The sanctuary

Posted by Guest Blogger on Wednesday, 08 June 2011 00:54.

by Grimoire

I moved to Canada six or seven months ago for the mountains and the ocean. It’s a nice place, free of the racial and social tensions prevalent below the 49th parallel. The people are good-natured in their way. Yet I cannot stomach them and much prefer the company of Americans.

The other day I bought a locally made bicycle - a real work of Canadian craftsmanship, the construction and materials are superb. As good or better really than anything in this class in Europe or the States. Super light and fast, yet still tough. A semi street/trail bike, no shocks or extras ... hyper-lightweight as I wanted it.

I saw on a map a large wetlands bird sanctuary about 35 km away. So I threw a collapsible fishing pole and a few things in the panniers and ripped the 35 km in about an hour or so. The majority of the trip was off road on trails, and I passed 4 or 5 beautiful waterfalls. The largest waterfall was multi-level, each step with beautiful pools filled with shopping-carts and stolen bicycles. It was inhabited by homeless hippies smoking dope and crackheads throwing around garbage, all white. At another waterfall I saw otters fishing for salmon fry, and a large Barred Owl sat on the ground in the middle of the trail, I stopped for it and it seemed to smile . You have to be very careful with Owls, they have no fear whatsoever and will attack a human if they consider them fools.

When I got to the sanctuary a sign said “no pets, riding bicycles, etc, etc”. So I got off and walked my bike. The wetlands sanctuary was an Eden, I have seen little like it. Birds of every description; Bald Eagles, Ospreys, Hawks, Owls, Herons, Cardinals, Redwing Blackbirds, Bluejays, Northern Flickers, Woodpeckers, Geese, ducks of all types, hundreds of varieties of songbird. Beavers swam by and slapped their tails as you walked along. Turtles sat on logs, Deer everywhere. Along one 2 hectare line a stand of mature English Oaks had died many years before from flooding. The bark had completely fallen off, and the trees still stood intact, white and smooth as ivory sculpture, an incredible vision.

As I was walking along a path overhung with flowering Hawthorne, bullrushes to one side by the water, I noticed a short squat woman walking intently towards me. I didn’t want to talk with any idiots, most definitely not women. I find older Canadian women are sows. You come into contact with them often, as they feel no qualms about walking up to the stranger and interrogating them for information which they can share within their cauldron-stirring circles. One cannot help noticing this is a feminist-controlled country and the older woman, who are unpleasant to look at, are worse to be around. They seem to not understand that they are not the objects of desire they legislate to be seen as.

I put thoughts of repulsive women out of my mind and walked on looking up in the trees ... but every so often noticing she was heading towards me. I remained unequivocal till she was right in front and I could ignore her no longer. She was a short squat Asian woman, dressed in a khaki uniform, like a park ranger, in her mind at any rate, with a suspicious pair of binoculars and a khaki cap.

“I want to thank you for not riding your bicycle. That’s very good. That shows you respect Natures Trust ... and you respect the Natures Trust by not riding your bicycle ... that is very good ... ching chong, chingedy chong ...” she said to me, apropos of nothing.

I looked at the khaki apparition and didn’t know quite what to say. So I said ‘Your welcome’ and began to step around her to continue.  Her squant eyes darkened when she thought she heard a accent.

“Awwww, you tourist ...” And she stepped right in front of me, the odour was unpleasant, a blend of body odour and stale cooking oil. She was going to force a conversation like all the other repulsive women in this part of the world, and for a brief moment I wondered if the Natures Trust would find disrespectful the body of an Asian bitch floating amongst the marsh grass and ducks.

“Would you like to donate? This would be good ... good, you ... donate, yes?” I didn’t look but I imagine a tin cup painted with ducks was brought out.

“If you will excuse me.” I replied and attempted to continue in a direction tangential to her presence.

She looked at me with disappointment, yet there was something more to her tone ... more of a ‘disappoint not my authority’ texture. Suddenly, she stepped directly in front of me, blocking my path. I was shocked at this violation of passage. My mind raced to identify what was going on here. Was she a Natures Trust whore ? I looked at her as much as I could bear ... ugly, yes, hideous, check ... no ... something else ... I identified it then, and knew what I was looking at: a Chinese Cultural Revolutionary Red Guard reject. She was Chinese, an immigrant, and of the right age to have been indoctrinated as a youth during the cultural revolution. Chinese of this age were all indoctrinates of the Cultural Revolution. Probably had her own father and mother shot. Now here she was in a khaki uniform purchased from a strip mall, rounding up counter-revolutionaries for re-education and rehabilitation. But there was something else to her lamprey-like vacuuming up to me ... something Jiang Ching and ‘gang of 7’.

Ah ... now I saw the reason for the imposition. I was a tall white European male enemy of the short Peoples Maoist-Woman’s International, or something. Did I not know this was their world? She was collecting fines ...

“ The Natures Trust do not have money….” she chi-lisped like a mad duck.

“I’m not interested in any shakedowns.” I interjected. This didn’t compute with her at all. She was the authority here and grew visibly angry. She expected appropriate behaviour from arrogant Uropeangs. This was not it.

“But you enjoy our ...”

“Fuck off.” I cut in. Her face swelled with purple fluids while snake eyes watered behind smoked plastic lenses .

“But ...”

“FUCK OFF”... loud and proud, with an intention to inform her of who was the authority here, in no uncertain terms probably heard in Fukushima as the people dived again into their radioactive holes. Flocks of geese and ducks took to wing honking, splashing and quacking, and generally beating it ... birds everywhere jumped from their branches so that the wood seemed to take to the air. And she was gone. She de-materialized and seemed to re-materialize about 150 metres down the trail, bugging out as fast as her little clogs could burn up the rubber soles.

This is the type of bird sanctuary negativity I do not need, and counter-revolutionary style rode my bike the rest of the way around the sanctuary. I try to practice a type of mental satori where I keep my mind free of negative thoughts and find my energy shoots up exponentially. On the way back I thought, well, I’m negative now, the day is shot, maybe I could pop in and throw the hippies and the crackheads over the waterfall to cheer up. I could feel a positive state of mind and a smile returning with the thought.

Anyway, to the point.

The moral of the story is ... this is the type of opposition we really face. The power of the state is nothing, you follow the law and you can deal with it, you can influence it ... you can confuse and con it. The media can be jammed. The sea of Negroes can be parted with a monster truck. What have you got left? A bunch of pruned-out lesbian bitches with university degrees printed in the devil’s menstrual blood, power tripping immigrants nostalgic for the past abuses they adored, gabbling Jews all you have to do is throw some change down the grate and their happy for hours, militant gays ... please! These are the facts. The whole idea of the take-over of our countries is illusion. Sure, everyone is acting on the illusion as if their ass depended on it. But the delusion is only because reality has not yet slapped the stupid out. Everyone is mad. What Nationalists have to do is stop being the nuts we are expected to dutifully be, instead be the sane people in the room, who do not act on illusions but speak the truth - the real truth, not fantasy. Not little truth prizes scattered on a trail through the forest for simple children to gather up. We know what is up. We can deal with it. We know they are scared shitless someone will notice the man behind the curtain is a one eyed-midget Jabulon with a Talmud. All we have to do is set the terms to this argument and we are halfway to winning it.

The West is our fucking house. It’s time the party’s over.



Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 03:25 | #

Fascinating anecdote – but I have one question: what is it you find objectionable about Euro-Canadians? As the old saying goes - some of my best friends are Canadians.


Posted by PF on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 06:03 | #

Grim wrote:

She was going to force a conversation like all the other repulsive women in this part of the world, and for a brief moment I wondered if the Natures Trust would find disrespectful the body of an Asian bitch floating amongst the marsh grass and ducks.

You contemplated murdering a panhandler because they were slightly aggressive and Asian? You celebrated cussing her out as an act of cultural rebellion? Making a chinese woman run away from you in a bird sanctuary is something you’re implicitly lionizing?

Have nationalists always been this crazy?


Posted by Grimoire on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 07:16 | #

West coast Canadian i speculate. I’m told not all Canadians are like this. Hard to describe. Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ captures it fairly well.  It’s a idea of the future constructed by a marketing and social engineering department…a soulless, plastic continuance of 1969…no human dignity allowed, just unbounded tolerance.

San Francisco is like this, perhaps less so. In San Francisco everywhere you go people say ‘hello’, ‘nice afternoon’, ‘good day’. And you can’t escape the feeling they don’t mean it in anyway….they do it because they were told to do it…it’s part of a made up image They have no interest in anyone but themselves…absolutely no center - no reality- just surface gestures.

Invited to a chamber concert in Vancouver a month ago….Debussy. I forget the exact Prelude,  the Maestro turned to the audience and said ‘People think this movement was written for Prague…but we know now it was written for Vancouver…’ The reaction of the audience was bizarre in the extreme. One fellow brayed like jackass. People stood up in their seats and waved their arms in exultant vindication…as if they had been waiting all their lives for this. They were ecstatic… and it was this strange exultation devoid of any dignity, like puppets….over something so patently false.
Any intelligent person knows this is an impossibility. Vancouver was nothing but a line of shacks on a shore at the turn of the 20th century. And there is no possible way the conductor didn’t know he was lying. He didn’t care…it didn’t matter…it’s was marketing…a flat out lie. No intelligent person would believe this…yet the audience was the Crème de la Crème .....but they didn’t care….their every waking moment is play acting.

It’s hard to put a finger on it Graham….it’s like the zombie phenomenon with only symbolic brain eating, but they attempt to eat your brains nonetheless. It’s beyond my power to describe.


Posted by Grimoire on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 07:44 | #

PF, She wasn’t a panhandler . She abruptly stopped me in the manner the police would detain a suspect…with absolutely no respect for personal autonomy… as if it was usual for her to treat casual passersby like trespassers on a plantation.

You would fit in well here PF. You also have that air of distinct falseness often described as new age.

Yes Nationalists need to be that crazy. This whole problem is nothing but an imposed mindset. If the culture of the West can be gulled into allowing their entire civilization to dissolve into third world anarchy, as if in a trance, we must not show any tolerance for the illusion or we will be sucked into it. As you so obviously demonstrate.


Posted by PF on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 08:35 | #

Grim wrote:

PF, She wasn’t a panhandler . She abruptly stopped me in the manner the police would detain a suspect…with absolutely no respect for personal autonomy… as if it was usual for her to treat casual passersby like trespassers on a plantation.

you shouting obscenities at a lone chinese woman in a bird sanctuary until she runs away from you at full-speed is comically revealing about where you are coming from as a person, more so than revealing anything about me, the woman, the decline of the west, or Canadians in general.

then I recall that you’re the same person who reminded me that Darwin’s theories are bunk and the Junkers were not an aristocracy, but their warriors were superior to all moderns by virtue of some intangible quality. I’m sure they were smiling down on you when that chinese bird took flight; what a great victory for white nationalism.


Posted by PF on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 08:57 | #

sorry Grim,

I was feeling churlish and trollish. Forget about this little thing. Lets get back to talking about your main point, which as far as I can tell was encapsulated here:

The moral of the story is ... this is the type of opposition we really face. The power of the state is nothing, you follow the law and you can deal with it, you can influence it ... you can confuse and con it. The media can be jammed. The sea of Negroes can be parted with a monster truck. What have you got left? A bunch of pruned-out lesbian bitches with university degrees printed in the devil’s menstrual blood, power tripping immigrants nostalgic for the past abuses they adored, gabbling Jews all you have to do is throw some change down the grate and their happy for hours, militant gays ... please! These are the facts. The whole idea of the take-over of our countries is illusion. Sure, everyone is acting on the illusion as if their ass depended on it.

Actually quite like the rhetorical style there, in all seriousness.


Posted by Grimoire on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 09:21 | #

Listen PF, people like you think Nationalism is all about private jets and champagne. But the facts are that we pull our pants on one leg at a time like everyone else. How do you know she wasn’t intent on robbery and then forcing me to work as some type of politically correct Canadian drug mule?

Someday, if you grow up you will learn….Darwins theories, like elf-traps, like communism…only works on paper.


Posted by Evan on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 09:45 | #

This story sounds made up. White crackheads living in waterfalls? Chinese female park rangers?


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 11:58 | #

Interesting comment about the classical music concert - much of life does seem marked by ever more phoniness, insincerity and inauthenticity.

Perhaps it has something to do with the process Theodore Dalrymple identifies as:

“When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to cooperate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to. One reason why some people become extremely hostile to anyone who violates a political correctness speech rule and utters some taboo truth is that the utterance of the truth serves as a reminder that others have been emasculated and silenced. For some it is humiliating to be reminded of one’s own submission to the enforcers of taboos. So they lash out at those who speak the unspeakable.”

And as Orwell so rightly observed:

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”

America seemingly has moved through being an ‘Empire of Production’ to an ‘Empire of Consumption’ and is rapidly mutating into an ‘Empire of Illusion’. For the ‘American Ideology’ is profoundly liberal and individualistic in genesis. Both right-wing and left-wing liberals seemingly can foresee the future only when it coincides with their own wishes, and the most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome. Again fleeing into wishful thinking from a comprehensive, robust and very sober analysis of reality.


Posted by anon on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 12:25 | #

Have nationalists always been this crazy?

Wow. Aren’t you a captious little punk. I was wondering why a few people were taking shots at this “PF”, and here’s my answer.

White crackheads living in waterfalls? Chinese female park rangers?

You too are a punk. Visit Canada sometime. Or even PNW America. Same garbage-folk.

Grimoire, I enjoyed this, as did the friends I prompted to read it. Reminds me of Bismuth and the early contributions to VNN, which made that site great. White man forcing zeitgeist-underlings to stand down: good moral fodder.


Posted by Mary on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 17:35 | #

I moved to Canada six or seven months ago for the mountains and the ocean. It’s a nice place, free of the racial and social tensions prevalent below the 49th parallel. The people are good-natured in their way. Yet I cannot stomach them and much prefer the company of Americans.

LOL! (I really did laugh at that—-the last line was so unexpected.  I also agree 100% smile)

I can’t tell you how much i enjoyed this post, and I mean ALL of it. I am Canadian in fact, but from the East coast. I left Canada almost 10 years ago and I have almost zero desire to return for (basically) the very reasons you state: ubiquitous feminism/liberalism, etc.

I lived in Vancouver for one year—and as far as I am concerned, you captured its essence completely. I see NOTHING has changed out there, and I cannot say I am surprised. I always struggled to describe to my friends back east why Vancouver kinda creeped me out, so I understand where you are coming from.
I also loved how you described the breath-taking natural beauty. I believe it was that gorgeousness that kept me spiritually fed and ‘afloat’ during that truly bizarre year.


Ps: I lived in BC in 1991—-and even then, I was the only non-Asian on the bus in the mornings. They don’t call it ‘Van Kong’ for nothing.


Posted by Brandon on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 17:49 | #

Bravo to you sir!


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 19:20 | #

Brandon, I’ll be adding your site to the blogroll in due course, though not right now, minor technical probs.


Posted by Grimoire on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 20:04 | #

Graham: You put your finger on it - ‘ a society of emasculated liars’...the phrase is economical and captures much of it.

Anon: Thank you. My writings ‘bad-erature’...but when one encounters real life equivalencies to the zombie film in the society around them….you feel you should put aside reservations and share the experience.

Mary: Thank you very much. I have a few friends here, other expats, and I compare notes with them, and they assure me I am not paranoid, as you have…thanks again. I’m told Eastern Canada is altogether different. and worthy of a visit. Your mention of the natural beauty of the environment has my agreement.  In terms of geography, this is Shangri-La .... unfortunately, the natural beauty and ease of life is used to construct a cult like society. Here, the ‘New-Age’ mind-set the 60’s radicals clamored for. However there are always a few good people where ever you go. In dire situations you tend to look and find the other sooner, and develop strategies to subvert the abnormal order. It can make life more immediate, to be a small band against a sea of idiots.

Brandon: And thank you sir!


Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 08 Jun 2011 22:08 | #

Very entertaining post.  I do agree with your analysis also, to an extent.  Especially your points that the modern zeitgeist is really akin to a collective delusion/nightmare which can be shaken off, and that it is essential to remain optimistic in the face of all this madness (I too find that optimism gives me energy). 

My only disagreement is that I do not really think we can so readily dismiss the modern managerial state as something which had very little real power.  It does, and can be a very dangerous foe if roused - it simply doesn’t do to portray it unrealistically.  That said, we little people, particularly proles and techies, etc, who make the system run, manage the data, keep the lights on, etc, can make the decision not to aid the system displacing us and to actively rebel against it in fact.  And when that occurs we will already have won.  But that is not to say that getting to such a point will be easy.


Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 03:26 | #


“My only disagreement is that I do not really think we can so readily dismiss the modern managerial state as something which had very little real power.  It does, and can be a very dangerous foe if roused - it simply doesn’t do to portray it unrealistically.”

Good point. Now turn it around and look at what has a far more secure grounding in reality…. It’s our people, government, nation, our power, our land. One can be made powerless, psychologically powerless, when you voluntarily give up your stake in it… your rights, your power.  The PTB puts an amazing dog and pony show on to convince you they have all the power. The fact is they wouldn’t be putting on the show, if they didn’t feel they need to. It’s all smoke and mirrors, paid with your money, to hide the fact their power is contingent on your belief, and if that goes… so do they. This is the reason for the ME wars…terrorism,  “Shock and Awe”, immigrants and other recent theatre. All theatre.
Granted, there are hordes of leftists in positions of power. But let’s be serious, these people are extreme fuckups, everything they touch is a massive catastrophe needing untold resources to coverup. Things change in cycles, the 68 generational cycle is about over. The West still functions as a Democracy. They haven’t changed that…they have just changed the perception of who the Democracy serves, the perception of who rules it, the perception of what it’s for - the emphasis in that sentence is ‘the perception....’, because reality hasn’t changed. This is our house, we have the deed - to everything.
There is much work to be done. Everyone must start with themselves. A man cannot change the world…but he can change himself, and convince others to do the same….eventually it adds up. Throw out the perception of powerlessness. People hate the smell of defeat,  love the smell of victory. Smell like Victory. But learn to hold your beans…we have a long road ahead.  All battles are 99% psychological, success is 99% sweat and forethought over time.
That asian bitch thought every white man was a pre-decided loser she could psychologically incarcerate with the skills learned during the Cultural Revolution in China. She’s probably done it a few hundred times and was the star marxist dyke for the ‘Natures Trust’.  When she sussed I was European, she thought it was her lucky day. Instead she ended up with soiled khaki shorts and I bet she’s never seen out there again. Now others will be a little more suave. But it’s the same game. Convince you -  you are a loser in a thousand different ways - that they are the winners….that they deserve the spoils.  This has been the Left’s strategy all along. People love winners, no matter how horrible. It’s as simple as that. They prepared the groundwork over time to give them the right to declare who’s the winner and who’s the loser. To reverse what was really true.
Give this inversion a swift kick. Tell them to fuck themselves. You haven’t even begun to fight, much less lose. Start now. Start pulling the leeches of negativity out of your head. It isn’t what you do that determines who you are…it’s who you believe yourself to be, who you honestly work at being. You don’t need money, or a gang, or a IQ of 124+, or anything outside of yourself. Change yourself, change your perceptions, and you have already begun to change the world.


Posted by PM on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 04:07 | #

Off topic, but I was just reading an article taken from American Renaissance exploring the racial dimension to the X-Men comics. It included the following passage—

“Back in the early 60s, [Stan] Lee intended “X-Men” to be a parable about racial prejudice in America. The X-Men (and Women) were a minority of mutants, and, as such, they suffered discrimination and alienation. But of course, they had superpowers, and so while they were sometimes shunned for their differentness, they were also feared for their power.

Thus the questions: Should mutants seek to blend in (integration), or should they seek to live by themselves, separate and apart from the larger society (mutant power)? Moreover, should mutants seek to improve society—or should they go to war against it?”

The writer of the article obviously sees Stan Lee as writing about minorities generally, but the fact that these mutants are superior, and the fact that the central dilemma is whether or not to use their powers for good, or to go to war with larger society, had me frantically googling “is Stan Lee Jewish?”

Well, what do you think?

“Stan Lee was born in New York City, New York, on December 28, 1922 in the apartment of his Romanian-born Jewish immigrant parents, Celia (née Solomon) and Jack Lieber…”

Isn’t it amazing what they tell us about themselves, and about what they would do to us, right to our faces yet nobody notices! You can see why they invented the word chutzpah.


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 04:34 | #

I find older Canadian women are sows.


their cauldron-stirring circles.


the older woman, who are unpleasant to look at, are worse to be around.


I put thoughts of repulsive women out of my mind and walked on looking up in the trees…

Why don’t you try going to where young, attractive women congregate, Gmoire?  No, I don’t think “up in the trees” is where you’ll find them.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 04:38 | #

Isn’t Magneto a holocaust survivor?


Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 04:38 | #

Thoughts of being mutant outsider is common to all adolescents. This particular expression, is the reflections of a Jewish adolescence, but is as much or more, American. Think of cowboys and Indians, outlaws and renegades.

When you look at things in this way…a Jewish plot with every Jew…your giving up space in your mind for strength and foresight…. for negative paranoia and suspicion. It is not the way.


Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 04:54 | #

I have all the young, attractive women I need Chaos. The ‘Cougar’ ideal has made older woman predatory, without grace. Here there are a multitude of older women divorced and unhappy. They have squandered their lives with their feminist ideals, without realizing after 25 a woman’s happiness should be strong families and children. They are pathetic, sexually aggressive hopeless beings who approach one wherever one goes and try to start conversation, while their deep unhappiness and insecurity oozes from every pore. I have learned the importance of simply shunning them, immediately. Otherwise they will swarm like flies. This is why I say they repulse me…simple honesty.


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 05:09 | #

I have all the young, attractive women I need Chaos.

If you say so…

deep unhappiness and insecurity oozes from every pore.

It won’t touch that one.


Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 05:26 | #

Some sort of point you’d like to make Chaos?

I’d lay off the smack - your known for only opening your mouth to change your feet.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 11:45 | #

Just a little reminder ...

All is not smoke and mirrors. That was the case in the US in the 50s-70s, maybe in Europe through the 90s. No longer. We have been invaded and colonized by tens of millions of biological aliens. They are not going to leave our lands without a fight - a real fight. I keep saying this, but I remain unsure whether it ever really sinks in ...

Moreover, the particular postwar intellectual and later demographic environment has exposed a massive genetic flaw inherent in vast hordes of whites. I refer to the deep propensity towards anti-racism, One Worldism, Brotherhood of Manism, call it what you like. The notion that all these whites are brainwashed is empirically inaccurate. Certainly some are, but most are not. Many whites love diversity, and only needed the right environmental conditions to allow for the expression of that particular genetic flaw (‘flaw’ on the collective level; individually, it’s only a flaw to the extent that the white genome is genetically recessive viz other races). The brainwashed are those mostly, by nature, on our own side (the conservative masses), who know the imposition of diversity is somehow wrong, but think that resisting it forcefully (that is, beyond voting against immigration on the rare occasions the matter is put before the common people) is ethically problematic, too. In fact, that we must tolerate diversity now, even if we were originally at moral liberty to have opposed it.

So, five forces we must contend with:

1. the alien colonizers of our lands (and racial others - Negroids, Amerindians, Australian Abos, Maori - present there, but not as a function of recent immigration invasions)

2. Jewry, with its seemingly innate hostility to Euro-EGI

3. hordes of whites genetically predisposed to race treason

4. amoral whites who personally benefit from actions and circumstances which harm Euro-EGI

5. non-‘diversitarian’ whites who nevertheless think WN is immoral (often ‘unchristian’).

Obviously, the only group we have a shot with - and whom we must convert to WN, or the cause is hopeless and ridiculous - is the last one (absent exterminatory cataclysms in which all whites regardless of PC views are targeted by nonwhites). This is why I emphasize the development of an ethics of racial preservationism, as well as why I’m soon to be formally studying Christianity. We either reclaim the ancient faith for Magna Europa, and then re-Christianize our overly apathetic people into that racially renovated creed, or we will over this century lose the bulk of our people to miscegenation, if not final extermination.

The only other option is White Zion, the WN conquest-by-immigration of some sovereign polity which we can transform into a white Racial State, a last holdout for the remnant of our people.


Posted by Randy Garver on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 13:05 | #


Please cite the chapters and verses in the New Testament upon which you base your oft-repeated claims of Christian support for white racialism.

One would seem to find far more support for mono-ethnicism in ancient pagan religions that amongst evangelistic ones which seek to unite all souls under the standard of a universal divine authority. Unless of course yours is simply a case of wishful thinking.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 13:37 | #

The moral absolutes Christianity requires of its practitioners does—when practiced by whites— function as a deterrent to race mixing, IMO.

It has worked in the past, so why can’t it work again?

I’m not saying Christianity in and of itself is the bulwark against the extinction of the white-race, but neither is it the cause or even a cause of the white race’s decline as many WNs assert. But, then again, most confuse or conflate “modern-liberalism” with Christianity…..even most so-called Christians in these crazy times are guilty of that.


Posted by Brandon on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 15:58 | #

What Grimore said @June 9, 2:26AM…..and what is “68 generational cycle”?  Thanks.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 17:51 | #

We must rediscover the notion of the beautiful and the good and the virtue of limits to our appetites.

We must clean up our ‘house of our Being’ against those that would pollute it by destroying the communal goods that sustain a culture and a people – the simpletons that only think in terms of the traditional left-right spectrum are part of the problem.

Both our physical life-world and our socio-cultural life-world have been assaulted and continue to be so from the full-spectrum dominance of liberalism in both the right-wing and left-wing forms. Greedy corporations push and promote any form of perverse and degrading trash-culture, at every level of society, whilst cultural Marxists push every form of weirdo lifestyle going – they are two sides of the same coin – hedonistic, atomised, self-authored individualistic ‘freedom’ is the highest good to these people (and if it makes a profit even better). All are free-floating in an ‘exciting’ sea of ever expanding ‘consumer-choice’. Dumping any form of toxic environmental or social-cultural ‘externalities’, destroying our communal social-capital as they do so and then watch the whole thing fall to bits into a Hobbesian nightmare.

No-one political community is more caught up in the folly of the extreme individualistic ‘life-world’ than the USA – the American ideology of an unrestricted, maximally-extended individualistic liberalism – well it just does dirt to life as D.H. Lawrence might say.

The poet and polymath Johann Wolfgang von Goethe saw clearly the dark side of the Enlightenment. Freed from constraint, tradition, and communal boundaries, modern man faced instead existential despair and self-destruction. Men use reason, Mephistopheles tells God in the prologue to Goethe’s great drama Faust, to be beastlier than any beast. Reason is not enough unless we wish to be Voltaire’s unlovable bastards. We require wisdom – the wisdom to know that inevitable human progress is a dangerous myth and that our wants require self-control, regulation and in some cases repression for anything approaching civilization to be sustainable, and that our collective well-being is hard to build but so very easy to destroy.


Posted by marlowe on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 18:16 | #

“hedonistic, atomised, self-authored individualistic ‘freedom’ is the highest good to these people (and if it makes a profit even better). All are free-floating in an ‘exciting’ sea of ever expanding ‘consumer-choice’. Dumping any form of toxic environmental or social-cultural ‘externalities’, destroying our communal social-capital as they do so and then watch the whole thing fall to bits into a Hobbesian nightmare.”

I call this “compulsory license”.


Posted by anon on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 18:39 | #

Brandon—these nation-wreckers are called “68ers”.


Posted by Brandon on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 19:10 | #

@ anon:  68ers.  Thanks.  I thought 68 generations…gulp.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 19:10 | #

@marlowe - good phrase


Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 19:13 | #


      ’68 generational cycle’  is a combination of things… in Europe we call the 1968 generation (Achtundsechziger - Soixante-huitard) the generation that attempted to kill Europe. It is this generation which many feel are the ‘useful’ idiots’ so often referred to, they maintain the consensus that causes the problems we face.

Another reason, rhetorical, is the coincidence that in biology, husbandry and eugenics, it was proposed 68 generations were required to introduce or remove a stable trait.

Life magazine

The 68 generational cycle has other significances, cultural - Tolkien wrote of ‘68 generations ’ in his triology, for example between Alwain and Aragorn, among others. These are casual observations. The 68 generational cycle appears in many different forms, for example Biblical interpretation.

The main purpose for which I use it above is the obvious,  the 1968 generation has only 5 to 10 years on the outside left. Then white consensus for displacement in Europe and America will be over. Then we are face to face with the enemy, this is when it starts. So I am trying to plant a seed of thought here -  pull yourselves together - no confusion - be what you believe. Many will be confused, and are already defeated in their mind - time for speculation,debate and confusion is over - we need people victorious in their mind.

Our nations and people, need those who will fight for their people, and not talk about it.
Every conflict has an overabundance of talkers, and a deficit of those who can go straight in to the enemy, and send them to hell, or wherever they choose to go.


Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 19:53 | #

The google books link cuts off the last part of the link….but if you read down to the knuckles of the blue glove on the left, you read

“it has been estimated that even after sterilizing 68 generations of the feeble minded, it would take to the year 4000…..”

The purpose of the link was to demonstrate the significance of 68 generations in biology and eugenics….not to propose eugenics. I am interested in the synchronicity of terms and ideas. And I find interesting the casual connections between the 68 generation in Europe, or the ‘baby boomers’ in America,  or Cultural Revolutionaries in Asia, the millennial idea of religious prophesy, the focus or purpose of biology, eugenics among other things - fascinating.

Each indirectly points to the same problem in different fields.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 20:17 | #

‘The Unconscious Civilization’

This work argues that the West now toils unconsciously in the grip of a stifling “corporatist” structure that serves the needs of business managers and technocrats, as it promotes the segmentation of society into competing interest groups and ethnic blocks.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 21:25 | #

I had a similar experience a few weeks ago on the train.

I always it in the Quiet Zone to read when I get on the trains, which is a carriage where you are not meant to talk, play music on earphones and talk on the phone.

Then these two gay guys in their early twenties got on the train.

The carriage was packed and they sit opposite me.

Normally nobody comes near me.

I am six foot two, weigh twenty stones, built like a barn door and have a beard and long hair halfway down my back.

No one sits next to me. I look too scary.

They sat down on the opposite table next to mine - and instantly started talking in a loud voice abiut their night out and jobs, making sure everyone could hear about their jobs and love life.

Then after ten minutes or so of constant bullsjit talking then one of them got out his ipod and put it on.

I pointed to him and said ’ excuse me this is the quiet zone , would you mind turning that off please’

In return it was instant attitude.

Note that this guy was 9 stone and about five foot 4 and I could have snapped him in two with a single clench of my fist.


I pointed to the sign on the window and said ’ if you can read, it says quiet zone . turn you ipod off. I dont want to hear your crap music. ‘


Then some middle caged twat who was sitting near the mouthy idiot said ’ the music isnt bothering me’.

I replied ’ I coudnt care less if its disturbing you, its disturbing me - now turning the fucking music off ’

The twat looked at me open mouthed ’ TURN THE FUCKING MUSIC OFF’ .

The entire carriage went silent.

By then I was about to leap over and drag him from his chair and use his head as a punchbag, but his boyfriend looked at me, realised how angry I was and then said to his boyfriend ’ you need to stop this. mark just turn it off please for me. ‘

Then the mouthy twat turned his ipod and sat there sulking for the rest of the journey.

The arrogance of the little twat was beyond belief.

He honestly thought he was above the normal rules for normal people.

Thats the arrogance of these minority groups, they really think they can do what they want and we will just stay silent.

Never stay silent.

Confront them every time.


Posted by Selous Scout on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 21:34 | #

Bravo! That was just f*cking awesome.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 21:59 | #

Lee - I know what you mean isn’t England awful in how impolite many people are.


Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 09 Jun 2011 22:49 | #

Thats the arrogance of these minority groups, they really think they can do what they want and we will just stay silent.

Never stay silent.

Confront them every time.

Well said.


Posted by Brandon on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 00:34 | #

Thanks, Grimoire @ 6:13PM.  Also amen to “useful idiots.  I use that quite often along with stooges.

“Be what you believe”.  This is what so-called christianity needs to do.  They have been presching it for centuries and now it’s long past time to start living it.

Jesus didn’t come to found a religion.

@ LJB:  Bravo also to you sir!  280 LB!!  I had to look up the stone to lb thingie.  Thanks for sharing that.


Posted by RS on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 03:37 | #

> The notion that all these whites are brainwashed is empirically inaccurate. Certainly some are, but most are not. Many whites love diversity, and only needed the right environmental conditions to allow for the expression of that particular genetic flaw

It’s not either/or. Partial brainwashing does the trick.

Recently, Europe was crawling with nazis, anarchists, monarchists, and old-school bolshies - now it isn’t. Why? Do many Whites love nazism and old bolshism, in the same way you say many have a congenital capacity for globalism expressed under the right conditions?

Certainly, some Whites are natively disposed to nazism or White extinctionist globalism in a signficant degree, but most people only have modest predispositions. Their behavior is highly modifiable by elite propagandas, benevolent or malevolent.

It’s certainly true that Euros are more susceptible to this problem than some peoples. But going from that, to saying they aren’t (at all) brainwashed, is too much of a leap. The possibility for this racial crisis was always present latently - but that doesn’t mean it didn’t take a certain measure of propaganda/brainwashing to actually bring that possibility to fruition. I would say it took rather a lot.


Posted by RS on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 03:40 | #

I might say, this particular complex of propaganda would not work on Afghans - but that doesn’t mean it’s not propaganda.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 12:19 | #


Excellent, common-sense response.

Lee John Barnes,

Great stuff! I can tell a few stories like that, though living in the very un-ancient, hyper-postmodernist, and thoroughly multiculturalized LA, making any sort of “white man’s stand” generally strikes me as a huge waste of time, not to mention potentially fatally dangerous, given that the savages often have concealed weapons, whereas I, the law-abiding white man with property and assets to worry about, do not (usually when I have made scenes it’s because I have either been drunk, or had a really bad day…).

Anyway, good show, as your people say or used to (incidentally, what is “twenty stones”? I’m a bit sceptical of that claim, as the great English soldier and Great Gamer, Capt Frederick Burnaby, reputed to have been the strongest man in the 19th century British army, able to carry a pony under each arm while fording a river, was said to have weighed 18 stone). 

Randy Garver,

Please cite the chapters and verses in the New Testament upon which you base your oft-repeated claims of Christian support for white racialism.

One would seem to find far more support for mono-ethnicism in ancient pagan religions that amongst evangelistic ones which seek to unite all souls under the standard of a universal divine authority. Unless of course yours is simply a case of wishful thinking. (RG)

Yes, ancient paganisms were more tribalist than Christianity, both theologically and even in practice. Unfortunately, perhaps, they happen not to be true, and, not quite the same thing, no one believes them to be.

WRT the NT and WN, you have not read me very closely. I have never argued that Christianity supports (let alone mandates) WN, nor have I ever made even the lesser claim that Christianity supports white preservationism (the least aggressive version of WN). I have only ever argued that Christianity allows societies to enact the legislation necessary to ensure white survival (eg, forbidding mixed-race marriages, not admitting nonwhite immigrants, or passing special tax incentives to reward white fertility).

The point is that Christianity is a rather ideologically elastic religion (but not infinitely so: one cannot be a Christian and a committed communist, nor can one be a Christian and a committed Nazi - I’m sure there were some genuine Christians at times who were also members of communist or Nazi parties; I have a friend who’s a Democrat for reasons related to his legal practice, but in reality he is quite conservative, and mostly votes Republican). A person can be both a sincere and practicing Christian while adhering to any of a wide number of political ideologies (or to none at all).

As for the universality of Christ, you of course are correct. But the unity of the Church is a spiritual one; it has nothing to do with shuffling people into other people’s homelands, or promoting miscegenation, or proclaiming all cultures intellectually or aesthetically equal, or granting affirmative action privileges, etc.

I WILL write a book on this one little point someday: repeat after me: CHRISTIANITY IS NOT LIBERALISM !! (Maybe that should be the title? Might at least sell better.) Stop conflating and confusing the two (admittedly, a deliberate and very widespread tendency).

Lastly, wrt NT, I rarely feel compelled to “cite” anything. I’m Catholic; we are not sola scriptura, but rather we stress reason applied to faith/Scripture. The moral law is rooted in Scripture and Christ’s ministry, but, contrary to my Protestant brethren, it is rarely spelled out there in any sort of morally/legally adequate detail. It is the duty of men to reason out the practical implications of Christ’s message. Try proving from anything Christ said that Western nations (or any other nations) are required to destroy themselves with alien immigration in order to fulfill His commands. He said no such thing, nor did he ever condemn tribes or nations or states as such (“render unto Caesar”, etc).

The NWO project is far more akin to the blasphemous Tower of Babel, than to any moral edict of Christ.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 12:57 | #

Lee - I know what you mean isn’t England awful in how impolite many people are. (GL)

Most of the English I have known were exceptionally polite and Old School, even the ones my age. Of course, they were much higher class than the proles ...

It’s been nearly two decades since I was in Britain. I did find the rural folk vastly superior even then to the (white) city dwellers. Have manners noticeably deteriorated since the early 90s?

And was LJB laying down the law to whites or muds?


O wait a second! I failed to read closely. LJB was smacking down a couple of twinks?! What the fuck are you girlie men congratulating him for? I thought it was some feral Africans! Shit, come to LA, boys, and really take your lives in your hands.

In 02 I nearly started a racial brouhaha in a movie theater in Westwood (a normally nice area, btw) when I told a couple of loud-talking negroes to shut the fuck up and watch the movie. This one negroid stands up (theater is dark, medium crowded, movie playing) and actually asked “who the fuck talking up” (I assume I don’t have to translate). I said “me”, and glared at the fuck. I was really pissed off since dinner (the couple next to us had been this pretty blonde, better looking than my date, with a short, fat, greasy gook - utterly inexplicable - will anybody ever explain this white female/gook male thing to me?!), and half-figured that these negroids would not shoot me in front of so many witnesses, though my girlfriend was really nervous.

The negroid, about 6 rows forward, made some threatening noises, but didn’t actually do anything but sit his ass back down. The great thing was, once I had said something, and this negroid is standing (in the middle of a theater, the uppity fuck) sort of glaring at me, his seated friend also faced around looking at me, other voices started to say things like “sit down”, “shut up”, “fuck off”, etc. I definitely won that encounter.

Frankly, I have a slight feeling that if the shit ever came really hard down, I, despite all my earnest appeals to Christian moral law, might actually end up being far more brutal in my treatment of the Other than most persons here at MR. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think so. You see, I have fully (should I say ‘ontologically’?) disinfected myself of any residues of moral liberalism. Reasoned hate is actually far stronger than that based on sentiment.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 13:02 | #

PS - And I do not weigh 20 stone, whatever that exactly is in normal measures, nor do I have a beard, tats, etc. Just a clean-cut Nordic yuppie, with some muscles from weights (and standing 6/3, 240 about).


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 13:05 | #


I don’t think you read what I wrote very carefully (see bold). You are mostly objecting to straw men (a common fault around here).

Moreover, the particular postwar intellectual and later demographic environment has exposed a massive genetic flaw inherent in vast hordes of whites. I refer to the deep propensity towards anti-racism, One Worldism, Brotherhood of Manism, call it what you like. The notion that all these whites are brainwashed is empirically inaccurate. Certainly some are, but most are not. Many whites love diversity, and only needed the right environmental conditions to allow for the expression of that particular genetic flaw (’flaw’ on the collective level; individually, it’s only a flaw to the extent that the white genome is genetically recessive viz other races). The brainwashed are those mostly, by nature, on our own side (the conservative masses), who know the imposition of diversity is somehow wrong, but think that resisting it forcefully (that is, beyond voting against immigration on the rare occasions the matter is put before the common people) is ethically problematic, too. In fact, that we must tolerate diversity now, even if we were originally at moral liberty to have opposed it.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 13:22 | #

Like the story, Lee.  Many of us will have had such experiences.  I had a railway one about five years ago, during the years when my wife or myself had to take our daughter up to her conservatoire in central London on term-time Saturdays.  One time we had to take the East Grinstead train into Victoria because of the dratted engineering works on the line.  At leafy, respectable Lingfield a couple of wiggers got into our carriage.  They actually had a ghetto blaster thing, and proceeded to play rap music to the assembled oldies.  We were sitting a few rows away from them but it was loud, and I could see from their faces that they thought it was just one big joke.  Nobody was doing anything about it - the long-suffering middle-classes were pursing their lips yet again.  I located the conductor, and he came to our carriage and asked them very politely to turn it off.  It went back on at a lower volume as soon as he had left.

I did no more - probably should have done.  But as the train rolled into Victoria they got up from their seats and stood by the doors.  I told my daughter to stand and we walked over to them.  I asked what the hell they thought they had been doing.  No answer.  I told them to look at the people they had sat amongst, who by now were gathering behind us, fascinated.  “These are your people”, I said, “we don’t want that alien crap.”  I don’t remember what they said but it was South London negro-speak, and the cards were on the table.  “You’ve been colonised, mate,” I said.  “Nah, nah,” was the reply, and the last thing said before the doors opened and everyone spilled out onto the platform.  The clowns were in front of us as we all walked towards the ticket barriers.  A small black man in a railway uniform was standing by one of the station pillars.  “He’s a racist!” one of the wiggers shouted to this guy, turning and pointing at me.

The racist wishes he had done more.


Posted by PM on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 13:26 | #


“Note that this guy was 9 stone and about five foot 4 and I could have snapped him in two with a single clench of my fist”

Maybe so, although you’d have to shove your fist up there pretty hard, Lee.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 13:48 | #

“Note that this guy was 9 stone and about five foot 4 and I could have snapped him in two with a single clench of my fist”

Maybe so, although you’d have to shove your fist up there pretty hard, Lee. (PM)

And then his friend would have gotten really jealous, and demanded EQUAL TREATMENT!


Posted by Grimoire on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 19:19 | #

Ok since we are swapping tales, let me tell one….this is a good one….one of the really good ones of my life….I learned a lot this day…..this is not so much a tale of standing up against the sea of nignogs - but of lifes glorious accidents that are like blessings because what you learn you feel like you’ve been taught or at least entertained by a higher power….bear with me.
First time in N.America early 80’s, or late 70’s….bought a car in Boston with two French comrades to drive West. Met a great couple who owned a small farm outside Chicago, invited us to come stay with them for awhile and come along and visit people they knew along the way.
Car broke down in Toledo - would take a few days to fix- my friends hopped a train, while I stayed and waited for the car to be fixed. I myself unable to get excited about waiting in Toledo….decided to hop a bus to just up-the-road Detroit, stay a night and look around, and then bus back and pick up the car.
Took the bus straight to downtown Detroit - didn’t see that much out the window but highway- got into downtown detroit around 11 am at GM plaza- the bus driver said to me ‘listen, be back here by 5, you don’t want to be here past then, everything here closes and you don’t want to pay for a taxi out - but you must be out of town by 5- do you understand me?’
GM place is about a 20 acre mall in the heart of Detroit. It’s where the GM, Chrysler and Ford buildings are that you see in pictures of Detroit. The mall is underground of these skyscrapers. There are a ring of stores along the streets that ring the plaza…and I toured these stores, which were just common…. and then walked off on a street that seemed to go somewhere. About a half a block away from the plaza, the atmosphere changes from seedy ghetto to post nuclear holocaust. I could not believe my eyes. There was not a sign of a functioning city anywhere…every building was deserted, there were no stores or inhabited structures - no traffic, no traffic lights, nothing but desolation, every building was deserted and in ruin…a post apocalypse nightmare impossible to imagine… cars smoldered in the center of the streets, some buildings were slowly burning with out concern, even the nogs hid out till night when they could slink around under their natural camouflage. Although i noticed a group were always within half a block of me, but disappeared when I walked up. I was just in a daze…it was an entirely deserted US city in front of me to explore…and I walked around almost not believing what I was seeing. I walked around in a daze of amazement…it was like being the first white man to see the pyramids….never imaging such things existed. After awhile I looked at my watch and saw that it was 3:30. I estimated I would have to run the entire way to get back downtown in time to meet the bus.
I had my Leica M3 camera on a shoulder strap. Most people in those days would look at a Leica and think it was cheap antique junk, compared to the SLR Nikons and Pentax of the time…and most muggers wouldn’t bother to try and steal it…people would ask why I had such a poor camera….I told them it took really fine photos, which usually didn’t convince them.  But you didn’t want to be seen carrying anything, so I slung the strap over my shoulder and then wore my jacket overtop so it was covered, and pushed the camera to the small of my back so it wouldn’t hang down at my side where it would be visible. I would have to run at high gait for at least 45 minutes to make it, so I ran down the center of the street because there were no cars and it was the only clear area where one could maintain a line…so one hand reached behind my back to hold the camera underneath my jacket as I ran.
I have never been a jogger, I am a runner and I love to run, especially when there are obstacles to jump and clear and maintain a high pace by watching ahead for obstacles to jump or go around. I was wearing leather tank breeches (military uniform short pants like lederhosen), but it was a cool and sunny day, a perfect day to run…and I was having a blast running through this deserted post nuclear wasteland of what was supposed to be a city, it was more like a madmax , omega-man, or planet of the apes movie set…and had an aura of unreality like an amusement park instead of what it was.  I was thinking ‘America, it really is like a movie….Excellent!’ And that they would never believe this back home.
After a few blocks I noticed a lot of blacks were running with me….in front of me, first two or three and then more and more…10 or more, they were racing me! This was strange as hell, at first I thought they caught my love of running, and just joined in for the fun and enjoyment. I picked up speed to pass them. although I was careful of pace so I would not runout my energy, and would not enjoy the run as much if I ran off too much energy quickly and began to tire…but when I got close they began to sprint and some broke off into alleys. And as we ran along more ahead joined in with their brothers ....then it struck me what was happening…. I was cupping the camera in the small of my back and running down the street with a smile…they thought my camera was a gun holster and I was running to shoot someone. To them I was a hunter and a killer. When I realized this bizarre set of coincidences,  their mistake of my intention….my heart filled with a type of wonder and surprise, even glory. They would definitely never believe this back home! Here I am chasing a stampede of negroes down the deserted streets of Detroit with a camera underneath my jacket they think is a gun. My expression of happiness and joy they only understand as dominance and evil, so they assume my confidence is because I am too crazy and evil to care or be scared and they instinctively run from me like rabbits.
It was like being a winning the marathon in the Olympics….I was a 50 foot tall superman ! My heart filled with adrenaline which caused me to feel this rapturous elevated emotion like a drug, it was like I was running on air, flying down the road on clouds…. superman like…(understand this was nothing I thought about, the whole experience was strange and got progressively stranger, until it made no sense at all…and then suddenly I saw it…. and it was so absurd, so comical, that I felt this strange…..epiphany…the beauty, or irony of life and how it puts you into situations that you had no idea you would experience…and you flip over into a type of super perception… the feeling is rapturous….impossible for me to describe, it could only be experienced)

I ran a changing collection of negroes all the way back to downtown Detroit. Some dropped out, new ones joined in, and some stayed ahead. When we got to the plaza, I stopped and walked, and they stopped as we were on safe ground. I remember one black guy, doubled over panting with his hands on his knees, I pulled out my camera, and you could see his eyes turn white, and I took his picture…the look of confusion was priceless, and then he started to laugh.
A security guard walked up to me and said ‘What is #$%^$ going on here?’
‘Tourist’ was all I had time to say, as I could see the bus pull in and I needed to run the rest of the way to get to it on time.
If you don’t believe this story I cannot complain….but it is true.


Posted by Silver on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 23:53 | #


In 02 I nearly started a racial brouhaha in a movie theater in Westwood (a normally nice area, btw) when I told a couple of loud-talking negroes to shut the fuck up and watch the movie. This one negroid stands up (theater is dark, medium crowded, movie playing) and actually asked “who the fuck talking up” (I assume I don’t have to translate). I said “me”, and glared at the fuck. I was really pissed off since dinner (the couple next to us had been this pretty blonde, better looking than my date, with a short, fat, greasy gook - utterly inexplicable - will anybody ever explain this white female/gook male thing to me?!), and half-figured that these negroids would not shoot me in front of so many witnesses, though my girlfriend was really nervous.

Leon, you’re a true son of a bitch and I sincerely believe there is a great deal wrong with and hateworthy about you.  Yet, when it comes to your attitude towards the blacks, try as I might (and, I assure you, I have), I really can’t find fault with you.

These “people” are just impossible.  How the hell anyone who is not a negro can stand being around masses of negroes is absolutely beyond me.  (The odd one or two is understandable.)

Part of the Melbourne CBD was crawling with them tonight.  Compared to what many Americans routinely go through it was probably nothing remarkable (and I’ve lived in America, so I know what it can be like).  Even so, I felt cornered and suffocated by their presence.  It’s a visceral reaction I have toward them that I’ve never really been able to put into words, and one I don’t experience at anywhere near the same intensity with other races (though some Indians come close).

There were three cops walking towards me as I was leaving (one unmistakably Anglo-Saxon, the other two “Italian-looking”) and I said to my friend loudly enough for the cops to hear as they passed, “Fuck, there’s niggers everywhere tonight.”  The urge to protest in whatever small way one can can be hard to resist. It’d be amusing to see the authorities put me up on “racism” charges.  The wogs out here aren’t as quick to condemn one of our own taking our own side as your people tend to be, so coming after a “Silver”-type could create quite a stir and really risk opening a can of worms.

It’s for this reason I believe “the nigger is the trigger”—something that can get “race on the table” as issue worthy of real public debate, and on the part of other races besides whites, too.  You have to figure there would be millions of non-whites out there who would jump at the chance of being able to live apart from negroes. Living around them means having to put with endless bullshit and, in the long run, losing your racial distinctiveness to them through interbreeding. What in the world do diversicrats think is so fabulous about life around negroes that it justifies paying such a price?  Stated in these terms their project could hardly sound more ridiculous.


Posted by Silver on Sat, 11 Jun 2011 00:16 | #


Please cite the chapters and verses in the New Testament upon which you base your oft-repeated claims of Christian support for white racialism.

You’re reasonable, understanding sort of fellow, Randy, so it pains that I feel compelled to offend you with the following suggestion.  I’m going to say it because I’m in a foul mood and I hope you can forgive me.  The suggestion is this: stop being such a nitpicking little faggot.  “Please cite….”  Go to hell, idiot.

Obviously, Randy, the church has no problem with ethnic particularism, because if it did the solidly and unapologetically ethnically-based Orthodox churches (Russian, Greek etc) would never have been able to exist. Yet they do exist; and more than that, they flourish because of it. 

Ultimately, racism is just a better way to live.  That’s hard for you to stomach because you married out.  Well, relax.  Any serious sort of 21st century racism is simply going to have make allowances for misguided souls like you.  The indignant purists, tiny in number as they are, will just have to lump it.  For our part, we can opt (or learn) to enjoy their fiery rhetoric, rather than be annoyed or alarmed by it.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 11 Jun 2011 00:21 | #


These days I have to take account of language around here, and you’ve just broken the world record for non-accountability right there.  Excuse me while I clean up the mess.  Don’t want to just delete it.

Leon, too.


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 11 Jun 2011 00:57 | #

Whatever. Anyone who is honest and lived around nogs knows there’s some damn fine people among them…some of the best you could hope to meet. That doesn’t change the fact I will see them all deported from my country. But my country is not America.

It doesn’t help at all to understand how complex the problem is. Because from what I’ve seen in America, they were made to be evil. It was the elites who did away with segregation….imported them all over the country, and then took away their jobs with a living wage and brought in the heavy drugs….not the Columbians…but Princeton, Yale and Harvard. In general, the blacks, at least once just wanted to have a wife and a kid, 40 acres and a mule, and live as law abiding citizens. The sea of wogs was manufactered.

Some Americans will freak right out at me saying this…and I understand the reaction. When you live day to day stepping around a spook war zone and watch the deterioration of your cities into jungle, and every spook you see will, and not think they will, they will... waste you for your pocket change….hate is a matter of survival - hate is just being aware- hate is just a form of radar.

The problem is very complex, that is why I live by the principal of sufficient reason. Still, I don’t close my eyes to reality.


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 11 Jun 2011 01:45 | #

but still a good story Silver.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 11 Jun 2011 07:53 | #

they were made to be evil

It sounds like Grimoire has been living in Vancouver for far too long. Possibly a trip to the East Congo, with the Economist, will be enlightening.

Even by the standards of war, some of the atrocities in eastern Congo are shocking. Zainabo Alfani, for example, was stopped by men in uniform on a road in Ituri last year. She and 13 other women were ordered to strip, to see if they had long vaginal lips, which the gunmen believed would have magical properties. The 13 others did not, and were killed on the spot. Zainabo did. The gunmen cut them off and then gang-raped her. Then they cooked and ate her two daughters in front of her. They also ate chunks of Zainabo’s flesh. She escaped, but had contracted HIV. She told her story to the UN in February, and died in March.

It was the Yalies that made them evil. LOL.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sat, 11 Jun 2011 10:01 | #

Twenty stones isnt big where I come from.

I have a couple of mates who are much bigger than me.

A mate of mine M is six foot five and weighs around 23 stone. And he is a black belt in Shotokan karate.

Whilst anotherof my mates is about six foot four and around 21 stone. That guy is a breed apart.

He is one of those blokes who the more he gets hurt in a fight, the stronger he gets.

He once had a row with his mum and dad, drove his car through the front of their house and when the police turned up he beat three of them up with a weight lifting bar and was sectioned in a mental hospital for a week.

A few years ago he was at a London train station after attending a business meeting ( he runs his own steel fixing company ) when three drunk scottish blokes were walking down the platform touching up the women and lifting up their skirts.

He told them to stop and one of them threw a punch at him.

Bad move.

He knocked all three out and left them laying on the floor unconscious.

The police turned up and arrested for him assault, but one of the women gave the police a statement and went to the police station.

My mate was sitting in a room waiting for the police as they watched the video footage of what had happened on the station platform.

Through the glass window he could see them all laughing and looking at him in amazement.

Then the police walked back in and said ’ we watched the video mate and it confirms what the woman said about them assualting her and the others and them attacking you first. We arent going to press charges against you, but against them for sexual assault and assault on you. ‘

Then the copper said ’ mate that was fucking brilliant. what a video. we are taking copies of it for ourselves so we can use it at our christmas dinner do when we show the best video footage from each station across london. ‘

Now thats a real geezer.       

Type in Martin Reynolds, nick griffins bodyguard, he is huge.

I am not a body builder.

I used to do a lot of martial arts and weights and I still have to excercise a lot due to me having a serious illness a few years ago which meant I have a lot of scars which needs constant stretching to stop them causing me constant nerve pain and to stop the cut muscles knitting together .

I am not that big - I have 18 inch arms, a 44 inch waist and a 56 inch chest.

You should see some of the nationalist guys in the UK and the Russsian nationalists, they are huge.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 11 Jun 2011 10:30 | #

I am not that big - I have 18 inch arms, a 44 inch waist and a 56 inch chest. (LJB)

That’s pretty damn big, I think! Of course, it depends on the muscle/fat ratio. How tall are you?

56” chest is damn big, I think (I’m not an expert on this stuff at all, but I wear a 48” suit jacket, and am sometimes told I’m big (though not too broad) “through the chest and shoulders” - but that’s by men’s tailors in LA, where there aren’t too many big guys, except serious, freakish bodybuilders, and some blacks).

I’m 6’3”, and if really washboard lean (no fat, but no weightlifting) would weigh 210lbs, though now I’d be about 220lbs (but an unfortunate extra 20lbs of fat gets me to 240). That’s not considered really big, obviously, in the world of men properly considered “big” (football and basketball players, bouncers, etc), where I guess the cut-off would be - what, 250lbs natural with no visible fat? But in the everyday world I’m usually bigger than most guys I come across.

Of course, these days, really, noticeably big (in America, “football big”) is usually 300lbs or more, again low body fat.

And what is a “stone” roughly in normal pounds?

Of course, in America a lot of size is irrelevant to nationalist activities. A lot of puny nonwhites teens are packing guns, and that will stop even the heaviest hitters.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 11 Jun 2011 10:38 | #


These days I have to take account of language around here, and you’ve just broken the world record for non-accountability right there.  Excuse me while I clean up the mess.  Don’t want to just delete it.

Leon, too. (GW)

Fair enough. I will rigorously watch my language, esp re expletives, if others do the same.

I need some guidance, however. What are acceptable terms for other races and ethnicities?

And may I make a suggestion that I’ve been brewing over a while? Can we have some agreed upon set of of acronyms for regularly used terms? For example,

EGI - European genetic interests

WN - white nationalist

RS - Racial State

CN - cultural nationalist

btw - by the way

imo - in my opinion

wrt - with respect to

MSM - mainstream media

Please all feel free to contribute others.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sat, 11 Jun 2011 11:14 | #

Hi Leon,

I am a single Centimetre under six foot two.

I used to be lean, but I have a bit of flab these days, which I prefer to be honest.

When I did martial arts I was very lean and I have noticed that strikes on a bit of flab are way less painful than on pure muscle.

The research on the gladiator bones they are discovering has revealed that most of the gladiators had high fat contents in their diet and were what would be considered as obese.

They used to drink a high carb gruel as their main food which was designed to ensure that when they got cut , if if it was a deep cut then the fat in the arteries would help stop the bleeding whilst the fat on shallow cuts ensured the muscle beneath was protected.

Its best always to have a layer of flab on the hard muscle, rather than a low fat content.

The image of the lean, cut bodybuilder as a good fighter is a myth - the body needs hard muscle on which a layer of fat sits to protect the body from damage.


Posted by Randy Garver on Sat, 11 Jun 2011 19:17 | #

Leon said:

WRT the NT and WN, you have not read me very closely. I have never argued that Christianity supports (let alone mandates) WN, nor have I ever made even the lesser claim that Christianity supports white preservationism (the least aggressive version of WN). I have only ever argued that Christianity allows societies to enact the legislation necessary to ensure white survival (eg, forbidding mixed-race marriages, not admitting nonwhite immigrants, or passing special tax incentives to reward white fertility).

Perhaps I’ve misread or misunderstood your previous comments in which this topic is discussed, but I’ve had the distinct impression that you’d been implying that Christianity is not just compatible with ethnic-nationalism, but is a necessary and indispensable cornerstone of it.

I’d argue that such a religion as Christianity is by nature evangelical and universalist and thus (at least somewhat) negatively biased against ethnocentrism, but reasonable men can disagree on this point. “Render unto Caesar…” and all that.

Silver said:

You’re reasonable, understanding sort of fellow, Randy, so it pains that I feel compelled to offend you with the following suggestion.  I’m going to say it because I’m in a foul mood and I hope you can forgive me.  The suggestion is this: stop being such a nitpicking little faggot.  “Please cite….” Go to hell, idiot.

As stated above, my request to Leon was in regards to a perceived claim that inherent to Christianity was a predisposition for ethnic nationalism, rather than Christianity simply being unbiased one way or the other on the subject.

Silver said:

Obviously, Randy, the church has no problem with ethnic particularism, because if it did the solidly and unapologetically ethnically-based Orthodox churches (Russian, Greek etc) would never have been able to exist. Yet they do exist; and more than that, they flourish because of it.

I would probably agree with you here, with the warning to readers to be sure they are not intentionally or unintentionally conflating “The Church” with “Christianity”. For the most part, “The Church” couldn’t be more divorced from “Christianity”. Catholics are rather notorious for not recognizing this distinction.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 02:48 | #

Leon: A stone = 14 pounds. An imperial pound being the same as a US pound.

So, over here we wouldnt say someone weighed 170 pounds, in everyday useage we would say they weighed twelve stone two. ie 12 stone 2 pounds.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 03:28 | #

For the most part, “The Church” couldn’t be more divorced from “Christianity”. Catholics are rather notorious for not recognizing this distinction.

Traditional Catholics believe their church to be the only rightful earthly vessel for the practice of their faith.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 15:22 | #

Lurker: thank you.

But does that mean LJB weighs 280lbs (20 stone)??!! That’s quite a sizeable chap!

I saw a picture of LJB with Nick Griffin. Griffin must be pretty big, too.

Dasein: Thank you for the corrrection.

Desmond: Thanks for that Economist link. I read The Economist, don’t know how I missed that juicy little nugget of Negroid horror (what is it with their constant immigration advocacy, btw? It goes way beyond mere PC-duty).

Grimoire: Some truth, some falsehood in this:

It doesn’t help at all to understand how complex the problem is. Because from what I’ve seen in America, they were made to be evil. It was the elites who did away with segregation….imported them all over the country, and then took away their jobs with a living wage and brought in the heavy drugs….not the Columbians…but Princeton, Yale and Harvard. In general, the blacks, at least once just wanted to have a wife and a kid, 40 acres and a mule, and live as law abiding citizens. The sea of wogs was manufactered.

Elites did away with Jim Crow, in part as a response to first, Jewish pressure, later tremendous black activism. Blacks originally migrated voluntarily out of the South during and immediately after WW2. Yes, the Feds did do some advertising in the South of government wartime opportunities outside the South, but blacks were not objectively relocated until much later, late 60s, early 70s and picking up and continuing in the 90s until the housing bust a few years ago. The first relocation period was a function of Fair Housing Acts and contemporaneous and later massive public housing spending (courtesy of Oppressed Whitey, as always); the second, due to Clinton-era concerns over “spatial segregation” (that malignant f——-!), which intersected with the Carter era Community Reinvestment Act (as well as vicious new anti-“redlining” rules) to strongarm lenders into making housing loans to unqualified minorities, so as to promote minority homeownership (this itself also a form of neoconservative social engineering - the theory being that putting underclass minorities into homes they can’t afford will transmogrify them into good suburban family values people and conservative patriots). This, in an oversimplified nutshell,is the origin of the housing bust, which is the source of America’s (and possibly the world’s) present economic malaise.

I invite everybody to think about that. Tens of millions out of work, tremendous portfolio losses (including for yours truly), older white people’s savings and retirement plans pummeled or wiped out - all for minorities. And almost no one points this out (except, inter alia, the black conservative economist Thomas Sowell, to his immense credit).

I was never wealthy, and I am down nearly a million dollars - a large portion of what I had (my own case was uniquely awful, but still caused by the financial crash). Do not ever ask me to feel sorry for or sympathize in any way with muds. I had a plan for a future of racial activism; I push on with it, but money is no longer “not an issue”. I hate what the elites + muds have done to me (and the millions of my race brothers). My only ‘revenge’ is to write and work towards White Zion (I know how the victims of Bolshevism felt).


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 15:42 | #

Leon, you’re a true son of a bitch and I sincerely believe there is a great deal wrong with and hateworthy about you.  Yet, when it comes to your attitude towards the blacks, try as I might (and, I assure you, I have), I really can’t find fault with you. (Silver)

You’re a crotchety soul, aren’t you?

These “people” are just impossible.  How the hell anyone who is not a negro can stand being around masses of negroes is absolutely beyond me.  (The odd one or two is understandable.)

So you do have some regular sensitivity and humanity in you? Congrats! Your reaction is that of a normal human.

Part of the Melbourne CBD was crawling with them tonight.  Compared to what many Americans routinely go through it was probably nothing remarkable (and I’ve lived in America, so I know what it can be like). (Silver)

O GOD! Not Oz, too?! What are they doing there? They’re not Abos, are they? 

Even so, I felt cornered and suffocated by their presence.  It’s a visceral reaction I have toward them that I’ve never really been able to put into words, and one I don’t experience at anywhere near the same intensity with other races (though some Indians come close). (Silver)

All perfectly normal. It’s their irrationality, unpredictability, lack of ethics, and propensity for violence, combined with large size.

There were three cops walking towards me as I was leaving (one unmistakably Anglo-Saxon, the other two “Italian-looking”) and I said to my friend loudly enough for the cops to hear as they passed, “Fuck, there’s niggers everywhere tonight.” The urge to protest in whatever small way one can can be hard to resist. It’d be amusing to see the authorities put me up on “racism” charges.  The wogs out here aren’t as quick to condemn one of our own taking our own side as your people tend to be, so coming after a “Silver”-type could create quite a stir and really risk opening a can of worms. (Silver)

Will we ever be privy to Silver’s ethnicity?! Why would he be in Australia? I’m thinking secularized Muslim, family money, perhaps. Persian, maybe, family fled the mullahocracy?

It’s for this reason I believe “the nigger is the trigger”—something that can get “race on the table” as issue worthy of real public debate, and on the part of other races besides whites, too.  You have to figure there would be millions of non-whites out there who would jump at the chance of being able to live apart from negroes. Living around them means having to put with endless bullshit and, in the long run, losing your racial distinctiveness to them through interbreeding. What in the world do diversicrats think is so fabulous about life around negroes that it justifies paying such a price?  Stated in these terms their project could hardly sound more ridiculous. (Silver)

Yes, much truth here. Of course, an essay could be written on these comments. Only whites morally agonize over the Negroid, and (thus?) only whites are threatened by them. Most nonwhites do live apart from Negroes. Where there is integration, it is either feckless whites who are made to suffer, or else, in Latin America, the only nonwhite area with large numbers of blacks, the Latinos there simply brutalize their blacks in order to get them into some kind of order.

Anyway, no points for belatedly noticing the insanity of negroid integration. What have we been saying ... ?


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 15:47 | #


I need to respond to the following later tonight:

Leon said:

WRT the NT and WN, you have not read me very closely. I have never argued that Christianity supports (let alone mandates) WN, nor have I ever made even the lesser claim that Christianity supports white preservationism (the least aggressive version of WN). I have only ever argued that Christianity allows societies to enact the legislation necessary to ensure white survival (eg, forbidding mixed-race marriages, not admitting nonwhite immigrants, or passing special tax incentives to reward white fertility) (LH).

Perhaps I’ve misread or misunderstood your previous comments in which this topic is discussed, but I’ve had the distinct impression that you’d been implying that Christianity is not just compatible with ethnic-nationalism, but is a necessary and indispensable cornerstone of it.

I’d argue that such a religion as Christianity is by nature evangelical and universalist and thus (at least somewhat) negatively biased against ethnocentrism, but reasonable men can disagree on this point. “Render unto Caesar…” and all that. (RG)

But for this,

the warning to readers to be sure they are not intentionally or unintentionally conflating “The Church” with “Christianity”. For the most part, “The Church” couldn’t be more divorced from “Christianity”. Catholics are rather notorious for not recognizing this distinction. (RG)

please read this:

by one of the world’s major Christian theologians.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 20:04 | #

Re: Christianity

Pentecostalism is the world fasting growing version of Christianity with rapid growth in non-Western nations. Moreover Christianity as a whole, if not already, will be a majority non-Western movement very soon. Assuming it will or can be the main basis for a political shift in Western Europe for a readjustment away from liberal political and cultural values seems unlikely to say the least.

Estimated to number around 115 million followers worldwide in 2000, Pentecostalism is sometimes referred to as the ‘third force of Christianity’, the first two being Catholicism and traditional mainstream Protestantism. Pentecostal and Charismatic church growth is rapid in many parts of the world. The great majority of Pentecostals are to be found in developing countries although much of their international leadership is still in North America. The movement is enjoying its greatest surge today in the global South, which includes Africa, Latin America, and most of Asia. In addition the more traditional versions of Christianity are starting to employ Charismatic themes in order to try and maintain ‘market-share’.

For more see “An Introduction to Pentecostalism: Global Charismatic Christianity”


Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 20:54 | #

Just noticed this potentially fascinating book

“There Goes My Everything: White Southerners in the Age of Civil Rights, 1945-1975”

What is interesting about the approach of this study is that it focuses upon the vast majority of of ordinary non-political people and their thoughts and attitudes during this period of social history.

From Amazon’s description

“During the civil rights movement, epic battles for justice were fought in the streets, at lunch counters, and in the classrooms of the American South. Just as many battles were waged, however, in the hearts and minds of ordinary white southerners whose world became unrecognizable to them. Jason Sokol’s vivid and unprecedented account of white southerners’ attitudes and actions, related in their own words, reveals in a new light the contradictory mixture of stubborn resistance and pragmatic acceptance–as well as the startling and unexpected personal transformations–with which they greeted the enforcement of legal equality.”

I think such ‘micro-level history’ can be very valuable in understanding how Mr & Mrs Average come to and in some cases change their views on such fundamental issues. There can be little doubt that, after Whites in Southern Africa, the Whites of the Deep South were the most racially aware Euro-population in the West. Understanding the politico-emotional processes at work in the construction and justification for ideological worldviews is, it seems to me, a rather crucial task for any form of ethnocentric discourse.

And no our activist Jewish friends are not the whole answer – they might have been necessary but they are hardly a sufficient causal force in and of themselves.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 21:07 | #

Correction - Pentecostalism in fact has nearer to 500 million followers world-wide.


Posted by CS on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 22:00 | #

Graham Lister,

90% of white people are so apolitical that talking to them about WN ideas will be as productive as talking to a brick wall. What limited ideas they have are the result of the massive brainwashing our enemies who control almost everything have put into their heads. Therefore, short of an ecomoic collapse that intrudes on their personal lives the only way people like us will get the type of government we want is by physically relocating to the same polity in such numbers that we are the majority. This can also be done on the local level by relocating to the same city in one country This would also be a way to partially get around the economic sanctions that our placed on our people who have been publicly exposed as thought criminals.

It also wouldn’t be a bad idea if some of us could make some serious money legally so funding worthwhile projects wouldn’t be an issue. By physically forming communities, smaller businesses could be made successful by the patronage of our political comrades.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 22:24 | #

CS can I ask are you an American? I am a European and more concerned with our ancient homelands. I am a Scot and Scotland is 98% European - yes my homeland has many problems but it has demographics on her side - as does Scandinavia. I fear things may have gone too far in the land of the free. Really does anyone see Texas for example ever being a 90%+ white state again?


Posted by Brandonb on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 22:45 | #

@Graham Lister 7:54pm “And no, our activist jewish friends are not the whole answer - they might have been necessary, but they are hardly a sufficient and causal force in and of themselves”

Sir:  Beg to differ.  The jew is / was the impetus, as she is under the direct control of the adversary.
He speaks through her mouth and is her “intelligence”.

Yes, white fools have taken her teachings and run with them.  That includes the so-called christians who are in love with her and are her “children”.


Posted by CS on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 23:30 | #

Graham Lister,

I am not American and see America and Canada as a lost cause. There is the possibility of America breaking up but other than that I don’t see how victory is possible. Scotland is not a country and like Quebec isn’t serious about separation. They just use it as a bargaining chip to get more money. Even if they did separate, both places are filled with divershitty loving white people who we need to separate from also. We need to be the majority somewhere so we aren’t the despised minority everywhere.


Posted by Brandon on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 23:52 | #

What CS said….twice


Posted by anon on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 03:34 | #


You’re a brainy chap and I don’t want to fuck with you at all, but some correction is required here:

There can be little doubt that, after Whites in Southern Africa, the Whites of the Deep South were the most racially aware Euro-population in the West.

Which seems to indicate a dearth of familiarity with Southern racialists and an overestimation of South African racialism. I can’t be bothered just now to sift through sources and provide names - George Fitzhugh leaps to mind - but I have read enough to have come across dozens of such authors with frank ideological positions against “niggerdom” and fewer from SA. Point is I would classify the Sothrons, not as “more racially aware” as that is silly to pretend to quantify, but certainly more ideologically rigorous in their approach to the other than the political classes of SA and Australia which established white-first policies to govern their nations. Southern ideology was combative, reactionary, and the question of who would come out on top was not a given as it was with a mostly white Australia and an absolutely white population with South Africa. The South had not only to contend with the negroes integral to its openly slave-based economy (never the case in SA or Oz) but of course with the North as well which aimed to dismantle it and shake things up demographically. This caused much greater unrest, and, with the characteristic religious fervor of the Southerners, resulted in a “down-n-dirty”, grassroots species of racialist ideology. I urge you to look deeper into this forgotten / suppressed area of American ideological history. It is rich and hearty fare, and its leading lights were mostly your countrymen, in fact, men of real fire and principle. It won’t do to confuse the purely administrative pro-white stance of South Africa (and Oz) with the racialist one of the Southern ideologues.


Posted by anon on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 03:36 | #

*absolutely dominant white population


Posted by anon on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 03:45 | #

But I suppose this hangs on one’s definition of racial awareness. Is it better to be in the thick of it and acquire the strongest possible views, or above it and simply establish the distance requisite to live in comfort among savages? Surely we are all of the first, while Cara, you see, is of the second, which permits her that haughty regard for her nation’s plight that we all found irritating, and we our often strident tones and analytic posturing. The dispossession of white Africans, while tragic, is not the same thing as ours. We have not been politically dispossessed so much as we have been deracinated and “replaced”. One is political upheaval; the other, social experimentation. This is why MajorityRights and VNN occur in the UK and US, not in SA or Oz. Our own “culture of critique” is purely a “Western” manifestation owing to these differing methods of displacement, which were necessitated by different social and political constitutions. I have trouble “connecting”, in this respect, with the plight of white South Africa—having the rug pulled out from under one is not the same thing as being slowly boiled alive and asked to croak happily betimes.


Posted by anon on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 03:47 | #

Notes toward a new post-script to Lewis’ The Art of Being Ruled ...


Posted by anon on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 04:02 | #

To illustrate what I mean, if it has not been grasped, a comparison:

The first unit of the White League was composed of members of Nash’s force, mostly Confederate veterans who had participated in the Colfax Massacre.[4] It expressed its purpose as defenders of a “hereditary civilization and Christianity menaced by a stupid Africanization.”[5]

In the early days of post-Apartheid South Africa, the term was expanded to refer to a cultural ‘black threat’, in which many white Afrikaners feared their culture would be lost if they assimilated with the rest of black South Africans.

You see the different styles. The one is salty and vulgar, the other rather detached. Perhaps this reduces to the different temperaments of American and European. Perhaps that American temperament, and the master-slave dynamic itself, is what provided the Southern ideologues with a more thorough-going distaste for blacks than South Africans who merely wished to keep apart. I believe Dudley Kidd, author of that great old work Kafir Socialism, was Scottish by birth. And this dichotomy - the American versus the European temperament - still obtains in the online ghettos of white nationalism. Consider the difference between Anglo nationalist philosophy and, say, German, as seen at Thiazi and the like. The latter is utterly effing milquetoast and shallow, at pains, by law, to eschew any race-based discussion of the other, and having to focus, narcissistic, entirely on themselves. Whereas we can boast writers like Salter, K Mac, Jensen, Rushton, et al., blogs like race/history/evolution notes and MR, etc. etc. Vastly different approaches.


Posted by Grimoire on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 04:40 | #

anon: there is a positive side to the oppression of speech in Germany - that is that people are fully aware of the oppression in a tangible way that can be communicated easily - and that people of ability have the incentive to band together in private and do something tangible - to hell with speech codes…directly influence society and government.
The Volksverhetzung ordinance (law against incitement of hatred) has shown that free speech in a liberal society causes people to release all their resentments through their mouth, and then feel better, as if this accomplishes something. They also look to solutions like convincing other people with words, winning arguments, more words, and judging situations by the type of language used.

Because of this Anglo’s have absolutely no idea what is going on in Europe, or in the world for that matter…because you judge it by the quality of words you peruse. This I think is a weakness, not a strength.


Posted by Ivan on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 05:08 | #

This is a $150,000 worth gift from Circassian Muzzie to Jimmy Marr, Captainchaos, and Grimoire - the ‘German’ guy:

After reading it, I have to admit: In this letter Hitler does not sound as stupid as one could infer from his decision to attack the Soviet Union in 1941.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 08:18 | #

It has to be considered that both MR and VNN are hosted upon servers in the USA and are protected by the first amendment. Whether a weakness or not it is a simple fact that these sites would not survive in Europe or the Anglo-sphere outside the US.

SA did have its pressures and they were from the imperialists in London in concert with their Jewish bankers. Cecil Rhodes found the slogan with which the Transvaal government could be effectively harried: “Equal rights for all civilized men south of the Zambezi.” The Boers suffered badly in both the anti-national imperialist wars. It must also be remembered that apartheid was not a function of race but a function of capital. It is also interesting to note that the “most racially aware Euro-population in the West”  were the greatest advocates of America warring with Adolf. Lindberg was persona non grata in the South before WWII. Thus the South heaped upon itself a repression never seen before among their people; not even compared to that served up by William Tecumseh Sherman.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 08:37 | #

@anon thanks for the info. History has many many strange and odd counter-currents but my main point was that the ordinary whites of the Deep South have experienced a tremendous social change and that trying to understand that at the ‘micro-level’ might be useful.

People are always asking why ordinary whites do not think of themselves as an ethnic community - I have some thoughts on what might be dubbed the ‘intra-group co-ordination problem’ and why sociologically/psychologically dominant ethnic groups have a more diffuse boundary around in-group/out-group boundaries - but that is for another day.


Posted by CS on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 12:03 | #

This is a $150,000 worth gift from Circassian Muzzie to Jimmy Marr, Captainchaos, and Grimoire - the ‘German’ guy:

After reading it, I have to admit: In this letter Hitler does not sound as stupid as one could infer from his decision to attack the Soviet Union in 1941.

Hitler’s attack on Russia was probably motivated by his probably correct assessment that the Russians were about to attack him.


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 12:15 | #

All very interesting, gents, but we WNs must be forward looking. Until we have secured our racial territory, I don’t think historical inquiries are optimally useful.

Our race is going extinct, and the die-off will come more rapidly than expected, and will likely be more brutal as well. Admittedly, I don’t expect to see it. If lucky I will die in the 2050-2065 time frame, whereas I’d be truly surprised if the die-off occurred before 2075-2100, absent Great Power nuclear warfare (or unforeseen plagues). There are still a lot of whites, in absolute numbers, and they still control a lot of wealth, skills and military hardware. Our competitors/opponents, moreover, are diverse and disunited, and certainly not singlemindedly devoted to conquering and annihilating the white race.

Still I very strongly suspect that, for the last generation of whites, the end will arrive sooner and more unexpectedly than anyone will have thought, rather like the 2008 financial meltdown, come to think of it.

Our task as theorists is to formulate strategies for survival with the highest probability of success; as activists, to begin pursuing them with due haste (even though “haste” should probably be understood in terms of decades).


Posted by anon on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 12:52 | #

Hitler’s attack on Russia was probably motivated by his probably correct assessment that the Russians were about to attack him.

Or it was motivated by a smoldering lust for Lebensraum in the east, formed in his years discussing Ratzel and Haushofer with expat paranoiacs like A. Rosenberg, and boldly announced to the public in Mein Kampf. Why this need to justify such a wanton mistake? It was all presumption on Adolf’s Hitler. “Stalin is going to attack us”, “Bolshevism will devour Europe”, “We can crush the Bolshevik resistance in one season”. All just paranoiac presumption motivated by rotten, and frankly inhuman, ideology. Who is Victor Suvorov to assure us Stalin was planning an offensive? Nobody. His ideas are purely interpretive, and this entire belief in a preventive war is politically motivated, that is, to absolve Hitler of one of the gravest political mistakes in all of history.


Posted by anon on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 12:53 | #

*LOL, Adolf’s part


Posted by anon on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 13:04 | #

there is a positive side to the oppression of speech in Germany - that is that people are fully aware of the oppression in a tangible way that can be communicated easily - and that people of ability have the incentive to band together in private and do something tangible - to hell with speech codes…directly influence society and government.

I agree with you up to “something tangible”. But wasn’t Udo Voigt nearly garroted for mistakenly muttering into a microphone he thought was off, “Ich stehe zum Fuehrer”? or how about these Junge Nationaldemokraten skater bois who say in their little Youtube videos that “Nationalismus hat mit Antisemitismus und Rassismus nichts zu tun!” It would seem that no one is disregarding speech codes in Germany. And we must ask whether that “something tangible” is really worth the effort .... if these foot-dragging heavily guarded “marches” through “Säägsischn” towns are in any way “influencing society”, much less government.

Because of this Anglo’s have absolutely no idea what is going on in Europe, or in the world for that matter

They don’t know what’s going in Germany, at least, a) because German events are provincial and unimportant to global politics, and b) German is impossible to learn if one hasn’t acquired it in youth.


Posted by anon on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 13:19 | #

@ CS

Also, though I don’t have this particular volume before me, what about the body evidence that Stalin ignored repeated warnings of a German attack?

Murphy chalks up the debacle to Stalin’s clinging to a Marxist fantasy of the capitalist powers fighting each other to exhaustion, and to the paralysis instilled in the Red Army by his purges.

It is always best to bear in mind that human reason is limited, even, or especially, at the apex of political power. We may have to accept that both Hitler and Stalin were operating under intense political fantasies formed in their 20s - 30s, the one that “Bolshevik Russia” was out to get Western Europe and the entire world, the other that capitalist world would devour itself.


Posted by Ivan on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 14:20 | #

Who is Victor Suvorov to assure us Stalin was planning an offensive? Nobody. His ideas are purely interpretive, and this entire belief in a preventive war is politically motivated, that is, to absolve Hitler of one of the gravest political mistakes in all of history.  - anon

Excellent observation, anon. But Victor Suvorov is far from being nobody - he is a jew. He is one of those ‘Russian’ spies who defected to the UK - we usually call them traitors.

Here is a letter I have addressed to Mark Weber a while ago:

Subject: Why did Hitler attack Soviet Union?

Dear Mr Weber,

Every once in a while I visit IHR website. It is pretty obvious, even to somebody with as little knowledge of what IHR is all about as myself, that IHR is pushing the envelope on the idea Hitler attacked Soviet Union because Stalin had a secret plan to attack Germany.

Would you care to take few minutes to answer the following questions that popped up in my head while I was contemplating this obvious and unfortunate obsession of IHR with the subject at hand.

1. Wouldn’t you agree that Stalin wasn’t a stupid man?

2. If so, why would Stalin entertain himself with a plan to attack Germany in 1941 when the Red Army, in the aftermath of the Great Purge, was in such great disarray that it couldn’t even win the military campaign against tiny Finland in 1939? Don’t you think the enormous loses incurred by the Red Army in 1941 is a proof that it was far, far away from the task of taking on Hitler’s military machine? Don’t you think Stalin would know whether USSR was ready or not for a war with Germany in 1941?

3. If I have observed John cleaning his gun and, in addition to that, I had reason to believe that John wanted to kill me, how could that justify me killing John who has done nothing no harm me? If it couldn’t, what’s the importance, legal or otherwise, of obsessing about the reasons I killed John?

4. Even if Hitler knew for certain that Stalin had such plans, how does that justify Hitler invading Soviet Union in violation of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact? If it doesn’t, what’s the importance, legal or otherwise, of obsessing about the reasons Hitler invaded Soviet Union?

5. Why did Hitler invade France and attack many other European sovereign countries before he attacked USSR? Did all those countries have secret plans to attack Germany as well?

6. Why would you give so much credit to this Jewish bastard Vladimir Rezun, a former Soviet spy who defected to the UK? I am sure, the director of the Institute for Historical Review can appreciate the irony of taking the last name of the great Russian patriot by the traitor of Russia as his pen name.

7. What’s your agenda with this “Hitler attacked Stalin because Stalin wanted to attack Hitler” nonsense, Mr Weber?


I’ll post Weber’s reply shortly.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 20:18 | #

Re - Christianity

Leon - if your version of Christianity involves systematically abusing young children (the Roman Catholic Church) or includes creeps and con-artists like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson screaming rubbish about JEE-ZUSS while shaking down the sheeple, then yeah I’d say I don’t want anything do to with it.

Will I have to be ‘re-educated’ on the wisdom of Hayek and Billy Graham by ‘intellectuals’ like your good self?


Posted by Graham_Lister on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 20:52 | #

Nietzsche famously puts the statement “God is Dead” into the mouth of a ‘madman’ in “The Gay Science”, he also uses the phrase in his own voice in sections 108 and 343 of the same book.

In the madman’s passage, the man is described as running through a marketplace shouting, “I seek God! I seek God!” He arouses some amusement; no one takes him seriously. Maybe he took an ocean voyage? Lost his way like a little child? Maybe he’s afraid of us (non-believers) and is hiding?—much laughter. Frustrated, the madman smashes his lantern on the ground, crying out that “God is dead, and we have killed him, you and I!” “But I have come too soon,” he immediately realizes, as his detractors of a minute before stare in astonishment: people cannot yet see that they have killed God. He goes on to say:

“This prodigious event is still on its way, still wandering; it has not yet reached the ears of men. Lightning and thunder require time, the light of the stars requires time, deeds, though done, still require time to be seen and heard. This deed is still more distant from them than the most distant stars—and yet they have done it themselves.”

It is not rather interesting that Nietzsche places his madman in a marketplace? We enjoy a liberal marketplace of ideas – including religious ideas, and marketplace of cultural phenomena, a marketplace of moral values, indeed a market of just about anything. Sorry if anyone one thinks that institutional Christianity is anything other than sociologically dead with respect to providing the foundational myths of Western society has been watching way too much Benny Hinn etc. The unbelievably vulgar Megachurch ‘culture’ of the USA is a mile wide but only an inch thick.

Kierkegaard will never be for the masses.


Posted by Silver on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 20:54 | #


Will we ever be privy to Silver’s ethnicity?! Why would he be in Australia? I’m thinking secularized Muslim, family money, perhaps. Persian, maybe, family fled the mullahocracy?

Serb/Greek mix.  I’ve stated it a thousand times. Pay attention.  (In terms of looks, think “Karate Kid.”)  There’s nothing muslim about me.  I don’t know where that came from.

Anyway, no points for belatedly noticing the insanity of negroid integration. What have we been saying ... ?

Belatedly nothing.  I’ve never been a racially blind nitwit or a mindless “anti.”  You’re mistaking my person dislike of yourself, which is based on resistance to the over-the-top solution you propose to racial problems, with resistance to “racial solutions” in general.  You’re way off.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 22:01 | #

Sliver don’t worry Leon worships PROFITS beyond anything else - do we detect the Jewish extended phenotype at work?

And Leon I don’t personally give a shit if you are some Ivy League ‘hotshot’. My undergraduate education was at a university which is older than any the USA, as indeed was part of my graduate education. So cut the “your so ignorant about my God the ‘free-market’ and its operation” crap.

I have actually read Nozick and Hayek, have you or was your education mainly in doing such crappy shit as cost-benefit analyses in so called ‘business school’ which is to fine food what McDonald’s is - the intellectual equivalent of a pile of inedible emetic crap.


Posted by CS on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 22:04 | #

Or it was motivated by a smoldering lust for Lebensraum in the east, formed in his years discussing Ratzel and Haushofer with expat paranoiacs like A. Rosenberg, and boldly announced to the public in Mein Kampf. Why this need to justify such a wanton mistake? It was all presumption on Adolf’s Hitler. “Stalin is going to attack us”, “Bolshevism will devour Europe”, “We can crush the Bolshevik resistance in one season”. All just paranoiac presumption motivated by rotten, and frankly inhuman, ideology. Who is Victor Suvorov to assure us Stalin was planning an offensive? Nobody. His ideas are purely interpretive, and this entire belief in a preventive war is politically motivated, that is, to absolve Hitler of one of the gravest political mistakes in all of history.

Hitler definitely wanted to conquer large parts of Russia which makes him a bad guy as far as I’m concerned. Even more so because he lost and gave eugenics and nationalism a bad name.

The reason he attacked when he did (before defeating Britain and in late June instead of the spring) was because there was evidence a Russian attack on Germany was imminent.


Posted by danielj on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 23:58 | #

If the economy is too complex to control, it is too complex to meaningful pontificate about or study.

I’m of the masses. I’m certified white trash and I love Kierkegaard.


Posted by Ivan on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 01:08 | #

Mark Weber’ response to my questions:

Thanks for your message.

I have no “agenda” with regard to the thesis that Hitler attacked the USSR because Stalin was preparing to attack Germany and Europe, except to set the record straight.

What Rezun (“Suvorov”) writes and says should be evaluated on its merits, regardless of whether he is Jewish or was a traitor. As you must know, Suvovov/ Rezun is hardly the only historian to support the view that Hitler’s strike against the USSR was a preemptive attack.

Most of the points you raise are dealt with by Suvorov (Rezun) himself in his books.

Hitler struck against France in 1940 because the two countries were at war. Hitler did not want war with France. It was France that had declared war against Germany—in September 1939—on the pretext that Germany had attacked Poland. France acted hypocritically. If France and Britain had sincerely been motivated by concern for the sovereignty and independence of Poland, those two nations would have also declared war against the USSR after the Soviet strike against Poland.

Mark Weber


Posted by Ivan on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 01:18 | #

Mr Weber,

Thank you for taking time to reply to my email.

I certainly acknowledge the importance of setting the record straight on this matter. I also acknowledge the right for everybody to hold any views on any historical event.

However I would be less than honest if didn’t mention that I don’t trust today’s historians too much, especially the Jewish historians. In fact, my opinion about Jewish authors, not necessarily historians, is so low that before I embark on reading a book or an article, I want to know whether its author is Jewish or not. I found it to be a valuable rule of thumb not to waste time on reading materials authored by Jews. Undoubtedly, there are Jewish authors worth reading but, as the Soviet physicist Arkadey Migdal (Jewish by the way) used to say: Before you dig in a pile of manure, you better estimate your chances to find a diamond there. I follow Migdal’s advice - before reading a book, I want to know who wrote the book and what was the author’s agenda. That saves me a lot of time I can spend on more worthwhile and less risky adventures.

So if we cannot fully rely on Jewish and non-Jewish historians to tell us the truth, how can we know what did happen and what did not happen? Personally, being a trained physicist, I rely on common sense. To give you an example, let’s take a historical event which, as far as I can tell, is one of those events you would like to set the record straight about - the Holocaust.

I start off by asking myself the following question. Would I pay $100 at e-Bay for a most urgently needed item, the delivery of which would take days, if I could easily buy that same item for $1 at my local One-Dollar store down the street? I don’t know what a Jewish historian’s answer to that question would be, but my common sense answer is unequivocal: I definitely would not.

Then I ask: Why would Germans, or anybody else for that matter, build expensive, awkward, inefficient gas chambers while waging war on two fronts, hoard stinking Jews in concentration camps, tattoo them, feed them for months, shower them before they shove them into these ovens, while all it takes to get rid of a human parasite is one minute and one bullet in the back of the head. And, by the way, that’s exactly what Germans had been doing to the Jewish commissars in the occupied territories. Taking into account what Jews did to Germany prior Hitler came to power, could you blame the Germans for acting like that?

Did it ever occur to you how many human bodies per day one would have to burn to account for 6 million people? Over 4000 every single day for 4 long years! That’s about the population of a small town, Mr Weber. Could that be done without leaving heavy ‘ash’ footprints, so to speak, all over the place? This Holocaust narrative makes absolutely no sense, no matter how you look at it. That’s why it was absolutely necessary to confuse people with heavy and expensive brainwashing propaganda projects, before one would be able to sell successfully this Holocaust story to unthinking population.

The truth, as always, is very simple: There was no plans - secret or otherwise - for mass physical extermination of Jews in Hitler’s Germany. Gassing and all that is pure baloney - it never happened.

An ordinary man with an ordinary common sense needs neither degree in chemistry, nor minute details of what had transpired during the WWII in order to come to immensely sensible conclusion: The so-called Holocaust was and is a Jewish sham, scam, scheme - whichever word you prefer.

Here is another example which, in a nutshell, reflects my take on the genesis of the WWII.

France, Great Britain, and the United states had not declared war against Germany - Jews did. I am not interested in the formalities and technicalities of war declaration protocols - I am interested to know who were the decision makers and what was the agenda behind those decisions.

In order to exonerate Adolph Hitler, who was a true national leader of the highest order, one doesn’t have to lie or denigrate another great leader - Joseph Stalin.

Notwithstanding Hitler’s great achievements in restoring the statehood of Germany and the pride of its people, he committed two grave blunders:

1. He looked up to the Brits,
2. He looked down to the Russians.

The Brits betrayed him, and the Russians kicked his ass.

Stalin knew better - he never trusted the Brits. But he overestimated the smarts of Hitler. Stalin repeatedly rejected numerous warnings, including those coming from Churchill himself, that Hitler was about to attack. And Hitler did. The result: To this day, 65 years after the end of the WWII, the great nation of Germany, and the whole Western World, are still paying the price for his fateful blunders.

I know, there is a growing crowd of intellectuals out there, Pat Buchanan being one of them, who are desperately trying to justify Hitler’s violation of the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of 1939 as preemptive strike.

You can speculate as much as you want about the alleged intentions of Stalin to attack Hitler, but the fact remains: the Soviet Union did not attack Germany - Germany did attack the Soviet Union.

Let’s assume for the sake of argument that Stalin was stupid enough, which he wasn’t, to attack Germany in 1941. Wouldn’t Hitler’s Germany be better off fighting patriotic war against the evil Soviet invaders instead of becoming itself the evil aggressor against the Russians and dozens of other peoples of the USSR?

Hitler, as evidenced in his sequel to Mein Kampf, The Zweites Buch, felt that German people should look East for lebensraum. But he picked the wrong people to take the land from, and he lost, probably sealing the fate of the Western civilization forever.

I have followed the link on IHR’s web site and listened to Rezun’s talk about his book The Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start WWII :
His arguments are not only shallow and hollow, this awkward buffoon is absolutely ridiculous. This Russian Jew and traitor (and, yes, it is important to underscore that he is Jewish and he is a traitor to his country if one is to discern his agenda) holds that Hitler was a very, very bad guy with differences from Stalin mostly in the shape of his mustache. What kind of an idiot thinks in terms of good/bad while discussing statesmen of historical proportions like Hitler and Stalin?

Joseph Stalin was the only man in the entire History of Mankind who succeeded in beating the Jews in their own game. Jesus Christ ended up on the cross, Adolph Hitler committed suicide, and only Joseph Stalin beat the shit out of the Jews. He eliminated, not just politically but literally, all the top Bolshevik Jews and, by the end of the Great Purge of 1936-1938, removed the Jews almost completely from the levers of power. It should come as no surprise the Jews hate and lie about Stalin more than they ever did with Hitler.

Vladimir Putin called the demise of the Soviet Union, especially the way it happened, the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. In simplest terms what had happened was that the international Jewry, in tight cooperation with the treasonous leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union under Gorbachev, completed successfully dismantling of Jew-free empire created almost single handedly by Joseph Stalin.

The de-Stalinisation process had started almost immediately after Stalin’s death in 1953 by little man Khrushchev with the unwitting help from intellectuals like Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who is looked upon like some kind of great sage in the Western world today. Self-duped intelligentsia was ever since in the forefronts of destroying the great Soviet Empire created at such enormous cost and sacrifice by the Russian and other Soviet peoples.

It may sound somewhat paradoxical, but the appraisal of the importance of Stalin’s legacy to the Russian statehood, held by the ordinary Russians today, is closer to the reality than that of the Russian intelligentsia. You see, ordinary people were not infected with the disease of reading Jewish books revealing ‘the truth’ about Stalin - a trend that became very fashionable among Russian intellectuals during Gorbachev’s Perestroika. But what happened to Russia and its peoples during the Perestroika served as invaluable education to the whole nation that prompted an intense interest in the legacy and personality of Stalin.

Now the Russian people, including even the intellectuals, slowly but surely are coming to a realization of what they had under Stalin, and what they have lost forever. Russia has become an ordinary consumer society, which is absolutely detrimental to the Russian spirit. Russians are one of the few nations on Earth with messianic spirit and imperial mentality. Take that spirit from them - they are no longer Russians.

Stalin preserved the Russian statehood as best as it was possible to do so under the circumstances the Russian Empire found itself after the mess of the Bolshevik revolution.

That’s why Russians today regard Stalin as the second greatest man in the entire history of Russia. Not Ivan The Terrible, not Peter The Great, not Katherine The Great, not Generalissimos Suvorov, not Field Marshal Kutuzov who defeated Napoleon’s Grande Armée, not Feodor Dostoevsky, not Leo Tolstoy, not Vladimir Lenin - but Joseph Stalin. Only Alexander Nevsky - the key figure of medieval Rus, proclaimed “Saint” of the Russian Orthodox Church by Metropolite Macariy in 1547 - came ahead of Stalin in the TV polls conducted just two years ago:

The poll results you see in this video are preliminary. Pay attention to that ugly Jewish woman from the Moscow branch of Carnegie Endowment, Masha Lipman, talking about ‘Stalin The Butcher’ in an attempt to put a spin on the poll results. The presenter of the show, Alexander Lyubimov, most probably is Jewish as well. He is clearly trying to diminish the importance of TV poll.

Compare the Jewish spin masters’ take on the outcome of the poll with that of that pretty Russian girl on the streets.

As the result of successful completion of de-Stalinisation process, Russian statehood had found itself by the end of the 20th century on the brink of total destruction. The Russian Federation has somewhat recovered with Putin’s presidency, but it’s fate is still hanging on a thin thread.

Here is a very simple idea most people have hard time wrapping their heads around: Almost everything we ‘know’ about Hitler and Stalin has been induced in our brains, one way or the another, by Jewish education, Jewish books, Jewish movies, Jewish television, Jewish Wikipedia, Jewish defamation, and Jewish lies.

Here is Joseph Stalin, whom most of you in the West have never known, whom the Russian people loved dearly and still do, whom the Jews would like to forget as nightmare once and forever :

Yes, this is propaganda, but propaganda designed to correct the Jewish defamation of the great man. It may sound as blasphemy to many of you in the West, but there are attempts floating around in Russia to canonize Joseph Stalin by the Russian Orthodox Church - just like Alexander Nevsky was canonized:

That’s how important the image of Stalin has become to the Russians today when they looked into the abyss of losing their statehood and got horrified.

I highly doubt that Germans will ever be able to propel themselves to exonerate the Führer to the honorable status he deserves despite his tragic mistakes. But Stalin will be back - I’m sure of that.



Posted by anon on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 01:55 | #

The reason he attacked when he did (before defeating Britain and in late June instead of the spring) was because there was evidence a Russian attack on Germany was imminent.

Well, whatever. Just as Jewish “historians” pretend to show that Hitler was out to conquer America and the whole wide world, it seems to me WN historiography, following Suvorov and other Russian dissidents, pretends to prove that Hitler was justified in breaking the Pact. That RKK was being mobilized for an attack is interpretation; that Stalin rebuffed suggestions of an impending German offensive, evidently in disbelief or need of more time to prepare, is fact. Another fact: Adolf Hitler was a wanton aggressor against other Europeans and, simply put, a cheat. I don’t revere him any less, but goddamn, he ought to have read War and Peace!


Posted by anon on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 02:08 | #

Ivan -

Epically brilliant letter. I am but half through and felt the urge to declare my love for you in most brotherly spirit for the ideas & sentiments you there marshal in one place. I could comment on every point, but would only be repeating you, so close are our ideas. At the moment I shall confine myself to observing ...

That’s about the population of a small town, Mr Weber. Could that be done without leaving heavy ‘ash’ footprints, so to speak, all over the place?

... that would be one awesome “carbon footprint”! And hikers worry about leaving toilet paper behind.


Posted by CS on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 02:12 | #

Well, whatever. Just as Jewish “historians” pretend to show that Hitler was out to conquer America and the whole wide world, it seems to me WN historiography, following Suvorov and other Russian dissidents, pretends to prove that Hitler was justified in breaking the Pact. That RKK was being mobilized for an attack is interpretation; that Stalin rebuffed suggestions of an impending German offensive, evidently in disbelief or need of more time to prepare, is fact. Another fact: Adolf Hitler was a wanton aggressor against other Europeans and, simply put, a cheat. I don’t revere him any less, but goddamn, he ought to have read War and Peace!

World War II was such a fiasco for the white race in so many ways and such a boon to the Jews that I’m inclined to believe that there was “divine” intervention involved. I am not trying to make excuses for Hitler. He fucked up big time by providing the Jews the excuse needed to start a giant war between white people which bad enough in itself but has also led to the current narrative that white people who object to being genocided through massive non-white immigration and race mixing are just as bad as the nazis. That being said, it is not unreasonable to speculate that Stalin might have been a few weeks away from invading Germany into June 1941. Why else would he have his air force close to the border where the Germans could and did bomb the hell out of it on the ground nstead of further back in a defensive position unless he planned to attack?


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 13:18 | #

Re - Christianity

Leon - if your version of Christianity involves systematically abusing young children (the Roman Catholic Church) or includes creeps and con-artists like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson screaming rubbish about JEE-ZUSS while shaking down the sheeple, then yeah I’d say I don’t want anything do to with it.

Will I have to be ‘re-educated’ on the wisdom of Hayek and Billy Graham by ‘intellectuals’ like your good self?

Sliver don’t worry Leon worships PROFITS beyond anything else - do we detect the Jewish extended phenotype at work?

And Leon I don’t personally give a shit if you are some Ivy League ‘hotshot’. My undergraduate education was at a university which is older than any the USA, as indeed was part of my graduate education. So cut the “your so ignorant about my God the ‘free-market’ and its operation” crap.

I have actually read Nozick and Hayek, have you or was your education mainly in doing such crappy shit as cost-benefit analyses in so called ‘business school’ which is to fine food what McDonald’s is - the intellectual equivalent of a pile of inedible emetic crap. (Graham Lister)


You seem rather upset, Graham? Touched a nerve, have we? Though I can’t quite get what it pertains to: the aggressive atheist’s annoyance that intelligent men are still loyal to God and Church, or resentment that someone else can dissect and easily expose your pathetic I’m-more-than-just-a-boorish-scientist’s intellectual posturings (so he says, who really knows these things? I have two friends who are scientists, one a PhD in biochemistry from Stanford, and what they write is soooo much more articulate than Graham’s ventilations)? Your acerbity towards me, when I have been undeservedly gentle with you, is of more than passing psychological interest. I think it points to a real WN problem -why WN never gets any real traction politically, despite the soundness of our observations. It certainly confirms for me yet again the correctness (and eventual triumph) of my approach to our shared concerns.

I am Catholic, yes. My Church is quite a bit more than a tiny handful of disgusting paedophiles (actually, almost none were even that, strictly understood: the priests ‘abused’ almost exclusively teenagers; in our degenerate society, many teenage faggots routinely engage in homosexual relations with older men; I’m about the last person to condone such behavior, on the parts of the teens no less than the priests - but you might wish to get your facts straight before embarrassing yourself).

It’s obvious that you know nothing about Christianity, the historic religion of Western Man, whether as history or theology (please, don’t embarrass yourself still further by running to wikipedia or some other online well of errors to dredge up a few facts for which you have not the slightest intellectual context with which to assess or even make sense of them).

I know nothing of Billy Graham, nor have I ever referred to him, here or anywhere else that I can remember.

Of course I’ve read Nozick and Hayek, as well as the more rigorous and consistent Rothbard and Mises. I hope I don’t have to reiterate for you yet again that I am not a libertarian? Still, if you have actually read them, you certainly did so without, um, profit.

And, finally, on the subject of profits, why do you deliberately repeat something I have flatly contradicted, indeed, several times just in the most recent threads? Are you being churlishly polemical, or are you really just that stupid? I state at multiple points that the Racial State must be teleological, and will subordinate individual rights and desires to the overarching collective goal of white preservation. Somehow that translates into my “worshipping profits, excuse me, PROFITS, uber alles”?

You’re not that dumb, so clearly there is some deeper animus (against God and capitalism - how very unusual!). Thus my reference to the psychological conundrum you pose.

You do not understand economics. You continue to conflate understanding economic reality with libertarian ideology (something the greatest modern libertarians, Mises and Rothbard, never did). Worse, you can’t seem to (refuse to?) understand the political and racial arguments I make for WNs qualifiedly supporting free markets (or Christianity, in the case).

But it makes no difference. As with GW and various others here, you don’t understand how fantastically limited is the political usefulness of, let’s see ... “ontological nationalist social democracy”, would that be right? Extremist movements are always riven with faction, ours no less than others. I’m sure you will wail without surcease when you belatedly come to realize that my approach has won, as it assuredly will. I will enjoy the spectacle.

Lee - I know what you mean isn’t England awful in how impolite many people are. (GL)

At least you’ve gotten one thing right.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 13:39 | #

I re-post this from the top of this very thread. Perhaps Graham Lister would like to validate the rather high regard in which he holds his critical faculties by subjecting my political argument to withering critique? Please especially consider what’s in bold font. And don’t be afraid to suggest alternative strategies, making sure to explain from among which present social groups or classes you expect the WN army to arise.

(Try to write with minimal cogency this time.)


Just a little reminder ...

All is not smoke and mirrors. That was the case in the US in the 50s-70s, maybe in Europe through the 90s. No longer. We have been invaded and colonized by tens of millions of biological aliens. They are not going to leave our lands without a fight - a real fight. I keep saying this, but I remain unsure whether it ever really sinks in ...

Moreover, the particular postwar intellectual and later demographic environment has exposed a massive genetic flaw inherent in vast hordes of whites. I refer to the deep propensity towards anti-racism, One Worldism, Brotherhood of Manism, call it what you like. The notion that all these whites are brainwashed is empirically inaccurate. Certainly some are, but most are not. Many whites love diversity, and only needed the right environmental conditions to allow for the expression of that particular genetic flaw (’flaw’ on the collective level; individually, it’s only a flaw to the extent that the white genome is genetically recessive viz other races). The brainwashed are those mostly, by nature, on our own side (the conservative masses), who know the imposition of diversity is somehow wrong, but think that resisting it forcefully (that is, beyond voting against immigration on the rare occasions the matter is put before the common people) is ethically problematic, too. In fact, that we must tolerate diversity now, even if we were originally at moral liberty to have opposed it.

So, five forces we must contend with:

1. the alien colonizers of our lands (and racial others - Negroids, Amerindians, Australian Abos, Maori - present there, but not as a function of recent immigration invasions)

2. Jewry, with its seemingly innate hostility to Euro-EGI

3. hordes of whites genetically predisposed to race treason

4. amoral whites who personally benefit from actions and circumstances which harm Euro-EGI

5. non-’diversitarian’ whites who nevertheless think WN is immoral (often ‘unchristian’).

Obviously, the only group we have a shot with - and whom we must convert to WN, or the cause is hopeless and ridiculous - is the last one (absent exterminatory cataclysms in which all whites regardless of PC views are targeted by nonwhites). This is why I emphasize the development of an ethics of racial preservationism, as well as why I’m soon to be formally studying Christianity. We either reclaim the ancient faith for Magna Europa, and then re-Christianize our overly apathetic people into that racially renovated creed, or we will over this century lose the bulk of our people to miscegenation, if not final extermination.

The only other option is White Zion, the WN conquest-by-immigration of some sovereign polity which we can transform into a white Racial State, a last holdout for the remnant of our people.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 13:45 | #

Here it is, callow Graham! Right over on the Hedges thread - on which you wrote something after this (didn’t sink in, huh?).

Again (and again, and again ...) ...


Let’s see ... what did I just say immediately above? Please re-read what I have now placed in bold.

I stand with nationalists who dislike neo-liberal worshippers of homo economicus. Idiots around here continuously misinterpret me on this point. I do not place markets above all other values. I absolutely am willing to limit economic and other freedoms in the interest of race and civilization - and have so acknowledged repeatedly.

Unfortunately, I’m coming to realize more and more that nationalists (like paleoconservatives) really for the most part have not studied economics, or finance (probably also not business management to any significant degree), and so are prone to making purely ideological, and wildly ignorant, animadversions about markets and fiscal matters.

Worse, they insist on conflating free market theory with much less sound libertarian ideology, despite their being no necessary intellectual reason for doing so. They proceed to criticize some aspect of libertarian inadequacy, and then act as though they’ve discredited free markets.

Should I state this a few more times?


Posted by Silver on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 18:14 | #


I do not place markets above all other values. I absolutely am willing to limit economic and other freedoms in the interest of race and civilization - and have so acknowledged repeatedly.

When you rail as you do against state intervention people are going to be inclined to disbelieve you.

  Intervention or redistribution doesn’t destroy markets.  So markets are distorted a little.  Big deal!  It’s hardly the end of the world; and if they prevent or limit undesirable externalities it’s in fact a very good thing.  The average American free-markets-for-free-men! booster is a million miles from grasping this; there’s hardly a difference worth noting between him and the most spiritually wedded libertarian, except that the former may be willing to accept a bit of (social spending) taxation as a necessary evil, whereas the latter will fight it to the last.


And, by the way, that’s exactly what Germans had been doing to the Jewish commissars in the occupied territories. Taking into account what Jews did to Germany prior Hitler came to power, could you blame the Germans for acting like that?

What the hell did Jews do to Germany that was so bad it even merited deportation, let alone murder?  I understand they were influential, and many of them had some wacky ideas about how to restructure society (even the idea that it should be restructured), but is this really such an unspeakable horror that expulsion or murder was the “obvious” solution?

The sad thing is that had the Nazis come to power and been reasonable about what they stood for and how they planned to go about achieving it they could quite easily have had their thousand year (and ten thousand year) Reich with nary a peep in protest.  But they didn’t do that.  They quickly set about being some of the greatest assholes the world has seen when there was absolutely no need to, and that’s what earned them both the enmity and revulsion of the rest of the world as well as, later on, their own people, to the point where they’re paralyzed into inaction even when it comes to mounting the most tepid of racial defenses.


Posted by Ivan on Thu, 16 Jun 2011 05:00 | #

What the hell did Jews do to Germany that was so bad it even merited deportation, let alone murder?  I understand they were influential, and many of them had some wacky ideas about how to restructure society (even the idea that it should be restructured), but is this really such an unspeakable horror that expulsion or murder was the “obvious” solution? - Silver


I will give straight answers to your questions, but let me tell you this first. I believe it was Mark Twain who said: Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. To paraphrase that great line: Honesty is resistance to urge to suppress truth, mastery of urge to suppress truth, not absence of that urge.

I’m gonna try to be as honest and open as I possibly can, and do my best not to offend you at the same time, because a mature and decent man, like yourself, deserves no less. You are one of not so many commenters at MR I still read. I like that realistic way of thinking you exhibit amply. It is entirely possible that I might even like you if I ever meet you in life.

But I also got the impression that you are partly Jewish. You could say who gives a fuck about your impressions, and I would be the last person to blame you. But please remember that I am trying to resist the urge to suppress the truth here. And the truth is: The questions you have raised in your comment are only strengthening my impression that you are partly Jewish, even after seeing you announce that you are, if I recall correctly, Greek/Serb mix. I feel uncomfortable admitting this truth, and I am not even quite sure why it is so uncomfortable. Presumably because human mind abhors contradictions. On one hand, I feel very strongly that you are a decent man, on the other, my impression of your ethnic identity is just as strong. And my mind, I guess in a pathetic attempt to explain away (reconcile?) that contradiction, is whispering: Well, you consider yourself a decent man too, but can you claim that you have always been open even to the strangers? The answer to that is clearly - no. If I have, I wouldn’t be using nickname Ivan instead of signing off with my real name.

Back to your questions. First of all, I did not say that Germans had killed every Jew they could spot on their way, neither do I believe they should have. However, I believe that many of those killed richly deserved it, and probably many others not killed deserved to be killed as well. Also, there is no doubt in my mind that Jews, if we take them as a whole, as an ethnic entity foreign and parasitic to the host nation, that brought the whole nation to economic ruin, the society to perversion and demoralization that culminated in the Weimar Republic, deserved to be expelled by all means necessary but killing them. If an honest and impartial person doesn’t agree with that, he will have hard time explaining away rationally the historical fact that throughout human history Jews, for similar reasons, had been expelled numerous times from many countries in Europe and beyond.

I have to admit though: the expulsion of the Jews from Germany, the way it was done by the Nazis, didn’t work out very well for the nation. But, again, that does not mean that Jews did not deserve to be dealt with in accordance with the enormous damage they have brought to their nation. Stalin also killed many Jews who deserved to be killed, but he did not deport the Jews in systematic way comparable to that of the Nazis. Instead, he put them in JAR - Jewish Autonomous Region around Birobijan. But what did happen to the Soviet Empire after Stalin’s death? It has ultimately been dismantled, not by the Jews Stalin had spared and settled in JAR though, but in large part with the help and push from the International Jewry.

I strongly believe the Jewish problem cannot be solved by deporting Jews from country A to country B, or to the rest of the world as it happened in Germany. History attests to that. The global problem should be solved globally. Again, I am not talking murder here. I think Jews, for the good of humanity and for their own good, should be recognized, absolutely openly and unequivocally, for who they are on the global scale - everywhere, by everybody, if possible, at the same historical time. A racist law should be erected in each and every country in the world restricting Jewish access to all and every lever of power, especially mass media and banking, to their percentage presence in the population of each country. That would be fair, wouldn’t you agree? Jewish assimilation should be encouraged as well. If I am correct in my impression about your ethnic background, you are personally on your way of assimilation. What is wrong, or bad, with that? I believe you have acquired a pretty good combination of Jewish smarts and gentile decency.

They quickly set about being some of the greatest assholes the world has seen when there was absolutely no need to, and that’s what earned them both the enmity and revulsion of the rest of the world as well as, later on, their own people, to the point where they’re paralyzed into inaction even when it comes to mounting the most tepid of racial defenses.  - Silver

You are conveniently forgetting about shameful Jewish lies here, which wasn’t a small factor in the revulsion and paralyzation you are talking about.


Posted by Brandon on Thu, 16 Jun 2011 19:10 | #

What Ivan said @6/15 12:18AM and 6/15 4AM…


Posted by Fr. John on Sun, 19 Jun 2011 21:42 | #


Please cite the chapters and verses in the New Testament upon which you base your oft-repeated claims of Christian support for white racialism.”

Why just the NT, Randy?

Is not the WHOLE of SCRIPTURE ‘God-breathed’?

Did not Christendom, before Rome’s usurpacious claims to ‘universal jurisdiction’, comprise ONLY the bounds of their habitations, as encompassing ONLY whites?

It did.

If you want a rationale for Whites only as the locus and focus of Christ, God Father, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, I can think of no better place to start an honest investigation, than my blog.

Of course, some preliminary reading material is in order, starting with Arthur Koestler’s ‘The Thirteenth tribe’ to UTTERLY DISSUADE ANYONE that the ‘Jew’ of today, is the ethnic/racial/theological brother to the ‘Judean’ of Christ’s day.

But then, here’s a starter for those sincerely wanting to break free of ROME’S filioquist errors, and protestantism’s tacit acceptance of them, as well.’s-groaning-and-tears-–-a-symbol-for-lent/’s-seed-gal-329/


Posted by Ambitious Outsider on Sun, 19 Jun 2011 22:08 | #

Oh dear another religious whackjob

Perhaps Fr. John along with all the other mega-church creeps and hucksters could become lucky like St. Sebastian?


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 20 Jun 2011 00:02 | #

It was a happy Father’s Day for me. My son visited and joined me for a training exercise.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 20 Jun 2011 01:11 | #

Jimmy I followed your link:

The page you requested cannot be displayed at the moment. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 20 Jun 2011 03:33 | #

Same class, different people.

Still, UnGodly White.


Posted by Thunder on Sun, 26 Jun 2011 23:45 | #


Ivan pretty well nailed how jews should be treated in his statment of June 16.

Jews do not belong among gentiles and they do much to destroy gentiles indirectly and often directly being complicit in our deaths.  A final solution is necessary because jews will never give up until this planet is theirs to lord over.  We need to get to that solution as humanely as possible for the least guilty jews and punish the rest.  That includes stripping many jews of any wealth they have stolen, identify jews for what they are and quarantine them.

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