Solution to West’s Fertility Problems: “I be concubining”
Many otherwise intelligent commentators believe state support of fertility of “citizens” is the solution the low fertility of the West. They would have us hope that women, guided by desire for better babies, would choose higher IQ men or sires from sperm banks resulting in a “eugenics by choice”.
Here’s reality:

Ricky Lackey has been chosen ‘stud’ by 6 simultaneous women who are now expecting their 6 children to contribute to Western fertility between August and October of this year.
When asked if he was going to marry a woman who is having sextuplets, the Rickmeister said:
“No, I be concubining.”
I believe this is not an accurate news report. I suspect the Fountainhead of Evolution actually left off the trailing “g” and replaced it with an apostrophe. It is via such economy that we may hope future generations will conserve the planet’s resources.
Posted by Daniel J on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 03:34 | #
I also wanted to comment on the delicious irony at AR today… The post about the Jews creating their own holocaust through intermarriage was fantastic. I wet myself with laughter!