The unbearable heaviness of pomo individualism

Posted by Guest Blogger on Friday, 28 August 2009 11:29.

From a spell of cracking happily and then, apparently, dumpster-diving, PF is back.


The unbearable heaviness of pomo individualism

by pf

Clever title, eh?

I’ve been in the garbage again: wading around, searching for discarded bank statements and soiled swimwear catalogues to set me straight fiscally and corporeally.  In these hard economic times, sometimes all a white nationalist can do is to racially preserve themselves; following a personalized version of the 14 words: I must secure the existence of my[white]self, and a future for my[white]self.

But I have also gone down into the subterranean world of young 20-something college children, which is a spiritual form of dumpster diving.  There lie the half-eaten crisp bags of the soul - or, to put it more prosaically - from there you can survey the wreckage of modern ideas as they impact a fledgling group of people who would otherwise probably be productive members of society.  I’m going to describe them in a way that makes my essentialist views of the universe seem like the only solution to their plight, while portraying myself as a heroic intellectual savant who views these people from a higher plane with a mixture of compassion and laughing superiority.


Beowulf-like, I ventured boldly into the realm of the soulless iPod-punchers, my self-effacing smile and small-talk girded round me like a coat of mail. Thrusting into the thick of battle, I frequented many a coffee shop and participated in many a casual discussion.  Of other war-thegns there were few; nary a one to lend PF aid in doing deeds of prowess.  And yet miraculously, here I am typing this.  Praise Wotan!

What did my furious, berserkr-like fits of socializing reveal about the core and essence of a generation that has had the soul ripped out of it by postmodernism?

OK, so what am I really trying to say?

You destroy our idea of ourselves as a group, as a social organism - so that nothing positive can be said about community life that isn’t based on some newly minted grouping or bureaucratic initiative: no forms of organic prior relation can be discussed or experienced.  The result is that the social element of life is basically taken away, even though people still socialize.  Its rendered neutral.  It has to arise in opposition to the dominant forces which are constantly reorganizing it.

Similar shopping opportunities and a similar-colored passport is what connects us.  The motto of our social life could be this: No past, no essence, no mystery, and no purpose!

People are mixed up so nothing can be organic, and we attempt to structure social life RATIONALLY according to models we have about how it works.  Ask a neuroscientist how a human brain works: he doesn’t know.  Ask a moral philosopher how a human society operates - it turns out, he will be more certain than the neuroscientist.  His area of expertise is still mostly pre-scientific, which inspires confidence in one’s own ability to tease out conceptual symmetries and showcase them as verities.

The burden is on the individual to somehow, by virtue of his own little existence, “justify” all this; since it is ostensibly for him that all this is being accomplished or realized.  And by all this, I mean the whole modern cultural establishment which exists apparently to no higher end than the individual’s right to fun.

Apparently, shopping was all that this was ever about.  All that struggle, all those centuries of work - it was in the end, really all about shopping.  Strangely anti-climatic, this history of ours.  It begins with Homer, or if you like, Ginnungagap, and ends with this.

Well, that just doesn’t make any sense. Its probably why Rory and Shlockum are out drinking every weekend [Rory and Shlokum are common names of college students].

You don’t have to be philosophically sophisticated to sense a lack of purpose and belief.  People have fine feelers for those things, like a woman senses a man’s intentions sometimes, especially if she accidentally finds a stray bit of ‘gear’ in the closet.  If our frankfurt-school philosopher kings had accurate maps of all our social feelers, maybe they’d understand why we all hate each other in our little utopian social enclosure they made for us.  Maybe they’d understand why, when they reach in to pet us, we fly out trying to score that lucky bite into soft yielding eye-flesh.  We don’t want to spin in our wheel anymore, or play in our network of colourful tubes!

A lack of purpose is demoralizing, goddamn it.



Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 14:34 | #

Divorcing science from consciousness is at the root of much of this malaise which is not post-modern but modern in origin.  The solution isn’t to retreat from modernity but to understand exactly what is wrong with it.  I have my ideas about the penultimate “cause” of this problem with modernity, but suffice to say that the seeming nonsense of quantum theory is a proximate clue as to exactly what is wrong with it.  Untangling this puzzle arose, for me, from work on computer networking going back to the early ‘80s until, during the 1990s, negative probabilities entered into the arithmetic.  This leads directly to quantum theory, bi-directional influences in time and parasychology theory—rigorous, numerical theory—which may be able to get beyond the quantum/classical divide that has plagued Western thought ever since the Enlightenment.  My intuition tells me Heidegger has something very important to say to us about this problem—particularly via his “as structure” if it can be brought into this rigorous theory, as I have reason to believe it may.


Posted by PF on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 16:40 | #

Hi James.

Its interesting that you involve quantum theory, bi-directional influences in time, and parapsychology theory - as being causative factors behind the victory of Pomo. I don’t really understand quantum theory, nor do I know anything about its relationship to modern social philosophast theories except for Alan Sokal’s hoax in Social Text. I don’t understand what bi-directional influences in time are and I don’t know about parapsychology. So you went over my head with that one. I’d be happy for a further clarification of these things.

This is the way I understand Pomo’s success. It is a happy confluence of factors.

1) The advent of perspectivism into philosophy. Basically this is the point where you can relativize everything with respect to perspective and viewpoint. Absolute truths remain, but at the beginning 99% of people cannot tell the difference between an adroitly-wielded perspectivism, and just random gurgling. There is a tendency to grant all viewpoints equal validity or accuracy in assessment, in real life all viewpoints are not created equal.

2) The epistemological constraints which were used to attack essentialist, organic culture starting in the 50’s and 60s - think deconstructionism in text or extreme moral relativism in cultural anthropology - were not applied critically to the critics. So the onus to defend itself is on mainstream society. Race is socially constructed, but the dissertating author’s complex of ideas definitely *is not* socially constructed. [sarcasm]. Social norms are a discourse of oppression, but the author’s own criticism of them is somehow removed from polemics and exists in the realm of disinterested truth [?].

3) Group cohesion of those wielding the new Taktik. There is an understanding among Ashkenazi scholars as to just what tendencies in man are dangerous and need to be limited; there is sort of a tacit agreement about what limbs have to be cut off to fit in the procrustean bed.

4) Connections to those dominating the new media. I think the *why* of anti-racism and liberal nihilism in general is: television and movies. Because that is a force which the common mind cannot withstand: it actually sees liberal principles conveyed as verities, noble goals and realities - on the screen. Liberalism makes its argument by arranging scripts and actors in ways which make its viewpoint appear sound.

And yet, I think I’ve said nothing new to the readers of this site. lol.


Posted by White Preservationist on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 17:23 | #

The crackdown on free speech begins…

“Bill would give president emergency control of Internet” by Declan McCullagh

Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet.

They’re not much happier about a revised version that aides to Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat, have spent months drafting behind closed doors. CNET News has obtained a copy of the 55-page draft (excerpt), which still appears to permit the president to seize temporary control of private-sector networks during a so-called cybersecurity emergency.

The new version would allow the president to “declare a cybersecurity emergency” relating to “non-governmental” computer networks and do what’s necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for “cybersecurity professionals,” and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license.

- continued @


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 17:39 | #

Parapsychology has been under a similar scientific taboo as race science—so similar in fact that there is reason to believe they are from the same source—a quasi-religious source that is alien to our nature.  Jews have been at the forefront of the inquisitors stomping out research in both fields.  Jews are likely the foremost folk-practicioners of both fields.  When I say “folk-practicioners” I mean that they have embedded into their culture practical folk knowledge of both fields that involve a diaspora of irreligious Jews into the wider culture—an irreligious diaspora which suppresses both the practical folk knowledge and liberating scientific investigation in their host cultures.

Now the standard retort is to point to the one-sigma verbal IQ advantage enjoyed by the Ashkenazi and then point to race scientists and parapsychology scientists who are Jewish as evidence that their prominence is not biased in anyway.  But that doesn’t stand up to quantitative testing.

The enlightenment was supposed to have freed us from most of these constraints through the scientific method and a careful examination of the history of these areas indicates that there was plenty of good science going on before the emergence of Jewish movements in the 20th century—movements including Jewish domination of mass media by a mysterious migration to Hollywood of east European Jews almost immediately upon the deployment of the motion picture projector by Edison.  I don’t think this was a coincidence—it was a gold rush based on a cultural knowledge of the paranormal power—the mythic power—of this new technology;  a practical cultural knowledge that men like Edison and later coethnics like Farnsworth did not possess due to a combination of Christianization’s demonization of native folk knowledge, and then “skepticism” which is simply a Jewish inquisition against those who might try to use the scientific method to escape more than just the Christian part of the JudeoChristian mass mind/myth control system.

What I’m saying is that there is a lot more going on with mass media than mere “indoctrination”.  There is a shaping of mass expectations that has psychic effects on the mythic lands shared by our minds while we are relegated to thrashing around with inadequate scientific theories based on so-called culture exclusive of genes and so-called matter exclusive of mind.  These mass expectations are felt in the present as precognition—everything from gut feelings to prophetic visions—which are time-reversed information flows quantifiable in hard information theoretic terms via negative probabilities.  But there is a deeper topography to these mythic lands upon which Jews operate with their “dreamworks”.  It is that topography we are being denied and which contains our destiny or “purpose” to use your word.

Just as there is a Jew-constrained “race realist” movement going on with the advent of the information age, there is also a Jew-constrained “paranormal realist” movement going on.  There has been no rational argument against the reality of either race or paranormal phenomenon in scientific terms since circa 1900—such was the empirical body in place at that time—there has only been a struggle to reassert Western science in the theoretic realm given these empirical findings.  Jews are part of both “realist” movements but their “contributions” are overly elaborate theories that mislead people, or they are continual pursuit of empirical evidence for the “reality” of race and the paranormal—reality that was well beyond the folk-knowledge stage for us before they weighed in with their Nobel Prize Winning Intellects during the 20th century and set Western thought back at least one hundred years.

PS: The Finns, being among the most remote and last to be Christianized, retained a more intact folk knowledge of at least paranormal phenomena than most of the rest of us.  A practical folk knowledge of time reverse information flows is given by Robert Nelson in his book “Finnish Magic”.  I view Nelson as a kind of Finnish counterpart to the Scotch-Irish “hillbillies” that retained some practical folk knowledge from the old world by escaping to the frontiers of the new—there is still-recognizable authenticity.  He describes how closely related the practice of planning, by envisioning a desired goal and then constructing steps in time reverse order that lead to that goal, is to the practice of Finnish magic.  There is, however, a problem:  How does one reach the point of envisioning?  What is it one is envisioning and why?  That’s where what I referred to above as the “deeper topography to these mythic lands” is important.


Posted by Frank on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 18:27 | #

@ White Preservationist


Re: PF

I have no comprehension for how the automatons function in such an environment. Big cities are Hell. Man needs a place to belong. I sort of live in such an environment, but it’s slightly more human than how Bohemians live; and I have roots I can still draw on whereas many have apparently abandoned their roots entirely.

Btw, a problem with bureaucracy it’s said is in theory skill determines success but in reality social ties and social ability help a great deal. So, the best aren’t promoted as is said in theory. Even if able to maintain sanity as an interchangeable “human resource”, man is too human for bureaucracy it seems.

Science tells us we’re mere pond scum that happened to evolve into humans, so no worries the official religion (which is “science” - cult of the expert) reaffirms that we have no purpose and there is nothing of possible value in this world.

And of course psychology teaches we’re mere biomachines whose every thought and function is no more significant than a computer’s. The scientist finds pleasure in forgetting purpose and pursuing “progress” simply “because”. He has no ethical boundaries because he values nothing - progress is pursued solely because it gives him pleasure.


That aside, you might enjoy The Napoleon of Notting Hill by G. K. Chesterton.

But in august and burning words,
which are written in my soul, never to be erased, you told me
ever to turn my sword against the enemies of my inviolate city.
Like a priest pointing to the altar, you pointed to the hill of Notting.
’ So long,’ you said, ’ as you are ready to die for the sacred mountain,
even if it were ringed with all the armies of Bayswater.’
I have not forgotten the words, and I have reason now to
remember them, for the hour is come and the crown of your prophecy.
The sacred hill is ringed with the armies of Bayswater, and I am
ready to die.”

“Don’t you really think the sacred Notting Hill at all absurd?”

“Absurd?” asked Wayne, blankly.  “Why should I?”

The King stared back equally blankly.

“I beg your pardon?” he said.

“Notting Hill,” said the Provost, simply, “is a rise or high ground
of the common earth, on which men have built houses to live,
in which they are born, fall in love, pray, marry, and die.
Why should I think it absurd?”


Posted by Frank on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 18:31 | #

Reg. bureaucracy: I wasn’t complaining but rather I find that wonderful that the managerial system doesn’t work as designed. Skill determines success only in theory, but just as with communism man can’t fit into such such an overly simplistic system that sees him as an interchangeable producer/consumer.


Posted by Anonymous on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 19:09 | #

“There is a shaping of mass expectations that has psychic effects on the mythic lands of our minds…these mass expectations are felt in the present as precognition, which are time-reversed information flows…”


Are the “mytic lands” the place we are being guided to seek as conscientious observers, so those lands are eventually induced to become reality itself? And this process of inducing reality can be fine tuned by means of observing precognition events and adjusting the shaping of mass expectations accordingly? Is this a correct interpretation of your text?



Posted by Valerian on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 20:23 | #

You are absolutely right about the detriment of the postmodern mind. I myself last night, though it’s a rare occurrence, went to a bar with a few of my friends and just being around this group of people I came with and with the surrounding people in the bar just made me realize how disconnected everyone is with each other. By looking at the phenomena around you with a philosophical eye you come to realize the behavior and world-views that dominate the outlook and Soul of each individual person in that scenario. That’s what I realized last night and it’s nauseating seeing people so deluded with a post modern understanding of the world that all present phenomena before you looks like a pinball machine. Each person was living a different reality in the bar and the whole slew of individualized realities was creating an immanent chaos that had no direction or any real, concrete extension into the universe. The only real, concrete phenomena before you is individuals trying to play out their own scenarios and idealizations so as to gain advantage from the place they were in. It was a mixture of Darwinian competition and subtle manipulations.

Organic, essentialist thinking of a Traditional, Pagan, or anti-Modern sort is really the best weapons we have and by changing the thinking of Western man we can ultimately change the reality of the universe before us.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 22:12 | #


It is quite plausible that there are some esoteric Jews in some kind of contact with Hollywood Jews that engineer myth from the raw materials they pick up from observations of precognitive goys.  “Dream interpretation” is a very old Jewish game documented in the Old Testament continuing through to Freud.  Indeed, the Jewish takeover of psychology (observation) coincided with the Jewish takeover in motion pictures (engineering).

This is probably the same processes by which mass religions absorb indigenous myths.  Replace the psychologist’s couch with a confessional, the psychologist with a priest and replace the motion picture with a sermon or other ceremony viewed by a “mass” of the “faithful”.

As to these inducing future realities—yes—that’s the essence of “magic”.  The thing is that just as with mechanical engineering, the structures thereby engineered are frequently in violation of underlying nature due to ignorance of nature, or just plain limited intelligence.  Playing with myths that way is like playing with anything one does not understand.  You might get away with it for awhile but there are serious risks involved.


Posted by cladrastis on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 22:17 | #

@ James Bowery

There is an interesting essay by Ken Wilber on the validity of various forms of knowledge (which he categorizes into sensibilia (material), transcendelia (spiritual), and intelligibilia (mental)), and about which he says that one must undergo a specific procedure to identify truth.  This procedure includes making the proper injunction(s) (in order to learn this, I must do this), apprehending the data, and then comparing one’s conclusions with other individuals who have undertaken the same injunction(s).  Communal confirmation (such as exists on this blog) then informs one as to whether one’s conclusions are valid.  Wilber also comments on the Popperian idea that valid knowledge must be subject to negation; otherwise such “knowledge” is dogma.

As it relates to your comment…most individuals who criticize parapsychological conclusions have not performed the proper injunctions.  Personally, I am not familiar with parapsychological theory, per se, but I would certainly be interested to learn more.  I also found the book Conjuring Up Philip, to be highly illuminating.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 23:07 | #

cladrastis, the theory results from unifying Heisenberg with Newton rather than unifying Heisenberg with Einstein.  First, the core laws of quantum mechanics are factored out as pure mathematics of general Markov processes that allow negative probabilities (resulting from what might be thought of as negative case counts in one’s theory of probability).  You then do for Markov processes what Newton’s inclusion of momentum in the state of motion (dynamics) did for Aristotle’s force-oriented mechanics (kinetics ).  This results in a dynamical theory of information within which classical (including relativity) and quantum fall out as special cases among a wide range of mixtures that include life.  My contribution to this work was mainly providing funding for very rigorous mathematical foundations (relation arithmetic) due to my need for better formalisms for computer programming.  Unsurprisingly these formalisms end up subsuming quantum “computing” although that is a misnomer.  A better way of describing such “programming” is relational or constraint-based, where inconsistencies are allowed with “transaction rollback” for future resolution. 

Then the Indians took over the industry.


Posted by Anonymous on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 01:08 | #


I understand our engineered devices as optimized (therefore heavily unflexible) solutions constrained on knowledge. They violate nature in the sense of containing large quantities of optimal resources (pure chemicals, hard shapes, acute angles, enclosed combustion, etc) which cannot be absorbed naturally (in presence, in motion, in decomposition, etc). If that’s the case, I interpret what you said this way: Hollywood (visual media) exacerbates (optimize the use of) the little they are able to read in our precognitions thereby producing solutions (new realities) as unflexible and apart from nature as a submarine is from a whale.

If this interpretation is somewhat correct then I can relate to your understanding of the problem. If not, I would appreciate any detail you could provide.



Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 01:59 | #

Submarine’s are too technically sophisticated for what I think is still largely folk engineering level of technology.  Jews are more analogous to some folks who have mastered sailing without any advanced knowledge of physics—use their naval power to hunt down and suppress all competing maritime technologies and then go beyond that to impose religious taboos against experiments with water.  But they’re perfectly willing to dive for pearls, fish and transport goods for a price.


Posted by Q on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 02:06 | #


If you want to reach more people than what you see in the mirror, you need to learn how to articulate your ideas into words that the average reader can understand. Kevin MacDonald does it. Charles Murray does it. Fred Scrooby does it. You should try to do it too.

Just a friendly suggestion.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 03:03 | #

Good idea.  I wish it were that easy.  An addendum commentary to op cit:

Our history books usually tell us that Galileo and Newton refuted Aristotelian physics.  That’s an oversimplification.  One can almost always cook up ad hoc Aristotelian gadgetry to explain the observed facts, as illustrated by Newton’s explanation of Hooke’s law.  That’s why Aristotelian physics lasted so long.  The eventual triumph of Newtonian over Aristotelian physics was not so much the triumph of truth over falsehood as of conceptual simplicity and unity over overextended common sense.  Today’s computers have greatly increased our ability to deal with what we perceive to be complex situations without our having to find new ways of simplifying them.  This is not necessarily a good thing.  It’s interesting to speculate what the history of physics might have been if present-day computers had existed in the sixteen and seventeenth centuries.

The essence of the Newtonian revolution in physics was to bring velocity into the concept of state.  Parachains bring velocity into the states of those systems studied by the information sciences.  Therefore, when I say we should study parachains, I am not so much calling for a new revolution as enlisting in an old revolution that still has important unfinished business.


Posted by WP on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 03:29 | #

The fact is that not only are the international Jewish money-masters dragging down our White economies, the Jewish mind-warpers are also clawing our race downward to lower levels of consciousness via their Mammonistic and hypermaterialistic obsessions which they incessantly force upon us, not to mention all of the other gutter Jewish ideals or belief systems they’ve inculcated within us like Judeo-Christianity (even though a great many elite Whites started moving beyond the Judeo-Christian religion beginning around the Renaissance), ‘anti-racism’ and egalitarianism, rampant technologism/urbanism, feminism, and other inferior and ultimately destructive Judaic ideas which they’ve forced upon us just because it makes our White nations safer for them.


Posted by PF on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 03:38 | #

interesting if simple patriotic song


Posted by Anonymous on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 06:06 | #

Indeed, James’ findings about paranormal knowledge seems to be already wrapped on mathematical concepts, leaving few, if any, openings for someone trying to gauge his ideas by means of intuitive grasp on what could possibly be considered paranormal. Even if there are guys out there on the water crafting tales about underwater monsters, I’m yet unable to find the shores. Then again, the dialogue is quite interesting and some basic ideas can be grasped. Perhaps going further without theoretical basis is unadvisable. Still, I praise James for keeping the subject afloat. Thanks.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 06:50 | #

Then to lighten things up a bit I suggest clicking on this link to watch the motion picture version of Kurt Vonnegut’s “Slaughterhouse Five” about time, destiny and the Dresden holocaust.  Vonnegut’s final book before his death, “Time Quake” also dealt with destiny and time.  Interestingly, I saw him give a talk on this book within walking distance of where, and during the time I was working on dynamical information theory.


Posted by Colin Laney on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 11:25 | #

Jews are more analogous to some folks who have mastered sailing without any advanced knowledge of physics—use their naval power to hunt down and suppress all competing maritime technologies and then go beyond that to impose religious taboos against experiments with water.  But they’re perfectly willing to dive for pearls, fish and transport goods for a price.

You’re in good company here, James.

Luke 11:52

“Alas for you expounders of the Law! for you have taken away the key of knowledge: you yourselves have not entered, and those who wanted to enter you have hindered.”

You also might want to spend some over at this site:


Posted by h.kalervo on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 00:55 | #

One can almost always cook up ad hoc Aristotelian gadgetry to explain the observed facts, as illustrated by Newton’s explanation of Hooke’s law.  That’s why Aristotelian physics lasted so long.

This reminds me of quantum mechanics and its relation to the electric universe model developed by Wallace Thornhill (with deep roots in plasma cosmology, electric engineering, and classical physics). The difference is that nothing about QM is intuitive.

If you have an interest in the future of cosmology or the constitution of the universe, I recommend skimming through these articles:

Try to see past any possible misrepresantations of QM or mainstream cosmology: to be right about his, Thornhill doesn’t have to know every detail of what establishment physicists think they mean by their theories. And he certainly knows more about their theories than they know about his, which is unfortunate.


Posted by Rehol Doommace on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 12:25 | #

Organic, essentialist thinking of a Traditional, Pagan, or anti-Modern sort is really the best weapons we have and by changing the thinking of Western man we can ultimately change the reality of the universe before us.


This modernist Atom-ization of Whites into ‘individuals’ must stop!  End this root-less cosmopolitan madness!

A renaissance is needed.  Back to the Future. 

We all have a place in a Organic White Community, regardless of what Jews say!  White Nationalism is the way forward!


Posted by Wild Bill on Sun, 06 Sep 2009 19:39 | #

Too bad you fellows just cannot understand that positive subliminal programming is the antidote to the present situation…

If you would try anything offered by any of the companies listed below you would immediately see where the path to racial salvation can be found…


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 06 Sep 2009 20:53 | #

What might normally be considered spam here is actually relevant in the following sense:

There is a need for double blind control studies in a lot of areas—not simply to factor out placebo effect but also to better quantify and understand the placebo effect.

Binaural beat and the frequency following response are often conflated with subliminal audio but are primarily related in that some brain wave states might be correlated with “suggestability”.  FFR is interesting in its own right as a means of achieving particular EEG patterns.  What good those EEG patterns are is, again, the subject of a need for more double blind control studies.

All psychological phenomena are likely related to the paranormal if for no other reason than that they involve consciousness.


Posted by Wild Bill on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 09:24 | #

Some of you fellows, like James Bowery, are really something… you/he talk about Heidiger and Einstien, dynamical information theory and what it all means to the rapidly diminishing white gene pool yet you focus all your intellect to poo poo and dissuade all mention of positive subliminal programming.  The most recent tack, a suggestion for double blind studies is the most transparent obfuscation… regardless of the study and who conducted it you would poo poo it too.

Here in Bowery*s own words: use their naval power to hunt down and suppress all competing maritime technologies and then go beyond that to impose religious taboos against experiments with water. 

This is exactly what he and several others are doing to undermine any possible thought of using positive subliminal programming to help the white race shake off the suicide mindset.

You talk about Aristotelian physics and quantum mechanics to counter act the *jewish mind warpers* and the cult of Hollywood.  But somehow using a positive, life affirming version of sound and word technology is the same as kookery.

Ha ha ha.

And you talk about patriotic songs, and funny movies being beneficial.  How? What do they give us?  They give us a different attitude that*s what.

Bowery your posts are the same today as they were three years ago - unreal and useless.

A change in the attitude of the population in reference to its own survival is the only hope we have.
Positive subliminal programming, designed for that purpose, is the fastest way there.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 16:34 | #

Wild Bill is promulgating the modern equivalent of folk technology.  The problem is our authentic folk technology has been either absorbed into Christianity, or relegated to the neopagan or New Age fringe where Jews like Margot Adler and “Starhawk” dominate.  Until it is subject to basic scientific protocols, this stuff he’s promoting is the province of the Jew—Christianity is a more authentic resource for us.

You can conduct your own scientific experiments here:

Get a copy of audacity.  Record your voice with the subliminal message on one track.  To another track import a masking sound, such as classical music or pink noise.  Then create 3 mixes:  1) both tracks but with the voice track attenuated just below the point where you can detect it. (subliminal treatment)  2) both tracks but with the voice track clearly audible. (suggestion treatment) 3) the masking track alone. (control)

Then, with a series of family and friends who volunteer, play them the voice track message and ask them if its ok with them.  Describe the following experiment to them to get their informed consent:  1) Describe the mixes.  2) Let them role a die to pick a number from 1 to 3 which will determine, without your or they knowing which, one of the mixes. (double blind)  3) They go to the computer and play that mix.  4) For the next day they keep a brief diary of anything unusual that they think might be related to the subliminal programming in their lives.  5) They are all presented with each others diaries and each asked to rank the diaries as to the degree of correspondence to the message. 6) Run standard statistical tests to see if there is any significant correlation between the reported results and the actual mix that was played. 7) Write up and publish the results for others to replicate.

This is the way of the West.


Posted by Positive Subliminal Audio, formerly known as Wild on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 20:16 | #

Bowery, its not necessary to bother ones family with things they do not care about. 

Those interested in improving the human condition can purchase off the shelf software to acomplish anything they want to do… all the professional golfers use positive subliminal programming to keep their game together.  Their main program is called Golf by Sybervision.

You use so much effort to put down positive subliminal programming that it appears as if you are on the payroll of the negative subliminal programming cartel…

Learning Strategies has a high tech cd called Attitude Adjuster… you ought to get it.

And uhh, how is your multi machine teaching platform for young unemployed white men coming along?  We need an update, please!


Posted by edison on Sun, 07 Nov 2010 21:16 | #

Parapsychology has been under a similar scientific taboo as race science—so similar in fact that there is reason to believe they are from the same source—a quasi-religious source that is alien to our nature.  Jews have been at the forefront of the inquisitors stomping out research in both fields.  Jews are likely the foremost folk-practicioners of both fields.  When I say “folk-practicioners” I mean that they have embedded into their culture practical folk knowledge of both fields that involve a diaspora of irreligious Jews into the wider culture—an irreligious diaspora which suppresses both the practical folk knowledge and liberating scientific investigation in their host cultures.


What I’m saying is that there is a lot more going on with mass media than mere “indoctrination”.  There is a shaping of mass expectations that has psychic effects on the mythic lands shared by our minds while we are relegated to thrashing around with inadequate scientific theories based on so-called culture exclusive of genes and so-called matter exclusive of mind.  These mass expectations are felt in the present as precognition—everything from gut feelings to prophetic visions—which are time-reversed information flows quantifiable in hard information theoretic terms via negative probabilities.  But there is a deeper topography to these mythic lands upon which Jews operate with their “dreamworks”.  It is that topography we are being denied and which contains our destiny or “purpose” to use your word.

Is Precognition Real? Cornell University Lab Releases Powerful New Evidence that the Human Mind can Perceive the Future

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Of Note


Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)
