The Enthymeme Of Jewish History by Alexander Baron It has often been said that one picture is worth a thousand words. The picture below contains seventy-six words, but is surely worth a million, indeed it is, with few exceptions, worth all the words ever written by establishment historians – Jew and Gentile – about Jewish history. Misspellings and typos included – “On July what 1946” ? – because it sums up the only acceptable view of two thousand years of hatred, intolerance, suffering and persecution: It is all your fault, you wicked goyim. For those who are not au fait with the atrocity commemorated by the photographed plaque, or with the circumstances that led up to it, a little background is necessary. When he came to power, Adolf Hitler instituted a legalised persecution of German Jews. This is not a dissertation on Revisionist History, so let us simply accept that within the framework of Nazi Germany’s increasingly repressive legislation, the majority of German Jews were stripped of their political and social influence, purged from the professions, and encouraged to leave the country. One may argue about the morality or otherwise of this legislation and persecution, but no reasonable person may question the fact that it happened. Nor may any reasonable person question the fact that with the outbreak of the Second World War - a war which if he didn’t actually start, Hitler did much to precipitate – many Jews were interned as enemy aliens, and/or deported to the East. Although this was not a war fought solely or even principally at the behest of “the Jews” or for Jewish interests, it was considered a just, even a righteous war, so Jews who had emigrated to Britain and America (which came in after the December 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor) might have been expected to demonstrate their loyalty to the Crown and to Uncle Sam. Most of them did, most, but by no means all. As early as April 1938, the Irgun terror group in Palestine murdered two British police officers. On August 27, 1939, literally days before the start of the Second World War, two British officers were murdered when a mine exploded in Jerusalem. The declaration of war against Nazi Germany on September 3, 1939 saw terrorist outrages in then Palestine halted, one might have hoped permanently, but on September 29, 1944, a senior British police officer was assassinated in Jerusalem, at the very time the British were doing their best to save the Jews of Europe from the Nazi “gas chambers”. (As I said, this is not a dissertation on Revisionist History). This “war within a war” was actually declared by Menachem Begin earlier in the year, on February 1, and would continue long after the cessation of hostilities in both Europe and the Far East, ending only with the withdrawal of the British from the Mandate, and the establishment of the State of Israel. The British paid a heavy price in blood, but the price paid by the Arabs and most especially the Palestinians, a price which continues to this day, does not bear thinking about. Though at the time, clever but duplicitous propaganda was able to portray the Zionist-Arab conflict as a David and Goliath affair; this has not been tenable for many years, largely due to the efforts of naïve leftists for whom the theft and occupation of Palestinian land by International Zionism is simply another chapter in the war of Western Imperialism against the oppressed (ie non-white) peoples of the world. The bombing of the King David Hotel was the greatest single atrocity perpetrated by the Zionists up until that time, and resulted in 91 deaths. Although the British were the principal target, 41 Arabs and 17 Palestinian Jews perished in the outrage. This was barely a year after the liberation of Belsen, and with the British humanitarian effort inside the defeated Germany in full swing. Incidentally, one person involved in that relief effort was Lady Birdwood, who served with the Red Cross helping to run a hospital for fifteen hundred amputees. The King David atrocity was one hell of a payback for six years of war and this noble humanitarian effort, but according to the plaque, it was all the fault of the British. The Jewish Virtual Library goes further. Here is what this august on-line archive has to say:
So, the British confiscated documents and made mass arrests. Documents are often confiscated in criminal and related investigations; often the seizures are excessive. Ditto mass arrests in the face of terrorist operations. It remains to be seen how many such seizures and arrests can justify even a single murder. The Jewish Virtual Library continues:
So, Jews are murdered in Poland – and it is the fault of the wicked British. Well, all these goyim are the same, surely. Even those who had just fought a bloody, fratricidal war to make the world safe for democracy? Or so that Jews could continue the carnage in the Middle East? But it gets worse, the shameless apology for indiscriminate mass murder continues: “Irgun leader Menachem Begin stressed his desire to avoid civilian casualties” - the best way to avoid such casualties would of course have been to refrain from planting bombs, but after planting them, the Irgun very graciously made three phone calls warning the authorities, but: “The call into the hotel was apparently received and ignored. Begin quotes one British official who supposedly refused to evacuate the building, saying: ‘We don’t take orders from the Jews.’” So there we have it, the reason so many innocent people died is clear. It wasn’t the Irgun’s murderous terror campaign, it was anti-Semitism. Heck, not only was it the fault of the infernal anti-Semitic British—they deserved it! Nearly thirty years later, an IRA active service unit planted a bomb in a multi-storey office block in Birmingham. Prior to the explosion, a phone call was made to the Birmingham Post newspaper warning that a device had been so planted. The police were called, but although they began a search of the upper floors, they didn’t clear the Mulberry Bush public house at ground level. Two other devices were planted nearby, one of which exploded, and a total of twenty-one people lost their lives in an atrocity on British soil that was exceeded only by the July 2005 London bombings. Not even Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness in their previous incarnation as terrorists would have had the temerity to blame such an outrage on the British police for failing to evacuate the public house. Indeed, whatever faults our magnificent boys in blue may at times exhibit, cowardice has never been one of them; they attended these premises and searched for a bomb knowing that in so doing they may have been putting their own lives at risk. Ah, but we are forgetting something: this was a Catholic outrage, not a Jewish one. The special rules that apply – that always apply, that always have applied, to Jews, do not apply to Catholics, or to any other goyim. This is the way it always has been, like from year dot. Let’s take the Jewish involvement in finance as another example. Some of the more extreme anti-Semites, and those whose “anti-Semitism” is less hate than mysticism, believe Jews control the banking system lock, stock and barrel. A strong case can indeed be made out for this, if one chooses one’s facts selectively. Certainly Rothschild is one Jewish name that has a well documented historical association with banking. Rothschild and not a few others. That being said, the historical record shows quite clearly a plethora of non-Jewish fish swimming in these murky waters, including for example the Medici dynasty of Italy, although there is no denying the Jewish presence down through the centuries. So how do the philo-Semitic creeps and pimps of academe explain this? The standard line goes something like this: during the Middle Ages, Jews were excluded from the professions, they suffered terrible discrimination and were subjected to arbitrary persecution. How else could they make a living? Why, they were forced to become money-lenders. Yeah, just like that! This is what any self-respecting, impoverished and oppressed minority would do, isn’t it? Look at all the blacks in Brixton, Queens and Watts, and the Bangladeshis living around London’s Brick Lane who have been forced into usury by the wicked “racist”, capitalist system and their white oppressors. Stuff and nonsense. The reality is that throughout history, Jews have been as much a privileged minority as a persecuted one, as much oppressor as oppressed. They were usurers and tax collectors as much as pogromed and despised non-conformists, and if the truth is to be told – and it is not in establishment history books – it was as much the activities of Jewish oppressors as the bigotry of the common people that was responsible for the persecution of the Jewish masses. Many other examples could be given from antiquity down to the present day; the one place where this wilful blindness is not the rule is the Middle East for the reasons stated above, the mobilisation of the left and their (frankly ludicrous) association of Zionist Imperialism with the Western Imperialism and Colonialism of a bygone age. In the first instance, the legacy of (certainly) British Imperialism has been largely beneficial to its subjects; in the second, the near unconditional support – Israel über alles - afforded the Zionist entity has been nothing short of disastrous for the United States, for Britain, and for the Western (ie white) world generally. It is the main if not the only reason we are now on the receiving end of a worldwide jihad by race-hate fuelled fanatics who have stolen the garb of religion to justify murdering us in our beds. It has to be said too that decades of poor little innocent Kosher Red Riding Hood crying anti-Semite every time she’s caught with her hand up to her elbow in the heimishe pickle jar has at last caused even neutral observers to suspect that the Big Bad Wolf has been given an unduly harsh press. So much so that even a few people with unimpeachable credentials have waded into the fray. These include musician Gilad Atzmon, and, most amusingly, renegade Zionist MP Gerald Kaufman. In the 1990s, a complaint by Kaufman against the late Colin Jordan - over one poxy cartoon that was perceived to be anti-Semitic – set off a campaign of persecution against the veteran Nazi activist which lasted more than a decade. Kaufman has the most impeccable credentials, a Jew through and through, a Zionist and an unabashed supporter of Israel (the two are not necessarily the same thing), he has one major character flaw in the eyes of Imperial Zion: he thinks the Palestinians have rights, and has never been afraid to speak out against the excesses – and increasing repression – of the Israeli Government. So much so that of late his criticisms of the Israeli Lobby which we are all supposed to pretend does not really exist, have led to him being tarred with the same brush as Colin Jordan. Yes, Gerald Kaufman is promoting the myth of the international Jewish conspiracy. So persona non grata is he now with Organised Jewry that when the Jewish Chronicle reported on the May 2010 election results it alluded to the “Anti-Israel Jewish MP Sir Gerald Kaufman [who] has won a comprehensive victory in his Manchester Gorton constituency.” He was said further to have been embroiled in controversy before the poll after the Board of Deputies asked the Labour Party to consider withdrawing him as a candidate following comments he made warning voters about the alleged influence of the “Israel lobby”. This would be laughable if it were not so tragic, but it is this trait more than any other which has been responsible for two thousand years and more of hatred and persecution – real and imagined. Anyone who is not with us unconditionally at all times must be against us, a filthy anti-Semite or even a self-hating Jew, and must be subjected to smears, ostracism, vilification, and chastised by our terrible power of the purse, which of course does not really exist, and shame on you for even thinking it could. It has already been suggested that Gilad Atzmon has bona fide Revisionist tendencies; the same cannot of course be said for Kaufman, who is undoubtedly deeply offended, saddened and hurt in equal measure by the vitriol that is quietly being heaped on him for the crime of applying the principle of liberty, equality, fraternity and human rights for all. But however offended, saddened and hurt he may be, he should really consider issuing a posthumous apology to Colin Jordan, because the sad fact is that as far as Jewish mendacity in the Middle East is concerned, there is no substantive difference between what Colin Jordan said and what now Kaufman acknowledges. The difference between the World Zionist Conspiracy and the Israel Lobby is purely one of semantics, though it will probably be another fifty years before there are enough Jews of Kaufman’s pedigree who are honest enough to admit it, but by then it will probably be too late for all of us, not just for the Jews and the West, but for all Mankind. Documents from the archives:
Declassified documents expose the tactics used by Organised Jewry to silence and at times destroy their enemies – real and imagined. It appears to have failed in this case but half a century on the same tactics led to years of unwarranted police harassment and legal persecution for veteran Nazi activist Colin Jordan. Ironically, in an amazing twist, the man who initiated that harassment is now on the receiving end, in spite of his impeccable Kosher credentials. Comments:2
Posted by PM on Mon, 10 May 2010 01:21 | # “It has taken nearly 70 years, but tomorrow, as the sun sets over Athens, a monument to honour Greece’s Holocaust victims will finally be unveiled.
S, the last capital in Europe without a holocaust memorial has finally joined the ranks of civilised nations! I feel this is a historic moment, like seeing those American soldiers hoisting the Stars and Stripes over Iwo Jima, or the Swastika being blown off the roof of the Reichstag. Another pocket of anti-semitism (in the subtle form of insufficient guilt over the holocaust) has been expunged! 3
Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 10 May 2010 02:09 | # I thought you would discuss the Greek bailout that aparently Germany is footing the bill for.
He may have not started it but he was the main cataylst for it. In Meins Kampf and his unpublished The Second Book
Interesting! 4
Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 10 May 2010 02:15 | # Correction to unfinished sentence and spelling errors I thought you would discuss the Greek bailout that apparently Germany is footing the bill for.
He may have not started it but he was the main catalyst for it. In Miens Kampf and his unpublished The Second Book he advocated Germany territorial expansion beyond pre- WW1 territory. 5
Posted by Alexander Baron on Mon, 10 May 2010 13:12 | # There are two document scans to be added to this article and one omitted word to be added. Re the Greek debt crisiis, see 6
Posted by Maud Svensson on Fri, 14 May 2010 19:08 | # If Anna Lindh was Prime Minister of Sweden, she would have never committed troops to Iraq ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7
Posted by Matt on Mon, 07 Jun 2010 19:50 | # Jew Peter Singer writes in the New York Times today: 8
Posted by Finance Term Papers Samples on Thu, 03 Oct 2013 18:11 | # I agree with much of what you state in this article. Your information is thought-provoking, interesting and well-written. Thank you. Post a comment:
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Posted by Gorboduc on Mon, 10 May 2010 00:59 | #
You can download the full text of Lenni Brenner’s Zionism in the Age of the Dictators from here.
This gives you the first page of Polkehn’s famous article on the same topic: