The suicides of Bridgend

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 21 February 2008 00:37.

The sky broods over the unexceptional if uninspiring town of Bridgend.

One of the strangest, saddest and most disturbing mysteries for many years is unfolding in the South Wales town of Bridgend.  The discovery at 7.45am yesterday of the body of Jenna Parry, 16, in woods near her home at Cefn Cribbwr, a small village north-west of the town, brings to seventeen the suicides of young people since the beginning of 2007.  All have been by hanging.

The Independent reports

Daniel John, 20, said: “It has been an absolute shock. She was so bubbly and carefree; I can’t imagine why she would take her own life. She loved butterflies and was very girly. She loved pop music and dance music. I last spoke to her yesterday and she seemed normal – perfectly fine. I can’t get my head around why she has done this.”

Lisa Jones, the mother of Jenna’s best friend Jessica, added: “She had everything to live for – this is just so awful. I can’t understand what is going on around here.”

Her thoughts were echoed by Michael Bennett, the 61-year-old security guard who found Jenna’s body. “It was so shocking to find this poor young girl hanging from this tree. I feel shaken to the core by this. Why are youngsters around here doing this? I can’t understand it at all. People of my generation can’t explain it all – what is going on around here?”

Attempts by the South Wales Police to uncover meaningful connections between the suicides have, it seems, come to nothing.  Speculation in the press of a pact or of some on-line Jim Jones artfully leading his trusting victims into the darkness have been firmly discouraged by police and the local Labour MP, Madeleine Moon.  After all, these are not solely angst-ridden teenagers.  The oldest of the seventeen was 26.

“Huge issues” is how the police characterise the driving factor in the majority of cases - a factor given impulsion, perhaps, by the example of others who were sometimes known to later suicides, sometimes not:-

“A number had access to social networking sites but there’s no suggestion that anybody used these sites as a means to take their lives,” said assistant chief constable Dave Morris, who is leading an investigation into the deaths. “I would like to put to bed any suggestion within the media that we are investigating suicide pacts or suicide internet links. They were all young people with big issues. There are a constellation of factors influencing these young people.” These included relationship break-ups, friendship issues and family problems, he said.

Philip Walters, the coroner for Bridgend and Glamorgan Valleys, said he was convinced there was “not one great conspiracy” linking the 17 deaths, although he said there was clear evidence that the first three suicides and two subsequent pairs were linked by the victims knowing each other. “Apart from the three groupings, there are no links that I can see,” he said. “Parts of the media have claimed there is an internet connection but there has been no evidence of that apart from internet tributes after the deaths.”

We are left, then, with a self-sustaining noumenon ... some perfectly deadly, gothic glamour that has come into being in the minds of Bridgend’s most vulnerable and suggestible young people, and easily traverses the spaces between them ... something that trips personality damage or plain depression onward into the will to self-destruction.


On the thread to a recent Times article on the suicides a mother from Bridgend left this comment:-

I live in Bridgend and having 2 teenage daughters am becoming increasingly worried.  Not sure what’s going on around here but one of my daughter’s needed counselling a few years ago for problems with bullying at school.  A friend of my daughter killed himself a couple of years ago on a railway line, which was heart rending - the schools need to start tackling this problem very soon because it’s out of control here!

As one would expect, politicians are consulting, and a small army of Guardian Society “professionals” counselling away furiously, to get a handle on what’s going on.  As yet, though, I’ve heard no suggestions from anyone that the suicides of Bridgend hold wider lessons for British society.  But, of course, that can’t be true.

The lightness with which life has been given up is unlikely to be a characteristic solely of the suicidal mind beset by “issues”, but something much more endemic.  One grieving parent offered the plaint that, “He didn’t think it through.”  Madeleine Moon noted that, “There is nothing glamorous about taking your own life.”  These are indications that lives could and should have gone on, that their taking was a marginal and momentary thing offering no hope of understanding for those left behind.

At the end of the 19th Century, Emil Durkheim discovered that the French rate of suicide rose and fell with spikes in social instability.  In other words, people who might have gone on to live productive lives were sucked into a trend of mortality.  Are we in Britain, then, on the margins of such a trend today, with a mere local reference or two to the romanticisation of death being enough to tip the balance in some cases?

Well, any social conservative or traditionalist worthy of the name will tell you that we have been assiduously undermining the foundations of human happiness for the last five decades.  And that after the great dislocations of the 20th Century Wold Wars.  Frankly, Durkheim’s Rule must apply.  The only question is whether the Bridgend suicides are an expression of it, or the mere statistical blip that the “professionals” will likely portray.




Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 01:58 | #

At least four of the dead are cousins, so it would be interesting to note the relatedness of the group.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 02:10 | #

The police appear to have discounted that line of thought, Desmond.  Apparently, it’s all about statistics and a fashion for the fatal.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 02:13 | #

Since 1945 the forces that visited untold holocaust and genocide upon their enemy Germany have seen to it that young people are permitted only two choices in life:  a) suicide or b) bearing the child of a Negro and generally behaving like this with no aspirations whatsoever to anything higher permitted on pain of draconian prosecution for:  (choose one) racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and anti-Semitism.  That’s why we defeated Hitler, to bring this world about.  Any wonder, then, if many choose the logical alternative of the only two choices permitted?

(Hat tips)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 02:25 | #

In other words, the log entry’s final paragraph is onto something. 

Very much so.


Posted by Peter on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 07:14 | #

Well, I feel sorry for the kids. GW you didn’t post the pics of the kids…they happen to be all white from what i saw. Fred Scooby your language is offensive!
Also GW i read they all made a pact over the internet or something to commit suicide…This did not have anything to do with race.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 08:06 | #

You take offense easily, Peter.  That’s the mildest comment I’ve posted since the site opened.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 08:08 | #

I’ll add that I also take offense — at the genocide project of race-replacement advocates like Peter.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 08:21 | #

Race-replacement advocates simply don’t like seeing what they advocate questioned, and if you dare to attempt sarcasm into the bargain they’ll wax all testy and let you know how offended they are.  That’s all that’s going on with Peter.  Notice how these types are never so dainty, so delicate, so finicky, so fragile when they’re the ones dishing out the genocide, only when individuals among the target group open their mouths to raise questions about their status as targets.


Posted by onlooker on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 14:02 | #

“Well, any social conservative or traditionalist worthy of the name will tell you that we have been assiduously undermining the foundations of human happiness for the last five decades.”

First of all, we need to stop pretending we’ve ADVANCED from a primitive restrictive religious based culture into a secular liberal enlightened age. Culturally speaking, the opposite is true. Even though we in the West live in great material abundance, technological advances, and “freedom,” there has evolved within it a “culture of death.” Proof we are moving culturally backwards, are the tragic suicides outlined above. Could they be the next degenerate step downwards from this extremely dangerous sick twisted game? :-

or even this:


Posted by Alex on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 15:13 | #

“Ethnic tendencies are automatic, unconscious mechanisms, but despite the power of these ancient mechanisms, they can be suppressed or diverted from their original purpose by cultural programming that takes advantage of some recently evolved cognitive machinery: the conscious processing mechanisms of the human prefrontal cortex.” [Dr. Kevin MacDonald, Psychology and White Ethnocentrism, 2007, The Occidental Quarterly]

Subliminal audio programming was developed to effect human behavior.
It is probably the most powerful human resource technology known.

The reason you do not already know about its positive side is because you have not looked into it. And it is part of the human condition for innocent people to scoff at new things. This general ignorance is also understandable because the facts about subliminal programming are being heavily distorted and suppressed by our enemies. The last thing the invisible hand wants is for you to use it. Why is that? Because it works, and they want the monopoly on it.

The battle is first for the mind.


Posted by onlooker on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 16:50 | #

“Subliminal audio programming was developed to effect human behavior.
It is probably the most powerful human resource technology known.”

Unfortunately Europids, especially those that reside in Europe itself, have been subliminally programed with the brand of existentialism promulgated by French philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre.

I’m not a fan of Pat Robertson ... in fact I think he’s kooky at times, but he is ‘dead on’ (pun intended) when he said this:

“Europe is right now in the midst of racial suicide because of the declining birth rate.” Robertson blamed the declining birth rate on the existential philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre, which, according to Robertson, “has permeated the intellectual thinking of Europe” and has left Europeans without “a faith in the future.”

From the February 6 edition of CBN’s The 700 Club:

ROBERTSON: Studies that I have read indicate that having babies is a sign of a faith in the future. You know, unless you believe in the future, you’re not going to take the trouble of raising a child, educating a child, doing something. If there is no future, why do it? Well, unless you believe in God, there’s really no future. And when you go back to the existentialism of Jean-Paul Sartre, the whole idea of this desperate nightmare we are in—you know, that we are in this prison, and it has no hope, no exit. That kind of philosophy has permeated the intellectual thinking of Europe, and hopefully it doesn’t come here. But nevertheless, ladies and gentlemen, Europe is right now in the midst of racial suicide because of the declining birth rate. And they just can’t get it together. Why? There’s no hope.”


Posted by Nux Gnomica on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 19:06 | #

I would be cautious about reading too much into this. There are lots of possible explanations, including a chance cluster. Amd giving it attention is one way to help it continue. Suicides in general are falling rather than rising, though that almost certainly is in part because some of the older methods are harder to use (car exhaust, oven gas).


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 00:02 | #

Regardless of Pat Robertson’s opinions, I dont care about the future of ‘mankind’ if the White race ceases to exist.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 12:04 | #


The decline in suicide rate is a production of several factors.  First, the economy has been stable, and economic insecurity is a major causative.  The record shows that 1991-2 were bad years for suicide, and these are also the years of the Major/Lamont recession.  But, obviously, I am not arguing in this post for the effects or otherwise of economic insecurity.

All the other factors involved in cutting the rate are government-made.  Thus:-

Second, the greatest fall in suicides has been among men of 75+ (who were the largest single group).  Decisive creatures that they are apt to be, men of all ages are more prone to suicide than women.  For the 75+ age-range life may hold little but loneliness, wretched living conditions and physical suffering.  However, the Labour government has instituted a successful revolution in care at home for the elderly.  My own physically incapacitated father receives four visits a day from two carers, and has been able to remain, as he desires, in the family home.

Third, legislation in 1998 reduced the size of paracetamol and aspirin packs, and this is claimed to have restrained the suicide rate.

Fourth, we now have National Suicide Strategies for England, Scotland and Wales.  These commend physical barriers and Samaritans signs at suicide hotspots, among many other things.  The list of helpful ideas has recentl been extended due to the need to hit the governments target of a 20% reduction by 2010 (currently it is running at 7.4%).

So, economic factors aside, the picture which emerges is one of a restraining governmental hand on the jumper’s shoulder - not one of rising communal psychological health.  In my post I am speculating purely about the state of our communal psychological health.  Plainly, there is such a thing.  Plainly, it is a factor in suicides.  Whether it is a factor at Bridgend no one can yet say with any surety.  But if you want to argue against it, you must argue that we are more psychologically healthy, not less.  The improving picture with suicide rates does not have sufficient direct bearing on that.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 14:39 | #

People cannot be psychologically healthy when forbidden to express or even have natural community feeling in all its ordinary, normal, healthy, and inevitable manifestations (inevitable unless, as is going on now, aggressively suppressed by illegitimate, frankly totalitarian government intrusion).  Race and ethnoculture and their reasonable, humane ramifications are not only part of natural, normal, healthy community feeling but a central part:  while not a part of community feeling for women (women can’t see race, have no sense of it, don’t grasp what it is, are unaware of its existence no matter how much it’s explained to them — might as well explain algebra to your dog), race is 1) a part for men (not men like Jeff Culbreath and John Zmirak but actual men), and 2) indirectly a part for women through the fact of women needing normal, healthy men:  women don’t see race directly but do perceive its effects indirectly through their very keen perceptions of the health (or otherwise) of the men they depend on.  Women today know there’s something wrong race-wise but can’t see exactly what it is because women can’t see race.  It’s not their fault, they just can’t see it.  They know there’s something wrong because they see something is ailing the men they depend on and they sense vaguely it has, in part, something to do with the kinds of people men call “different races.”  That’s as far as women get:  they stop there.


Posted by Nux Gnomica on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 21:03 | #

In my post I am speculating purely about the state of our communal psychological health.  Plainly, there is such a thing.  Plainly, it is a factor in suicides.

Yes, but this story would be too vague to be useful even if it weren’t definitely harmful in other ways. Publicizing suicide encourages suicide. The mechanism of that is much clearer than whatever mechanism (or additional mechanism) is behind what’s happening in Bridgend. I haven’t even seen anyone show how anomalous the number of suicides there is.

But if you want to argue against it, you must argue that we are more psychologically healthy, not less.

I don’t know. Tell me how you measure it and what period you’re talking about. There are much clearer examples of the harm our present system is doing than this.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 22:05 | #

The anomaly could, thusfar, be of the order of 6:17 based on prior 14 month periods.

Communal psychological health is recorded in the statistics of maladaptive behaviour - for example,  illegitimacy, substance abuse, marriage break-down, etc.  You need to go back before the pill, before the sixties revolution, and to the post-war period to see the last of adaptive living among European peoples.


Posted by Peter on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 17:32 | #

Fred Scrooby darling (yes i am gay! lol) where have i implied that i am a race replacement advocate?
I am actually not white (Caucasian) even though by many definitions i can be. I am a Punjabi Indian and i believe i am closest to you guys phenotypically even though many of you will hate it (eg. J Richards and GW for two). I definitely support you guys and the fact that you want to save your “genotypes” but i don’t support the use of words such as N*egros, Barbarians, Apes, Gorillas, China man etc etc. In short i don’t support racism in the extreme sense. Although i always cringe at the sight of Black men with white women! (interracial marriage) too many of those around. Does that make me racist?
I just don’t understand what has gotten into these white girls!? oopsie i don’t mean it that way wink
I don’t understand what they see in these black guys, and i am not talking about “ugly” or fat white girls. I am talking about pretty to decent looking white girls with black guys that i wouldn’t pay to “sleep” with me lol.
I have spoken! This site is kinda therapeutic.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 02:20 | #

“There’s a boy across the river with a bottom like a peach,
  Alas, I have no boat”.

Traditional Punjabi verse.


Posted by MzJ on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 14:04 | #

“The sky broods over the unexceptional if uninspiring town of Bridgend.”

As a resident of the surrounding area of Bridgend I find this comment really offensive.  How can any of these people who wrote such unbelievable rubbish about the town have such an opinion on the town.  Bridgend is a very safe place to live and statistics prove that it is indeed one of the safest places to live in Britain.  We have no stabbings, shootings, gang crime.  A friend visited me last week from Nottingham and couldn’t believe what a beautiful place we live…..

There are MANY MANY MANY things to do in Bridgend for young people and the provision that’s available for helping those who have problems is there in great quantities for whenever they need it. 

Bridgend cannot be blamed for these deaths and yes it’s still a puzzle why they decided to take their lives.  So if there are no obvious reasons then WHY are the press constantly painting such a black picture and putting the blame soley on the county.  Surely they should be highlighting positive areas not giving people who read it even less enthusiasm.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 14:21 | #


My apologies if I gave any impression that I was dismissing the physical charm of the town, or in any way suggesting that they are responsible for the suicides.

My remarks, of course, are to be understood in the psychological sense: “We are left, then, with a self-sustaining noumenon ...”


Posted by minniemouse on Mon, 13 Jul 2009 16:41 | #

Well as a 23 year old mother living in bridgend right in the middle of all the suicides and next to the parks where several of the youngsters hung themselves, i shall tell you what i know.

The teenagers mostly hung themselves because of break ups and arguments they had with their bf’s/gf’s and parents. The genre as of lately has been based on Emo its the local trend around here (emotionally unstable) they think that suicide is a glamorous way to die and they will get lots of attention from it sadly what they don’t realise is once your dead, your dead.
Most of these teenagers and young adults have also had background issues i wouldn’t say that this is the best place to bring up children but it depends on which area you choose, there is a bad side and a good side, unfortunately Bridgend is a mix of both, when i was a child i had a safe loving town to be brought up in but now with parents not taking responsibilities, most are on benefits, people losing their jobs in this area because of the closure of factories due to the ‘economic crisis’ this sometimes this has a major blow on families which therefore leads to the children. This town is in a decline i must admit its not as nice as it used to be, bit shabby, no where to go (another reason for the suicides and the unruly children).
I myself sometimes wonder if there is a cult but luckily there isn’t its just been a bad run of misfortunate events some teenagers cant handle that their friends have hung themselves and they have then gone on to kill themselves.
Most of the areas around here are council estates/housing associations and children from there dont normally get the best up bringing just because that’s the trend in that type of area. There is no link between the deaths apart from the cousins, the brothers and sisters. The suicides are still going on they just haven’t been publicised as much and this is to stop any encouragement of suicide.

Bridgend is full of historic places, its not uninspiring as you ‘presumably’ put it, i am also presuming myself that you presumed that bridgend is basically crap? Well it cant be that uninspiring because from my local school i have achieved level 8 piano, level 8 opera singing, triple science degree, English degree,  It degree and finally but not least a Bsc in sound and multimedia technology combined with business management, the rest of my year and several other schools have gone to become doctors, teachers, soldiers,Writers who have had poems and books published, Artists, Photographers, Make-up artists, and the list goes on, i have a house of my own, a husband to be and a beautiful 1 year old daughter, and for a little town called Bridgend that not half bad.

Life could be worse my friends 1yr old daughter was born in with down syndrom she is now 17 months old in a hospital in BRIDGEND with Leukaemia for the next 6 months in an isolated room of her own cant see any of her friends, fighting for her life on chemo 24/7 and this hospital has worked so many wonders on her she is full of energy she is still able to run around and laugh.

Moral is- Life has its ups and downs, it doesn’t mean you can just come along and categorise us under one little title, and im sure Bridgend is not the only place where suicides take place, i’m pretty sure statistics would show that suicides take place everyday more than once all over the world, but to publicise would be to encourage.


Posted by danielle on Wed, 13 Jan 2010 12:08 | #

This may seem a bit far fetched but has anyone thought about there being a murderer up there who likes to hang people, because that’s how everyone is found.  The people who are dead had stuff to live for and some had things planned to do, and some even seemed happy.  I think it’s just a bit odd that all these hangings started there.  I think it is summet that should be looked at properly, and yeah it does seem far fetched, but very possible that there are some sick people in the world, and there could be one there, or even two.  Things like this do happen .


Posted by John R Jones on Tue, 06 Nov 2012 15:14 | #

Below is how I have been treated – some of it was while I was living in the Bridgend area.

Being emotionally abused and spoken down to by people in local authority when I had just started having epilepsy which resulted in me going berserk, lashing out at people and tearing off my clothes in a rage needing restraining by two adults, and having a nervous breakdown and admission into adults’ psychiatric hospital (Pen-y-Fai Hospital near Bridgend) needing regular sedation with Valium and locking up in a cell. This happened when I was twelve years old and I was in this hospital for almost five months. Since having Valium injected into my thigh gave me severe cramp and put me in agony, one of the nurses used to harass me to wind me up so that I would need sedating and he could inject Valium into me. This he would do slowly for sexual pleasure to watch me suffer in agony with a grin on his face. He got a lot of pleasure in sexually abusing me. I would like to take action against the trust responsible as I can remember what he looked like and could pick a photograph of him out.

Conned out of seventeen years (1976 to 1993 – age 16 to 33) disability benefits by Social Security (Bridgend Office) because of my intelligence subjecting me to prolonged hardship and impairment of my personal development. This in addition to my father dying in 1964 and my mother having to give up her career and couldn’t work full time while caring for me. She didn’t get anything for sacrificing her career and all the extra caring she gave me. So we were treated worse than families without anyone with special needs who had always lived off the state and never worked. When I found out about being misled I tried to get backdated benefits as there was information on my mother’s files back in 1976 regarding my epilepsy but the DWP conveniently lost my notes to delay progress so that it would be beyond the allowed time for having a hearing and they could get away with it. When I tried to take this second injustice up, Alistair Darling and Ian McCartney made me the scapegoat for what happened and said the onus was on me to claim – this is did but was misled. Isn’t there any onus on civil servants to be honest?

Forced onto The Sheltered Placement Scheme by the Manpower Services Commission (part of the JobCentre Disability Services based in Sardis House in Pontypridd) and Mid Glamorgan Social Services Department because of having uncontrolled epilepsy in spite of having a degree in maths and an IQ of over 150. This was supposed to be a scheme for disabled people who were so unable they wouldn’t be able to do a basic job and would otherwise be unemployable. This reflects how cowards on The Weakest Link use tactics to make the strongest look weakest. I was the only employee in the entire authority on the scheme and so I was unofficially labelled the most incapable and subnormal employee. Just because I had epilepsy isn’t an excuse to treat me as subnormal. I was exploited for my talents but treated worse than school-leavers with basic GCSEs.

I had to relocate and moved to Lancashire where I had brain surgery, managed to rebuild my life and now in a professional job, into singing and opera, a private maths tutor and in a relationship. If I hadn’t ‘got away’ it is quite likely I would still be labelled and held to ransom by the state.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)
