Time To Indict the Traitors Within the C4L The May Day “celebrations” around the US are a demonstration that treason is afoot and its name is “open borders”. It is time to indict, as traitors those holding positions of trust and authority within and associated with the Campaign for Liberty. The fiction that “the people” as referenced in our supreme law of the land does not refer to “the citizens” but merely to those currently within a jurisdiction’s geographic domain is founded on a misconception of “individual sovereignty”. Individual sovereignty stops the moment any jurisdiction convicts a man of murder when he kills another man when there has been a challenge to single combat to the death issued one to the other. At that moment, territorial sovereignty ceases being according to natural law and becomes a matter of the jurisdiction’s geographic domain. Henceforth, the jurisdiction’s laws determine who is legally present within that jurisdiction’s geographic domain. It may be argued that in the early years of the Republic, for example when George Washington ordered officers under his command during the Revolutionary War, to cease single combat to the death, when Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel, when Andrew Jackson repeatedly placed himself in mortal danger over matters of honor in duel—that a remnant of individual sovereignty existed, and that therefore, immigration law might be said still to devolve upon the individual in some jurisdictions. However, somewhere between that time and the time when an Arizona rancher could be accused of a hate crime murder for challenging to single combat, a Mexican crossing over the US Mexican border, and then killing him, individual sovereignty became an anachronism, and immigration law became a legitimate jurisdictional, as opposed to individual, matter. It is on this misconception of “individual sovereignty”, as though it were a currently-operational principle of the Republic, that pseudo-libertarians campaign for, if not “open borders” per se, then for a treatment of national territory as something less than a proxy for the natural law territory of the Posterity of the Founders. Indeed, if territorial invasion, however “peaceful”, is not a legitimate grounds for declaring and waging war—perhaps limited by proportionate response—then what is? The May Day “celebrations” of contempt for the sovereign territory of the United States of America demonstrate an undeclared war of aggression by the invaders of US territory (along with those that lend them aid and comfort) against the Posterity of the Founders. This is nowhere more critical than in the Campaign for Liberty where what is at stake is the very life of the Nation. Indeed, the treasonous de facto government claiming jurisdiction over the territory of our Nation has made it necessary to start taking legal steps independent of that government—actions within organizations such as the Campaign for Liberty, seeking to restore de jure government, hence secure the life of the Nation. Toward that end, I propose the upcoming meeting in Des Moines be used as an opportunity for a Grand Jury to indict for treason those individuals occupying positions of trust and authority within, and closely associated with the Campaign for Liberty who, in the current climate, treat the invasion of US territory as anything less than a war of aggression being waged by foreign nations with the aid and comfort of the traitors. I propose that, consistent with the Magna Carta’s composition of Grand Juries, the jurors be no less than 12 County Coordinators. I suggest that the highest priority be agreeing on the time of the Grand Jury hearing, leaving the place to be decided and communicated to the members at a time and by a process most likely to effect the successful acquisition of space for the necessary time, with the least likelihood of interference from traitors. The next highest priority should be selection of a temporary Chairman familiar with Roberts Rules of Order who can guide us through the establishment of other rules governing the hearing during the time leading up to it. If no clear consensus can be reached then I will select of the names mentioned other than my self. For that eventuality, I will refrain from making any suggestions or discussing suggestions with anyone. Comments:2
Posted by Q on Wed, 05 May 2010 03:40 | # If that is the real GT that just posted, I’d like to say to you I’m beginning to see the wisdom of forming micro-communities. The only way to bring down this Jewish fascist system is to not fund it. Micro-communities does just that. 3
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 05 May 2010 03:58 | # Hey, GT, get a load of this:
Since the Campaign for Liberty is Ron Paul’s primary nation-wide organization, and they are having Ron Paul hold a rally in Des Moines this month, where would you suggest Monty Python fans show up? And since the entire “libertarian” justification for open borders rests on the assumption of “individual sovereignty” as a “natural right” that trumps national sovereignty, how would you go about attacking the notion so that people who have their heads screwed on can think about the issue rationally? PS: Code Duello is not the code that I claim is genuine individual sovereignty. 4
Posted by gt on Thu, 06 May 2010 02:58 | # Q, Last post on the subject of microcommunities or this “log entry.” Our (both M and I) initial calculus was: “Is it good for white babies?” Doing everything necessary (alternative power, communities, education, manufacturing, distribution, acquiring local civil legitimacy, etc.) to redirect maximum resources toward white working- and lower- and middle-class children followed from that. Starving out Jews was merely a byproduct. A bonus, if you will. M-R is absolutely the wrong platform for implicit or explicit white enterprises on the ‘net - not only due to the foundationally conservative, urban, selfish, EZ money nature of its ‘intelligentsia,’ but also due to the fact that the site is subject to Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service and Flying Fox of the ‘Yard. As to the “movement” in general, well, Byron Jost of October Sun Films appeared to be comparatively sane to those of us who didn’t know him. Turns out he wasn’t. Leaving aside legitimate questions as to what future surprises await followers of dysfunctional non-movement “leaders,” what are we to think of an intellectual weirdness that would indict lemming Paulists for High Treason as part of a wrong-headed hope/plan to resuscitate a Dead Republic which would be better off remaining dead and buried? Well, M and I learned the answer to those questions, and others the hard way. What a waste of time this was for us. 5
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 06 May 2010 06:37 | # Even accepting all of what GT says as gospel truth, it is rather curious that he chooses my posts most often to lodge his “critiques”. Weird, indeed. Should I feel honored? 6
Posted by Q on Fri, 07 May 2010 03:56 | # James, It’s a blue collar thing. I don’t think you’d understand. 7
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 07 May 2010 05:28 | # Baling hay, laying carpet, spray coating canoes, carrying garbage with ex-cons don’t qualify me for the upper echelons of the blue collar world so I wouldn’t understand guys like GT. 8
Posted by Q on Fri, 07 May 2010 16:53 | #
Well in that case, welcome to Blue Collar Valhalla, James! 9
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 03 Jun 2010 11:02 | # James, After listening to the radio show i’m beginnng to see what you’re getting at now. 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 26 Jun 2010 21:30 | # Obama apparently told Arizona Governor Brewer a few weeks ago, when she traveled to DC to ask him to secure the border (Arizona, a border state, is ground-zero for illegals crossing into the country), that he would take care of it. How did he take care of it? By sending the feds down to post signs warning Americans to keep out of the border area extending 80 miles deep into U.S. territory, because it was dangerous due to all the illegals, smugglers, and what-not constantly criss-crossing it with the feds’ blessing and encouragement: http://blog.vdare.com/archives/2010/06/26/governor-jan-brewer-on-the-arizona-front-line/ . Remember, politically, Obama is a one-hundred-percent Jewish creation, created out of thin air, out of nothing: http://www.chicagojewishnews.com/story.htm?sid=1&id=252218 ; How is that relevant? Well, it’s nice to know why certain shit keeps happening, such as the federal government chasing whites out when it’s asked to chase illegal Mexicans out. 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 26 Jun 2010 21:55 | # By the way, the Mexican smugglers who smuggle Mexican illegals across the border in places like Governor Brewer’s Arizona rape all females aged 7 and up before or just after the final crossing into U.S. territory, as part of their payment (they’ve already gotten cash enough to put these peons in hock for the rest of their lives, then comes the rape). American ranchers along the border sometimes mistake the cries of the females being gang-raped for wild animals yelping in the night. Next morning they find their underwear hanging in the area’s trees, placed there as trophies by the smugglers. http://blog.vdare.com/archives/2010/06/25/the-rape-tree/ . The white Americans who support this whole sordid process (liberals, most Jews and all organized Jewry without exception, Lutherans, communists, crony capitalists, assorted sleazy compradors, Cardinal Roger Mahoney, etc.) must be really proud of what they support. 13
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 00:07 | #
Smaller scale, but Blair and Cameron are the same. Picked out as good media performers early on and then groomed for leadership. In the past politicians would have to work their way up over time and build a reputation but now all it needs is jews picking blank-sheet candidates, funding them and giving them good media. 14
Posted by Armor on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 01:48 | # “Smaller scale, but Blair and Cameron are the same.” I suspect there is the same problem with Sarkozy in France. How did he become the chairman of a right-wing party even though he isn’t right-wing? Even his style is at odds with that of most people in his party. Why did he send a ship to help Israel with the blockade of Gaza? And why did he have the grotesque idea of making every French 11-year-old pupil learn the name of a Jewish child who died in WWII ? 15
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 02:15 | # Fred, Armor, Yup. In the past, politicians needed 20+ years of proving themselves but in the modern media-driven age *all* a politician needs is to be a good TV manner, friendly media and funding. It’s not direct control - the politicians they pick can go rogue on them - but it’s as close to control a small minority can get without becoming an open aristocracy. 16
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 07:32 | # Fred Scrooby’s vdare.com reference must surely compel Americans to ask themselves the alarming question - “If that is what they will do to their own people, what, in God’s name, have they got planned for us”. Post a comment:
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Posted by gt on Wed, 05 May 2010 03:15 | #
Weird and getting weirder…
Here we see Bowery discussing Code Duello and advocating High Treason indictments for some minor blightwing group in Iowa. Monty Python skits are the only adequate description of “M-R”. “The Argument Clinic” captures this perfectly.