The most surprising mainstream thread I have ever seen
George Pitcher is Religion Editor of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph. He was ordained priest in the Church of England in 2006 and is Curate at St Bride’s, Fleet Street, in London – the “journalists’ church”.
So says the blurb on the Rev George Pitcher’s Telegraph blog. It does not mention that George is the most open-minded journalist in the history of the known universe. Just read the comments to his piece published today and titled Why Auschwitz needs to become history.
If every mainstream journalist was as accomodating and open to ideas as this chap we would have knocked the Establishment over years ago. I wonder when his bosses are going to correct this, of course, completely unacceptable situation.
Posted by onetwothree on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 07:18 | #
Offtopic but must-see: