The Fort Hood shootings

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 06 November 2009 11:03.

So Major Nidal Malik Hasan, 39, a Middle-Eastern Moslem born and raised in Virginia, trained as an army psychologist, but “devout” and deeply opposed to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, goes on a shooting rampage at America’s biggest military basis.  Thirteen people are dead, thirty wounded.  And what do we get to hear?  Why, that Maj Hasan (i) had been battling racial harassment because of his “Middle Eastern ethnicity”, (ii) had been “affected” by the stories of soldiers returning from theatre with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and (iii) was “concerned” about his own forthcoming deployment to Afghanistan.

Here’s the real story:

a) America is/was the aggressor in both wars.  The Iraq War was an illegal war that has claimed the lives of maybe a million Iraqis.  All told, four thousand Americans have died in these two adventures for no purpose beyond the security of Israel, the politics and profits of oil, and tax-theft by the military-industrial complex.  Yesterday another thirteen died.

b) Multiracialism doesn’t work anywhere in the West, even in an authoritarian structure like the US Army, and amounts to no more than a vast crime against Europeans.  Or whites if you prefer.

c) The mainstream media is always ready to (i) blame “racist whites”, (ii) offer “explanations” for mass murder if the perp is non-white.  Do you think that either of these poisonous little memes would be dripped into the public’s ear if Nidal Malik Hasan had been born Nigel Malcolm Hayes?



Posted by Frank on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 14:54 | #

As another blogger pointed out: this will distract Americans from their major threat, Mexico.


Sudden Jihad Syndrome or another crazy psychiatrist (a profession that glorifies Freud)?


Posted by Euro on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 15:14 | #

Multiracialism doesn’t work anywhere in the West, even in an authoritarian structure like the US Army, and amounts to no more than a vast crime against Europeans.  Or whites if you prefer.

It all depends on what you mean by “work.” If the intention of multiracialism is to abuse Whites,and it is,then it’s working just fine.


Posted by Frank on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 16:04 | #

America is/was the aggressor in both wars.  The Iraq War was an illegal war that has claimed the lives of maybe a million Iraqis.

And with each war America imports more nonwhite aliens from the very people who are being occupied.

Good posting on this btw. Too bad the shooter wasn’t a Mexican though.


Posted by Baldwin de Cormier on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 16:31 | #


This is well-written enough that it could be posted anywhere in the blogosphere.  Though it would probably be censored by the hyper-sensitive types, I believe any reasonable white person who reads it would find a lot which they can relate to.  There is a tendency for pro-whites to be too provocative, but your piece contains verifiable fact and neutral enough language to be very effective.  You should post it on some mainstream sites.


Posted by Jupiter on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 16:59 | #

The probability that the mass murder at Fort Hood would have occured if the 1965 immigration refrom act had not been passed:0.


Posted by Frank on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 18:24 | #


supposedly they came over in 1969, from Palestine of all places.


Posted by Jupiter on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 19:22 | #

The immigration enthusiasts justification for race-replacement comes down to this:if the post-1965 non-whites weren’t here, NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS would have a much lower standard of living. So if the parents,uncles aunts and pakistani cousins of Dr.Hasan had not benn imported,Native Born White America would not be able to produce the nations,physicians,nursers,engineers,scientists,computer programmers…it is a very long list.

On a more fundamental level, Native Born White Americans are to blame. They tolerate these lies. Sniffing their favorate negro’s or hispanic’s jock jock strap is more important.

It might take a several tanguska type meteor smashings to knock sense inti Native Born White America. Bring on the draughts,eathquakes and food shortages. ..along with a twenty year long depression. Worse is better.


Posted by Frank on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 23:42 | #

Latino goes on shooting spree in Florida - November 6, 2009

killing one person and injuring six others before being caught by police.

Endless stream of Mexican crime…

We’ll only hear about what furthers Israeli foreign policy though. ... Israeli military attacks and takes over Iranian ship:

Since the ship was in international waters when it was seized, the takeover could be considered as an act of war, but Israeli officials say that the Iranian ship was disguised as a humanitarian aid ship flying the flag of Antigua. For that reason, analysts say that a response by the Iranian government seems unlikely.

- Ha aretz story.


Posted by Q on Fri, 06 Nov 2009 23:54 | #

I think the only place where multiracialism might be said to work is in pro sports

It works in entertainment too…or at least it used to.

This is before my time, but its a demonstration of multiracialism that acually worked.  Check out Satchmo at around 3:30 in the vid. He really gets into it:


Posted by Drifter on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 00:01 | #

that Maj Hasan (i) had been battling racial harassment because of his “Middle Eastern ethnicity”, (ii) had been “affected” by the stories of soldiers returning from theatre with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Whatever parties make this claim are intent on inventing a get out of jail free card, but only for non-white on white violence. It isn’t the first time such a claim has been made. What it does is attempt to excuse extreme violence against the innocent because an offender has experienced hardship. Even if it were not an impromptu fiction, it doesn’t fly in any court of law, but for some reason, it does in progressive journalism.


Posted by Gorboduc on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 00:11 | #

IT’s not the first time.


Posted by Q on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 00:19 | #

Shooter advised Obama transition
Fort Hood triggerman aided team on Homeland Security task force
Posted: November 06, 2009
9:21 am Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily


Of course the Obama team are saying he never had the attention of the President’s BIG ears.


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 02:26 | #

Dasein: I’ve really taken to this thread of criticism of white negro-jock sniffers.  I love bringing it up around my sports fanatic friends.  They just kinda get this nervous, frozen grin when I start deriding “negro-jock sniffers.”  Cracks me up every time.

Here’s a new schtick I’m going to try on for a while:

Not for the first time, I’m forced to consider far left white separatism. Clearly, white people are inherently racist and oppressive and incapable of being good neighbors. We need to be locked away from other races to protect them from the ineradicable racism that permeates every atom of our beings. No one is safe among us. Separatism is the only way to save the human race from our malevolence. Only a truly racist person would allow non-whites anywhere near us, which is why all the most powerful integrationists are whites - they’re clearly filled with a murderous hate for non-whites.

And the media is racist! They’re all progressive integrationists who want to murder non-whites via proxy (what other motive can one have for wanting to place innocent human beings in proximity to ineradicably and inherently racist white people?). These people and their agenda have to be stopped; quarantine whites away from the rest of the human race now, before they can do any more harm!

And don’t bother telling me that all it takes is education.  Whites are inherently and ineradicably racist haters.  We’ve known all about our evil ways for at least half a century later, and the problem only gets worse and worse; every year we see an increase in media reports of racism (which is strange because clearly the media people are the biggest white racists of all; maybe they just want to terrorize non-whites - you know, rub their noses in their own oppression).  There’s only one solution, the Final Solution to the White Problem; lock the devils away from humanity now!

Sontag Separatism baby!

The only problem is the issue of “good whites,” (a difficult concept to understand, and an oxymoron) and what to do with them.  I suppose they should be allowed to choose where they live, since they shouldn’t be punished, forced to live with the bad whites (another difficult concept, since it implies they’re exceptional, when they’re actually the great majority; it’s also redundant).

(would “Briar Patch Separatism” be too obvious?)

Only the worst kind of racist would want to expose persons of non-whiteness to the seething cauldron of hate that is whites (I’d say white race but we all know race doesn’t exist - except in the minds of malevolent, racist whites).


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 02:31 | #

The immigration enthusiasts justification for race-replacement comes down to this:if the post-1965 non-whites weren’t here, NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS would have a much lower standard of living.

See?  See?  This is exactly what I’m talking about!  GREEDY, racist whites want to exploit persons of color!  When they aren’t oppressing, harming, or murdering persons of color, or fantasizing about oppressing, harming, or murdering persons of color, or conspiring with other whites about oppressing, harming, or murdering persons of color, they’re exploiting them for material gain!

Stop the hate!  Smash the racist-integrationist complex!

Susan Sontag was right!  Briar Patch Separatism NOW!!!  It’s the only way to stop the holocaust that is integration!


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 02:35 | #

Save Jewish people!

Save African-Americans!

Save Hispanics!

Save Asians!

Separate inherently and ineradicably racist whites away from humanity NOW!!!


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 02:36 | #

Sudden Jihad Syndrome or another crazy psychiatrist (a profession that glorifies Freud)?

You’re thinking of psychoanalysis, not psychiatry.  Freud’s been purged from psychology and psychiatry.


Posted by Frank on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 02:53 | #

Students must surely still study him in the university. I used to hear them discuss Freud when I rode along the thought training conveyor belt, which was this decade.

from wiki:

While many of Freud’s ideas have fallen out of favor or have been modified by Neo-Freudians, and modern advances in the field of psychology have shown flaws in many of his theories, Freud’s work remains important in the history of clinical psychodynamic approaches. In academia, his ideas continue to influence the humanities and some social sciences.


Posted by Frank on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 02:59 | #


By the 1970s the psychoanalytic school of thought had become marginalized within the field.[47]

Maybe so then. Anyway, he had an impact on a few I went through with - one in particular was an anti-racist white from Sweden.


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 04:06 | #

Students must surely still study him in the university. I used to hear them discuss Freud when I rode along the thought training conveyor belt, which was this decade.

Read KMac’s stuff on this.  Not that he’s the arbiter or anything, but that’s my primary source.  I read a couple pieces lately on that new(ish?) site, forget the name.  Anyway, the impression I get from KMac is that Freud is a favorite of Marxists, and not shrinks; there’s still a psychoanalytic movement, but Freud’s really the icon of Marxists, Critical Theorists, radical Jews, etc. anymore.  And he’s obviously going to be a big part of the history of psychology/sociology, regardless of one’s political bent.


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 04:08 | #

The Occidental Observer or something like that.  Whatever it’s called there were a lot of interesting reads.


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 04:10 | #

Oh, and it occurs that if anyone would be ethnically inclined to see Freud coming, it would be a Mohametean.


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 04:32 | #


That guy is totally speaking my language.  This is what I’m talking about.  Our job isn’t to convert the world or start a shooting match, our job is to create a subculture; its mission will be to create a pro-white Hollywood, which will in turn create an ethnicity, which will in turn secure its future.


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 04:36 | #

One place I disagree with the author is when he states we shouldn’t target Jews with propaganda.  I think we should definitely do so when feasible, specifically, slaughtering every kosher holy cow in our way.  Scads of them are vulnerable.


Posted by Frank on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 04:52 | #


Americana Pictures.

White Pride is a new site that looks pretty good. There’s music, poetry, lit, art, cuisine, etc. out there to reclaim and build upon.


Posted by Frank on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 05:03 | #

shouldn’t target Jews with propaganda

Who knows. I’m doubtful now that we can get over the Holocaust bump let alone foreign policy and banking and mass media and Hollywood…

I used to be part of the “let’s work with Jews” choir, lol.


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 05:11 | #

It also occurs that we should do everything we can to target with propaganda other white linguistic groups.  The advantage is similar to that enjoyed by non-standard browsers; they’re less prone to viruses and security breaches because they’re less prone to being targeted by virus-writers and hackers.  As a small group, the masters of discourse have an inherent interest in dominating English, and every non-English work or author means one fewer English work or author.


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 05:12 | #

Who knows. I’m doubtful now that we can get over the Holocaust bump let alone foreign policy and banking and mass media and Hollywood…

The point is to shoot back, that’s more important than worrying about getting over anything.  Reasonable doubt is a powerful thing.


Posted by Frank on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 05:42 | #

Shooting back isn’t important so much as stopping or changing those who are attacking. My intended point: I’m doubtful the two can work together.

I’m not “worrying” as in fretting that Jews might be upset - to Hell with that. The reason to consider working with Jews is they’re in so many key positions of power. Another perspective is to simply get them to attack less or focus their aggressions on another target (e.g. Mexicans and Muslims). We’re of course not interested in vengence but survival and well being.

That aside, they’re very interested in using us, lol. Whether or not to use whites as Israeli cannon fodder is a nonnegotiable issue.


Posted by Frank on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 05:48 | #

It also occurs that we should do everything we can to target with propaganda other white linguistic groups.

I prefer to use the term “awakening” (and to mean the difference); but yes, especially the ones with few speakers.


Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 07:36 | #

As another blogger pointed out: this will distract Americans from their major threat, Mexico.

The Islamic thing is an opportunity if played right.

The enemy say that immigration is neccessary for economic reasons but that’s just an excuse. Their main weapon has been the creation of a morality that says resisting immigration makes you a bad, sinful, immoral person and up to now they’ve used that guilt weapon as an absolute, no exceptions.

Their problem now is they need to make an exception.

What that does is change immigration from a question of pro-immigration = good person, and anti-immigration = Nazi to one of pros and cons. And if the cons of muslim immigration can outweigh the pros then the acceptance of that as mainstream can be extended to widen the debate to Mexican immigration too.

The simple fact is continued muslim immigration into our nations will destroy them as well and some of them realise it so they have three options:

1) Stop their attempted genocide.
2) Continue the genocide including muslim immigration but sacrifice Israel in the hope that will calm the muslims down.
3a) Continue their genocide while at the same time invading the middle east making all the muslims into liberal democrats who love Israel. This hasn’t worked out too well.
3b) Continue the genocide but try to exclude muslim immigration.

Those of them that picked the third option will try to make islam an exception through hints and double-talk rather than explicitly going through the logical steps of adding up the pros and cons. White rabbits need to join in these discussions and explicitly go through the steps:

economic benefit + anti-racism - islam < x, where x is some minimum threshold for an immigrant to be acceptable.

Once the principle is mainstreamed then you can apply the same formula to other immigrants (while obviously aiming to reduce the economic benefit and anti-racism arguments down to zero and replacing “islam” with mexican crime or whatever).

Currently when i read mainstream American arguments against immigration they seem to focus on illegal immigration and they feel the need to prove they’re non-racist by saying they’re okay with mass legal immigration. I believe this is because people feel the pressure of the morality-based argument of anti-racism and so feel the need to counter it with a similar morality-based argument of abiding by the law. White rabbits can use the muslim angle to promote the “calculation of pros and cons” argument instead. It’s not enough but it’s an improvement.


Posted by Frank on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 08:17 | #


you’ve produced another exceptional post. There is potential, to be sure. And legal immigration is a much greater problem than illegal. Though, with illegal immigration if we ever start sending those unwashed masses, what is it 30 million now?, back ethnic strife will certainly flare.

It’s unsettling to see Israel struggle against itself over Palestine though. We’d surely be more moral than they, but if the most racist people on Earth, the Jews, can’t even maintain ethnic spiritual integrity (not referring to religious Judaism here but nationalism), then what hope have we?


What’s been done in Europe is unsettling. Islam is opposed in part because it threatens the multicult, and liberalism is paraded as the alternative to Islam and traditionalism. Islam = Nazi = Christianity = tribalism, etc. And the Europeans have eaten it up! It’s just like what was done in here in America with capitalism v. communism and republican v. democrat.

Sam Francis once wrote that the managerials believe they can successfully melt the nonwhites into the pot but nonwhite ethnic nationalisms will break it.

What they ultimately want is a population that behaves like whites but is like the Kurds of Iraq or the untouchables of India: mixed. Such a population lacks ancestral traditions and is thus malleable, or should I say “tolerant” and thus without a guiding core or identity. Part of the forces moving us towards that is scheming elites, but most of those forces isn’t rational I think. Ah, I’ll save you my usual rant on what those forces are.


Posted by Frank on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 08:37 | #

Somewhere I should add the point that Mexicans are anti-Semitic as are blacks. So, though Jews are not the entire problem, they could potentially become less anti-white in the future. I suspect they hate us more than they care for their own survival, or to put it plainly: are so wrapped up in their victim-hood by white oppressors that they’re unable to get out of it. That we’re the primary race that has practiced Christianity doesn’t help things.

Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad. The Jews have gone mad and are taking us down with them. Those who claim the Jews will “horizontally transfer” to China or Europe… I’ll believe it when I see it. I suspect the Jews will be in the same hot water we’re in, and they’ll write their little history books as it all being our doing, and 6 million Jews having disappeared somehow in it all too.

That’s why I’ve gone from believing Jews and whites can work together to doubting such is possible. The Chosen mulattoes are insane, or perhaps I ought to say: working against their Darwinian interests…


Posted by Frank on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 08:42 | #

It’s probably best to discuss such things in an esoteric manner rather than plainly.

The concern is people like me confuse themselves, lol; but if people can’t follow along with obvious implications they’re not worth following along anyway.

Recently the ah, CFR I think it was?, was caught speaking too plainly on tape. People don’t like hearing that.

It’s not a matter of lying but of speaking pleasantly - that’s just how the human mind works.


I’ll likely continue to contradict myself, but I figured I’d say that in reply especially to Svigor’s use of the word “propaganda”


Posted by Marwinsing on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 11:47 | #

This is not a big thing to ask, but dump your television sets, literally, please. Pawn it, whatever, but just get rid of the damn thing and likewise all other forms of old media, like enemy-owned film, video, entertainment, newspapers, magazines, etc. that work against our cause. By eating away at the mass-media/entertainment monster we are taking steps in a positive direction and setting an example to our people as to how to hurt the enemy where it hurts most, namely, in their pockets. It’s long overdue time to walk our talk. There are a million and one creative ways to combat the enemy by making such simple adjustments to our lives.


Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 14:01 | #


Part of the forces moving us towards that is scheming elites, but most of those forces isn’t rational I think. Ah, I’ll save you my usual rant on what those forces are.

I agree. I think in the beginning changes to our society were set in motion by people who between them represented a much more evenly mixed combination of reason and paranoia but the fruits of those changes has spawned a society that is increasingly a golem spun out of control.

That’s why I’ve gone from believing Jews and whites can work together to doubting such is possible.

Same here, at least in our lands, i think they’re too paranoid and will always betray because they always expect betrayal. Israel i don’t have a problem with personally but only after we have our lands back.


Posted by Gorboduc on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 14:41 | #

The BBC radio on Friday repeatedly played the track of Obama saying it would be premature to attribute any motive to the gunman, so don’t even THINK of going there - even after all the stuff abt. “white harrassment” was in the public domain! That ALWAYS provides sufficient motive.
How do US soldiers harrass a major in the medical department - send him the odd pig’s ear in the internal post, nickname him Abu ben Khazi, or send him rude Emails?
Has Obama produced his birth certificate yet? Barak Obama seems a kind of Islamic name, you’d have expected a real black to be Obibi M’Bebebululya.
Don’t know abt. Freud’s having been purged from Psychiatry.
Until 2 years ago I worked in a UK University library catering for several teaching hospitals, and Freud was VERY much on the syllabus, with several sets of the Complete Works, all being constantly borrowed.
Collaborating with jews - Melanie Phillips is as anti-Islamic as anyone here,  but her fear of the establishment of Londonistan here will have a different inspiration from a similar fear expressed by a WN. That said, her Spectator column/blog can be usefully mined and quoted.
However, it shd. be remembered that it was her like that opened the gates of Spanish cities to the Islamic invaders.
And read this, for Rabbi Sacks’ opinion on the population problem - notice he doesn’t mention race-replacement, merely decline.


Posted by Jupiter on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 16:05 | #

Expell all muslims,asians,hispanics,carribeans and post-1965 africans out of OUR AMERICA. If the muslim heathens had never been allowed into OUR AMEREICA!!! the shooting at Fort Hood and 9/11 would have never have happened.

The treason lobbby says that the murder at fort hood and 9/11 were all necessary because it was part of the policy fabric that is rapidlt bringing about the massive race-replacement of NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS


Posted by William Rees-Mogadon on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 16:59 | #

GW got it dead right (no pun intended).
Today’s Grauniad (the Guardian to you Americans - it’s a long term standing joke from Private Eye magazine), publishes the story under the headline ‘Fears of a backlash against muslims’ , no word of shock or sympathy but instantly trying to spin it as the muzzies are the victims not aggressors.
  Oh and the fact that a woman soldier shot (but failed to kill, typically) Hasan has prompted lashings of praise from the diversity mongers.


Posted by Selous Scout on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 18:33 | #

Earlier this morning after the gym I stopped by the local mosque and Muslim elementary school to do a little ‘recon’ with my digital camera (you never know when this info will come in handy for future ops wink, and there were three (3) police cruisers parked outside the buildings. WTF?! The cops (2 white, 1 Asian) were standing beside the motor cars talking. I took a photo anyway. There are many Muslims in this city. The ones who seem to cause the most trouble are the Pakis. I know of two Muslims (Pakistanis) who have discussed going to Afghanistan to fight US troops. Another Muslim acquaintance, a very young European-looking Lebanese dude, has also talked about going to Afghanistan because, according to him, that is where the Mahdi will appear. He gets these ideas from a local Pakistani imam.


Posted by JTaverner on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 22:13 | #

This is not a big thing to ask, but dump your television sets, literally, please. Pawn it, whatever, but just get rid of the damn thing and likewise all other forms of old media, like enemy-owned film, video, entertainment, newspapers, magazines, etc. that work against our cause. By eating away at the mass-media/entertainment monster we are taking steps in a positive direction and setting an example to our people as to how to hurt the enemy where it hurts most, namely, in their pockets. It’s long overdue time to walk our talk. There are a million and one creative ways to combat the enemy by making such simple adjustments to our lives.

This is good advice. I abandoned television several years ago. With the personal time saved I’ve pursued a degree via a college offering a Great Books program. There is no political correctness inherent in this approach; the courses are based solely on the work of the authors. So far I’m through Plato, Aristotle, Montesquieu, Locke, and Kant, with much more of the cannon to go. Already I’ve learned much more of /lasting/ value than I ever did from my tech school degree, or, years of television viewing.

A lot of people throw around the term Western Civilization and how they hope to defend it, but what’s unclear is how familiar those same people are with the major documents of Western Civ. If these people were raised anything like the majority of children in the West, they probably have more MTV memorized than Plutarch. This state of affairs is akin to zealous Ron Paul Constitutionalists having never read the Constitution or the Federalist. While such a mob may be steered to political victory via its constitutionally-grounded leaders, in the end, without knowledge of the ideas they profess to support, they will remain a mob and be unlikely to survive the next trend. To defend Western Civilization, we need to be in touch with the nature of it. We need to seek its true form. If you hope to teach something, you should be able to explain it. To do that we need to switch off old media and get back to our origins. We need to make White Nationalists “believers” in Western Civilization in the same manner as a Christian is a “believer” in the bible; by study.

The cannon of Western Civilization is our Talmud. We should study the West’s writings every bit as thoroughly as the average head-bobbing Talmudist. In fact, we should try to discern the exact methods Jews use to study their religious laws, since they’ve proven themselves apt at it. Perhaps they bob their heads when reading at the wailing wall for an extra-religious reason, maybe the movement stimulates blood flow to the brain, making internalization easier? We should be thinking along those lines when analyzing them. Thoroughly and scientifically, much as McDonald has done in his writings.

Instead of seeking a religion for White Nationalism in Odinism (or some other religion yet to be created), we should trumpet what has worked in the past: Philhellenism.  The Italians, Spanish, English, German, French, and other nations turned to the past for guidance in their 14th-16th century Renaissances. The result was Western man having conquered the world. By looking back, we can step forward.


Posted by Thunder on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 23:55 | #

It is amazing how fast certain threads explode.  I don’t have the time to read all of this thread right now so I can attempt to reply in a more informed matter.  But that doesn’t really matter for what I want to say here.  This statement by GW is one of the main reasons I come to this site:

a) America is/was the aggressor in both wars.  The Iraq War was an illegal war that has claimed the lives of maybe a million Iraqis.  All told, four thousand Americans have died in these two adventures for no purpose beyond the security of Israel, the politics and profits of oil, and tax-theft by the military-industrial complex.  Yesterday another thirteen died.

In a few short sentences GW summarises and clarifies situations the way few others do here.  For me that is very helpful.  I have heard it said that it is in the nature of intelligence that you can always tell who are slower than you but it is difficult to tell who are quicker.  I doubt that, being honest with oneself it is clear I am outclassed by many of the contributors here.

But I can use their information and in the end I think more of the readers of this site are closer to me than a James B or Soren.  Call me a chirupping cricket but I see that a truth.  So thanks GW and I think you are accomplishing worthwhile goals not just jawin’.


Posted by notuswind on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 00:23 | #

Unfortunately, most [White] Americans will be more focused on Mr. Hasan’s religious beliefs than on his ethnic background.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 00:39 | #

It becomes clearer by the day that whites are expected to roll over, (commit suicide) in the name of tolerance and non discrimination.

And if we don’t, they intend to force us.  Only whites can be racist and not allowed to defend themselves - and therefore deserve not to exist.

Heads they win tails we lose.


Posted by Svigor on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 01:40 | #

‘Fears of a backlash against muslims’

This was the tactic used by the American media in the wake of the Twin Towers attacks.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 02:18 | #

Good call!

Later the Byzantines adopted such anti-Jewish policies as forced conversion at times when they sought unity during periods of national crisis. The Byzantine authorities correctly feared that the Jews would actively assist the Persian and later the Muslim invaders ( Alon 1989, 16; Avi-Yonah 1976, 261ff). Parkes ( 1934, 263) describes a “long list of betrayals and treason, of hostility and massacre” by the Jews during this period, connected ultimately to Jewish partisanship toward Persia in the context of Byzantine anti-Semitism. In the early 5th century Jews were slaughtered after a Jewish attempt to betray a city to the Persians was discovered ( Parkes 1934, 257-258). In the 7th century, the Jews came to the aid of Persian invaders, and with the aid of the Samaritans were said to have massacred a hundred thousand Christians ( Grant 1973, 288). After the area was retaken by the Byzantines, the Arabs conquered the area with the “warm support” of the Jews ( Grant 1973, 289; see also Jones 1964, 950). At the beginning of the 12th century, the Byzantine Jews “sprang rapidly to [the] assistance” of the invading armies of Seljuk Turks ( Shaw 1991, 25). Beginning in the 14th century the Jews supported the invasions of the Ottoman Turks—the final entry into Constantinople in 1453 occurring through a Jewish quarter with the assistance of the Jews ( Shaw 1991, 26). In gratitude for their support, the sultan imposed Jewish economic domination over his Christian subjects, and Jews immigrated into the area from throughout the diaspora ( Shaw 1991, 77).

Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism

Book by Kevin MacDonald; Praeger Publishers, 1998



Posted by Baldwin de Cormier on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 02:43 | #

It becomes clearer by the day that whites are expected to roll over, (commit suicide) in the name of tolerance and non discrimination.

And if we don’t, they intend to force us.  Only whites can be racist and not allowed to defend themselves - and therefore deserve not to exist.

Heads they win tails we lose.

This is why if we desire to win these people must be destroyed.  Not isolated, not relocated, destroyed.  They are fanatics who will not stop, ever, not for 100 generations if that’s what it takes, until we are history.  And that is exactly how I feel about them.  They are evil, they are the enemy, they must perish or we will.

To have moral hangups about this harsh reality is to admit one doesn’t have the will to live.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 05:31 | #

In a few short sentences GW summarises and clarifies situations the way few others do here.

How about this gem?

The invasion was entirely about Peak Oil, about the rise of China and India, and about US geostrategy in the ME, meaning dominion over oil producers.  Arguably, it is a short-term policy to cushion the US economy against further oil crises, while the search for sustainability proceeds, sort of.  Arguably, it will fail militarily, and the fourteen bases under construction now in Iraq will have to be deserted.

We’ll forgive him, this time! smile

After all, a guy’s got a right to change his mind. What is that Emerson gooblygook?

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesman and philosophers and divines.  With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do.


Posted by John on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 14:45 | #

“As another blogger pointed out: this will distract Americans from their major threat, Mexico.

Sudden Jihad Syndrome or another crazy psychiatrist (a profession that glorifies Freud)?”

Why do “suicide attacks” rarely inflict any real damage (in this case they lose more easily replaceable grunt in the sandbox in one month) and why are they a PR boon for those they are perpetrated against and a PR disaster for the side pulling them off? I would give anyone who can get into medical school and get through psychiatric residency credit to have enough sense at the least to target the leadership.

More likely a patsy or Manchurian Candidate, imo.


Posted by John on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 15:14 | #

More plausible motives for this attack than the ones suggested:

1. To pre-empt possible sympathies among Americans for potential mutineers
2. to take guns away from GIs
3. to increase security for the brass


Posted by Frank on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 15:39 | #

I would give anyone who can get into medical school and get through psychiatric residency credit to have enough sense at the least to target the leadership.

To do something like that though you’re likely to be unstable and thus not in the best state of mind.

He was shooting unarmed and minimally trained fish in a barrel, so the resulting casualties were high and thus newsworthy. He achieved a lot.


It could well be a conspiracy though. It’s difficult for me to conceive of how such could be managed though - I guess having someone whispering in the man’s ear would work. If details suggesting such a thing surface, do share.


Posted by Frank on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 15:42 | #

If a patsy, why take the blame? He’s going to get death.

Though… perhaps such a thing can be faked?


Anything’s possible.


Posted by Selous Scout on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 17:22 | #

Good grief. Conspiracy? Why does everything have to be a conspiracy? Hasan appears to be an alienated, anti-social Muslim individual with ideological grievances against the US, specifically the military. I see no reason to ascribe his actions to a conspiracy or mind-control experiment.


Posted by John on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 17:40 | #

“Good grief. Conspiracy? Why does everything have to be a conspiracy? Hasan appears to be an alienated, anti-social Muslim individual with ideological grievances against the US, specifically the military. I see no reason to ascribe his actions to a conspiracy or mind-control experiment. “

So did Sirhan Sirhan.  And Steve Barber’s work proves he wasn’t the triggerman.

I have no evidence either way (Note: MSM reports spoon-fed by the military with no surveillance tapes and gag orders on the witnesses aren’t evidence).


Posted by John on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 17:48 | #

The Myth of the Suicide Bomber


Posted by John on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 21:59 | #

Anyone remember the Lavon Affair? The USS Liberty? The Mexican Parliament bomb plot where in October, 2001 a Mossad Colonel who had entered Mexico illegally and his Mexican sayanim accomplice were caught with detonators, plastic explosives and Pakastani passports and ended up both being quietly deported to Israel?


Posted by jamesUK on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 22:29 | #


You could also mention that a German documentary claimed that Mossad bombed the German disco with US personnel in 85 and Mossad defector Victor Ostrovsky revealing that the Mossad planted a communications becon in Libya implicating Libyan intelligence in the bombing with Reagan bombed Libya with US intelligence intercepting false communications data. 

Don’t think this is a conspiracy though as it seems he was a Muslim soldier who was being harassed and did not want to fight in a Zionist in Iraq. So he just went ape shit and shot up the place like the postal workers used to do in the 90’s.


Posted by John on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 23:23 | #

Selous Scout is right.  There is absolutely no indication for a conspiracy and the burden of proof rests with whomever wishes to assert such a conspiracy exists.

If it was a black op (as you point out, I have no way of knowing for sure), it fits into the pattern of previous ones. I don’t trust the sources of the information “indicating” that Hasan was the shooter (an assertion that also requires proof). I will demur when I see a surveillance tape of the shooting, (as we certainly would if he had robbed the 7-11 he visited the night before).


Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:24 | #

I can’t find his reference at the moment, but I remember MacDonald (in Separation and its Discontents) mentioning that the turkish invaders entered Constantinople through the Jewish quater.  Does anyone know of a reference for this?

Look at pages 63 and 64 of SAID.


Posted by Selous Scout on Mon, 09 Nov 2009 14:54 | #

Selous Scout, I noticed that your namesake organization in Rhodesia had Negro members.  Were there ever any cases of them turning on their White comrades? 

Dasein ~ I haven’t encountered any such incidents. According to the ex-Selousies I’ve talked to, there was a particularly high level of unit cohesion and the White members, even the Afrikaners, did not seem concerned with fragging by their African comrades. There was an egalitarian ethos within the group, which was one reason it was so successful.


Posted by alex zeka on Tue, 10 Nov 2009 19:24 | #

Major Hasan had attracted the attention of US intelligence agencies several months ago with his efforts to communicate with suspected al-Qaeda leaders by “electronic means”, according to two officials briefed on classified material who spoke to ABC News.

The disclosure was seized upon by senior congressional figures angered by indications that the CIA may have withheld vital information from the army and Congress’s own intelligence and security committees. It followed a demand from Senator Joseph Lieberman for a high-level investigation into what he called “very, very strong signs that Dr Hasan had become an Islamist extremist” — signs that include apparent ties to Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born cleric who moved to Yemen after the September 11, 2001, attacks and who called Major Hasan “a hero” yesterday.


Posted by John on Wed, 11 Nov 2009 12:03 | #

@Robert Reis

You should be ashamed of yourself. If everybody asked questions like you do, how would they be able to keep us safe from terrorism by having affirmative Action TSA agent Mohammed feel up grandma and take away her shampoo?

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