The politics of the authentic: section one I am undertaking to write another paper, this time attempting an answer to the question: what is the political function and potential of ethnic nationalism? The paper is a gesture in the direction of something I view as not currently existing, and something which must exist very soon as a systemic and, therefore, revolutionary nationalism of our people’s life-cause and identity. So that means, or should mean, a radically ordering philosophy, existential and naturalistic in mein, cohering, authentising and affirming in effect, and capable of free emergence in the daily life of our racial and ethnic kind. Let’s see how we go! Section one: The scale of the challenge Nationalists of European descent fighting “on the ground” for the cause of our racial and ethnic kind are philosophical orphans today. They may not understand this uncompromising fact now. They may have a great emotional investment in ideologies of the nationalist past. Regardless, it is so - and at a time of unprecedented critical need. Wherever in this world Europe’s children have their home they are presented with two historically novel and criminal trespasses upon their life, the first of these very specifically against their collective existence, the second against the natural integrity of the human organism as such. It does not serve the purpose of this essay to devote space and time to a full explanation of either trespass. They are well enough explained somewhere everyday. Suffice to say that the first, which has been gathering mass and momentum since the HMT Empire Windrush sailed into British territorial waters on 22nd June 1948, is that process of physical replacement and genetic dissolution which nationalists know so well and have questioned and protested from the beginning. Influenced by ideological internationalists, vocal Jewish cosmopolitans, Marxist academics, and in service to an insider-elitist mentality, all Western governments and the wider corporate, financial, and liberal Establishment behind them have, for purposes that have never been officially explained, decided to end the essential power of every European people to live freely and securely and alone on its own land, and to generate in its place a new man, a Homo deracinatus sans natural relation, sans belonging, sans history and, signally from our rulers’ perspective, sans common cause. This substitution has precursors at least as ancient as Second Temple Judaism. At its core is the supremacist scramble to degrade and, by degrading, defeat for all time a force which is perceived to be - and may indeed be - an historical obstruction, destroying thereby what there is of it which can be destroyed and forcing the rest into servitude. Only recent in its arrival but with precursors dating back to the industrial revolution, the second trespass arises from the development of information technology, artificial intelligence, neural control interface technology, and genetic engineering. The socio-political exploitation of these technologies, along with that of the climate agenda and of Covid 19, are already encouraging the current generation of Western political leaders to witter away about re-setting capitalism and “building back better”. The Western technocrat class, meanwhile, is emboldened by its own self-confidence to instruct us that by 2030 we will own nothing and we will be happy. But, as those same elites are only too well aware, the combining of these technologies also brings the possibility, perhaps still a generation hence, of a so-called Singularity of networked Homo artifis - cybernetic organisms whose experience of the beauty and nobility and emotional power of human being and human relation will be reduced by the degree to which these creatures experience them as the informational values of 0 and 1. Truly the postmodern absolute, it would be Michel Foucault’s personal nightmare: the corporate state’s godlike power over the physical body of the individual. By its sheer radicality and finality it would make the trespass against the European racial and ethnic existence redundant. With the technological curtailment of the familial, evolved, natural Man, all thinking at the level of particular populations and human difference would lose relevance. Race and ethnicity would have to find their place in the new order of things, for they could no longer be lead factors. For us, everything would have to step back to the already compromised redoubt of Nature. Until the end of the 20th century, nationalism was a movement not always formulated intellectually with regard for what it is of us that is of Nature. It was drawn from at least five disparate and sometime unruly strains of thought, only the most recent and minor of which ... American race-realism ... addressed the natural in us, after its evidential fashion. Of the rest, the most long-lasting dates directly to Hegel but received its fullest and most vigorous account from Nietzsche. Even today, thinking British nationalists are much cast in the Nietzschean mould. They critique the nihilism of modernity. They limn the deathly-shallow individualism and economism of liberal thinking and the massifying ideologies of socialism, universalism, and equalitarianism. They find therein every reductive effect upon the human estate. Such analyses demonstrate a necessary understanding of the world, of course. But even as the thinking fraction gives itself over to them, the politicals are gravitating elsewhere. They, of course, instinctually and properly react to the Establishment’s demographic agenda as the immediate cause of the existential threat to our people and all peoples of European descent. So they gesture towards immigration, Islam, and multiculturalism, and the tawdry impact of Jewish influence; and they protest every consequence of these profoundly unwanted and undeserved “goods”. There is, then, if not a conflict exactly, certainly a misalignment of the head and the body of the movement. Its thinking fraction’s grand critique of the paucity of human meaning in the modern life does not “go” cleanly to the sturdy nationalist’s defence of his people’s life and land. One might attempt to bridge the gap by portraying it as the epistemological difference between meaning-in-life and meaning-of-life, but that still stops short. The eternal philosophical divide between meaning and existence, mind and body, is vested here. Meanings can be contested. Meanings can be made relative. Except, perhaps, for the suicidal, the sheerness of existence eludes qualification. The moral “should” withdraws before the certitude and uncontestibility of “must”. In this time of existential imperatives, therefore, one would not be too dogmatic to conclude that it is nationalist intellectualism which must reform and make the world-changing, world-creating case for uncontestability and certitude and the European racial and ethnic life. But on what basis is that to be done? The only answer which does not depend on the failed and ill-targeted ideologies of the nationalist past is: on the basis of an holistic philosophy of our lived particular truth. It is always profitable, when contemplating how far from that truth Europeans have wandered, to remember why. The guiding light of liberalism is the self-authoring individual, also known as the unfettering will. This is Man the Self-Creator, at the end of the history of God the Creator, when the freeing spirit of the age decapitated the divine authority of the Crown (little more than a century after the Crown had decapitated the authority of the Roman Church). It is why liberal radicalisms invariably strive after a New Fangled Man dedicated to engineering his own post-Christian (but by no means post-religious) salvation. Transhumanism is only the logical and final signifier of his progress. But, in truth, almost nothing in liberalism’s model of the self-authoring Man and not much more in Christianity’s model of the supplicant soul before it are other than conceits and confections. What truly belongs to us gains not a gram of substance from either of them. All that said, liberal thinking did not set out, in the wake of the English Civil Wars, to deracinate away Europe’s peoples or to put Man outside Nature. But men knew not what journey they were embarking their kind and their distant progeny upon. By 1789 at latest the artificialising, transformative social dynamic had become the new absolute in Europe and America, and it very much remains such in our time. Human artifice easily accretes upon human artifice, and in the wake of burgeoning artifice comes an ineffable lightness of being, self-estrangement, and suggestibility. The journey back to the human norm does not follow automatically, as in some isostatic reaction to retreating ice. Instinct revolts at the worst of it. But that is not enough to initiate real change, as we should all now understand. It is a hard outlook for any people to be thrown by the Fates into such a world of confusion, weakness and corruption, against which the only certain counter is a political philosophy (which has never previously been written down) of who and what we truly are (which from Christianisation onward has never previously been allowed to speak for itself). If our purpose is not, at a minimum, to write down that philosophy and, by it, to re-found our people’s life on a new and holistic basis, then we are not revolutionaries. We are recidivists. No matter how much we react and rail against global capital or radical equalitaranism or, indeed, the subjection and loss of our ethnic person to the foreignising of our home ... no matter how justly and determinedly and eloquently we oppose these things ... no matter, if that reaction is the full extent of our effort it will, over time, subside into the established historical and philosophical totality which underscores and orders everything. That totality’s fundamental creative assumptions ... the core principles of liberalism, the inevitable progress of techne and modernity ... their sheer ideological mass and tenacity ... will ineluctably re-assert their power over men’s minds, and all will go on just as it was before. For, liberalism and modernity embed in us and transmit themselves in Time through us; and they do this as a primary landscaper of the mind and enculturator of the personality. In our philosophical age no racial or ethnic European ever truly and permanently escaped their dominion. But escape we must. Our struggle, then, is for liberation into the truly human, which is particular and ethnic. It is a struggle for everything, a total war of ideas and a war of total ideas. Difficult for a philosophical orphan, it has to be said. Now let us advance towards it. Comments:2
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 02 Mar 2021 06:23 | # The Oracle of Delphi advised , inter alia , ” Know Thy Self” , so perhaps the White reproduction lacuna is partially your own fault. Find a girl whose feminine core juices up when she sees you. 3
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 03 Mar 2021 15:29 | # Via the hook-up culture etc., it’s easier to get laid today then any time in the last century. Women are putting out at the drop of a hat. Of course the problem is too many white-women choose not to get married and have kids. Furthermore many who decide to be wives and mothers are limiting their childbearing to just one. One big reason for that is women are choosing careers over building a family life. 4
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 04 Mar 2021 05:24 | # You are, I take it , an American and I am British , so we are arguing from different premises. 5
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 04 Mar 2021 13:47 | # Speaking in general, I’m referring to the fact white women are not reproducing at replacement levels. Of course that’s a global phenomenon, not unique to Great Britain or the USA. Russia has instituted policies to correct their demographic decline; thus far they haven’t resulted in the numbers they’d hoped for. Post a comment:
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Posted by Thorn on Sat, 27 Feb 2021 01:22 | #
GW, I feel and understand your pain.
But is it the case that white ppl are simply beaten into submission by the bullying tactics of the Left? IOWs are white ppl choosing the path of least resistance in order to survive in this fierce anti-white environment? How can delving deep into the philosophical underpinnings help to correct the fact whites are not reproducing?