The power of an American idea

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 21 November 2006 23:54.

One of the toughest nuts for WN in America to crack is the pervasive and powerful idea of cultural assimilation.  The tenacity with which Euro-Americans cling to the myth was demostrated conclusively today in Quinnipiac University’s nationwide poll of US voter attitudes on illegal immigration.

By a 69 - 27 percent margin, American voters say illegal immigrants should be allowed into a guest worker program with the ability to work toward citizenship over a period of several years, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

Republicans support the guest worker to citizenship path 66 - 31 percent, while Democrats back it 73 - 23 percent and independent voters back it 71 - 24 percent

It’s not that voters don’t understand the invasive nature of Mexican immigration:-

Building a 700-mile fence on the U.S.-Mexican border is “enough for now,” 24 percent of voters say, but 71 percent say, “additional measures are needed from Congress to deal with illegal immigrants entering the country.”

... but once in the country the illegal has it all his own way.  It’s interesting that sentiment against his employers, as expressed to the pollsters, runs strong.  But the illegal himself is surrounded by some golden haze of mythic Americana.  He is placed beyond punishment.

Looking at the subsidiary matters resolved in Arizona last week it is clear that actual experience of illegal Mexican immigrants produces a concrete change in attitude.  But further afield, none of that counts for anything and the myth of assimilated America conquers all.

Tags: Immigration



Posted by Englander on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 03:01 | #

“Looking at the subsidiary matters resolved in Arizona last week it is clear that actual experience of illegal Mexican immigrants produces a concrete change in attitude.”

Are you referring to election results?  I think you ought to expand on that for clarity.


Posted by Lord Haw on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 03:13 | #

The “cultural assimilation” stupidity is another variation of the “smile, you’re about to become a minority in your own land and you’ll be fine” myth that’s utterly destroying our people in North America, and yes, prominent Jewish cultural ideologues and media leaders have been a big part of this.  Cultural assimilation (and loss of ethnic bonds) for thee, cultural solidarity for me and my fellow Jews.

Even a cursory examination shows how idiotic the cultural assimilation meme is.  American Blacks have been in this country far longer than the families of most Whites have been—have they somehow “assimilated” themselves to Western culture?  In fact, the biggest “cultural assimilation” phenomenon among American Blacks lately is the way that they’re turning, by the millions, increasingly to Sunni Islam.  While this may have some fringe benefits (i.e., providing more intense opposition to Jewish media control from within the US), it shows that the notion of cultural assimilation is truly idiotic. 

Native Americans, Latinos, even “model minorities” like East Asians show the same sort of thing.  Leopards don’t change their spots—they’re not Western and they don’t pretend to be.  That’s one of the reasons that, for all the hoopla about integration and busing for African-Americans, US Blacks have if anything moved even farther away from White society than in the 1960’s.

If anything, the East Indians seem to be among the worst—they’re among the most cliquish of any “minority” group, and their living and employment patterns, aka “saving money by skipping the baths and showers,” among other things, has enabled them to utterly wreck the wage scales of the US high-tech economy.  East Indians are also rude, snide toward their White colleagues, arrogant, repulsive in their manners and personal hygiene, and—what money and technology they do make—they tend to transfer back to India. 

Naturally, this myth raises the profile of yet another very separate group—American Jews.  While many are decent Americans, an extremely large and powerful number consider themselves Jews first, Euro-Americans second (or third, or fourth).  In fact, I find it fascinating that so many of the people pushing “cultural assimilation” in the US are Jews—the idea of the “melting pot” itself comes from Israel Zangwill, a Jewish writer from the early 20th century. 

Unsurprisingly, even as they advocate miscegenation and loss of racial consciousness among Whites, at least a big section of elite Jews furiously reserve the right to such solidarity for themselves. 

It’s obvious that many if not most prominent Jews feel a loyalty to their own tribe, and to Israel in particular.  Thus it is that prominent members of their group are able to trick the US government into sacrificing the blood of tens of thousands of dead, or wounded Euro-Americans in a fruitless, humiliating defeat in a war against Iraq, once considered Israel’s archenemy. 

It’s also how they’ve convinced the US government and US taxpayers that Israel—essentially a wealthy, first-world industrialized country—should be by far the largest recipient of no-interest loans, cash payments and military and political aid from the US, as compared to hundreds of other countries that actually are poor.  No other country in the world receives anywhere near as much financial support from the USA as Israel—hundreds of billions of dollars since 1967 alone and growing at an increasingly rapid clip, to the tune of perhaps $10 billion every year.  That’s the hard-earned money of you and me, paid to the government in taxes, with this enormous, hard-earned wealth transferred to Israel—this on top of all the private transfers of wealth by Jewish citizens themselves.

Cultural assimilation?  A bunch of crap, and the Jewish (and useful idiot Gentile) elites of this country know it.  It’s one of the bromides they use to deceive a gullible US population into turning US Whites into a minority in our own land.  It’s not worth staying in this country anymore.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 03:21 | #

I really think the death penalty for knowingly employing illegal aliens is proper—that and confiscating all the estate property so his heirs don’t prosper for their family’s treason.

As for the illegals, they have the excuse that they were de facto “invited” by the resident employers.

Start by executing all the employers for treason and distributing all their assets to their competitors who were honest and hired American Unionists.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 03:31 | #

I go with James’ proposal.

On opinion polls, whether Quinipiac or other, you get any answer you want by the way you word, present, and couch the poll questions.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 03:33 | #

That said, neutral opinion polls honestly conducted always garner massive majorities against race-replacement.


Posted by Lord Haw on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 03:59 | #

Something else that has to be added here, because it’s something that’s very much crystallized and become obvious for me, an ex-White liberal, helped along by other intelligent commenters here and on other sites: US media and cultural elites have been quite successfully pushing nothing less than the racial genocide of Whites in the US, with the same disease infecting Britain, Australia, Canada and other Anglophone countries that are susceptible to much of the same media.

These Jewish and idiotic Gentile cultural ideologues, they know precisely how to hit White society hard, and they hit us both through “hard” and “soft” genocide.

- They know that the physical traits of Whites are often recessive, and so encouraging miscegenation is an especially effective way to attack White identity and to remove Whites from future generations.  Children of Black-White couples are phenotypically Black and identify with the Black community.  Moreover, the Black male style of operation—knocking up one White woman, dumping her, then moving on to more—ensures that he takes out quite a few gullible White women all by himself. 

Many of the Marxist cultural elites in the US are well aware of this, and so MTV and other big mass cultural vehicles heavily emphasize and encourage White women to exclusively date and have kids with Blacks.  This is the “stylish” thing to do, and the supposed physical and sexual prowess of Blacks is played way up, compared to Whites, further brainwashing our young generation.  Many White girls feel that the only way to be socially accepted is to have a Black child, and that’s become the “in” thing in US cities and suburbs.  It’s much worse in Britain—social acceptance there, in many ways is contingent on shunning fellow Whites and having a Black child.

- Combine this with “hard” genocide, aka the high and increasing levels of Black-on-White violent crime.  Murders, rapes and burglaries against Whites by Blacks are so common that, since 1975—the year the US withdrew in humiliation from Vietnam—the number of Whites so killed in the US by Blacks has far exceeded the casualties of that war.  Horrific examples like the massacre in Wichita Kansas by the Carr Brothers of 5 young White kids, the recent murders of 3 White kids in Seattle by a Black buddy from Myspace, the Colin Ferguson mass murders, the killing of Robin Mitchell, the murders of Keith Houts and Gwen Sneed, countless other examples——show that outright yet insidious anti-White warfare is having an impact as well.

The Iraq War should be included in this.  It was quite obviously the project of a collection of very powerful, hard-line American Jews, and even though many American Jews also opposed it, quite clearly the Jews with the power and the positions—i.e., the ones with the power to impact policy—were fully in line with the plans to use patriotic, yet naive young American Whites to fight one of Israel’s main enemies, Iraq.  The wounded soldiers in Iraq have been injured more grievously than in any other war, with brain injuries, paralysis and amputations, not to mention PTSD, that have put them out of commission.  There are, meanwhile, almost no Jewish soldiers fighting in Iraq themselves.  So, the Iraq War has effectively been a masterpiece of this wicked, anti-White strategy—use the war to kill off the cream of the White middle class in the US and Britain, and use it to beat up on Israel’s Iraqi opponents as well.  Tens of thousands of US Whites have been killed or horridly wounded in this war.

- An intermediate form of anti-White genocide comes about in the collection of US government policies that have turned US Whites into a minority here, while undercutting our earning power and ability to fund our own existence, let alone afford children.  Mass immigration is encouraged to drive White wages down to poverty levels, displacing us out of jobs and crowding our towns and cities, which further discourages childbearing.  The H1-B visa program is a part of this—the H1B encourages the immigration of masses of bargain-basement East Indian tech workers to the US and in combination with outsourcing, basically makes it impossible to earn more than slave wages for even high-skill tech jobs.  This program has to be destroyed, and any politicians who support it have to be viciously targeted for electoral defeat.

Meanwhile, affirmative action hits Whites very hard, involving yet another forced transfer of wealth from Whites to other races.  Heavy traffic clogs our cities and reduces the amount of time we can spend with our children at home, thus further ruining our capacity to have healthy families.  Meanwhile, environmental destruction, deforestation and pollution—directly linked to mass immigration waves—contribute to ever-growing White infertility in the US, Australia and Britain. 

The system of marriage and divorce in the US, Canada, Australia and United Kingdom is heavily rigged against White men actually capable of doing a good job and providing for their families.  Just a few decades ago, divorcees in a case when the marriage didn’t work out, would have enough cash given to the less productive wife to live on, while recognizing and rewarding the hard work, training, education and contributions of the most productive member (usually the husband).  Now, even the laziest, most obviously gold-digging wife gets well more than half of her husband’s assets even if she didn’t do a thing to earn them. 

Notice that, along these lines, US feminism was pitched explicitly at US White women, while basically ignoring Black, Latino and Jewish women.  Both Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan are Jewish, but they didn’t target their feminist message at fellow Jews—rather, they posed as Whites and targeted their message at White women.  The feminist icon isn’t even an independent career woman anymore—rather, it’s a gold-digging wife who basically ruins her husband financially no matter what his contributions to a society, and thereby makes it almost impossible for him financially to start fress and have any more children, as was commonplace in earlier eras.  Thus, feminism and the US divorce courts, by explicitly ignoring and even penalizing productive American men, are part and parcel of the system that dismantles the earning potential of White men in the US. 

It’s even worse in Britain, as the spectacles of Heather Mills McCartney and other high-profile wives show.  I was in Britain not too long ago, and I could hardly find a single bright, professional young White Briton who wanted to get married, let alone have children.  Considering the brutal situation for other prominent White Britons at the hands of their gold-digging spouses, one can’t blame them. 

Finally and probably at the top, in line with what others have written here—US workers are so spat upon, and so exploited, that we have little power to change our conditions, and are forced to work 100 hours a week just to stay afloat.  This ruins our physical and emotional health, makes it hard for us to get married and have kids and—even if we do manage to have kids—makes it that much tougher to actually impact the way our kids are raised.

This is why I, a former White liberal, have so angrily moved in a different direction.  An old mentor or mine, a brilliant man who was like an uncle, worked as a computer network coordinator for a company that eventually started laying off its workers en masse—much cheaper to sell out Americans to India—and basically compelled him to work 100 hours per week, nonstop.  His health was trashed, and soon, the stress and overwork were just about causing him to have heart attacks.

Despite his dedication, his wife petitioned for a divorce and took well over half of what her husband had tirelessly slaved away for, for decades.  He didn’t even have much time to defend himself in Divorce Court—his job would fire him, yet he felt forced to stay there, despite the declining wages. 

Meanwhile, his first daughter became a lesbian and openly expressed her hatred for him, despite all he did for her growing up.  His second daughter, meanwhile, cohabited with a Black boyfriend and wound up bearing his child—before he up and left her to raise his Black child herself, alone.  She was once beautiful enough to be a model, she’s now disgustingly obese and beaten down, without much connection to her father, raising a Black boy who reviles her and thinks she’s an idiot—which, frankly, she probably is. 

So, my old mentor have his all to this country, the United States of America, and what did he get in return?  He was forced to work himself 100 hours a week, to the point of collapsing health, while his lazy wife—busy watching Oprah far more than she actually paid attention to the kids—left him and took over half of his hard-earned money and property.  As though this weren’t bad enough, one of his daughters is lesbian and the other bore him a resentful Black grandson.

So IOW, American culture and society squeezed out as much hard labor as they could from my mentor, then basically wrecked his health, ruined him financially, even denied him the basic desire to have his own White grandchildren with the prevailing cultural mores, telling her that only a Black child would do.

This is nothing less than the subtle enslavement of the White population in the US, Britain, Canada and Australia, forced to work horrifically hard to build a future that our children won’t inherit—forced to build a palace that our enemies will take control of, as we become minorities here.  I ask—why, oh why should we feel any dedication to the US or these other countries, when we can see exactly what their leaders—chiefly Jewish and non-White—are doing to us?  They’re using as much of our labor as they can grab, before almost killing us off in any number of ways, with the culture and policies that they set.  My mentor was cruelly taken advantage of—he was hard-working and dedicated, yet naive, and he paid a horrible price for not realizing the underlying truth.

It’s funny, I work about 60 hours a week and am considered a “slacker,” preferring to spend time raising my son.  My wife and I can’t afford any other kids, unfortunately, so my son is almost everything to me.  My White colleagues generally don’t have kids, and my company has more or less told me that I’ll be getting laid off soon.  When that happens, I see no point in staying here.  A few European countries like people have been saying, Finland, Germany, Austria, north Italy, maybe even much of France and elsewhere in Scandinavia, are still White nations.  We’ll be going there.  Maybe this is a mass emigration in the making.


Posted by Lord Haw on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 04:01 | #

James, you have a point, but remember—it’s the legal immigration that’s killing us more than the illegal form.  The H1-B visa program is supposedly legal, but it’s utterly killing the earning potential of well-educated US Whites.  The legal immigration policies here are far more dangerous, and it must be our chief priority to fight them first.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 05:29 | #

Lord Haw, I think it is completely justified to go after the people behind the passage of the <a >Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965</a>. 

It clearly was not the intent of the framers of the Constitution that their <a q=“ourselves+and+our+Posterity”>posterity</a> be racially replaced by people from the countries now replacing them.

Hence the INSA of 1965 is no law at all and those who voted and lobbied for it are guilty of treason as well.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 05:58 | #

Noah Webster’s definition of “posterity” is as follows:

POSTER’ITY, n. [L. posteritas, from posterus, from post, after.]

  1. Descendants; children, children’s children, &c. indefinitely; the race that proceeds from a progenitor. The whole human race are the posterity of Adam.

  2. In a general sense, succeeding generations; opposed to ancestors.

  To the unhappy that unjustly bleed,

  Heav’n gives posterity t’ avenge the deed.

The people committing genocide against the posterity of the people represented by the framers of the US Constitution claim that the word “posterity” in the preamble to the Constitution referrs not to definition 1, but to definition 2.

This might be arguable if the framers had said the purpose of the US Constitution was to:

secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and Posterity

However, what they actually wrote in the preamble was:

secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity

The possessive clearly indicates the primary definition of “posterity” is the proper sense here, particularly in the presence of the manifest, and loudly proclaimed “infamy” of the racialist sentiments of the founders.  The first three words “We the People” clearly points out that the framers are not speaking of themselves personally, but of the men who were citizens of the new nation.

The only real question remaining is whether the Africans who were free men and became citizens during the Revolutionary War were supposed to be included in the same nation.  It is fairly clear from the statements of Thomas Jefferson that they were to be respected as equals but not within the same nation when he said:

“Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate, than that these people are to be free; nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion have drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.”<a href=“”>

The Civil War did nothing to change this but there were several acts that did violate the Constitution resulting from a vicious retribution against the people of the South subsequent to that war.


Posted by Steve on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 11:00 | #

Lord Haw,

That’s an extremely sobering post and you touch a nerve.  In the darker, more cynical recesses of my mind, I’ve on occasion wondered if that’s what the USA has become: a feudal economy, in which the burghers in particular, i.e. the Whites, have been reduced to the level of serfs, forbidden to live a normal life, make a living, even raise our children without the indulgence of our masters in the manor. 

I also agree—it’s the so-called “legal immigration” that threatens us most, far more than the illegal kind, since the former group can cast ballots and push for more of the same.  I hate the H1B program too, this and outsourcing are obvious, transparent attempts to undercut a living wage for hard-working, native-born, educated Americans, even our cost of living and educational debts soar to unfathomable levels.  Any member of Congress who pushes for increasing the H1-B numbers should be hung in effigy—if anything, Congress should be pressured heavily to cut back on the program.

It’s awful, because I feel the way you and I’m sure tens of millions of other White Americans also feel—that our country is gone, that it’s been replaced by a ruthlessly exploitative, multiracial feudal imperial state, and that we’re powerless to change it from inside the political system.

I’ve been noticing the same thing—an unbelievable number of my old pals have been emigrating out of the US, north-central Europe I guess is the destination of choice.  I never thought I’d be witnessing that, but here it is.  I suspect that part of what underlies that push to emigrate, is that we don’t feel much of a connection to the United States anymore.  It’s not our country anymore, it works directly against our capacity to make a living, and it overwhelms us demographically to turn this once Western nation into a Latin America-style quasi-feudal banana republic, with a large, non-white majority crushing the White burgher class with the help of the corrupt, plutocratic elites—an odd alliance of robber barons and bureaucratic Marxists in a marriage of convenience.

And when you don’t identify anymore with the country of your birth—I guess this makes people leave it.  We’re making a big investment after all, in our kids and also in the country to which we dedicate our labor and our ideas.  If it becomes clear that our country is not receptive to us, and even works against us—and if it becomes a place where our kind have been relegated to a minority status—then how can we feel much attachment anymore?

A friend of mine who moved to Aarhus, Denmark, said something else quite sobering to me.  He’s of Scandinavian ancestry and, after he saw one town after another in Arizona turned into another Third World outpost—even as he, like you and your friend, was slaving away for unbelievably long hours in his job—he realized that in his heart, he wasn’t an American anymore.  He said he felt more like a Scandinavian, much closer to his ancestors and fellow Germanic Danes, than to what the US had become.  So he left, got a job, and his now raising his family there—working 40-50 hours a week, getting much more done, getting vacation time and raising a family.  He’s much happier now, contributing into a society populated by his kin. 

It’s a natural kinist response—he wants, effectively, to be “paying into” and assisting a society with his kin, rather than one increasingly filling with others, who will be a majority, and who despise him and his kind.

I’m about 1/4 German, and in general I’m starting to feel the same sort of thing, as the entire state of California around me beings to resemble Honduras far more than the Western nation I grew up with.  In my own heart, I just don’t feel very American anymore—I feel more German and feel a stronger connection to my geographically distant German kin, living in and contributing to this impressive Western nation around the Rhine, than I do to the USA, which has become a Third World country that I don’t recognize anymore.  I might also be taking a cue from my friend in a few years myself—after visiting Hanover in northern Germany and meeting the warm and friendly people there, open to the world and friendly to outsiders but stubbornly proud of their Western, German heritage, I’m already starting to feel more at home there.


Posted by Kenelm Digby on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 13:46 | #

Yes, I particularly like the analogy of feudalism to describe the state of modern America, here are a few ‘rough and ready’ parallels to the world of estates, fiefdoms and patronage:
The Crown, to which all are basically in thrall = The political class.
The Robber Barons, who are basically granted priveleges and fiefdoms by the Crown, which enables them to live luxoriously off the sweat of others = Protected minorities whos fiefdoms are ‘affirmative action’ cushy jobs and college places.These ‘princes of the blood’ are racially exclusively non-White of course.
The Serfs, upon whom whose sweat the whole rotten edifice rests, who are disenfranchised, despised and taxed to the hilt, while being granted a few crumbs to live on - The broad mass of White working and middle class people, oh don’t forget that they are forbidden by bonds of blood the grant of fiefdoms from the Crown.

Isn’t very, very sad that the high ideals of Washington and the other founding fathers, who saw this rotten system operate in Europe - particulary England, and who framed the constitution specifically as a reaction against feudal privelege and title, have been stitched up by a system that is radically more evil and vicious that anything 18th century Europe could come up with.


Posted by dchamil on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 23:25 | #

Steve mused that America is becoming a feudal economy. A similar idea was described by the late Eugene McCarthy in 1992 in his book A Colony of the World: The United States Today.


Posted by Don Reynolds on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 08:39 | #

Stop calling these people immigrants. They are not immigrants in any way, shape or form. They have no intention of adopting a new home, assimilating into the existing society, learning the language, customs, or laws of the United States. Many of them are not even interested in becoming US citizens and refuse to give up their foreign loyalties.

What do you call such people? These are COLONISTS, not much different from the colonists who came to this great continent back in the 1600-1700 period. Of course, the big differences are…..the American Indian did not hire the colonists at wages many times what they could make in Europe, the American Indian resisted with determination the invasion by the colonists from Europe (and continued to resist for centuries), the American Indian did not offer the European colonists superior health care (free) nor did they offer public education superior to what was available in Europe.



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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

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