Tea Leaves: Forecasting Merkel’s Political Demise ![]() Events in France affect Germany. There’s only so long that an idiot can keep-on-keeping-on, until all sections of the more rational elements of the establishment begin to question that idiot’s ability to remain politically viable. We’ve all heard already about how the defence and security sector has found Germany to be a land of absurdity for quite a while now. But that alone is not enough to see someone removed from office. The preponderant political power in a liberal state is the haute-bourgoisie. Economic power precedes political power. This means that understanding the background financial and economic signals and the way that these signals interact with the overt political landscape, enables us to see an event developing from far off, and allows us to adjust our own tactics accordingly. The Paris attacks have been a nightmare for Merkel because it has awakened criticism not only from German people in the street, but also among opportunistic members of her own party who are seeing now that she is at the weakest she ever has been, and that now is a chance for them to mount a political challenge. But the success of that challenge, when it comes, depends on the acquiescence or at least the sign of a resigned inevitability from financial players who are the stakeholders in the ‘success’ or ‘failure’ of Germany. The time when it would be politically expedient to remove Merkel, would be in December at the CDU conference, where someone would be able to demand that she should hand in her resignation, and twist her arm until she does. Who would be most likely to replace her in such a case? Most likely Wolfgang Schaeuble. So our big question is: How likely is it that Angela Merkel will be forced to resign in December and be replaced by Wolfgang Schaeuble? One way to find this out, would be to look at the macroeconomic stances of Merkel and Schaeuble, compare them, then watch and see how the ECB and the large players are behaving, to see if they are making any moves that would suggest that they don’t expect Merkel to still be there by the end of December. It’s known that Schaeuble is more of a tight-fisted politician than Merkel when it comes to certain aspects of economic policy—Schaeuble hates expansionary policies much more than Merkel does. And for those of you who thought that it wasn’t possible to hate expansionary policies more than Merkel, I have to tell you, it’s possible, Schaeuble does precisely that. On that issue, he is pretty depressing. Therefore, it stands to reason, that if you see Mario Draghi at the ECB suddenly deciding to rush through a lot of actions to carry out more expansionary economic policy (something which he certainly ought to do) within a time frame before the end of December, and that if you see big global economic stakeholders ‘forecasting’ interest rates that are even more subterranean than at present, along with ‘forecasting’ more quantitative easing, one of the factors motivating that choice could be that they are positioning themselves for a future in which Merkel is forced to resign. Why? Because it’s easier to carry out those actions before Schaeuble gets in. That way, when Schaeuble gets in, he would have to accept that it is already happening. So, let’s see what people are saying as of this Friday evening:
Of course, the situation in Germany is not the only reason why the ECB would take the actions that it is going to take, it was likely something that was always going to happen. But the time frame within which it is occurring and the reaction of market participants to that risk event, seems to indicate that a lot of people are paying attention to this. Look at the 3 week and 1 month Euro-dollar volatility term structure, and you can see that they are reacting to European risks and not just to the upcoming 16 December Federal Reserve meeting in the USA: Also, given that there are numerous arguments for why Mario Draghi did not have to take the earlier-described actions in the short term (one of those being the oil prices argument), and given that he is determined to do it anyway, it would indicate that it is an attempt to get out in front of Schaeuble so as to pre-emptively make it more difficult for Schaeuble to get his way on monetary policy, and it would therefore mean that it is possible to be confident that Merkel is going to be gone by the end of December. What does this mean for ethno-nationalists? Well, it means that it would probably be prudent to begin altering our rhetoric and policy suggestions with an eye toward a near-term future in which Merkel is not there. This will require some adjustments which would be best made sooner rather than later. We should be particularly vigilant against the idea that the removal of Merkel is a magical solution to all problems. Schaeuble’s disposition is one that presents a slightly altered set of problems to the European Union, and we would need to explore what those are ahead of time and be ready to criticise them when they come. There needs to be an urgent study of all facets of Wolfgang Schaeuble’s politics. He might be chancellor of Germany very soon. Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.
Posted by uKn_Leo on Sat, 21 Nov 2015 15:44 | # Douglas Murray in the Jewish Chronicle warning that the Goyim have woken up to their role in pushing for mass immigration into Europe: http://www.thejc.com/comment-and-debate/comment/149678/the-real-refugee-problem-bigotry 4
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 22 Nov 2015 07:59 | # Leo, thanks for that link. Of course, Douglas Murray is a neoconservative, and that is why he can model the canary in the mine for Jewish immigration activists. In fairness, for some years now he has been critical of immigration numbers and of the failings of the political class: http://blogs.new.spectator.co.uk/2012/07/uncontrolled-immigration/ But this piece in the Jewish Chronicle breaks all records for truth-telling in the public realm. Interestingly, Murray uses the term “replies” to describe the thread commentary. This is the first definite indication I have seen that mainstream commentators are not basically just writing for each other as an exercise in bias confirmation; and that they do not automatically discount the voice of the crowd but, on the contrary, pay close attention to and draw conclusions from it. Murray has plainly been influenced by the work which thread-warriors like you and I do, which is heartening. I don’t suppose that he or the other journalists have any idea how much thought and effort has gone into pushing back pee-cee and widening the envelope of the sayable, or that this work has been done, essentially, for them. They do not know that our righteous anger, our truth-telling, our deadly questioning is purposive. They look upon it as an inevitable symptom of untoward power politics. They could never conceive of themselves as instruments of ideological control not of the media owners but of the unwashed, reactionary masses! Nevertheless, we are working for that fine day when we can click on “Comment” on the DT’s header, and at the top of the page there appears a piece by some hitherto cowardly journo titled, “Why is the future of the English never mentioned in the immigration debate?” Then we will know that the change is unstoppable. That will come to pass by no means least because, small and weak though we may seem, we are in the fight today. 5
Posted by Morgoth on Sun, 22 Nov 2015 10:41 | # Lacking the time for the blog and slugging it out on threads I’ve recently taken to Twitter to confront directly our enemies. These Neo Cons are under sustained and relentless attack from the ‘‘Alt Right’ Nationalists. Pat Condell in particular is prone to spitting his dummy and merely ranting when confronted. I’ve been respectfully asking Tommy Robinson to address the JQ, in a ‘‘You’re a brave man Tommy, but the Jews are not our friends’’ manner. I told him to look at the Murray link and to my surprise he ReTweeted it, for his 100k Followers. I saw Nick Griffin going after Murray on his ‘‘Zionism’’ just days before Murray wrote the above piece. In the British context Murray is a more senior figure in the Neo Con/Counter Jihad camp and so if he’s addressing the JQ the others can no longer merely dismiss it. I can foresee an episode of Question Time when in a heated exchange Murray,or somebody else, will warn a Leftist Jew such as David Aaronovitch that Jews must be careful not to be seen as an out group attacking the interests of host population. Slowly but surely we trickle our way into the MSM discourse. 6
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 22 Nov 2015 14:06 | #
Thanks. We’re doing all that we can to make things as good as possible. I’ve been pretty busy around the clock so there’s been a slowdown in improvements at MR, but I have some more things in the pipeline that you’ll get to hear about soon, which should improve the user experience further in coming weeks.
They seem to be aware of where this is going. However, the Jews seem to be on a train that just won’t stop, since every other week they are becoming more public about it. Here’s another instance of them inviting migration: http://www.kaiciid.org/news-events/news/groundbreaking-muslim-jewish-leadership-platform-launched-protect-religious-freedom And another: http://www.haaretz.com/jewish/news/1.686976 That is in addition to the instances I talked about in my recent article about Liddell’s compromise. It’s good that most ethno-nationalists have been way ahead of the curve on this, and I’m agreement with Guestworker’s view that soon all of this will be mainstream. The Jews seem to want to bring back the so-called ‘golden age’ of the Islamic occupation of the Iberian peninsula, and they seem to want to do it across the entirety of Europe—and they’re preparing for that scenario even now.
Yes. This also vindicates the strategy that has been taken of actually talking about the Jewish Question. Uncompromisingly talking about it has now been shown to actually have positive effects, and it can now be clearly demonstrated. I think that everyone needs to keep doing it, and keep forcing them to address it. 7
Posted by Ryan on Sun, 22 Nov 2015 14:54 | # @Kumiko #6 Considering that this was published through the Jewish Chronicle rather than his own platform this means the article was intended to have an effect which would be advantageous to the jewish diaspora. I think the article was intended to be both a warning shot for them to not be so open and to usher jews away from their historical liberal positions towards the kosher right of tories/UKIP. For example those in the UK who oppose immigration believe, rightly or wrongly, that the EU causes mass immigration. The ‘No’ campaign leader is Nigel Lawson, the jewish ex chancellor of exchequer who has historically taken positions akin to a traditional tory of the period. While red-pill Pro-Whites can give a long history of jewish involvement in pro-immigration politics the average punter, if faced with the Pro-White position will think that as a jew is the frontman for leaving the EU then they will see the jew-wise position as irrational. 8
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 22 Nov 2015 16:20 | # Good points, Ryan. The right response in these cases would be to point out that it is the false dichotomy that Jews would be presenting. When presented with the option of [1]‘unending and eternal mass migration’ or [2]‘literally abolish the whole EU framework and disintegrate all European collaboration while of course migration continues’, it has to be seen by regular people that both those options are like shooting oneself in the head either from the left or from the right. The regular people will understand it, hopefully, once someone can explain that ‘abolishing the EU’ is not the same thing as ‘ending mass migration’. Particularly since the entire British commonwealth would still be wide open for mass migration, and because the UK was never part of Schengen in the first place. 9
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 23 Nov 2015 06:59 | # “All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs.” Enoch Powell Returning to the Merkel question, we can perhaps say that there are certain features likely to be present at the close of grand political careers. Most obviously, as Kumiko infers, there are the “lean and hungry men” who are always in the background, and whose own advancement cannot be secured under the existing regime. Seeming permanence is a terrible affront to political ambition, and Time itself will always grant its favour to the latter. For the ambitious, it becomes just a question of opportunity ... of calculating the political risks and judging the leader’s weakness, the public mood, the alignments within the party ... From the other side, a perception of a general desiccation will always colour long, leading careers eventually. Familiarity takes its toll. The leader is assumed to have lost touch. His or her particular ideology, once so fresh and affirming, slowly sinks into the historical soil and become part of the problem. Criticism mounts, and with it the sense that the leader has had his/her day and has nothing more to contribute and, especially, nothing to say about the new challenges of the day. A subtle tipping point is reached when the once unthinkable and unsayable is frequently thought and said, and there is no going back to the old way of thinking and saying. When all this comes to pass, the coup de grace will come at the next false step, which Merkel duly made in a major, unforgivable, panic-inducing way with her invitation to the Arab world to take up permanent residence in Germany. She’s dead meat. 10
Posted by Steve Konrad on Sat, 28 Nov 2015 01:56 | # I would like you to know that there are many of us of European decent here in the USA who are fighting a similar battle ,please know that we are behind you 100 % .I have been observing these invasions for a few years now and I honestly feel that this next election is a turning point for us here in the states.I would like to see a organization develop throughout the western world that unites us against this enemy.Fate has determined that the security of future generations through out Europe and America are dependent on us not dropping the ball on our watch.The greatness of our past and future generations demand that we do what many will not agree with perhaps but we must stay focused and determined. Thank you: Steve Konrad 11
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Mon, 30 Nov 2015 10:51 | # We’ll keep doing what we can to get the message out there, Konrad. Thank you for the compliments. As an update to the thread, here’s what is now happening with the ECB and Draghi: [Link] 12
Posted by Mick Lately on Mon, 30 Nov 2015 16:13 | # Green card? I’m seeing red: Lol @ the idea of the New World Order defying ISIS to hold a climate change summit in Paris: Just a parade of fakery and faggotry. 13
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Mon, 30 Nov 2015 17:52 | # They’re acting as though ISIL was interested in preventing climate change from being addressed, or something. I always struggle to understand these ‘acts of defiance’. The biggest act of defiance would be to actually bomb Raqqa. 14
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sat, 05 Dec 2015 04:37 | # Update: http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/dec/03/ecb-launches-new-stimulus-package-eurozone It did not work out, the more tight-fisted elements within the ECB ended up attenuating all of the measures. Of course, no one is surprised to find that those tight-fisted elements are German. They are seriously the most annoying people on the entire European continent now. 15
Posted by NF becomes France's largest party on Mon, 07 Dec 2015 16:25 | # National Front Becomes France’s Largest Party
Posted by Some German on Tue, 08 Dec 2015 20:53 | #
Speak for yourself, bitch. 17
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tue, 08 Dec 2015 22:14 | #
I speak for the entire continent, faggot. The whole raft of measures was watered down because Germans used their influence to once again advocate for their stupid ordoliberal views. I will regard you as fucking shit until you can figure out how to stop sucking Arab migrant cock, and until you also start advocating economic views that are not purely destructive to the Eurozone. 18
Posted by National Front in 6 of 13 on Wed, 09 Dec 2015 20:57 | #
Posted by World Jewish Congress Against Maréchal Le Pen on Thu, 10 Dec 2015 06:00 | #
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thu, 10 Dec 2015 16:54 | # The funny part of them calling for a ‘defence of the republic’, is that the Front National has in fact styled itself as one of the last defenders of the ‘truly’ secular French Republic. The only thing that these liberals and Jews are demonstrating through their complaints, is that they don’t care about secularism, nor do they even care about trying to be truthful. 21
Posted by james UK on Mon, 14 Dec 2015 02:28 | # FN had the best chance of meaningful political success given all the favourable factors to happen in France recently to boost their political support in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks and subsequent imposed state of emergency yet they still failed miserably.
Posted by Le Brun on implications of French elections on Tue, 15 Dec 2015 08:36 | #
Patrick Le Brun discusses with Johnson the French elections, Front Nationale’s being thwarted upon the second round and future scenarios for France. 23
Posted by 2% of Invaders Will Work on Tue, 15 Dec 2015 12:03 | # Only 2% of Invaders Will Work ...therefore, you need to bring lots and lots and lots of them into your country in order to fund for your pensions.
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tue, 15 Dec 2015 23:55 | # This is one of the few instances where the so-called ‘free market’ will severely punish Germany for the choices that they are making under Merkel. The longer she holds on, the more she and her short-sighted business associates are piling up the funeral pyre for German industrial output. It’s going to be a really big bonfire, it really will be an enormous conflagration when the ‘pay the piper’ comes. There will be opportunities for East Asian companies and British companies to basically take Germany’s lunch and eat it. And the Germans will have brought it on themselves for being so intransigently pro-mass-immigrant. At this stage I’m almost looking forward to the impending German disaster, because since Merkel’s ridiculous speech on Monday happened, it’s looking like economic punishment is the only way that they are going to learn. 25
Posted by Björn Höcke speech on Sun, 27 Dec 2015 12:19 | # Björn Höcke gives a speech on behalf of German patriots: a homeland for German children. 26
Posted by A threat she cannot make public on Wed, 20 Jan 2016 09:00 | # While it is no excuse, it looks as if Merkel has been confronted by a threat that she does not feel that she can make public.
Posted by Erdogan Insult Pressures Merkel on Wed, 13 Apr 2016 05:08 | #
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Posted by uKn_Leo on Sat, 21 Nov 2015 03:32 | #
Hi Dan, Kumiko and GW.
The new site layout is fantastic. Great work guys.
All the best.