SPLC’s Inquisition Against Dr. Kevin MacDonald Has Impact?
Whatever works? How Darwinian of the SPLC! Here’s my response sent to the SPLC’s editors:
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 14:45 | # While the SPLC is spouting off about Prof. MacDonald, here’s some more of what the Jews are up to, excerpted from the Duke Moscow speech linked in my comment above:
It’s funny, the night Wolf Blitzer was ragging Duke on CNN about being the former head of the KKK he didn’t bring up any of the above Jewish shenannigans. I wonder why, Wolf? 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 14:52 | # More of what Jews like those running Jewish hate groups such as the SPLC are up to: Here’s a letter pasted into the Occidental Dissent comments thread by someone signing as “Firpo,” one which was originally posted at the Inverted World site. It’s self-explanatory:
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 14:54 | # (I neglected to say the Firpo comment is the second comment in the thread underneath the Duke Moscow speech log entry linked in my first comment above.) 5
Posted by Matra on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 22:40 | # Following on Fred’s quote involving the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Israel has decided to deport Darfur refugees to Egypt. The Israelis say that in future they will bar illegals, including those from Darfur where there is supposedly a genocide going on. Here’s a rich quote:
Posted by avocado on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 01:48 | # Re Js and AA, Hugh Murray wrote <a >White Male Privilege: A Social Construct for Political Oppression [pdf] 8
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 02:27 | # White men aren’t being attacked: Jews, the ones doing the attacking, are white and aren’t attacking themselves. Euro men are being attacked. The Jews are attacking them because there’s an ethnic war on. The Euro men are losing because they’re too dense to realize they’re under attack. Why are the Jews attacking Euro men, not women? Because when one army tries to destroy another it attacks men, not women. A group’s men are the ones who will defend against enemy attack if they can. Women won’t. Therefore, obviously, when trying to bring down an enemy group you attack its men, not its women. That’s why the Jews have launched this war on “white men.” It’s an ethnic war of extermination, Jews against Eurochristians. In that kind of offensive you don’t bother with attacking women, which would serve no purpose: if you beat all the women you’d still have to turn around and engage the men. No, you go after the men and when you’ve beaten them, you’re done: you’ve won. The Jews have of course enlisted Euro women as their allies by whipping them up against their own men through expertly playing psychologically on the well-known frustrations, difficulties, and depressions women are subject to by the nature of their sex, childbearing/motherhood/wife role, hormonal make-up, neuronal architecture, and so on. 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 02:28 | # The last comment of mine was in response to the PDF article Avocado had cited just above it. 10
Posted by second class citizen on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 04:37 | # Excellent commenting, Fred! You are also spot on wrt the attack on Euro men. It’s been going on since at least the Suffragette movement. It was started by Emmeline Pankhurst (maiden name Goulden) in 1889. My only surprise is that this precedes the Frankfurt school by several decades. It’s worth attacking the terms “sexism” and “misogyny” whenever one hears them too, on the grounds that the only longterm investments a women will have are in her children, half of which are male on average. And btw women are certainly being attacked. The primary idea is to reduce the number of White children and their ability. A White woman should not have children, but if she must, then they should be half caste, if not half caste, the children should be as few in number as possible and also stupid and effeminate. 12
Posted by Amalek on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 14:12 | # Jews aren’t white, Fred. They are Asiatics, like their close genetic cousins the Arabs. Turks aren’t white either. 13
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 14:52 | # I know what you’re saying, Amalek, and you’re right of course, except in the sense that there are different types of white (if one accepts that thesis, which I do), Euros being one type of white and Semites another. In that sense Jews are white but not Euros. They’re Semites, a different type of white. As someone with some Jewish ancestry at the grandparent level and who was brought up in New York City in a largely Jewish world, I can say that Jews are a mixture of Euro white and Semitic white. They’re neither entirely Euro nor entirely Semitic. One trend I think I can discern is a move on their part away from their Euro roots/identity and toward their Asiatic (i.e., Semitic) ones. It’s a rejection of their Euroness. That trend all by itself is going to prove a bit divisive among them, as there are a considerable number who do not wish to de-Euro themselves, and have no intention doing so. You can see that reflected in the reluctance of Ashkenazis in Israel to intermarry with Sephardics, and in many other ways both in Israel and in the diaspora. 14
Posted by Rnl on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 22:07 | # SCC wrote: the Suffragette movement ... was started by Emmeline Pankhurst (maiden name Goulden) in 1889. I doubt Emmeline Pankhurst had Jewish ancestry. One of her daughters joined the pro-Axis Australia First Movement. In any case first-wave feminism had little in common with the Jewish-led feminism of the 1970s. They are both called feminism, but most of the early feminists would be appalled by what their movement has become. the only longterm investments a woman will have are in her children, half of which are male on average First-wave feminism (the suffragist movement) was diverse, with a wide range of sometimes incompatible opinions. But insofar as it had a mainstream, few in the mainstream of early feminism would have disagreed that women have an investment in their male children. Some feminists had the deep hostility to men that would mark the modern feminist movement, but they were not the majority. The core feminist beliefs were moderate and reasonable. Nineteenth-century feminists believed women should be allowed to vote. They believed women should be educated. They campaigned against child prostitution. They believed that the moral virtues of the home should be introduced into politics, for the betterment of all. Those aren’t anti-social views. Sylvia Pankhurst, though a communist, called suffragettism “the great movement to bring the mother-half of the race into the councils of nations.” I realize that one or two posters here don’t think that’s a good idea, but it is the exact opposite of the war between the sexes promoted by second-wave feminism, which is divisive as a matter of principle. *** For interest’s sake, the following was posted on the first AmRen mail-list; modern feminists are often embarrassed by the illiberal views of their iconic heroines:
Posted by Byron the Bulb on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 17:39 | # “I know what you’re saying, Amalek, and you’re right of course, except in the sense that there are different types of white (if one accepts that thesis, which I do), Euros being one type of white and Semites another. In that sense Jews are white but not Euros. They’re Semites, a different type of white. ”
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 18:27 | #
What game, Byron? Say exactly what the game is please, as I’m not aware of any being played. Here, let’s change the wording of the offending passage:
Is that OK? Apart from the above quibble:
Looking at that from my original comment, I’ll change it: there’s a noticeable Turkic element in Ashkenazi Jews (ones who look like Israeli politician Simon Perez for example, who for my money has Turkic looks), as well as a noticeable Semitic element (ones who look like Yassir Arafat) and a noticeable Euro element (seen for example in Hollywood stars Kirk Douglas and Paul Newman). So change that to: Jews are a mixture of Euro-type Caucasian, Semitic-type Caucasian, and Turkic. To what extent Turkic peoples are Caucasian I’m not going to get into. 17
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 18:30 | #
Meaning, of course, “In that sense, Jews are Caucasian but aren’t Euros.” The wording was clumsy, sorry. 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 18:36 | # If anyone wants to look up his photo, I spelled his name wrong: it’s Shimon Peres. 19
Posted by Fr. John on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 14:18 | # “As someone with some Jewish ancestry at the grandparent level and who was brought up in New York City in a largely Jewish world, I can say that Jews are a mixture of Euro white and Semitic white. They’re neither entirely Euro nor entirely Semitic.” So, Fred, which one of your goyim forebears made you leave the fold, as it were? On your mother’s, or on your father’s side? For if it were your mother’s side, and your female relatives are all goyim (mother’s mother’s mother, etc.) you are freed from the curse of the ‘sons of Satan’ as Christ called them. [John 8:44] In that regard, I am thankful my mom was an Irish Catholic, for obvious reasons. LOL 20
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 14:38 | # Neither of my parents was Jewish and Jewish is not my majority ancestry. My own religious upbringing — what there was of one — is complicated. In earliest childhood it was formally Catholic at the insistence of my father’s very Catholic, very “bourgeois” German family in the southern Rhineland, an old, at one time well-known family in that area. In my thirties I found my own way back to Christianity after many years of thought and coming to the realization that atheism was neither satisfactory, nor true, nor even coherent — coherent meaning capable of being comprehended — and Catholicism, which was the religion I remembered from my earliest childhood, was what I found my way back to. 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 14:48 | # I reject this notion of a one-drop rule for Jewishness. All these commenters who insist on calling people like Sarkozy and Hitchens Jews are living in some kind of weird fantasyland. I for one completely ignore that stuff, having given up disputing it. 22
Posted by Frank McGuckin on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 14:55 | # Fred, I attended Catholic school for eight years. I had kids in my class with least names such as Goldberg and Berman. We all “enjoyed” our regular beatings from the compassionate Sisters of (no)Mercy. At the Church I occasionlay attend mass at, the confirmation roles have the names of Irish kids with Jewish last names. The number of Jewish names on the confirmation rolls seems to have grown over time. Post a comment:
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Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 14:32 | #
The SPLC is an organization devoted to gratuitously attacking the Euro ethnicity in the United States, attacking and eradicating it. It’s a Jewish organization and an example of a Jewish anti-Eurochristian hate group. Other examples are the ADL and the ACLU, both Jewish. There are dozens of these Jewish groups, nay scores of them, all spewing hate against Eurochristians and working tirelessly for their destruction. It’s none other than purest ethnic Jewish hate.
Let’s see some of what the Jews are up to.
When Jews are in their own country they don’t like immodesty. When they’re in ours they love us to be immodest: it breaks down our morality, makes us degenerate, which makes them feel a whole lot better. But they don’t want anyone breaking down their morality, especially in their own country. So badly do they want to see our morality broken down, so good do they see it for themselves as a group when we act degenerate, so pro-Semitic is our degenerateness in their eyes since it’s so “Good for the Jews,” that they call cinematic representations of the diametrical opposite, such as The Lord of the Rings,” “anti-Semitic.” The only way to be pro-Semitic in Jewish eyes if you’re Euro is to be degenerate and on the road to extinction. Then you’re pro-Semitic. Anything else and you’re an anti-Semite. If you’re healthy, normal, modest, and respectful of your group’s women, you’re ipso facto an anti-Semite. So much for the term “anti-Semite” — just so we all understand what that term means. It means someone Jews want exterminated who hasn’t yet succumbed to their efforts — someone who needs more work before he’ll go quietly into extinction ...
David Duke, speaking at a conference in Moscow last month, cited some Jewish frankness about this: