The attack has begun Just as we saw in the run up to last May’s European Parliament elections, the media is cranking up its BNP “coverage”. Yesterday we were treated to a nearly balanced opener from the Sunday Times. Today we were given articles in the Telegraph here and, pathetically, here, in the Mail here and, obliquely, in the Independent here. I suspect that the attack will take on a different, more focussed form this time. The BNP are standing a record 326 candidates. But that’s little more than half the constituencies throughout the country, and the constituencies where the party has a chance of doing well are limited to three or four, all with a current big Labour majority. The two most realistic chances are Barking and Dagenham, where Richard Barnbrook “agreed” to stand aside for Nick Griffin, and Stoke Central, where Alby Walker did not agree to stand aside for Simon Darby (but had to anyway). Emma Colgate could poll respectably in Thurrock, notwithstanding the fact that nobody is totally sure whether she is in or out of the party following the last (and let us hope it is the last) Collett affair. Roger Roberts may do likewise in Dewsbury. As for the rest, including the council elections on the same day, the objective has to be to show a presence, to increase support (in terms of second and third places where fourths and fifths were had previously), to save deposits, and to build, build, build. To that end, it is a little strange that the party is campaigning on three principal issues: withdrawal from Afghanistan, a halt to the immigration invasion, and an end to the ‘Global Warming’ conspiracy. The voting public’s first concern is for the economy and jobs. But the BNP seems not to understand how to address that (bringing some economic literacy on-board would seem a good start). Also high on the list of concerns is the related issue of the unaccountability of Westminster and corruption of the political class. But, again, it is not a major issue in party thinking. Personally, I would like to see them campaign hard for freedom of speech and association, and an end to cultural warfare in public life, most especially in education (it will have to do so anyway if it wants to attract support from the Conservative/UKIP voting middle-classes). All told, there is an extraordinary opportunity for the party to sculpt a powerful, attractive and wholly unique ideological niche for itself, and one that the left cannot reply to with the usual smears. As Simon Heffer noted last week of the mainstream parties:
Heffer is a right-wing Tory, and is appealing for a right-wing Tory platform. But his point holds true for the BNP as well. Does anyone feel that it is responding appropriately? Perhaps part of the problem is that, regardless of what they do, growth in support for the party is “inevitable”. In 2005 it achieved 0.7% of the vote, totalling 192,746 votes, a performance which was three times better than in 2001. General elections tend to see the votes of minor parties squeezed. But a performance that is very far adrift of the 940,000 votes in May’s Europeans, or around 3.5% of the 2005 total of 27,110,727, will be taken as a disappointment in the circumstances. Of course, the media may have something to say about that as well. Comments:2
Posted by Eddie Booth on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 11:40 | # Remember back in ‘79 when the old NF was on a roll - the shock of wog immigration was still being felt, coupled with Heath’s betrayal over the Ugandan Asians, so the NF fielded a record slate of candidates and the NF did very well in by-elections. Another point, Labour’s manifesto (lightweight, vision free bullshit of the highest order), contained a ‘promise’ to make all foreign public sector workers to take a literacy test.Surely the stupid cunts running Labour MUST realise that this will get their beloved Equalities Commissariat barking manically, plus the EU ruling it ‘discriminatory’ aginst freedom of labour? - Are they realy that stupid??? 3
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 12:09 | # Eddie, Cameron played his immigration card weeks ago, such as it is: He isn’t stupid, and neither are the party planners. I think they are fully aware that the BNP is a threat to Labour, not them. The Sarko strategy does not need to be deployed this time round. When they need it, they will reach for it. You can count on that. 4
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 13:30 | # The Sarko strategy, for any who may be scratching their heads after reading GW’s comment above: campaign as far to the right as possible on immigration (in other words, promise the people that once in, you’ll do something to staunch the immigration flood), and once in office, govern as far to the left as possible on immigration (in other words, proceed at full speed ahead with government-enforced race-replacement of the white population by means of an ever-expanding flood-tide of racially incompatible immigration from the non-white Third World replacing all the white people in the country, transforming it into a Third World country). It’s the strategy employed to perfection by Sarkozy. 5
Posted by Eddie Booth on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 14:03 | # So it turns out the super light-weight, vision-free Labour manifesto was authored by Miliband primus, the more unimpressive of the two black-haired, speccy, spotty wimpy Golders Green siblings.
Posted by Gorboduc on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 14:23 | # EDDIE: part of your post made me puke. True. 7
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 14:37 | # Thanks, Fred. Here’s the likely reasoning inside the Conservative Party: For this campaign the party must win the votes of the middle-ground back to his party, which actually means victory in around sixty key marginals currently held by Labour. In national terms, a performance that delivers that would also deliver the Tories close to 40% of the total vote and a ten-point gap to Labour. That is the scale of the challenge to oust Gordon Brown. So what is the appropriate tack for the Tories to take? Well, it is solely a question of attracting a vote which does not yet place immigration - and much less the existential question - at the core of its concerns. Judging from the noises the Tories are making, it’s the economy, health and education, and just being all-round, modern nice guys that weigh most heavily with that sector, rather than what the Cameroons see as the old “nasty-party” fascinations with tax cuts for the rich, Europe, law ‘n order, and respectability. Really, the problem is the First Past The Post system used in this country. It collapses everything down to one key political battleground, and allows considerations of electoral safety elsewhere to overide the duty to give a proper airing to all the issues. 8
Posted by Eddie Booth on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 15:40 | # Apparently “The War of the Cowdenbeast” succession has already started at Labour Party HQ. 9
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 20:33 | # According to the latest YouGov poll, it is conservative oriented voters [72%] who are 55 plus [68%] that wish to bring the immigration issue to the forefront. Page 7 The same demographic, although not as strongly, “Disagree(s) - gay couples should have the same access as 10
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 22:56 | #
That’s why I’m hoping for four more years of Obongo and an amnesty for illegal aliens with its attendant chain migration. The goddamn lemmings will never wake up until the proverbial gun barrel is pressed firmly to their collective temple. 11
Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 23:36 | # @Eddie - re Stoke. Have we heard whether Mandy’s boy is you know, thingy. With a name like Tristram it would seem an odds-on bet, although I understand he’s married with a couple of nippers but that might just be protective coloration. I trust Simon has the snouts on the job, or if not a little bit of chinese whispering while out on the rounds might do the trick. Machiavellian, moi? Well it’s the sort of dirty trick that Mandelson loves to pull so why not. 12
Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 14 Apr 2010 03:41 | #
I’m not sure the Magic Mulatto will win a second term, frankly, his approval ratings are already approaching late Bush-era levels. Ouch. That’s because of his largely incompetent domestic policy, the Democrats have overreached in their agenda. But judging by this latest health care maneuver I’m confident they will find a way to pass amnesty before the black Lenin is even up for re-election. 13
Posted by Grimoire on Wed, 14 Apr 2010 05:04 | # @Dan Dare 14
Posted by Gorboduc on Wed, 14 Apr 2010 11:13 | # @CC: I think it’s a bad thing to wish more degradation on a people even with the stated hope that they will eventually rise and shake off their chains; they may just sink further down and find the re-ascent too steep. Such a course appears to me to smack of deceptive psycho-therapies like EST and Scientology where the subject is degraded ostensibly in order that his eventual release may result in a higher exaltation: the result is quite the opposite, with the “liberated” subject fawning the more slavishly on his therapist. You may bow your head before diving or leaping to freedom: but if the head be pushed down by another, your neck may be broken. If you have an abscess you can apply hot fomentations and poultices to concentrate all the infected matter at one place, and then void it: or you can apply slow pressure and drive the pollution deeper so that more of your system is sapped. Over here we need to get rid of the left (and that includes the Tories) NOW and if the effort doesn’t succeed we must keep on fighting and NOT cynically triumph over our kinsfolk with “Well, that showed you! Five more years of the same! Now see how you like it! Ha!” Supposing Griffin doesn’t unseat the utterly vile and despicable Margaret Hodge? 15
Posted by Dan Dare on Wed, 14 Apr 2010 18:59 | # @Grimoire ot 04:04. Um yes, I see what you mean, well more or less I think. But it seems to have lost a little in translation, can you run the original by us just to be on the safe side? 16
Posted by Dan Dare on Wed, 14 Apr 2010 19:18 | #
Does anyone seriously think that he can Gorbo? When was the last time a Labour majority of 9000 was overturned? The last swing of that magnitude that I recall was Michael Portillo’s ousting in 1997. I can’t see it somehow. No matter how ghastly Hodge is the NuLabor machine will grind out the vote aided in no small manner by the fact that the constituency now has a 25% ethnic population, an insurance policy quietly put together since the BNP breakthrough on the council. In my view the real prize is control of the council and its £300 million budget, and that Griffin’s candidacy is a diversionary tactic to draw enemy fire. 17
Posted by Dan Dare on Wed, 14 Apr 2010 19:38 | # With respect to Cameron’s ‘Immigration Card’ nobody in the MSM or the public in general appears to have caught the dodge implicit within. Cameron is playing on the bogus concept of ‘net migration’, that is: the difference the number of (mainly indigenous) British citizens emigrating and the number of (mainly third-world) foreigners moving in. All that Cameron’s wheeze amounts to is a ‘pledge’ that if say a million indigenous move more more than a million plus a few tens of thousands of darkies will permitted to move in. Net result: a million whites are replaced by a million-plus non-whites. It’s a mystery why people fall for this sleight of hand. But then perhaps it isn’t really. 18
Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 14 Apr 2010 23:11 | # At least you’ve got the BNP over there, Gorbo. Engage in activism on behalf of the BNP, that’s what I’d being doing if I were a citizen of the UK. Over here we’ve got, uh, nothing. 19
Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 14 Apr 2010 23:16 | #
D’you mean to tell me you don’t see raw potential in the tea parties? For shame. /sarcasm 20
Posted by Dan Dare on Thu, 15 Apr 2010 01:03 | # Above should have read: “if, say, a million indigenous move out, [and] a million plus a few tens of thousands darkies move in…” Must be becoming dyslexic in my old age. 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 15 Apr 2010 02:07 | # “D’you mean to tell me you don’t see raw potential in the tea parties?” (—Gudmund) Gudmund, I know you’re joking but I’ll just point out for our comrades across the water that the Tea Partiers over here correspond very roughly to, let’s say, the English Defense League over there, in the sense that they know something’s gone drastically wrong but they don’t understand that it’s government-enforced race-replacement of white people. The EDL thinks it’s Islamization, the TPers “Obama’s socialist transformation of the country.” They’re good folk but they don’t read the right blogs. Unless you read the right blogs it’ll take you years to figure this stuff out on your own, and even then you won’t be able to figure it out — it can take an entire adult lifetime to figure this stuff out on your own and you’re lucky to succeed. The cluelessness that results from not reading the right blogs makes both the TPers and the EDL devote as much energy to “proving they’re not racist” every time the Jews and communists bark at them as to actually getting anything useful accomplished. In the end neither “movement” will accomplish very much that’s useful unless they smarten up. 22
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 15 Apr 2010 02:44 | # The Captain is right, over here we’ve got nothing. Yet… . Over there the name of the game is the BNP. It’s the only game in town right now, and everyone with his head screwed on frontwards over there has to get aboard the BNP express. Right now. Don’t ask questions; details can be worked out later, just get on board, , and don’t look back. You do not realize the magnitude of the thing that’s going to hit if you hesitate. The time for hesitating, the time for thinking, is over. It’s gone. There is no more time. You have to start mounting your defense. Now. Everyone: here’s what you have to do: VOTE BNP! 23
Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 15 Apr 2010 02:52 | # Fred, You’re right. The tea partiers are decent white folk who don’t understand the magnitude of the problem but their heart is in the right place. Unfortunately their energy has already been somewhat co-opted by the US CON-servative, pro-Zionist crowd. They do have potential in the same way that the (sorry to bring this up again, I know our Anglo fellows just hate this) German masses had potential in the days of the Weimar Republic. But the pro-white movement would have to grow by leaps and bounds in sophistication to be able to seize the momentum and we don’t have much time. BTW, thanks for your remarks regarding “waking up”, it can be a long process, but thankfully in my case I was already aware of the “blocking of the democratic process” re: AIPAC when Captainchaos showed up at Takimag. I was at that time already beginning to critically examine what was wrong with America and ‘the West’ in general. After reading his remarks there I decided to come over here and see what you all had to say and the rest is history. 24
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 15 Apr 2010 03:02 | #
I agree it seems odd. It makes sense as a directed attack on three tentacles of the NWO but you’d think that might be a bit esoteric for the current climate. Then again, maybe not. It depends a bit on how much it’s brought down to earth maybe. In particular the global warming hoax can be tied to a lot of unneccessary taxes. Interesting gamble.
Agree again. I think the best economic line in the short-term is to only talk about globalisation and where it leads i.e levelling down living standards across the globe. Once people are persuaded of the consequences of the globalism supported by all the mainstream parties then any alternative is going to seem better.
Agree again There’s a whole “anarcho-fascist” philosophy that could be built out of a mixture of counter cultural warfare mixed in with back to magna carta constitutional reform and a roll-back of the PC state that would appeal to the UKIP / Old Tory vote. 25
Posted by Dan Dare on Thu, 15 Apr 2010 03:04 | #
Or if you can’t vote, send them money. Non-residents can donate up to £500 ($750) in any one calendar year. You can also join as an Overseas Member. 26
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 15 Apr 2010 03:07 | # I wouldn’t be shocked if within ten years the Tea Party movement becomes oriented towards secession. 27
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 15 Apr 2010 04:41 | #
I know most WNs over there don’t see much potential in the tea parties but personally i see a lot if played right. I’ve read a few American WN blogs where they’ve talked about having no success at tea party events but as always i think it comes down to first finding out where people are and then only aiming to move them one step at a time closer to a WN position. From my understanding the tea partiers are all about limited government, low taxes and the constitution with no racial element. Trying to bring them to a racial / tribal position in one go will never work. If anything it will de-radicalize them as they fall over themselves trying to prove how non-racist they are. The line i’d take with tea partiers if i was over there is:
Obviously that last bit will never happen but that’s not the point. The point is to give them a position which is just one step from where they are, non racial and eminently reasonable while at the same time guaranteed to put them on a collision course with both the genociders inside the Democrats and the globalist fifth column inside the Republicans. The relentless attacks from the political elite that would ensue would then hopefully leading to increased radicalization. There’s a lot of scope with the tea partiers in my view but only if WNs try and nudge them one step at a time from where they are. 28
Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 15 Apr 2010 04:53 | # I have already decided two weeks ago to donate the full amount to the BNP.
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:41 | # Things are looking up in [that] “scepter’d isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars ...” etc. etc. Richard Dawkins is ambivalent about Christianity…
The EDL now has a Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgendered Division…and pederasts are considering voting for th BNP…
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 15 Apr 2010 21:16 | #
Strange but probably true. 31
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 15 Apr 2010 21:27 | # More from BNP candidate Tony Ward, who was attacked by a hammer… A gay salvation from those heathen Nahzees… 32
Posted by MGLS on Fri, 16 Apr 2010 16:54 | # This story is absurd. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is a complete fabrication. Commenters point out that “Pete” is lying because the magazine Identity began in 1999 and he claims to have read it in the 1980s.
Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 16 Apr 2010 21:53 | # On the gay thing - as currently in the UK all the mainstream parties and all the media are 100% pro gay to the point of being anti-hetero or at least anti-marriage then being a bit anti-gay but a lot less than the growing number of invaders who want to hang them from cranes is probably a good position politically.
Tying both threads together he looks like a caricature homosexual jew to me. Look at how he’s not really holding her. 34
Posted by Gorboduc on Sat, 17 Apr 2010 01:06 | # Two mouths with but a single style! Funny how Kaye and Pete both use exactly the same idiom. Any reasonably intelligent third-rate little journalist can knock this sort of stuff out by the ream. It looks like a re-run of the “beautiful girl student falls for Masai dream-warrior, leaves the Sorbonne to live in mud-hut in Odingo’s Kraal”. I suppose the next story of this sort to be planted in the press will begin something like this: RON GOLLIP says
I can’t go on now. But it really is easy, even though it’s also sickening. I hate to tell you that, back in the real world, the day after giving me this interview, Ron was found on Clapham Common, with severe injuries, some of them internal: he was stark naked and suffering from exposure, and before lapsing into a coma managed to tell police that his wallet had been taken, he’d been stripped and raped, his gold chains, ear-rings and bracelets had been forcibly pulled off, and his new Harley Davidson had been stolen. Police are looking for a young coloured male…. 35
Posted by Eddie Booth on Mon, 19 Apr 2010 19:17 | # There seems to be an interesting ‘Panorama’ on BBC1 at 8:30pm this evening, concerning the economic impact (mosty on the housing stock) of New Labour’s open-door mass immigration policy, (if the Cowdenbeast tries to wriggle out of it again - he usually succeeds due to ineptitude of his opponents, then the ‘Andrew Neather’ article should and MUST be thrown at him - Tory lurkers take note!). 36
Posted by Bill on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:27 | # Britain’s election - just one view. The truth we so desperately seek forces us to consult the world of the virtual (Internet) and when it is denied, we languish in the matrix of ignorance of the MSM - never to escape. To-day, due to an extended enforced lay-off from the virtual world, I have, over the past 10 weeks or so, been involuntarily cast (kicking and screaming) into the matrix world of the BBC. (Mainstream Media) On reflection, an experience for which I am immensely grateful. In my view, the grip of the MSM remains absolute. Placing myself in the position of the teeming millions who have no alternative access, gumption or means of the alternative Internet, the MSM are fabricating, shaping and bringing into being in Britain - a coalition government. It is being achieved with consummate ease, the method is well tried and tested, the only permissible agenda put before the public is set by the media. These permissible parameters are skilfully kept within airtight bubbles controlled by them, all else simply does not exist. The recent televised presidential style debate of the three hopeful prime ministerial candidates has only reinforced their (media’s) stranglehold on the course of the permissible questions and comment. Did the media creat the Clegg bounce? I suspect they did. The wealth of alternative views and information fashioned here on the Internet is not allowed the oxygen of the MSM, it is kept hidden from view of the conditioned millions, it simply doesn’t exist. The media know full well the so called democratic capitalist world is breathing it’s last and is not long for this world, this fabrication of a coalition government will legitimise an already suspected fact, they, (politicians,) are all the same. Like a fast flowing mountain stream, MR tumbles it’s way - carrying it’s comments swift and distant. After my enforced absence - I will never catch up. 37
Posted by Bill on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 22:12 | # Fred. Just came across this. This guy tells it much better.
. The (West’s media) are now so powerful and dominantly persuasive, millions of soporific British have been hypnotized into acquiescing in their own suicide. You can’t get more powerful than that. Post a comment:
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Posted by Eddie Booth on Tue, 13 Apr 2010 10:21 | #
One very welcome development in the continental European countries blessed with a system of proportional representation is that the anti-immigration parties have come to the point of no-return - where they now MUST be accepted as part of the mainstream political process due to sheer wieght of support - to the extent that it is likely that Geert Wilders, for example, will be the ‘power-broker’ in the next Dutch election.
As I said earlier, the process has reached the stage where it’s now irreversible.ZOG can shout and scream, throw fits and feign ‘walk-outs’ and all the other silly nursery games, but it’s now in their ugly, fat, smelly faces - deal with it.
The time of branding anti-immigrant parties as ‘goose-stepping pubescent nazi wannabes’ has passed.The lefties worst fears of anti-immigrants being seen as ‘respectable’ has come to pass.
Ha ha ha.
The situation in Britain is different - only because of the perverse and undemocratic voting system.If it wasn’t for the Neatherite plan and the other Blairite bullshit and immigration was held at pre-1997 levels, then it ismost likely that the BNP would have withered and died, and Britains teeming wog opulation grudgingly accepted ie Britain faced a slower death rather than a quicker death.But in their arrogance the silly cunts running New Labour overplayed their hand and enthuiastically unleashed their demographic deluge a mite too rapidly - hence the backlash which the BNP has reaped.
I don’t know if the BNP will win a seat or not (my guessing is that the Great British public is too dumb and footie and EastEnders fixated), but I do think a sea-change has be wrought.
Hubris is the word.New Labour’s god-awful arrogance has ensured that the BNP are a permanent force in British politics and here to stay.No more lunatic fringe.
The irony is that the long-standing immigrants, Labour’s loyal friends will suffer the backlash worse.
‘Hubris’ is the only word that matches the supercillious arrogance of the Neathergate article and the evil tinkerings of the Jew Portes.