The politics of authenticity: Part 2

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 04 March 2022 19:20.

The purpose of this series of essays is to explore the function and effect of a politics of ethnicity, should it prove possible to bring one to the public life of this land.  Properly speaking, within the layout that is in creation at this site, such exploration has to follow on from the work on The Structure Project, ie, on ethnic nationalism’s principles, parts, and processes, and its episteme.  But that, too, is a new venture not much added to at this point.  So it is cheating a bit to categorise work today under the “The Politics Project”.  But we’re going to do it because, well, I want to!  All of the work on this project will be reflective and propositional in kind, and will concern itself principally with the metapolitics of our lived life.  It will not, therefore, venture on to the ground of political argument or activism as such.


primordial tech
“Sometimes his genius goes dark and sinks down into the bitter well of his heart. But mostly his apocalyptic star glitters wondrously” ― Friedrich Hölderlin, 1770-1843, the early-Romantic era German poet whose influence upon Heidegger was so strong. 

Some weeks ago Fróði Midjord and Morgoth livestreamed a wide-ranging discussion on many of the issues which presently concern nationalists.  There was much germane and thoughtful comment, as one would expect.  But one sentiment peaked my interest.  It concerned a sentence offered by Martin Heidegger to Der Spiegel on the occasion in 1966 of the last interview he ever gave.  Publishing the interview was held over at his request until after his death in 1976.  That sentence - “Only a god can still save us” - has, unsurprisingly, assumed the status of a final testimony.  Its resignation to the darkness, along with the temptation to the religious to take it as literally as possible, hacks away at the will, as does all defeatism, and runs in the face of the very spirit of creativity which has, in no small part, led us to our present pass.  I want to challenge that resignation, which I will do in the next instalment.  In this one, though, I will just set out my understanding of “the problem”.

At the outset, and for the clarification of any religious literalists who may read this, neither Fróði nor Morgoth (who, by the way, both agreed with Heidegger’s sentiment) are prone to such literalism.  Obviously, it is not the death of the gods which thinking nationalists abhor but the spiral of disconnection, nihilism and degradation which has come after.  A whole (it would seem) indispensable and vivifying life of the spirit, a whole world of connecting traditions and order, a way of thinking about self and kin, has been swept away, condemning us, so it is said, to a death spiral of our own.  Observations to that effect arrived in our culture within sixty years of the start of the Industrial Revolution, and seventy years before Nietzsche’s Zarathustra spoke on the matter.  For example, Mary Shelley’s 1818 gothic novel Frankenstein is subtitled The Modern Prometheus.

By 1966 the Western half of Heidegger’s Germany was in the full flowering of its Wirtschaftswunder, the post-war economic miracle.  Not only National Socialism’s deeds and dreams but the romantic soul of 18th and 19th century Germany had long since been bombed and burned and carried away in wheelbarrows to the outskirts by the women of the rubble.  What modernity threw up in its place was a Germany of growing civic pride in featureless economic utilitarianism.  In its reflexive, driven focus on a redemption by work and consumption it was as sickly and distancing from the essential as was the worst night-life of Weimar Berlin.  Something American and Jewish had eaten away at the things of the patriotic heart, and substituted the paper-thin public value of loyalty to the corporation.  Perhaps that is what happens in modernity to a people for whom the past is cut off, and may not be visited except with shame, even a patently manufactured shame.  Some miracle, anyway.

This, then, was Heidegger’s Germany at the time of his final pronouncement on the modern and, too, on his grand historiographical revolution, launched with such adventure four decades earlier.  One could be forgiven for thinking that it shows.  The full quote from which those famous words are taken actually reads:

Philosophy will not be able to bring about a direct change of the present state of the world. This is true not only of philosophy but of all merely human meditations and endeavours. Only a god can still save us. I think the only possibility of salvation left to us is to prepare readiness, through thinking and poetry, for the appearance of the god or for the absence of the god during the decline; so that we do not, simply put, die meaningless deaths, but that when we decline, we decline in the face of the absent god.

Just for the record, we should note that Heidegger’s testament to the absent god is made not from faith but in hope and preparation, and some playfulness.  His reference to a god carefully avoids any association with the Christian eschatology.  He is not discussing the return of religion.  He is not departing from his long and steadfast opposition to reducing Being to a divine being.  In the manner of the old European mythologies, then, this god of whom he speaks is to be understood as a personified concept.  Students of those mythologies have been exchanging principal for principle for centuries, one notable example of which is Prometheus and his stolen technological fire.

At this point, before we proceed further, I should also register the very modern caveat that, as Heidegger knew very well but, obviously, could not state the fact for public consumption, the “He” of this personified concept is, in fact, a “She”.

Naming the absent goddess

Heidegger’s words above invite a couple of initial observations.

a) In the same year as the Der Spiegel interview, Heidegger published a lengthy essay made from his lecture notes of that time and titled, The end of philosophy and the task of thinking.  It is a philosopher’s reflection on what leads on from philosophy’s incapacity to redeem human being from the age of its undoing.  He distinguishes philosophy from purposive thinking, positing the conclusion of the former as a guide and participant in world-making, and assigning to the latter an on-going, post-metaphysical engagement with a range of questions (we might call them meta-questions) about elements such as rationality, proof, principle and justification.  The essay closes with another question, the final philosophical question, on the ongoing task of thinking itself:

Does the name for the task of thinking then read instead of Being and Time: Opening and Presence?  But where does the opening come from and how is it given? What speaks in the “It gives”?  The task of thinking would then be the surrender of previous thinking to the determination of the matter of thinking.

Obviously, these are questions meant for professional thinkers, not the journalists of Der Spiegel, and probably not laymen like me.  But, anyway, on the matter of opening and presence:

transit, main body section
The central section of the Ontological Transit, which is my interpretation of the esoteric pathway of “Opening and Presence”

... and on “the determination of the matter of thinking”, which determination I take to be represented by the esoteric ↔ exoteric distinction, I might have some small thing to say in the second instalment of this essay.

b) Clearly, in this case the personified concept is the power which resolves the modernist crisis of voided meaning in the lived life.  But it is not meaning itself.  It is not even the human truth, shared or otherwise, from which meaning springs.  The personified concept is the deliverer of that truth, which literalises as the feminine spirit of human self-ownership and authenticity.  Her name is Alethea, which translates in ancient Greek as Ἀλήθεια, the spirit of truth, truthfulness and sincerity.  Heidegger has us assigning to her the power of appearing, or unconcealing.  In respect to ideas but not to identity and human being, we could go further still, and assign to her the power of isἐπιφάνεια (epipháneia), which means the appearing of hidden truths.  I would argue that her place of concealment is that point of slippage labelled Lost Intent in the Transit.  Her place of unconcealment is where Intent is (re-) found.  She is there at the fulcrum.  She is, however, a creature of happenstance.  Without our act of finding her she can be elusive, to quote Mary’s husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley:

Rarely, rarely, comest thou,
Spirit of Delight!
Wherefore hast thou left me now
Many a day and night?
Many a weary night and day
‘Tis since thou are fled away.

Everything depends on which way the goddess happens to be facing, be it towards negation and decline or towards affirmation and ascent.  As we shall see in the next instalment of this essay, it is that happenstance which most confounds our thinking and our will.

Not really technology, more sociobiology

Homo sapiens is not naturally a native of the cold-climate northern hemisphere and must invent his way to life in it, which means he must create a survivable environment from what is otherwise a non-survivable one.  That can only have begun with the most simple of things.  A suitably modest example from four years after Heidegger’s remarks is NASA’s ad hoc solution to the CO2 build-up onboard the Apollo 13 lunar landing module during its return flight to earth.  In double-quick time ground engineers found a way to adapt the CO2 filter from the command module to the otherwise incompatible system in the LEM.  It was done from whatever else happened to be lying around in a tin-can 150,000 miles from earth plus, of course, the indomitable European spirit of invention.  It’s a five-minute lash-up.  It saved three lives.  It brings back to us what technology is for: not advancing blindly for advancement’s sake but for simple survival ... for the life-cause.

Apollo CO2
The tied-on C02 scrubber from the Apollo 13 mission: the spirit of Western invention, not covered over by technological brilliancy but revealed in its core function of enabling and preserving life.

This example, by the way, reflects nothing on the talents of the other two great, cold-climate northern hemisphere races, or to claim that Eurasians (Russians, for the greater part) or East Asian engineers could not operate under such crushing pressure and produce a like solution.  Cognitively speaking, all three races are Promethean stealers of the creative fire of the gods.  But it is Europeans who have created and created and created, venturing ever onward by their sublime genius in every detail however small, of every field of human endeavour however specialised.  The eastern Slavs have duly followed, and the Chinese have stolen and copied.  The Japanese, with their six extra points of IQ at the mean, have often copied and improved.  But the East Asian IQ, although in Japan it is averagely high, is also distributed narrowly across the population.  Not much idiocy, perhaps.  But, then, not much genius, either (instead, much competence, diligence, cooperation, a certain introversion, organisation, order and conformity).

Europeans exhibit a wide distribution of intelligence, and it seems to be that width plus a high average which largely drive European creative capacity as a whole, of which technological invention is one part.  There will be additional factors.  Individuality is probably one.  Perhaps another is that objectivity which generates the second-order effects of questioning, challenging, venturing.  In any event, we can say that Europeans’ sociobiological traits ... permanent and unstoppable traits ... determine that the drive to advance control over our fate and our environment is likewise unstoppable.

On that basis, the problem of technology is not primarily a problem of inventions as such, or the overall form that invention has taken since the Industrial Revolution.  It is a problem of European creative over-run, and the feedback thereof.  It is a problem of an irrevocable sociobiological trait that, by its narrow but open-ended nature, is always and only exultant in its own blind onward rush.  It is too widely distributed - and too profitable to some - to know order or oversight or any possibility of restraint (or even care until its individual harms become too hard for the profit-makers to ignore).  But to its lasting harms to the inner qualities of the lived life, it remain blind and uncaring to this day.

The bitter irony of technology’s organic root sending forth shoots which strangle the organism itself is doubtless one reason why Heidegger spoke so darkly of it.  He declared it impermeable to philosophy and “all merely human meditations and endeavours”.  So the familiar realms of socio-political analysis, historiographical re-interpretation, original theory ... everything of calculative thinking is without purchase.  In Der Spiegel’s article he explained it thus:

I see the essence of technology in what I call the construct.  On first hearing easily misunderstood, this name points, if it is properly considered, back into the innermost history of metaphysics, which still determines our Dasein today.  The workings of the construct mean: human beings are caught, claimed, and challenged by a power that is revealed in the essence of technology.  The experience that humans are structured by something that they are not themselves, and that they cannot control themselves, is precisely the experience that may show them the possibility of the insight that humans are needed by Being.  The possibility of experience, of being needed, and of being prepared for these new possibilities is concealed in what makes up what is most modern technology’s own.  Thinking can do nothing more than to help humans to this insight, and philosophy is at an end.

So, let’s unpack that.  The statement is in two halves.  The first half speaks of something of the technological world-at-hand which is exciting and seductive but also systematising and, because it is these things, transformational.  It penetrates our life and mind from our very enworldment.  It is wholly immersive, rinsing away past faith and tradition, yes, but, eventually, everything salient from the primordial and the natural.  By immersing us in its zeitgeist, it incorporates us into its materialities such that, without its ongoing-ness, our modern personal lives are inconceivable and civilisation itself - its novel values, its economic form and demographic scale - unsustainable.  Become one with the ownmost potentiality ... the essence ... of the lived-life, it does not stop but vies constantly to become its whole potentiality, literally to makes itself our destiny, as we see now with the apparently irresistible march towards the Singularity of wired transhumanism.

The second half of Heidegger’s statement has a strange, apophatic quality.  It takes us so far, and then falls into silence; but, nonetheless, a silence which gestures.  As noted above, it is not a gesture towards religious belief and piety or, indeed, towards social custom and ancient traditions, because once disintegrated these things cannot be re-constructed by hand, so to speak.  They are emergent forms.  At their genesis they are trait-based correctives to our fallen cognitive state, and not, of course, to technology or liberal modernity or their particular effects which, as noted above, have proved so disintegrating to the lived life.

But neither is it a gesture to any very clear or concrete solution.  Rather, Heidegger tells us to look to our own experience of disintegration as the very mechanism which may, by some spiritual equivalent to biological homeostasis, then direct us to an epochian doorway.  We are, I suppose, to believe that this experience contains some surviving reference to the deep-historical human norm - a measure which can, Heidegger says, reveal Being’s (possibly salvatory) “need for humans”.  That need is contained in “what makes up what is most modern technology’s own”, and, that, of course, is its genesis in the European sociobiology.

Heidegger, it seems to me, is telling us that the same force which brought forth the technological ... the force of genetic survival and continuity ... also contains the possibility, with the aid of the goddess of truth, to re-order and renew it.  And this is as far as we can go with him.  We stand in our own essence like Huxley, naked before the doors of perception, popping the mescalin of preparation and poetry, and waiting for them to open.

In the second instalment of this essay we’ll try to grease the hinges and maybe give the reluctant doors a kick.



Posted by Morgoth on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 12:40 | #

If I understand this correctly the will to life will have to be directed toward technology itself, which was the previous tool we used to overcome nature?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 14:29 | #

That is certainly my reading of it.  It will fall to others to determine a basis for vivifying every avenue of technology.  Although this would appear to be a post-facto correction, I don’t think it can be something done in reaction or critique.  It is not seeing technology from the harm it does, even on a selective basis.  It is seeing it from source as a necessity and a power for good.  One might visualise it as a great tree which, once its leaves are shed, is exposed as a complex unity of growth by the same life-energy that is at its roots.  Damaged or diseased branches wither and fall because the energy necessarily withdraws.  Later we’ll have to open that subject out.  But for now it’s about getting beyond pessimism.  Accordingly, the second instalment of this essay begins:

Here is a radical thought.  What shared future, within reasonable material parameters, would our people desire and choose for our progeny?  Let’s pitch that future not too far ahead: say, that of the adult lives of our grandchildren.  What if that question - admittedly, a question which, in its fullness is not easily framed - could be answered with sufficient definitiveness to then adduce a majority opinion?  What if that opinion could be employed as a filter for politics such that everything incompatible with it, everything restrictive or exploitative of it, is itself restricted or excluded completely?  Other things being equal, what if by careful discrimination and curation, government could create the conditions in which the desire of our hearts can become the reality of our being?

The essay will mainly be concerned with Heidegger’s “task of thinking”.  There will be a third instalment “gesturing in the direction of a naturally emergent life”, and that will complete the exercise for now.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 17:02 | #

I answered this in response to a question about Ted Kaczynski during my recent interview at the Golden Goat Guild although not in the starkly “philosophical” argot required to communicate here.


Vivifying technology is an aspect of “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny”.

In practice this means education—particularly of males since males are the ones upon whom selection pressure creates the necessity for technology—should start with the most primitive form of toolmaking imaginable.  If necessary go back to what some ethologists would claim are made by chimps—although one might not demand that the child of 3 be required to eat termites extracted by a twig stripped of leaves.  The point is that each stage of technological development resulted from and in selection pressures leading to the next stage.  One must, in particular with regard to European individualism, pay close attention to the selection pressures resulting from coevolution of humans and wolves resulting in dogs as an aspect of protein acquisition during hunting.  Few cases of vivifying technology better exemplify the coevolutionary nature of technology and there are likely _no_ cases that better exemplify the re-emergence of sexual selection subsequent to the 6M year suppression by gang formation—not even the transition from dependence on tin trade networks to relative independence represented by bellows creating fires sufficient to refine more locally available iron ore—were more vivifying.  By the time a young man has graduated from secondary education, he should have constructed an iron-age homestead, complete with plow and sword entirely from his own hands.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 18:51 | #

That every man might, by his own experience from childhood, not just know what technology is in the standard educative sense but “live” its meaning is a beautiful idea, James.  This is such a rich seam of possibility it will take some time for me, at least, to stand back and consider it.  For one thing, I’d have to ascertain whether the goddess of authenticity is already in it, or whether it is a finding of her, or something else entirely.  I suspect the latter, because the only example of this sort of thing that I can come up with that comes even close to it today (a degree-quality music education in which the technological history of striking, scraping, blowing, singing is available for students to examine first hand), while a commonplace, does not produce a markedly distinct and superior human outcome.

Still, it is interesting that the matter of technology itself, which is considered to be one of the most intractable in philosophy, might have a solution, even if it is only partial, which is so simple to state.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 16:37 | #

In my experience, it immediately and profoundly appeals to parents (particularly fathers) of young children (particularly sons).  Establishing the curriculum is of course problematic given the intense competition for young minds by well-endowed and powerful institutions: media, schools, churches, “Boy Scouts”, etc.  But, thankfully, all of those institutions are fast losing their legitimacy, as they are all increasingly exposed as agents of a singular, malign, purpose.  Parents are being progressively starved for alternatives that resonate with their innermost value.  Here in Iowa, there are those, particularly among the older war veterans, who have become so alienated that they are increasingly involved in “survivalism” and would almost pay for the opportunity to share lore with the community’s sons.  The pandemic has limited my ability to connect these men with the boys via their parents, but that may be abating.


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 12 Mar 2022 05:53 | #

There was no technology in Music , as the former term is now received , GW .

There were dots on lines , all manicured by Aryans.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 12 Mar 2022 12:37 | #

Al, the dots on lines are only a communication and memory aid.

Actually, the Western musical canon is a fair example, and a benign example, of what Heidegger means by technology’s controlling power.  Musical technology, as expressed in the four families of orchestral instruments plus piano and harp and, latterly, electronic, contains the possibilities for how music can be conceived and performed.  Before the development of the pianoforte there could be no Beethoven’s Emperor.  Before the harpsichord there could be no Bach’s Goldberg.  While musical technology opens out compositional potential and gives us great sound, of course - which is its good - it is still a strictly controlling medium of human being.  When one views the whole of technology in the same way it quickly becomes clear that this macro-control has profound implications which, in modernity, have proved degrading and dangerous.  The intractability of this problem is the subject of this series of three essays, of which the above is the first part.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 15 Mar 2022 03:39 | #

When a society has ” only a memory aid” , GW, that society is bereft of written history . That is not the Aryan way.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 27 Mar 2022 15:53 | #

What are the power-twits thinking they’re going to do about technologies that enable individuals of modest means (what the US Air Force calls “incels”) to kill entire metropolitan areas without further spread?  People seem to forget that the so-called Demographic Transition is built on the generation of enormous numbers of “incels” by female sexual selection freed from the constraints imposed on the female environment by male intrasexual selection (those constraints often called “patriarchy”).  The harm being done is not simply loss of population but selective loss of population targeting the most economically valuable characteristics among females, and the most morally constrainable characteristics among males.  The “goddess”, it seems, is opening a portal to Hell as a kind of “shit-test” to see how long it will be before “incels” close it from their disempowered and, to use Freud’s euphemism, “discontented” or to use the modern euphemism “disgruntled” state.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 04 Apr 2022 08:18 | #

The events in Bucha, revealed by the departure of the Russians and Chechens, has clarified the issue of which party we ought to be supporting.  One of the earliest and most vocal supporters of the Russians was the serial commenter and thread warrior Copyright401, who I addressed this morning on a Speccie thread with the following:

Copy, you and all the guys have been supporting the wrong side ... the monstrously immoral aggressor ... because you are all so damned triggered by the J-thing and the “the West” thing that you mistook this for a war against Western geopolitics and anti-white multiculture. But, for its Ukrainian victim it is not that. It is ethnic and national, a war for the people of the land against an imperialist aggressor. Our politics are also ethnic and national. Our support, then, is for the Ukrainian people (who include ethnic Russians), and for no extraneous cause.

Now you find yourself facing the moral question of supporting war criminals. Desist. You are wrong. You are all wrong. You have all been wrong from the start. It is time to retrace your steps and find the golden thread of genuinely nationalist thinking.

It will be interesting to see if he responds.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 04 Apr 2022 10:32 | #

“The events in Bucha, revealed by the departure of the Russians and Chechens, has clarified the issue of which party we ought to be supporting.”

Sounds like you’re swallowing the MSM’s misinformation hook, line and sinker—taking those images on face value.

It has yet to be determined who those murdered civilians are and-or who murdered them. For all we know the dead bodies could be ethnic-Russian/Ukrainian-citizens murdered by Ukrainian thugs seeking revenge. It makes no sense why the Russian army would indiscriminately murder unarmed citizens in that manner. Why would they hand the anti-Russian propaganda machine ammunition such as that? The answer is they wouldn’t. But on the basest level, it does make sense why Ukrainian thugs would seek revenge against what they perceive as the enemy within.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 04 Apr 2022 15:14 | #

The remarkable convergence of narratives in the Ukraine situation—Holocaust, Holodomor, Nazis and Commies—seems to indicate that whatever powers are at work on whatever side, they are united in the destruction of something of immense genetic value expressed among Ukraine’s men.

A conjecture:  Communism managed to forestall “The Economy” and its destruction of the West’s gene pool during the last half of the 20th century, which presented a problem peculiar to Ukraine when freed from Soviet domination in that there was a cultural memory of Holodomor and the contribution it made to the election of Hitler thence Holocaustianity.  Since Holocaustianity is now the West’s Catholicism, the CIA, Mossad, etc. took control of that cultural memory in Ukraine with the “neoNazi” movement to serve as a lightning rod but also to set Ukraine’s men up for extermination.

Note:  I’m not here taking sides in the conflict.  The same argument can be said of virtually all of the great wars.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 04 Apr 2022 15:46 | #

“Since Holocaustianity is now the West’s Catholicism, the CIA, Mossad, etc. took control of that cultural memory in Ukraine with the “neoNazi” movement to serve as a lightning rod but also to set Ukraine’s men up for extermination.”

Also to weaken Russia enough to eventuate its dominance by Western elites.

Apparently the clever devils in the CIA, Mossad, etc. used Ukraine as a baited trap; Putin was foolish enough to be lured in.

Now it appears both Russia and Ukraine will lose in incalculable ways. Just as the Western elites planned it to be.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 05 Apr 2022 13:21 | #

There are layers of intrigue here of course and the one I brought up is only the outermost skin of the onion.  If I had to describe the layers of causality from outermost (proximate, short term) to innermost (ultimate, long term):

Euroman Elites (including Russia) Destroying the West
Corrupted by Jewish Virulence (using Hispanic, Islamic and Hindu immigrants as smokescreen scavengers that see see themselves as biding their time to take over from Jews)
Amplified by Chinese Intelligence (understanding high leverage points among Jews to suppress/encourage)
Subsaharan African tar-baby digesting the whole thing with genetic omni-dominance turning the resulting global economy into, well, tar-babies.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 05 Apr 2022 23:02 | #

James, do you think we’re already in a WWIII hot war? And do you think it will eventually go nuclear?

What is you take on the rapidly evolving alliance between India, China, Russia, Iran, et al? Can their collective power be enough to counter—or even overpower—the alliance of the decadent Western powers?


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 06 Apr 2022 12:33 | #

Good article:

Niall Ferguson: Seven Worst-Case Scenarios From The War In Ukraine


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 06 Apr 2022 22:19 | #

John Robb’s analysis appears to me to be correct.  The “swarming” being driven by empathetic triggers, primed by the “Trump is a Russian Puppet” narrative red-herring to draw attention away from immigration outrage as the explanation for his 2016 election upset, is ratchetting us toward nuclear conflict.  A fratricidal nuclear war between Russia and the “woke west” would actually be merciful compared to a rhyme with The Thirty Years War, which is what I would like to prevent.  My main concern is that the current red-herring (Ukraine conflict) is a cover for the reeking smell of not only a huge immigration surge but a naked attempt to spread immigrants to the electoral States most in contention.  This means the absence of a nuclear war will require a neighbor-against-neighbor hot war in the US that will spread to the entire West until the foundation of civilization in collective male moral territory (honor) re-establishes Cuius regio, eius religio of the Treaty of Westphailia.  Even if the midterm elections in the US go all in for Republicans, history shows this will largely be a temporary euphoria providing temporary pain relief against much greater and deadly injury.

The US and the entire West (probably including Russia) will be easy pickings then.

A nuclear war would take out the urban areas, which would remove the primary problem for the West.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 06 Apr 2022 22:37 | #

“A nuclear war would take out the urban areas, which would remove the primary problem for the West.”

Actually—and you undoubtedly know—that’s not a new line of thinking. A lot of us have been entertaining that __hope__ since the 1970s. 


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Apr 2022 13:24 | #

Of course.  And if the national security apparatus of the US had indeed been a national security apparatus, it would have seen the impending revolutionary Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 as vastly worse than an all out nuclear war with Russia in the early 1960s.  The world would have been a much better place today if we’d been put through the necessary radiation/chemotherapy at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

And, at that time, Hollywood clearly saw this as the duty of the US national security apparatus, which motivated the production of the movies “Seven Days in May” and “Dr. Strangelove”, pathologizing the threat, to the then burgeoning Jewish ascendency, of a functioning national security apparatus.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 07 Apr 2022 15:25 | #

” the then burgeoning Jewish ascendency, of a functioning national security apparatus.”

They pretty much control the whole shebang now. Every time I think about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I simultaneously think about Victoria Nuland as being one of the main instigators of it.

“Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965”

And that only accounts for legal immigration. Illegal immigration alone is making the USA a shithole country so fast it’s making my head spin.

As of now, 8,000 per day illegally enter the USA via the southern border. When Biden ends Title 42, they estimate the 8,000 per day will jump to 18,000 per day ... and the Republicans aren’t doing anything meaningful to stop it. Most of them are either cowards (too afraid of being labeled a racist or some such) or have been corrupted—paid-off by those who’ll benefit by the “fundamental transformation.”

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Previous entry: A conversation with PA’s B Hall

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View)
