Londoner with a brain knows this.Most have be on the receiving end of a black mugging or assault, and there hearts have hardened.Even those f*cking stupid leftist tossers who plead for the martyred negro deep in in their tiny hearts know this.The self contradiction and self cheating cannot go on for much longer.As mentioned before I feel this is THE rubicon moment.People might play the game and mouth-off the slogans, but secretly they know what the score is.
Rest assured that the BNP will fail to capitalize on the moment, but we are working here with a deeper and stronger current, the hearts and minds of men.
  Anyway, it will be impossible to mention Andrew Neather style guff again about ‘the first globa city, enriching diversity, ethnic restaurants, a great and vibrant place, the first global village’, again with a straight face.
One outcome that has lifted my heart with joy unbounded is the certainty that areal deep racist beyond belief ethnic hatred has been engendered between the blacks and the pakis.The grasping shopkeeper and the looter.You cannot begin to imagine how happy that fact has made me : )


Posted by Bill on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 11:32 | #

Got any traffic figures for these last few days GW?

Compared with average that is.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 11:38 | #

@Norman Lowell

You manage to contradict yourself with about 10 seconds.  The Irish understand deterrents like bullets and firepower but blacks do not so we must use the force of bullets and firepower which is the only thing they do understand.  Hardly a coherent position, yes?

On Thatcher, I will not excuse members of the political elite with ‘ignorance’ on their choice with regard to immigration policy (was dear Ronnie also acting out of ignorance with the largest amnesty for illegals in American history?).

Thatcher was a liberal – OK a very right-facing one, but a scumbag liberal all the same.  I can respect genuine conservatives like Enoch Powell or Roger Scruton, but not a jumped-up Hayekian liberal bitch and her gang of Jews and Estate agent spivs. If people wish to remain oblivious that 99% of self-described conservatives are little more than right-facing liberals so be it.

As for the dubious assertion about her economic record, even taken at face value it reveals a very perverse set of values – it is a fair or even good trade-off if more people in the UK can afford a big TV or a fancy car even if the demographic trajectory towards England is moving to a nation that is a 1 in 6 non-Euro population!!!

Again this ‘know the price of everything but the value of nothing’ attitude is so central to the ethos of modern ‘conservatives’ (aka Hayekian liberals) that I have nothing but contempt for 99% of so-called ‘conservatives’, and even more disgust for the ordinary and everyday dupes and dullards that defend these clowns.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 12:00 | #

This made me chuckle.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 12:20 | #

Slightly off topic but a prefect example of ultra-liberal PC double-think.

For white liberal women it is OK for black thugs to rap about the joys of rape.

But white comedians please how dare they tell jokes about rape.

For the record both ‘cultural’ phenomena are disgusting. But much worse are the brazen double standards and PC hypocrisy.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 14:18 | #

The more I think about it the old spectrum of left to right is bankrupt - what we have is a spectrum of views across liberalism with lots of white noise or pseudo-debate. The political class is axiomatically liberal in assumptions and normative values.

The key issue is actually is one a liberal of whatever variety or a non-liberal, post-liberal, communitarian etc. That is someone that recognises the ontological priority of the whole before its parts - that communal life and social capital (our common interests, cultural values, and even physical inheritence) must be defended and that defence is more important now than making money, consumerism, or PC idiocy etc.

In liberal political theory the individual is ontologically prior to all other phenomena. In fact any form of collective or communal life, taken seriously, is viewed as positively dangerous by liberals (of course it’s a partial truth that they expand to be the whole truth - typical ideological thinking). These people obviously have no idea what frequency-dependent phenomena are.

In the UK you could use the simple question ‘was Enoch right?’ to determine if you are ontological liberal (or not). Thatcher and indeed all of the political class in the UK have consistantly answered that question with a resounding ‘NO’. Hence revealing their deep attachment to liberalism.

OK enough from me for now - I feel much of what I say falls on very deaf ears.


Posted by wattyersrevolt on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 14:49 | #

Hopefully, these negroes will make their way to Hampstead Heath and burn down the homes of liberal race-replacement enthusiasts such as Michael Palin,Terry Jones and Pete the peadaphile Townsend.

What would have happened to race-replacement enthusiast Billy Bragg and his wife if they were walking around-a show of socialist solidarity-in the middle of this race riot? Anyone know the answer?

I predicted on this website four or five years to go that the UK would blow up first..and I have repeated this prediction many times. The Native English have   no where to flee to in the really is such a small place.

Michael Palin is involved in the re-settlement of African Muslims throughout the UK.  I hope the muslim negroes show their gratitude by visiting his home ... same good fortune for race-replacement enthusiast Terry Jones and his Swedish child bride.

I brought a copious supply of popcorn-organic- to eat as a watch on TV jollity of the carribean and muslim negroes as they burn down the UK…so far it has been good fun for all…BURN BABY BURN!!!!

If Europe explodes into a violent race war over the next year, I predict that Anders Brievick will not only become a Norwegian National Hero, but a pan-European Hero.


Posted by St. Ives on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 14:49 | #

On Powell - a rare clip of him talking about decency.

A true conservative and patriot. What a rare creature in this epoch.


Posted by St. Ives on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 15:06 | #

The BBC will not be showing this clip of ‘radical’ black activist Darcus Howe.


Posted by toto on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 17:58 | #

Our White people as usual are already out enforce “cleaning-up” the monkey droppings, raising brooms like real patriots would raise their muskets and ropes.
Only slightly less humiliating as being made to strip naked.
Cleaning up a spot to hold the candlelight vigil are we?

We do not have time to clean up after monkey scheiss anymore. We should be meeting and organizing Bunds.

wake up. wake up wake up.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 18:47 | #

The key issue is actually is one a liberal of whatever variety or a non-liberal, post-liberal, communitarian etc. That is someone that recognises the ontological priority of the whole before its parts - that communal life and social capital (our common interests, cultural values, and even physical inheritence) must be defended and that defence is more important now than making money, consumerism, or PC idiocy etc.

In liberal political theory the individual is ontologically prior to all other phenomena. In fact any form of collective or communal life, taken seriously, is viewed as positively dangerous by liberals (of course it’s a partial truth that they expand to be the whole truth - typical ideological thinking). These people obviously have no idea what frequency-dependent phenomena are.

In the UK you could use the simple question ‘was Enoch right?’ to determine if you are ontological liberal (or not). Thatcher and indeed all of the political class in the UK have consistantly answered that question with a resounding ‘NO’. Hence revealing their deep attachment to liberalism. (Lister)


Of course Enoch was right! But he was right about everything, from the dangers of colored immigration and the EU, to the vital necessity of private property and the free market.

You fail to understand that defending immigration restriction need not in any way, philosophical or practical, entail supporting, say, a national health service. There can be a recognition of the ontological priority of the tribe - that is, that selfish and shortsighted individual desires which conflict with the requirements of tribal survival, like importing foreign workers, can be collectively overruled - without a rejection of either correct theoretical economics (which has the individual acting man as its proper unit of analysis), or the rights and dignity of the person. That was really the essence of traditional Americanism, and I believe it was right.

For example, many would think Jefferson the archetypal classical liberal (libertarian). Yet he was an opponent of immigration at a time when that was understood to mean non-English migration. He really didn’t want anyone new admitted. How do you deal with that position? Was Jefferson just confused about what his own commitment to individual rights required? Can no libertarian argue for or support collective goods, like cultural preservation through immigration restriction, or the laying of taxes for advanced national militaries? Very few self-identified libertarians would go that far.

And what about Thatcher herself? She may have slammed down her copy of Hayek’s The Constitution of Liberty (an important if flawed tome), saying “This is what we support”, but that did not lead her either to reject a strong national defense, or to support increased immigration in the manner of the filthy Labour socialist Blair (whom the prolific and otherwise estimable historian Paul Johnson in Standpoint has ridiculously characterized as a “conservative”, on the flimsy and irrelevant basis that Blair evidently is sincere in his Christian belief, and of course, acted the lapdog on Iraq). As a matter of practical policy she may have failed to stem the immigration invasion, but she did not actively support it, to my knowledge, and it would be merely ludicrous to claim that she saw immigration as a vital aspect of her agenda. Reagan failed to return the US to a monetary gold standard, but that doesn’t mean he opposed one, let alone that he was a proponent of ‘loose money’ (he was not). 

You seem to think that classical liberalism is incompatible with the nation-state. This is false on so many levels. Read the classical liberal David Conway, In Defence of the Realm, a tedious and repetitive work, I admit, but one which goes to great lengths to refute that notion, arguing (if I recall) pragmatically that the maintenance of Britain’s historic culture of liberty and individual rights requires radically restricted immigration, both in numbers and ethnocultural character.

It was the socialist Labour Left which destroyed Britain, not the pro-capitalist Tory Right, which was merely foolish and shortsighted. Look at the clip from the Powell documentary you posted. It was Tony Benn sniveling about “racial prejudice”, not the Middle British shopkeeper’s daughter. Thatcher was a great help to British well-being, even if she should have focused more on immigration (assuming the British people in the 80s would have supported her on restriction; would they have, and with sufficient enthusiasm, or were they, like their US counterparts, more concerned about other matters, like rebuilding defence and overcoming leftist created economic sclerosis?).


Posted by anoone on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 20:30 | #

We do not have time to clean up after monkey scheiss anymore. We should be meeting and organizing Bunds.

wake up. wake up wake up.

Yep. Making tea for the brass. How cute. Be nice to other Londoners.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 20:34 | #

Hey look, someone is finally creating a White City:

Unfortunately, it’s in Tel Aviv.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 20:42 | #

This is a video from the Star Gang N17 that Mark Duggan is said to have belonged to; and as you will see from the video there is a positively pornographic, ugly fetishisation and promotion of guns and violence.

Welcome to the Brazilian-style future of London. When will the sheeple wake up?


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 21:10 | #

Powell was the only serious political figure to speak out against mass third-world immigration to the UK and actually meant what he said hence was drummed out of the establishment.

Thatcher along with ever other piece of treasonous scum to occupy high-office in the UK in this era have occasionally ‘mouthed-off’ and claimed to be doing something about the issue but actually revealed their true intentions in policy. Ever more mass-migration into the UK - yes it has ebbed and flowed, in that the precise rate and numbers arriving has varied but the travel of direction has been one way. More and more under both right-wing and left-wing liberal administration.

I wonder why it is so hard for people to see the animating ethos behind modern ‘conservatives’ in the West, is by and large a form of right-facing liberalism. Sure there remains some vestigial conservative mood music, but by and large it is for effect only.

Why would anyone NOT hold these people in total contempt is beyond me other than they are either ignorant or willfully blinded by rather secondary and unimportant ideological considerations (marginal tax rates et al., is not the pressing issue of the age for Europeans - guess what is - the baleful and multiple harms generated from an ultra-liberal zeitgeist). But it gets extremely tiresome to keep having to make the same elementary point over and over again.

Yet some people really do seem to think that the Republicans or the Tories have the collective interests of Euros at their core. All I can say is I hope the Kool-aid tasted good.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 21:25 | #

Look at this ass-licker:


Now is not the time for police to use water cannon and baton rounds
Such tactics should only be used in very specific circumstances and we will not rashly deviate from the British model of policing

Hugh Orde,    Wednesday 10 August 2011 20.39 BST

One of the greatest strengths of British policing is that operational decision-making is conducted not by politicians, but by professional chief police officers who have spent their whole career in policing. While David Cameron today referred to some of the more extreme measures available to us, they are not new, and responsibility for their deployment remains entirely a matter for chief officers. There can be no confusion here at all; it is a fact that we cannot be ordered to police in a certain way but we will be held robustly accountable for what we choose to do or not do.

As one of only two officers in the country to have ordered the use of water cannon and baton rounds in public-order policing, my professional judgment is it would be the wrong tactic, in the wrong circumstances at this moment. Both require an extremely precise situation. The use of water cannon, while logistically difficult, works against large stationary crowds throwing missiles at police or, as I witnessed in Northern Ireland, at other communities. It achieves distance between police and unlawful crowds that is often vital.

Utilising baton rounds, an even more severe tactic, is fundamentally to protect life. When I ordered their use, again in Northern Ireland, my officers were being attacked by blast bombs and live fire. I would always use both with a heavy heart, but it is always an issue of proportionality.

What we have seen so far from these riots, involving fast-moving and small groups of lawless people, is a situation that merits the opposite end of public-order policing.

This morning, myself and members of police forces around the country had the opportunity to share with the home secretary the tactics that are working and the evidence is that fast arrests, rapid processing of prisoners through the court system, making sure the correct charges are being placed and collecting appropriate evidence through proper, investigative practice, is working. Baton rounds and water cannon were not mentioned once.

Although the policing of disturbances in London on Monday has been widely criticised for lack of arrests, we have learned and moved on quickly from it.

Indeed, events on Monday posed unique difficulties for the deployed 6,000 officers – more than have ever policed an event in London. Making arrests at that time, although some did occur, would not have been sensible; we needed cops on the street to keep the peace and preserve life. We can deal with property loss and damage post-event, and while foresight is not always a commodity afforded to the police, part of any deal is that the police will have to explain themselves to the public.

What we have seen so far is not soft policing, and although I understand the enthusiasm of politicians and communities for robust measures, excessive force will destroy our model of policing in the long term. What we must hang on to in all of this is the British model of policing, premised on human rights and the minimum use of force. We police with consent and must be professional, proportionate, fair and justifiable to the public at all times.


What a coward. This at a time when Britain and the whole world are hurting economically. I wonder how much these riots are actually going to end up costing me personally, in terms of more stock losses on various global insurance companies I own shares in, and which will be hit with cleanup tabs in the billions.

Fuck these looters, and the liberals who have ‘nurtured’ them! Debating water cannon, when they should be deploying SAS snipers, and deputizing all able-bodied men, issuing them rifles and truncheons and orders to kill as many hooligans as possible (with financial rewards for maximum body counts).


I think what Britain needs is to suspend the rule of law, such as it is, and inaugurate a long period of military fascism. Of course, this will likely only happen after a second civil war.

I wonder, among the atheists and Big Talkers at MR: How many of you are prepared to exterminate the Left in all its manifestations?

Any rightist not prepared, under conditions of social breakdown, to kill the ideological and racial enemies of our people is no true rightist at all.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 21:30 | #

Just a quick thought - a lot of what we have seen was looting for ‘designer’ goods and expensive items like large TVs etc.

Perhaps we are seeing the difference between ‘active’ nihilistic consumerism and the ordinary everyday ‘passive nihilism’ of bovine consumerism which along with getting drunk and/or high, and sleeping around are the highest values of the majority of the British population.

The banality and vacant inner world of the ‘last man’ - shopping, TV sport, and recreational sex, the new holy trinity of modern England. Seriously is there a more culturally degraded nation than the UK in Western Europe?


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 21:31 | #

I repeat:

It was the socialist Labour Left which destroyed Britain, not the pro-capitalist Tory Right, which was merely foolish and shortsighted.

If poltroons like Graham Lister actually think that antagonizing Tories by mouthing off against a heroic figure like Margaret Thatcher is going to aid the cause of saving Britain, then I can only say, please stay in your lab, and leave the practical politics to wiser heads.


Posted by Helvena on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 21:32 | #

Some of the kids get it:

Leon, you’re not white.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 21:33 | #

Wow, Leon!  So what happened to Christian forgiveness?  What happened to the redemption from a life of error?


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 21:41 | #

The banality and vacant inner world of the ‘last man’ - shopping, TV sport, and recreational sex, the new holy trinity of modern England. Seriously is there a more culturally degraded nation than the UK in Western Europe? (Lister)

And the decline of Christianity has absolutely nothing to do with this enervated state? And men will be roused to reject this nihilism by unintelligible ontonationalism, or by red-facedly declaring “God is Dead”, but let’s all still cling like good little liberal secularists to the hope that we can preserve traditional moral and aesthetic standards in the absence of the overarching metaphysical belief system that gave those standards their meaning and justification?

How little you understand of men, history and (human) life!

After all the “God is dead, and we have killed him” crap, recall that Nietszsche’s Zarathustra sagely noted,
“We have unchained our sun.”

Indeed. The line from 19th century atheism to hooligans in hoodies is straight as a bullet.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 21:49 | #

Leon, you’re not white. (Helvena)

What I can’t figure out is where you come up with this shit?

I did love that first video, however..


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 22:06 | #

Wow, Leon!  So what happened to Christian forgiveness?  What happened to the redemption from a life of error? (GW)

Obviously, you’re joking (if I thought this were a legitimate query, I would have to reevaluate my estimation of your intelligence). For the lesser minds ...

This is a war, a racial war exactly as the precociously wise (if not quite maximally articulate) MarmiteMan understands it to be.

A Christian is not required to forgive his attacker in the course of the attack. Atheists deliberately misunderstand the concept of forgiveness (and btw, I’m no expert, either - not every Christian is a theological expert on every issue related to the faith). The first step in forgiveness is CONTRITION (humble acknowledgment of wrongdoing) on the part of the guilty party, followed by demonstration of a sincere desire to REPENT on his part.

You are correct that if some hoodlum suddenly converted, humbly beseeched me to forgive him for his crimes, and concretely demonstrated his repentance by, say, handing me all his money, with promises to work until he had paid his literal debts for the damages he had caused, along with other penalty payments (restitution + punishment), and generally showed good, contrite character throughout, then, yes, I would not be at moral liberty to exterminate his black ass, harvest his organs if applicable, etc.

That situation does not seem to obtain at present.

As I wrote, this is a dysgenic war, perhaps the earliest salvos in a broader confrontation between producers and parasites - a war of the purest good v the blackest evil. The hooligans should be exterminated en masse. I would give that order if PM or President, and, being a real Christian, would not lose a moment’s sleep over it (indeed, I would be anxiety ridden for the fate of my soul if I should have allowed physical of mental/emotional cowardice to prevent my issuing the shoot to kill edict).


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 22:08 | #

I reiterate:

Do you understand that Britain is under dysgenic attack? That this is a race + hooligans + communist/anarchist war against the very white, Christian, European, common law foundations of British civilization? And do you understand the solutions: deport ALL nonwhite (maybe all non-ethnic British) residents from British soil; bring back public whippings and regular hangings of criminals; restore the right of civilized persons to own and carry firearms; begin a long campaign of both positive and negative eugenics (encourage the better class of citizens to over-reproduce; provide financial incentives, say withholding benefits, to reduce underclass “chav” fertility levels); and reintroduce school curricula encouraging pride in British history and achievements, instead of evil (and mendacious) socialist and multiculturalist nonsense?

Britain can be saved - but only after, I fear, a civil war of extermination of aliens, criminals and leftists which will make Cromwell look very soft and obliging.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 22:47 | #

As Mr. Haller surveys the world from such Olympian heights and with such uncanny perspicacity I am frankly amazed that he is ‘only’ going to save Euro-America via the somewhat quixotic medium of Catholic theology, but that he is not rightfully thinking of emulating his great hero Ronald Reagan.

Just think ‘President Haller’ has a nice ring – and he could sign an even better and bigger amnesty for illegal aliens than Ronnie ‘accidentally’ managed to do. And of course in doing so being a ‘conservative’ demigod with Euro-American’s best interests at heart.

Now what is that odd phenomenon known as cognitive dissonance again…?

Think I’ll stick to being an Aristotelian ethnocentric communitarian, with a side order of Darwin and Heidegger thrown in. The banalities and pseudo-science of Austrian economics, Ayn Rand, Robert Nozick etc., and the average mega-church output, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh’s ‘talking’ points don’t really ‘do’ it for me. I know it’s deeply sad, but true, and I shall have to live with my inadequacy on these matters.

Perhaps one day I will spontaneously achieve enlightenment and emerge as a ‘full on’ American Republican.


Posted by Helvena on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 22:54 | #

LOL, Leon sweets, if the kid can see through the Jews, don’t you think the rest of us can? KikemanTV is a slick Jewish “go get the Mooslims” production, it’ll keep you busy for awhile.  My how they just love their Austrian ecomomics with their lovely free-trade and international flow of capital…makes it easier to control more, you don’t actually need boots on the ground.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 22:59 | #

Dear Mr. Lister, or The Master of Straw Men:

You either never read anything I post, deliberately distort what I plainly say, or are an idiot.

I used to think it was Option #2, but I’m increasingly leaning to #3.

One thing you (and a few other sophomores around here) have taught me: it is very important that any serious national survivalist movement marginalize its semi-intellectuals, or at least keep them on a tight leash. Second-rate minds are far more dangerous to the movement’s success than merely over-rash ‘doers’.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 23:01 | #


Thanks much for that link. I’d never even heard of it! I’ve added it to my bookmarks.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 23:08 | #

Anyone who isn’t worried about Muslims really doesn’t get it.

But that’s fine, you worry about the Jews, serious WNs worry about building white pride and consciousness of race, and then see in a decade or more which group is more powerful in the real world.

Because power is what this is all finally about.


Posted by PM on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 00:28 | #

I find it tremendously encouraging that the English youths were chanting ‘England’ as they repelled the black rioters. If these young men had truly beleived the people rioting were English, this would have made no sense. It seems to indicate that at some atavistic level, perhaps under times of stress, English people are able to see who is really their kin and who is not, and are still able to rally around a shared sense of ethnic identity.


Posted by Nobody on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 04:00 | #

I encourage whites here in the US to buy more items and supplies that can help to get through the tough times coming.  No reason to freak out and drop serious $.  One and one’s family can be nicely equipped without spending too much.  A bit here, a bit there with some long term shelf life foods, an extra can for gas, some basic medical gear and a way to carry the stuff would be good as well. Another 12 gauge wouldn’t hurt either.  We can all learn quite a bit from these riots, Katrina, the Cincinnati event, etc….And let’s not forget these African flash mobs.  Please watch your backs.  Motivational photo here:


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 09:41 | #

One slight ptoblem you thick twats - the leader of the Enfield anti-riot group patrolling the streets was Memet Ali.

Guess what - hes not white.

Nor were the black and asians walking with the enfield guys patrolling the streets.

You are all a fucking embrassment.

You are too stupid to be called Nationalists.

Nationalists live in the real world, you thick cunts are going to make nationalists look like morons by allowing the liberals to win any post-riot debate.

You just vomit back what the media tell you to think.

The riots were not abour race or class - they were about culture.

Blacks, whites, Orthodox Jews, asians some employed, some on the dole etc etc all rioted.

The riots are products of Thatcherite selfishness that said ‘no such as society exists’ and ‘gimme the money & fuck you’ , Blairite ’ culture of welfare entitlement and gimme it for free attitudes ’ and Liberalisms lack of social discipline in schools and society as regards proper punishments for crie and bad behaviour that created these amoral feral youth.

The destruction of our national culture & imposition of liberalism, thatcherism and blairism created a feral society.


Posted by Trainspotter on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 10:44 | #

LJB: “One slight ptoblem you thick twats - the leader of the Enfield anti-riot group patrolling the streets was Memet Ali. Guess what - hes not white. Nor were the black and asians walking with the enfield guys patrolling the streets.”

I don’t think anyone is claiming that these whites have, overnight, transformed into full blown white nationalists.  Nevertheless, we see that the group dynamics of this situation track very closely with race.  The groups involved, whether as looters or defenders, seem to be predominantly of one race or another.  If race didn’t matter, each group wouldn’t be so lopsided. 

LJB: “Nationalists live in the real world, you thick cunts are going to make nationalists look like morons by allowing the liberals to win any post-riot debate.”

If Britain had not allowed the mass importation of non-whites, the events of the last few days would not have happened.  That’s the real world, Lee. 

LJB: “The riots were not abour race or class - they were about culture.”

The riots started in a heavily black community over the death of a black man.  Those blacks didn’t riot because a white man who shared their culture was killed.  They didn’t riot because an asian who shared their culture was killed.  They rioted over one of their own, defined by race.  As degenerate as our society has become, there is no shortage of whites who have adopted black culture.  Yet the blacks never seem to get upset (or riot) when bad things happen to those whites with whom they share cultural bonds.  I wonder why that is? Hmm, a real brain teaser. 

Further, the fact that others joined in the show to various extents doesn’t really matter, just as it would be absolutely ridiculous to claim that race had nothing to do with the Rodney King riots simply because some non-blacks also got in on the act.  Group dynamics don’t require absolute purity in order to be real. 

LJB: “The riots are products of Thatcherite selfishness that said ‘no such as society exists’ and ‘gimme the money & fuck you’ , Blairite ‘ culture of welfare entitlement and gimme it for free attitudes ‘ and Liberalisms lack of social discipline in schools and society as regards proper punishments for crie and bad behaviour that created these amoral feral youth.”

True enough…brought to you by the same people who kept the floodgates open to non-whites. Brought to you by the same people who agree with you that race doesn’t matter.  Apparently, those people were wrong about EVERYTHING ELSE, but somehow they are right about the anti-white racial orthodoxy that they have imposed on your society. Uh huh. Lee…grow up.

LJB: “The destruction of our national culture & imposition of liberalism, thatcherism and blairism created a feral society.”

This is a natural consequence of denying that race matters, which of course inevitably resulted in the denial that the indigenous white population really exists at all (much less worth defending), which resulted in a denial of its culture and traditions, and so on.  See the pattern, Lee?  You’re stepping on the train a bit late, don’t you think? 

You’re like the guy who complains furiously about all of the trash and waste that surrounds you, but gets very angry if someone points out who dumped the garbage and why. You’re all about symptoms while ignoring the disease. 

But by all means, if what you care about the most is slapping the Saint George’s Cross on some paki or black, and chortling with satisfaction when he learns to take his tea and eat his fish and chips, have at it.  I think your time would be more profitably spent on video games or watching the grass grow, but to each his own.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 10:58 | #

Reuters on the “vigilantes”:

Londoners vow to defend themselves against rioters

LONDON, Aug 10 (Reuters) - From shopkeepers and middle-class writers to Sikh communities and right-wing soccer “fans”, Londoners are ready to take action to protect their homes and businesses from rioting.

After four nights of violence, many are saying enough is enough and they will stop the looters themselves if the authorities cannot.

Police have warned that vigilantes are putting their own safety at risk and could make matters worse. The risks were highlighted by the death of three Muslim men run over by a car while protecting their area in the central English city of Birmingham on Tuesday.

Critics say taking the law into your own hands can be an excuse for more thuggish behaviour which could inflame racial and social tensions.

London’s Metropolitan Police flooded the streets of the capital with 16,000 officers on Tuesday night in an effort to quell the violence. In addition to the officers there were locally formed groups determined to stop any looting.

In the Dalston area of east London, shopkeepers of Turkish origin united to ward off rioters who ransacked shops and set fire to buildings and cars in nearby parts of Hackney.

“We can see the police was not effective enough because these guys come (in their) fifties, hundreds,” said jewellery store owner Mahir Erbil. “We thought we could get together and defend our street and our premises and, thanks to God, nobody came. They were lucky not to come.”

Some locals are armed with metal bars. Shopkeepers prevented rioters from breaking into a nearby restaurant on Monday, during the height of the riots.


Erbil, 31, said the family-owned business also had a branch in Tottenham, the north London district where the riots started, which had been destroyed. “Just the walls are left,” he said.

He briefly opened the Dalston shop on Wednesday but soon pulled down the shutters. He felt it was still too dangerous to open.

Another shopkeeper, who declined to give his name, said a crowd of youths tried three times to get into the street of shops on Monday night but locals chased them away.

In Brick Lane in east London, famous for its curry houses, restaurant staff said they were also prepared to band together to protect their businesses from looters. The street is so far unscathed by the riots.

Restaurant worker Syed Hossan, 41, said there was a very strong Bangladeshi community in Brick Lane and rioters would not be allowed in. “They know if they come here, they cannot go out,” he said.

Around 400 mostly white middle-class residents of the east London district of Hackney, many holding long-handled brooms, gathered outside Hackney Town Hall on Tuesday in a show of strength after the previous night’s violence.

Writer David Harrison, 49, told the crowd, “If you want to come out tonight if there is trouble, there are enough of us to make a difference tonight.

“Let’s not wait till tomorrow morning, if it kicks off again tonight, I’ll be out, I’ll bring people with me. If we all come out, it won’t happen.”

He later told Reuters he was not a vigilante. “It’s just about being on the streets, it’s not about running battles, it’s just being here. It’s exercising our right to walk the streets.”

The English Defence League, which protests against “radical Islamism” and critics say is a far-right group attracting soccer hooligans, said it was taking action to “safeguard” local communities and its members were organising themselves in London and other English cities.

“We are hoping to safeguard local businesses through a strong physical presence, and discourage trouble-makers from gathering in our town and city centres,” the EDL said in a statement.

One website, Casuals United, which says it represents “firms—the lads who had to form into military units in order to travel to football matches”, said soccer fans had formed groups on Tuesday night in Enfield, north London, the scene of trouble earlier in the week.

“Well done all the football lads who mobbed up to protect their areas and innocent people’s property last night,” the website said. “You know things are bad when football crowds have to police the streets.”

Videos posted on YouTube showed large numbers of predominantly white men, reportedly walking through Enfield chanting “England, England”.

A message posted on YouTube under the name “england1213” said fans of Millwall soccer club had gathered in the south London suburb of Eltham on Tuesday.

“Looters would? (have) been either very brave or very stupid to step foot in Eltham last night!” it said.

Another video was posted with the title “White Community defending their community against immigrant looters”.

Anti-racist group Hope not Hate said the last thing communities needed was the EDL claiming to defend them.

“The news that the EDL is promising to come out on the streets to defend our communities from rioters should be met with the derision and contempt it deserves,” Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate’s coordinator, wrote on his blog.

In Southall, in west London, hundreds of Sikhs turned out to defend their homes and temples against potential rioters on Tuesday.

“The neighbourhood is in a very bad position so that’s why we take the precaution,” Himmat Sohi, president of the largest Sikh temple in Europe based in Southall, told Reuters.

He said the combined efforts of the community and the police had helped ward off any trouble.

Despite being overwhelmed by rioters at times, the police said they did not support vigilantes.

“What I don’t need is these so-called vigilantes who appear to have been drinking too much and taking policing resources away from what they should have been doing, which was preventing the looting,” the Metropolitan Police’s Deputy Assistant Commissioner Stephen Kavanagh told Sky News.

However, London police advised business owners that they could use “reasonable force” to protect themselves.

“As a general rule, the more extreme the circumstances and the fear felt, the more force you can lawfully use in self-defence,” a police message said.


Posted by Rollory on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 11:40 | #


Interesting choice.  Ok.  Message received: suicide is more important.  Bye.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 12:22 | #

Paging Dr. Lister:

Curious about one point. In your ethnocollectivist utopia would there be an individual right to keep and bear arms? Should there be one in multiculti Britain?

Because I can’t help thinking how ridiculous all this is from an American perspective. These kinds of happenings really don’t occur in the US, which I believe has greater experience with ape-oid riots than the UK. Here, despite the serious savagery on display (ie, not mere aggressive, and rather spoiled bratish, hooliganism basically allowed to get out of hand, as in your country), it is usually mostly confined to the apes’ neighborhoods themselves. If they tried to descend en masse to predominantly white areas, even in risibly weak white LA (well, at least OC), and bully about, looting and burning, they would quickly be met with serious small arms fusillades. A small amount of firepower is usually enough.

Back during the ‘92 riots, my dad in Newport Beach and several of his neighbors were totally prepared to close off their street in the event that savages decided to travel out that way for surprise attacks. With only 4 guys, led by my dad, a WW2/Pacific vet (but then still a vigorous man in his 60s), I have not the slightest doubt that they could have held off literally dozens of apes, even on the assumption of the latter being armed. Looters aren’t soldiers. They’re out for fun and booty, not serious war. If they meet that kind of resistance, they move on.

I was in Westwood unfortunately at the time. Despite being surrounded by mostly unarmed weaklings, there were still many of us who were armed (a surprising mishmash of whites it was who were armed, too: some servicemen, some incipient WNs, like yours truly, some seemingly effete yuppies, a number of otherwise nerdy and typically abrasive LA Jews; I even had a fairly obviously gay neighbor who lived on the same floor of my apt bldg, and who was walking around with an impressive S&W;(I think) .357 (for sure) for a few days). I was posting sentry for several days on the roof of my building (my employer shut down for a few days), with binoculars, and an 18” modified/pistol grip shotgun (with about 50 shells) and Colt 1911 (about 300-400 rounds, what I had at home pre-riot) about my person (and some admiring girls still coming up, after day 1, to tan and hit the hot tub), and would spy other whites on other bldgs also surveying the territory with their binoculars. The greatest joy was when we would notice and then salute each other by brandishing our shotguns and rifles high in the air.

Westwood did sustain some minor vandalism, when we all got caught by surprise by the original verdict, and the apes exploded (at least as I remember in Westwood) very rapidly. Unfortunately, after that first evening, no more apes came our way. Had they tried to hit my section of Veteran Ave, a lot would have been cut down.

That experience leads me to believe that the actual fighting of the impending race war won’t be as awful as many WNs think. I mean, sure there will be incredible slaughter, but there is a certain joy, I could even then intuit, in fighting with one’s people in the noble cause of resisting ape depredations. Too many whites walk around bored and with no sense of purpose. Being threatened with apish destruction concentrates the mind wonderfully, and would provide already awakened WNs with super-purpose. Feelings of depression, for those prone, or despair or lethargy would get quickly dispelled.   

Anyway, if whites could own guns again in the UK, as in centuries past, I don’t think the new Troubles, Twitter or not, would have gained a foothold.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 12:37 | #


Apparently, you did not notice that Anders Behring Breivik killed 71 people the other day.  There have been consequences, including the fact that you certainly cannot now post material on-line about the “general use” of firearms.


Posted by CS on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 14:03 | #


Thank you for kicking that idiot’s ass. I remember a few years ago when we were both posting on that movie website forum. You kicked ass there too.


Posted by Mogadishu-on-the-Thames on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 14:05 | #

Lee Barnes,
            What about that photo GW published of that white woman stripped nude by blacks?, or of that white batty-boy being stripped by blacks?
- Stop playing ‘The Guardian’ game and covering up for the blacks.
They are the whiteman’s enemy - his mortal enemy.In the final analysis either they go or we go.It’s as simple as that.But you either cannot see that or choose not to see it.
They would kill you as soon as look at you if they could.
It’s all about race, it’s nothing but race, I don’t care what you think.
There must be no compromise.The blacks and pakis must go.


Posted by Mogadishu-on-the-Thames on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 14:25 | #

As mentioned before, the riots are the best thing to happen to the cause of British Nationalism since the Windrush tragedy of 1948.
Even more salient and important than the Powell speeches.
Multi-racialism, multi-culturalism, immigrationism, ‘liberal’ immigration policies, call it what you will, it failed and most importantly, seen to have failed.
Ony the most galactically stupid or the most blinded and dogmatically deluded cannot be making that assessment right now.What’s more there is not just disgust and anger at the riots, but a very real, genuine, palpable fearin the air at the moment, you know that curious moment in a nation’s collective unconscious when it has been hit, blindsided by a heavy blow, and still doesn’t know what to do, but the emotions of sheer shock and anger are starting to come through.We’re still at that ‘dazed and confused’ moment rather than at the ‘revenge’ moment.
  I can only compare to the sense of violation and rape a nation feels when it has been invaded by a foreign army.Belgium 1914 or Poland 1939.
  The threat of a paki/black showdown is looming haevy right now - and the powers-that-be are kakking their pants.
In the final analysis it will bode well for us.Hearts have been hardened.Prejudices formed.A desire for ‘pay-back’ s being formed.
Things will never be the same again.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 23:03 | #

I’d really like to hear something about the issue I broached above of whether the disarming of the British population has been a good thing.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 00:15 | #

In modern times the British population have never been armed in the same way Americans have.  The post-Hungerford law was not a mass disarmament, therefore.

I don’t think the question really applies.


Posted by Nobody on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 03:09 | #

Leon Haller,
Just out of pure curiosity, are you equipped to go to the shooting range?  Shite, all whites should be…


Posted by Bubba on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 03:38 | #

Think I’ll stick to being an Aristotelian ethnocentric communitarian, with a side order of Darwin and Heidegger thrown in. The banalities and pseudo-science of Austrian economics, Ayn Rand, Robert Nozick etc., and the average mega-church output, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh’s ‘talking’ points don’t really ‘do’ it for me. I know it’s deeply sad, but true, and I shall have to live with my inadequacy on these matters.

At last, a man after my own heart!

As to Ayn Rand, how else can “true-believing” Christian Orange County real estate brokers look at their reflection in the morning and morally justify commissions grounded in exploiting consumer ignorance, marketing propaganda, artificial demand, price-steering, easy credit, usurious lending practices, etc?


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 04:03 | #

OK, I repeat my question another way:

Should the British enjoy the same right to bear arms as e Americans do?

Leon Haller,
Just out of pure curiosity, are you equipped to go to the shooting range?

Are you asking if I am an armed citizen? What do you think?


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 04:07 | #

As per usual what I write does not resonate, but I repeat the following, because it’s really the essential lesson of all this:

That experience leads me to believe that the actual fighting of the impending race war won’t be as awful as many WNs think. I mean, sure there will be incredible slaughter, but there is a certain joy, I could even then intuit, in fighting with one’s people in the noble cause of resisting ape depredations. Too many whites walk around bored and with no sense of purpose. Being threatened with apish destruction concentrates the mind wonderfully, and would provide already awakened WNs with super-purpose. Feelings of depression, for those prone, or despair or lethargy would get quickly dispelled.

Anyway, if whites could own guns again in the UK, as in centuries past, I don’t think the new Troubles, Twitter or not, would have gained a foothold.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 07:04 | #


I’ll ask you now to place yourself in the position of merely a man imbued with what is your particular moral constitution and not a pundit who opines on what he believes to be in the best interest of the long-term survival of the English and more broadly the European race.  So I’ll ask in the form that is your wont:  If sufficient power was in your hands, would you be prepared to administer those conditions of life upon the faithful which would diminish their fertility?  Do you understand that this would amount to your having robbed them of all the loves and joys coming from the embrace of their prospective children which your actions would have prevented from existing?  Do you know that such actions would not come without real violence - of whatever form and degree - done to the faithful at all stages of their lives?  Do you venture in with eyes open?  Is this what a good man would do?  I think not.


Posted by Hey Mr. Outis! on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 08:03 | #

Will you ever post under one handle?


Posted by FB on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 14:39 | #

Britain is a riot: Pat Condell:


Posted by "They Are Essentially Wild Beasts". on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 14:45 | #

Veteran newspaperman Max Hastings is a damned good writer and bloody excellent historian to boot.
In a viriolic piece in the Mal he used the phrase “they are essentially wild beasts” to describe the rioters.
  What a damned excellent turn of phase!, how good succinct and excellent!, what mastery of the English language, why can’t I come up with phrases like that :(

Anyhow, I googled it and got tons of direct references and links to it, and it’s only a day old!
Hope it’s seared in the collective conscience.

Another great phrase I heard was some nice middle-class blonde haired lady, the proprietess of a baby clothes shop, calling the rioters ‘feral rats’ - that had me chortling for minutes, eve thougha feral rat, strictly speaking is a contradiction in terms (no such thing as a domestic rat in the first place).
  I can’t help thinking she lifted the phrase from WillSelf on Nesnight who famously called a NOTW journalist ‘rat-like and feral’ to his face.


Posted by Thomas on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 15:19 | #

Pakistanis and Indians Jailed for Starting Birmingham Riots

John Derbyshire estimates that blacks comprise about 2% of the British population but 60 - 70% of the rioters.??




Posted by Bill on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 23:09 | #

Brendan O’Neill   Friday 12 August 2011 Spiked on-line.

Never mind the looters, what about the ‘fascists’  or Engerland, Engerland, Engerland.     

So this peculiar week has ended with the peculiar situation where some in the liberal elite are expressing sympathy for the rioting youth, while simultaneously spitting bile at ‘white mobs’. Why? In essence, the cultural elite feels a closer affinity with the moral-lite rioters because, largely through the welfare state, it has some influence on those people’s lives and outlooks. In areas where welfarism is entrenched, the elites have some leeway to influence morality, to push parenting in a certain direction, to import their own decadent, relativistic values and spread them among the poor. It has no such purchase, or certainly less purchase, in more productive, self-sufficient working-class areas, where people are less reliant on the state and more reliant on each other, and where they have their own traditions and values thank you very much (which, yes, sometimes includes ‘chanting England’). The elites’ failure to colonise fully these white working-class areas makes them view such areas as strange, unknowable, full of people with rough hands and a weird penchant for post-work pints of beer. Indeed, the thing that most unites the lumpenproletariat and the decadent bourgeoisie is a fundamental disdain for the ‘labouring nation’, for people who work for a living and who try their best to govern their own lives. How dare they live outside of the moral universe created by the chattering classes? What is wrong with them? They must be fascists.

Read All.


Posted by PM on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 03:01 | #

Bill, the Spiked article is excellent. Thanks for linking it.

Did you by any chance see David Starkey on Newsnight tonight? He spoke very frankly about the racial aspects of the riots and the influence of black culture on English society. It was more from a ‘culturist’ perspective, but it was very powerful. It should be on the Iplayer tomorrow.

He has also helped to define what we can and cannot say in terms of race. Even though he went to some pains to say that he was talking about a specific type of black culture—Jamaican, gangster culture, it was clear from the reaction that this is still too much. Any critisism by any white person of any aspect of black culture is illegitimate.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 08:38 | #

Thanks for the thanks PM. 

You ask me somewhere on these threads why I read Inspector Gadget’s blog.

I read anything and everything I can lay my eyes on trying to get a handle on what is relevant to our plight.  I just happen to think that what Gadget’s people are thinking is highly important.

A bellwether if you like.

And here’s why.

I have had to hide my identity because I supported all the stuff which is now perfectly acceptable again. I wasn’t particularly smart. I could just see the bleeding obvious. And so could you. We had 65,000 hits on this Blog on Wednesday alone. More than 250,000 of you have logged on since 7th August! Over 7 million hits since we started.

Posts during the riots attracted over 1000 comments each, mainly from serving officers.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 09:02 | #

I would just like to add to the above, I’ve been tracking Inspector Gadget’s blog for some time now, not extensively, just once in a while, sampling comments more than anything.

To be honest I don’t know what to make of it, why do the PTB continue to allow Gadget to run his blog?

I’ve posted here on several occasions that IG’s blog is essentially an anti liberal rant with very little evidence that these people have any inkling of what’s going on.

I also think he would sensor anything resembling what goes on here.

As an aside, I had a dig at Eddie Butler the other day, wasting months on skewering Griffin when he could have been educating Gadget’s readership of the meaning of postmodern liberalism of - which they rant incessantly.

Anyway that’s it, I’m going on holiday now, leaving my computer behind.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 11:02 | #

Cheers, Bill.  Bet you won’t be entirely content en vacances without at least some contact with our digital world of wakefulness!

Eddy Butler, btw, did not skewer Griffin.  He skewered Andrew Brons by playing Pied Piper and leading people out of the party and, therefore, away from any opportunity to influence the outcome of a future leadership election.  Nine votes ... nine!


Posted by jrackell on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 18:33 | #

Let’s not forget.  The police certainly do know how to dish it out when their political masters tell them it’s okay to do so. 

A snippet from 2006:

Baton-wielding police officers who left scores of anti-hunt protestors bloodied in one of the most violent London riots in modern memory have been cleared of wrongdoing.

Shocking images of law-abiding demonstrators being clubbed to the ground rocked Westminster in 2004 and prompted a flood of legal complaints.

Pictures of injured rural men, women and teenagers, their faces streaming with blood under a hail of blows from officers in riot-gear triggered a national outcry.

But the official report into the demonstration has refused to endorse claims of police brutality and even accuses the protestors of stoking up the violence.

London protest

Perhaps baton charging real English people is just a damn sight more fun?


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 19:55 | #

What a useless fucking country Britain has become!

Graham Lister’s tirades against Americans, set against the backdrop of Britons cowering and disrobing before their nigger masters, are simply pathetic. They might have some value if Britain were still the country it was in the war. But what about Britain today is worth defending - and anyway, who and where are the defenders?

My view of Britain has undergone a sea change in the past week, not so much because of the virtually free pass given to violent Third World hooligans - with the ass-licking (Tory!) government debating whether water cannon and plastic (?!) bullets should be employed as riot control, as the police did nothing but sip tea - as because of my experience on that useless inspectorgadget blog. I pointed out that blacks were the cause of the riots, and wouldn’t Britain be better off without them?

Sorry Bill, virtually every response was negative. These responses were from anonymous posters, many describing themselves as cops. All manner of whining about “where’s your armband?”, and “brave black coppers are out there on the line”, and similar crap. Where is the outrage over there, where are the anonymous demands for DEPORTATION NOW, return of public hanging, arming of the native British population, or just ending the immigration invasion?

Britain is dead. The problem is not even or primarily the millions (tens?) of racial (and white ethnic) aliens colonized on your shores, who could yet be wiped out if Henry V, and Wellington, and Nelson and past generations of redcoats could be resurrected (or, more soberly, their spirit). It is not the fact that Christianity has disappeared from your land, or that with it the whole historic British culture in one or two generations has likewise been eviscerated (no connection there, is there? ‘Course not. A culture and moral system can endure without the metaphysical superstructure supporting them - obviously!).

It is the supreme spinelessness of the contemporary British people that is so shocking. The vast majority of whites have been utterly, to me shockingly, brainwashed. How did that happen? How could it? The white majority in the US, awful as we have become, is not remotely as supine. Europeans have the nerve to mock Americans, but we are much tougher than you are. We still have a spirit of rebellious independence (just go to the Vegas gun show, as I do every few years), that is reflected even in yahoo comment boards, where you will find far more conservative and racialist sentiment in a typical article about blacks, or even Obama, than I saw on any British news site at the height of the race war, including that ludicrous police blog. 

Britain is dead because no one will fight for it. No one will fight for it because most have been more thoroughly brainwashed into racial egalitarianism and universal brotherhood crap than the captive peoples of Eastern Europe were ever brainwashed into believing in communism - and because the rest are secularist bastards for whom life is accidental and meaningless, today is therefore everything, and the understandable attitude is thus to keep one’s head down, and just carry on (in this exactly mirroring the attitudes of the peoples caught under communism).

True British patriots should stop fooling themselves. Your only hopes are for a revived and racially renovated Church Militant, exactly as the old CE establishment was (at least wrt the colonized races), to act as the moral guide for a revived British patriotism which recognizes that Britain has been both invaded by foreign armies, and betrayed by its leaders. The goal must then be to foment a second civil war to drive the invaders into the seas (and to convict and hang the traitors - Blair, Brown, Benn, all of them - who facilitated the foreign conquest). While I have no doubt that earlier generations of Brits, if time-teleported and forced to live in the present, would respond in exactly this way, I admit civil war to save Britain seems far-fetched at best.

Your other option is White Zion, where at least you can live out your days with racial and ideological compatriots, taking some solace in the knowledge that though your nation is gone (but where are the Celts? Franks? Goths? Vikings? mere ethnicities do inevitably transmogrify and disappear over long periods), your race will endure, with consciously created ethnic revivals always possible in the future.

Face facts. The number of British patriots is too small to win back the land. But this is probably true for most if not all white nations. It is only by relocating to a common area that we will have any hope of becoming a majority, and hence of reconstituting society according to our values and prerogatives - which is necessary if our race is to endure, given, as I repeatedly argue, that all endogenous as well as exogenous trends are leading ineluctably to white extinction.


Posted by CS on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 21:12 | #


Bang on about the UK. Too many muds and more everyday. Too many mudsharks. Too many white liberal faggots. Time for UK patriots to recreate Britain somewhere else. And when that is accomplished, any white person in said country that wants non-white immigration is deported immediately to Somalia.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 15 Aug 2011 10:24 | #

The further away it is from local PeeCee concerns, the more the MSM tell the truth.  Or some of it, anyway:

Fearsome fans take on rioters

TRULY your enemy’s enemy is your friend. It took civil unrest on a national scale, but for one night at least Britain took the notorious supporters of Millwall FC to its heart.

As London was riven by outbreaks of rioting and looting across the capital - with police overwhelmed by the scale of the trouble and English Premier League chiefs meeting today to consider postponing the opening of the season this weekend vigilantes and residents took to the streets to defend their turf.

But the unlikeliest alliance came in Eltham, in south-east London, where fans of Millwall - hated and feared in equal measure for their hooligan history - came together with followers of other clubs in a cordon of protection for high street shops.

For once the Millwall contingent were happy to ditch their famous chant of “No one likes us, and we don’t care” - singing instead, “No one loots us ... “

BBC reporters described fans of Millwall and Charlton walking the length of Eltham High St, with riot police following at a discreet distance.

With the exception of a handful of sporadic confrontations, there were no reports of serious disturbance.

“This is a white, working class area and we are here to protect our community,” one man told The Guardian newspaper. “We are here to help the police. My mum is terrified after what she saw on the television in the last three days and we decided that it’s not going to happen here.”

Grateful local residents then flooded social media sites.

“Thanks to each and every one of you (especially the Millwall boys) for looking after our streets and our homes,” one woman wrote on the Facebook page, Support Our Eltham Men.

“From what I saw, there was a mixture of race/religions in Eltham protecting their home town. It didn’t matter what colour/religious back ground/football team they supported, they just didn’t want the riots to break out where their families have to buy the food for their children,” wrote another.

The riots had already had a major effect on English soccer, with this morning’s friendly between England and Holland at Wembley, the venue of next year’s Olympic soccer final, postponed, alongside several Carling Cup ties in London.


Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 15 Aug 2011 14:49 | #


Good article. A little crack here…etc.


Posted by J Richards on Tue, 16 Aug 2011 02:01 | #

Desmond Jones,

Wondering what the Jews running from the police in the video were doing, are you?  What could they be doing?

Helvena, above, got it.  Time for you to get it, too:

Challenge to Guardian’s report on Tottenham riots

The Guardian newspaper amended its coverage of the Tottenham riots after a complaint that Chasidic Jews were unfairly singled out for allegedly “jeering at police”.

Manchester’s Jewish Representative Council were among those complaining that the newspaper had broken its editorial code in unnecessarily identifying people’s religious or ethnic background in a description of a mixed crowd of onlookers to Saturday night’s violence. The article was published online on Sunday and in the Guardian on Monday.

The newspaper noted that rioters were “racially mixed” but said “families and other local residents, including some from Tottenham’s Hasidic Jewish community, also gathered to watch and jeer at police”.

Lucille Cohen, president of the Rep Council, voiced concern that “such irresponsible reporting could lead to increased antisemitism and even to physical attacks on the Jewish community nationally”.

A spokesperson for the Guardian said the article was being considered by the paper’s independent readers’ editor.

On Wednesday the paragraph was rewritten to read: “But families and other local residents representative of the area - black, Asian and white, including some from Tottenham’s Hasidic Jewish community - also gathered to watch and jeer at police.”

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