So Barrack Hussein’s boy makes his move for the VP On the video the low, rich tessitura lights up the inevitable appeal to unity, Kenyan coffee on a cold, dull morning. The easily thrilled contemplate the realisation of a dream of four decades of another young Democrat god in the White House ... and a second black president after Bill Clinton. Obama the Handled, the Manufactured has entered the race for the nomination. He will divide America like no other, which I presume to be a good. Should the nationalist American, then, hope that Hillary so scares the cattle he actually wins the nomination? Should the hope even be that he strides to victory on November 4th next year over a prostrate John McCain (or Rudi Giuliani)? Don’t ask me. I come from a country that hasn’t yet so lost its sense it will contemplate a half-African, half-Moslem unknown in Number 10. Comments:2
Posted by Matra on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 02:31 | # Another man - most definitely not hand picked by the establishment - also indicated today he’s considering a run for the presidency: Tom Tancredo. His big issue will, of course, be illegal immigration. I wish we had ethnic Italians like him in Canada. 3
Posted by ES on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 02:32 | # BM-WF miscegenation would increase with Obama’s installation. 4
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 03:17 | # A friend of mine who has been on the periphery of white nationalism for sometime believes white naitonalism cannot be successful—not for the reasons Sailer states—but because the moment there is any momentum building for WN, black women will throw themselves at the white technologists and the white nationalist leadership will be utterly incapable of responsibly defending the WN movement. Given that the likes of “Yggdrasill” on Stormfront, responding to accusations that representatives like Trent Lott supported the creation of the H-1b crisis, says things like “Labor markets are global,” I really have no rejoinder to this friend. 5
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 03:22 | # Don’t ask me. I come from a country that hasn’t yet so lost its sense it will contemplate a half-African, half-Moslem unknown in Number 10. As if it really matters. It’s not as if those now residing at No. 10 are acting any differently than “a half-African, half-Moslem unknown.” 6
Posted by Bud White on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:23 | # I am interested in observing Barrack ‘Hussein’ Obama’s run for president. He, if nothing else, will serve as a barometer for us. The level of success or failure in his bid to become president will indicate to us just how far down the liberal brainwashing path the masses have traveled. 7
Posted by negrophobic brute on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 11:22 | # “I really have no rejoinder to this friend.” Black women are, on average, ugly, stupid, and as feminine as an overweight former professional wrester? 8
Posted by Andy Wooster on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 13:45 | # Black women are, on average, ugly, stupid, and as feminine as an overweight former professional wrester? That would be a good rejoinder. I’m more worried about escaped zoo animals derailing the white nationalist movement than I am about negro femme fatales. 9
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 14:26 | # black women will throw themselves at the white technologists They may throw. But they will miss. 10
Posted by Bud White on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 15:02 | # “They may throw. But they will miss.” Will gorgeous nubile white women hell-bent on advancing a racial universalist agenda also miss? 11
Posted by PF on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 19:19 | # black women will throw themselves at the white technologists Of all the Doomsday scenarios I’ve heard of… 12
Posted by chimp on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 19:26 | # Anyone have any alternative explanations for this unexplained pregnancy? 13
Posted by alex zeka on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 20:47 | # black women will throw themselves at the white technologists They may throw, we will throw up. 15
Posted by Lurker on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 03:00 | # Im afraid dont see the point of being rude about black women collectively. It just sounds cheap and nasty. 17
Posted by Lurker on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 23:40 | # ES - “BM-WF miscegenation would increase with Obama’s installation.” Why would that be? 18
Posted by Bud White on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 00:09 | # “BM-WF miscegenation would increase with Obama’s installation.” “Why would that be?”—Lurker I can see how Obama as president would cause an increase in BM-WF miscegenation. For many dumb white women, he will serve as the example of the “new ideal American prototype” thereby removing (in their minds) any social stigma that still exists for giving birth to mullattoes. 19
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 02:53 | # OK, fair enough it just sounds a bit too straightforward. The liberal MSM will go into an orgy of praise of course and that sort of propaganda must have some effect. Seriously though, he isnt going to get elected is he? *Gulp* 20
Posted by Bud White on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 03:17 | # “Seriously though, he isnt going to get elected is he? *Gulp*”—Lurker Is Obama an insider? No! Therefore he doesn’t stand a snowballs chance of getting elected. I look for a well connected insider like McCain, Gouliani, Kerry or Bill Richardson to win in 08. 21
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 04:28 | # The responses to the problem of white technologists being bought off by black women throwing themselves at them indicates a peculiar lack of understanding of sexual dynamics. White technologists are about as low on the sociosexual status scale as is possible to get, plus they are isolated in male saturated ghettos. I know a great many of the best technologists of my generation did not find a mate let alone have children—not because they didn’t want to—but because the market for mates is very sensitive to gender ratio and sociosexual status. They’re ripe for the picking. I remember one guy working at SAIC finally did end up getting married to an especially ugly black woman. Even the engineers who had been jilted and humiliated by females who became concubines of the corporate heavies were amazed at how ugly she was compared to her husband. PS: In case you were wondering about me—<a >my fiance</a> is of pioneer Palatine German stock who, like my Scotch Irish Quaker ancestors, first settled in Lancaster County, PA. We met after I left the male saturated ghetto of Silicon Valley and she the female saturated ghetto of NYC where she saw enough reality to value a realist like me—not that she likes this reality anymore than the rest of us. 22
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 11:32 | # McCain fills me with trepidation (as a Brit maybe Im picking up the wrong signals!). 23
Posted by thoughtful brute on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 16:11 | # We all may know of individual cases of unusual mating choice, but I maintain that if the powers-that-be want to use sexual temptations to derail white nationalism, utilizing Asian females would make more sense that Negresses. I don’t have quantitative psychometric/anthropological data about white professionals/technologists, but we can make some reasonable qualitative assumptions. Compared to the average white male (and even if you would control for ethnicity, socioeconomic status, age cohort and other such variables), white technologists would be expected to be more intelligent, certainly, than the white male average. One could also expect them to be more introverted, restrained, thoughtful, law-abiding, introspective. Possibly - and this is even more speculative - they could be less muscular than the average white male (again controlling for the aforementioned variables). I don’t have any quantitative evidence to back any of this up, but it does seem at least to match the anecdotal “evidence.” I know that’s weak, but until we have data to the contrary it is a working hypothesis that more intelligent whites would be like this. Assuming for a moment that this picture is accurate, one could not think of a greater mismatch than with the black female: loud, aggressive, impulsive, extroverted, from a low-IQ race, and - despite obesity - a tendency to be physically large and muscular. For example, see the last two graphs here: I’d think that many white technologists - and intellectual white professionals in general - are more likely to be frightened or shocked by black females than attracted to them. Asian females would be a better fit from all perspectives - behavior and size and body fat % - and even if American-born Asians are “turned off” by a lower sociosexual status, the foreign born are likely not to be as concerned. Of course, given their own demographic problems - including the gender imbalance in China - it is possible that the flow of Asian females may be cut off. I’m not sure though whether the black female - with all the racial baggage they carry as a consequence of their evolutionary history - can be a satisfactory substitute. Hispanic females? Not sure about that. 24
Posted by Robert ap Richard on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 16:24 | # Are chinamen less muscular than blacks or whites because they eat too much soy? 25
Posted by Voice on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 16:47 | # Thoughtful Brute, I have to agree with your logic and in my experience this is what I have seen too. I have a friend who is absolutely brilliant. His family line demonstrates high intellectual capabilities going back generations-very impressive. He married a Japanese woman(now divorced) and dates only Chinese and Japanese woman. His personality is typical of the typical “geek”. I don’t think these guys are “geeks” but this is what society labels them, especially if they aren’t loud and obnoxious like the typical successful american businessman type. Furthermore, this could be one of our greatest weaknesses as many of our (130+)High IQ racial brethren fit this profile. Our competitors (hint, hint) don’t have this weekness. 26
Posted by r/k brute on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 16:57 | # “Are chinamen less muscular than blacks or whites because they eat too much soy?” I believe these differences are mostly genetic, and would be observed in Asian-Americans eating a western diet. Granted, on a high-protein, meat-oriented diet, it is possible that Orientals may show more secondary sexual characteristics (male and female) than in their homelands, but I suspect that the vast bulk of these differences are genetic and due to differences in r/k evolutionary histories. 27
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 17:48 | # We all may know of individual cases of unusual mating choice, but I maintain that if the powers-that-be want to use sexual temptations to derail white nationalism, utilizing Asian females would make more sense that Negresses. Please excuse my brief segue from the statistical to the anecdotal—especially since it seems to have derailed you. Aside from the 800lb gorilla of Asian gender ratio and the resulting potential for armed conflict with the largest and fastest growing industrial ethnic population on the Earth, the problem with using Asian females to neutralize white nationalism is that often times the resulting offspring are less morally restrained against realism and are in less of a position to be survive being unrealistic. I know people think “miscegenation is miscegenation” and from a strict micro-EGI perspective this may be true. But not all hybrids react the same to the <a >heterosity’s vectorism</a> promoted by “the powers that be”. Indeed, I expect if China ever does violate its historic behavior and become truly expansionist, it will be a reaction to the diseased state of European-derived nations absorbing more of their females—in what amounts to quarantine by genocide of the entire miasma. In our de-industrialized state there is little “the powers that be” could do. 28
Posted by skeptical brute on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 18:18 | # “...the problem with using Asian females to neutralize white nationalism is that often times the resulting offspring are less morally restrained against realism and are in less of a position to be survive being unrealistic.” The bottom line would seem to remain that whites engaged in such relationships would tend to be hostile to white nationalism, Derbyshire being such an example. And one of the founders of the anti-white “Bitter Asian Males” website is an Eurasian hybrid. These are of course anecdotal examples - but I see no evidence to the contrary. The only factual statement is - and I have agreed here - that the gender imbalance in China may dry up the supply of Asian females. ” But not all hybrids react the same to the heterosity’s vectorism promoted by “the powers that be”. Do we know this? And this is sort of a side-track; whether or not Asian females can or cannot be used to sabotage white nationalism is a separate issue from whether black females can be used in such an endeavor. I am skeptical (which implies open-mindedness if evidence suggests I am incorrect) that the white technologist class, on average (outliers excepted) would be sufficiently compatible with black females so as to make any such endeavor “work.” The gulf between these groups is enormous. 29
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 18:41 | # Might not the gender imbalance serve to siphon off some chinese women from the US back to China. 30
Posted by Voice on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 19:16 | # BTW.. I should qualify this “geek”. He owns a business that trades internationally and very successfully. So although he has “geek” characteristics, he is no lab rat. He is no loser and is very successful, but still is infatuated with Asian women. Strangely enough, I find this in many WN circles and amongst men who could(Derbyshire, Murray) move to WN positions but can’t because of their offspring and ethnic marriage predicament! We have had these guys on MR , e.g. Martin UK, who marry asians and take WN positions. 31
Posted by alex zeka on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 19:46 | # One could also expect them to be more introverted, restrained, thoughtful, law-abiding, introspective. As these are all characteristics of high IQ genotypes, that’s close to axiomatic, based on other evidence we have. Of course, given their own demographic problems - including the gender imbalance in China - it is possible that the flow of Asian females may be cut off. Their draconain one-child policy proves that the Chinese authorities do not seek population growth, and hence have no reason to worry about a gender imbalance. Individual Chinamen (those who can’t find a wife) do, but since when has the Communist party given a damn about sexual satisfaction? 32
Posted by Bud White on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 19:58 | # It won’t take Asian women or black women to derail the WN movement, non-Arab semitic women and liberal white women are doing a pretty effective job of it already. 33
Posted by Voice on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 22:08 | # “It won’t take Asian women or black women to derail the WN movement, non-Arab semitic women and liberal white women are doing a pretty effective job of it already. “ Damn good point, Bud White. Taking that point further, my own wife made an excellent point on general human stubborness. She stated most people opinions can’t be changed by argument. I’ll take this further that most people have a belief system that effectively whites are evil and should be race-replacement subconsciously. They would never state this would be true but by accepting massive non-white immigration and holding the white guilt complex from everything from white supremacism and slavery then they may as well state this as fact. Therefore, if people do form belief systems and hold these belief systems stubbornly as part of human nature , and if we add to the mix the intellectually laziness and/or inability to grasp the entire argument as it relates to our predicament then we are in a terrible position as the game stands today. Even the hope that we can build an alternate economy to fund political clout to fight the beast, we are in a demographic nightmare that that train has left the station. 34
Posted by Bud White on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:25 | # McCain fills me with trepidation (as a Brit maybe Im picking up the wrong signals!).—Lurker No, your esp is calibrated correctly. I, too, get the impression he has nitroglycerine running through his veins… he’s a powder-keg ready to explode. Remember, he spent five years in a communist brainwashing prison. I ‘m afraid that experience has caused a few few screws to be loosened? I shutter to think he will become Commander in Chief! 35
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 17:25 | # Bud White writes: It won’t take Asian women or black women to derail the WN movement, non-Arab semitic women and liberal white women are doing a pretty effective job of it already. When the existing order is threatened and people have to deal with harsh reality, white women will actually start supporting,or at least not denouncing, WN—which is precisely why I think WN may become credible. I shouldn’t have mentioned blacks as the source of nonwhite women—pretty obviously Mexicans are the bigger potential source in the US—but the a lot of black women are getting pretty fed up with the way black men are behaving and if they see danger arising from whites, there will be a bidding war for the strategic whites. This is also true of Mexicans but to a lesser extent. The lower sociosexual status white males will go first. I just don’t think white women are going to be morally nimble enough to turn 180 degrees in the numbers required to prevent a mass defection of white “nerds” when they suddenly experience, for the first time in their lives, sociosexual status presented to them by nonwhite women. People really, particularly WN “leadership” are walking around with blinders on to: 1) the strategic importance of technologists to technological civilization including fighting wars and reindustrializing after economic disaster 2) the degree to which the lowering of sociosexual status of technologists is at the root of the decline of technological civilization. 36
Posted by Voice on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 18:25 | # James Bowery, I agree with pt 1 and 2 completely. White Technologists have designed Western Civilization as we know it. I will also say this is how the US treats its technological class. In the UK for example, I don’t believe this to the case to the same degree although technologists still are in “male saturated ghettos” at work. The local pub helps these types a lot as the US doesn’t have the equivalent. Quiz night is a huge occassion at most every pub across the UK at least one night a week and you wouldn’t find the equivalent in a US neighborhood which brings in a mix of people(white). Maybe the dysgenic trend that is happening across the Euro world(and if the white female IQ is 5 points below male) is pulling white women in lower IQ scale in hispanic/black breeding patterns as what we would expect with IQ people choosing eachother as mates. That is why I am much more worried about Technologist/Asian Women as we have a chance to have a eugenic breeding effect among whites in Suburbia by having higher ethnocentrism with albeit fewer in overall numbers. Anecdotally, My son in junior high says most parents tell their kids they can’t date Black or Hispanics but (I didn’t prompt him) he didn’t mention asians. 37
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 19:14 | #
That’s an extremely positive bit of news. The other side can’t race-replace us no matter how hard they try, no matter how many Alon-Ziv-type “books” they write, no matter how many laws they enact toward that end, if we simply refuse to listen, refuse to comply with what in the last analysis they want us to do, intermarry with other races until Europeans no longer exist. Let each set of parents patiently explain this to their teenagers. Incidentally, the teenage white girls who are most likely to get pregnant by Negroes are the ones who’ve been raised by their mothers with no dad in the household. The reason is obvious: women don’t see race, so the single mother raising a teenage white girl can’t be expected to communicate racial reality — can’t be expected to communicate what she herself can’t see — to a daughter brainwashed by government schools into believing her main goal in life is to spurn white men and view Negroes and only Negroes as suitable sexual/marriage partners. White men who father white children without marrying the white mother and doing their duty as husbands and fathers are Alon Ziv’s dream come true. At a National-Socialist forum a couple of years ago the discussion touched on low white birth-rates. A twenty-something regular proudly announced how he was “doing his part for the race” by planning on getting his girlfriend pregnant. I told him he’d be doing far better to make his girlfriend his wife first, then plan on getting her pregnant. 38
Posted by Bud White on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 21:21 | # “women don’t see race” Women DO see race, but too many allow their emotions to override any rational thought in regards to race loyalty. Also, there are the anti-white social and political forces at work which white women are especially vulnerable. The constant message to white women from the pop culture, and government, is to tow the feminist line and denounce racist white men at every turn—that message is omnipresent. What is most repulsive about the PC religion is that one of the ultimate expressions of a PC orthodoxy is for white women to race mix with Negroes and give birth to mulattoes. Our first task as white men, is to figure out how to drive a stake through the heart of radical-feminism. It is radical-feminism that breeds the “culture of death.” Women give life, therefore, it is white women who hold the key to the survival of the white race. Post a comment:
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Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 01:56 | #
As a ‘half-Moslem’, I suppose Obama prays 2.5 times a day.
The ideal VP running-mate for Obama would, of course, be Halle Berry, thus consummating the Jew-funded Democratic Party’s Hollywood connection and heralding its final estrangement from its White founders and their posterity.