The Little Lexicon

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 24 September 2006 23:03.

I don’t know whether this idea will fly but ...

I am interested in building up a list of corrective word and phrase definitions, each of which encapsulates our worldview and might have some utility in combatting the pervasiveness of left-speak.  For example:-

amnesty  a public admission by the US federal government that its immigration laws do not work, and a private admission that they are not meant to
anarcho-capitalism  religion of the capitalist self, attractive to 40 year-old businessmen trying to be hip
anti-discrimination law  destruction of European peoples’ freedoms of association
anti-racism  fanatical hatred of normal Europeans
anti-semite  any European who resists behaviour by Ashkenazic Jews damaging to his people
Ashkenazic Jews  non-semitic tribe of Central Asian origin who comprise 90% of Jewry
assimilation  once proof that any European could find his or her own place in America; assimilationism  the ideology that assimilation is just as possible for non-Europeans
Auschwitz  one-time labour camp, now a temple of perpetual European damnation
Boer genocide  wave of farm murders since the ANC came to power in SA
Canadian anglophones  francophiles
Canadian francophones  anglophobes
civil rights  government-decreed access for blacks to white society, with no corresponding demand for improvements to black behaviour; African-American civil rights movement Anti-white, pro-black agitation of the 50’s and 60’s organised by Jewish political activists until the Black Power Movement could take over
color-blind  blind
conservatism  the political expression of love of self, love of kind, love of country; Conservative Party  right-liberal political group in Britain; social conservatism  understanding of and profound respect for sociobiologically-derived mores and traditions
cognitive dissonance  an anxiety condition common among liberals who encounter, for example, race-realism
cognitive eltism  the idea that Europeans should be displaced and/or replaced by the world’s smartest non-whites because the world’s dummies are a downright disaster
conspiracy theory  smear term for almost any mention of the elephant in the living room
correlation vs. causation  (also “correlation is not causation”) ostrich tactic commonly employed by race-deniers when confronted by Occam’s razor or plain common sense
culture war  the use of homosexual and ethnic minority interests to undo, subvert or otherwise destroy personal and societal norms
democracy  an oligarchy in which the ordinary people think they can elect their leaders
distributism  economic system aiming at the diffusion of property among the populace
diversity  political buzzword for the decivilisation of European societies, often applied to specific localities (opp of “hideously white”)
economism  the belief that only economic and financial ends are really important
egalitarianism  the pretence that poofs, dykes and low-IQ folks are equal to or the same as normal Europeans
equal rights  equal outcomes ... and jam for equality professionals; a mandate for authoritarianism and theft by taxation
european  of Europe or the peoples of Europe
far right  smear term frequently applied to any normal European
fascism  political philosophy peculiar to Italy; fascist  smear term frequently applied to any normal European
freedom  not choice, not an unfettered will, not anything open to the moderation of politics.  Something more.
gay rights  sad wrongs done to our freedoms of speech and association; euphemism for Homosexualist Marxism; the buggering of normalcy
genetic determinism  Orwellian attempt to smear hereditarians with fanaticism by those who are themselves fanatical in their environmental determinism
hate  the idea of or desire for self-determination among European peoples; hate crime legal confirmation of the primacy of minority feelings; hate speech language tending to the survival of European peoples; hate speech law  legalistic attempt to eliminate from public discourse all language tending to the survival of European peoples
holocaust gratuitous Jewish-racial hagiography on an industrial scale
homosexual  (incl. lesbian) human tragedy requiring of the sufferer personal self-restraint in return for public tolerance
illiberal  non-liberal; comment, itself “illiberal”, upon the opinions of a normal person
immigrant  alien aggressing against European economic, land and genetic resources
integration  slow European genocide, and the only genuine alternative to multiculturalism (happily, that’s failed multiculturalism, of course) or repatriation
interculturalism  pathetic attempt to replace failed multiculturalism with chapati-baking lessons for the (remaining) white housewives of Leicester
Iraq  mental condition affecting the Bush dynasty
la-la land  that place under the soil where ostriches and liberals stick their heads
liberal  captive of liberalism; liberalism  the politics of decivilising the West
libertarian  childish right-liberal freedom junkie with an IQ of 120; libertarianism  (second-wave) purest form of liberalism, tending to the atomisation of society into competing sovereign wills and disqualifying the ethnic interest-based presumptions on which racial survival depends
limousine liberal  members of the political class who gush regularly for the poor they hope never to meet
melting pot genocide of the dark ally and the bed pillow
Mark Stein widely-published Canadian journalist and dissembling shill for the “war on terror”
Marxism  the still-beating heart of the left, even after 100,000,000 deaths by collectivism and state terror, and the collapse of all social and economic credibility
Mexico  a country shortly to be found south of MT and west of LA
multiculturalism  failed attempt by the liberal establishment to force unassimilable aliens on Europeans through the recognition of only cultural differences
nation  a people and a land - Blut und Boden, the one inseparable from the other; nationalist  person who comprehends the inseparability of blood and soil
nazi (from Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; NSDAP) smear term frequently applied to normal Europeans; nazi war crimes  war crimes by nazis
neoconservatives  Jewish ex-trotskyites and fellow travellers who stole the GOP from European-Americans, captured the US Presidency, opened the borders as wide as possible and declared war on Israel’s enemies.
one-man-one-vote  (abbr. OMOV) a method of restraining indigenous and socially conservative interests at the ballot box
paternalism  feminist paranoia about the benign father figure
patriot  person who does not necessarily comprehend the inseparability of blood and soil, but loves the soil anyway
political correctness  self-censorship in imitatio Marxo for the comfort and good of blacks, queers, liberal academics, etc
pornography  extreme expression of secular Jewish individualism
precision bombing  whoops!
psyops  cynical manipulation of public feeling and opinion by an hidden enemy within
racialist  normal person who puts the interests of his or her people first; racial majority  European people who, by their mere existence, obstruct progress towards the goals of liberalism; racial minority  client group of any liberal, assumed to be inherently noble and in need of protection from white racism and privilege; racial prejudice  believing non-whites are racially inferior, since believing them equal is apparently not a prejudgement; racial supremacism scare story told by race-deniers to avoid the normality of racialism; perfectly logical result of Nature’s diversity racist  term of abuse for a normal European person; a conservative winning an argument with a liberal (Thomas Sowell)
repatriation  redemption from the folly and self-destructiveness of post-war immigration policy in the West
sixties  decade of moral self-indulgence, of revolt against the father, of flight into fantasy, of conservative collapse
social engineering  proof that Man is not perfectible
social scientist  professional bigot who researches us solely to reinforce his or her anti-white, anti-male or heterophobic prejudices
state  the institutions of power through which the liberal-left has marched
Steve Sailer  American journalist with extremely sound race-realist credentials but a fatal incapacity or unwillingness to follow the political logic
terrorism  blind hatred in pursuit of political self-justification
taboo-breaking  wet dream of all liberals, providing the alleged taboos are the natural foundations of society ... but shock and horror if the taboos are their own
two-party system  one-party system
unfettered will  being anyone and doing anything your silly head wishes; the execrable understanding of human nature which is the holy of liberal holies, for spaced-out jumpers everywhere: “I can fly, baby ...”
war on terror  popular belief among certain European peoples that Apache attack helicopters in Lashkargah will save them from what Moslems do in bed in Brussels and Bradford
white flight  Orwellian term blaming whites for their own ethnic cleansing
white privilege the allegedly academic theory that the poor outcomes of certain minorities are caused not by their own failings but by the skin colour of Europeans
white separatism  precondition for racial survival in a multiracial state, akin to repatriation in the ancient nations of Europe
white supremacism,  see “racial supremacism”

There are, I suppose, hundreds of words that could be so defined.  Bearing in mind that the object of the definition is to be accurate, concise (or, if not, funny), and fully “awake” you are cordially invited to improve on and add to the little list I have crashed out above.  If sufficient defs eventually build up - and we are not in a hurry - we can post them as a running feature linked from our front-page.  (I should just add that I will be sole editor and adjudicator of suitability, should anyone care to contribute).

Tags: Activism



Posted by Top on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 01:18 | #


A North American movement founded by ex-Trotsky followers that aims to be liberal in its domestic policies (good for the founders and their ethnic group) and that aims to channel and redirect repressed nationalistic feelings of North American whites into aggressive foreign policies (good for the founders and their ethnic group).


Posted by Jim Kalb on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 02:50 | #

war on terror popular belief among certain European peoples that Apache attack helicopters in Lashkargar will save them from what Moslems do in bed in Brussels and Bradford.”

That’s “Lashkargah” (literally, “place of soldiers”). Way back when they also called it “kuchnai Amrika” (“little America” in Pashto) because much of it was built by the Agency for International Development as a headquarters for the Helmand Valley irrigation project. It had a grid of broad streets and neighborhoods with more-or-less American-style houses where the expats lived (American, British, Filipino, the odd German or whatnot). Also lots of Afghans of course.

I spent a couple of years teaching high school algebra at a school maybe 40 miles south of there, on the river that separated the Dasht-e-Margo (“desert of death”) from Registan (“country of sand”). Those were actually their names. You could go up to Lashkargah hitching a ride on a truck or whatever and stop in at the AID staff house, take a hot shower, and (depending on the time of day) get a burger and beer or omelette and coffee. I wonder what happened to Bertie the Uzbek counterman? Most of the teachers at my school are dead. I don’t know why he should be luckier but who knows.

The idea of Apache helicopters in Lashkargah is absolutely horrible. The Afghans have their problems, and they’ve certainly had lots of issues since I’ve been there, but why expect the US military to be a help sorting them out? The Bush administration literally expected the Iraqis to welcome them to Iraq. Everybody in the world wants to be just like the Americans, after all, so they’re sure to welcome the American army. If the Bush people are that clueless, what good are they going to do in Afghanistan of all places?

(Sorry for the irrelevance, but the reference brought back memories.)


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 04:04 | #

Top-A perfect definition-Trosky was even anethma to Communists Elitism will be it’s own ultimate downfall.          I have a couple[which will probably be excised]                Pin-head—member of the academic elite,who have never left their ivory towers,other than to rant against those whose blood is being spilt.Great at organizing protests and dissertations of non-relevant and obscure “studies”,and all the while maintaining their sense of superiority over the great unwashed.                        Diversity-the situation brought upon us primarily by the “pin-heads"which has attempted to convince we,the great unwashed,that to believe other is a denial of that great,non-specific,right of “equality”                                                Multiculturalism-The wondrous thought process{again instigated by aforementioned pin-heads],that those who shit in the hallway,kill their own kin for supposed affronts to family,and don’t know the workings of a toilet or refridgerator are are welcome additions to our society-ON OUR             DIME!                                                      Amnesty-that neat sounding word that appears to indicate forgiveness,but in reality means opening your house,job,neighborhood,and country to any who wish to share in your success,while you pick up any shortfalls on their behalf.                                                        Islam/religion of peace—RATSHIT!


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 04:16 | #

OUt of my obvious respect for the goat-fuckers of Islam,I should have said PIGSHIT!


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 05:20 | #

<a q=“word+sense+disambiguation”>Word sense disambiguation</a> will deal quite well with all of these definitions.

A clue as to how paniced the “linguists” are at the prospect of real definitions and sense disambiguation arising from computer programs is given by this passage from <a >the Wikipedia article on “word sense disambiguation”</a>:

A computer cannot be expected to give better performance on such a task than a human (indeed, since the human serves as the standard, the computer being better than the human is incoherent), so the human performance serves as an upper bound.

The idea that “a human” is _by definition_ better at word sense disambiguation than a machine is just another semantic game humans play.

The threat of an objective disambiguation of the rhetoric of political correctness is driving a lot of crazy reactions to the advance of the science of computational linguistics and genuine artificial intelligence.

To such mentalities, not only is the truth no defense—it is the crime itself.


Posted by PCA on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 05:48 | #

Main Entry: rac•ism
Pronunciation: ‘rA-“si-z&m-
Function: noun

1. Any person, despite skin color, religious beliefs, cultural background, political party affiliation, or sex, that oppose or protest against the mad suggestions of the ongoing dismantling of their own country and culture, in mass national suicide, endorsed by the political correct elite and their few followers, are racist.

People labeled as racist by their cultural elites are to be avoided, shunned and persecuted at all cost; great comfort should also be felt by any common people who take it upon themselves to persecute racists; as their acts will be held in high regard and their actions (eg assault or denial of employment) will be excused in their pursuit of this authorized noble cause.

Those common people that do not automatically show the expected pavlovian dog reaction are to be regarded as extremely suspect, as also racist.

Authorized Historical Analogies:- see witch trials/Stalinist anti-revolutionary trials.

Note also: Theoretically applies to all, but is generally only enforced against white, heterosexual, males who challenge the elite’s selective interpretation of cultural Marxism (who curiously are also overwhelmingly white).

Thesaurus: See Patriot


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 05:53 | #

REPUBLIC-The basis for our country’s government-NOT A FUCKING “DEMOCRACY”,which was deplored by our founding fathers!—-Pin-heads, read Madison. Jefferson,Jay,Franklin,,-they ALL agreed it was the most insididous,self destructive form of embodiment of power that could be envisioned,where slaves, non- European immigrants,and Indians had the same decision making power as the land-holders,business owners,and Europeans.They even made various references to the demise of the Greek and Roman Empires for following the bread and circuses routine-e.g. welfare state,unfettered immigration,loss of common language,etc.Sound familiar?


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 06:07 | #

Bowery-I actually read all the ambiguities crap-and came to the conclusion that it was nothing more than a sophmoric attempt at a Masters thesis-innane and inconsequential.What’s your point??


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 06:41 | #

Nick, to what exactly are you referring?  Provide a link.


Posted by Steve Edwards on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 14:23 | #

Your litany is excellent, although I must protest about my IQ - the average of the two tests I have taken was in the low-130s.

PS - another word:

self-determination (n). Perfectly natural and laudable for all non-Europeans.




Posted by Steve Edwards on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 14:27 | #

“popular belief among certain European peoples that Apache attack helicopters in Lashkargah will save them from what Moslems do in bed in Brussels and Bradford.”

Mark Steyn (n) - a dissembling shill for the “war on terror”.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 15:27 | #


In libbo terms you and the good prof from UNLV are outliers.  That, obviously, applies to IQ as well as political maturity.

All contributions gratefully received.  I’ll update the Lexicon accordingly this evening, GMT.


Posted by WJG on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 16:10 | #


Excellent Lexicon.  A couple questions/comments.

1)  Being a recovering conservative, I now hold the label in contempt so I would take exception to its definition.  Does conservatism have any value in the UK anymore?  In the US it is now completely under the thumb of the Yids.  Here is an alternate definition:

A political movement that plays a false opposition to liberalism; countering leftist excesses with more moderate variations.  It thereby serves to legitimize leftism by successfully implementing its schemes which otherwise the body would be more likely to reject outright.  The feminine role in the dialectical dance.

2) Patriot.  Anti blood and soil?  I still hold the term in high regard.  Maybe the connotations are affected by which side of the Atlantic you’re on.  To me it is a complimentary term to Nationalist rather than its antonym; one who acts decisively in defense of their cause.


Posted by Steve Edwards on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 17:09 | #

Yes - I have long been a student of dialectics, and “conservatism” is simply the founding thesis, intended to be synthesised with the Leftist counter-thesis, at every turn of the dialectical projection. Conservatism is utterly worthless. I’m open to the argument that libertarianism is equally worthless, but I’m also yet to see a compelling rebuttal of Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s systematic assault on statism (as opposed to the Randians idiotic attacks on…everything decent), including “national socialism”. So until then, I’ll stick with the absolutist principles of freedom association and private property as being the starting point of any western revival.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 17:48 | #


It’s an article of faith with me, I guess, that Conservatism has never been known in rebellious, forward-leaning, Enlightenment-ridden America - though Karlmagnus, who knows more about these things than I do, has corrected me on that in the recent past.  Still, I have encountered few Americans (Jim Kalb aside) who instinctively understand that Conservatism is not some sort of dynamic.  It does not proceed out of any fundamental dissatisfaction with the self.  It does not presume the perfectability of Man by external means.

We are so used to the idea that political parties, including the GOP or the British Tories, are there to facilitate progress towards freedom in some way, we lose sight of the fact that this is already liberalism.  To understand Conservatism in the sense that interests me, one must cease to look through the lens of progress and freedom.

Not that progress or freedom are missing from Conservatism but they are consequences, not great, primary goals.

Conservatism is built on the good of what we are - which, of course, includes our collective nature and interests.  This is a beautiful thing and, recognising that, Conservatism seeks first to entrench and then to express it.

There have been several articles and debates on this issue.  One is here and another here.

As for patriots, well ... self-hating, vinegar-weaned liberals aside, everyone is a patriot.  I view that stuff in more or less the same way as Lenin viewed religion.

It’s not the flag that counts for something.  It’s what’s in your veins and under your feet.  Patriotism is an obstruction to understanding that.


Posted by Daedalus on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 23:16 | #

Conservatism is built on the good of what we are - which, of course, includes our collective nature and interests.  This is a beautiful thing and, recognising that, Conservatism seeks first to entrench and then to express it.

That’s communitarianism.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 23:51 | #

Daedalus, I did say that Conservatism is unknown in America.

OK, I’ve fashioned some more definitions out of the suggestions above (Nick’s mostly beat me!).  If you can improve or add to my efforts, please go ahead.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 00:22 | #

I don’t know whether I was inadequately clear or whether Nick Tamiroff is particularly dim (calling Muslims “goat fuckers” does lend credence to this hypothesis) or both but just to make sure the point gets across:

What we’re attempting to do here is come up with operational definitions for words commonly used during verbal battles.  The operational definition of a word is the way it is actually used.  Humans have all sorts of cognitive machinery getting in the way of creating coherent lexicons of operationally defined words.  An intelligent computer doesn’t have that cognitive machinery getting in the way.  It will seek out the simplest lexical system adequately describing the speech acts it perceives.  Hence it will zero in on clear operational definitions of words and classify various uses of the words according to how best to make “sense” of the word given the context.

My suggestion is that the most powerful thing people can do to clarify language isn’t necessarily to come up with better operational definitions themselves—since such lexicons are subject to the criticism of bias—but rather to create objective criteria by which coherent lexicons can be created.  The goal is not to argue your opponent into the ground yourself but to create powerful automated agents that use best practices of speech to pursue epistemological coherence and hence clarify the debate without bias. 

Our motto should be:

“Rather than merely being victims of falsehood we can exploit the fact that we represent the truth.”


Posted by A. Windaus on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 02:09 | #

This sounds like the Devils Dictionary (by Ambrose Bierce), here is my favourite (note that the reprint does not have this original section):

  1. a Semite; member of the Arabian races.
  2. a matrilineal race characterized by habitual mutilation of the
      male sex organ and an over fondness for banking.
  3. the chosen people; chosen last and for the worst in all cases
      to date.


Posted by Andy on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 02:20 | #

conservatism the political expression of love of self, love of kind, love of country;


  This is a very nice definition; succinct and yet elucidative. 

I believe that it’s important to state the converse as well: that leftism is the political expression of hatred of kind, of country, and ultimately of self.  Leftists are self-hating whites. 


In libbo terms you and the good prof from UNLV are outliers.  That, obviously, applies to IQ as well as political maturity.


  I would add Vox Day to that select group.  VD is the only worthwhile libertarian read on the internet in my opinion.  His main flaw is that he isn’t a “serious” writer.  He is similar to H.L. Mencken in spirit if not in rhetorical ability.  He sees the decline of the West and mocks the idiots and hypocrites responsible, but isn’t trying to save it. 

Conservatism is utterly worthless. I’m open to the argument that libertarianism is equally worthless, but I’m also yet to see a compelling rebuttal of Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s systematic assault on statism


  Hoppe argues in Democracy—The God That Failed that all libertarians must be conservatives as well.  He makes the important point that:

Modern Conservatism, in the United States and Europe, is confused and distorted.  This confusion is largely due to democracy.  Under the influence of representative democracy and with the transformation of the U.S. and Europe into mass democracies from World War I, conservatism was transformed from an antiegalitarian, aristocratic, antistatist ideological force into a movement of culturally conservative statists: the right wing of the socialists and social democrats.  pg 190

  It’s this pre-democracy conservatism that we need a return to.  Conservatism like this would make libertarianism an anarchronism.  You’re definitely correct about private property rights and freedom of association.  It’s not enough, however. 

Mark Stein


Is your mispelling of “Steyn” deliberate?

genetic determinism Orwellian attempt to smear hereditarians with fanaticism by those who are themselves fanatical in their environmental determinism


  I’m not sure if it’s “Orwellian” but it’s definitely a strawman.  I think “genetic determinism” functions more as a strawman than as an accusation of fanaticism, though there are elements of the latter in it as well. 

  non-racist or environmental determinist 

  Wild-eyed fanatic who seeks to deny all racial and gender differences in order to prop up a tabula rasa worldview and justify endless social engineering projects.  Demonstrate a decided unwillingness to deal with objective reality instead of their subjective picture of what reality should be.


Posted by Count Dooku on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 02:35 | #

I think this lexicon thing is a good idea. You should set aside a linked webpage and allow multiple entries for the same word if you have enough witty or clever responses to match.


Posted by A. Windaus on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 02:35 | #

A possible extention / addition of the previous entries?

European: The peoples of Europe who tried to bring civilisation to the New World savages, but failed miserably. Now viewed as synonymous with the word ‘racist’ due to said peoples claiming victim status in the new liberal weltanschauung.

Immivasion: The immigrant invasion, whether legal or illegal, sponsored or supported by current sellout liberal governments.

BTW, is there a typo in ‘cognitive eltism’, should that not be ‘elitism’?


Posted by A. Windaus on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 02:50 | #

More stochastic thoughts for today:

1. A person who realises that society in general is going downhill quickly and wishes a return to a better time.
2. A person who believes that society was great as it was in his or her past and had no need for improvement.


Posted by Andy on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 03:02 | #

It’s Orwellian in the sense that it’s an inversion of reality; the determinists are the environmental determinists, who smear the nature-nurture “hereditarians” with the determinist label.


  Could it perhaps be the case that environmental determinists are incapable of comprehending the environment/genetics continuum that you spoke of in an earlier post? Could they actually believe that it has to be all or nothing on one side or the other? Could this be the thought process behind the “genetic determinism” claim? Are they less sinister then they are stupid?


Posted by Andy on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 03:05 | #

<Ahem> I meant to type “less sinister *than* they are stupid”.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 03:06 | #

“Change,” as in “Change is part of life, change is growth, change is inevitable, we must all welcome and learn to accept change”: 

Each step whether gradual or abrupt whereby are advanced the twin agendas of replacing normalness with degenerateness and race-replacing the European peoples with non-white Third-Worlders.  Only changes that go in those two directions or generally in the direction of increased meaninglessness (i.e., increasing entropy) are “change.”  Ones going in the opposite direction (back toward meaning and normalness) are fascism, racism, hate, and turning the clock back to the dark ages.

“Strong women,” as in “You only oppose Hillary for president because you’re afraid of strong women”

Women who support a radical left-wing social/political agenda.  Thus Phyllis Schlafly, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Flannery O’Connor, Lady Margaret Thatcher, Bryanna Bevens, Brenda Walker, Queen Elizabeth I, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta — all strong women by any standard — are not “strong women.”


Posted by Matra on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 05:43 | #

[patriot person who does not comprehend the relationship between blood and soil]

I don’t like giving up on a word coming from patrios (of one’s fathers) pater and patris. It seems perfect for those of us who put blood first. Of course, I can’t imagine an NFL team called the New England Nationalists.

nation: just a collection of people living under the same government

libertarian: a capitalist trying to be hip


Posted by Count Dooku on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 05:50 | #

“racist” Someone winning an arugment with a liberal. - Peter Brimelow


Posted by Marc on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 06:01 | #

I believe that it’s important to state the converse as well: that leftism is the political expression of hatred of kind, of country, and ultimately of self.  Leftists are self-hating whites.

Some are.  But some are just lazy sorts who use leftism as a quick way of distinguishing themselves from the masses.  They don’t hate themselves, they hate other whites and think very highly of themselves. 

This is arrogance, which poisons the soul, as opposed to pride, which nurtures it.


Posted by Daedalus on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 09:20 | #

Hoppe argues in Democracy—The God That Failed that all libertarians must be conservatives as well.  He makes the important point that:

Libertarianism, the purest form of liberalism, implies conservatism? LOL, seriously.


Posted by Daedalus on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 09:53 | #

Daedalus, I did say that Conservatism is unknown in America. OK, I’ve fashioned some more definitions out of the suggestions above (Nick’s mostly beat me!).  If you can improve or add to my efforts, please go ahead.

The term “conservatism” in the sense you are using it is “communitarianism” in America. Similarly, “conservatism” in its American sense is actually “neoliberalism.” Some essays by the late Christopher Lasch here: features/a_dialogue_with_christopher_lasc.htm


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 11:09 | #


Thank you for the link to Lasch’s writings.  I did not know of him.  He was an interesting man and very often right in what he wrote.  I see that he died in 1994 at no great age.  One can only wonder what he would have made of the present “conservative” in the Oval Office.

But he doesn’t say what, in my view, has to be said about America, and that’s that it is wholly a nation of cultural amputees feeling in the dark for the authenticity of ethnos and finding, inevitably, only the void of demos.  Thus communitarianism has about it the unmistakable hallmarks of a dynamic search for identity and meaning.  It is predicated not on our natures but on a particular narrative of Man as a social being.

Perhaps that would be a better way forward than liberalism.  But it isn’t out of the deep political tradition - 520 years - that I am trying to portray.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:05 | #

“America:  a nation of cultural amputees feeling in the dark for the authenticity of ethnos and finding, inevitably, only the void of demos.”


Posted by Andy on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:41 | #

Libertarianism, the purest form of liberalism, implies conservatism? LOL, seriously.


  Seriously, bro.  Note that I didn’t say that libertarianism implies conservatism.  He argues that libertarians must be conservative becase left-libertarianism is worthless.  Hoppe is talking about a fusion of social conservatism with antistatism. 

  And that is totally serious, LOL.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:47 | #

No, Fred, that is not one for the Lexicon.  It would be too arrogant of an Englishman to insist upon such a harsh and judgemental definition of his own people across the pond.

The point remains, in any case, that European people anywhere in this world can step back into their own natures and make politics from there.  Except that the liberal way of thinking has got us all by the balls we could do it tomorrow morning.


Posted by Daedalus on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 14:37 | #

But he doesn’t say what, in my view, has to be said about America, and that’s that it is wholly a nation of cultural amputees feeling in the dark for the authenticity of ethnos and finding, inevitably, only the void of demos.

This hasn’t always been the case. Americans had a strong sense of ethnic identity until quite recently, especially in regions of the country less affected by European immigration. There has always been a tradition of civic nationalism, but it coexisted with an equally important tradition of ethnic nationalism until the mid-twentieth century, and American history reflects that. As Buchanan pointed out recently in his new book, this deeper tradition of ethnic nationalism was clearly on display in the American Civil War. In that case, a sworn commitment to a piece of paper wasn’t enough to keep Robert E. Lee or the Upper South loyal to the Union. In his First Inaugural Address, Lincoln appealed beyond the Constitution to this same tradition of ethnic nationalism.

The tension between these two forms of nationalism was described by Gunnar Myrdal in his book The American Dilemma. The Ku Klux Klan, for example, was hardly a liberal organization, nor was the racial caste system of Jim Crow a particularly liberal way of treating one’s fellow citizens. “Freedom” in the American sense of the word found its meaning in the absence of freedom of American nonwhites. Many historians have pointed out in recent years that black slavery and Indian removal was the flip side of white liberty. The Immigration Act of 1924 which established the national quota system, geared to the census of 1890, was explicitly designed to preserve the ethnic character of America. The various nativist movements of the 1840s and 1920s appealed to it as well. The South chose white supremacy over liberalism until well into the 1960s. Resistance to integration in the South was awash with explicitly ethnic themes such as the ubiquitous use of the Confederate flag in the massive resistance movement.

The U.S. was also founded as a republic, not as a liberal democracy. Indeed, the Founders themselves said little about liberalism, and the majority of them were harshly critical of democracy. Insofar as they referred to democracy, it was in the abstract sense of discussions of political theory; as one system of government alongside monarchy. The Federalists like Adams and Hamilton were bitter critics of democracy. Even after their demise and the triumph of Jackson, democracy was only one aspect of the American identity. The great democrat Andrew Jackson was famous above all else as a slayer of Indians. Ol’Hickory would later systematically cleanse American Indians from the Southeast during his presidency.

The modern liberal looks back at American history and sees one horror after another. Extermination of the Indians. Slavery. Jim Crow. Naked imperialism. Women in the home. If commitment to liberalism is our yardstick, then our ancestors certainly have much to answer for. American history only really begins to make sense when you realize that we haven’t always been so committed to liberalism.

Indeed, it was Great Britain, not the United States, that was the great apostle of liberalism during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Britain was greatest promoter of free trade. Ricardo and Smith founded liberal economics. John Stuart Mill founded modern liberal political theory. The U.S. clung to neo-mercantalism for much of this period and was denounced as a backward, reactionary state by the liberals of Europe. The U.S. was also denounced for its failure to abolish slavery on European timetables.

It wasn’t until the New Deal that Americans embraced “liberalism” in any sense of the word. Under FDR, America dramatically lowered its trade barriers to foreign commerce. As it became harder to criticize capitalism during the Cold War, liberals turned their attention away from economic reform to social crusades that expanded the boundries of freedom in the 60s and 70s.

This “void of demos” you describe reflects not only America at the beginning of the twenty-first century, but Canada and much of Europe as well. It goes back to the radical movements of the sixties and ultimately to the reaction of Western elites to the Second World War. During the fifties and sixties, the American national identity was stripped down to liberalism. Samuel P. Huntington and Eric Kaufmann have written about this in some detail.

“The United States has often been viewed by ethnicity and nationalism scholars as the quintessential civic nation historically defined by its commitment to eighteenth century liberal ideology. This paper takes issue with such a perspective. Instead, the United States, for nearly its entire existence, is shown to be an ethnic nation characterized by non-conformist Protestantism and pre-Norman, Anglo-Saxon genealogy. This self-styled “American” ethnie sought to reshape the nation in its own image and saw its destiny in Purtian, millennial terms. Faced with large inflows of non-British immigrants, the “Americans” employed techniques of Anglo-conformity in an attempt to transform the newcomers into “WASPs.” When this process was viewed as inadequate, movements of cultural nationalism and immigration restriction developed which resulted in the institution of a set of boundry-defining practices that began in the 1920s and continued into the 1960s. Developments in the “West” have since ushered in an era of liberal civic nationhood in which the U.S. has participated. In this manner, America’s shift from ethnic to civic nationalism is not exceptional, but instead reflects a broader value shift in Western culture.


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 15:44 | #

“The United States has often been viewed by ethnicity and nationalism scholars as the quintessential civic nation historically defined by its commitment to eighteenth century liberal ideology. This paper takes issue with such a perspective. Instead, the United States, for nearly its entire existence, is shown to be an ethnic nation characterized by non-conformist Protestantism and pre-Norman, Anglo-Saxon genealogy. This self-styled “American” ethnie sought to reshape the nation in its own image and saw its destiny in Purtian, millennial terms. Faced with large inflows of non-British immigrants, the “Americans” employed techniques of Anglo-conformity in an attempt to transform the newcomers into “WASPs.” When this process was viewed as inadequate, movements of cultural nationalism and immigration restriction developed which resulted in the institution of a set of boundry-defining practices that began in the 1920s and continued into the 1960s. Developments in the “West” have since ushered in an era of liberal civic nationhood in which the U.S. has participated. In this manner, America’s shift from ethnic to civic nationalism is not exceptional, but instead reflects a broader value shift in Western culture. “

Substitute “Rome” for the United States and America,change the dates,and you have a brief of “The Downfall of the Roman Empire”  Pin-heads are amazing!!


Posted by gwood on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 17:44 | #

“Terrorism:” Deliberately blowing up civilians for political ends.  What those cowardly Muslim scum do.

“Strategic Bombing:” Deliberately blowing up civilians for political ends.  What our heroic bomber pilots do.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 18:26 | #

Alex Zeka wrote: Can you actually program a computer so that it understands human debate?  I would have thought that reducing even the driest bit of policy wonkery, never mind arguments about the place of race and other such emotive questions, to symbolic logic would be very difficult. If you don’t plan to do that, how precisely are you going to get the computer to understand just what the context in which any word is used is.

See <a >my comment (also responding to you) on algorithmic information theory</a>.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 18:43 | #

English – nascent multiculturalists, proselytes of the exotic; analogous, equivalent, resemblant

English Canada – anglophiles

French Canada - anglophobes


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 19:17 | #

gwood-I I stand by my “goat-fuckers"description of Muslims,as I do my previously described niglets fucking monkeys in Africa-I have PERSONALLY witnessed both. Your strategic bombing definition should remind all of the Dresden bombings,which had absolutely NO strategic value,but was by and in it’s self a terroristic act by the Allies,all because Churchills’little cottage in Coventry was hit by a V-1.Only losers are “war criminals”,and we better not lose this perspective;this hopefully ‘Last Crusade”.Turn the entire region of sand into a radio-active sheet of glass{Jews included},and we will have also saved the world from “Global Warming”,by having a large reflector to decrease adsorbation of heat from the increasing radiation from the sun [BTW- even Mars is getting hotter] WTF did carbon dioxide have to do with that? Come on,pin-heads;I’m sure you have “studies”,or reference materiel by other pin-heads which will refute the obvious. BTW,I miss JJR,which has led to more work for GW,and relieved us of the infantile O H immler.Cheers!!  Oh,and Semper Fi !


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 19:58 | #

Characterizing Muslims as “goat-fuckers” or Africans as “monkey-fuckers” so poorly characterizes those groups that it lends credence to the crap ideology that group chacterizations per se are themselves crap.  The “personally witnessed” criteria is anecdotal and although you are entitled to your opinions based on personal experience, you had best not expect the rest of us to go along with you on that basis.

Moreover, dreaming of a sheet of glass where middle eastern peoples now reside is a rather self-destructive perspective.  In particular Jews in the middle east are at least attempting to build a nation and thereby possibly demonstrate their character as a people rather than merely as a parasite of other nations.  I’m an Oslo Accord Zionist for that reason. 

The solution to the middle eastern problem isn’t some sort of nuclear sterilization program but rather the same solution to the rest of the human drama globally:  Self-determination upon agriculturally sufficient lands leading to demonstration of what human ecologies work and what human ecologies don’t work.

I’m confident enough in my own people, given the moral equivalent of Zionism and Palestinian self-determination for us, to be happy for the creation of both a Jewish and Palestinian state—“OVER THERE”.


Posted by Voice on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 22:03 | #

Nick T.

Your last post was fricking hilarious…I am saving that one

BTW, did you say you served in the forces in Sub-Saharan Africa?  I think you should either start a blog detailing your experiences or potentially write a book.

In your words, I am being completely honest “not some snot nosed pussy who wouldn’t know his ass from his elbow attempting to be a cutesy sarcastic a-hole!”  How did I do?


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 22:30 | #

Svyatoslav Igorevich Aren’t Scots referred to as “sheep fuckers” in some quarters?

Of course.  In fact, any group that identifies with cities over the production of food for the cities is referred to similarly by those dependent on the sources of food.  It is mainly a way of messing with the accounting.  “You fuck your animals so we get to fuck your girls.”

If a Scot ever fucked a sheep (little doubt there), does that mean we refer to Scots as “sheep fuckers”?

That depends on who the “we” you refer to are.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 22:36 | #

Erratum:  The roles of referrer and refered should be reversed in the above.


Posted by Voice on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 23:48 | #

thanks Nick

I would have loved to see the days of the normal natural order in Africa.  People don’t realize how cowardly these f k;ers are without the media making them out to be macho men.  Pack animals thats all they are..

My brother was a Marine in the infantry, btw, but he didn’t serve in wartime.  I don’t want to see the draft but with all the snot nosed pussies running around I think national service(with boot camp!) would be a good idea.

Part of the problem, if the kid is lazy at school or doesn’t push himself in the athletic arena then they have never challenged themselves their whole worthless lives.

No wonder they end up sucking their momma’s titty(wife).  Hey, I just may start to enjoy this talk.

Yes. You bet your ass I have an authoritarian personality.  lol


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 23:51 | #

OK, that’s it for the night.  No more additions, corrections til tomorrow - though it may be that Bluehost will finally do the work on the blog that has been ordered, in which case it’s bye-bye for some hours, I’m afraid.

Anyhow, the Lexicon is making strong progress.  There are still some corrections to be thrashed out in due course, and some suggested additions I can’t quite get my poor head around just now.

But keep them coming.


Posted by Daedalus on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 03:32 | #

Characterizing Muslims as “goat-fuckers” or Africans as “monkey-fuckers” so poorly characterizes those groups that it lends credence to the crap ideology that group chacterizations per se are themselves crap.

True story. During the sixteenth century, when the English first encountered blacks in West Africa, they also simultaneously discovered the chimpanzee and orangutan as well. The presence of dark skinned humans living amongst so many monkeys led the English to speculate that Negroes were the offspring of humans who had been raped by orangutans in the tropics. They believed this for many, many years right down until the mid-seventeenth century when dissections revealed that Negroes and the great apes were related, but where different species.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 04:00 | #

The bottom line about this supremacist crap is that Europeans, particularly northern Europeans, don’t have the stomach for it the way other cultures do.  This is not a weakness but a strength.  Slave societies are lousey at technical innovation and therefore eventually lose out to societies whose members are more self-sufficient.  Bottom line:  machines make much better slaves than people.

Thinking that Europeans can sustainably play the dominance games played by Africans or middle Easterners is so stupid “hubris” doesn’t begin to describe the resulting abyss.

Just look at what is happening to the USA due to the importation of Africans and quasi-slaves from Latin America, not to mention the European homelands from their colonies in southern Asia and Africa.


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 04:01 | #

Orangutans have never been indigeonous to the African continent-only Borneo and Sumatra/Indonesia. Just as Lemurs are incidental to Madagascar while only 120 miles away from the African continent.Back in the ancient days we learned this stuff in the 6th grade-but then we had teachers,not unionized pin-heads.LOL


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 04:30 | #

Liberal supporters of affirmative action are de facto White supremacists as the misguided and hate-based social engineering nonsense is premised upon perceived White superiority. Of course, when liberals claim that because Blacks comprise about 12% of the US population they should be numerically represented pro rata in universities, the bleeding-hearts conveniently ignore this rule-of-thumb when it is applied to Jews (2.5%).


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 04:58 | #

Bowery-At times your thought processes elude me-or I am totally dense.At times you make good sense,but two days later are self-contridiçting.Is this a ploy to elicit controversy,or just the ramblings of a sophmoric wannabe pin-head?  I,personally,would like to see self-proclaimed bios,including ages,experiences,and education of all posting—JJR never kept his bio in secret—He,as I,“Iyam who I yam”  Would that all be so forthcoming,or am I intruding on your rights? Well ,let me tell you something partner,the fourth admendment stipulates the right of the accused to face their accuser—in other words-just who the fuck are you,and just what are your credentials,if any??  BTW,since I can’t piss off OH ,I might as well pick up on you. LOL


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 05:37 | #

The kicker is James, for the evil empire, the supremacy was/is broader than race.

In October 1865, a local rebellion by peasantry in Jamaica was put down with the utmost ferocity by the island’s governor Edward John Eyre. Eyre’s actions generated considerable debate in Britain. Most of those who defended his viciousness did so on the grounds, not that Jamaicans were black, but that they were no different from English workers. ‘The negro’, observed Edwin Hood, ‘is in Jamaica as the costermonger [seller of fruits and sundry items from a barrow] is in Whitechapel; he is very likely often nearly a savage with the mind of a child.’

The point that Nick does not get [why would any self-respecting whiteman have a picture of anybody fucking a monkey?] is that “they” consider him to be no different than the monkey fuckers.

In other words Nick, “they” consider you to be nothing more than a nigger in a white coat. Who gives a shit whether the white was or was not supreme in Africa? The issue is survival in your homeland. Jim Crow or apartheid was not about about the white man being God, it was about social control. Immigration restriction was not about Nordic supremacy it was about the survival of the values of the people who founded the nation.

Ready Aye Ready


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 06:55 | #

Perhaps, Desmond, the costermongers deserved symapthy rather than aristocratic scorn. As this link shows, the London market in which they operated was “entirely in the hands of the Jews”.

Nick, you really would be better off losing the chips on both shoulders regarding those who demonstrate an intellect-based approach to our race’s difficulties. However,I admit would like to have heard you in full flight at one of your Mensa meetings if you were faced with the inevitable liberal genius.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 07:17 | #

Interesting article Al, however, it contradicts the position that the market was dominated by Jews.

Concerning the street trades pursued by the Jews, I believe that there is not at present a single one of which they can be said to have a monopoly; nor in any one branch of the street-traffic are there so many of the Jew traders as there were a few years back.

This remarkable change is thus to be accounted for. Strange as the fact may appear, the Jew has been undersold in the streets, and he has been beaten on what might be called his own ground - the buying of old clothes. The Jew boys, and the feebler and elder Jews, had, until some twelve or fifteen years back, almost the monopoly of orange and lemon street-selling, or street-hawking.


In the whole of these trades, unless in some degree in sponges and blacklead-pencils, the Jew is now out-numbered or displaced.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 07:30 | #

Desmond, my understanding was that the costermongers, as retailers, had no choice but to buy their stock from a wholesale trade controlled “entirely by Jews”.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 08:57 | #

When I was fourteen I had a summer job working on Bernard Gilmour’s fruit stall in Bolton market.  The local big man was a guy named Lol Hurt.  Everybody knew to keep on the right side of Lol.  He was a flashy bloke, jet-black hair, smart suit - drove around in a vast, lilac-coloured Mk.10 Jag which I came perilously close to denting one day with my hand-cart.  But nobody told me he was Jew.

I met one old guy who, like me, was a Londoner.  He’d been in the fruit trade all his life, most of which he had worked at Covent Garden, of course.  For some unaccountable reason the only one of his tales I remember him telling me was about the Soho strippers who would call in at the Market tea stalls on their way home in the small hours.  They’d take their clothes off out of warm-heartedness for the lads, and the whole place would come to a stop.

But I don’t think they were Jewish either.


Posted by wjg on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 17:01 | #

JJR revealing his personal information was clearly possible because he had made it clear that he serves the master that most of the rest of us choose to defy.

Being an anonymous patriot (ignoring GW’s definition for now) is much more important than a public sycophant.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 17:25 | #

OK, wjg, I’ve amended it to accomodate all points of view.  Maybe.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 19:25 | #

Nick Tamiroff wrote:  I,personally,would like to see self-proclaimed bios,including ages,experiences,and education of all posting—JJR never kept his bio in secret—He,as I,“Iyam who I yam” Would that all be so forthcoming,or am I intruding on your rights? Well ,let me tell you something partner,the fourth admendment stipulates the right of the accused to face their accuser—in other words-just who the fuck are you,and just what are your credentials,if any??  BTW,since I can’t piss off OH ,I might as well pick up on you. LOL

Good grief are you dense!

Just google for “Jim Bowery” or “James Bowery”.  If you want to go back over 15 years you can go to google groups and do the same to get my usenet posts.

I’m one of the least anonymous personages you’ll ever find who dares “name the Jew” and who isn’t a professional white nationalist.

And, no, I don’t agree with you that others should be forthcoming with their identities.  Those of us who aren’t protected by tenure, pension or enough wealth that we can afford to retain our own legal staff are vulnerable to the same kind of professional damage I’ve suffered.  My choice to be open about my identity may not have been wise although I did have my reasons for pursuing openness.

One thing I will definitely go along with: 

Those who want to snipe at others who are not anonymous should not feel ethically righteous.

So, just who the hell are you Nick Tamiroff?  All of your google hits turn up within this blog and you provide no links to personal information with your moniker.


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 20:07 | #

JWB-In your instance,I’m guilty as charged,and I apologise.You have earned the right to wear pants,and state your position.I should have Googled your name before I treated you like a sophmoric wannabe.If you want my personal CV ,Iwill gladly present it to you-DY has my permission to give you my E-mail address.Most of my life has been out of the public,for various reasons[none nefarious],but at 67,what the hell can they do to me?Again,I’m sorry for any personal affront,and hope we can patch our rhetoric. Again,I apologise-N Tamiroff


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 20:19 | #


Nick has described his history at length and gone so far as to leave details here about himself that I have felt compelled to delete once because I and another feared for his safety ... only to find they re-appeared in his next comment.  There is no doubt that he is brave, foolish or sincere enough to expose himself to enemy fire - perhaps all three.

Anyhow, I’m calling a truce here because, personally, I would rather read something productive than this.

You are right about anonymity, though.  There is no virtue in attacking it.  There are people associated with this blog who have paid a price in the past that the attackers have not paid - nor, probably, ever will.  One day it will all be over and these guys can walk in the sunlight again.  But until that day the open ones would do well not to congratulate themselves too much.


Posted by Boris on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 20:47 | #

LA RECONQUISTA: No explanation needed.
AGE OF AQUARIUS: When men stoped being men. All forms of masculinity and galantry are to be shun and replaced with understanding and sensitivity. In other words be less a man and more a women.
BTW Nick I missed you in Angola, but Ethiopia was a blast.
I’m glad to see you patch up with James, I like you both, but a little fight now and then is fine if it leads to results.


Posted by wjg on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 21:00 | #


Who you take on makes quite a difference as to your danger in being public or private with your identity.  Those who take on 3rd Worlders are to be commended but they are fodder and superfluous to the real fight; the fight for soul of the White Race and the control of our future.

When one takes on the enemy who has the power to ruin, imprison, if not kill a man is when him being public is most laudatory.  That enemy finds it useful for us to rage against the blacks and Muslims it has loosed on us.  These are more potential killing fields for white cattle just like Korea, Nam, Afghanistan, and Iraq.  Whites die for nothing useful, 3rd Worlders hate us, and God’s Chosen are there to “fix” the resulting chaos.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 21:12 | #

Very well.  However, the issue of <a >separatism vs supremacism</a> is central and cannot be swept under the rug.  If someone with my history of “anti-Semitism” can side with the Oslo Accord Zionists within that debate it should be clear how central it really is.


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 21:15 | #

Boris-I was in Ethopia when Wheelis was being dismanteled as an intel site,and again in Cyprus,when we thermited equipment bays on the way out-many co-workers lost cars,personal possessions,etc.,all in an area the State Department declared “family safe”.Most of us “rats’used to use Bankok as home base,at a little rest- house on Soi 13,just off Sumpervit,and only two miles from pat pong[halve a mile from cowboy street].Ah,Those were the days——-


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 21:30 | #

wjg-my basic problem with a lot of posters on this site is the base anti-semitism-which I find no rational for.I may not want my daughter to marry one,but would gladly give him YOUR gun,as he is probably more adept at self-preservation.Like it or not-the Jews are our pit-bulls in the mid-east.Our money is better spent for Israli arms than condoms for African Niggers.


Posted by wjg on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 21:36 | #


I read that article on wikipedia and it seems fairly balanced.  I’m amazed it has not been censored to say that white anything (Separatism, Supremacism, Nationalism,etc.) is evil, EEEEEVILLLL.  We all know what anti-semitism is: being against (anti) anything - even our own genocide - that Jewry (Semites, or so they say) wants.

BTW, I’m definitely a separatist.  Daedalus and I had a discussion at his blog on this subject.  I oppose Supremacy because, ironically, it is good for the 3rd World and bad for us.  Like you, I support a Jewish homeland.  I just despise their hypocrisy in trying to deny us the same right to exist in land of our own.

Supremacism and Separatism need to be added to the Lexicon.


Posted by Boris on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 21:37 | #

“In particular Jews in the middle east are at least attempting to build a nation and thereby possibly demonstrate their character as a people rather than merely as a parasite of other nations”
Wow, I can’t believe this. Because of the guilt imposed by Jews on Germans they get latest submarimes at a discount. See if any other nation can do that. They also thought of imparting the same feeling on France but it didn’t last long before the French said enough. Then they cleverly latched on the USA even though some religious pamphlets to this day describe the US as just another power who’s turning their backs on the poor Jews. Everybody wants the Jews dead, according to this pamphlet. See, it’s not enough that privately Jews hold inmense fortunes, they also need the US to provide aditional funding to a first world nation(are they?) The kicker is that this ‘loans’ are never collected, so if I’m a US taxpayer I see something wrong with the above statement.
The pamphlet I mention above only provides an address and telephone number.
Shema Israel
Messianic Jewish Congregation
Published by:
Chick Publications
P.O. Box 3500
Ontario, CA 91761-1019


Posted by wjg on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 21:55 | #


If Mordecai sold the gun you gave him to Jamaal and Jamaal used it to harm you who would you blame?  The savage who did what should be expected of a savage or the cultured, respectable, above-reproach member of God’s Chosen Race?

Your analogy of giving him the gun is apt.  We have given him the keys to our city and now we are reaping the whirlwind.

Thinking Israel is “our” friend begs the question of who are “we”.  Israel IS an ally of the regime running the US government - and I’m not referring to the current puppet who sits in the Oval Office.  Without the Occupation Government of the US transferring vast amounts of White wealth to Israel it would have long ceased to exist.  So when they help “us” (e.g. Desert Storm), the “us” sure as heck ain’t White folks but our masters.

3rd Worlders afflicting us are merely a symptom of a much more serious spiritual disease.


Posted by Boris on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 22:02 | #

Nick- I was a kid when in Ethiopia and remember little. My memories from those times are actually fond ones. BTW I believe our money is better spent HERE. Yes you can add isolationist(oops big brother’s watching, or reading) to one of my beliefs.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 22:56 | #

wjg wrote: I read that article on wikipedia and it seems fairly balanced.  I’m amazed it has not been censored to say that white anything (Separatism, Supremacism, Nationalism,etc.) is evil, EEEEEVILLLL.  We all know what anti-semitism is: being against (anti) anything - even our own genocide - that Jewry (Semites, or so they say) wants.

If you look at <a >the history of the white separatism article</a> you’ll see my name and my edits.  It was quite a battle and probably will remain so for the foreseeable future.

In particular the opponents have been deleting the statements by Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln attempting to claim that their explicit calls for separate states for the races does not qualify as “white separatism”.  The best they’ve been able to make stick to the article is to claim that contemporary white separatism has nothing to do with the historic normative white separatism that included the icon of the civil rights movment, Lincoln himself.


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 23:25 | #

Boris-I agree-all OUR money should be here,but not on cock-a - minniny schemes as Medicare Part D . The productivity of a bureaucracy is at best 5-10%,and all these agencies are just so helpfull in passing out freebies to illegals,criminals,and derilicts so they can show “progress"And it’s only going to get worse-a sad fate we await,unless we rediscover our testicals,and say—I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT-WÉ,THE PEOPLE RUN THIS COUNTRY-SHAPE UP,OR SHIP OUT. Want to exchange bullet molds,or powder formulas?He-He—No reply expected.Semper Fi !


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 00:15 | #

JWB-I said to DY that I would tone down my speech proclivites,but reading your above missive citing Madison and Lincoln,I can only say THEY WOULDN’T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU’RE TRYING TO IMPART.These men spoke in terms the general populace understood,spoke in terms recognizable to ordinary citizenry,and did not ever try to lord it over the great unwashed.I have read just about everything Madison has written,and admire the obvious intellect,sans BULLSHIT!  GW-damn,it’s difficult. NT


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 01:05 | #

Goat Fucker—Any Muslim male [when the “house-boy"is in use by others]    Monkey fucker—any nigger in Africa under the age of not capably molesting his sister who is saving it for mommy’s present daddy.Christ people-get with reality-the shit you read in the news is only the tip of the pile of shit we live in-gang-rapes daily by niggers and illegals,home invasions daily by niggers and illegals.driveby shootings by niggers and illegals,car-jackings by primarily niggers,etc.,etc.,etc.When the hell are we going to wake up,and take positive action?Get CWP’s for yourself and your wife;keep a LOADED gun within reach at all times in your houshold;don’t hesitate to shoot the MFer inthe middle of the chest[best aim point for those who have not previously killed.]Semper Fi!


Posted by Andy on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 01:41 | #

Get CWP’s for yourself and your wife;keep a LOADED gun within reach at all times in your houshold;don’t hesitate to shoot the MFer inthe middle of the chest[best aim point for those who have not previously killed.]Semper Fi!


  Unfortunately this is not an option for our friends in the UK. For that matter, it’s hardly an option for me here in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts. 

  A homeowner shoud be legally allowed to shoot any home invader, no questions asked.  If the perp is crazy enough to break into your home while you’re there, there is no telling what he’ll do.  I’m with Nick: give him three in the chest first.  Ask questions later, when the MFer is trying to plug the holes in his breast.


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 02:56 | #

Thanks all who agreed with me-if we don’t take up our own defense,then we have none.It has already been ruled that 911 calls are not obligatory responses,and if your ass is in jeoprody,you better have a gun handy[even in Kennedy-land]Here in Florida,since the new laws[no retreat,shoot if threatened,liberal CWP requirements,etc.,have led to far less nigger crime,except in the theme park areas around Orlando,which is happy hunting grounds,with all those tourists that think diversity and multiculturism is hunkey-dory.In Orlando,it’s a turf battle between the niggers,mestizos,and Puerto-Ricans to see who can “can"the most tourists.Mickey and Minney need to start packing.


Posted by Boris on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 02:57 | #

Nick- all aye. I can tell from your writings that your either a marine or a mercenary. Either or, are fine with me. James has very valid points and should be studied. Though I am as rough a neck as you(not counting the almost 3 decades you’ve got on me) don’t expect same from everybody. Indeed I’d trade some of my roughness for some intelect.


Posted by Boris on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 03:10 | #

Lets not forget to properly fence in your house and keep a mean dog or two(I’d recomend rotweilers) Also, keep your windows secure(by any means possible) and(if you’re living in a condo keep your balconies secure)(not too long ago in florida we had the real spider man, he’d go to the top of condos and ‘slide’down to your balcony)
Recycle or spend your bullets tri-monthly


Posted by Boris on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 03:33 | #

If I had a late child(and I recomend this to all here) Iwould home school him/her. I would need help with my manuals and books. We should start a forum into which we can contribute to our kins survival by means of education(our own)..


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 03:38 | #

Boris-Yes and yes-Marine Force Recon,and Merc in Angola{+tail end of Biafra}.I have no particular pride nor regrets for my performance in life-just happy to still be here-and have a good wife[finally] I would be more than happy to speak with you under any tems-you have my permission to access my e-mail via MR-I think I posted it publicly some time in the past,but then I’m getting older.Cheers,Belorus.


Posted by Boris on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 03:43 | #

I think we can’t have it both ways. We’re either good to criticise whatever, or we’re to follow the PC way. I’ll take the former, the later is brought us nothing but scum.


Posted by Boris on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 03:53 | #

I’m nitpicking ‘cause nobody would talk to me’, but. Boer Genocide goes back further than the ANC, see the British and their genocide of whites in SA. Whilst they’ve managed to apologize to non-whites(such as Maories) they’ve never done so for the Boer.


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 04:23 | #

Boris-Intellect is acquired,not presented to you by a [blank] liberal professor,in Berkley or UM .Just hide and watch-the stupid activities of others will teach you what not to do.That’s why some lion cubs live and others don’t.Instinct is the crowning achievement of the intellect of man,probably passed on by our forebears,and instilled in our psyches[sic].Thought processes are evolved through experiences,deal with them on a long-term basis—not daily.You might even live as long as me He-He!-three cancers[one stage four],alive and still pantng ,I ain’t going until no-ones left to piss off. Semper FI !


Posted by Boris on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 04:29 | #

It is just plain good to have your posts. BTW I also miss JJR, though I do not agree with some of his views. I’d say let him back. For all yall supremacists, we cannot win unless unified as whites, first as europeans, then as christians(I’d take atheists too).
Home school your children and learn how to shoot.
Support polygamists wherever they’re found if they’re white.


Posted by Boris on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 04:38 | #

Your words are like my fathers(RIP). I admired him, still do.
However, I still thirst for all the info. all this contributers bring. Thank you all, bring it on, we surely need this discussion.
Always remember to lock your doors, your domain is the envy of the “displaced”.
Only a Marine could utter Semper Fi,
But I agree


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 05:01 | #

Boris-Idon’t know if you want to hear this,but your White South African citizens brought it upon themselves.After the Rhodesia cluster-fuck;just how the fuck did de clerk figure whites were going to get an equal playing field? If there is ever is a case for genocide,the African CONTINENT ranks # 1 Sure as hell make me happy-then can we try Haiti?


Posted by WJG on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 05:45 | #

Some more:

capitalism - acceptable outlet for deracialized Europeans to be creative for their destroyer’s benefit

citizenship - a piece of paper claiming to have mastered the alchemy of turning a sow’s ear into a silk purse

civil rights - the destruction of European people’s freedom of association

feminism - boondoggle that convinced men that women wanted to be men when it was really men who wanted to be women

fringe - tiny domain of those who seek truth over fantasy

mainstream - where masses learn that “whitey bad” and “darky good”

paleoconservatives - the non-jews who both lost authority to the neocons and then abandoned racialism

reparations - further shakedown of the only people who didn’t benefit from slavery - whites - to the only people who did - sheenies and blacks


Posted by Daedalus on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 12:47 | #

racial prejudice - the belief that nonwhites are racially inferior; assuming they are equal is not “racial prejudice” for some reason.

civil rights - the nullification of white rights and their redistribution amongst blacks as government sanctioned privileges (I have a “right” to be served in your restaurant).


Posted by wjg on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 16:09 | #

civil rights movement - subjugation of blacks by Jews for the purpose of destroying Whites


Posted by Count Dooku on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 17:39 | #

White surpemacist -

1. any European who puts the interests of Whites ahead of other races.

2. any European who objects or notices the gradual extinction of Whites.

3. any European who believes only in equal opportunity not outcomes.

Racist - any White person that believes or notices any racial difference(s) that rate Whites above anyone. Thesauraus - see White supremacist


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 18:12 | #

BORIS -re.the Borer/British conflict. Never mentioned in polite history,never examined objectively,lost to most[blank] academics, yet one of the most atrocious acts of White on White brutality.The purported Holocaust was less cruel than the fate of the Boer women and children who were left to starve in essentialy concertration camps.The Brits have apologised to every black in Africa,but NEVER to their White kin-folk, who were far more abused than any black.Makes one wonder just what the hell motivates the power structure.Cheers!


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 22:22 | #

The Brits have apologised to every black in Africa,but NEVER to their White kin-folk, who were far more abused than any black.

Possibly the the idea of concentration camps came from places like Andersonville.

The reason is simple. It’s class. The Boers were considered no better than the blacks or the English working class.

It never changes.


Posted by Boris on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 23:40 | #

I believe the discovery of inmense fortunes in diamonds and gold had more to do with the Boer genocide than class. Class might have played a part, but experience tells me follow the money…..........


Posted by Boris on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 23:53 | #

I wanna hear everything, then I’ll sort it out. Now, by reading your explantion of the white SA’s bringing this calamity upon themselves, one would logically conclude that the same can be said for us Americans. The traitor SA president who sold out his kins survival for the benefit of barbarians, is not too far off from our own president letting our heritage be overrun by barbarians.
I believe in both instances presidents acted against the majority of their kin. What do you think?


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 23:56 | #

Follow the money then Boris. A good place to start is by reading Geoffrey Wheatcroft’s ‘The Randlords’. Apart from Cecil Rhodes, whose Imperialist glory-seeking instincts dwarfed his cupidity, all the major players at the end of your money trail were Jews, eg Oppenheimer, Beit, Wernher and Barnato. In the Boer War the British army were the Janissaries of the Jews.


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 02:55 | #

Boris-You make a good point which I will not refute-our present leader[who I voted for] has abbrogated his right to lead OUR nation,but then,who the hell else is qualified-all politicians are scum-sucking ex-bureaucrats or lawyers who wouldn’‘t know reality unless a bribe was forthcoming.Basically,we’re fucked-CWII may be the only answer. Or maybe it should be the Second Revoltionary War.Anyway-keep your guns clean and your powder dry.Semper Fi!


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 03:40 | #

Al Ross-to a certain point I agree with you;but the primary point of the Borer “war"was British ego,which is sorely lacking these days.They have been invaded by the previously subjective,and now kissing their black and muslim asses.BTW-Agronomy was the basis of Boers livelyhood,diamonds and gold were not a factor until about 1875.And why do most on this site always have to place a Jewish component in their comments?History books written in the 1800’s-early 1900’s are much more reality-based than the crap being fed to your kids today.I sometimes think I am speaking to a Woodstock reunion.Jeeze! Oh,and Semper Fi!


Posted by Boris on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 04:29 | #

Not to worry we(USA) have picked up the Janissary baton.
As if more proof is needed of the revisionist era we’re living on, check this out specially if you’re an American. Tomorrow on the History channel there will be a look at what Oscar de la Hoya says is one of the most unjust wars of history. But then he quickly contorts it wasn’t him who just said that, but Ulysses Grant(the man doesn’t even have the balls to stand up for what he truly believes, but rather fight a sneak attack) If this is whats being discussed on the History channel, what other falsehood are children being thaught?


Posted by Boris on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 04:47 | #

Regarding Al I believe he’s right. I’ll explain later, first let me lay my case for the money. According to accounts from said war a few patriots(boer) wanted to go to the locations of the discovered mines and blow them up to smitherins(I don’t think this would have helped in the long run, but might have bought them some time)Now, if this is true, what else could possibly explain the motive for this war?
As for Jewish relevancy, I believe is justly deserved when their interests directly hurt ours. Otherwise I greatly admire their ‘67 war and cosider it on of the great miltary campaigns of the modern world. I’m even critical of the French abondoning Israel in time of need, and glad we(USA) offered the help we did. But, none of this gives a blanket permit, resposibility lays within individual acts. ie the cowardly attack on USS Liberty does not go unpunish, and yet it does.


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 06:03 | #

Boris-I regretfully have to concur-The Liberty situation is inexcusable,but the fact that our intelligence system was so devoid of internal protection led the Isralis to honestly[and with some accuracy]to believe it posed a problem.Ergo-get rid of a potential problem before it becomes real.War sucks,but keeping your ass in one piece is the prime directive.Bottom line-the primary blame is on the shit-heads in the Pentagon>


Posted by Boris on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 20:30 | #

Ooops, I forgot to mention the war discussed on the History channel is the American-Mexican war. It’s tonite, watch how history gets spinned as to make whites feel guilty(again) and want to ‘voluntarily’ give up all the ‘unjust’ gains of that war.
People, illegals are being sent to polls(not all of them of course, but even one is too many) and they’re voting. Our voting system is a joke, particularly the electronic ones. I’d say if voting with your fingerprint is what it takes, then do it and take the proof home in some piece of paper.


Posted by Rnl on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 05:09 | #

racist—term of abuse for a normal European person.

Something someone posted on AmRen a few months ago:

Gee, when we worry about the future of our kids, we’re racist. When we worry about the future of our best interests, we’re racist. When we worry about the future of OUR country, we’re racist. When all we do is merely exist, we’re racist. And - of course - when we discuss the current racial reality that has been thrust upon us, that makes us racist. Those of us who are actually racist, makes us racist.

The dictionary keeps shrinking ... about the only word we will need to know - all others having lost their validity - is the word ‘racist’. That’s all anyone needs to know. Now everything is racist, we are surrounded, and can now shoot in any direction.

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