The Problematic Nature of Assimilation

Posted by Guest Blogger on Friday, 10 April 2009 11:34.

By exPF

People, even elite multiculturalists, seem to understand that groups of human beings undergo various “trials and tribulations” - which test their loyalty to each other, their toughness in struggle, and their willingness to sacrifice and undergo hardship for one another. I hope we can assert here, without it being merely a facile truism, that nations, groups, peoples undergo periods of prolonged struggle and disorder which require some stronger allegiance or internal reference point - if said nation is to hold together and persist, rather than be broken by circumstance.

Put bluntly, it won’t always be days of wine and roses. Even the Blitz, even the Great Depression, don’t represent the putative low-point of communal existence: harder things may yet be demanded of us.

And there is still a lingering intuitive understanding that the only groups to actually persist through such difficulties, the only groups to survive, are those which will sacrifice for one another and bear hardship, following Hamilton’s rule, these groups are those sharing familial relationship.

That’s why they want us to assimilate. So that one day, the strife will end. One day, the controversies and debates and inflammatory denouncements and hate-speech measures will end. We will have become one. Even multiculturalists understand, in a somnambulatory way, the importance that we become family. So they posit that as their horizon:

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

But the fact is that assimilation is an exquisitely delicate and complicated matter - each act of exogamy and miscegenation, and thus “assimilation” - is quite a different thing. Everyone who crosses the racial and ethnic divide, does it as a shit-scared tight-rope walker, straddling the abyss of true individualism, which yawns open beneath one perhaps for the first time in its true aspect, when one attempts this great feat. Miscegenation and exogamy are, in fact, some of the only pursuits in which it is possible to confront and to actually live true individualism in its fullest manifestation- not just putatively, as a kind of philosophical affirmation of a concept, but as an actual life-experiment upon which one’s future legacy is based. Ask the legions of single mothers already left in the wake of this project: it’s one thing to experiment with musical styles and an unconventional piercing: quite another to stake your prosperity on a partner of foreign stock.

In some sense it is the legions of single mothers raising cafe-au-lait children who could answer cultural individualists’ rebellion with the rejoinder:

“You think you have balls? We’re such individualists that we are actually raising a crop of children from sundry foreign wanderers who have abandoned us. Check that, if you want individualism.”

And the various leather-clad tattoo-sporting rockers would have nothing at all to say to them: they’d be genuinely one-upped by the Open Legs Brigade.

Unfortunately, these women are generally too stupid to appreciate the greater context of their actions; as it turns out, if Nelson had charged into Napoleon’s navy without knowing it was there, he would not be credited with the heroism which has since attached to his name. Likewise, these women cannot be said to understand the burden they have shouldered until they come to appreciate it’s gravity bit by regrettable bit - ex post facto - as the left side of the bell-curve is always appreciating and understanding its actions. In hindsight.

The hope that governments implicitly stake on the idea of “assimilation” is that the end-products of these processes will somehow come to unify under one banner, and will feel and act as one - ending forever our otherwise perpetual and ever-worsening divisiveness. Well, let’s consider what this looks like in practice.

If western rulers were enlightened enough to praise miscegenation - which they definitely have done through the vehicles of BBC hospital dramas and Hollywood movies - they should have done more than merely plant the seed of miscegenist thought. If “assimilation” was their goal, they should have included an instruction manual - because miscegenation is in fact an extremely complicated thing. First question: whom does one mate with? The liberal immigration policies certainly give the white western woman no end of choice as to possible mates. She could take an African, a West Indian, a Pakistani, an Arab, a Vietnamese, a Chinese, a Serbian, a Russian, a Slovenian, a Greek, a French or Swedish husband.

Secondly, how will the child be raised? With some degree of respect for his [unspecified] foreign ancestry? With equal respect for his white Anglo-Saxon and foreign ancestry? With no respect for his foreign ancestry? At what age will he be made conscious of his foreign ‘ties’? Will they be reaffirmed each year? Stringently denied? Portrayed as if they do not matter? Will the father be violently pro-[his homeland] or will he coyly pour saccharine love out on the new western polity he has adopted?

If anyone here has followed Steve Sailer’s exposition of a certain famed historical figure’s ancestry - one will no doubt be aware the many problems that arise from mixed matings. There are inferiority complexes, superiority complexes - the feeling of not belonging to either group, the militant desire to prove one’s allegiance to one group: those raised in mixed households will know already just how problematic forging an identity can be. As what does one identify oneself? Does one pretend to belong to both groups? Which group does one admire? Which group does one romanticize? After which group’s affection does one strive?

The narcissism, self-seeking and naivete of teenagers doesn’t respect the boundaries of “that which should not matter” - and so children growing up in mixed households tend to dote more on these concepts, during their identity search, than PC-commissars would like to think. Especially because the perception of these things by others speaks to the self-consciousness of the young.

Coming from a mixed family makes one naturally very idiosyncratic and individualistic by nature. Even different siblings can have completely different views on matters central to identity - thus increasing the tendency to divisiveness.

So let’s draw some pictures in our minds. Imagine a Swedish man takes an Englishwoman to wife. Its not a cross of the racial divide, but its an ethnic experiment, to be sure. The Swedish man will no doubt speak good English, with a slight accent, and be successful at his career, with a respect for British culture and a self-effacingness that lets him melt into the landscape. He does represent a repudiation of Englishness but one that is justified - at least in view of the woman in question - with gains in human capital which make him far above average anywhere, thus also in England.

But this grand game isn’t just for Swedish businessmen, and accomplished northern Europeans seeking adventurous mating propositions abroad - other foreigners also enter into the mix. Imagine a Greek, who runs a restaurant and engages in the same experiment. His conflict with Englishness is necessarily a bit more profound, but he gets along in one way or another. The union likewise produces some kind of children, who feel necessarily conflicted - and aren’t too keen on flying the cross of St. George.

Alas, if only we could draw the line at the admission of the Greek, this might all end in smiles. No, our commitment to anti-racist principles and the accidental nature of our “who will pop up next?” immigration policy demands of us even more radical experiments. A Tunisian businessman takes another Englishwoman to wife. Necessarily conflicted with the whole notion of European identity as such, he is nevertheless tenacious and intelligent, and can make a way in the world. The union produces children.

Alas, if only the Tunisian were the end of our troubles. Several different Africans and West Indian immigrants arrive, all similarly desiring to sire children with English women. Like degraded scientists in a perverse underground lab, all these experiments give birth to new, heretofore unknown strains of children.

Now all of these foreigners have assimilated - the question is: what have they assimilated to? To a fragmented, sterilized, seen-through-a-prism idea of Englishness? An idea which, under any interpretation, would clash with their other identities and require relativizing merely to be rendered safe? An idea of Englishness which, were it to place any high value on English cultural belonging, would necessarily categorize them all as half-breeds, outsiders and people-not-quite-belonging?

Understand, in clear terms, that this means Englishness has to be made devoid of all value, just in order that these peoples’ existence will not represent some kind of affront against it. They will forever be aware that, if Englishness constitutes a central value, it is one from which they are forever excluded. It is these people who primarily have an interest in seeing English identity relativized - something to be subtly scoffed at, something not to be taken too seriously.

If they have any university education, the idea will come very naturally to them that they are “better than the Englishman in the street” who has trouble articulating himself and speaks in simple tones. They will naturally grasp the concept of aristocracy to justify their existence, being born ‘outside the blood’ and thus with a grievance which must be justified - even if cultural attainment and a glib tongue is all they can offer us in exchange for the ethnic bond sacrificed as a result of their parents’ experimental breeding. Nothing else will satisfy their alienation at the knowledge that they do not pass John Bull’s ‘sniff test’ - which is the kind of thing that makes human beings supremely alienated and hateful: knowing they are not wanted on the basis of their essential features. The motto is: if I can’t have English physiognomy and pedigree, then even knowledge of the existence of such is anathema to me! I must see it all destroyed! I must see it all made a mockery of!

One might ask, bemused: are the results of these experiments expected to breed with one another? What future does ‘assimilation’ have in mind for the Turkish-Hungarian-Greek-Swedish-Gypsy-Somali-Scotsman?

How about this: a future in which the possibility of “Ozmir Ulysses Henrik Ogdabishu Allen” ever meeting another person like himself are precisely zero! Zero!!
A future in which he will forever be a ‘freak’ striving to re-assert the boundaries of what he thought was normalcy. A future in which all of the miserable beneficiaries of these breeding experiments are striving to reassert their belonging to an ethnic group with static norms and expectations - just because they grasp the fact that life isn’t a genetic free-for-all and one has to maintain some basal conservatism in order to create children vaguely resembling oneself. They will understand this because they will see how dangerously near their parents’ experiments brought them to the verge of racio-cultural anomie, and see the need to avert this in their own choices.

Just consider in all its absurdity the grand central premise of “assimilation” - that every single generation will be some individualistic experiment in breeding. That every generation, one can reach outside the bounds of history and mate with some completely different specimen, making one’s pedigree not an ordered progression, but a riotous explosion of dazzling colors in conflict. I will take a Persian to wed, and my son, an Egyptian, and his son, an Inuit, and his son, a Scotswoman. Oh, it will be so colorful. We will all be Björk. We will all be Freddy Mercury. We will be Cher.

The multiplicity of different characters and backgrounds within a nation forms the fodder for the assimilationist experiment - this is one side of the equation. Here there are advanced medical doctors representing the upper classes, high-school dropouts, working men classed as ‘losers’ - each of these people will be ‘mixing’. So the variation of the original population is present, multiplied by the variation of the “colonizing” population ...  As if England, with its class divides and regionalisms, were not divided enough as ‘starting material’. The end product could look like literally anything imaginable. One imagines cafe-au-lait cognitive elitists and Mediterranean-looking Chavs; slant-eyed punk-rock hooligans and mulatto churchgoers. A thousand myriad forms, each one representing a fragment of our collective death.

All this combined with the fact that both the colonizing population and the English population will consist (for the most part) of people adhering to their respective heritages, and thus, tacitly denying the model of assimilation which is presently being put forth. This alienates the half-breeds and adds yet more to the divisiveness of social life generally.

Assimilation, far from being a “gasp! we’ve finally arrived” salvation-through-copulation-Endlösung, is more like an endless spiral which gets more messy and more problematic and complicated the deeper one advances into it. This trick which was meant to save us, overcoming ethnic conflict by playing musical chairs with our genitals, well, it turns out the real world ain’t that simple.



Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 14:00 | #

Atavistic African instincts, present in nascent form in all of us to one degree or another, override rational reflection:

The State as hyper-polygynous alpha male.  The mate as sneaky beta male.  Female “independence”.

Let the State, nay civilization itself, and His protections and provisions truly wither away and things will change fast.

This is the real reason Islam is such a threat:  It is the only religion truly sexist and, realistic enough about polygyny to contain its worst manifestations emerging in a civilization that includes Africans or others with a predisposition toward polygyny.

But as to “individualism”—please!  Let us understand that in a truly individualistic culture, a local woman would likely never even see a foreign man because the moment the foreign man stepped foot on the local soil making eyes at the local woman, he would be challenged to single combat to the death in a Natural arena, using weapons which could be fabricated by the individuals themselves from Nature.  Its one thing to put two guys together in a roped arena and give them gloves.  Its quite another to put to guys together in a Natural arena and give them each a 10 inch blade and 20 yards of strong rope.


Posted by cladrastis on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 17:51 | #

I wonder if there are studies on the correlations between mental health problems and the degree to which an individual is mixed-race?  Or perhaps almost as useful, the correlations between nationalistic sentiments and how ethnically mixed an individual is.  Such data might give this argument more weight, help us to convey our opposition to race-mixing to those on the right, but not in our camp, and provide some interesting insights.  Just a thought…


Posted by Dasein on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 18:39 | #


The following study from a prof at Harvard showed that mixed race children are at elevated risk for risky and anti-social behaviour, as they try harder to prove themselves to peers (the ‘marginal man’ hypothesis). KIDS 7.1.08.pdf


Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 19:26 | #

Good article. The ethnic disintegration spawned and desired by the multi-cult creates many victims - not all of them obvious.


Posted by John Maszka on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 23:00 | #


I’m doing research on how American foreign policy affects popular support for terrorism. My theory is that America’s hegemonic activity fuels popular support for terrorism, but I need data to support that hypothesis. I plan to conduct a large international survey in order to collect that data. Before I conduct the survey, however, I need to devise a survey instrument that is non-biased (non-western, non-white). I strongly believe that the biggest reason that America is losing the war on terror is that we aren’t listening to the people that matter the most—everyone else. The same principal applies to my survey: it won’t do any good if I’m not asking the right questions.

So I’m asking for your help.

I’ve put together a pre-survey questionnaire to help fashion a survey that hopefully will ask the right questions? one that takes race, religion, and gender issues into consideration rather than just making the same old geopolitical assumptions that political scientists in my field tend to make.  I’m particularly interested in incorporating the views of women, non-whites, and people living outside of America and Western Europe. The final survey will go out once the pre-survey data has been collected and analyzed.

The survey can be accessed at

Please take a moment and fill out the survey.

Thank you!
Take care,

John Maszka


Posted by danielj on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 23:15 | #

I wonder if there are studies on the correlations between mental health problems and the degree to which an individual is mixed-race?  Or perhaps almost as useful, the correlations between nationalistic sentiments and how ethnically mixed an individual is.  Such data might give this argument more weight, help us to convey our opposition to race-mixing to those on the right, but not in our camp, and provide some interesting insights.  Just a thought…

A lot of them do absolutely great for themselves socially, psychologically and economically but it doesn’t mean that it benefits society.

I don’t think a connection between aracial children with maladjustment will bolster our case. Media and left wing social scientist will simply shift blame for the psychiatric disorder onto the host society for not “accepting” those of mixed race and creating the problems and turmoil within the afflicted individual.


Posted by danielj on Sat, 11 Apr 2009 00:55 | #

It came from here:


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 02:28 | #

I could not care less whether or not non-White immigrants assimilate perfectly into White countries. I simply do not wish to share my native land with them.


Posted by Multicultural Jewish Paradise on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 01:22 | #

Barry Mehler, a far-leftist Jewish pro-immigration/anti-White activist, had the following to say about an article about immigration on the website Jewcy:

Stephen Steinlight suggests that the Mexicans are swarming across our border and that these immigrants have no intention of becoming Americans and learning English. In the end, we will lose Texas, New Mexico and California.

I have a modest proposal in regard to this possibility. It is never too late to give back what you have stolen. Let Mexico have Texas, New Mexico and California. The result would be a smaller United States and a larger Mexico. The world’s one great super-power would become more like other nations and we would have to work in concert with others. Mexico, by the way, is not a third world country. It is a wealthy nation and made larger, it will be, for the first time, a nation comparable to the United States. That has never existed.  The United States has always dominated this hemisphere. Europe has no such dominant power.  Every time they had one or one of the European nations thought it ought to be, the result was war and destruction until the offending party had been brought back within the balance of power system. Now, those who argue that the Mexicans now in the United States and those coming are a danger to the United States are white nationalists.  They identify the United States as a white man’s English speaking nation. The United States is no such thing. We live in a hemisphere of the earth that is predominantly Spanish speaking. The age in which European descended white men could rule the earth is over. California, Texas, Florida and New Mexico will become states with majority Spanish speaking populations and their sympathies will be different from those of English speaking white men. It’s always a new world. Get out of the doorway if you can’t understand. The Mexicans are coming and they have every right to be here. We need a national policy that is humane and rational. The status of undocumented workers make them a target for exploitation. The government needs to guarantee these people decent working conditions and a minimum wage. It can’t do that, if they are “undocumented.” Refusing to protect a human being within your borders because you claim she is “undocumented” is immoral.

By the way, where is the evidence for a “blacklist” or an attempt to stifle debate? During the McCarthy era, thousands lost jobs and were threatened with supena before the HUAC. What exactly is HIAS and Progress by Pesach doing to stifle Dr. Steinlight?  I’ve seen exactly one example of one group that called to cancel a speech he was going to make.  That hardly counts as a conspiracy of silence his voice.

I would also suggest that Dr. Steinlights past employment at AJC is not a defence against the accusations being made.  The contention is that Dr. Steinlight is a white nationalist and that CIS is part of what SPLC has called, “The Three Faces of Intolerance.” Pointing to your past employment is not an answer to these charges.  It is a non-sequitor. -


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 03:00 | #

It’s insanity for Euros to support Israel when Jews are in full-bore anti-Euro genocidal attack (see comment just above).  The views of 98% of organized Jewry are identical to, or a slightly watered-down version of, Barry Mehler’s. 

“The Barry Mehlers of this world are as anti-Israel as they are anti-Euro”? 

Some are, most aren’t. 

Most are only anti-Euro, with views on Israel ranging from wishing it well to fanatical devotion.

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