The Role of Anger in White Nationalism

Posted by Guest Blogger on Monday, 20 September 2010 01:05.

by PF

Inspired by Soren’s radio show with Kievsky and Parrott.

What is the purpose of anger?

Anger is an emotion which is triggered in the human being when an important boundary is crossed in word or deed.

Anger is vital for human beings because anger, unlike the various reasoning processes which are spun out as a response to it, honestly and indubitably allows both parties in an interaction to understand where a boundary is. Human reasoning processes paper over the emotional processes that drive them and are thus deceptive. Reasonings are usually corrupted by imitation, status-signaling, dissimulation, general confusion and self-deception, and thus cannot be trusted to reliably signal the exact position of boundaries. Anger can be relied upon, because it is difficult to properly fake,  and so is an evolutionarily stable signal for establishing where boundaries are.

In the recent evolution of white culture a method of discourse has been invented which suppressed expressions of anger in favor of a cold, detached, logical style. This is ideal for arguing objective relationships about facts, but at the same time is fundamentally dishonest, insofar as the most essential component of human interaction is elided over. This method of discourse still holds a high status as both a method of signalling aloofness, and an aspired to argumentative style which puts one beyond the vagaries of emotion (ostensibly).

Now rational argument was founded in order to facilitate the discussion of abstract thinking, which is the necessary precursor to univeralism. Emotional discussions are by their nature non-universalist because only genetic proximity will motivate people to care enough about the emotional proclivities of another person to actually study what their ‘triggers’ are. (absent white social experimentation). In other words, few people outside your family care what you are feeling. Those people who do care what you are feeling are people sufficiently similar to you to either want to be your friend, or enter a romantic relationship with you, and as empirical studies have shown, both of these things typically signal a degree of higher relatedness anyway. The point is that one’s personal feelings become less interesting as one moves outside the concentric rings of one’s established family. At each EGI fault line there is a degradation in the ‘clarity of signal’ being broadcast emotionally, so it is very hard to get honest emotional communication with foreigners for a variety of reasons (I have cited only one: lack of motivation).

When whites come to discuss the issue of anger in the context of race-relations they are therefore grasping at a knot made up of a several threads. They wrestle both with their own difficulty dealing with emotions, the culturally established premium on coldness, and the fact of the impossibility of adequately downloading the emotional weightings of the Other.

There are some things I want to say about anger though.

1) Anger is a reasonable response to having your boundaries violated. In fact, it is the only appropriate response under these circumstances.

2) You determine what your boundaries are, not the media, and not somebody else. This is important because the left-wing media simply try by default in every possible instance to downplay the legitimacy of white anger, by talking about how our boundaries are “based on antiquated notions” - such as peoplehood, ethnic national sovereignty, and continued existence.

3) Emotions are real things, even if the imaginings that inspire them are in some sense not real. It can seem like this is not true because we have a culture that likes to think emotions can be escaped or downplayed - if you just show someone how feeling bad is uncool, they will stop feeling bad. Unfortunately, its not that simple. A person who invalidates your feelings is essentially telling you that your experience of reality is invalid - in all other contexts this person would have to be classed as an abusive friend. This is the permanent message of liberalist America to normal America: your reality is invalid.

4) Given that we have almost every single major white city to foreign demographic conquest - there is a great reason for people to feel fear and anger. Nearly nobody actually wanted this and it has caused untold amounts of devastation. It has uprooted millions of families from where they once lived, destroyed communities, and made the urban white experience of life unknowable for two generations of people. Not to mention the death toll and the loss of national wealth and prestige that have come as a result of these things. If any organic entity lost 10% of its living space within 2 generations span, it should be greatly worried about the future direction of that trend.

Emotional policing of Whites by Non-Whites

Dear White People,

Your feelings about us are wrong. No, you did not read that wrong: we actually do mean that.  Your feelings are actually *incorrect*. Please amend them or be excommunicated from the realm of polite discourse.

You see, the reason why you have chosen the wrong way to feel is ... (rationalization ... justification ... rationalization, because (cherry-picked historical perspectives ... rationalization). Last of all we should remember (platitude).

So please stop it!  There’s a gag order on ya until you learn to remove all negative intonation from everything you say about us.


You know who.

Why do we try to understand ourselves to release these things?

When nonwhites goad whites to rise above their grievance - or as usual, our fellow whites will goad us - they are using the bad social reputation of negative emotions as a weapon to silence us. Because nobody likes these emotions, we are supposed not to have had them. They dont actually care about us but are just saying and doing anything to control us. They advise us to first become Buddha, and then we’ll be allowed to voice our problems.

Anger is uncool, man. Only losers get angry, etc, etc.

The reason why a white nationalist might urge another white nationalist to come to terms with his own feelings is not to muzzle his expression of anger. Grievance nationalism is the doorway into an understanding of our peoplehood, and everyone has to go through that doorway.

The question is, how long does one remain with that vitriol - precisely speaking, how useful is it to carry that vitriol around? No one can actually answer this for ya because only if you have had the experience of both having and resolving these feelings will you know which state was better. Those who hold on think letting go will make them impotent for purposes of activism, or that anger, once released, will never return. Not only does it return, but it returns fresher and with more juice. But ironing this out doesn’t matter.

The point is that achieving emotionally attractive states such as not being stewing in a 10-year old accumulation of rage, will make you more attractive to other whites. It will make you less forbidding and easier to be around. Thats the benefit, that you can interface more with whites without fearing your own massive emotional buildup from overflowing - which in my experience is less impressive than people think. Stored up emotion usually comes out looking stupid and makes everything - every single fucking discussion - more about your own personal therapy-that-you-insist-on-not-getting than about whatever you are discussing. It lets you have hundreds of stupid discussions about proxy issues to deal with the one or two things that are actually going on inside.

Enough about that - we don’t want to look too far in.

The point is: (fresh) anger is riches to us, we have more of it than ever, and anger at our dispossession will likely transform white culture in subtle, unforeseen ways which blossom out unexpectedly and lead us towards the weaponization of mind which Kievsky was urging in the podcast. Think of the anger-less, grievance-less happiness of the 1960s boomers with their Beatles tunes and their disco dancing: we have gained something that they were lacking, and it will lead us to insight, even if we choose later not to permanently reside in the experience of that feeling.



Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 04:13 | #


On a previous thread, you were very kind to mention your appreciation of my humor, and even kinder to suggest that Søren have me as a guest on MR Radio.

In this post, you have written about the issue of anger in white nationalism. I’d like to suggest a connection between the two topics as they relate to my particular case.

In actuality, I don’t think I’m naturally a funny person. My humor is a survival mechanism I use in an attempt to release anger in a non-destructive way. As you mentioned, my efforts are nearly continuous. If you were to hear me on the radio, I would likely come across as dead-serious and emotionally withdrawn. It takes a good deal of brooding for me to usher a laughable sentiment. Mine is a seething humor.

You may have noticed that I was unkind to Matt Parrot after his debut on MR Radio. Regrettably, I referred to him as a charlatan. I think the reason for my so doing was a fierce resentment at his freedom from the confines of anger. For me to have affected such congenial affability would have been a complete travesty.

As Søren mentioned during the most recent show, Matt doesn’t have an anti-cornucopian thread in his being.

[Personal attack removed by moderator]


Posted by Kievsky on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 14:11 | #

The point is: (fresh) anger is riches to us, we have more of it than ever, and anger at our dispossession will likely transform white culture in subtle, unforeseen ways which blossom out unexpectedly and lead us towards the weaponization of mind which Kievsky was urging in the podcast. Think of the anger-less, grievance-less happiness of the 1960s boomers with their Beatles tunes and their disco dancing: we have gained something that they were lacking, and it will lead us to insight, even if we choose later not to permanently reside in the experience of that feeling.

Excellent post PF!

It’s all about fermenting the anger correctly, into something useful rather than poisonous.  This is a function of good education—a lifetime of reading classical literature, history, and doing things in the real world that are effective such as community organizing and growing vegetables and speaking a foreign language—things that enrich your life.

Rage is a dangerous element, like enriched uranium.  The Islamic concept of “jihad” or spiritual struggle, is an example of attemping to ferment anger into something useful.  The White version of jihad will be different, a bit more “enlightened,” you might say, whose ultimate purpose is to free European-descended people to live as is natural to us.

That’s what this is all about—we are not allowed to live in a way that is natural to us.  Multiculturalism is a sort of global ethnic prison.  We are the inmates who threaten to revolt.  Most whites have embraced the prison (liberals, Glenn Beck followers).

It is not a physical prison; it is a mental prison, a sort of labyrinth of consciousness where we are born into a system of lies.  A few of us escape, but the labyrinth is powerful and we fell its oppression.  We want to destroy the labyrinth of PC so all Whites can be born free, born free to live as our instincts dictate.

Our jihad should be like a nuclear power plant, and a drug resistant bacterium.  The nuclear power plant is endless energy to work towards victory.  The drug resistant bacteria is a willingness to adapt—to do ANYTHING to win.

If enough Whites escape the labyrinth and join the Mindweapon Army, we will win.

Rise against the enemies of God!


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 17:03 | #

RAGE is a Mindweapon. Rise Against God’s Enemies.


Posted by Bill on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 17:16 | #

Kievsky.  September 20, 2010, 01:11 PM

That’s what this is all about—we are not allowed to live in a way that is natural to us.  Multiculturalism is a sort of global ethnic prison.  We are the inmates who threaten to revolt.  Most whites have embraced the prison (liberals, Glenn Beck followers).

Palin and Glenn Beck followers’ maybe in prison as you say - but they’re only too aware and want out.

This video…... is ne…....arly one hour long. H/T VFR today.

I find Palin difficult to get a handle on, she’ folksy, she’s crass, she’s brave, she’s Billy Graham, she’s on Murdoch’s pay roll, she knows what these folk (audience) want, they want plain speaking and they want their values espoused at the highest level.  They, like us, want their country back!

Palin has this audience eating out of her hand, 90%+ of her speech is folksy junk food, but they lap it up and keep baying for more, yes these people are in prison, and like us they know it and are clinging to the likes of Palin and Beck because there is no-one else articulating their plight.  They would follow an 800lb Silverback if it held out any hope.

For me, this video is a test of will to see it through; I think you can safely fast forward through most of it and not miss anything of import.  However, there are numerous moments when Palin deftly lands a sucker punch from nowhere and the crowd go wild, (standing ovations) they want more of this sock it to the elites.

At one hour duration this video tests one’s will to stay the course, the thing is,  Palin (and Beck) are saying things where others fear to tread,  and white America is yearning for such a voice.

Don’t dismiss the teapartiers too readily for they may turn out to be most interesting.  Kunstler fears the worst in his todays latest.

Anyway, see what you think.


Posted by Notus Wind on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 19:03 | #


In the recent evolution of white culture a method of discourse has been invented which suppressed expressions of anger in favor of a cold, detached, logical style.

Oh come on now, there’s nothing recent about a form of discourse that goes back to the Ancient Greeks.

It has uprooted millions of families from where they once lived, destroyed communities, and made the urban white experience of life unknowable for two generations of people.

A very poignant remark that especially applies to us Americans.  However, I was under the impression that the same cannot be said just yet of our people in Europe.

Personally, I have never known the urban experience.

Every time I drive through one of America’s older major cities I always find myself darkly laughing at their decay, which always upsets my wife.

She asks, “Why are you laughing at this?”

I answer, “I don’t know.”

“Are you laughing at the people who live here?”


“Then who are you laughing at?”

“I am laughing at the fools who poured out their lives to build this city only to have their children give it away to the forces of chaos and destruction.  I would love to see the expression on their faces as they witness the true fulfillment of their ideals and see how pointless it all was.  These ruins are their line’s sacrifice to the alter of the brotherhood of man and I am savoring the smell.”

“You shouldn’t talk like that honey.”

I don’t see how any nationalist can look at the present state of our society without also having an ample supply of dark humor.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 19:23 | #

“Hate is the vitamin C of the soul”  - - Valdas Anelauskas

In anticipation of a some future effort to legitimize the power of hate, I purchased the domain name It remains dormant. If there is an interest in utilizing, I can make it available.

Rise against the enemies of God!


Posted by Kievsky on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 19:36 | #

Right on, Jimmy.  Let’s not run from the word or the concept, “hate,” though we should avoid saying things that trigger hollywood stereotyping.  I won’t use slurs or threats of violence, but I think it’s a potentially radically move to talk about hate in the right context—namely, some things should be hated.  The mental prison of political correctness should be hated.

You know that “punched in the gut” feeling you have when you encounter massive floods of third worlders here in the US, or when you see a perfectly good white girl walking down the street with a colored?  that’s hate—a healthy hate, a hate that is right for the moment.

Hate is like nuclear fuel.  You have to be careful with it, but if used properly, can accomplish great things, just like love.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 21 Sep 2010 23:13 | #

Your help today has paid off, comrades: .

This day you helped stave off the latest attempt by the white-hating genociders to place whites before the genociders’ long-hoped-for, long-planned fait accompli of an irreversible race-replacement scenario. 

To all who phoned their Senators’ offices or sent e-mails today, God bless you!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 14:21 | #

For a partial breakdown by tribe of yesterday’s vote in the Senate, see the following link (a “yea” vote meant forging ahead as fast as possible with race-replacement imposed by the full force of the federal government; a “nay” meant not so doing:  see which tribe’s Senators voted “yea” unanimously): .

(Bear in mind the 43 non-members of this tribe listed as having voted “yea” are not further broken down by tribe.)

Gee I wonder what these numbers could possibly mean?

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