The Race Is On

Posted by James Bowery on Thursday, 27 August 2009 16:03.

You’ve been told that this is a “subprime” mortgage crisis.

Do you understand the difference between a “subprime” and a “prime” mortgage crisis?  You’d better bone up on the difference:

At this point there is a race on between the deviant global financial elites posing as “investment houses” who are borrowing trillions of dollars basically for free and the rest of us who are paying usurious rates on a relentlessly growing debt load which we cannot service.  The race is simple:  Who gets to buy up all the bankruptcy assets?  Right now, the enemy is buying them up for pennies on the dollar and more are coming on the market all the time as money is withheld from the citizenry, causing a continuing cascade of bankruptcies.

Compare the above graph to this graph of the subprime foreclosure history and you’ll notice prime loan foreclosures are now where subprime foreclosures were just prior to 2005:




Posted by Valerian on Thu, 27 Aug 2009 18:09 | #


This sounds like something of a conspiracy, whether it was predicated on a plan of some sorts or an adaptive strategy of the global financiers to exploit this scenario. Either way things are going to get interesting as far as our epoch is concerned.


Posted by Q on Thu, 27 Aug 2009 18:51 | #

At the same time we are being blended in with the muds genetically, we’re also being blended economically into Third-world poverty.  That’s the Globalists’ agenda(spearheaded by Jews), and WWIII is the end game.

Housing Crash Still Not Over

The housing real estate market, despite numbers indicating an upward trend, is still in trouble, as, “Houses are taking months to sell. Many buyers are having trouble getting financing as lenders and appraisers struggle to figure out what houses are really worth in the wake of the collapse.” Further, “the overall market remains very soft [...] aside from speculators and first-time buyers.” Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington said, “It would be wrong to imagine that we have hit a turning point in the market,” as “There is still an enormous oversupply of housing, which means that the direction of house prices will almost certainly continue to be downward.” Foreclosures are still rising in many states “such as Nevada, Georgia and Utah, and economists say rising unemployment may push foreclosures higher into next year.” Clearly, the housing crisis is still not at an end.[1]



The Bailout Bubble

While the bailout, or the “stimulus package” as it is often referred to, is getting good coverage in terms of being portrayed as having revived the economy and is leading the way to the light at the end of the tunnel, key factors are again misrepresented in this situation.

At the end of March of 2009, Bloomberg reported that, “The U.S. government and the Federal Reserve have spent, lent or committed $12.8 trillion, an amount that approaches the value of everything produced in the country last year.” This amount “works out to $42,105 for every man, woman and child in the U.S. and 14 times the $899.8 billion of currency in circulation. The nation’s gross domestic product was $14.2 trillion in 2008.”[10]

Gerald Celente, the head of the Trends Research Institute, the major trend-forecasting agency in the world, wrote in May of 2009 of the “bailout bubble.” Celente’s forecasts are not to be taken lightly, as he accurately predicted the 1987 stock market crash, the fall of the Soviet Union, the 1998 Russian economic collapse, the 1997 East Asian economic crisis, the 2000 Dot-Com bubble burst, the 2001 recession, the start of a recession in 2007 and the housing market collapse of 2008, among other things.

On May 13, 2009, Celente released a Trend Alert, reporting that, “The biggest financial bubble in history is being inflated in plain sight,” and that, “This is the Mother of All Bubbles, and when it explodes [...] it will signal the end to the boom/bust cycle that has characterized economic activity throughout the developed world.” Further, “This is much bigger than the Dot-com and Real Estate bubbles which hit speculators, investors and financiers the hardest. However destructive the effects of these busts on employment, savings and productivity, the Free Market Capitalist framework was left intact. But when the ‘Bailout Bubble’ explodes, the system goes with it.”

Celente further explained that, “Phantom dollars, printed out of thin air, backed by nothing ... and producing next to nothing ... defines the ‘Bailout Bubble.’ Just as with the other bubbles, so too will this one burst. But unlike Dot-com and Real Estate, when the “Bailout Bubble” pops, neither the President nor the Federal Reserve will have the fiscal fixes or monetary policies available to inflate another.” Celente elaborated, “Given the pattern of governments to parlay egregious failures into mega-failures, the classic trend they follow, when all else fails, is to take their nation to war,” and that, “While we cannot pinpoint precisely when the ‘Bailout Bubble’ will burst, we are certain it will. When it does, it should be understood that a major war could follow.”[11]


Posted by Euro on Thu, 27 Aug 2009 19:50 | #

Why cancel the debt as a preliminary to a National Dividend? Plenty of deracines would prick up their ears at its mention.This would stop the bleeding.The Dividend could then begin the healing.

P.S. Totally off topic,does “wintermute” comment here anymore?Where are you Wintermute?Return!


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 27 Aug 2009 20:31 | #

Euro, the basic problem is family/small business savings.  A lot of people’s homestead assets are in savings backed by US treasury debt.

Here’s an alternative:

Replace all taxes on economic activities with a net asset tax on in-place liquidation value beyond an inflation-adjusted homestead value (say around $(2009)300,000 net assets)—value assessed as the taxing authority’s offer to buy said assets—and then monetize the debt by increasing the citizen’s dividend.


Posted by dorboguc on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 01:49 | #

P.S. Totally off topic,does ”wintermute” comment here anymore?Where are you Wintermute?Return!

Ask the Feds, he works for them part-time.

As for all this banking stuff—why had we “better” understand it? Stop paying them beyond fundamental expenses. Don’t pay your debts. Don’t worry about your credit. Buy a piece of land for the worst case scenario and know how to subsist on very little. The government’s fucked, so fuck the government. No sympathy for home-owning fat kwans.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 02:03 | #

dorboguc, people who can’t pay their debts can’t even get jobs because job applications now involve a credit report to make sure you aren’t a risk for the employer.  Moreover, the Feds _will_ impound your bank account if you don’t pay taxes.  If you try to get by without a bank account you’ll find it more than a little difficult to do little things like get water and electricity not to mention an internet connection.  If you try to get food stamps they’ll ask you for your latest tax return (unless you’re of a “protected class” in which case you’ll have “community organizers” seeing you through that problem).  If you go to get tools to work your little piece of land…

Well, GT has the answer to that:  Just fabricate a manually powered Southbend lathe with your bare hands from iron ore and wood you find on your little acre of subsistence land and use it to fab a well borer before you die of thirst, then build a wind generator… or are you supposed to build a 10-inch gun first?  Anyway, one thing GT didn’t tell us is where we’re supposed to dump our wives and kids off.  Does he have Israeli connections for the white slavery market?

Oh, you can’t get as far as the Southbend lathe?  Well, then I guess you’re one of the “kwans”.


Posted by Drifter on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 04:26 | #

Okay, this is a wealth transfer from the lower to the upper. Business as usual, really.

Poverty plus plenty of food results in an increase in fertility rate after lifestyle adjustments.

Assuming the food supply isn’t changed, this spells a surplus of still-warm young bodies fitted with rifles and combat boots in twenty years.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 04:35 | #

Bowery likes satire too.  Bah, humbug!


Posted by Frank on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 06:04 | #

GT didn’t call for such a minuscule economy of scale and didn’t declare total economic secession… did he? And he’s certainly not a neo-Luddite...


Posted by White Preservationist on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 06:29 | #

Mr Bowery: you might want to look in to the economic ideas of the Physiocrats; they were an early French group of proto-economists that believed all ‘wealth’ is ultimately derived solely from land and land development.  In my opinion, the Physiocrats quantified economics almost entirely and thus nearly all economic theorizing since them has been nothing more than a bunch of Jew-manipulated hogwash.  I too consider myself a Physiocrat just as many of the American Founding Fathers did.  However, the rapid and very disorganized rise of industrialism in The West during the 19th Century has complicated matters, but not so much so that it cannot be figured out.  Otherwise, we would be smart to follow the ‘KISS’ school of economics (‘keep it simple stupid’) instead of stooping down to the level of the dissimulating Jewish liars and parasites.

The fact is that we modern White Westerners are utterly swimming in overcapacity/oversupply, and everything which is needed for raw existence is found in overabundance including food/water, adequate shelter/clothing, and energy/transport - beyond those basic items we are just talking unneeded luxuries which only tend to make people fat and lazy and liberal.  Otherwise, there is a massive overproduction of needed goods and services all around us - there is no shortage and there never will be barring an unforeseen global catastrophe of some sort.

All of this fake garbage related to banking and money supply and derivatives and debts and credit default swaps is just what it sounds like…stinking rotting Jew-garbage.  International finance Jewry just wants to scramble people’s brains with their endless Talmudic droninga and illusory lies on these bogus topics related to economics which even they don’t really understand - in fact, no one truly understands it all in totality, thus the legions of (often Jewish) economists needed just to come up with a bunch of cooked numbers to report to the public.  All international plutocratic finance Jewry cares about is that they get to continue to control the printing presses and enslave non-Jewish peoples (mostly Whites and/or their governments) via various forms of Jew-created central banking debt—that’s it.


To re-post a comment I recently made over on Occidental Dissent:

The utter bankruptcy of both the mainstream Left and Right in the USA and elsewhere is revealed by their utter obsession with money and ‘markets’ and all such related degeneracy; these people are nothing more than fat greedy pigs fighting for their spot to sop up the poisonous slop at the Jewish trough of Mammon…it’s a truly disgusting spectacle—this neverending pursuit of money which has been forced upon us by the Judeoplutocratic money-masters is quite clearly destroying the spirit of White-Western peoples. 

This incredibly idiotic and counterproductive obsession with money and markets in the ‘Jewnited States’ and elsewhere in the White-Western world just shows how sickeningly Judaized so many people have become in this decrepit age of Jew-led ultramaterialism and hyperconsumerism.  However, we White nationalists live and abide by higher and deeper values: we place the well-being and survival of our ancient race above the base, decadent, and piggish pursuit of ultimately worthless scraps of Jew-manufactured paper. 

I look forward with optimism, hope, and joy at what Kerry Bolton described as “the rise of the new Caesars”  (see below), those highly idealistic and incorruptible White leaders who will work assiduously to eradicate the monstrous, degenerate, and bogus rule of Judaic money/markets, those who will root out the parasitic plutocrats (oftentimes Jewish) who have so debased White-Western culture, those who will usher in a new and better age for the continued social, political, and spiritual evolution of humankind.  I view Mussolini and Hitler, with their exaltation of the race, the ethnostate, high-art/creativity, nature and the environment, ecological sustainability, societal health and wellness, non-Judaic/Semitic forms of religion/spirituality, and so on, plus their downplaying and attempt to eradicate those greedy/money-grubbing Judaic values which have proven so toxic, as a prelude to the backlash which is surely coming against the dark Jewish God of Mammon that has unfortunately established itself in much of the White West.  To quote a bit from the preface of Bolton’s excellent book Thinkers of the Right: Challenging Materialism:

Many of the new generation of writers were thus drawn to Spengler’s analysis of the way the rule of money, of money values and of the money baron’s control of politics, had become determinative of the tastes of a civilization in its final cycle. They were concerned with overthrowing the rule of money and returning civilization to its “springtime” where the arts flourished under the patronage of born nobles. Yeats and Evola look to certain epochs of the Medieval period of the West. Ezra Pound sought the overthrow of the banks through the economic theory of Social Credit; Hamsun and Williamson wished for a return to rural values in place of those of the City; many were attracted to Fascism.

Spengler states that in the final phase of the winter cycle there arises a reaction against the rule of money. Money marches on reaching its peak then exhausts its possibilities:

‘It thrust into the life of the yeoman’s countryside and set the earth moving; its thought transformed every son of handicraft: today it presses victoriously upon industry, to make the productive work of entrepreneur and engineer and labourer alike, its spoil. The machine with its human retinue. The real queen of this century is in danger of succumbing to a stronger power. Money, also. Is beginning to lose its authority, and the last conflict is at hand in which civilization receives its conclusive form–the conflict between money and blood.’

The rule of money will be overcome by new “Caesars,” strong leaders not harnessed to the plutocrats and their parliaments and media. In Spengler’s last book, The Hour of Decision, he sees the Fascist legions in Italy as heralds of the “new Caesarism.” Mussolini was much impressed with both Nietzsche and Spengler.

Spengler resumes:

‘The sword is victorious over money, the master-will subdues again the plunderer-will . . .  Money is overthrown and abolished by blood. Life is alpha and omega, the cosmic stream in microcosmic form . . . And so the drama of a high culture–that wondrous world of deities, arts, thoughts, battles, cities–closes with the return of the pristine facts of blood eternal that is one and the same as the ever-circling cosmic flow’.


If y’all are interested in reading more about how the corrupt and degenerate Judaic rule of base money-values has so corrupted White-Western culture, you can also check out some of the stuff collected @ - a lot of it is pretty good.


Posted by Colin Laney on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 07:51 | #

P.S. Totally off topic,does ”wintermute” comment here anymore?Where are you Wintermute?Return!


Wintermute seems to have had his fill of conversation here.

If you’d like, contact Guessedworker for a gmail address at which you can reach him - - I understand that, though retired from public life, Wintermute enjoys correspondening with his fans very much.

The last time I talked with Wintermute, he was eagerly and insistently pressing William Joyce’s “Twilight Over England” on me. He kept referring to it as a sort of skeleton key to understanding the political and economic forces that obtained in prewar England and also the modern day West. Of course he is always very keen on books, as I’m sure his readers know.

.pdf copies of the book can be found here:

I’m sure GW can set you up with an address.




Posted by Euro on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 18:39 | #

Great link,Preservationist.And many thanks to Colin for the helpful response.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 18:47 | #

William Joyce wrote:

We in the League lived National-Socialism. As a small
band, we were united in the struggle : and we were all poor
enough to know the horrors of freedom in democracy. One of
our members was driven mad by eighteen months of unemployment
and starvation. We did what we cotdd to help him : but I
am afraid it was little enough. I lived for months with real
friends who loved England and could not get enough to eat
from her. Unemployed members who had only two shillings
a day came twelve miles by train to attend street corner
meetings, or to undertake office duties, spent the surviving
pennies on food, and walked home into the small hours of the
morning in winter weather. These unknown men were great
patriots. They all had the hope that out of their sacrifices a
greater England would be bom. So it was with Mosley’s men
and women too. The misery of these people was indescribable
when it seemed to them that all their efforts would be cancelled
by war between their country and Germany. They had family
ties. Having been brought up as patriots they were benumbed
at the thought that there was to be a conflict between their
country and all the beliefs that they held dear.


There may, of course, be very different opinions on this subject,
but as I once said to a colleague who told me that I was damaging
my chances in politics :
“I am not in politics because I
want to get on, but because I feel and believe things that I consider it a duty to utter. Success be damned.” I still think
that this attitude is appreciated better than any other by
ordinary people.


What seemed most touching to me was the large number of
men and women in England who loved or admired National-
Socialism but were rendered inarticulate by the lack of cash.

Sounds like he’s got the faith gene bad.  Of course we all know the idealism associated with the faith gene is little better than the piss and shit which flows through the gutter.


Posted by Colin Laney on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 02:09 | #

More on William Joyce:

“I trust, like you, that the works of my hand will flourish by my death; and I know there are many who will keep my memory alive. The prayers that you and others have been saying for me have been and are a great source of strength to me: and I can tell you that I am completely at peace in my mind, fully resigned to God’s will, and I am proud of having stood by my ideals to the last.

I would certainly not change places either with my liquidators, or with those who have recanted. It is precisely for my ideals that I am to be killed. It is the force of ideals that the Hebrew masters of this country fear; almost everything else can be purchased by their money: and, as with the Third Reich, what they cannot buy, they seek to destroy: but I do entertain the hope that, before the very last second, the British public will awaken and save themselves. They have not much time now.”

In his last letter to his wife while he was still alive on New Year’s Day, 1946 he wrote: “As I move towards the Edge of Beyond, my confidence in the final victory increases. How it will be achieved, I know not: but I never felt less inclined to pessimism, tho’ Europe and this country will probably have to suffer terribly before the vindication of our ideals . . . Tonight I want to compose my thoughts finally: the atmosphere of peace is strong upon me: and I know that all is ready for the transition.”

Visitors beside his wife found Joyce in a spiritual sense of peace. Angus MacNab expressed his feelings with these words. “In his last days, although in perfectly good health, his actual body seemed spiritualised, and without what you would call pallor, his flesh seemed to have a quasi-transparent quality. Being with him gave a sense of inward peace, like being in a quiet church.”

William Joyce in a letter to his wife recalled the spiritual visitation he had experienced at Ryde just before the outbreak of England’s war. “It was, in those hours, as if some shadowy foreknowledge were given to me, causing a convulsion of what you might rightly call ‘burning of energy’. I knew that all I had and more was required of me: and I suppose I was in an emotional state arising out of ‘knowledge’ hidden from the conscious mind.

“My fear on each occasion was that you would be physically torn from me: but far stronger was the feeling that we should never be spiritually separated. And the hill – our hill – over Flensburg harbour provides the final clue. (Joyce was a firm believer in the soul outliving mortal existence).

Such was the esteem with which Joyce was held that on the night of his execution former teachers at Birkbeck College, who remembered their likeable, hardworking, although strange student, sent a message to the Governor of Wandsworth Prison. “They recalled him as they had known him and if it were within the rules they would like the Governor to tell him that they wished him well.”

In the last letter that his wife would receive posthumously the condemned American wrote: “I never asked you if you wanted to receive posthumous letters: the question was too delicate, even for me: but I assumed your wish. For I think you are sufficiently strong now to overcome the grief of this blow, and that your faith will triumph over tears. For my part, I want to write as long as I can and then mend the snapped cable in an eternal way.”

At this point his letter was interrupted by his wife’s final visit. When she had gone he continued in a smaller, neater hand.

‘Oh, My dear! Your visit! With no words can I express my feelings about it: I want the children to take leave of me, of course, as they will this afternoon: but now I am anxious to die. I want to die as soon as possible, because then I shall be nearer to you.

With the last glimpse of you, my earthly life really finished. With you, dear, it is otherwise, because you are destined to stay for a time and will have me with you to help: I am more confident than ever that we shall be together: but, after I have seen the children, the lag-end will be of no use to me except in one way; that I can still write some lines to you

Let me tell you, though, that spiritually, an unearthly joy came upon me in the last instants of your visit. And you will know exactly why.

You would not blame me for being impatient to go Beyond. Still, despite my impatience, I shall be glad to talk this evening to my kind, good Chaplain, who has done so much for me and who will give me Communion tomorrow morning. There will be a great chorus of prayer as I pass beyond.”

He advised his wife to read the Gospel of John repeatedly – with of course, our insight. “To me it has recently been a revelation. It has contributed much to my understanding. Try it. I need hardly say that I have no fear of dying: for there will be no ‘death’.

Referring to his former employer, Dr. Joseph Goebbels. “Well, I have done my best for my old chief. . . . as I look back on all that period, I see that I am the object of the most flagrant hoax in the history of ‘British Justice’. Well, so be it. I am all the prouder!”

“In death, as in this life, I defy the Jews who caused this last war: and I defy the power of Darkness which they represent. I warn the British people against the aggressive Imperialism of the Soviet Union.

May Britain be great once again; and, in the hour of greatest danger to the West, may the standard of the Hakenkreuz (Swastika) be raised from the dust, crowned with the historic words! “Ihr habt doch gesiegt.’

I am proud to die for my ideals; and I am sorry for the sons of Britain who have died without knowing why.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 02:51 | #


I would greatly appreciate it if you could from time to time grace us with the provision of more reading material you are aware of extant online consistent with what you believe will make us more aware of ourselves, to the meaning of our existence and that of the struggle to secure it.  Like you I yearn for the ideal, for the world to be reborn as its better self.  Perhaps reading of the dreams, and the men who dreamed them and died martyrs deaths to make them real, is nothing more than food for our own souls.  GW claims he is not a dreamer and the dream has no resonance with him, I have a hard time believing that.  However, in my life I interact with only a few people with which idealism has any inkling of importance, and many more with whom for whom practicalities have precedence, yet the practical people seem more to have a visceral understanding of the importance of their peoplehood, bubbling just beneath the surface.  Or perhaps the yearning for a better world is just suppressed in them, I don’t know.  How to get our people to do what is needed of them to survive?  Perhaps the dream only is relevant insofar as that which is necessary to motivate the kinds of people we need to lead the practical people along.


Posted by fellist on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 10:40 | #

I have the edition of ‘Twilight over England’ put out by the Imperial War Museum in the 1990s. In the introduction we are warned about Joyce’s anti-Semitism, exemplified by his ‘gross error’ in labelling Leopold Amery a ‘Hebrew’—damn anti-Semites, right about everything!


Posted by WP on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 23:58 | #

William Joyce was certainly a fascinating character and an excellent fighter for White rights against the war-mongering international Jewish economic-parasites.  Does anyone know where we can hear any of his old WWII broadcasts?  And thank you Colin for giving us that link to his book Twilight Over England - I had heard of it and was looking to dload it from somewhere.

In addition to the excellent and very revealing WWII broadcasts of the brilliant American poet Ezra Pound (as I’m sure most here are now familiar with), there was also a guy named John Amery who also made pro-Axis broadcasts during WWII - this was also more humiliating from the British Allies because John Amery was the son of Leopold Amery who was a British politician as was mentioned above the commenter ‘fellist.’  Even though John Amery was partially Jewish he still supported the cause of the Axis Powers and especially National Socialist Germany - he might not have even been aware that he was partially Jewish during his life.  There was a 2005 book written about the Amery family entitled Speaking for England: Leo, Julian and John Amery, The Tragedy of a Political Family by David Faber (Jew)—though I’m not sure if it contains any of John Amery’s pro-Axis speeches and writings.

Do you all know where we can get any other writings or speeches by similar pro-Axis ‘defectors’ who fled the Jew-infested Western countries of the Allies to work or fight for the righteous cause of the Axis during WWII?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 06:32 | #

Carleton Putnam Race and Reason Day Speech 10/26/61, via n/a, is well worth hearing.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 16:39 | #

Frank writes: GT didn’t call for such a minuscule economy of scale and didn’t declare total economic secession… did he?

My perhaps a-bit-unfair sarcasm toward GT’s stance is based on his failure to explicate exactly what economy of scale is necessary for his version of “microcommunity” since it is central to its practicality.  If I’m a billionaire I have a lot more options than if I’m broke, so that’s one dimension:  How much money—or if you prefer, ounces of gold—does one need to capitalize one’s “social startup”?  That means how much land and what kind of land, how many and what kinds of tools, how much recruiting effort, how many month’s rent or mortgage payment, food, utilities, etc.

His continual berating people who are bereft of material resources and then militant misinterpretation of my statements about single combat in the context of my pointing out a social fault-line between levels of intelligence or accomplishment—used to turn our natural leadership against their own—that I have taken steps to repair in my own life, renders his contributions far less useful than they could be.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 18:08 | #

More germane than personal spats to the debate of the respective merits of a citizen’s dividend versus microcommunity, with the mutually assumed ultimate goal of securing the genetic continuity of our race, is the relative likelihood of the former versus the latter achieving said goal.  So there is a group, a microcommunity, or several, out there in the boonies, they try to say what needs to be said to the lemmings to get them to grant the microcommunity racialists local political power and its attendant at least perceived legitimacy.  What if the lemmings say, “Fuck off!  We ain’t buyin’ your brand!”  What systematic of social pressure is there to get them on board.  How about the dramatic deterioration of material conditions part of which would be the depredations committed against them by muds, er, I mean non-Whites?  But microcommunitists seem to bristle at that suggestion.  Why so?  As it stands now, Bowery’s plan seems akin to injecting a virus into the system which would alter the system in such a way as the pressures applied by the system could conceivably achieve our ends, or at least he does a passable job of describing it ‘on paper’.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 23:35 | #

Europe, with its parliamentary system has a fighting chance at passing the citizen’s dividend.  However, resilient communities are a clear winner in the United States since the only way the US isn’t going to slide into chaos is in the very unlikely event that the Republican National Committee requires a pledge of support for the citizen’s dividend platform from the candidates they back.  They might eventually come around if the EU adopts it, or if enough European national parliaments adopt it, but by then it will be too late.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)
